2019 Year End Report for St. Anthony of Padua in Vancouver, BC

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2019 Year end Report

“With the Eucharist at the centre, we are a community desiring to be saints, sent out to love like Jesus and proclaim Him in every circumstance”

Message from the Pastor

It is with gratitude that we present you with the financial statement and report for 2019. Thank you so much for your generosity! This has enabled us to live out our parish vision!

In an effort to be better stewards of God’s resources which come mainly from you, and in an effort to be more transparent and accountable, we have made this booklet to share God’s accomplishments and outline our journey ahead.

Please enjoy the statistics and stories of people whose lives have been changed by Jesus in our parish family, and which shows how fruitful your giving has been.

This year, I pray that we keep growing by intentionally supporting our youth and on building up our parish community. To do this, I’d like to ask you to seriously consider and pray about giving sacrificially or increasing your generosity in the coming year. Your assistance in these areas will help us advance our vision and better serve the spiritual needs of all.

Lastly, I’d like to thank our Finance Council: our chairman Bruce Goh, Anthony Lo, and John Ward, for their stewardship and management of our finances!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

2019 Saint anthony’s of padua year end report
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We are a parish on a mission! Part of our mission is to help people make sense of the eternal plan of what God is doing in their lives. Your willingness to give sacrificially furthers our mission.


We would like to highlight that online giving is now available on our website and offers parishioners the opportunity to give without having to use cash or envelopes.

1. Online Giving

i. Go to https://stanthonyvan.com/giving ii. Fill out the form and submit

2. PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) *New

i. Go to https://stanthonyvan.com/pad

ii. Fill out the form and submit

3. Mail

i. Send us a cheque payable to St. Anthony of Padua Parish

ii. Our mailing address is: 1345 West 73rd Ave. Vancouver, BC V6P 3E9

4. Drop off at the Parish

i. Drop-off your donation at the parish office during our regular hours of operation from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

ii. Outside of office hours, donations and envelopes can be dropped off in the parish mail slot at 8891 Montcalm St.


The chart below may assist you, along with your prayerful consideration, as to the amount of your regular Sunday offering:


Suggested Weekly Gift to Parish (rounded to the nearest $ amount)

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
2019 Saint anthony’s of padua year end report
Annual household income 5% 10% $10,000 $10.00 $20.00 $15,000 $15.00 $30.00 $20,000 $20.00 $40.00 $25,000 $25.00 $50.00 $30,000 $30.00 $60.00 $35,000 $35.00 $70.00 $40,000 $40.00 $80.00 $50,000 $50.00 $100.00 $60,000 $60.00 $120.00 $70,000 $70.00 $140.00 $80,000 $80.00 $160.00 $90,000 $90.00 $180.00 $100,000 $100.00 $200.00 $120,000 $115.00 $230.00 $150,000 $145.00 $290.00 page 2


» 98 guests attended the 2019 spring session of Alpha.

» 302 guests have attended Alpha sessions since its inception in 2016.

» 1,018 - average weekly mass attendance (down slightly from 1,068 in prior year).

» 17th round of Faith Studies currently hosted at St. Anthony’s.

» 547 participants completed Discovery, 114 participants completed all five levels of Faith Studies, highest of any parish in the Archdiocese.

» 50 - attendees at the 2020 Marian Consecration.

» 307 registered for a weekly commitment to the Adoration Chapel.

» We spend on average $20k per annum on Altar & Sanctuary supplies.

» We are the only outward tithing parish in the Archdiocese.

» 62 – new parish members in 2019.


As a young kid I grew up voluntarily in a Christian community. Reading and studying the Bible and going to Church groups & camps. Growing into my teens I drifted away from God.

It has only been recently that I decided to fully give my heart and life back to him and I couldn’t feel more fulfilled. The First chapter of Faith Studies helped me tremendously by opening my heart, and understanding why Jesus sacrificed for us.

I can say frankly, it’s made me truly realize how important it is to have God a part of our everyday lives. It has immediately helped me indirectly deal with issues and difficulties in my life. I’m looking forward to the Second Chapter of Faith Studies of St. Anthony of Padua.

2019 Saint anthony’s of padua year end report
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2. Support more leaders in growing their theological knowledge.

3. Improve our building further to support hospitality – replacing our leaking awning, creating a family room for your children, etc.

4. Provide Alpha year round.

2019 Saint anthony’s of padua year end report $300k $250k $200k $150k $100k $50k $800 600 400 200 0 Revenue Attendance 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
page 4 Revenue Attendance

income encompasses donations collected on Sundays, including those for Easter, as well as donations collected on New Year’s Day and Christmas.

Our total assessment payment in 2019 was $65,536.

I’ve just completed the third level of Faith Studies. As I have little knowledge of the biblical history and do not have a regular practice of reading the bible, the lessons provided me a better foundation. I experience growth through reading of scriptures, learning new skills to better communicate with God, and sharing experience from group members. In all, it has strengthened my faith and also fostered a friendly and trusting relationship with other group members. I look forward to our next Level of Faith Studies in February.

ConSeCration to Mary through the MySterieS oF the roSary

The five week program is centered on the Mysteries of the Rosary. Each day the scripture reading is guided by Father Broom with tips to meditations, reflections and prayers. There is also a weekly video followed by group discussions. I found the program to be a personal journey that helped to redefine my understanding and relationship with Mary and Jesus. The program required a commitment of personal time and effort. Throughout the forty days, these factors had a significant role as my commitment increased I am rewarded with a more fulfilling experience.


2019 Saint anthony’s of padua year end report
Year Total Assessment 2013 $33,352 2014 $34,328 2015 $36,752 2016 $42,024 2017 $46,784 2018 $60,892 2019 $65,536 page 5

for life and promote religious

Total net parish Centre funds raised as of Dec 31, 2019 - $3,900,000

Finance Committee

The purpose of St. Anthony’s Finance Committee is to assist the pastor in the administration of the business and financial affairs of the parish. The Finance Committee is responsible to the pastor and meets once a quarter.

Committee members:

Fr. Justin Huang, Bruce Goh, Anthony Lo, John Ward.

For a detailed copy of St. Anthony’s Parish financials please contact the Parish office. For any questions feel free to contact Bruce Goh

2019 Saint anthony’s of padua year end report Project Advance $67,005 Interest earned on savings $61,628 Dinner & Dance $17,942 Cash Donations $12,890 Remembrance Tree $3,711 Total $1,152,430
enrichment. Charities Amount Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform $13,185 The Door is Open $12,546 Missionaries of Charity $1,546 Catholic Near East Welfare Assoc. Canada $1,092 Columbus Residence $1,000 Catholic Charities Men’s Hostel $1,000 Luke 15 House $1,000 Catholic Street Missionaries $1,000 Sancta Maria House $1,000 The Society of St Vincent de Paul $1,000 Agape Street Ministry $1,000 Archdiocese of VancouverPrision Ministry $400 TOTAL $35,770 page 6


(Explanatory Notes Below)

Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts over Disbursements Before Internally Restricted Receipts(4)

Explanatory Notes:

1. Includes all program costs plus salaries and benefits associated with worship and sacraments, liturgy, evangelization and discipleship, communications, youth ministry, high school subsidies, and other parish organization expenses.

2. Includes all costs associated with the administration of the parish such as office supplies, printing and stationary, photocopying, maintenance of office equipment, postage, costs of Sunday envelopes, telephone and internet, responsible ministry, banking charges, salary and benefits.

3. Includes all costs associated with maintenance of the building such as repairs, equipment, furnishings, snow removal, landscaping, property taxes, electricity, water, insurance, salary and benefits.

4. Represents net excess or deficiency of receipts over disbursements from regular parish activities, excluding fundraising donations towards the SAP parish centre project.

5. Total donations received towards the construction of the SAP parish center project.

2019 Disbursements

through (Diocesan Collections and School

2019 Saint anthony’s of padua year end report YEAR 2017 2018 2019 RECEIPTS Ordinary (Sunday Collections, Easter and Christmas) $ 418,140 $ 445,825 $ 478,780 Special Donations
Catholic, Flowers, Initial Offering, Charitable Works, Chapel and Other) 115,635 102,951 94,984 Other (Novena, Candles, Stole Fees, Rental, Publications etc) 90,012 55,547 85,449 Pass through (Dioceasan Collections and School Fundraising) 49,889 78,823 74,352 Building Fund 43,289 43,933 45,378 Total Receipts $ 716,965 $ 727,079 $ 778,944 DISBURSEMENTS
Ministry & Mission (1) $ 120,650 $ 186,787 $ 199,901 Administration (2) 97,123 142,766 174,486 Buildings & Grounds (3) 113,099 128,849 139,591 Major capital projects (HVAC Instalation, Roofing, Perimeter Drainage and Chapel) 55,526 187,652 125,827 Pass-through (Dioceasan Collection and School Fundraising) 49,889 78,823 74,352 Diocesan Assessments 46,784 60,892 65,536 Tithing Amounts 14,896 18,259 35,770 Total Disbursements $ 497,968 $ 804,028 $ 815,463
$ 218,997 $ (76,950) $ (36,519) Internally Restricted Receipts (Parish Centre) (5) 210,091 1,224,644 1,152,431 Excess of Receipts over Disbursements $ 429,088 $ 1,147,694 $ 1,115,912
of Receipts and Disbursements
Grounds Administration
Amounts Diocesan
Ministry & Mission
Major capital projects
Fundraising) Tithing
25% 8% 4% 9% 16% 21% 17% page 7 Ordinary Donations Special Donations Other Pass
Fundraising) Building Fund 12% 10% 6% 11% 61% 2019 recEipts
through (Diocesan
and School

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