Little Ship Club Magazine Spring 2018

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The joy of sailing


What members do away from the waves

HONORARY PORT OFFICERS Latest news and contacts

SUMMER SAILING From the regular Holland Rally to the unique Commodore’s Calvados Cruise there’s so much to enjoy in the Club’s 2018 sailing programme


President: Mike Golding OBE Commodore: Anne Billard Vice commodores: Commercial: Iain Pickard Sail and Power: Jonathan Hague Rear commodores: House: Vacant Marketing (acting): Caroline Roddis Membership: Paul Banks Racing: Barrie Martin Social: Vacant Training: Graham Broadway Hon legal adviser: Mark Turvey Hon treasurer: Arlene Keenan Members of the Club Committee: Rune Bakken (URNU Liaison), Martyn Graham, Rachel Maguire, Hunter Peace President’s committee: David Roache, Iain Muspratt, Jill Moffatt, Pete Newbury, Don Shackley Honorary life vice presidents: Norman Hummerstone MBE, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston Little Ship Club Ltd, Bell Wharf Lane, Upper Thames Street, London EC4R 3TB Tel: 020 7236 7729 Fax: 020 7236 9100 Internet: Email: Directors: The Club Committee Members: All Guaranteeing Members Club secretary: Nicholas Long Hon librarian: Deborah Wheeler HPO liaison officer: Anne Le Verrier-Bizzey Hon chaplain: Revd Andrew Wright Hon archivist: Ian Stewart Editorial committee: Brian Humber, Chris Nicholson, Deborah Wheeler Managing editor: Anne Billard Design and production: Linda Mugridge Tel: 01353 664433 / 07388 902302 Advertising: for advertising enquiries contact Caroline Quentin, Copyright: None of the material in this journal may be reproduced without written permission of the Editorial committee.

The Little Ship is published three times a year by the Little Ship Club Limited. All editions are published online and two editions are printed and sent free to members. Articles appearing in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of the Little Ship Club or its officers. Charts: No responsibility is accepted by either the contributor or the Club for the accuracy of charts or other sailing directions published.



COMMODORE’S COLUMN: Our Club has so much to offer – the future is bright ........................................................................ 4–5 NEWS FROM YOUR COMMITTEE: Reports from Club committees Welcome to new members of the Club’s committees ................................ 6 Boosting Club membership .................................................................. 7 Training in 2018–2019 ......................................................................... 8 “The LSC is not into racing. Is it?” ................................................... 9–10 EVENTS: On the water and at the Club .......................................... 11–13

NOT JUST SAILORS: Thames cycle highlights the dangers of plastic litter Dhruv Boruah shares his adventure ................................................ 14–19 Snippets from the Yukon Clare Allcard gives her account of life in Canada .............................. 20–21

Marsden March Geoff Quentin shares his experience .................................................... 21 Impromptu road trip to Trabzon Debbie Wheeler tells her story ....................................................... 22–23 THE CLUB ABROAD: Asgard – home of the gods! John Murphy shares his lifelong passion for sailing ........................... 24–26

FEATURE ADVERTISEMENT: Building a 9 foot clinker dinghy International Boatbuilding Training College ............................................ 27 AT THE CLUB: Recently on social media ........................................ 28–29

AT THE CLUB: Joint LSC and City Livery dinner Images of recent dinner at the Club ...................................................... 30 BOOKS: Reviews Members review a selection of recent donations to the Club library ..... 31–32

OBITUARIES: Anthony James Ratcliffe MBE .......................................................... 32 Docteur Jean Plancke ..................................................................... 33 HPO NEWS: Devastating impact of Hurricane Irma Brian Gandey reports ................................................................... 34–36 HPO Dinner – “Always guaranteed a winner” Anne Le Verrier-Bizzey reports ....................................................... 37–38

HPO CONTACT LIST: ......................................................................... 39 Little Ship to become ‘printed on demand only’

To make sure you keep receiving your printed copy of the Little Ship please contact the Club – turn to page 23 or 31 for further details and a contact slip. LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018



OUR CLUB HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER – THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT Commodore, Anne Billard reviews the Club’s positive development during her first year in post and looks forward to



year ago, it was my honour to be elected as the first lady commodore of the Little Ship Club in 20 years. In my first such piece for the Little Ship, I wrote of “a sailing programme second to none, a trailblazing training programme, a clubhouse which needs no introduction”; I promised to deliver a website which would be a “responsive, modern, attractive, online tool worthy of our Club”. I talked about “programmes and projects in development, the first of which is the nurturing of a closer relationship with both the Royal Solent Yacht Club and the West Mersea Yacht Club”. I hope you will agree that the Club Committee did deliver on those. We have much, much more to deliver still, and I can promise you the full dedication of the new Committee. This new year brings changes not only to the Club Committee, but also to the Club’s very own engine room: the Club Office. As you already know, Judy has left us to concentrate on her singing. Meet Lindsay Brophy on page five. Working closely with the Club secretary, she will very much follow in Judy’s footsteps: taking care of our social media, helping with marketing materials, and generally supporting the volunteers. Not (yet!) a sailor, Lindsay is fast finding her feet; thank you for making her feel welcome: she has rather big shoes to fill, and with your support, I have no doubt she will! Not only does this issue give you a round-up of what has gone on at Bell Wharf Lane; it also gives you an idea of what is in store, both on the water and at the Club. January means London Boat Show; London Boat Show in turn means HPO dinner – the real start of the year for Little Shippers. Flawlessly organised by our HPO liaison, Anne Le Verrier-Bizzey, the evening is a fantastic mix of sailing stories and international friendships: all kinds of individuals, linked by one common thread: the Little Ship Club. As usual, we celebrated Burns’ Night in style. Once again, the evening was masterfully organised by Silke Zimmerman, and skilfully compered by Tom Davey. Under Peter Knight’s energetic guidance, all LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018

building a brighter future with the support of her dedicated and innovative team.

“Our training and sailing programmes, our social life and our clubhouse, are what have defined the Little Ship Club for the past 90 years. ”

had an enormous amount of fun trying to master Scottish dancing, before retiring to the bar until the small hours. The official start of the sailing season, the Fitting Out supper, went with a bang. Mike Golding, as usual in self-deprecating and humorous mood, had all assembled rivetted by his Volvo Challenge experience. Although there were a few comments to the tune of Mike’s sailing being quite close to what happens on Lazy Life, I am not quite sure that to be the case! Over the last few years, we have held a joint LSC/CLC lunch, to provide members from both clubs the opportunity to mix and mingle, and get to know each other. This March, we asked the CLC to join us on a Tuesday evening instead of a mid-week lunch. The talk was given by Tim Colquhoun, a Trustee of the National Coastwatch Institution, whose watch leaders (all volunteers) provide the eyes and ears along the coast, monitoring radio channels and providing a listening watch in poor visibility. Pictures of the evening on page 30 will give you an idea of how much we all enjoyed the threecourse dinner that followed! We had the pleasure of Mike Golding’s presence again at the Fast Cruise Prize Giving dinner, held at the Royal Southern Yacht Club. Although sadly their Commodore, Karen Henderson-Williams, could not join us, we were given the warmest of welcomes and the Fast Cruise dinner will long stay in memories. More on the Fast Cruise series, including pictures, in the next issue of the Little Ship. Not all was fun and happiness though, and we mourn the loss of two long-standing Club members: very sadly, both Dr Jean Plancke, Hon. Life Vice President and very well-known to those regulars on the Calais Rally, and Anthony Radcliffe MBE, HPO River Deben, passed away recently. Read their obituaries on pages 31 and 32. And so, to work. It was an embarrassingly croaky-voiced commodore who presented the results of the last year of the Club Committee’s work at last month’s AGM.

COMMODORE’S COLUMN / AT THE CLUB The new Club Committee is already at work, full of ideas and energy. Meet them on page six, read their plans for this year: on the water, at Bell Wharf Lane and beyond. The new House team is already toiling behind the scenes: air conditioning, heat and air extraction in the kitchen are all under close investigation, to ensure the most productive, well managed and budgeted summer works. Nick Long and Tim Bizzey are striving to get a hot water problem under control. This recurring issue has made working in the kitchen rather challenging at times, and extreme gratitude is due to our chef, Taz, and his team. The food they manage to produce in sometimes very difficult circumstances is nothing short of spectacular, and we owe him, Didier and the whole team our grateful thanks. The new Marketing team, led by Caroline Roddis, will be working on new campaigns, PR stunts, and novel ways to carry on raising the Club’s profile. You may have noticed a recent increase in our Twitter feed – look out for our Facebook page. For many, this is the main way to organise their social life; Lindsay, with the help of Kerttu Kylasepp, will ensure that we use this platform in the most productive way, to attract those for whom it is a main source of social interaction: corporate and student yacht clubs for instance, who often do not have a clubhouse, and would be most welcome at Bell Wharf Lane. At the AGM, I expressed my commitment to do our absolute best to return a profit next March; or, at the very least, better financial results than projected. The Little Ship Club must not try to be everything to everybody. We attract, and retain, clear categories of the sailing community. Our training and sailing programmes, our social life and our clubhouse, are what have defined the Little Ship Club for the past 90 years. A strategic look at the place of those elements in the 21st century will ensure that we see our centenary and continue to strive beyond that. We know that we are in a stronger position than other long-established and well-known sailing clubs; it is not quite enough though, and your Committee is dedicated to this strategic work. With a much-increased racing programme, international rallies, new training courses, new marketing initiatives, re-negotiated contractual relationships and new staff, let’s roll up our collective sleeves, let’s combat the headwinds, rates increases and others, let’s pour all our energy into the future of the Little Ship Club. That is my promise to you at the start of this second year. My one ambition is to be able to report on improved results, and a bright (or, at least, brighter) outlook when I stand before you in March 2019. In the meantime, I wish you fair winds for a wonderful 2018 sailing season: may it be full of fresh adventures in new seas, all in good company. I look forward to seeing you on the water! n Anne Billard, Commodore


Lindsay Brophy graduated from the University of Bristol with a degree in Film and Television Studies. Her dissertation was on the topic of ‘Dystopia in film’: a discussion on how film can be used to address our society’s social and environmental issues through young adult dystopian films such as The Hunger Games. Some might say it would be the very best preparation for the Little Ship Club! Lindsay is now hoping to pursue her strong interest in writing through blogging, writing book reviews, and her fictional works. In her spare time, she loves reading, writing, and riding horses. Lindsay is excited to join the team and to bring some fantastic ideas to the Club’s blog and marketing strategies.

LSC HANDBOOK 2018–2019

Our new Handbook is in preparation and, this year, as requested by members, it will be a digital version. This allows us to increase the pagination to include not only the social, sail and power and training pages but also, due to public demand, to add a list of boat names and skippers and enlarge the Honorary Port Officers’ contact list. I hope that this will help you all to find what interests you. I sincerely hope that, as the Pocket Handbook evolves, members find it even more useful. Being available not only online, but also as a downloadable PDF independent of a WiFi signal could be a great help. So many of us have smartphones and thus sailing in and out of range from a signal, this seemed a logical progression. If you have comments, suggestions for improvements, changes you think we should make, do get in touch!


A stalwart of the Club’s summer sailing programme, this year the Holland Rally takes place from 18 August to 2 September. Some of the highlights include the Zierikzee Harbour Festival and the Cruise Dinner in Veere Yacht Club. In this edition the cover photograph taken by Moira Watkins on the 2017 Holland Rally shows the stunning scenery to be enjoyed on this rally.


The article ‘Caribbean style heats up Frostbite and Fast Cruise’, published in the winter edition of the Little Ship was written by Kate Newman. We apologise for crediting this to Graham Pinner. LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018



OUR NEW CLUB COMMITTEE IS FULL OF IDEAS AND ENERGY Members of the Club Committee, sitting from left to right: Vice Commodore Sail and Power Jonathan Hague, Commodore Anne Billard, Vice Commodore Commercial Iain Pickard. Standing from left to right: Rear Commodore Training Graham Broadway, Rear Commodore Racing Barrie Martin, Acting Rear Commodore Marketing Caroline Roddis, URNU Liaison Rune Bakken, Committee member Martyn Graham, Hon. Legal Advisor Mark Turvey, Committee member Rachel Maguire.

The Club Committee works for you the members, and this section is our way to publicise a little more what we do, our projects, and to ask for help, ideas and suggestions. Here, three new members to the committee introduce themselves.



As a young boy I was introduced to sailing on a small cruiser in Hong Kong, followed by family dinghy sailing in North Norfolk on our return. Between 1966-89 I served in the Royal Artillery in Northern Ireland and the British Army in Germany sailing in the Baltic, Canaries and Bahamas. I managed the administrative functions of an electronic manufacturing company from 1989-1995 joining the LSC in 1995 and crewed on member’s yachts mainly in the Channel and Eire. Spells of employment in management consultancy, project management and national bank out-sourcing followed. I Purchased Willow, a Sadler 32 in 2005, in Guernsey, and moved her to the Hamble River. From 2000 – 2009 I filled posts in the national aerospace trade association (ADS) coordinating and promoting industrial interests with forums, agencies and government in safety and regulation, and the environment. On retirement I joined a number of LSC cruises, the Gulf of Morbihan being particularly enjoyable and have sailed to the West Country, Brittany and Holland since.


I am what could be termed a late adopter when it comes to sailing. Growing up on the coast of Devon, you might think that I would have been brought up to sail. Not a bit of it. Personally, I blame my parents. Roll forward several decades and I decided that all those years of feeling somewhat nauseous on water should be overcome by the sheer determination to sail. And I discovered that I really like it! Having trailed round various London sailing clubs, I joined the Little Ship Club a few years ago not only because it is the only sailing club in the City, but also because the people are friendly and welcoming and not the least bit stuffy. I sail on and off when I can. In my day job, I consult on stakeholder engagement and corporate governance. At the Little Ship Club, I joined the Commercial Committee in 2017 and became a member of the Club Committee in 2018.


Caroline has spent most of her career working in fundraising and communications, with a brief deviation into the research industry. She now works as a Copywriter for The Whisky Exchange, a role which includes the arduous task of regular whisky sampling. She first came to the Little Ship Club through the Day Skipper Theory course and nowadays is most likely to be found bringing up the rear in the Fast Cruises. She is leading on the Club’s marketing efforts and all ideas are welcome – please email with any cunning plans.



BOOSTING CLUB MEMBERSHIP IS OUR PRIORITY The Membership Committee is responsible for managing and advising the Club Committee on all aspects appertaining to membership issues. These include: membership recruitment and retention, membership categories, subscription rates and membership rules, provision of regular membership statistics and trends, the Club library, the Club Handbook, following up reasons for resignations and lapsed subscription payments, responding to general membership queries, membership recruitment initiatives and organising boat shows together with the Marketing Committee. The committee is chaired by the Rear Commodore Membership and is strongly supported by the Club staff. The Club has always experienced a high turnover of members and to just stand still we need to recruit at least 100 new members every year. Like many yacht clubs we have seen a significant decline in membership, but the decline has been arrested in the last two to three years. Our main recruiting opportunities come from the Southampton and London Boat shows, but in the last year we screened the America’s Cup broadcasts in the Club to both existing and potential new members. People attending the screenings were able to see and hear about the benefits of the Club and this resulted in some new members joining. The duration of the London Boat Show was reduced from 10 days to five days, this year. The Club had an very good stand position near the main entrance and next to the Sunsail stand. Despite the reduced number of days, our stand had nearly as many visitors as the previous 10-day shows; this generated many leads which were followed up subsequently at Club open evenings. Ian Stewart’s hands-on Tackle Puzzle is an excellent means of

Right and below: Little Ship Club stand at Southampton and London Boat shows are our main recruiting opportunities.

“... members should make all new members welcome and included in Club activities such that they remain active members of the Club”

engaging with visitors. Portsmouth Marine Training, who are also Club members, shared our stand at the boat show such that both organisations can offer a full range of shore-based and on the water practical training. Thus, our stand is a one stop shop for training, social and on the water activities. The website was refreshed last November and one of the enhancements was to offer the online booking of a two-month trial membership. This offers potential new members the chance to experience the Club at a modest cost before deciding whether to join as a full member. Since this initiative started one new trial member has been signing up almost every week. Of course, members should make all new members welcome and included in Club activities such that they remain active members of the Club. Personal recommendation is often very effective, so if members could introduce their friends, relations or colleagues to the Club it would make a welcome contribution to the Club’s finances. If you have any ideas to boost the Club membership, please contact the Rear Commodore Membership; all suggestions would be welcomed.

WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Claudia Burger Mary Chard Sean Connor Frederick Crawley Simon Deacon David Dempsey Andy Doyle Jack Dueng Juan Antonio Eguiguren Charlotte Evans Marcus Evans Bernard Funston Joe Gill Rory Gleeson Charles Godden Christopher Halewood Peter Harrington

Tom Hart Simon Hay Amanda Hay Paul Hegarty Sophie Hunt Peter Jenkins Michelle Kearns Peter Lacock Michael Lagrue Rebecca Lemonius Jelte Liebrand Simon Lockwood Simon Lyon Pierpaolo Marchi Eamonn McDonough Joe Phillips Aaron Rathmell

Georgina Ridler Martin Robinson Yolanda Yong Jonathan Watson Honorary members:

John Andrews Gavin Ashworth Timothy Colquhoun Stephen Fisher Lance Godefroy Jason Ludlow Robert Munns Di Murrell Catherine Peat Robert Stevens




TRAINING IN 2018–2019

The training programme essentially runs over the winter months and so most of our activities are finishing and next winter’s programme is still to be arranged. The following dates for next winter have been organised.



Training Dinner with presentation of awards and certificates to the 2017–2018 students 4 Tuesday 15 May Guest speaker Richard Falk Director of RYA training and qualifications. All members welcome.

RYA Day Skipper and RYA Yachtmaster 4 Long course starting Monday 1 October for 25 Monday evenings finishing mid-April 2019. Accelerated course starting Wednesday 6 February for 10 Wednesday evenings and five all-day Saturdays finishing mid-April 2019.

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean 4 Monday 1 October 2018 for 22 Mondays until

end of March 2019.

RYA First Aid 4 Thursday 26 April and Saturday 13 October 2018. RYA VHF short-range radio course 4 Online course.

VHF examinations can be taken on the first Tuesday of each month with the exception of August 2018. To be arranged: Diesel Maintenance 4 probably February 2019. Radar course 4 to be arranged.

In addition to the RYA courses we also organise courses which are unique to Little Ship Club.


Braided Rope workshop and RYA Diesel 4 (three Thursday evenings), 10, 17 and 24 May 2018. Boat Electrics 4 (two Wednesday evenings)

14 and 21 November 2018.

To be arranged: Practical Weather Forecasting 4 probably May/June 2018. Basic Rope Workshop 4 probably January 2019.




We are also in the process of developing a new course, the title of which has not been decided yet. It will essentially be aimed at motor cruisers and will be an introduction of basic navigation and seamanship for motor boats probably aimed at members who have boats on the upper Thames but are keen to venture onto tidal waterways. It is intended to be four, possibly six, evening sessions and will be less intensive than the RYA Day Skipper which must be at least 40 hours of tuition. Topics will include understanding charts and basic navigation, buoys and lights, collision regulations (at sea and inland), anchors and anchoring, ropework, engines, boat electrics and use of VHF radios.




Graham Broadway: Rear Commodore Training (Chair), Long Day Skipper course and Practical Weather Forecasting

Richard Taylor: Long Yachtmaster course, RYA Diesel maintenance, Braided and Basic Rope workshops Peter Newbury: Accelerated Yachtmaster course and Boat Electrics

n Paul


n n n

Kelly: Accelerated Day Skipper course and VHF SRC assessments John De Witt: Yachtmaster Ocean course

Jonathan Hague: VHF SRC assessments

Sylvia Chesters: First Aid course

Ian Stewart: basic rope workshop, braided rope workshop and Accelerated Day Skipper

All our courses are available to non-members but at a higher price than for Club members. All our instructors are volunteers which means we can offer these courses at very competitive rates and provide a very necessary income for the Club. Details of all courses are on the website under the Training tab ( training) and is the first place to check for updates and to book places on any particular course. To obtain the member rate you will need to log on as a member first. Graham Broadway Rear Commodore training



“THE LITTLE SHIP CLUB IS NOT INTO RACING. IS IT?” In 1930 soon after formation, the Club was asked to join the white flannel trouser brigade and organise a race to Santander after Cowes Week and also in the same year a race across the North Sea. Both were turned down after a lively extraordinary general meeting on the basis that the Club was not a racing club and participation in races should be an individual’s decision. The races both went ahead with LSC member participation but organised by the Ocean Racing Club later to become RORC. That philosophy

Above: The start of the 1954 North Sea Race taken from Orthops – owned and crewed by members who met at a club night. Left: Need to know obligations when boats meet.

has continued to this day with members racing in events organised by other clubs who provide the race officers, committee boats where needed, protest committee, etc whilst the LSC has supplemented the prizes for those members competing. Recently whilst exercising my thumbs on a cold Sunday morning in January at the Round Pond in Hyde Park my thoughts were interrupted by the man standing next to me with the comment/question “ The Little Ship Club is not into Racing. Is it?” Unable to think of more than one thing at a time, I replied, “That may have been the case, but you might be surprised to learn that things are gradually changing”. I left it at that, for fear of smashing my new (to me) lightweight flyer into the concrete edge, with a view to elaborating more fully between the 10 to 15 short five minute races. However, that moment never came as the conversation was hijacked by the right to room at the leeward mark and when the obligation to keep clear ceases. I was therefore unable to complete my answer as to why I believe things are changing at LSC. So I would like to take this opportunity to do so now. In 2006, the then Rear Commodore Sail and Power, Lynn Griffiths introduced a way for members to sail together during the winter months. It was called the Frostbite Fast Cruise Series and sailed under the Collision Regulations rather than the Racing Rules of Sailing. What could be simpler than to have competitors take their own times and have two handicap systems, one fixed annually and one progressive depending on how you did. I seized the opportunity to remember my godfather (who introduced my father to racing in the late 1930s) and provided the Wilson-Haffenden Tankard as a series LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018



Above: Everest of the Seas – Vendee Globe 2016 and 2012. Mike Golding OBE and Gamesa (left above) Alex Thomson and Hugo Boss (right above). Below: A Day at the Races at Panerai Classic Week

“So why not get into racing via a Cruiser/ Racer or Cruising yacht where IRC handicaps are adjusted for the age of the boat and type of rig, or a club progressive handicap which adjusts to how you did in the last race?”

prize. Whilst not technically a race the Fast Cruise Series has been most successful in developing skills on the water. Several teams have nurtured the competitive desire to sail faster and go on to brush up on the Racing Rules of Sailing and compete with success in such races as the Round the Island Race, Cowes Week and the Fastnet. In 2012 past president Sir Robin Knox-Johnston forged a jointly organised annual Thames Trafalgar Race with the Erith Yacht Club to get boats sailing together on the under-utilised Thames below Tower Bridge. Sadly after five years this may not continue due to difficulties getting the necessary permissions, amongst other things. There are a number of reasons why and how racing can contribute to the pleasure of sailing. Of course one does not have to race to perfect boat handling or understand the dynamics of rig and sail but I believe that the learning curve is much quicker when you perform alongside others in a timely and shipshape fashion. Then as you improve, satisfaction comes as a result of being able to measure your relative performance. So why not get into racing via a Cruiser/Racer or Cruising yacht where IRC handicaps are adjusted for the age of the boat and type of rig, or a club progressive handicap which adjusts to how you did in the last race? If you also read Eric Twiname you might also find yourself winning a race or two. The racing careers of our President Mike Golding OBE and those before him are outstanding and provide an excellent model and inspiration. Check out some outstanding videos on Facebook @mikegoldingyachtracing. This year your Committee has decided to create a new position of Rear Commodore Racing to nurture members who want to learn new skills and develop their racing careers. Staying with the tradition of piggybacking off other organising clubs’ regattas we have joined with the Royal Naval and Albert Yacht


n n n n



Training Committee:


Marketing Committee: Racing Committee:



Club in Portsmouth for the LSC Summer Regatta in the hope that members based in Gosport and around the Solent will want to compete in either the IRC or Club Handicap classes (with or without spinnakers). Or alternatively there will be some level racing in matched First 40s with Chapter 4 of the Gill Sunsail Racing Series as part of the Regatta. Qualified skippers can charter from Sunsail where the package includes mooring and entry fee. Also on the calendar this year is the Inter Business House series of 4 races for IRC and Cruiser classes from Cowes in May, June and September; where we hope to have at least one LSC team. The list of events this year where members are known to be participating include some of the Classic Regattas as well as RORC races, the Middle Sea Race around Sicily, the Round the Island Race and Cowes Week. For all of which there are lots of silverware in the glass cabinet in the Club room. Turn to page 13 for a list of racing events. Good Sailing and fair winds. Barrie Martin Rear Commodore racing

Sail and Power Committee: Membership Committee: Social Committee:

If you are a new member, please get in touch with Paul Banks:



With the 2018 sailing season underway here’s a round up of all events on the water and highlights of the social events at the Club. All sailing activities as well as social events are listed on the website:




Start the season with a rally to the Royal Solent Yacht Club in Yarmouth and another location to be finalised.


Members of the Little Ship Club are invited to join the 2018 Portsmouth Regatta in the Eastern Solent. A mixture of windward/leeward and around the cans racing over two days for IRC and Club class yachts. A full social programme will include food being available at the Royal Naval Club and Royal Albert Yacht Club on the Saturday night and food at the prize giving at Hornet Services Sailing Centre on the Sunday afternoon. More information: visit or email the regatta ( LSC organiser: Barrie Martin


Details are still to be finalised but the plan is to alternate sailing days with lay days to visit places of interest including Chichester, Gunwharf, East Cowes and Beaulieu.


If you are racing at Cowes Week, be sure to let us know – there are Club Trophies to be won!


Frostbite Rally and Fast Cruise 1, Cowes. The 2018-19 Fast Cruise Series will consist of six fast cruises during the winter months from October through to March (13 October, 17 November, 1 December, 19 January, 16 February, 30 March). Fast Cruise 3 will include our visit to the Folly Inn at Whippingham, on the Medina between Cowes and Newport, for the traditional Fast Cruise Fancy Dress contest.



Fine dining, grand company, seafood and bubbles breakfast – and the best sunset in Britain! Assemble West Mersea Yacht Club (WMYC) for drinks at 1900 and enjoy views from the roof terrace. (Club lawn and bar available for drinks all afternoon for early arrivals). 1930 dinner at WMYC. 2230 late launch return to boats. Sunday 1000, seafood breakfast at the famous Company Shed (accompanied by wine, juice, bread and bubbles). Noon return to WMYC bar. Monday 7 May return to home ports. Organiser: John Davison


The annual Little Ship Club rally to Calais is organised by Jonathan Hague this year and held in conjunction with the Royal Naval Sailing Association. Itinerary (French summer time) starts on Saturday with beer call 1430 to 1600. Meet at 1930 for 2030 at the Cercle Amical Maritime, overlooking the harbour for a three course French dinner. The Bubby Recuperative Party will be held on the host boat on Sunday at 1000 to 1145. After this the bar at the Calais Yacht Club will be open.


The Brightlingsea Rally is a joint event with Maldon Little Ship Club and Tollesbury Cruising Club. Organiser: Sue Cossell


The 2018 end of season east coast rally. Organiser: Pete Hampson





The ‘Bay Discovery Cruise’ the Club’s biennial cruise with the Corinthians will take place in Chesapeake Bay, USA. The provisional itinerary includes an opening dinner at the Chesapeake Yacht Club, and events at Chester River, Baltimore, Magothy River, Wye East River and a tour and final dinner at the Naval Academy, Annapolis. All UK participants have been offered a berth. The date for expressing interest has passed, but some spaces may still be available. If you would like to attend the cruise contact Paul Banks. More information: contact LSC Corinthians 2018 Liaison Officer, Paul Banks, either directly or through the Club office at


Highlights of this year’s cruise will include the Zierikzee Harbour Festival and the Cruise Dinner in Veere Yacht Club. Organiser: Jonathan Hague


Join our chartered cruise and enjoy the magic of Venice. There is no better way to appreciate the Venetian architecture than from the water. Organiser: Gabrielle Ryan


Club nights are held every Tuesday at 1900 at the Club and all members and guests are welcome. Some events are also open to non members (indicated below). Here are the highlights:


A presentation of Club sailing and other boating events over the next year. The skippers and crew process will be covered, to help you find a berth or to find crew for an event. This talk will be of interest to all members but especially those who have joined the Club recently. The main presentations start around 1915 and will be followed by a briefing at 1815 on the Corinthians Cruise in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Organisers: Paul Banks and Jonathan Hague


A celebratory night for our training team, students, family and friends. All welcome, including non-members. Richard Falk, RYA training manager will present certificates and prizes and speak after dinner.


The story of Bill de Quincey giving a unique and personal view of sailing through the 20th century. Bill de Quincey could definitely claim to have the sea in his blood. He raced his International Canoe designed by Uffa Fox, crewed in the The America’s Cup on Endeavour, was in the navy at Dunkirk, developed the design of his Norfolk Punt, and enjoyed power boats and offshore cruising with his friends. His daughter, Nicola de Quincey, will relate Bill’s story through photographic material, contemporary descriptions, diaries and memories.




The cruise starts in Cherbourg and taking in important events in English and British history from William the Conqueror to the D Day landings, ends in Honfleur on 19 July. The itinerary will be: n 7 July – rally meetup in Cherbourg with pontoon party in evening. n 8 July – sail to St Vaast la Hougue. The site where Edward III landed in 1346. The 28 mile sail will pass close to Barfleur where, in 1120, the White Ship, carrying Henry I’s son and heir William of Adelin sank and led to the Anarchy, the civil war between Matilda and Stephen. n 9 July – rest day in St Vaast n 10 July – 35 mile sail to Courseulles sur Mer, the centre of the Calvados region. A short detour from the rhumb line will take you past the Iles de Marcouf, captured by the Royal Navy during the French Revolutionary wars and used as a base to disrupt shipping between Le Havre and Cherbourg, and then take you along Utah Beach, Omaha Beach and Gold Beach. n 11 July – rest day in Courseulles. n 12 July – sail 14 miles to Ouistreham. n 13 July – sail 7.5 miles up the canal to Caen. Pass through the Pegasus Bridge, scene of heavy fighting on D Day. Visit the museum. n 14 July – rest day in Caen. Besieged and captured by Edward III in 1346. Visit the castle, built by William the Conqueror and the Abbaye-auxHommes, where he is buried, or take a train to Bayeux to visit the tapestry telling the story of the Battle of Hastings. Bastille Day fireworks in the evening. n 15 July – return up the canal to Ouistreham and then sail 21 miles to Deauville past the D Day beaches of Juno and Sword. n 16 July – rest day in Deauville. n 17 July – sail 13 miles to Honfleur. n 18 July – rest day in Honfleur. Rally dinner in the evening at L’Ostréa by the Vieux Bassin.


Portsmouth Marine Training have very experienced and friendly instructors, modern, fully-coded boats and efficient administration. They are based at Southsea Marina in Portsmouth, a friendly and wellrun marina inside Langstone Harbour. The harbour provides an ideal training ground with varied features and easy access to the Solent. Portsmouth Marine give preferential rates for Club members and provide specially-tailored events, such as courses which take place partly at the LSC in London and partly on the coast at Southsea. Their Chief Instructor, Steve Dimmer, is a member of the Club and our training team. Portsmouth Marine provide the full range of on-thewater training, including standard RYA courses for powerboating, motor cruising and sail cruising. They can also provide own-boat tuition and preparation for the International Certificate of Competence and Yachtmaster qualifications, as well as the necessary courses and preparation for obtaining commercial endorsements. More information: contact the Club or visit


Thames Boat Training is run by Paul Kelly, a Yachtmaster Instructor with more than 30 years’ experience. Thames Boat Training specialise in tidal Thames training between Kingston and London and inland waterways training on the non tidal Thames between Kingston and Windsor and the River Wey. Instruction takes place on the traditionally-styled 57ft steel barge Wee Dram. Wee Dram can also be booked for experience days and holiday hire. Gift vouchers are also available. More information: contact the Club or visit


For all your skipper and crew requirements please use the Skippers and Crew forum on the Club website. Or email your requests to:


For any queries, suggestions or offers of help with any of the Club’s on-the-water activities please email:



11–13 May 4Cowes Spring Classics

26–27 May 4Bank of England Regatta

9–10 June 4Sunsail Portsmouth Regatta

16-17 June 4Portcullis Regatta

7 July 4Round the Island Race 14-21July 4Panerai Classic Week 20-22 July 4Taittinger Regatta 4-11 August 4Lendy Cowes Week

1-2 September 4Spread Eagle Regatta

15 September 4East India Club Yacht Squadron Newman VC Trophy Regatta 4

22-23 September 4John Lewis Regatta 30 September 4Ancient Mariner’s Race

13 October 4Frostbite Fast Cruise 1 4 November 4Charity Pursuit Race

17 November 4Frostbite Fast Cruise 2 fast-cruise-2 1 December 4Frostbite Fast Cruise 3 fast-cruise-3-folly-inn-whippingham

All sailing activities as well as social events are listed on the website: LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018


NOT JUST SAILORS Little Ship Club member Dhruv Boruah cycled on the River Thames picking up plastic to highlight the danger of this litter. Here he shares his adventure to kick start our series on what members get up to when they are not


sailing. If you have a story you’d like to share contact the editor

“Did you know that plastic is in the water, tea, alcohol we drink, in the fish, sea salt, honey, beer, mussels, chicken we eat and in the air we breathe. But ‘this is not the real danger’. This is my personal story about my involvement with plastic pollution and how I got to this statement and what I think is the real problem.” Dhruv Boruah (pictured)




love to challenge myself out of my comfort zone and I believe in doing an adventure with a purpose! As a child, I was surrounded by water but I had not learned to swim. So, logically, I thought I would get into Ocean Racing and I signed up for the Clipper Round the World Race, to race a 70ft yacht from London to Rio de Janeiro. Of course, by the time I got out there, I had learned to swim. Thought I’d better do that! This was Ocean Racing and we sailed to the remotest corners of the planet. Miles and miles from the shore, one of our teams had to stop racing, jump into the water to release two turtles caught in a pile of fishing nets and bottles. This is just one example and I am afraid there may be many more. The above example encountered by one of our own Ocean Racing teams shows how sea creatures can get entangled in plastic. Small plastic pieces are eaten by sea creatures mistaking plastic to be food leading to starvation and death with stomachs full of plastic. BBC’s Blue Planet II has generated awareness about the scale and dangers of plastic pollution. But let us get into a little more detail, to the smaller bits of plastic which we cannot see. These fishing nets and other plastic in the ocean and other waterways will break down to small pieces called microplastics. This happens through photodegradation and other weathering processes. These microplastics continue to break down to nanoplastics which can

NOT JUST SAILORS penetrate organs and tissues. Every time we wash our clothing, the washing machine can leach up to 100,000 microfibres into our waterways, rivers and oceans. Fish eat them and we eat the fish. One third of the fish sampled from the River Thames were contaminated with microfibres. 83 per cent of the tap water sampled was contaminated with plastic particles. However, no one is talking about the real danger beyond the borders of plastic pollution. This is when these microplastics attract/adsorb ‘toxic chemicals’ known to cause cancer like PCBs, PBDE’s from the environment. There is a culture ‘a pill for every ill’ in the UK and people do not realise that most of the time these pharmaceutical chemicals go through the body, on to the sewage system, to the treatment plants, to the river and to the ocean. The microplastic is then consumed or absorbed by marine algae and bacteria, and this is impacting on primary productivity. 80 per cent of our oxygen comes from the oceans and 30 per cent of the CO2 is removed by primary productivity, yet we have lost 50 per cent of this capacity since the 1950s, and according to NASA it is now dropping by one per cent year on year. This means oxygen production and effectively all life on the planet is dropping at a rate just under one per cent year on year. On a short term and immediate impact; the fish eat these ‘cocktail’ microplastics laced with additives and toxic chemicals. We eat the fish or even drink the water, the honey etc with the microplastics. Once inside, these microplastics can leach out these toxic chemicals and can become lethal. Microplastic pollution is potentially more environmentally damaging than larger pieces of plastic because small pieces of plastic are more likely to be eaten by wildlife and have a greater surface area which can transfer chemicals to and from the marine environment. Studies have shown hormonal, reproductive and genetic issues in marine life. The impact on humans is not known yet and the World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently launched a health review into the potential risks of plastic in drinking water. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love plastic. Things around me like my mobile phone, my laptop, my shoes, my glasses, my bike … literally everything has plastic in it. But we regard plastic as convenient, cheap and disposable. After encountering plastic while sailing, I did a lot of research and found the above information about the dangers of plastic. I was shocked, and I contacted all the universities but I did not have the budget to hire their labs. That is when I bought my own £20 microscope and started sampling tap water. I wanted to share my findings with everyone but to do that I had to come up with a wacky campaign, that may catch the attention of everyone and will offer me an opportunity to share my findings about the dangers and what we can do to stem this danger. I had seen and collected a lot of plastic bottles on the Thames and I thought why not cycle the whole length of the Thames, pick up plastic litter, talk to people and raise awareness about plastic pollution.

The goals of the project were: To generate awareness about plastic pollution, by collecting plastic from the Thames and by talking to people about the dangers of plastic pollution n Do citizen science: photograph plastic litter, geotag it and publish a GIS map with the findings and open source those findings n Enjoy an adventure: cycling from source to sea along the beautiful British countryside. I started planning the project and started discussions with Active360, Port of London Authority, Environment Agency, Thames21, Thames Estuary Partnership, Shuttle Bike Kit, Bamboo Bicycle Club, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) and others to make the project happen. I had handmade a bamboo bicycle for a previous project in Colombia. I picked up this bike; attached two floats, a propeller, a rudder and two fishing nets. Safety was number one priority and I worked hard to create the Risk Assessments and detailed Passage Plan as well as scheduling water trials of the water bike; specifically, for the tidal section of the Thames. After getting the kit to float on the water, I could set up the bamboo bike and paddle along the canal for around 50 metres. I was confident, and thought I was ready for the first trials and got the first trial scheduled. The first trial in Paddington Basin did not go as expected and I capsized twice during it. First was because I was lazy and did not inflate the floats 100 per cent and I wanted to get the trial started as soon as possible. And the second time I capsized was when we tried a puncture scenario. I have a knack of learning the hard way and everyone did have a good laugh though seeing my plight and confidence. The tidal section of the Thames is known for big pieces of debris and with the failed puncture test, it became clear I will capsize and will be in the water sooner than expected and may have to be rescued if a big piece of debris rips my floats apart. In the interest of safety, I decided to cycle on the non-tidal section and complete the adventure on the tidal section on a stand-up paddle board (SUP). And yes, my iPhone died as well during these incidents and this was one of n

“I had seen and collected a lot of plastic bottles on the Thames and I thought why not cycle the whole length of the Thames, pick up plastic litter, talk to people and raise awareness about plastic pollution.”

Below: The kit, handmade bamboo bike on two floats, a propeller, a rudder and two fishing nets.



NOT JUST SAILORS the most important bits of kit since my intention was to share my findings with everyone using pictures and social media. Since this was one day before the planned start of the project, I had to run to the shop and get the cheapest phone with the best camera for £250. The bamboo bike frame did develop a few cracks owing to these capsize scenarios and before I could start I had to cover these cracks and also put in two layers of hemp to give the frame extra strength. It was time to hit the river. Finally, I was ready, and I was on my way to the Trout Inn in Lechlade which was the start of the trip. Penny, Liz and Anne were fabulous and allowed me to camp the first night. It was a cold night, but I had the marquee to sleep underneath.



The next day was day one of the project. I spent a lot of time in the morning getting the bike ready and putting the stickers together for the project on the floats. I also did an interview with BBC Radio Gloucestershire and with the Gloucestershire Standard. I was not confident with the balance of the bike and I thought it would be a good idea to leave my tarp behind; which I wanted to use since I did not have a tent. Finally, the crew from the Trout Inn helped me launch my water bike and I set off at 1300. I wanted to be in Oxford that evening as per my passage plan and everyone laughed at me and they were right! Oh yes, the locks. I had never operated a lock before and I had to request the Environment Agency to request John, the lock keeper at Buscot Lock to be patient, wait for me and show me what a lock is? and how to operate a lock? I met John and after a brief session, I was ready, and I also bought an unpowered craft license and a map to operate on the Thames for the duration of the project. Remember, this was the first time I was getting on and off the water bike and the pontoons. Scary! I continued, and I got better at doing this as I passed more locks and by the end I was a professional. The day was spent cycling on the remote Thames, soaking up the atmosphere, maintaining my balance; but mostly keeping away from swans who have clearly not taken the ‘Rules Of the Road’ course. The swans were overtaking me, but they were good company. Curious bulls and cows were cheering me up by giving me cold stares. I met and spoke to a lot of fishermen and boaters. The saddle was acting up and I was missing my biking shorts. The litter picker I had to pick up plastic was actually becoming quite useful to clear off weed from my propeller and I had never thought about this scenario. By evening, I was approaching the pub Ye Olde Swan which the lock keeper had suggested to get some food and camp for the night. I took a quick detour on the river to approach a mooring site and since this was day one, I decided I would not moor up the bicycle on the river but pick it up to land and hide it behind a tree, which I did successfully. It was getting dark and it was beginning to rain and I rushed to the Ye Olde Swan to see if they had some food and a place to camp. The lovely girls there suggested I could camp and I should bring the water LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018

“As soon as I put the first float onto the water, the weight of the bike took over and before I knew, the bike was under water with the floats above.”

Below: In the lock.

bike back to the pub since they had a slipway. I thought, great; I will be back in 10 minutes and rushed to the moorings to get the bike. I had never put the bike off the moorings into the water before; I thought it would be a good idea to slip one float first and then the other, but I did attach the mooring line to a little pole. As soon as I put the first float onto the water, the weight of the bike took over and before I knew, the bike was under water with the floats above. I was desperately trying to keep hold of the bike with the single piece of string (mooring line) and trying to prevent it from sinking since I could see bubbles blowing from the bamboo. The darkness and rain did not help, and I was covered with mud lying on the wet ground and I had cuts and bruises all over with the shrubs and small trees just cutting me off. For 10 seconds, I thought this project, my adventure was over even before it had started. But I dug deep. I can be quite stubborn. I almost dislocated my shoulder and I tried to pull the bike up using the string, but it was impossible and there was no one to help. The floats kept getting stuck in trees, boat, the moorings or something and it was not coming up. Then, I saw a ladder which I assume was used for a boat and how lucky I was. I came up with an idea and I climbed down the unstable ladder into the water; still holding on to the mooring line but finally grabbing the handlebar and I used all my force to get the bike upright and floating again. Wala, I did it: the bike was back on the water again! Phew! But I was wet, and I had no dry kit left. All my dry kit and electronics went under the water and the fishing nets to collect plastic were broken. After this incident I had to spend another 30 minutes trying to untangle the propeller from the weeds but finally I was off and dragged the bike on to the slipway of the pub. What was supposed to be a quick 10-minute trip had become a miserable 90 minutes and they thought I had gone away. I was wet, but I was lucky again since the pub had a fire and the girls in the pub took pity on me and allowed me to warm up my clothes by the fire. The rain was getting heavier and I had no tarp or a tent

NOT JUST SAILORS and again the girls in the pub were kind enough to lend me their tent and I headed off to the campsite for a well-deserved keep. What a day! Baptism by fire.


Day two was an early start, after a quick breakfast I headed off from the pub and I was back on to the river. The fishing nets setup had broken during the previous night’s incident and I could not collect any plastic, but I could take pictures and report my observations. I was in the remote parts of the Thames and it was appalling to find plastic bottles in the middle of nowhere. I wondered how these bottles ended up in the river and my guess was that the naughty Thames path walkers were getting rid of their extra weight in not the nicest way possible; leaving it to the wind and rain to blow it into the river. I was making good progress towards Oxford and the litter picker was becoming my magic wand helping me to get rid of the weeds. The well behaved and smart swans and ducks giving me right of way made me realise I was closer to Oxford town now. Clearly, they have taken the ‘Advanced Rules Of the Road’ course! The manual locks have transformed to electric locks and boom I was in Oxford. In the lock, Mark, the lock keeper, was kind enough to let me get my waterbike to the private slipway and even offered me coffee and gave me a tent to camp in his garden for the night since it was looking like it was going to rain. Being in Oxford allowed me to stock up on snacks for the long journey ahead. Three days and I was nowhere near London. I blame the delay on the lengthy manoeuvres I was making to collect and take pictures of plastic litter, from the right side to the left side of the river. I was getting the hang of the water bike now, collecting and reporting a lot of plastic litter and I was more confident than ever. Next morning, it was time to leave Oxford. After some bike maintenance like fixing the fishing nets, pumping up the pressure in the floats and being treated for some great breakfast by Mark, I set off. Headwinds were strong, and I had to dig deep. It was a drag to cycle along the river since the moment I stopped, I was going backwards, and the water was choppy which made my propeller exposed to air between waves leading to loss of power and uncomfortable paddling. It was a pain to get to the next bend where I would turn back and have the wind behind me – but still no surfing conditions. With nets fixed I was collecting plastic now. Once I left Oxford, it was madness and I picked up and saw bizarre things like a bike, DVD, chicken breasts still inside their packet, single use plastic bags. Across the journey, there was a higher concentration of plastic once I approached a lock or an urban area; and Oxford was no exception. The water bike was becoming a great conversation starter with people stopping, taking a picture and making comments like “off road cycling”, “is that your road bike?”, “you cannot escape cyclists not even on the river”. This was great, since I could then have a conversation and

Above: Dhruv Boruah using his litter picker to collect plastic from the Thames.

“Across the journey, there was higher concentration of plastic once I approached a lock or an urban area”

share with them what I was doing and inform them about the dangers of plastic pollution. Everyone was really nice and offered me lunch and to take the plastic rubbish off me to recycle. A few fishermen had seen me the day before and remembered the noise my bike made. Even someone screamed, “I saw you on the tele! Good luck!”. Collecting plastic and pictures is clearly eating up a lot of time. The days were lovely with a lot of sun and a little community was building up with people offering me cake, cold drinks, biscuits, beer, cider etc which I had to politely refuse. The motor boats had been moving along the river and were impressed seeing my progress. The locks were getting busier and I was now squeezing my water bike in between boats in the locks with my mooring line which was no thicker than a shoelace. I was becoming a pro at getting on and off the water bike at the locks. A few times, I was so inundated with small plastic bits that all I could do was to geotag the plastic. There were a few safety criteria I had to keep in mind while trying to collect plastic. Firstly, I could not reverse the water bike and if I got caught I would be stranded on the river. At times, the river bed was too shallow for my propeller with all sorts of hazards like bike, chair, branches hidden underneath. Besides, most of the plastic was hidden under the trees and it was too dangerous to get in there. At one point, I thought the whole bike was tilting at an angle, especially since one of the floats looked to be under water a bit more. No, it was not the weight of the plastic I was collecting but my fear was about the bamboo frame giving up. I had to moor up in unknown land to make sure every screw was tight, and the frame was okay. I was entering the posh part of England and a lock keeper advised me not to stop and moor anywhere; since a few Russian oligarchs had hired security LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018


NOT JUST SAILORS guards who would have shot trespassers. The sun was shining, the views were phenomenal; just to be on the river and soaking up the environment was fabulous. Great days for some “off road” cycling.



Today is day eight and I am still on the river, I should have been in London last Friday. All my detailed passage plan was just theory. Loads of litter picking today, fewer boats on the river due to the bad weather and rain but I enjoyed it. Locks were getting less busy, which meant I could chit chat more with the lock keepers. I cycled past the beautiful Crown Estate taking pictures of the warning signs and a few plastic bottles. I was sure they were watching me. If you have not seen Britain from the river, you have missed so many things; the islands, the small communities, the fabulous houses, the boats, the awesome old pubs and the lot. I was so lucky to have made this journey. Oh, I had a hammock to sleep that night on the neighbouring boat and the owner was kind enough to offer me wine and food. The river traffic was busy, and I was keeping myself to the starboard side of the river for safety. I was not collecting all the plastic but taking pictures of the plastic on the other side of the river. The saddle time is getting tougher now and there was a last-minute nightmare when the string attached to the litter picker got stuck in the bike chain which meant I could not steer clear of the rowing boats and had to use the bike bell and scream. Matt, the lock keeper at Teddington Lock had been kind enough to allow me to moor my water bike on the lock till the next day for me to pick up. The non-tidal section of the river was over, and we had decided not to carry on with the water bike on the tidal section of the river. Instead, the next morning I picked up the Billboard SUP Board from my friend’s home and hit the tidal section of the Thames to Kew Bridge picking and tagging plastic as I went. Since I had no safety vessel, I had to stop at Kew Bridge and I completed the SUP ride from Kew Bridge to Tower Bridge with a team of expert paddle boarders that Paul from Active360 had organised to paddle with me. We collected buckets full of plastic litter on the tidal section to Tower Bridge. Once I had finished my drink in Dickens Inn in St Katharine Docks, I realised that the project was almost over. It now felt weird to be back on the bike again and cycling on the road with cars and not on the river with boats. I was doing faster speeds with much less effort, but still got my river legs while biking. Last 10 days had been great for my handmade bamboo bicycle. She had magical powers to escape the crazy car drivers and to cycle off-road on the mighty Thames with the boats. She has helped me collect plastic and raise awareness about plastic pollution. I have moved from ‘moor’ my bike to ‘park’ my bike; from ‘locks’ to ‘cycle racks’, from ‘bench’ to ‘bed’. What an incredible experience?! I had crossed 44 locks and I think I am the first person to cycle ON the Thames from source to sea. I had collected 66 items every day on an average. LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018

Above: Fishing nets containing plastic litter collected on the Thames.

“I picked up the Billboard SUP Board from my friend’s home and hit the tidal section of the Thames to Kew Bridge picking and tagging plastic as I could.”


After the adventure, it was now time to sort the geotagged pictures and create the Thames Litter Discovery Map which shows litter concentration on the river from a citizen science perspective. Kim from Thames Estuary Partnership helped me get this GIS map done. During the adventure, I had shared my daily findings on my digital channels and with Thames Estuary Partnership. All of the project data, pictures and video are now open sourced to be used the community, even the project plan, risk assessment, passage plan and media plan. This campaign worked beautifully, and I was lucky enough to share my story and my message about plastic pollution with the help of national and international media like the BBC, ITV, Business Insider, Time Out, London Live, NTV Russia, Khabar24 (Kazakhstan), El Confidencial and more. I am now getting a lot of emails from 14-year olds, mums, teachers besides others around the world requesting my help with their campaigns. I am now working with the Canal and River Trust and I am running clean-up and awareness projects nationally. Cleaning up is great for visual impact and to get the community to connect to nature and experience first-hand the damage done by plastic. We have to stop this pollution at its source. Behavioural change is challenging and now I am trying to explore ways to engage local communities by inviting them to join me on my fun clean-up projects where I can educate them about the real dangers.


However, cleaning up is not the solution: we need to stop this at its source, rethink design and aim to


achieve a circular economy; not just designing out waste but also by designing out toxic chemicals. This is the real danger as the microplastics and microfibres act as carriers for all the toxic chemicals. While recycling plastic waste to make new products, we need to be careful and make sure the recycled products do not contain the chemicals in the original plastic waste (e.g flame retardants) and used in unsuitable environments (e.g. toothbrushes). There is a lot of work to be done and we are taking small steps. As a first step, I am now setting up the National Plastic Network to inspire and enable local leaders to run these campaigns. Active360 has created a standard checklist to help events go plastic free and I am now working with local festivals and businesses to help them go plastic free and lead the change. I am also working with local councils and CRT to draft a plastic strategy in their environmental policy for events. I hope the local leaders in this network will be able to take on the best practises and implement them as per their interests. If you are interested in getting involved, do let me know.


But what can we do as Little Ship Club or generally as a sailing community. What if we sail but “we sail for a purpose”, collect water samples, analyse them for microplastics and share them with scientists? There are a few citizen science campaigns led by 5Gyres and Adventure Scientists. 5Gyres are more than happy to lend the Little Ship Club a trawl and share guidelines with protocols to contribute to science, the next time the Club’s members sail this season. We will not only be doing what we love doing but also giving back while having fun. It

“As a Club, we can also organise or participate in plastic pollution awareness events and beach clean up events.”

sounds brilliant to me. Maybe there is an opportunity for the RYA to lead these citizen science initiatives and create a centralised database of citizen science data which is not only microplastics, but it can also be sampling water for ‘ocean acidification’ science. As a Club, we can also organise or participate in plastic pollution awareness events and beach clean up events. Recycling and/or disposal of old boats is becoming a big problem now and the impact of this is being discussed gradually. What I would do as a boat manufacturer is to design new boats starting with ideas and thoughts about the end of life of the boat; referring to the Circular Economy Design developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Every item used needs to be analysed for environmental footprint, and toxic chemicals. As a boater, a few ideas to minimise plastic usage would be to stock bamboo or metal cutlery on the boat instead of single use plastic, avoid styrofoam and other single use plastic packaging. While sailing, it may be worth to bring in home cooked food in glass or metal containers and transport using a basket with handles. Plastic water bottles are the biggest culprit and a widely suggested idea can be to bring a large cooler and fill it with ice and water at the dock. Filling it up at the dock ensures it will stay cold for the trip and is easier to transport from home. Using insulated reusable water bottles is also a handy solution. As individuals we can go plastic free one day a week. This will make us think about the amount of plastic we are using and then slowly tick them off one by one. A few can be to use a reusable water bottle, drink coffee in a café, buy in bulk, cook from fresh ingredients, wash clothes less frequently and being smart with fast fashion. There are a lot of ideas if you search for #plasticfreetuesday.


The real danger are the microfibres and microplastics. Delivering a toxic free environment is the key; not just a waste free circular economy. The circular economy approach ‘designs out the waste’ but does not talk about ‘designing out the toxic pollutants’. This nontoxic strategy is getting lost and we need it to come back and I want people to think beyond the borders of just plastic pollution. I will be campaigning to highlight this issue along with the National Plastic Network. As I try to find solutions to this mess we have created, I am funding great business ideas which never get to market owing to missing funds, market strategy and industry connections. Hence my next project is to discover and interview these for profit but sustainable and circular economy businesses across the country. The goal will be to find them and help them scale their business to the next level by giving them exposure, advice and funds if required. What do you think? If you want to get involved, have any comments, want to know more or need me to support your initiatives, please visit or email me at I look forward to your email! n LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018




Clare Allcard could not write the last instalment of Edward’s life for this issue. Instead, she has sent some ‘Snippets from the Yukon’, where she is currently living. Her account of life in Canada rather puts in perspective the recent cold snap we experienced, which brought the country to a standstill!


A few days before the East Coast of the US was thrown into panic by forecasts of -29ºC, including chill factor, here in the Yukon we experienced -37ºC with no additional factors thrown in – and no panic. So what’s it like for bods in -37ºC? From about -20ºC your breath freezes on your hair, framing your face with sparkling gossamer. A bit colder and your breath also freezes on the inside, face side, of your glasses. The thin ice has to be scraped off with a fingernail. Eyelashes freeze together. (The hairs on the inside of my nose froze!) I discovered that it’s best not to text whilst standing in the street unless you want frozen fingers. However, you can buy special gloves with finger tips designed so you can text with them on. If only wearing jeans without snow pants or long johns, your thighs swiftly go numb. I’m told that, when you go outside in -40º and you breathe in – you automatically cough. But I haven’t experienced that yet.


One of the first things an observant visitor to the Yukon will notice is electric power plugs dangling out from beneath vehicles’ bonnets. This is so that, if the temperature is below -15ºC, the car can be plugged in and its oil warmed up for a morning start. Going downtown for the day at -20ºC or below? Then look for an outdoor socket to plug the car into for a while.



Main pic: Clare, Kate and Eckhard outside an igloo. Above left: What happens to thrown water at -30ºC. Below right: Northern Lights.

If the car is kept outside another problem can arise. The tyres freeze overnight. By morning the part that touches the ground can be frozen flat. And the seats inside, frozen solid. So the first few hundred yards or so of your journey is really hard and bumpy until the tyres warm up enough to become circular again. Driving at midday through town is also a challenge as the main avenues all run north-south, so when the sun is more or less at its zenith, ie just above the horizon, and you’re heading south, it shines straight in your eyes. At the same time, on a cold day (-20ºC or below), all the cars are exhaling great clouds of vapour from their exhausts. Peering through this cloud, aware that pedestrians have the right to cross the road wherever it takes their fancy, can make driving down town pretty scary.


The Alaska Highway, where it runs just above the capital, Whitehorse, remains ploughed all winter, and driving at 90kmph is normal. The out-of-town roads, meanwhile, are hard-packed snow. At low temperatures you are much less likely to skid so everyone drives over the snow-covered roads as if they were tarmacked, 4x4 or not. But let the daytime temperature rise towards 0ºC and the roads become a slithering menace of slush and dirt and ice. Bon voyage.


This amazing, 1,000 mile (1,600km) International Sled Dog Race sets out on from Fairbanks, Alaska bound for Whitehorse, Yukon. First run in 1984, this year it included 26 dog teams expected to take between 12 to 16 days in mid winter. Quite mad! The route follows the old trail to the north used by mail delivery, Klondike Gold Rushers and pioneers. The trail crosses frozen rivers and four mountain summits. Temperatures of -40ºC and 100mph winds are quite possible. Dog care is paramount, with careful vet checks before the race and at nine checkpoints/food drops along the route.


The Yukon is home to approximately 10,000 black bears, 7,000 grizzlies and 1,500 polar bears (their survival is considered to be critically imperilled). The reintroduced wood bison herd has grown to 1,470 head, while the barren-ground caribou numbers are estimated between 165,000 – 220,000. Moose number 70,000 and the grey wolf stands at 5,000. There are also beavers, coyotes, lynx, wolverine, chipmunk, Dall sheep and mountain goats, deer, muskox, mink, otters and porcupine to name but a few. n

MARSDEN MARCH Geoff at the finish.


First mate on so many sailing adventures – from the Norfolk Broads in the early 1960s to very memorable British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Desolation Sound cruises with the Little Ship Club – has been my darling Caroline. She organised the huge fun on the BVI cruise, the whole of the River Lot Cruise (I was just a driver of her car and skipper of her boat!), the provisioning of many, many trips in the Med … I have been very lucky to have her. More than once has she done her bit taking the helm when I had to be at the mast getting the main down in a near gale. So for me to do a short walk, the Marsden March, a sponsored walk from one branch of the Royal Marsden in South Kensington, Chelsea to the other, in Sutton, 14 miles away, to raise funds for the wonderful Royal Marsden Hospital, is a small price to pay. Why am I so grateful to The Royal Marsden? Twice in the last 22 years the skills, excellence and care of the staff have given my Caroline a new lease of life. The latest, as many will know, as recently as the end of 2017. I was number 4,415, and set up an account at to accept donations ( Club members have already been very generous: many will know Caroline, and the Club has been the focus of our social as well as our sailing life for a couple of decades. At our 40th wedding anniversary party, held at the Little Ship Club a few years back, friends gave donations to the Marsden instead of giving us presents and this raised over £2,000. But now is the time to give again. Fair winds, calm seas and safe anchorages to us all. LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018



Debbie Wheeler continutes our section ‘not just sailors’ with her report on a sailing holiday to the north coast of Turkey that turned into a road trip.

Above: Hagia Sophia, Trabzon





was fortunate, one summer, to join a yacht sailing east along the north coast of Turkey. Unfortunately the skipper’s insurance would not permit him to sail further east than the city of Sinops and we all wanted to go to Trabzon. The crew unanimously voted to continue east by road. So on arrival in the fishing harbour of Sinops we were variously deployed on the arrangements. I took my tablet to the nearest café for a glass of black tea and a search of hotel websites using their WiFi link. The brief was for reasonably priced, quiet, on the edge of town. Hotel Mora seemed to fit the bill. Their website showed parasols on the beach, a deep blue pool and a pleasant foyer. Two other crew spent a fraught few hours hiring a small car. Neither the tourist information office nor their recommended car hire company could speak English. We spoke virtually no Turkish.


We set off the next morning, in bright sunshine, four adults, four overnight bags and the ingredients for a picnic. At first, our hire car, a sturdy little Peugeot, took the roads with ease. We made good progress along a decent metalled road through some pleasant green rolling hills. We might have been in Dorset if it had not been for the pencil thin minarets at regular intervals in the distance. After an hour or so we joined a busy three-lane motorway. Huge lorries thundered eastwards loaded with white goods, fruit and veg. In the back seat, my eyes were level with their axles. We were sometimes sandwiched between two of these monsters. The car and the driver began to show the strain. We passed through a variety of terrains and cities. At Atacam the low hills gave way to a wide estuary reminiscent of the Camargue. At Samsun we, inadvertently, took the bypass which swept up into the hills behind vast estates of tower blocks before returning to the coast. The wrong slip road here would have taken us south to Ankara for the weekend instead. We passed some steep sided slopes covered in a tea plantation and further on some hazel thickets. Our lunch stop was short on lunch. Ramadan had just begun. So none of the enticing restaurants along the sea front in the large town of Ordu were serving food. No matter we were yachties and used to tough conditions. But this did not revive either the car or the driver. We carried on, arriving at our destination, the fabled city of Trabzon after eight hours on the road. We made a brief stop at the tourist office in the centre then carried on to our hotel in need of a shower and refreshment. The Hotel Mora did not quite live up to its promise. It abutted the main motorway out of the city.

So we rejected the rooms offered on that side of the hotel and requested two twin bedded rooms on the seaward side where we could relax to the sound of the waves lapping the shore. This was easier said than done. Actually it wasn’t easy to say either. We spoke little Turkish and the staff spoke no English. The internal telephone service did not work, neither did the plumbing. It was difficult to explain the difference between double and twin beds in mime. Eventually after two helpful young men had manhandled the beds of our choice down the corridors to the rooms we had selected, we unpacked with a sigh of relief and a glass of our own wine. The peace and quiet almost instantly shattered by the roar of a jet engine outside our second floor window. The hotel turned out to be at the end of a newly constructed airport!


The City of Trabzon is a fascinating place – both in reality and reputation. It has been a significant stopover on the trade routes east/west for thousands of years. A brief visit to the archeological section in the basement of the museum broadens the mind exponentially. Assyrians, Persians, Greeks all settled here for a time. The Greeks appeared to stay the longest – some 3,000 years. The Romans were the johnny-come-latelies of the ancient world. The Roman general sent to Rome for a new statue of the Emperor Hadrian. We emailed the Club office for a new burgee. Marco Polo, a posse of czarist Russians all called in and left their mark. And, of course, the Turks themselves had hustled in from the north east. A small party of LSC members was likely to be swallowed up in the crowd. And crowds there were – but few Europeans. We met a Dutch couple and four Americans. The rest were from the middle east or further east. The place was heaving. The restaurants might have been closed until dark, but the shops were not. The place was like Oxford Street on steroids. There were modern department stores, small boutiques down narrow lanes, massive glass shopping malls selling every sort of modern clothing. No wonder some of the ladies choose to wear black burkhas, when you see the lurid purple lingerie on sale. The 21st century six lane east/west motorway swept along the coast obliterating the ancient Greek harbour while buildings from the intervening 20 centuries towered above us on the mountain sides. At one point we were stuck in a traffic jam on a corniche halfway up the cliffs looking down on the public gardens in a valley below. The hold up caused by a minor traffic accident. As we passed the incident, a superior looking Turk was taking details from a couple of glum looking Saudis on his phone.

NOT JUST SAILORS But I digress. We had problems with the car on the downward journey to our hotel. Several of the gears were temperamental and reverse did not work at all. We had to be pushed out of a parking space by several helpful Turks. With skipper seriously worried about the return to Sinops, we decided to dine at the hotel that evening and arrange for an early morning visit to a garage. We met in the bar for cocktails. Fortunately the teenager serving the drinks did not know that the local liqueur is not usually served in tumblers, so we recovered our good humour – until we arrived in the dining room, which was empty. Empty of staff, menus, in fact anything which indicated they might serve dinner. After the usual frustrating conversation involving signs and much nodding of heads and shrugging of shoulders, they eventually brought us some food – plain, simple but beautifully cooked. We had to explain how to open a bottle of wine and it was only when we had finished the half bottle provided that we realised we had drunk the hotel’s entire stock.



Top: Inside the monastery shrouded mist and above, how it looks in the guide book.

The morning of our departure was warm and sunny – just the weather we had needed the previous day. The helpful hotel manager disappeared with the skipper and the car to a garage. The rest of us settled down to a quiet morning and, in my case, a swim. Before I could shake out my swimsuit, the skipper and car were back. The gearbox apparently repaired. We set off on the 500km road trip to Sinops. All was not well. It soon became apparent that the repair was less than temporary and the problems returned. By now well on the road, we felt our best option was to continue. As the day warmed up, the number of working gears gradually reduced. The skipper was now fearful of stopping in case we could not restart. We finally made it back to the central square of Sinops travelling the final 100km very slowly in second gear, jumping the lights as we entered the town. We scrambled out of the car and joyfully returned to the comfort and safety of the yacht. The trip was a patchwork of triumphs and disasters, helpful locals, a meeting with interesting and varied cultures, a glimpse of what travel ought to be. Was it worth all that hassle? Oh yes. n

Little Ship to become ‘printed on demand only’ – contact us to receive your printed copy

Please remember the Little Ship is becoming a ‘printed on demand only’ publication, after our next printed edition (summer/autumn 2018). The magazine will continue to be published online and you will be emailed to let you know a new edition is available. To make sure you keep receiving your printed copy of the Little Ship please contact, or return this slip to Lindsay Brophy in the Club office: Little Ship Club, Bell Wharf Lane, Upper Thames St, London EC4R 3TB.


We spent a day in Trabzon itself and managed to fit in visits to the Hagia Sofia, a Greek orthodox church for the first thousand years of its existence and an Islamic mosque for the next 500, a Russian early 20th century villa and the museum and ... one or two of the shops. Then, the following day we headed 40 miles inland and up nearly 4,000 feet, to the monastery at Sumela. It was grey and raining as we set off. The Pontic mountains were green and lush and the occasional buildings were a more rustic version of Swiss chalets. Our hire car struggled with the narrow hairpin bends of the mountain roads. We were overtaken by a classy 4 x 4. By the time we reached the car park we were in thick mist. We continued on foot up a narrow footpath through the forest in damp slippery conditions, the clouds clinging to us and we to the mountain side. The eastern Greek orthodox monastery itself was shrouded in mist and the breath-taking view from its ruined terraces was obscured by the clouds beneath us. But it was still possible to admire the 4th century wall paintings in the original cave and marvel at the construction of the complex of chapels, library, guest rooms and accommodation for a thriving religious community. An ancient aqueduct brought running water to the community. Abandoned when the Greek population was expelled in the 1920s, it is now a European heritage site and tourist attraction. The visitors were mainly middle eastern a family from Jordan, impressed by the difficulties of construction, a party of Iraq teenagers impressed with each other, a Korean girl needing my help with a photo. Returning to our car we engaged in conversation while we all picnicked with the occupants of the neighbouring 4 x 4 – from Azerbaijan. Why had they come? To avoid the crowds in Baku during the European Games. Baku is on the eastern border of Azerbeijan which is two countries east of Turkey! Where did Europe begin and end? In 2015 Britain was a paid up member of the European community and Turkey’s application was seriously being considered. It was comforting to think of Europe as an expanding family providing security for all its members, more of a political grouping than a geographical one. Alas, no more. In 2018 it is shrinking and visibly weakening.




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THE CLUB ABROAD Asgard, a 59ft ketch not only made her mark on Irish history, but shaped the life of Little Ship Club member, John Murphy. Here, to continue our new series ‘the Club abroad’, Dublin-based John shares how his lifelong passion for sailing began in 1970 as a trainee aboard Asgard.




Top: John Murphy. Above: Asgard in 1973.


“Asgard, Old Norse Ásgardr, in Norse mythology, the dwelling place of the gods, comparable to the Greek Mount Olympus. Legend divided Asgard into 12 or more realms, including Valhalla, the home of Odin and the abode of heroes slain in earthly battle; Thrudheim, the realm of Thor; and Breidablik, the home of Balder.”

t’s always interesting, for fellow sailors anyhow, to read how each of us started our sailing careers. For many, our early experiences have shaped our lives and sailing has become a lifelong passion. I started sailing in March 1970 as a trainee aboard Asgard, a 59ft ketch, built by the famous Colin Archer in Norway. Tom Cunliffe, in Yachting World March 2018, says, “Colin Archer became a hero in Norway for his late 19th Century and early 20th Century Pilot Cutters and ketch rigged rescue ships. Any of his surviving boats lucky enough to have been built in his own yard at Larvick … are now Norwegian National Treasures”. Asgard is the real thing and a treasure now fully restored today and on show in a museum in Dublin. For more information go to: ie/Decorative-Arts-History/Exhibitions/CurrentExhibitions/Asgard/Conservation. This was a most illustrious start for any young sailor as the Asgard was a fine solid traditional boat to learn aboard and gave us all a foundation in sailing that has stood to us ‘till this day.

THE CLUB ABROAD But Asgard was also a famous yacht in the early years of the 20th century in Irish history. She was owned by Erskin Childers (father of Ireland’s first president) however he is probably better known as the author of ‘The Riddle of the Sands’; A Record of Secret Service in 1903. The book, which enjoyed immense popularity in the years before World War I, is an early example of the espionage novel and was extremely influential in the genre of spy fiction. It has been made into feature-length films for both cinema and television. In 1912 Asgard made her mark on Irish history when together with Conor O’Brien’s boat Saoirse she was involved in the Howth gun running. Erskin Childers and Conor O’Brien have left us some great sailing stories and were friends at a difficult time in Ireland’s history and deeply involved in our independence. Saoirse, under O’Brien’s command and with three crew, was the first yacht to circumnavigate the world by way of the three great capes: Cape Horn, Cape of Good Hope and Cape Leeuwin; and was the first boat flying the Irish tri-colour to enter many of the world’s ports and harbours. He ran down his easting in the Roaring 40s and Furious 50s between the years 1923 to 1925. Up until O’Brien’s circumnavigation, this route was the preserve of square-rigged grain ships taking part in the grain race from Australia to England via Cape Horn (also known as the clipper route). Of course, we didn’t know any of this history at that time and the place those two books played in 20th century sailing literature. In 1969 Asgard had been restored to service as a sail training ketch. We began our sailing, on a very cold Easter weekend in 1970, aboard this fine sea boat, gaff

Right: Credine in her recent style with new deckhouse, in service today with the Irish Naval Service as a training vessel. Designed by Arthur Robb and built in Norway like Asgard she was a stout and seaworthy design. A spring naming ceremony at the National Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire saw her enter service in 1975. Below: Dun Laoghaire Marina at dusk.

rigged and an example of a beautifully built timber yacht with a seakindly shape and a long keel. She brought us home on many a wet night of gales in the Irish sea. It’s at this time too I became acquainted with the BBC shipping forecast on long wave and the vagaries of DF radio! By the end of 1970, I had progressed to Watch Leader and was well and truly a cruising sailor hooked on traditional boat shapes and ideas and sailing at every opportunity aboard Asgard. Eric Hiscock’s ‘Cruising Under Sail’ and all the great books of the day were now in the school library! We spent our summers teaching trainees sailing and seamanship on our rapidly ageing 1912 ketch. Sometime in 1975, it became clear that Asgard was no longer seaworthy and would require substantial restoration. Reluctantly a temporary replacement was sought to keep sail training going until the much heralded Asgard II could be built. And so we entered another phase of the Asgard story. From 1975 until 1980 Credine became the replacement. She was a 49ft centre cockpit timber ketch with a clipper bow and looked much older than her eight years. As a sail training vessel, she served us well and I sailed her from the top of Denmark as far south as Tenerife in those years! In 1976 we entered the American Bi-Centennial celebrations and the STA transatlantic race as part of the celebrations. I raced from Plymouth on the first leg to Tenerife and arrived after a stormy passage to be part of the Tall Ships fleet; one tiny ship amid wonderous square riggers. That was my second ocean voyage and I had the opportunity to sail for two days aboard the much larger Dutch square-rigged ship the Eendracht around the island. The last Tall Ships event we participated in was in 1980 with Credine. Sailing from Hansholm in Denmark, through the IJsselmeer via Amsterdam, and on around the south of England and home to Dublin. Across all those years the main topic, when we were together, was when would we have our own square ship, when would Asgard II be built? At last in 1979 the building of the new vessel, an 84ft Brigantine, was underway. By summer 1980 I was able to walk into the shed in Arklow and see the fine lines taking shape to the design of Jack Tyrrell of the famous seafaring family and the well-known home of Arklow Shipbuilding. LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018



Above: Asgard II Left: John Murphy. Below: Aine, John’s wife, under the three bridges on the River Liffey in Dublin.


Tyrrell’s Yard, South Quay, Arklow was set up in 1864 by the original founder, John Tyrrell. He was born in Arklow, County Wicklow, in 1836 and, after serving an apprenticeship in the Royal Naval Dockyard at Devonport, he returned home and set up his own yard on the south side of the River Avoca. Arklow was also the home port of an extensive coastal schooner fleet. In 1959, the yard built Gipsy Moth III in which Sir Francis Chichester crossed the Atlantic singlehanded, winning the OSTAR in 1960. Chichester commented in his book ‘Alone Across the Atlantic’ “…it was a rough night. I must say how glad I am that this boat was built by John Tyrrell”. Finally, on the 7 March 1981 Asgard II was commissioned, against the odds in a financially constrained and difficult political climate, we had our new Sail Training ship. In the months that followed I learned how to climb the mast and gingerly crawl out the yards on swinging footropes to let the sails free. Learned to handle the big sails and steer her before a decent wind and down the Irish coast. We sailed her on her shakedown cruise to Fécamp in France and back. Tested everything and sorted the galley. Asgard II was ready. In the years the followed she was responsible for creating many new adventures and sailors. With up LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018

to 500 trainees a year and an extensive cruise programme she was fulfilling our dream to bring sailing to the many. The benefits of sail training are many and varied and well known. This was a traditionally run ship and young people from all walks of life quickly became working crews and benefited immensely. In 1985 it was decided to cross the Atlantic. She weathered one of the worst storms of that year in the Bay of Biscay. That day the First Mate Frank Traynor, with whom I’d started sailing in 1970, was heard on a radio link call, to our national broadcaster RTE, reassuring all the parents of the crew of Asgard II’s safety and ability in such conditions! Everywhere she went she was welcomed and despite her small size was a prominent member of the Tall Ships Fleet. Today, the original Asgard sits splendidly restored to her original condition in Dublin Museum. To proudly walk around her there, to examine the lines and the timberwork reminds me of how lucky I am to have been part of that sailing heritage and to have learned so much about timber ships and the sea in such an environment. One final story, the yard in Malahide in North Dublin was where, in the early 70s, we learned to varnish Asgard’s spars and the intricacies of her gaff rig. Today in that same boatyard a young Irish Sailor prepares his Biscay 36 for this year’s Golden Globe Race. He plans to follow in the wake of Sir Robin Knox-Johnston; to sail non stop alone around the world with only 1968 technology. We are helping him prepare for that dream. What an amazing series of coincidences brings all this together with the Little Ship Club, the Golden Globe and the Asgard sailors. Perhaps in future editions of the Little Ship, I’ll be able to tell you about his progress and success. n




When building a traditional clinker dinghy there is no substitute for using time-honoured methods. One of the core projects for students at the International Boatbuilding Training College in Lowestoft is the production of a 9 foot dinghy, and students work on all stages of construction of these tiny boats as a way of understanding every aspect relevant to the larger building and restoration projects which are constantly in progress at the school. The process starts with drawing out (or lofting) a full size drawing from a list of measurements from which patterns and elements of the boat can be accurately taken. This precision work requires a keen eye for a fair line, essential to the creation of an attractive and functional boat. Softwood patterns are taken directly from the loft floor, and these are used to create a frame on which the boat is constructed. The backbone, generally made from mahogany, is assembled with the patterns known as station moulds, which will guide the shape of the planking. The picture above shows the finished hull with moulds removed, ready for the fitting out. Construction time for a boat of this size is approximately 12 weeks from lofting through to completion. Modern machines may be used to quickly cut and shape wood, but hand and eye are still essential elements in the creation of a fine wooden boat.

IBTC – INTERNATIONAL BOATBUILDING TRAINING COLLEGE Sea Lake Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 3LQ, England +44 (0)1502 569663





The Little Ship Club is developing its online presence – here is a taste of what’s been happening in recent months. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more stories and pictures from the Little Ship Club and our friends on and off the water. Little Ship Club @littleshipclub1 . Mar 24 Happy 80th Birthday HMS Belfast! A great weekend is sure to be had by all those who visit the ship today and tomorrow



Horizon Power Cats @lhorizonpowercat . Mar 16 new #Yachting blog – British Marine announces lock closures for 2018 ...

British Marine announces lock closures for 2018 British Marine have announced that a number of locks that are part of the River Thames Investment Programme 2017 to 2018 will be closed



Shoreseeker Rowing @shoreseekerrow . Mar 13 Fantastic News! The Shoreseeker Offshore Rowing Race Series is now officially open! Thanks to all the support and interest we’ve received over the last few weeks, the UK’s First Offshore Rowing Series is open for registration. Please retweet & check out






Little Ship Club @littleshipclub1 . Mar 2 Hugely sorry to see how badly the weather has hit our fellow sailors in Holyhead. Take care out there, on land and at sea. Yachting Monthly @littleshipclub1 . Mar 2 Force 12 winds are reported to have battered Holyhead Marina, Anglesey. Such a sad sight. The lifeboat was moved to the inner harbour for continuing service. Photos taken by residents, marina staff and the lifeboat crew via Ian Burton ...


Little Ship Club @littleshipclub1 . Mar 15 This weekend is HMS Belfast’s 80th birthday! Here is a blog post we have written to give a little insight into the history surrounding the ship and the events going on this weekend to celebrate: … 4

RNLI Penlee Lifeboat @penleelifeboat . Mar 14 Great photo of our @RNLI girl Mollie & Ivor Dent by Amy Smith and a fantastic painting from the very talented Neil Wilkins. #clever #lifeboatart




Little Ship Club @littleshipclub1 . Mar 13 Spring is springing and it’s the official start to the sailing season: Fitting Out Dinner! Join us & our President @Golding Mike this evening for bubbly, fine food & good company. Online booking has closed but tickets are available by phone, info here:… 4



Cruising Association @Cruising_Assoc . Feb 12 One month to go before the #lobsterpots #petition closes. Our aim is to achieve 10,000 signatures (currently 7,100+). Please watch the video to find out more, sign and pass it on!…

SOCIAL MEDIA Ormonde Associates @ormonde_assoc . Feb 6 On the 50th anniversary of first non-stop solo circumnavigation, #TheMercy Q&A with @SirRKJ past president of @littleshipclub1

Little Ship Club @littleshipclub1 . Jan 17 We’ve just voted for @IanRWilkinson’s terrific restoration (and stretch!) of his yacht Glendhu in the @ClassicBoatMag Awards 2018! Voting is online here:




Wedding Venue Dir @ukweddingvenues . Feb 6 @littleshipclub1 A wonderful nautical #london #wedding venue

Little Ship Club @littleshipclub1 . 6 Dec 2017 Delighted to see Little Ship Club member @IanRWilkinson on the cover of @ClassicBoatMag Glendhu is a stunner – what a fantastic project! Classic Boat @ClassicBoatMag New issue of Classic Boat out now! Here’s what we have inside this month’s packed issue: -boat-january-2018-issue-now/ … (Photo Nic Compton)




Marine Industry News @marineindnews . Feb 6 Oyster Yachts in liquidation oyster-yachts-gone-liquidation/ … via @marineindnews @OysterMarine @nonstopboot #Liquidation



The Clipper Race @ClipperRace . Jan 19 UK! The #ClipperRace is looking for adventurous sailors for the 2019-20 edition of the race yet no previous sailing experience is required. Have you got what it takes? Register for our public talk at @littleshipclub1 & find out how you can take part:




Little Ship Club @littleshipclub1 . Feb 5 Find out more about our Thames-side Club by coming to visit! Open evening TOMORROW includes a lecture on Good Food Afloat, followed by a delicious supper. All welcome!… 4


Little Ship Club @littleshipclub1 . Jan 15 What a fantastic few days @LondonBoatShow! Saturday saw 10s of 1,000s at @ExCeLLondon – Hundreds of visitors stopped to discuss the club with the stand volunteers, to whom we are hugely grateful. We’ve 3 open evenings coming up – visit us & find out more! …


bedsonboard @bedsonboard . Jan 22 If you are in London on the 30th Jan and want to hear more about Beds on Board then come and see cofounder Jason Ludlow talking at the Little Ship Club… Non members welcome @littleshipclub1 4





JOINT LSC AND CITY LIVERY DINNER This March, the Little Ship Club had the pleasure of hosting City Livery Club members on a Tuesday evening for our usual joint event. A well-attended three-course dinner followed a talk on the National Coastwatch Institution, given by Tim Colquhoun.



BOOKS The Club library receives books from publishers who specialise in marine and yachting. Some of our recent arrivals are reviewed on these pages, more reviews are on the Club website and some books are in our library awaiting a review.

Reeds Small Craft Almanac 2018 Perrin Towler and Mark Fishwick Practical Boat Owner ISBN: 9781472946492 This is the 2018 edition of the ‘Small Craft Almanac’. A paperback, it is light and handy. The Almanac contains an important safety note. It provides basic navigational data for planning and executing passages. It warns that any waypoint or position listed in the Almanac must first be plotted on the appropriate chart to assess its accuracy, safety in the prevailing circumstances, and relevance to the skipper’s intentions. It therefore advises that readers should regularly check the appropriate website between January and June for any corrections to the data in the Almanac. It covers, as one would expect of an Almanac, passage planning information and tables on such matters as cross channel distances, lights, buoys and waypoints, distance, speed, and times. There are further chapters dealing with weather, and weather sources both in the UK and abroad. There is a helpful chapter on communications covering such matters as radio operation, radio data

I have only two rather minor gripes about this Almanac. First, the dates of Springs and Neaps are in colours, amber and grey, in the tide tables. In poor light these are very different to distinguish. Second, and this is not the fault of the publishers in any way, but any book containing paper is vulnerable in an open cockpit to water damage and disintegration. It is, though, almost a must for both inshore and offshore sailing in the UK waters. Barry Denyer-Green

Understanding a Nautical Chart: A Practical Guide to Safe Navigation (second edition 2018) Paul Boissier Fernhurst Books ISBN: 9781912177073 I thought I knew enough about nautical charts without any need to refer to a book that tells me how to understand them. After all, a chart contains symbols which I either know, or I can look up in the Admiralty NP5011 Guide on the subject. But a chapter in Paul Boissier’s book, entitled “A chart is never 100% accurate”, alerted me to the need to understand nautical charts a bit further than I had assumed was necessary. With another chapter prefaced with a photograph of a submarine, well and truly aground on a sandbank, and an anecdote about the QE2, grounded on a shoal off the east

coast of America due to an inaccurate chart, my interest in this book grew considerably. The contents of this book range from the work of the chart maker, and what that person does for us navigators, to an explanation of landmarks, lights and coastal features, and from an explanation of depths and elevations, to tides, tidal streams and currents. The general arrangement of each of the chapters is to set out an extract from a navigation chart, and to identify on the extract a number of particular features which are then explained in more detail. Indeed, in a lot more detail than is found in NP5011. Vice Admiral Paul Boissier formerly held a number of senior positions in the Royal Navy, and spent much of his career at sea in a wide variety of vessels. He is now the chief executive of the RNLI. But he is also a yachtsman; he sees the sea as we see it. His text is beautifully written; it is clear and full of helpful explanations and illustrations. Thus, in relation to wrecks, there is a full and careful explanation of four different symbols used to indicate wrecks where the position is doubtful, wrecks of unknown depth considered a danger to navigation, wrecks where there is an indication of a minimum depth of water over it at chart datum, and finally wrecks where there is an additional symbol, a single black

horizontal line over the symbol, which indicates a safe clearance depth. The same detail and clarity is deployed in each chapter. Yes, this is a book which should be in every yachtsman’s library. Barry Denyer-Green

Sailing Around Britain Kim C Sturgess Fernhurst Books ISBN: 9781912177059

The book covers a largely singlehanded anticlockwise voyage from Greenwich to Greenwich via the Caledonian Canal. It is written in the first person in a chatty style. It gives a lot of useful detail about passage distances and times to enable the trip to be achieved with only one overnight passage and also interesting (if frequently critical) descriptions of places visited. Apart from small-scale diagrams of the route taken at the beginning of each section, there are no charts. Sixteen photographs (two to a page) are included but they are not of great quality. Having just completed a similar trip, I was looking forward to reading this book but it became clear that this was a journey undertaken by an inexperienced skipper in an ill-prepared borrowed yacht. David Clements

and the details of ports and marinas with both VHF channels and telephone numbers. There is a chapter on safety. But more than half the book contains tide tables, tidal curves and similar for both the UK and the channel continental areas.

Little Ship to become ‘printed on demand only’ – contact us to receive your printed copy

Please remember the Little Ship is becoming a ‘printed on demand only’ publication, after our next printed edition (summer/autumn 2018). The magazine will continue to be published online and you will be emailed to let you know a new edition is available. To make sure you keep receiving your printed copy of the Little Ship please contact, or return this slip to Lindsay Brophy in the Club office: Little Ship Club, Bell Wharf Lane, Upper Thames St, London EC4R 3TB.





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The Boat Cookbook: Real Food for Hungry Sailors Fiona Sims Adlard Coles Nautical London ISBN: 9781408192009 A very complete book – starting with judicious suggestions for a wellstocked galley (cupboard ingredients, as well as pots and pans and kit), the recipes are classified “in harbour”, “at sea” and “at home”.

Fiona Sims also gives some tips on matching wine and food, and – maybe most importantly on a boat – how to conserve wine at sea. And if that wasn’t enough, you can also catch up with “the shipping forecast demystified”, “seasickness remedies”, “sustainable fishing” – or start a quiz about “ten great boating films”!

Some of the recipes are staples revisited with a twist (I must try the crab macaroni cheese!), whilst others give a completely new take on old favourites – the section on “things on toast” comes to mind.

If you are looking for quick and easy recipes to impress your crew, this is the book for your boat! And if you ever find yourself trying to impress the Little Ship Club’s President with your cooking, look no further than this book for his favourite dish!

This is a very attractive book: with not only photographs of the dishes, but also rather beautiful illustrations, the book is much more than recipes: full of “wave wisdoms” – from “how to catch a mackerel” to “sexy samphire” and “the art of crabbing”.

If I were allowed one criticism: the “Spirit” section could have included a couple of ideas for canapés which can be made with limited space and ingredients. AB

The Boat Drinks Book Fiona Sims Adlard Coles Nautical London ISBN: 9781472930651 This is more a book about drinks, and drinking culture, than a book about drink-making (which, misguidedly, I expected!) It visits some of the key sailing hubs and routes and explores local wines and drinks. Organised in some geographic order, the book starts from the South of England. After visiting some English wineries (a real oxymoron for a commodore born in Burgundy!), we then go north to Scotland, come back down the Atlantic, down the coast of Spain, Portugal to South Africa; then it is back to the Mediterranean and its infinite possibilities, before the Baltic. Then, jumping to the Pacific, we visit the US, before finally landing down under, and visiting Australia and New Zealand. But this is not just about wine: you will read about pink gin, beer, port, Madeira, Aquavit and many more! Like Fiona Sims’ ‘Boat Cookbook’, this is beautifully illustrated, and full of fun titbits, such as “Wine faults”, “10 ways to cure a hangover” and “Boozy Tales from the BVI”. This book won’t just teach you what is a Walking Earl, a Rob Roy, an

Apple Mac or a Gin Gin Mule: it will truly take you on a liquid journey of discovery around the world. AB

Can Squid Fly? Tony Rice Adlard Coles Nautical London ISBN: 9781408133200 This is a book for people who are curious about the sea. Are barnacles molluscs (no) or crustaceans (yes), or birds (in winter) or fish (on Fridays)? Three out of four are correct classifications in the opinion of people of different eras. A delightful source of illuminating and pertinent anecdotes for a stormy night in port, and 79 true short stories when there is not much time for reading. This is a ‘must have’ book for the yacht’s library. NDQ

ANTHONY JAMES RATCLIFFE MBE 12 March 1919 – 20 December 2017

Tony Ratcliffe joined the Little Ship Club on 8 February 1950. A resident of Felixstowe Ferry and a very keen sailor he sailed from the River Deben for over 60 years in a variety of yachts, Damarest, Betsy and finally Templar, his Wing 30 sloop before succumbing to Temple Bar, a Starfish 8 motor yacht which he still enjoyed shortly before his death aged 98. His other great love was singing: a chorister at Temple Church, London, every Sunday would see him take the train from Ipswich to London to take his place in the Temple Choir. He also performed with the ProMusica Chorus of London which took him all over Europe as well as more locally at the Aldeburgh Festival and with local Chamber choirs. He also ran the Elizabethan Singers, another excuse for overseas travel where they performed dressed in traditional Elizabethan costume. But his heart was in Felixstowe Ferry and Bawdsey where his efforts to conserve the River Deben and its environs and to promote the Millennium Green were recognised by the award of an MBE. He restored many historic buildings under threat including six old buildings in Ipswich Dock which would otherwise have fallen to the bulldozer. Tony will be particularly remembered as LSC’s HPO for the River Deben and particularly by those members who annually sought his advice each Spring on crossing the notorious Deben Bar.




Above: Anthony James Ratcliffe MBE. Left: ‘Motor cruiser Temple Bar crossing the bar at Felixstowe Ferry on the River Deben’. Water colour by Tony that won second prize in the artwork category of our 2017 photo competition.


DOCTEUR JEAN PLANCKE 12 November 1920 – 9 December 2017

Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur HPO for Calais, France, for over 50 years Médaillé militaire Commandeur de l’Ordre National du Mérite France Libre Président des Commandos d’Afrique Croix de Guerre avec Palme Evadé de France Médecin colonel honoraire Médaillé d’honneur du service de santé Membre d’honneur du Rotary Club de Calais Officier du Mérite Maritime Vice-président du Little Ship Club Vice-président honoraire de la station de sauvetage en mer de Calais Membre du Cercle Amical Maritime Président-fondateur du Yacht Club du Nord de la France I was advised by Madame Janine Noyon, his companion in his last days, that Jean had passed away quietly on Saturday 9 December 2017. This ended a wonderful friendship extending over 53 years. As can be seen from the details above, his involvement in so many activities was outstanding. From the earliest days, common interests of sailing, wartime service in the armed services and the organisation of the Calais Rally developed into a long-lasting friendship where his contribution as an HPO was invaluable. His willingness to help was endless but most important was his great ability to resolve problems. I have known him to arrange for the fire engine and three frogmen to save a sinking British yacht. He often drove yachtsmen, even to other ports, to get engine or sail problems resolved. He not only helped our Club members, but any others in difficulties. This even included rescuing a British sailing association who had been in trouble with the Customs! His help went beyond sailing activities and he was responsible for arranging the erection of six flag poles at my Green Jacket Memorial Service and arranged for the display of banners from local French Units as well as the Mayor’s representation. He used to introduce me in Calais as “mon jumeau”, as we were both born on the 12 November 1920, as also was the late Harold Pettinger MC. The three of us had joined the Club 53 years ago within three months of each other. It was this coincidence that started the Old Fogeys Annual Lunch, which I organised for years at The Rifles Officers’ Mess. Jean was trained by Scottish officers in Corsica and served with the 1st Algerian Commandos. A delegation from the South of France came with the flags of the Commandos d’Afrique to his funeral. Among his many attributes, was his talent as a watercolour artist. It is understood that his late wife Ellen Hurt was of British lineage but chose French nationality at the age of 21 during German occupation, to save internment. I always regarded Jean as the father of the Overseas Rallies, as he encouraged foreign sailing at a time when the Calais Rally was the only regular foreign event.

Above: Friends for 53 years, Docteur Jean Plancke and Norman Hummerstone MBE.

His services to the Club were acknowledged by his appointment as a Vice President. Jean’s ability to procure venues for lunches and dinners for some 60 to 145 people was extraordinary. One example was when my booked Club Dinner was Above: Docteur cancelled as management had been replaced, and the Jean Plancke booking had not been carried through. Somehow, Jean receiving medal managed to get a defunct restaurant opened for that one from General Club Dinner. de Lattre de A lasting benefit of his friendship has been our use of Tassigny. the Cercle Amical Maritime for both the Little Ship Club The medal, and the Green Jacket Memorial visits. Commandeur In life an eye surgeon, Jean was a truly remarkable man, de la Légion and certainly an outstanding HPO as well as a good friend. d’Honneur, is one of the highest honour in France. The invitation to the ceremony shows that it was held on 2 June 2005 at 1830.

Norman Hummerstone MBE

Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Docteur Plancke, over the years I heard so much about him, his exceptional service for France, his many interventions as our HPO Calais, that it feels as though I did. The Little Ship Club mourns a wonderful champion on the other side of the Channel; as a French citizen, I mourn the passing of someone to whom the country owes so much: both sentiments I expressed to Madame Noyon, his companion, on behalf of the Club.

Anne Billard, Commodore LITTLE SHIP SPRING 2018




In response to so many people asking how they and the British Virgin Islands (BVI) have fared since Hurricane Irma hit the region last September, HPO Brian Gandey, Tortola BVI, wrote this report recalling his and Cindy’s experience over the past six months.




e left Tortola mid-August for Canada, leaving happy friends, a beautiful house, thriving business, 50 yachts and two new cars. The water temperature was a worrying 89 degrees. Late August we started tracking Irma. Early September it started to grow and devastate islands below us. Conch staff were busy moving boats as its path was getting dangerously close to us. Eventually we knew we were going to get hit, 7–10 hours would change ours and everyone’s world.


The eye went directly over Virgin Gorda and Tortola. This was the most powerful storm in history in the Caribbean and the Atlantic. When it hit Tortola it was at its peak with 200mph winds sustained and 260mph gusts in the eye walls, not kilometers... MPH! Add on, it has been established, that it had two eye walls on the edges. The winds in the first half before the eye went over Tortola were from the north. If that didn’t rock your world, try another eye wall with tornados in it and that the wind now doing a 180 degree turn and coming back to full strength from the south.


West End Customs and Immigration Port of Call used to be a building now is just a slab… literally! Across the bay a 60 ton sail boat was picked up by the winds and deposited on a second storey roof. We had a boat in the yard there and it did a “Dorothy” – last seen being lifted off the ground on its way to OZ because it has not been found to this day!

Along on the north coast and our best beach, Cane Garden Bay, the waves were so high that people said they were up to their waists in water... they were on the second floors. Any building near the water had the sea wash right through and take everything out to sea. East End and Huntums Gut communities look like Syria or a bomb went off. Roofs, windows, doors all gone, second floors were the worst. Poorer communities torn apart. Still today, buildings are just empty shells of what they once were. 90 per cent of all telephone poles down, snapped like twigs, uprooted or half fallen down. Roads impassable with roofs, poles, trees and everybody’s belongings everywhere. Every tree lost all its leaves with most losing all the limbs if they managed to still be standing after mother nature had different plans for them. Grass ripped out of the ground and then there were the unforgiving tornados in both eye walls! God help anything that were in their way. The houses sort of standing when the one beside it just gone, fallen to the wrath of the tornados. The Government – hard to run a nation without one of those. To this day, almost six months later, there is not one police station with a roof and all have door and window damage. Government Palace as we call it, our premier’s office doesn’t have windows in it. So, whatever he left on his desk is now in Road Town Harbour! The windows in most of the offices blew out and eventually the wind pushed through the building coming out of the windows on the other side taking all the records, and equipment with it. High schools are uninhabitable and other offices didn’t fare any better – most needing to be relocated which took months to accomplish.

HPO NEWS All this trying to be accomplished with no communication, because land lines went with the poles and cell network went when all the cell towers fell over. Plus of course there was no electricity and roads were almost impassable. Law and order had to be restored by the British Navy, as like everywhere else, the looting mentality started. Mix in with all that, it rained for weeks after Irma and whatever didn’t get blown away was soaked, becoming mouldy in the tropical heat and having to be thrown out. So really, most records for everything didn’t survive. So, how did we do – you ask? Well let’s put it this way, in those early days we felt it was all over – hardly worth rebuilding – did we have the strength or even want to? If you did, where the hell do you begin?


Every one of our friends survived to breathe another day. All our employees survived. Everyone has a story and some are downright tragic, waking up to all I have just described is earth shattering! Lots woke up to literally nothing left – Irma took it all. The eye was a curse – but also a blessing because it gave people a small calm window to relocate to better buildings, as where they were was barely recognisable. Cindy and I were lucky to be in Canada. We returned to hear stories of people hiding in bathrooms, closets, laundry rooms and pump rooms as they heard their house or apartment getting demolished above and outside the door. We know lots of people holding on to the door for dear life trying to keep their families safe inside, saying good bye to each other never imagining they could survive. Thank God we were in Canada. There was nothing to return to for a while, so we stayed in Montreal where we could help out with the company and friends by being in the real world. We got our friends to make it to our house and find important papers and other irreplaceable stuff and hold it for us. The house took a beating. It probably survived the

The eye of the storm.

first half but lost all but one set of windows in the second half. You put all your outside furniture inside when a storm is coming. Once the windows were all breached by 200mph winds, the inside becomes a blender with lots of stuff to toss around. The rain and wind brought down all the ceilings. Mix in glass from shattered windows. Well you get the idea! Our roof was ripped off by about 25 per cent so we had nice water features from all that rain that followed. The two attached houses next door to us are gone. What I mean by that is – roof, doors, windows all gone. The walls are about 20 per cent there and everything that was once inside, is all over Tortola. Those houses’ rubble landed on Cindy’s one-month old Jeep Wrangler and it was completely destroyed. My car didn’t fare any better with debris totalling it. This hurricane flipped cars and debris in the air, left almost every car with lots of windows smashed and unexplained dents everywhere.


It took till just the last two weeks to settle all the claims – paper work from hell! We left all the yachts in supposedly the safest hurricane hole in the Caribbean. Most didn’t make it through the first half and the wind shoved them all into a big pile. We did everything that had worked and been perfected in the past... so what went wrong you ask? This storm

“Once the windows were all breached by 200mph winds, the inside becomes a blender with lots of stuff to toss around.”

Waves crash ashore



HPO NEWS was just too powerful. We tied to cleats that got ripped out of the decks, six to eight lines tying them down – all failing. Other boats breaking loose tearing into our fleet – just too big. Catamarans started flying as the winds got under their over hangs and taking them skyward. Remember the eye wall, well after it passed, the winds now have changed that 180 degrees, so all that pile is now sent across the bay so anyone left standing through the first half got crushed in the pile coming through. We ended up with only four salvageable boats out of 50. The other 46 written off as total losses. The remaining four all needed serious repairs including masts. Our office building lost its roof, so a lot of our files were destroyed, but as we are on the lower floor we had cover over our heads. Our out-buildings all lost roofs and the rain and wind beat us up bad. Looters also showed up to strip us of dinghies and engines. Today, almost six months later we have been working on rebuilding the business. We only got power back last week – five and a half months after the storm. Most people in the real world freak out after a few hours – not to mention a few days! We got power back at the house four months and three days after the storm. We got TV recently just in time for the Olympics! The internet is still spotty but a month and a half ago it was only working when the generator was on. Thank the lord for generators! We have fixed two of the four yachts. We have signed up boats from outside with a small fleet of six today. We will fix the other two in March plus a couple more coming to give us 12 boats or 25 per cent of our fleet numbers in April/May time. One of the hardest days was laying off 27 employees knowing the state of the economy and BVI. The house is being rebuilt: the roof is back on minus the galvanised: as materials are hard to find. Don’t forget our sister islands are also trying to rebuild so materials are in extremely short supply.



Before the storm, and below Paraquita Bay in the wake of Hurricane Irma.

All the sea facing section of our house tried to leave the building and stress cracks were showing everywhere. All were torn down and replaced with new beams tying them into the roof. We are building a bunker! We were very lucky to grab a good contractor before we got any insurance cheque, therefore getting the job started before everyone else. We are past destruction and are on to construction. We are slowly moving forward and getting off the rock a lot as life is still a challenge here. We cannot let Irma win and get us down too much. Oh – I forgot to mention – that we had Maria a category 4–5 hurricane just 10 days after Irma graced us with her presence. That’s the one that hit Puerto Rico. Cindy and I are living in our guest suite downstairs which has been brought back to life after losing a window, so we moved in after cleaning up all the wind and water damage. I will NEVER take for granted the simple amenities we all take for granted every day. Cindy and I are so much more fortunate compared to so many on this island. Onward and upward… We have never had to worry about what to do today. Thanks a lot Irma! n



From left: Catherine Peat, Gary Adams, Jean Michel Gaigne, Roy Facey, Cairns Birrell, Angus Annan, Gabbie Ryan, David Clements, Anne Le Verrier-Bizzey, Tim Ryan, Ronan Beirne, John Murphy, Tom Davey.

The Club was buzzing with 13 HPOs and many Club members attending the HPO Dinner on 15 January. Andrew Wright’s humorous Grace set the tone for a very enjoyable evening. HPO liaison officer Anne Le VerrierBizzey reports on the evening’s proceedings and wishes everyone fine sailing (and better weather!) in 2018.


fter the most dramatic and devastating weather worldwide last year, it was good to see so many members and Honorary Port Officers who have made the journey specially to attend the HPO Dinner, which always starts the year off with a very good evening. The room was suitably decorated and filled with people, buzzing with conversation. On the top table, hosted by our Commodore Anne Billard, were our new President Mike Golding and Andrew Wright, Secretary General for the Mission to Seaman. Andrew started the evening with a very poetic and humorous Grace. “Christmas now has come and gone Of one more year we’ve seen the dawn But January brings little cheer Darkness, drizzle, gloom and fear. So easy then to get the hump And then of course there’s Mr Trump And Politics is quite insane Whether you are Brexit or Remain. But wait, something to aid our grief A moment of blessed relief Always guaranteed a winner Of course, this year’s HPO Dinner! So greetings friends from far and near To all a welcome most sincere Especially those who’ve made long trips To share our boating fellowship.

In a moment comes our feast But first your honorary priest Before we all can take our place It is my task to start with Grace.

“We thank God for our food and wine For our catering team so fine For the laughter we will share And for our very worthy chair We pray for no unseemly rift For friendship is a special gift And before we tuck into our grub Give thanks for this, our well-loved Club. But first we think of those in need Of every race and every creed Hungry, sick, perhaps afraid Some with little hope of aid. Help us keep such folk in mind Make us always warm and kind We are a very blessed band We must be marked by open hand. And humour please my final notion To us who share a love of ocean I ask we make our final prayer For every single seafarer. So now my grace is said and done May this evening be great fun And though so much is quite distressing May we all know New Year Blessing.”



HPO NEWS After that marvellous grace, the evening started with Anne Le Verrier-Bizzey, HPO liaison officer, welcoming everyone to the dinner, especially the following HPOs: n Jean Michel Gaigne – St Quay Port d’Armor, Brittany; Roy Facey – Aden; Cairns Birrell – Fife East Scotland; Angus Annan – Loch Lomond; and a large contingent from Ireland – Ronan Beirne – Dun Laoghaire; Gabby and Tim Ryan – Waterford; John Murphy – Greystones, and for the UK, David Clements – River Dart. n Larry Blount – Annapolis and Pete Hampson – Brightlingsea, were unable to attend due to illness but sent their apologies. n Hasan Kaçmaz – Turkey missed the dinner for the first time in ages, but sent his regards to everyone. After dinner and a royal toast proposed by the President, we listened to the HPOs who gave short talks of what was happening in their posts. Cairns Birrell – HPO east coast Scotland explained that he now mostly sailed on the west coast although he remained available to help members who may be passing through. David Hornbach of the Corinthians who was standing in for Larry Blount, talked about the forthcoming Chesapeake Bay Cruise which we are all looking forward to. Gabbie Ryan – HPO Waterford said that any offers of help would be appreciated for the Venice cruise which she is organising from the 7–15 September. Tim Ryan told us that he was not going to sing tonight as there is a big contingent of Irish members present. He went on to introduced Ronan Beirne, who is now Commodore of the National Yacht Club of Ireland. Ronan Beirne – HPO Dun Laoghaire told a story of a member who had arrived in Dun Laoghaire to meet John Murphy who he knew by coincidence. He said that the National Yacht Club would be celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2020. Angus Annan – is the HPO for Loch Lomond which is 24 miles long and 600ft deep in places. He had cruised last summer with Club members in bad weather following the route of Bonnie Prince Charlie. Roy Facey – HPO Aden who has spent many years living and sailing in the area, entertained us with

Above: Anne Le Verrier-Bizzey presents Catherine Peat and Gary Adams with their HPO burgee. Below: Jean Michel Gaigne with Anne.

stories of tired round the world yachtsmen arriving from across the Indian Ocean and the restrictions that are now in place with the troubles in the area. Gary Adams and Catherine Peat, our new HPOs for Isle of Kerrera, Oban travelled specially to be at the dinner and reported improvement to their facilities, including the newly opened restaurant and they offered of a warm welcome to everyone. Gary and Catherine were presented by the President with their HPO certificate and burgee. Hunter Peace stood to say a few words about the problems in Turkey and to say how sorry we were not to see Hasan here this year. Hasan is one of our longer serving HPOs and Hunter asked us to raise our glasses to sailing in Turkey and to wish him good health. David Clements – HPO River Dart has completed his usual ambitious summer cruise which this year was around Britain. On the way he met Mike Salter, HPO Caledonian Canal and Wendy Horn, HPO Isle of Man who gave them a wonderful tour of the island. Jean Michel Gaigne – HPO St Quay, Brittany reported that this was his first visit and visiting members had been offered a wine tasting and rum punch party. He is chairman of Trans Europe Marinas which hold great influence in French yachting circles. Tom Davey – our HPO River Crouch and Greece, who always traditionally closes the evening, told that he had visited South Africa and met our HPO Colin Brown, Knysna who had given him a warm welcome. The evening closed with Anne wishing everyone good sailing and better weather for the coming year. n


For any information about the Club’s HPOs please contact Anne Le Verrier-Bizzey, HPO liaison

Any amendments to personal contact details should be sent directly to Anne and copied to Lindsay Brophy in the Club office, in order to keep the database up-to-date.



LITTLE SHIP CLUB HONORARY PORT OFFICERS International country dialling codes follow country name. Home telephone number, (business number in brackets). Last updated 9/4/2018 UNITED KINGDOM +44 SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND CHICHESTER HARBOUR: Brian Humber, 7 Stockbridge Gardens, Donnington, Chichester PO19 8RL. Mob: 07801 211658 EASTBOURNE: Ewen Summers, Swallows, 6A Denton Road, Eastbourne BN20 7SU. Tel: 01323 735257 Mob: 07785 953734 ewensummers@ SHOREHAM: Gordon Line, 12 Riverside Road, Shoreham By Sea, West Sussex BN43 5RB. Tel: 01273 453629 Mob: 07879 025666 RIVER DART: David Clements, Southernhay, High Street, Hinton St George TA17 8SE. Tel: 01460 77214 Mob: 07802 151538 FALMOUTH: Rodney Bennett, Cowlands Hill, Cowlands, Truro TR3 6AT Tel: 01872 278950.

WEST COAST OF ENGLAND BRISTOL: Michael Roberts, 4 Beechcroft, Dundry BS41 8LE. Tel: 0117 964 6667

WEST MERSEA AND RIVER BLACKWATER: John Davison, 68 High Street, West Mersea, Colchester, Essex, CO5 8JE. Tel: 01206 621843

SCOTLAND CALEDONIAL CANAL: Michael Salter, Kingdom, Glassel, Banchory, Aberdeen AB31 4BY. Tel: 01330 824191 Mob: 07802 694812 EAST COAST: Cairns Birrell, The White House, 1 Shore, Anstruther Fife KY10 3DY. Tel: 01333 313492 Mob: 07710 451779 LARGS: Charles Harrigan, 2/7, 23 Blackfriars St Merchant City, Glasgow G1 1BL. Tel: 01475 686638 Mob: 07702 555373 LOCH LOMOND: Angus Annan, Easter Cottage, Blair Logie, Stirling FX9 5PX. Tel: 01259 761281 Mob: 07785 523540 OBAN: Gary Adams and Catherine Peat, Oban Marina, Isle of Kerrera, Oban, Argyll PA34 4SX. Tel: 01631 565333 Mob: 07770 817909

NORTH DEVON COAST: Capt David Ganniclifft, The Old School House, Westleigh, Bideford EX39 4NW. Tel: 01271 861439




BENFLEET: Terry Pond, 177 The Fairway, Leigh on Sea, Essex SS9 4RU Tel: 01702 511868

ALDERNEY: Doug White, Clos Carre Cottage, Les Mouriaux Alderney GY9 3UH. Tel: 1481 824149 Mob: 7781 137875

BRIGHTLINGSEA: Pete Hampson, 27 Great Lawn, Chipping Ongar, Essex CM5 0AA. Tel: 01992 614213 Mob:07496 004301 petehampson@ RIVER CROUCH AND GREECE: Tom Davey, 181 Friern Barnet Lane, London N20 0NN. Tel: 020 8445 2078 CHATHAM: Tracie Lanaghan, Chatham Maritime Marina, Lock Buildings, Leviathan Way, Chatham, ME4 4LP. Tel: 01634 899200 Mob: 07904 546470 RIVERS ORWELL, STOUR, ALDE & ORE: Bill Hughes, Timbers, Cliff Rd, Waldringfield, Woodbridge,Suffolk, IP12 4QL. Tel: 01473 736 479 Mob: 07917 797578 RAMSGATE: Dr Rodney Pell, Minster Court, 23 Tothill Street, Minster, Kent CT12 4AG. Mob: 07771 764169

Wendy Horn, Dove Cottage, New Road, Laxey IM4 7BQ. Tel: 01624 862000 Mob: 07762 926600

JERSEY: Brian Alderson, 4 Le Clos du Petit Pont, La Rue du Craslin, St Peter JE3 7BU. Tel: 01534 866846 Mob: 07700 866846 GUERNSEY: St Peter Port, David Mitchison, Winchester House, Grand Douit Road, St Sampson, GY2 4WG. Tel: 01481 254478

GREYSTONES: John Murphy, 34 The Court, Station Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin. Tel: 86 810 1263 Mob: +44(0) 778 740 5675 WATERFORD: Gabbie and Tim Ryan, 3 Priory Street, New Ross, County Wexford. Tel: 51 422543 Mob: 86 163 8601


Ado Tikerpäe, c/o Kalev Jahtklubi MTÜ (Kalev Yacht Club), Pirita tee 17, Tallinn 11911. Tel: 53 010 450

CORFU & IONIAN SEA: Dimitrios Koutsodontis, Gouvia Marina PO Box 60, 49083 Tzavros, Corfu. Tel: 2 661 090786

FRANCE +33 ANTIBES: David Lakeman, 26 Montee de la Bourgade, Haute de Cages, Cagnes sur Mer, 06800. Tel: 06792 18076 UK mob: 07528 479770 CHERBOURG: Magali Hamon, Port Chantereyne, 50 100 Cherbourg-Octeville, France. Mob: 687 710 941 magali. NORTH BRITTANY: Keith Martin, Le Logis 35190, Sant Thaul. Tel: 299 668 228 ST-QUAY PORT D’ARMOR: Jean-Michel Gaigne, Director, 22410 Saint-Quay-Portrieux. Mob: 0682 112524

Egill Kolbeinsson, Hjallabraut 64 Hafnarfjördur, 220 Iceland. Tel: 565 4066 Mob: 898 5181

NETHERLANDS +31 AMSTERDAM: Gabe Langerak, Singel 188 – III, 1016 AA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Mob: 645789923 ROTTERDAM–ANTWERP (ALSO BELGIAN PORTS): Hans Buskop, Dr H Colijnlaan 6/167, Rijswijk NL-2283. Tel: 70 394 41 38

TURKEY +90 FETHIYE: Stuart Aikman, 2 Karagozler, 18 Ordu Caddesi, Sok No 40, Fethiye, 48300 Mugla. Tel: 252 612 3996 Mob: 535 599 8538 LYCIAN COAST: Hasan Kaçmas, Fener Mahallesi 1964 Sokak No9, Alanya Marina, Antalya 7160. Tel: 90 242 323 66 80 IZMIR: Chris Haire, No 9 Ozel IV 6345 Sokak, Bostanli, Izmir. Tel: 232 334 0944 Mob: 535 339 5501

SOUTHEAST ASIA SINGAPORE AND SOUTHEAST REGION +65 SINGAPORE: Daniel Whittington, 1 Jalan Kembangan, #13-12 The Trump, Singapore 4129134. Tel: 8298 3416

AFRICA REP OF SOUTH AFRICA +27 KNYSNA: Colin Brown, PO Box 1367, Plettenburg Bay, SA6600. Tel: 44 533 1037 Mob: 84 679 7854




DUN LAOGHAIRE: Ronan Beirne, 5 Doonanore Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin, A96X 4W9. Tel: 362543866

PAROS: Dr Robin Brown, 10 La Vigne Au Chat, 1220 Sauverny, Divonne Les Bains, France. Tel: +33 450 411717



CROSSHAVEN: Wietse Buwalda, Salve Marine, Crosshaven County Cork. Tel: 21 483 709 Mob: 872 601 755

MENORCA: Christopher Collman, Apartado 551, Mahon 07701. Mob: 696 43 47 87


LA MANGA: Tony Canham, Treize, Poplar Avenue, Norwich NR4 7LB. Tel: 01603 259813 Mob: 07710 140550

BALTIMORE/WEST CORK/ FASTNET: Dominic O’Flynn, Journeys End, The Cove, Baltimore, County Cork. Mob: 86 255 9206

MALLORCA (SOUTH): Mark Grzegorczyk, Boya No.45, Arda.Gabriel Roca 27, 07157, Puerto De Andrax. UK mob: 07774 118804

LAKE GENEVA: Jonathan Le Feuvre, La Grande Vigne, 1183 Bursin, Vaud, Switzerland. Mob: 78 610 7340

MEDITERRANEAN BALEARIC ISLANDS +34 IBIZA: John Cardwell, Apartado 349, San Antoni de Portmany, Ibiza 7820. Tel: 971 34 24 15 MALLORCA (NORTH): Ian Foster, Casa Oceania, c/Alcanada 50, Pto Alcudia 7410. Tel: 971 54 69 98

MIDDLE EAST YEMEN +967 ADEN: Capt Roy Facey, 8 Main Street, St Mary’s Island, Chatham, Kent ME4 3SF. Mob: (0)7549 344293

AUSTRALASIA AUSTRALIA +61 MELBOURNE: Graham Cunningham, 2501/26 Southgate Avenue, Southbank, Victoria 3006. Tel: 3 9696 7645 Mob: 412 151 944 SYDNEY: Michael Wynter, 23 Gale St, Woolwich Sydney 2110. Mob: 409 833 350

FIJI +679

PHILADELPHIA: Bill Thomas, 31 West Old Gulph Road, Gladwyne Clovelly Falls, Pennsylvania PA 19035 3324. Tel: 610 668 1177 Mob: 610 416 0548

Bruce Phillips, PO Box 70, Denarau, Fiji. Tel: 6751 222 Mob: 9998 332 brucewhewell

NEW ZEALAND +64 AUCKLAND: Steve Burrett, PO Box 712 Warkworth, Auckland 941. Tel: 9425 9191 Mob: 21 942 732

BERMUDA +1 441

BAY OF ISLANDS: Sarah Fountain, PO Box 292, Mangonui 557. Tel: 9 406 7766

AMERICAS CANADA +1 TORONTO: David W Brisco, 2551 Flannery Drive, Ottawa K1V 9R5. Tel: 613 521 0741 VANCOUVER: Michael D Trundle, #902 Villa Maris, 2222 Bellevue Avenue, West Vancouver, BC V7V 1C7. Tel: 604 926 2925


USA +1 (WEST COAST) SAN DIEGO: Simon Clark, 22256 Baxter Canyon Road, Vista, CA 92081. Mob: 760 415 2345


FLORIDA & BAHAMAS: David Blackburn c/o C Banack, Banyan Manor, 1001 South Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce FL 34950.

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS +1 284 Brian Gandey, PO Box 920, Road Town, Tortola, BVI. Tel:+1 284 494 48

FLORIDA (JACKSONVILLE): Darryl Currie, 4277 St Francis Circle, Jacksonville FL 32210 7305. Tel: 904 777 1972 Mob: 904 735 4639


GULF OF MAINE: Clint Springer, 98 Cranfield Street, Box 288, New Castle, NH. 03854-0288. Tel: 603 436 8458

NORTH CAROLINA: James Smart, 153 Riverboat Drive, Washington, N Carolina 27889. Tel: 252 975 1014 Mob: 252 402 5955

David Blackburn, C/o Micky Shoulak, PO Box 274, Providenciales, T&C Isles. Mob: 231 4479

WEST COAST: Capt Robert G Moore USCG (Retd), 27703 94th Ave SW, Vashon, Washington, 980708609. Tel: 206 463 2109

BOSTON TO CAPE ANN: Ernest Hardy, 47 Bartlett Parkway, Winthrop, Massachusetts MA 02152. Tel: 617 846 6320

NEW YORK (PORT): George Milne, 110 Summit Street, Englewood, NJ 07631. Tel: 201 567 0579 Mob: 201 960 4491

TURKS & CAICOS Islands +1 649

SAN FRANCISCO BAY: John C Colver, 250 Beach Road, Belvedere, CA 94920. Tel: 415 435 4024 Mob: 415 730 6462

ANNAPOLIS: Larry Blount, 317 Quail Run Drive, Centreville, Maryland, 216172302, USA. Tel: 410 758 3502 Mob: 410 490 4412

NEW JERSEY (SANDY HOOK TO CAPE MAY): Steve Tyler, 54 Bayside Drive, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716. Tel: 732 291 0963 Mob: 732 673 8631

BERMUDA: Galen Brislane, 18 Astwood Road, Paget, DV04, BERMUDA. Mob: 595 0033

Don Street, Rock Cottage, Glandore, Ireland. Tel: 353 028 33143

ST MAARTEN +1 721 Jane Harrison, Mega Yacht Services, Plaza Del Lago, Airport Rd, Simpson Bay, St Maarten. Tel: 544 4440

Trinidad & Tobago +1 868 Reg Potter, 50 The Park Glencoe, Port of Spain. Tel: 649 1160 Mob: 775 0285

CUBA +53 HAVANA: Comm José Escrich, Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba, 5ta Ave y 248, Santa Fé, Playa, Cuidad de La Habana. Tel: 7 204 1689

HPO liaison officer, Anne Le Verrier-Bizzey: Little Ship Club and Honorary Port Officers on the web:



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