WTF is Greenwashing?!

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WTF is Greenwashing?! Editor: Jan Peloza Illustrators: Tamara Mihalić, Jan Magdić, Júlia Hentz Proof-read: Nathalie Rodriguez MacColough Scientific proof-read: Blaž Gasparini Designer: Júlia Hentz Photos:, other see chapter Resources Special thanks to: Filip Maslo, Lucija Nared, Patricia Krebelj, Imke Alenka Harbig, Vesna Škrlj Issued by: No Excuse Slovenia, Celovška cesta 185, 1000 Ljubljana Printed by: Infokart d.o.o 750 copies, Printed on recycled paper Ljubljana, August 2013 Not for sale


It’s not easy being green when these con artists greenwash everything. They’re taking advantage of the public’s desire to be good citizens for the sake of an extra buck. (Unknown author)

ts n e t n o c f o le b a T ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Introduction ¦ Definition ¦ ¦ 10 sins of Greenwashing Why are the companies Greenwashing Who are the main manip ulators? Case studies: • What is wrong with bo ttled water? • Beyond Petroleum? Why should I care about this? What to do? Parody : Can your busines s

afford not to be seen as gr een?

Youth Network No Excu se Slovenia Resources

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¦ Dear reader, ¦ in ¦ Thank you for taking some time to open our book let. It’s short, but introduction ¦ many cases eye-opening. In this publication you will find an anies who would like ¦ to greenwashing – a not-very-nice practice by comp er. to look green ¦ to be greener, but it is easier and cheaper ¦ are very critical towards different industries that ¦ In this short book let we e people for the purpose of selling more or just to tick an ¦ try to manipulat that says »invest in greener technologies« or »become an al plan point ¦ annu environmentally friendlier company«. ¦ ¦ The greenwashing term ¦ (proverbially) derives from

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nt to present However, in this case we use the example of the environme flexible use of what dirty companies are able to achieve with the morally 4 the gift of communication (mostly with the help of marketing).

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the 80’s hotel industry’s practice of asking their costumers not to change their towels every day as it would save energ y and the environment. While the bottom line of this hotel industry practice was more about increasing the profit and not so much about saving natural resources, many would out argue today that there is nothing wrong with making profit WTF is Green of environmentally responsible actions (check our book let profit-making Economy?!). And so, the »green« came out of linking the the sole use action to the environmental benefit, while the »washing« from of the washing-machines to wash the towels.

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hing? s a w n e e r g is t a Wh

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image. Oxford Dictionary

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Greenwash [noun]

*When we say »WTF is..?!« we mean »What’s The Flavour of ..?!« and not »What the F*** is...?!« as one might think. Just to make it more catchy, sometimes we have deliberately changed the »of« with »is« after the »WTF« (:

This booklet was produced by young people. of h the great help it w t Not scientists, bu , us st ju . And it ot lobbyists, we are digging in not politicians, n d el fi e th in s ce d practi the good and ba r YOUNG PEOPLE. this. By and fo should stay like


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10 sins of Greenwashing


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. dirty company: 1) Green product vs that produces army Why would a company an electric vehicle vehicles start producing vironmentally and and be credited as en socially friendly?

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2) Suggestive pictures: Green images that indicate an unjustified green impact of a dirty product or service. So if I put a lot of flowers on a picture showing a gas station, is this gas station environmentally friendly now?

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3) Irrelevant claims: Emphasizing one tiny green attribute when ever ything else is not green. An absolute winner is an “ecocigarette” – a cigarette that uses only organic tobacco. Seriously? s: Declaring you 4) Best in the clas r than the rest, are slightly greene etty terrible. Is it even if the rest are pr be proud of when really something to to see who has ten polluters compete st year? polluted less in the la









5) F luff y language: Words or terms with no clear m eaning. What exactly is “eco”? Wh at does F ind which it mean? Or “ bio”? Just another sins the above (1) With the help wording for the custome ad is of rs to buy in? greenJet ing! committ


¦ 6) Just not credible: “Greening” a dangerous product doesn’t make it safe. Why not produce a green-bomber aircraft, ¦ equipped with a photovoltaic system that is environmentally ¦ friendly. So we kill people, but save nature! Great success! (2)

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7) Jargon: In formation that only a scienti could check o st r understand, but as it soun important and d s it’s printed on th e label, it must b true. The produ e ct has a hero in gredient - unicor tears that will cl n eanse your flux capacitor. Yeah …

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el” 8) Imaginary friends: A “lab that looks like a certificate from an ns independent company — but tur out that it’s made up.

¦10) Outright ly ing: Totally invented claims or data. Would you believe right, ¦ 9) No proof: It could be

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but where’s the evidence?

(2) Credits to Ravi Theja Muthu ;)

that coal power plant s could be environmentally friendly ? Well, their advocates have lied on th is topic for so long, that they have sta rted believing their own lies.





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It’s trend y to look

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responsi ble

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companies greenwashing?

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Why are the

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Nowadays it is a big trend for a company to be socially or environmentally responsible. To some extent that’s very good for society and the planet itself, even a small step is better than no step.

ing to mpanies are only decid co y an m y, lit rea in t Bu their on the fact that it affects become responsible based it boosts profit. reputation and therefore, One coud say – why not? – it is a great motivation for a company to be e.g. “green” and at the same time get ¦ awarded with more customers, but the ¦ ¦ devil is hidden in the details.

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nt 1) …not to be concer that represe … ) 2 ned ¦ oblem: about: companies that a sma ller pr are ¦ that environmentally friendly the companies and ¦ and communicate it correctl y to the ¦ are neutral emselves public, plus they do not cause harm¦ present th to society with their actio in Planet”/ ns (and ¦ as “Capta are not presented as bein saviour of the g e.g. ¦ activists against climate environment. change).

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ty pes of compani es in terms of communication ab out environmenta l issues The ones…





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environment We are arguing that a company that harms the ent is cannot be socially responsible – as the environm Message our living place and logically we know that an to companies that unhealthy environment also contributes to an ¦ greenwash ty. ¦ socie y ealth unh If you are a company that pany be m co oil an n ca ¦ , part of a dirty sector, just re is efo er Th le? deal with it! Eventually you sib on sp re lly cia so d an ¦ environmenta lly

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¦ have two options – stay lazy An energy producing company, unless it shifts ¦ on your sofa and continue flexible with from fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) to renewable ¦ being morally ¦ sources to produce energy (sun, wind, in some ¦ your profits, or try to solve the problem. And only ¦ cases also water), cannot present itself as being ¦ when you have reached ¦ environmentally friendly. ¦ something concrete, worth The 10 sins o ¦ talking about, only then, let f greenwashin the customers know. And g at the begin of this book ning ¦ let looked in not when you manage to to various p of different c ractices ¦ ompanies w change something totally e are ver y co about (oil, ncerned ¦ irrelevant (e.g. taking 30% coal, autom obile, airlin tobacco and of the plastic out of your es, ¦ other comp anies). The ¦ bottled water) or not doing however trie y d to clean th anything eco-friendly at e ir public ¦ image with… fluff y green (e.g. change the logo of all design, ¦ gibberish wording, pointless ¦ your oil company to green comparing between tw and communicate about o bad ¦ products, etc environmental friendliness). . ¦ People will not be blind and 3) …to be very conc e r ned abou and repre ¦ you should not consider ¦ t sent a big p r c o o b ¦ your customers stupid at m lem: the panies that ¦ h a v e b e e n making our planet a wo ¦ all. Unless you show us ¦ rse place to a transition plan from a live in for m ¦ years. Through ¦ a n y th traditional “brown” to a ¦ up a company tra eir marketing they build ¦ company, we will d “green” e ¦ or environmentally mark that looks socially ¦ just not buy it. re ¦ core, they destroy our sponsible, while in their planet – bo th socially ¦ and naturally. 11 ¦ ¦

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Who are the main


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The most interesting fact is that amongst the Top 25 greenwashers in the USA there are companies who are causing the biggest harm to the environment and wellbeing of the population. And why are they doing m/thethis?

uctstop-25-greenwashed-prod in-america

¦ ¦ 25. Air travel ¦ 24. Toys ¦ 23. Software ¦ 22. Meat d ¦ 21. Personal Care an Beauty ¦ ances ¦ 20. Home Appli eals Cer ¦ 19. Breakfast and ns ¦ 18. Tampo Pads Sanitary ¦ ir y ¦ 17. Da r Fu ¦ 16. Hotels

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Since they cannot be green, they manipulate and try to convince us that they are.

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cts g Produ n i n a e l C usehold ¦14. Ho cks na Water ¦ 13. S isposable Diapers¦ d e l t t o D .B ¦ 12. aper Products ¦ 3 lothes .P ¦ 2. C ¦ 11 . Pet Food s t oal 0 n ¦ 1 . Laundry Deterge ¦ 1. C 9 ¦ ¦ 8. Mattresses ¦ 7. Biofuel ¦ 6. Cars ¦ 5. Gas rin k s 4. Soft D al e immor s e h t t s t again h it, 15. ould I ac one succeed wit le h s y h w ho in, ing And aga and the w le, e by lett , s o u a to c e le B ib s? e flex ponsib industrie s look res hey can b t e s lv e e s e s m r e ealth h the secto ent and h re to make t m g n in o t r ir a v t n s is our e a mo industr y m they harm ot contributing to y t li a e r ore har m e n r a e h while in y t e , h e t e e. And r. t we ar ut to ever yon e i u q e even mor evelopment, eithe or ,b le d ¦ So, the m not just to you en. sustainab r ¦ is done –children’s child 12 r and ou

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Case study:

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W hat is wrong with bottled water? ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

When presenting ads th at feature bottles of water with 30% less plastic or that have an “eco-shap e”, we should ask ourselve s what for? Pure greenwashing! In summar y, the m anufacture and tran sport of 
one liter bottle of water of a brand Fi ji: • uses 26.88 liters of water • uses 1 liter of foss il fuel and • emits 562 grams of Greenhouse Gas es

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When partially reducing waste by using less plastic for a bottle, we at the end of the day still produce waste. And most of the nowadays-sold bottles are non-recyclable (only one fifth, the PET ones). So what is the “ecoshape” for? To better fuse it with the environment in which it will lay for the next 1000 years of its bio-degradation? To learn more about why is the bottled water bad, especially in places where the water from the tap is drinkable, visit movies-all/story-of-bottled-water Source:


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Case study: BP

Source: www.stopg

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BP initials for a long time represented British Petroleum, but in 2000 they changed it to Beyond Petroleum, a was a slogan created as a part of their $200 million rebranding campaign. For more than a decade, BP has now tried to convince us that they are making an effort to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable.

But, is it true? While we need to admit they are putting some energy in developing renewable sources of energy, in their ads they are overrepresenting that work. Basically, they are claiming to be far greener than they actually are.

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ars that they spent on six ye s 09 ar 20 ye o in tw ce ea np ee Gr A study by . And, 93% of alternative energ y research ds en sp BP at th ed determin y oil from on the they spent $3 billion to bu nd fu t en stm ve in its to a of , the Alberta Tar Sands, where due oil of on cti tra ex d an t developmen s, even three els. Only specific extracting proces fu sil fos r he ot d an gas, produced than t is devoted times more pollution is 6.8% of their investmen n of oil. ding by the conventional productio clu in , ies erg en e tiv na to alter and turning , tidal, and Extracting tar sands, ve wa , nd wi r, we po nts lar so d bitumen into oil, uses vast amou ate dic in dy stu r he ot biofuels. An d causes amount of energ y and water, an e m sa e th t en sp ey th that pollution. vertising in significant air and water of money on green ad So, as our Greenpeace colleagues would say – your image, BP! 14 Clean up your act, NOT

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And why the hell should I care about this? ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦


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Second – they make you ¦ think that you buy ¦ something better and ¦ therefore make you ¦ pay a higher price.

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t fair mer, even ¦ F irst – it is no lie to the custo to ir fa t o n is 1. It ever h imager y or cl indirectly – wit wording. mpetitor to the honest co ir fa t o n is It . ate their 2 on’t communic d at th s ie an p com e less s even if they ar eco-friendlines e others. harmful than th

Third – in most cases it is bad for your health.

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a domino e ffect that will sh ift the money flow to fair and real gr een companies .

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¦ ¦ ¦ Fifth – when buying from nongreenwashers or environmentally friendly companies, you support the truth and start

Fourth – when buying from greenwashers, you support a world where immoral companies will be the most successful.


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What to do? d Do you really nee

a new product?

and services Boycott products irresponsible that come from find better companies and alternatives een products Try to buy real gr e labels on that has one of th in d ex .c o m / w w w.e co la b el ecolabels

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Not everyone can or wants to do community-development projects in our society. Nothing is wrong with that. You can do a lot already by being a responsible consumer.


The fake environmentalist

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U Ecolabel Check the E ://ec.europa. products on http eu/ecat ng at knowledge by telli e ar sh d an s es en ad in this Raise awar s about what you re nd ie fr ur yo of e on else :) least let on to someone ok bo is th ss pa st book let or ju

¦ ¦ To be frank, nowadays it is a huge trend to be environmentally friendly – not ¦ just for the companies, but mostly for individuals. Since we live a hectic life, we ¦ trust what we are told, and rather than taking action in our community, we buy ¦ a »greener« product and believe we help the planet in our own way. The problem ¦ ¦ appears when different companies lie to us and we pay more to be cleaner to the ¦ ¦ ¦ environment, while in reality we were tricked. ¦ Although we didn’t want to, we (unintentionally) became fake environmentalists. ¦ ¦ 16¦ Get informed before you pay more. ¦ ¦


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Can your business afford not to be seen as green? :)

A hilarious p arody on Gre enwashing can be found on the Green washers Consulting web site. They offer a wide range of serv ices from PhD experts that can speak and win a figh t on any concern or un fair accusation , to nongovernmental organizations who can partner up to help clean th e image and »eco-write rs« equipped with the latest green-rh etoric and too -t echnical terminology fo r anyone to care about.

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ers Source: www.greenwash


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nia strives No Excuse Slove cial change for positive so growth of and personal . It fosters young people articipation their social p of their and activation to-peer and peers. By peeral dialogue intergeneration about organization it raises awareness the ts jec pro s iou var gh Throu and topics for sustainable current ical promotes and advocates ges their crit style and ra life u hy co alt he en e, nc era tol nt, developme thinking. active citizenship.

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young people No Excuse Slovenia is Its vision is a world where apolitical and a non-profit es and act. think critically, suggest chang making youth organization, working independently If you want to know even more about from any private source of e climat , what sustainable development funding. change and active citizenship really is, check on


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for the latest updates.


Bottled Water – Making a Clear Choice: Bottled Water and Energy Fact Sheet: Ecolabel Catalogue: Ecolabel Index: Futerra – The Greenwashing guide: Greenwashers Consulting (Parody): How BP is changing: Natural resources Defense Council: Nestle Pure Life: Pablo Calculates the True Cost of Bottle Water: Stop Greenwash: Story of Bottled Water: y-of-bottled-water The Guardian Greenwash: The Top 25 Greenwashed Products in America:


This publication was funded in part by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and This publication was in authors part by grant conclusions stated herein are funded those of the anda do not from the United States Department necessarily of the United States Department of State. of State.reflect Thethose opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the

authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.

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