Page 2, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 3
Volume 27 Issue #35
!"#$%&'()*+*,%$$*-%$$%./&*0*12%34)*+*5')%&36*7(.8'*0*9:;8(*<.=.>()*+*7"8%*?.3( 54@()*A(&%>=*+*,%$$*<.6*0*B).C'%8*D)3&*A%)(834)*+*A4=*EC)%=F$(*0*!'434>).C'6*+*<.)F*<.)G"(33( D2@()3%&%=>*+*A.@(*5.)3()H*DF(6*I%=8.%2H*7%&.*764=&H*?.#%3'.*7./#()3H*?())6*!.33()&4= 54=3)%#"3%=>*E3.::*+*J%/*I($$6H*D=26*K4&&H*I(=*E%$@()&H*<.)F*<.)G"(33(H*!.3*,"&&.)2 !"#$%&'(2*#6*5)(.3%@(*!"#$%&'%=>H*L=8MH*!M9M*,4N*OPQRH*J4'=&4=*5%36H*?S*OTRUV Phone: 423/283-4324 FAX - 423/283-4369 • e-mail: (editorial) .284C6W3'($4.:()4=$%=(M84/*X.2@()3%&%=> D$$*.2@()3%&(/(=3&*.)(*.88(C3(2*.=2*C"#$%&'(2*#6*3'(*C"#$%&'()*"C4=*3'(*)(C)(&(=3.3%4=*3'.3*3'(*.>(=86*.=2Y4)*.2@()3%&()*%&*."3'4)%Z(2*34*C"#$%&'*3'(*(=3%)(*84=3(=3&*.=2*&"#[(83*/.33()*3'()(4:M?'(*.>(=86*.=2Y4)*.2@()3%&()*\%$$*%=2(/=%:6*.=2* &.@(*3'(*C"#$%&'()*'.)/$(&&*:)4/*.=6*$4&&*4:*(NC(=&(*)(&"$3%=>*:)4/*8$.%/&*4)*&"%3&*#.&(2*"C4=*84=3(=3&*4:*.=6*.2@()3%&(/(=3H%=8$"2%=>*8$.%/&*4)*&"%3&*:4)*2(:./.3%4=H$%#($H)%>'3*4:*C)%@.86HC$.>%.)%&/H.=2*84C6)%>'3*%=:)%=>(/(=3M
Page 4, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
Trail of the Lonesome Pine Outdoor Drama 2013 50th Anniversary Show
The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine Outdoor Drama in Big Stone !"#$% &'% ()% *+,% -./(0("1% -2*3445% Drama of the Commonwealth of Virginia. This summer marks the 50th% 046),02*(7,% ),")46% 4.% *+,% longest running outdoor drama ,7,5% (6% &(58(6("% "63% *+,% /(.*+% longest running in the United States. This is quite a milestone 32,% *4% *+,% ."0*% *+"*% *+,5,% "5,% 47,5%9::%42*3445%35";")%(6%*+()% 0426*5<=% >*% +")% ?,,6% .,"*25,3% (6% @"*(46"1% !,485"#+(0% A5"7,1% ")% "% )(*,%*4%7()(*%(6%&(58(6("=%%>*%()%"1)4% 46,%4.%*+,%#,5.45;(68%7,62,)%.45% *+,%B544C,3%D4"3%E2)(0%F,5(*"8,% A5"(1% .,"*25(68% ;2)(0% 4.% *+,% ;426*"(6)% ")% G,11% ")% *+,"*5(0"1% #54320*(46)=% The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine Outdoor Drama is a ;"H45% *425()*% "**5"0*(46% (6% southwestern Virginia. Last season 36 states and 7 foreign 0426*5(,)% G,5,% 5,#5,),6*,3% (6% 425% "23(,60,=% A+,% 35";"% ()% "% *+,"*5(0"1% "3"#*(46% 4.% I4+6% J4K% I5=L)% .";42)% 647,1% M% A5"(1% -.% A+,% N46,)4;,% O(6,% M% G+(0+% G")% "% ?,)*% ),11(68% 647,1% (6% *+,% ,"51<% 9P::L)=% Q,.45,% #"#,5?"0C% ?44C)% ?,0";,%)4%#54;(6,6*%(*%G")%461<% 42*)413% ?<% *+,% Q(?1,% "63% !46,%
R(*+%A+,%R(63=%%>*%G")%;"3,%(6*4% "%;47(,%*+5,,%*(;,)%"63%G")%*+,% /(5)*% 42*3445% *,0+6(04145% ;47(,% )*"55(68% F,65<% J463"$% J5,3% E0E255"<%"63%S<17("%S<36,<=% >*L)% "% .")0(6"*(68$% ,K0(*(68% "63% *,63,5% 147,% )*45<% 4.% "% ?,"2*(.21% Virginia mountain girl and a +"63)4;,% <4268% ,68(6,,5% .54;% *+,% ,")*=% A+,% 35";"% 3,#(0*)% *+,% )*45<% 4.% +4G% *+,(5% 1(7,)% G,5,% "..,0*,3% ?<% *+,% 3()047,5<% 4.% 5(0+% 04"1%"63%(546%45,%3,#4)(*)%G+(0+% .450,3%*+,%12)*<$%#5423%;426*"(6% #,4#1,%(6*4%;"C(68%;"6<%35")*(0% 0+"68,)% (6% *+,(5% G"<% 4.% 1(.,=% >*% ()% "%/(0*(*(42)%)*45<%?2*%()%?"),3%46% 5,"1% ,7,6*)% "63% *+,% #,4#1,% G+4% 1(7,3%*+5428+%*+,;=% The homespun wit and humor 4.% *+,),% .41C% ()% (6*,5G47,6% G(*+% )*"5C% *5"8,3<$% )2)#,6),$% 7,5<% 4.*,6% 7(41,60,% "63% *+,(5% /(6"1% "00,#*"60,% 4.% *+,(5% (6,7(*"?1,% 3,)*(6<=% '11% "5,% #45*5"<,3% (6% *+()% 35";"% *4% ?5(68% (*% *4% "% +"##<% ,63(68% % T% % "% )2#,5?% ,7,6(68% 4.% .";(1<%,6*,5*"(6;,6*= O,5.45;"60,)% "5,% ,7,5<% A+25)3"<$% J5(3"<% "63% S"*253"<% ,7,6(68)% .54;% 64G% 26*(1% '282)*% 24th. The amphitheatre is 140"*,3% (6% Q(8% S*46,% !"#% "*% U9V% B1(6*46%'7,=$%W")*=%A+,%Q4K%-./(0,%
opens at 7:00 PM; Pre‐show ,6*,5*"(6;,6*% ()% .54;% XY9U% *4% XYZU% OE[% *+,% #54320*(46% ?,8(6)%
"*%VY::%OE=%%O5,T)+4G%()%3(..,5,6*% ,"0+% 6(8+*=% '3;())(46)% "5,Y% \9U% M% "321*)[% \9]% .45% S,6(45)% ^UU% _`[% \V% .45% 0+(135,6% "8,)% a% *+5428+% 9]=% !542#% #5(0,)% "5,% "7"(1"?1,=% >6.45;"*(46% ()% "7"(1"?1,% ?<% 0"11(68% 9^V::`% ba]T:9ZP% % 45%% 9^]Xa`%U]bT9]bU=% W;"(1% "335,))% ()% trailoutdoordrama@comcast. net=% &()(*% 425% G,?)(*,% % "*% www. '1)4% ;"C,% #1"6)% *4% 7()(*% *+,% I-F@%J-c%ID=%EdSWdE$%+4;,%4.% *+,% "2*+45$% I4+6% J4K% I5=$% G+(0+% ()% "% @"*(46"1% "63% &(58(6("% F()*45(0% N"63;"5C=% S*,#% ?"0C% (6% *(;,% G+,6% <42% 7()(*% *+()% )#,0("1% +42),% ")% 64% 46,% +")% ,7,5% 1(7,3%
*+,5,% ,K0,#*% *+,% J4K% .";(1<=% B"*,5,3% 3(66,5)% "5,% "7"(1"?1,% ?<%5,),57"*(46%.45%8542#)%4.%]:% 45% ;45,% .45% 3,1(0(42)% .443% (6% "% +()*45(0%),**(68=%J45%(6.45;"*(46% 0"11% ^]Xa`% U]bT]XZX% 45% ^]Xa`% bPbT]999= A+,% I26,% A411(7,5% F42),% e% J41C% '5*% B,6*,5% ()% 140"*,3% "3H"0,6*% *4% *+,% 42*3445% 35";"% amphitheatre. A National & &(58(6("%F()*45(0%N"63;"5C%(*%+")% gift shop featuring homemade 05".*)% e% 8(.*)% 5,")46"?1<% #5(0,3=% A425)%4.%*+,%.425T)*45<%+42),%"5,% "1)4% "7"(1"?1,=% J45% (6.45;"*(46% 0"11%^]Xa`%U]bTZX:X=%S#,63%"%3"<% in the Gap !
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 5
Spearhead Trails’ Mountain View OHV/ATV Trail System To Officially Open Aug 16th
The Southwest Regional D,05,"*(46% '2*+45(*<% ^SDD'`$% also known as Spearhead Trails, G(11% 04;;,;45"*,% *+,% 4#,6(68% 4.%(*)%/(5)*%;21*(T2),%*5"(1%)<)*,;% G(*+% "% 5(??46% 02**(68% 0,5,;46<% "*% ]Y::% #=;=% 46% J5(3"<$% '282)*% 9a*+=% A+,% X:_% ;(1,% E426*"(6% &(,G% )<)*,;% ()% 140"*,3% (6% *+,% 0426*(,)% 4.% f(0C,6)46$% D2)),11$% and Wise with the trailhead 140"*,3% (6% *+,% A4G6% 4.% S*=% O"21=% A+,% 5(??46% 02**(68% G(11% *"C,% #1"0,% "*% *+,% E426*"(6% &(,G% *5"(1+,"3$% 140"*,3% 4..% 4.% A+(53% '7,62,$% H2)*% "% .,G% ?140C)% .54;% downtown. Regional legislators, 0426*<% 4./(0("1)$% ,6*5,#5,6,25)$% "63% *+,% #2?1(0% "5,% (67(*,3% *4% attend. SDD'% G")% .45;,3% ?<% *+,% &(58(6("% !,6,5"1% ')),;?1<% (6% ]::V% "63$% )(60,% *+"*% *(;,$% +")% 854G6% .54;% "% 74126*,,5% 458"6(g"*(46% *4% "% 5,7,62,% 8,6,5"*(68%(6(*("*(7,%G(*+%"%.211T time staff. Spearhead Trails sells its annual rider permits though “Partner Retailers” who offer fuel, gas, food, and other related 'A&h-F&%)2##1(,)=%i>6%*+,%/(5)*% three weeks of operation,” said B+20C% D(,3+";;,5$% WK,02*(7,% f(5,0*45%4.%SDD'$%i140"1%#"5*6,5% 5,*"(1,5)%+"7,%)413%47,5%bX:%5(3,5% #,5;(*)=j% i@4G% G,L5,% ),,(68% 5,8(46"1% ?2)(6,)),)% ?5(68(68% 46% 'A&h-F&% "00,))45(,)% 1(C,% +,1;,*)$% *(5,)$% 8147,)$% "63% 2#85"3(68% *+,(5% 0";#(68% "63% 42*3445% 5,05,"*(46% )2##1(,)=% -6,% ,6*5,#5,6,25% (6% *+,% 2*(1(*<% *5"(1,5%?2)(6,))%()%64G%4..,5(68% i*4<% +"21,5)j% *4% 0"#(*"1(g,% 46%
*+,%(605,"),3%"37,6*25,%*425();% *5"./(0=j SRRA plans to open more )<)*,;)% (6% *+,% 0426*(,)% 4.% Q20+"6"6$% f(0C,6)46$% N,,$% D2)),11$% S04**$% "63% A"g,G,11% G(*+(6% *+,% 6,K*% *G4% *4% *+5,,% <,"5)=% A+,% S04**% B426*<% *5"(1)% G(11% ?,% ,k2,)*5("6% .402),3% "63% *+,% 5,)*% G(11% ?,% 'A&h-F&% 0,6*5(0$%G(*+%*+,%,K0,#*(46%4.%N,,% B426*<%G+,5,%"%i?5"(3,3j%-F&h Wk2,)*5("6%*5"(1%()%#1"66,3= The mission of the Southwest D,8(46"1% D,05,"*(46% '2*+45(*<% ()% *4% )*(;21"*,$% ,6+"60,$% "63% )2)*"(6% ,0464;(0% 3,7,14#;,6*% "63% H4?% 05,"*(46% *+5428+% entrepreneurial opportunities. i-25% *5"(1% )<)*,;)% G(11% 64*% 461<% 8,6,5"*,% 3(5,0*% 5,7,62,% .45% *+,% 5,8(46$% G,% G(11% )#"5C% "% /1255<% 4.% 6,G% ?2)(6,))% 4##45*26(*(,)$% (605,"),% )"1,)% *"K% "63% 7()(*45% )#,63(68$% "63% 8,6,5"*,% 140"1% ,0464;(0%(;#"0*$j%)"<)%B+"514**,% Mullins, Chair of the SRRA Board. i&()(*45)% G(11% *5"7,1% +,5,% *4% )*"<% 1468,5% "63% )#,63% ;45,% ;46,<% on things like food, lodging, gas, "63% 5,*"(1% #54320*)=% >6% "33(*(46$% *+,5,% G(11% ?,% 6,G$% #54/(*"?1,% 4##45*26(*(,)% .45% "37,6*25,% tourism entrepreneurs and 42*/(**,5)=% E"C,% 64% ;()*"C,[% G+(1,%847,56;,6*%()%"6%(67,)*45$% *+()% ()% 7,5<% ;20+% "% ?2)(6,))=j% S#,"5+,"3% A5"(1)L% 5,7,62,)% G(11% 04;,% (6% *+,% .45;% 4.% sponsorships, trail permit fees, "63%;,50+"63(),%)"1,)= The Spearhead Trails effort G")% (6(*("11<% ."0(1(*"*,3% ?<% *+,% Virginia Tourism Corporation
^&AB`%"*%*+,%5,k2,)*%4.%5,8(46"1% 140"1(*(,)% ,"8,5% *4% 0"#(*"1(g,% 46% *+()% 854G(68% 5,7,62,% )*5,";=% SDD'% 046*(62,)% *4% 5,0,(7,% 3,7,14#;,6*% "63% ;"5C,*(68% "))()*"60,% .54;% *+,% &AB=% SDD'% 5,0,(7,3% (*)% (6(*("1% .263(68% .54;% *+,% A4?"004% >63,;6(/(0"*(46% "63% B4;;26(*<% D,7(*"1(g"*(46% B4;;())(46% 0+"(5,3% ?<% &(58(6("% f,1,8"*,% A,55<% l(1845,=% iA+,% S#,"5+,"3% A5"(1)% (6(*("*(7,% 4..,5,3% "% 7")*% 4##45*26(*<% *4% )+4G0"),% 425% "5,"% "63% "% 85,"*% *5"(1% )<)*,;=% >*% ()% 425% +4#,% *+"*% *+()% )<)*,;% G(11% 046*(62,% *4% 854G% "63% ?,6,/(*% *+,% 5,8(46$j% )"<)% l(1845,=% SDD'% +")% 846,% 46% *4% ),025,% (67,)*;,6*)% .54;% 4*+,5% ,6*(*(,)% (60123(68% *+,% E4*450<01,%>632)*5<%B4260(1$%*+,% &(58(6("% f,#"5*;,6*% 4.% F42)(68% "63% B4;;26(*<% f,7,14#;,6*$% "63% *+,% '##"1"0+("6% D,8(46"1% B4;;())(46=% E4)*% 5,0,6*1<$% SDD'%5,0,(7,3%*5"(1%3,7,14#;,6*% funding from the Virginia B4"1/(,13%W0464;(0%f,7,14#;,6*% '2*+45(*<$% G+(0+% ,K#,3(*,3% *+,% opening of the Mountain View )<)*,;%"63%G(11%#547(3,%.263(68% .45% "% 6,G% 'A&h-F&% )<)*,;% (6% Q20+"6"6% "63% f(0C,6)46% 0426*(,)=% SDD'% "1)4% 5,0,(7,)% )2##45*% .54;% *+,% 0426*(,)% 4.% Q20+"6"6$% f(0C,6)46$% N,,$% D2)),11$% S04**$% A"g,G,11$% "63% R(),$%"63%*+,%0(*<%4.%@45*46= J45% ;45,% (6.45;"*(46% 46% S#,"5+,"3% A5"(1)$% #1,"),% 7()(*% G G G= S # , " 5 + , " 3 A5" ( 1 ) = 0 4 ;% 45% N>lW% 425% J"0,?44C% #"8,$% SpearheadTrails.
Page 6, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
Watauga Lake Triathlon And Inaugural SUP Race
The Ninth Annual Watauga N"C,% A5("*+146% G(11% ?,% +,13% (6% Q2*1,5$% A@$% 46% S"*253"<$% '282)*% 9X$% ?,8(66(68% "*% V% "=;=% % A+,% dS'% A5("*+146T)"60*(46,3% ,7,6*% (60123,)% "% 9:::% ;,*,5% )G(;$% "% bU% C(14;,*,5% ?(C,% 5(3,% "63% "% V% C(14;,*,5%526=%%A+()%<,"5L)%,7,6*% (60123,)% "% 6,G% ),#"5"*,% ,7,6*$% *+,%'##"1"0+("6%B+"11,68,%S*"63% d#%O"331,?4"53%D"0,$%*4%?,%+,13% run after the triathlon swimmers +"7,% 04;#1,*,3% *+,(5% #45*(46% 4.% *+,% 5"0,=% % A+,5,% G(11% ?,% #5(g,)% "63% "G"53)% .45% "11% #"5*(0(#"6*)% "63% "% QQm% 1260+=% % A+,% ,7,6*% ()% 4#,6%*4%)#,0*"*45)= >*%G")%"?42*%"%3,0"3,%"84%G+,6% S04**%&"63(7,5%"63%)4;,%.5(,63)% *+428+*%(*%G4213%?,%.26%*4%05,"*,% "% 140"1% *5("*+146% 04;#,*(*(46% *4% ?,% +,13% (6% *+,% ?,"2*(.21% ),**(68% 4.% R"*"28"% N"C,=% % &"63(7,5$% "% 6"*(7,% 4.% I4+6)46% B(*<$% A@$% 1(7,)% and works in Boone, NC. An anesthesiologist with Watauga '6,)*+,)("% '))40("*,)$% &"63(7,5%
"63% +()% ?233<% B+20C% f2;C,$% "% ."021*<% ;,;?,5% (6% *+,% F,"1*+$% N,()25,% "63% WK,50(),% S0(,60,% 3,#"5*;,6*% "*% '##"1"0+("6% S*"*,% d6(7,5)(*<$% 3,7,14#,3% "% 0425),%*+"*%G4213%+(8+1(8+*%*+,(5% ."745(*,%?(C,%5(3,%(6%*+,%"5,"=% A+,% /(5)*% <,"5% G")% "% G")+% 42*$% 1(*,5"11<Y% % (*% G")% 0"60,11,3%
32,%*4%*+,%"55(7"1%4.%+,"7<%5"(6)% .54;% F255(0"6,% >7"6=% % @4*% *4% ?,% 3,*,55,3$% *+,<% G45C,3% +"53% *+,% G+41,%6,K*%<,"5%*4%#2*%46%*+,%?,)*% 140"1%5"0,%*+,<%04213=%%>*%#"(3%4..% G(*+%47,5%"%+2635,3%#"5*(0(#"6*)% 04;(68% 42*% *4% 04;#,*,% (6% *+()% .5(,631<%*5("*+146=%%A+,%,7,6*%+")% 046)()*,6*1<% 35"G6% "?42*% 9Z:%
#"5*(0(#"6*)% ,"0+% <,"5% )(60,% (*% started. f2;C,% +")% )(60,% ;47,3% 46% .45% +()% 0"5,,5% "63% +()% )200,))45$% A5"7()% A5(#1,**$% +")% *"C,6% 2#% *+,% ;"6*1,% "))()*(68% &"63(7,5% .45% *+,% #")*% /(7,% <,"5)=% % A5(#1,**% ()% "1)4% "% #54.,))45% 4.% ,K,50(),% )0(,60,% "63% "0*(68% 3,#"5*;,6*% head at ASU. Dumke still holds *+,%5,0453%.45%*+()%*5("*+146= The organizers are proud of *+,(5% ,7,6*$% "63% &"63(7,5% 64*,)% *+,%5"0,%G")%8(7,6%"6%+4645"?1,% mention in Triathlon Magazine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d#% O"331,?4"53% #4(6*)% 5"0,$%
*+,% '##"1"0+("6% B+"11,68,=%% WK#,0*,3% *4% 35"G% 04;#,*(*45)% .54;% "11% 47,5% *+,% dS$% *+,% '##"1"0+("6% B+"11,68,% G")% (6)#(5,3% ?<% E"50% @"0+;"6% 4.% l(68)#45*$% A@=% % B4;;461<% C64G6% ")% SdO)$% @"0+;"6% 4#,6,3%*+,%"5,"L)%461<%3,3(0"*,3% SdO% )*45,% (6% '#5(1% 4.% *+()% <,"5% in Bristol, TN. Called TriCities S*"63%d#%O"331,?4"53%B4;#"6<% 45%A5(SdO$%*+,%)*45,%),11)%?4"53)$% #547(3,)% 5,6*"1)% "63% 1,))46)=%% >6*,5,)*,3% (6% #547(3(68% 140"1% "*+1,*,)%"%0+"60,%*4%04;#,*,%(6%"% RO'T)"60*(46,3%,7,6*$%@"0+;"6% *,";,3% 2#% G(*+% +()% 413% )0+441% .5(,63%&"63(7,5%G+4%*+428+*%*+,% 6,G%,7,6*%G4213%G45C%G,11%G(*+% *+,% ,)*"?1()+,3% R"*"28"% N"C,% Triathlon. A+,% '##"1"0+("6% B+"11,68,% .,"*25,)% "% 1468% 0425),% 5"0,% 4.% U=Z% ;(1,)$% "% )+45*%0425),%5"0,% 4.% ]=]%;(1,)%"63%"%.26%C(3L)%5"0,%.45% 0+(135,6%263,5%9]= O"5*(0(#"6*)% 0"6% #5,5,8()*,5% for either the Triathlon or SUP 5"0,% 461(6,% *+5428+% '0*(7,= 04;% 26*(1% A+25)3"<$% '282)*% 9U=% % &()(*% *+,% G,?)(*,% GGG= G"*"28"1"C,*5("*+146=04;% .45% more information.
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 7
Les Misérables
Barter Theatre & Symphony of the Mountains Toy F. Reid Eastman Employee Center August 16 & 17, 7:30pm
A+,% ?(8% ?2gg% *+()% )2;;,5% +")%?,,6%"?42*%Q"5*,5%A+,"*5,L)% #54320*(46% 4.% iN,)% E()n5"?1,)$j% "582"?1<% *+,% ?,)*% ;2)(0"1% 4.% "11% *(;,=% @4G$% *+,% "15,"3<% ,#(0% show will grow to larger‐than‐ life proportions when Barter "5*()*)% H4(6% A+,% S<;#+46<% 4.% the Mountains on one stage for *G4% 6(8+*)% 461<=% A+,% Q"5*,5h S<;#+46<% 0411"?45"*(46% G(11% *"C,% #1"0,% "*% *+,% A4<% J=% D,(3% W")*;"6% W;#14<,,% B,6*,5% (6% l(68)#45*$% A@$% 46% '282)*% 9a% "63%9X%"*%XYb:#;=
A+()% ()% "% 7,5<% 5"5,% 0+"60,% to hear all the gorgeous and powerful songs of “Les Mis” ?"0C,3% ?<% "% .211$% #54.,))(46"1% 450+,)*5"= J45% *+,% 0411"?45"*(46$% *+,% )*"8(68% G(11% ?,% )(;#1(/(,3% *4% "004;;43"*,% *+,% 1"58,5% 450+,)*5"$% G(*+% H2)*% ,6428+% #54320*(46%,1,;,6*)%^1(C,%#54#)% "63% 04)*2;,)`% *4% *,11% *+,% )*45<% 01,"51<=% % '23(,60,)% G+4% G"6*% *4% ),,% *+,% .211<T)*"8,3% #54320*(46% )+4213% ;"C,% 5,),57"*(46)% *4% see “Les Mis” at Barter Theatre
?,.45,% (*% 014),)% '282)*% 99*+% M% "63% *+,6% ;"C,% 5,),57"*(46)% *4% ),,% *+,% )#,0("1% 0411"?45"*(46% ")% well, with its added emphasis on *+,%;2)(0= S(60,% iN,)% E()j% 4#,6,3% "*% Q"5*,5% A+,"*5,% (6% ;(3TE"<$% "23(,60,)% +"7,% 1(*,5"11<% ?,,6% jumping to their feet for standing 47"*(46)% .45% *+,% 0")*=% A+,"*5,% 05(*(0% !"5<% '3"<% 4.% Washington County News%0"11,3%(*%i"%G45C%4.% 85,"*% ?,"2*<% "63% #4G,5=j% B5(*(0% D4?,5*% E0l(66,<% 4.% *+,% Bristol Herald Courier% G54*,$% i>6% ;45,%
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*+,% #,5.45;"60,% J5(3"<% '282)*% 9a*+% "*% *+,% D,(3% B,6*,5% "63% "% )#,0("1%3(66,5%G(*+%C,<%iN,)%E()j% 0")*% ;,;?,5)% "63% ;2)(0("6)% S"*253"<%'282)*%9X*+%?,8(66(68% G(*+% 040C*"(1)% "*% ZYb:#;% "*% E,"34G7(,G%B467,6*(46%B,6*,5=% J45% *(0C,*)% "63% ;45,% (6.45;"*(46$% 7()(*% S<;#+46<4.*+,E426*"(6)=458% 45% 0"11% ^Z]b`% bP]TVZ]b=% % J45% ?,+(63T*+,T)0,6,)% (6.45;"*(46% "63% "6% (6*54320*(46% *4% *+,% 0")*% "63% 0411"?45"*45)$% 7()(*% Q"5*,5f4,)N,)E()=04;
Page 8, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
Brad Puckett Biggies August 10th
>*% ),,;)% *+"*% N40"1% B426*5<% '5*()*% Q5"3% O20C,**% ()% 46% +()% G"<% *4% ?,04;(68% "% R4513% R(3,% ),6)"*(46=% % D,0,6*1<$% Q5"3% +")% ?,,6% 64;(6"*,3% .45% Z% @(;"% 'G"53)% ^@")+7(11,% >63,#,63,6*% E2)(0% 'G"53)`% ;45,% *+"6% "6<% 4*+,5% "5*()*% *+()% <,"5=% % Q5"3L)% 64;(6"*(46)% (60123,% Q,)*% E"1,% B426*5<% O,5.45;,5$% Q,)*% N(7,% B426*5<% O,5.45;"60,$% '1?2;% 4.% *+,% o,"5$% "63% '5*()*% 4.% *+,% <,"5=%% Coupled this with his 3 World R(3,% c;(K% B3% 5,1,"),% .45% +()% +(*% )468)% i'*% N,")*% >L;% J,,1(68% '8"(6j$% iF"53% R+()C,<% "63% S4.*% R4;,6j% "63% iA"1C% "?42*% D,36,0Cj%"63%Q5"3%()%G,11%46%+()% G"<% *4% ;"C(68% +()% ;"5C% 46% *+,% G4513%4.%B426*5<%E2)(0= o42% 0"6% 74*,% .45% Q5"3L)% ;2)(0% 46% *+,% @>E'% R,?)(*,% "*% 6(;"3(8(*"1=04;$% "63% #250+"),% +()% +(*% 3,?2*% Bf% "*% ?5"3#20C,**;2)(0=04;% "63% (*26,)=% o42% 0"6% 0"*0+% Q5"3L)% F"53%R+()C,<%*425%"*%Q(88(,)%(6% l(68)#45*$% 46% S"*253"<% '282)*% 9:*+$% ]:9b=% % I4(6% Q5"3% ")% +,% shoots footage for his new GAC 7(3,4%iA"1C%'?42*%D,36,0Cj >.% <42L5,% +"6C,5(68% .45% )4;,% 540C(68% 0426*5<% ;2)(0$% Q5"3% O20C,**% ()% H2)*% *+,% 82<% .45% <42=% '% @"*(7,% 4.% l(68)#45*% A@$% Q5"3% G")% ?456% G(*+% 0426*5<% ;2)(0% 0425)(68%*+5428+%+()%7,(6)=% iA+,% N<5(0)% G,5,% "1G"<)% the most important part of the )468)% *4% ;,$j% Q5"3% )"<)% "?42*% +()%0+4(0,%4.%*26,)%.45%+()%3,?2*%
"1?2;$% Q5"3% O20C,**% 5,1,"),3% (6% I26,%]:9]=%i%>%2),3%*4%)#,63%+425)% G+,6%>%G")%"%C(3%#425(68%47,5%*+,% 1(6,5%64*,)%46%5,0453)%144C(68%"*% who the writers were, in hopes of 46,%3"<%>%G4213%?,%G5(*(68%)468)% G(*+%)4;,%4.%*+4),%82<)=j% Q5"3L)% 35,";% 0";,% *52,% ()% E"50+%4.%]:99$%G+,6%+,%H4(6,3%"% 04;;26(*<%4.%)468G5(*,5)%0"11,3% F(11?(11<% B21*25,% B12?=% A+5428+% G45C(68% G(*+(6% *+,% 012?$% Q5"3% +")% 84**,6% "% 0+"60,% *4% G5(*,% G(*+% 1,8,63"5<% )468G5(*,5)% )20+% ")% l(;% R(11(";)% ^O"#"% N47,3% E";"$'(6*% !4(68% f4G6% A(11% A+,% S26% B4;,)% d#`$% f428% I4+6)46%^A+5,,%R443,6%B54)),)$% N47,% N(C,% B5"g<$`% Q,7,51,<% D4))^N411(#4#$I23<L)% A256% *4% B5<`% "63% @")+7(11,% D,0453(68% '5*()*% l,(*+% '63,5)46% ^O(0C(6% R(13/14G,5)`%H2)*%*4%6";,%"%.,G= Q5"3L))% G(11(686,))% *4% *+(6C% 42*)(3,% *+,% ?4K% "63% ,;?5"0,% *+,%0+"68,)%04;(68%*4%*+,%;2)(0% ?2)(6,))%;"C,)%+(;%"%6,G%?5,,3% 4.% 5,0453(68% "5*()*$% 46,% G+4% C64G)% ")% ;20+% "?42*% *+,% 05".*% "63% ?2)(6,))% 4.% )468G5(*(68$% ")% +,%34,)%"?42*%)(68(68%"63%540C(68% *+,%)*"8,=%F()%+(8+%,6,58<%1(7,%),*% ()%"1G"<)%"%054G3%#1,"),5%")%Q5"3%
"63% +()% ?"63% 05"6C% 42*% 01"))(0% 540C% *26,)% (6*,5;(681,3% G(*+% )41(3%0426*5<%8413=%i>*L)%"11%"?42*% #1,")(68%*+,%"23(,60,$j%)"<)%Q5"3% "?42*% +()% )+4G;"6)+(#=% i>% 1,"7,% it all right there on the stage.” R45C(68%G(*+%@")+7(11,%5,0453% #54320,5$%Q233<%F<"**%^.45;,51<% *+,% C,<?4"53% #1"<,5% (6% *+,% ?"63% A4*4`% Q5"3% #2*% *48,*+,5% "% 0411,0*(46% 4.% )468)% *+"*% G4213% ;"C,% "6<% ;"H45% 1"?,1% #5423=% '1;4)*% "% <,"5% (6% *+,% ;"C(68= Q5"3L)% 3,?2*% Bf$Q5"3% O20C,**% +(*)% *+,% "(5G"7,)% (6% I26,% ]:9]=% o42%0"6%+,"5%+()%/(5)*%)(681,%iA"1C% '?42*%D,36,0Cj%46%5"3(4%)*"*(46)% "11%2#%*+,%W")*%B4")*$%"63%)446$%"11% 47,5%*+,%G4513= Q5"3% % G")% )(86,3% *4% O+4,6(K% D,0453)% @")+7(11,% (6% ]:9]% i% A4% ;,% (*)% "11% "?42*% G+"*% *+,% ;2)(0% 0"6%34$%(*%+")%*+,%"?(1(*<%*4%5,"0+% 42*%"63%0+"68,%1(7,)%(6%H2)*%)4;,% G"<$% (.% <425% 120C<% "63% ?1,)),3% *+"*% <425% )468)% 0"6% 34% *+"*% (*L)% ;45,%*+"6%"6<%"5*()*%0"6%")C=j Q5"3% ()% "% 26(k2,% ?1,63% 4.% #")*%"63%#5,),6*$%(6/12,60,)%"63% 45(8(6"1$% 540C% "63% 0426*5<=% i>% 1(C,% *4% C,,#% (*% (6*,5,)*(68j% S"<)% Q5"3=%iS4;,?43<%")C,3%;,%460,$% iQ5"3% G+4% 34% <42% C64G% *+"*% H2)*% 1(C,)% 46,% C(63% 4.% ;2)(0pL% "63% *+,% "6)G,5$4.% 0425),% G")% iR,11% 64?43<=j% A+"*)% *+,% C(63% 4.% *+(68% >% C,,#% (6% ;(63% G(*+% ;<% "23(,60,=%>%346L*%1,"7,%"%)468%4..% *+,% ),*% 1()*% ?,0"2),% (*L)% *44% 540C$% 45% *44% 0426*<=% A+,5,L)% 64% )20+% *+(68=%>*L)%"11%"?42*%#(0C(68%85,"*% songs and letting them speak for *+,;),17,)=j
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 9
Experience Sunset at Grandfather Mountain August 10th
The Grandfather Mountain S*,G"53)+(#% J4263"*(46% ()% 460,% "8"(6% 4..,5(68% *+,% #2?1(0% *+,% 4##45*26(*<% *4% ,K#,5(,60,% sunrise and sunset inside the 6"*25,% "**5"0*(46=% % A+,% /(5)*% )26),*% 4##45*26(*<% ()% ),*% .45% S"*253"<$%'282)*%9:= O"5*(0(#"6*)% G(11% ?,% "?1,% *4% ,K#,5(,60,% )26),*% .54;% *+,% Swinging Bridge area, one of the ?,)*% #1"0,)% 46% !5"63."*+,5% *4% ),,%*+,%)26%84%34G6%?,+(63%*+,% surrounding mountains. This 4##45*26(*<%G4213%?,%85,"*%.45% photographers wanting to get (605,3(?1,%#+4*4)%325(68%"%*(;,% G+,6% *+,% #2?1(0% ()% 2)2"11<% 64*% "?1,% *4% ?,% (6)(3,% *+,% "**5"0*(46% and also great for families and .5(,63)% G"6*(68% *4% ,6H4<% "% )#,0("1%,7,6(68= A+,% 04)*% ()% \9:% #,5% #,5)46% plus regular park admission. A+4),%H2)*%G"6*(68%*4%04;,%.45% *+,% )26),*% "63% 461<% #"<% \9:% )+4213%"55(7,%"*%X%#=;=%G+,6%*+,% #"5C%014),)%*4%*+,%#2?1(0= A+,% 4./(0("1% N(67(11,% )26),*% *(;,%.45%'282)*%9:%()%VY]Z%#=;=% "63% #"5*(0(#"6*)% G(11% ?,% "?1,% *4%)*"<%46%*+,%E426*"(6%26*(1%P%
p.m. D,),57"*(46)% .45% *+()% 4##45*26(*<% "5,% 5,k2(5,3% "63%
;2)*% ?,% ;"3,% ?<% 0"11(68% V::T ZaVTXb]U% ?,.45,'282)*% P% "*% U% p.m.
A total of three sunset opportunities and three )265(),% 4##45*26(*(,)% G(11% ?,% 4..,5,3% .54;% '282)*% *4% -0*4?,5=%% Additional sunset dates are '282)*% b:% "63% S,#*,;?,5% ]V=% % S265(),% 3"*,)% "5,% '282)*% ]U$S,#*,;?,5% V% "63% -0*4?,5% U=% % f,*"(1)% .45% ,"0+% 400")(46% "5,% 1()*,3% 46% *+,% J,"*25,3% W7,6*)% 0"1,63"5% 46% GGG=85"63."*+,5= 04; Sunrise and sunset opportunities were offered on )#,0("1% 3"*,)% 325(68% S,#*,;?,5% ]:9]%")%#"5*%4.%*+,%0,1,?5"*(46%4.% *+,% E(1,% F(8+% SG(68(68% Q5(38,L)% a:*+%<,"5= “We had great response last <,"5% "63% +"7,% 5,0,(7,3% ;"6<% questions regarding sunrise and sunset opportunities this
<,"5$j% )"(3% !ESJ% f(5,0*45 4.% B4;;26(0"*(46)% N"63() A"<145=% % iA+,),% )#,0("1% *(;,)% "5, 5,"11<% q0"6L*% ;())L% ,7,6*)=% % >*% () )4;,*+(68% *+"*% ,7,5<46,% )+4213 *5<%*4%,K#,5(,60,%"*%1,")*%460,%(6 their lifetime.” The Grandfather Mountain S*,G"53)+(#% J4263"*(46% () "% 64*T.45T#54/(*% 045#45"*(46% ,)*"?1()+,3% *4% #5,),57, Grandfather Mountain, operate *+,% 6"*25,% #"5C% )2)*"(6"?1< (6% *+,% #2?1(0% (6*,5,)*$% #547(3, "6% ,K0,#*(46"1% ,K#,5(,60,% .45 82,)*)$% "63% (6)#(5,% *+,;% *4% ?,% 8443% )*,G"53)% 4.% *+,% ,"5*+L) 5,)4250,)=%%J45%;45,%(6.45;"*(46$ 7()(*% GGG=85"63."*+,5=04;% 45 0"11%V::TZaVTXb]U= O+4*4%?<%N"63()%A"<145
Page 10, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
Foggy Valley Breakdown
LampLight Theatre Opens August 9th A+,%"37,6*25,%046*(62,)%G(*+% *+,% J488<% &"11,<% !"68% ")% *+,<% #,5.45;% *+,(5% /(5)*% 04;,3<% (6% *+,% 6,G1<% 5,647"*,3% N";#N(8+*% Theatre on Broad Street in l(68)#45*$% A@=% % A+()% )1"#)*(0C$% 04;,3(0% *,";% 3()#1"<)% (*)% 05"g<% "6*(0)% (6% *+()% 6,G% +(1"5(42)% /(")04, Foggy Valley Breakdown. J45% *+4),% G+4% +"7,% 6,7,5% ),,6% *+,% J488<% &"11,<% !"68$% *+,5,% ()% 64% ?,**,5% G"<% *4% ?,% (6*54320,3% *4% A+,% !443(6% J";(1<% "63% *+,(5% friends. R+(1,% *5"7,1(68% *4% @")+7(11,% *4% 5,0453% "% 6,G% "1?2;$% *+,% *5"7,1(68$% ;2)(0"1% .";(1<% ?5,"C)%
34G6%"*%*+,%f4R"f(33<%f(6,5%(6% *+,% k2(,*% 1(**1,% *4G6% 4.% @457(11,$% A@=% R+"*% 04213% ?,% "% *5"8,3<% .45% *+,% J488<% &"11,<% !"68$% ;(8+*% ?,% "% ?1,))(68% (6% 3()82(),% .45% struggling restaurant owners, N20<% "63% E,17(6=% % N(,2*,6"6*% I2)*(0,%"63%*+,%140"1)%"5,%*+5(11,3% *4%+"7,%*+,%)(68(68%0,1,?5(*(,)%(6% *+,(5% *4G6=% % A+5428+% (6*,57(,G)% ?<%140"1%5,#45*,5$%l,6*%B1"5C$%"63% +(*%5"3(4%fI%A4;%.54;%RfdF$%G,% 1,"56% "?42*% *+,% !443(6)Y% i+4G% *+,<%84*%FWDW$%?,0"2),%*+,<%"(6L*% "11% AFWDW=j% R+"*% "% G463,5.21% G"<% *4% 0"*0+% 2#% 46% *+,% ?"0C% )*45(,)% 4.% *+()% G"0C<% .";(1<% *+"*%
()%)4%147,3%?<%"11=% A+()% )(3,T)#1(**(68% ."50,% G(11% +"7,% <42% (6% )*(*0+,)=%% J54;% S044*,5$% *+,% 6"5041,#*(0% ;,0+"6(0$% *4% B147()% Q43(6,$% "% i?46"/(3,j% W17()% >;#,5)46"*45$% <42% "5,% )25,% *4% ?,% ,6*,5*"(6,3=%%
The show is sprinkled with some good ole mountain Gospel ."745(*,)% ")% *+,% !443(6% J";(1<% ^S#441(,$% >;"$% d5"$% "63% &(58(1`% 84,)% 1(7,% 46% *+,% 5"3(4=% % E";"% !443(6%"63%J14%D"C,)*5"G%^)468% (6*,5#5,*,5`% "5,% 82"5"6*,,3% *4% 8,*% (6*4% "% )02./1,% 45% *G4=% % B1"))% 04;,)% *4% *+,% )*"8,% G(*+% .";(1<% .5(,63$% B1,;,6*(6,% F488$% ")% )+,% ;,);,5(g,)% 54"3% ,7"68,1()*$% D,7=% B1<3,% A=% F2;#,53(6C=% % Q2)% 35(7,5$%-*()%O253<$%"63%?2*1,5%"63% ;"(3$% E"58,% "63% B,35(0$% G(11% ?,% on site to lend a helping hand as *+,% J488<% &"11,<% !"68% )*5(7,)% *4% 5,"0+%*+,(5%3,"31(6,%(6%@")+7(11,=%% O,5+"#)$%";(3)*%*+,%0+"4)$%*+,5,% is a greater purpose and lesson *4%?,%1,"56,3%?<%*+()%?5,"C34G6% (6% *+,% 26)2)#,0*(68% *4G6% 4.%
@457(11,=%% “Foggy Valley Breakdown” G(11% #5,;(,5,% '282)*% PT99% "63% 9bT9X% "*% N";#N(8+*% A+,"*5,% "*% 9Z:% Q54"3% S*5,,*% (6% l(68)#45*$% A,66,)),,=%@(8+*1<%#,5.45;"60,)% G(11% ?,% "*% XY::% #=;=% ,K0,#*% 46% S263"<)=%%E"*(6,,)%46%S"*253"<)% "*%]Y::%#=;=%"63%S263"<)%"*%bY::% p.m. Doors will open one hour prior. Admission is a suggested 346"*(46% 4.% \9:% '321*)$% \U% S*23,6*)$% "63% JDWW% .45% 0+(135,6% under 6. J45% 5,),57"*(46)% "63% (6.45;"*(46$% #1,"),% 046*"0*% *+,% N";#N(8+*% ?4K% 4./(0,% "*% ^Z]b`% bZbT9Xaa$% E463"<% *+5428+% J5(3"<% .54;% P% "=;=% *4% U% #=;=% 45% online at www.lamplighttheatre. 04;.
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 11
Storyteller Jeff Gere ETSU/Umoja Storytelling Festival and Institute August 9th & 10th
J45% *+,% 6(6*+% <,"5$% *+,% W")*% A,66,)),,% S*"*,% d6(7,5)(*<% S*45<*,11(68%O5485";%G(11%#"5*6,5% G(*+% I4+6)46% B(*<L)% d;4H"% J,)*(7"1% *4% ?5(68% "% 5,64G6,3% *,11,5% "63% 4*+,5% )*45<*,11(68% "0*(7(*(,)% *4% *+,% "662"1% 021*25"1% ,7,6*% (6% 34G6*4G6% I4+6)46% B(*<= I,..% !,5,% +"(1)% .54;% F"G"(($% G+,5,% +,% ()% 46,% 4.% *+,% )*"*,L)% ;4)*% #541(/(0% )*45<*,11,5)=%% F()% )*45<*,11(68% )*<1,% ?1,63)% his talents as a painter, #2##,*,,5$% ;(;,$% *,"0+,5% "63% 3(5,0*45% G(*+% +()% G(3,% 5"68,% 4.% 74(0,)$% ,1")*(0% ."0,)% "63% 0+"5"0*,5(g"*(46)=% % F,% G(11% ?,% in the region as the featured A,11,5T(6TD,)(3,60,% .54;% '28=% aT9:% "*% *+,% >6*,56"*(46"1% S*45<*,11(68% B,6*,5% ^>SB`% (6% I46,)?45428+= !,5,L)% #,5.45;"60,)% "*% *+,% WASdhd;4H"% S*45<*,11(68% J,)*(7"1h>6)*(*2*,% G(11% *"C,% #1"0,% "*% a% #=;=% ?4*+% J5(3"<% "63%S"*253"<$%'28=%P%"63%9:$%"*% *+,% !"g,?4% S*45<*,11(68% S*"8,% ?,*G,,6% E"(6% "63% E"5C,*% )*5,,*)=% % F()% "##,"5"60,% ()% 04T )#46)45,3%?<%*+,%>SB= -*+,5% WASdhd;4H"% S*45<*,11(68% J,)*(7"1h>6)*(*2*,%
"0*(7(*(,)% "*% *+,% !"g,?4% S*45<*,11(68% S*"8,% 46% '28=% PT9:% (60123,% )*45(,)% "63% )468)% .54;% f5=% I4),#+% S4?41% "63% +()% .5(,63)% "63% 0411,"82,)% .54;% *+,% WASd% 85"32"*,%#5485";%(6%)*45<*,11(68% ?,8(66(68%"*%Z%#=;=$%.4114G,3%"*%U% #=;=% ?<% *+,% D,T!,6,5"*(46% S*45<% Slam. f25(68% *+,% S1";$% "23(,60,% ;,;?,5)%G+4%G()+%*4%*,11%"%)*45<% ;"<%354#%*+,(5%6";,)%(6*4%"%+"*$% .54;%G+(0+%),7,6%G(11%?,%35"G6=%% S*45(,)%)+4213%?,%*52,%^45%;4)*1<% *52,`% "63% 64% 1468,5% *+"6% 9:% ;(62*,)=% % A+5,,% H238,)% ),1,0*,3% .54;% *+,% "23(,60,% G(11% #(0C% *+,% winners. A+,%D,T!,6,5"*(46%S*45<%S1";% M% 4.*,6% 04;?(6(68% )*45<*,11(68% G(*+% #4,*5<% M% +")% ?,,6% 5266(68% (6% I4+6)46% B(*<% )(60,% ]:99$% "63% *+()% ;"5C)% *+,% ,7,6*L)% WASdh d;4H"% S*45<*,11(68% J,)*(7"1h >6)*(*2*,% 3,?2*=% % A+,% 82,)*% +4)*% .45%*+,%'28=%P%S1";%G(11%?,%WASd% S*45<*,11(68% O5485";% 85"32"*,% B"*+<% I4% I"6)),6$% G+4% .4263,3% *+,%/(5)*%I4+6)46%B(*<%S*45<%S1";% "*%*+,%f4G6%F4;,%(6%]:99= S(60,% 9PPX$% *+,% d;4H"hd6(*<% J,)*(7"1% +")% )+4G0"),3% ;2)(0$% "5*$%3"60,%"63%.443%.54;%7"5(42)% 021*25,)% "63% #,4#1,)% 4.% *+,% 5,8(46$% 6"*(46% "63% G4513=% % >*% ()%
#5,),6*,3%.5,,%4.%0+"58,%*+5428+% .263(68% ?<% "% ?54"3% 04"1(*(46% 4.% 0+250+,)$% ?2)(6,)),)$% 0(*(g,6)$% 458"6(g"*(46)% "63% 85"6*)=% % >6% ]::U$% *+,% WASd% S*45<*,11(68% O5485";% ?,8"6% "% #"5*6,5)+(#% G(*+% *+,% .,)*(7"1% *4% ?5(68% 64*,3% ,*+6(0% *5"3(*(46"1% "63% 046*,;#45"5<%)*45<*,11,5)%*4%*+,% Umoja stage.
J45% ;45,% (6.45;"*(46% 46% *+,% WASdhd;4H"% S*45<*,11(68% J,)*(7"1h>6)*(*2*,$% 046*"0*% S4?41$% 04453(6"*45% 4.% *+,% 26(7,5)(*<L)% S*45<*,11(68% O5485";$% "*% ^Z]b`% ZbPTXVab=%%J45%;45,%(6.45;"*(46% 46%*+,%d;4H"%J,)*(7"1$%7()(*%www. 2;4H"H0=458% 45% 0"11% ^Z]b`% Z]aT ]VU9=
Page 12, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
The Mile High Swinging Bridge August 10th
-6%S"*253"<%'282)*%9:%82,)*)% G(11% +"7,% *+,% 4##45*26(*<% *4% H4(6% !5"63."*+,5L)% (6*,5#5,*(7,% rangers at the top of the ;426*"(6% .45% iA+,% E(1,% F(8+% SG(68(68% Q5(38,Y% J26% J"0*)% "63% F()*45(0"1%A"1,)j= S(60,% (*L)% 046)*520*(46% (6% 9PU]% !5"63."*+,5% E426*"(6% +")% G,104;,3% .";(1(,)$% 042#1,)$% #+4*485"#+,5)$% 0,1,?5(*(,)$% "63% ,7,6% ,K*5,;,% )#45*)% ,6*+2)(")*)% *4% 054))% *+,% .";42)% )G(68(68% ?5(38,% "63% ,K#,5(,60,% the wonder of Grandfather Mountain while getting an awe‐ (6)#(5(68%7(,G%4.%(*)%)2554263(68% #,"C)=%@4G%7()(*45)%G(11%+"7,%*+,% ,K0(*(68% 4##45*26(*<% to hear stories of *+4),% *+"*% 054)),3% ?,.45,% *+,;% "63% 1,"56% ."0*)% "?42*% *+,% ?5(38,L)% ,K()*,60,% .54;% !5"63."*+,5L)% ,K#,5*%82(3,)= iA+,% E(1,% F(8+% SG(68(68% Q5(38,Y% J26% J"0*)% "63% F()*45(0"1% A"1,)j% G(11% ?,% +,13% at the mile high "**5"0*(46% (*),1.% "63% features stories "63% 3()02))(46% 1,3% ?<% !5"63."*+,5% E426*"(6L)% B+(,.% >6*,5#5,*(7,% D"68,5$% !"?,%A"<145= “The intention of this program is to
)+4G0"),% *+,% ?5(38,L)% 26(k2,% +()*45<% "63% )4;,% 4.% (*)% 1,)),5T C64G6% ."0*)$j% )"(3% A"<145=% iR,% ?,8(6% "*% *+,%)*46,%)*,#)%1,"3(68% 2#% *4% *+,% ?5(38,% "63% ;"C,% 425% G"<% *4% N(67(11,% O,"C$% )*4##(68% "1468% *+,% G"<% *4% )+"5,% )*45(,)% "63% 8(7,% #"5*(0(#"6*)% *+,% 4##45*26(*<%*4%")C%k2,)*(46)=j N(C,% ;"6<% 4.% *+,% ,320"*(46"1% programming offered at Grandfather Mountain the 04)*% 4.% *+()% ()% (60123,3% (6% regular park admission. No #5(45% 5,8()*5"*(46% 6,0,))"5<=%% >6*,5,)*,3% 82,)*)% )+4213% ;,,*% "*%*+,%?"),%4.%*+,%)*46,%)*,#)%"*% *+,% E(1,% F(8+% SG(68(68% Q5(38,%
"*%99%"=;=%A+,%#5485";% 1")*)% "##54K(;"*,1<% 45 minutes. More (6.45;"*(46% 46% iJ26% J"0*)% "63% F()*45(0"1% Tales” as well as the 04;#5,+,6)(7,% 3"(1<% ,7,6*% 0"1,63"5% 0"6% ?,% .4263% "*% GGG= 85"63."*+,5=04;= The Grandfather Mountain Stewardship J4263"*(46% ()% "% 64*T .45T#54/(*% 045#45"*(46% ,)*"?1()+,3% *4% #5,),57,% Grandfather Mountain, operate the nature park )2)*"(6"?1<%(6%*+,%#2?1(0% (6*,5,)*$% #547(3,% "6% ,K0,#*(46"1% ,K#,5(,60,% for guests, and inspire them to ?,% 8443% )*,G"53)% 4.% *+,% ,"5*+L)% 5,)4250,)=%%J45%;45,%(6.45;"*(46$% 7()(*% GGG=85"63."*+,5=04;% 45% 0"11%V::TZaVTXb]U= A+,% E(1,% F(8+% SG(68(68% Q5(38,L)% 45(8(6"1% 046)*520*(46% *44C% #1"0,% (6% 9PU]% "63% 04)*% \9U$:::%*4%046)*520*=%%J"0*)%1(C,% *+()% "63% ;"6<% ;45,% (60123(68% *"1,)%4.%.";42)%7()(*45)%"63%G(13% G,"*+,5%0"6%?,%+,"53%325(68%*+,% '282)*% 9:% #5,),6*"*(46% 46% *+,% Swinging Bridge at Grandfather E426*"(6=% F()*45(0"1% #+4*4% ?<% F28+%E45*46$%;43,56%3"<%#+4*4% ?<%F,1,6%E4))%f"7()=
The Creature From 50 Fathoms Blue Moon Dinner Theatre Opens August 9th
The Blue Moon Dinner A+,"*5,% #5,),6*)% *+,(5% /(5)*% ,7,5%45(8(6"1%>6*,5"0*(7,%;253,5% ;<)*,5<$AFW% BDW'AdDW% JD-E% U:% J'AF-ES% ?<% B1"<*46% &"6F2))=% A5"7,1% ?,14G% *+,% ),"% "63%)417,%*+,%;253,5%;<)*,5<%"*% *+,%Q12,%E446%.45%<425%0+"60,%*4% G(6%"%#5(g,%.45%?,(68%*4#%)1,2*+% 4.% *+,% ,7,6(68=% O1"<(68% 1(7,% 46% )*"8,%J5(3"<%"63%S"*253"<%6(8+*)% '28%P*+%T%'28%]Z=%%A+,%A+,"*5,%()% 140"*,3% "*% ]9U% W")*% E"(6% S*5,,*% (6%f4G6*4G6%I4+6)46%B(*<=%%% I4256,<% G(*+% O(,55,% D2))4% "63%*+,%05,G%4.%*+,%S=S=%l"5C(64)% (6%*+,(5%)*"*,%4.%*+,%"5*%5,),"50+% )2?;"5(6,% ")% *+,<% ,K#145,% "60(,6*% 52(6)% "*% *+,% ?4**4;% 4.% *+,%),"%"63%"G"C,6%"%)12;?,5(68% ;46)*,5=% R(11% *+,<% 1(7,% *4% ),,% "64*+,5%"37,6*25,p% i-25%82,)*)%G(11%*"C,%"%/(0*(46"1% 5(3,% *4% *+,% ?4**4;% 4.% *+,% 40,"6% with our talented performers.” S"<)% '5*()*(0% f(5,0*45% W3G"53% Q5,,),%i%A+,<%G(11%*5"7,1%"?4"53% 425% )2?;"5(6,% "63% *5<% *4% )417,% who done it.” R5(**,6% "63% 3(5,0*,3% ?<% B1"<*46% &"6F2))$% *+,% 0")*% (60123,)% f"6% -**$% S*,#+"6(,% S+,5G443$%S,"6%D,"3$%"63%l"*(,% D260(;"6= W6H4<% "% .211% 6(8+*% 4.% ,6*,5*"(6;,6*%"11%(6%46,%#1"0,=%'% 3,1(0(42)%;,"1%.4114G,3%?<%"%.26% show, A(0C,*)% "5,% H2)*% bP=PP% #12)% *"K% "63% (60123,% "% b% 0425),% 3(66,5% G(*+% 3,)),5*% ),57,3% "*% (6*,5;())(46=% A(0C,*)% 0"6% ?,% #250+"),3% ?<% 84(68% 461(6,% *4% GGG=?12,;4463(66,5*+,"*5,= 04;% % 45% ?<% 0"11(68% *+,% ?4K% 4./(0,% "*% Z]bT]b]T9bU:=% E,"1% 2#85"3,)%"63%7,8,*"5("6%4#*(46)% "5,% "7"(1"?1,% G(*+% "% ]Z% +425% 64*(0,=%A+,%Q12,%E446%()%"%Qo-Q% ."0(1(*<=% W6*,5% *+,% 042#46% 043,% “Sharknado” when ordering *(0C,*)% 461(6,% *4% 5,0,(7,% 9:% 3411"5)%4..%<425%3(66,5%"63%)+4G% *(0C,*=
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 13
Page 14, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
The Blackberries Heartwood August 8th, 6pm A+,% B544C,3% D4"3Y% &(58(6("L)% F,5(*"8,% E2)(0% A5"(1% #54231<% #5,),6*)% "% o42*+% E2)(0% O,5.45;"60,% S,5(,)% 0460,5*% 46% A+25)3"<$% '282)*% Vth from aY::%*4%XYb:%#=;=%"*% F,"5*G443Y% S42*+G,)*% &(58(6("L)% '5*()"6% !"*,G"<% (6% '?(68346$% &(58(6("=% A+,% 0460,5*% G(11% .,"*25,% *+,% Q1"0C?,55(,)= A+,% Q1"0C?,55(,)% "5,% "% <42*+% ?12,85"))% ?"63% .54;% *+,% J14<3% E2)(0% S0+441% (6% J14<3$% &(58(6("=% A+,% ?"63% ;,;?,5)% 5"68,% (6% "8,% .54;% 9:M9a% <,"5)% 4.% "8,% "63% (60123,% '(1"% R(13;"6% 46% /(331,$%W1(%R(13;"6%46%;"6341(6$% S";% E"0C("6% 46% 82(*"5$% "63% N"25,1% Q544C,% 46% ?"))=% A+,(5% 6";,% ()% (6/12,60,3% ?<% *+,% G,11% C64G6% /(331,% *26,$% iQ1"0C?,55<% Q14))4;j$% G+(0+% G")% 46,% 4.% *+,% /(5)*% *26,)% *+,% ?"63% #1"<,3% *48,*+,5=% A+,<% +"7,% ?,,6% .,"*25,3% "*% F,"5*G443% ),7,5"1%
*(;,)$%")%G,11%")%"*%*+,%B+"6*(11<% J,)*(7"1% (6% J14<3% "63% "*% ;"6<% 5,8(46"1% 0+250+% "63% 04;;26(*<% ,7,6*)=% A+()% 3<6";(0% 8542#$% 263,5% *+,% 3(5,0*(46% 4.% E(C,% E(*0+,11$% .,"*25,)% #1"<,5)% *+"*% "5,%+(8+1<%)C(11,3%(6%?4*+%01"))(0"1% "63% ?12,85"))% 8,65,)% "63% G(11% ,K#145,%,1,;,6*)%4.%?4*+%8,65,)% (6%*+()%26(k2,%#,5.45;"60,= A+,%B544C,3%D4"3%E2)(0%S,5(,)% .,"*25,)%<42*+%;2)(0%#,5.45;,5)$% ")%G,11%")%)+4G0")(68%7,62,)%4.% the Crooked Road region. These ,7,6*)% "1468% G(*+% 4#,6% H";)% 46% *+,% 9st, 3rd$% ^"63% Uth`% A+25)3"<% 4.% ,7,5<% ;46*+% "5,% +4)*,3% "*% F,"5*G443=%'%04;#1,*,%)0+,321,% .45% *+,% ;2)(0% ),5(,)% ()% "7"(1"?1,% 46% A+,% B544C,3% D4"3% G,?)(*,% "*% GGG=*+,0544C,354"3=458% 45% "*% GGG=+,"5*G4437(58(6("=458=% A+,%;2)(0%),5(,)%()%)#46)45,3%?<% A+,% B544C,3% D4"3$% F,"5*G443$% Virginia Commission for the Arts,
"63%*+,%@"*(46"1%W634G;,6*%.45% the Arts. F,"5*G443Y% S42*+G,)*% &(58(6("L)% '5*()"6% !"*,G"<% ()% 140"*,3% 4..% >TV9% "*% WK(*% 9Z% (6% '?(68346$% &(58(6("% "63% .,"*25,)%
.443$% ;2)(0$% "63% 05".*% 4.% Southwest Virginia. Admission to *+,%0460,5*%()%.5,,%"63%346"*(46)% G(11% ?,% "00,#*,3% .45% A+,% B544C,3% D4"3% A5"3(*(46"1% E2)(0% W320"*(46%O5485";%^AEWO`=
J45%;45,%(6.45;"*(46%46%A+,% B544C,3% D4"3% E2)(0% S,5(,)% 0"11% ^]Xa`%ZP]T]Z:P%45%,;"(1Y%(6.4r *+,0544C,354"3=458= O+4*4%?<%I46"*+"6%D4;,4=
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 15
All For A Song
Local Author Signs New Book August 10th & 17th Q"55<% Q1"(5% ()% "% 6"*(7,% 4.% &(58(6("% and grew up in the Roanoke area. F,% 0255,6*1<% makes his home (6% I46,)?45428+$% A,66,)),,=% F,% ()% "% 85"32"*,% 4.% W")*% Tennessee State d6(7,5)(*<=% Unwound G")% +()% /(5)*% 647,1$% 5,1,"),3%(6%1"*,%]:99=%% Now, he plans to do *G4% ?44C% )(86(68)% .45% +()% 1"*,)*% 647,1$% All For A Song. A+,% /(5)*% )(86(68% G(11% ?,% S"*253"<$% '282)*% 9:*+% "*% E"2CL)% (6% I46,)?45428+% .54;% 9:"=;=%*(11%]%#=;=
@,K*% G(11% ?,% S"*253"<$% '282)*% 9X*+% "*% E5=% lL)% (6% I4+6)46% B(*<% from noon till 3 p.m. J45%;45,%(6.45;"*(46%46%Q"55<% Q1"(5% "63% +()% ?44C)$% #1,"),% 7()(*% GGG=5(8+*/(,13#5,))=04;= Unwound% ()% "7"(1"?1,% "*% 140"1% ?44C)*45,)$% ")% G,11% ")% 461(6,% ")% ';"g46% l(631,% ,3(*(46% ,T?44C=%% All For A Song% ()% "1)4% "7"(1"?1,% 140"11<$%"63%)446%461(6,=%% R+4% C(11,3% I4+66<% D4),p%% F,% G")% "6% 47,5T*+,T+(11% -#5<% )*"5% G(*+% +()% ?,)*% 3"<)% ?,+(63% +(;$% 45% )4% (*% ),,;)=% % @")+7(11,% F4;(0(3,% f,*,0*(7,% I"C,% Q,63,5$% who moonlights around town as a singer and songwriter, is "))(86,3%*+,%0"),[%64?43<%C64G)% *+,% 0426*5<% ;2)(0% )0,6,% 1(C,% +,% 34,)=% % ')% +,% 144C)% (6*4% D4),L)% #")*$% ),7,5"1% )2)#,0*)% k2(0C1<%
emerge. But when someone turns *+,;),1.% (6% "63% 046.,)),)% *4% *+,% ;253,5$%(*%()6L*%"6<%4.%*+,%#,4#1,% I"C,%)2)#,0*)=%%'*%*+,%)";,%*(;,$% I"C,% ;2)*% 3,"1% G(*+% +()% ,KTG(.,$% *+,% E"<45% 4.% @")+7(11,$% G+4% +")% +,5% ,<,% 46% ?,(68% *+,% 6,K*% !47,5645% 4.% A,66,)),,=% % S+,%
G"6*)%*+,%0"),%)417,3%k2(0C1<$%64% ;"**,5% *+,% 046),k2,60,)$% "63% +,5%(67417,;,6*%?5(68)%+,5%5(8+*% ?"0C%(6%*4%I"C,L)%1(.,= R+"*% ,7417,)% ()% "% G(13% 5(3,% "54263% E2)(0% B(*<% (67417(68% 0+"5"0*,5)% .54;% "11% G"1C)% 4.% 1(.,=%% R,104;,%*4%iF(11?(11<%F411<G443=j
Page 16, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
Jerry’s Girls
Johnson City Community Theatre Opens August 9th
I,55<L)% !(51)$% "% ;2)(0"1% 5,72,% *+"*% 0,1,?5"*,)% G4;,6% 6";,3% f411<% "63% E";,% "63% E"?,1$% ()% "% 5,72,% ?"),3% 46% *+,% )468)% 4.% Q54"3G"<% 1,8,63% I,55<% F,5;"6=%% F,5;"6% ()% "% 04;#4),5h1<5(0()*% who knows how to write ;,;45"?1,% )468)% .45% 1"58,5T *+"6T1(.,% G4;,6=% J45% 82<)$% *44$% (.% <42% 0426*% N"% B"8,% "2K% J411,)=%% A+()% Q54"3G"<% +(*% .,"*25,)% "11% *+,% ?,)*% )468)% .45% G4;,6% .54;% )20+% (;;45*"1% ;2)(0"1)% ")% E";,$% F,114% f411<s$% E(1C% "63%
F46,<$% E"0C% "63% E"?,1$% '% f"<% (6% F411<G443h'% @(8+*% (6% *+,% dC5"(6,% "63% N"% B"8,% '2K% J411,)=% '*% I4+6)46% B(*<% B4;;26(*<% A+,"*5,%^IBBA`$%*+,%;2)(0%4.%I,55<% F,5;"6%04;,)%*4%1(.,%46%'282)*% P%"63%526)%.45%*+5,,%G,,C,63)%*4% '282)*%]Z=%%O,5.45;"60,)%G(11%?,% 46%J5(3"<)%"63%S"*253"<)%"*%VY::% #=;=$%G(*+%"%S263"<%;"*(6,,%"*%]% #=;=%46%'282)*%9V=% %I,55<L)%!(51)%()%*+,%.425*+%)+4G% (6% IBBAL)% 9:9)*% ),")46$% ;"C(68% IBBA% *+,% 1468,)*% 046*(6242)1<% running theatre organization in the state of Tennessee and one of the longest 5266(68% *+,"*5(0"1% organizations in *+,% d=S=% % IBBAL)% /(5)*% #54320*(46% G")% (6% 9VVU$% "63% +")% "6% 26?54C,6% 5,0453% 4.% 046*(6242)% ),")46)% 4.%#54320,3%#1"<)%"63% ;2)(0"1)%)(60,%9P9]=% i@4% 4*+,5% ;2)(0"1% *+,"*,% 04;#4),5% +")% G5(**,6% )4% ;"6<% 1<5(0)% "63% ;,143(,)% that resonate with *+,% ';,5(0"6% #2?1(0% *+"6% I,55<% F,5;"6$j% 04;;,6*,3% I,55<L)% !(51)% 3(5,0*45% "63% 1(.,*(;,% IBBA% ;,;?,5$% Q(11% B";#?,11$% iE45,%
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August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 17
Ryan Gray Performs Musical Medley Benefit For Virginia Intermont College August 9th, 7pm
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Page 18, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
Tune Town Old Time String Band Carter Family Fold August 10th, 7:30pm
S"*253"<$% '282)*% 9:th$% ]:9b$% "*% XYb:% #=;=$% *+,% B"5*,5% J";(1<% J413% (6% F(1*46)$% &(58(6("$% G(11% #5,),6*% "% 0460,5*% ?<% *+,% Tune Town Old Time String Band with f5=% E"5C% F"63<=% % '3;())(46% *4% *+,% 0460,5*%()%\V%.45%"321*)$%0+(135,6%a%*4%99% \9$%263,5%"8,%a%.5,,= The Tune Town Old Time Band is "% @45*+% B"541(6"% ?"),3% 413% *(;,% ?"63% *+"*% +")% ?,,6% ;"C(68% k2(*,% "% 6";,% .45% *+,;),17,)%(6%413%*(;,%;2)(0%0(501,)%.45% *+,%#")*%),7,5"1%<,"5)=%%A26,%A4G6%+")% )(K% ;2)(0("6)% (6% *+,% 8542#=% % A+,% ?"63% .,"*25,)% *G4% 82(*"5)$% *G4% /(331,)$% "63% *+,%01"G+";;,5%?"6H4=%%f5=%E"5C%F"63<% G(11%?,%#1"<(68%?"6H4%"63%+,1#(68%42*%46% 740"1)=%%R+,6%+,L)%64*%#1"<(68%413%*(;,$% f5=% F"63<% #5"0*(0,)% .";(1<% ;,3(0(6,% (6% '?(68346$%&(58(6("= J"6)%4.%8542#)%1(C,%*+,%E426*"(6%O"5C% -13%A(;,%Q"63%G(11%147,%A26,%A4G6=%%Q,% )25,% *4% ?5(68% <425% 3"60(68% )+4,)$% "63% ?,%5,"3<%.45%"%6(8+*%4.%34G6%+4;,%.26=%% R(*+%*G(6%/(331,)$%<42%0"6%?,%)25,%*+,5,% G(11%?,%14*)%4.%*26,)%*4%C,,#%*+,%3"60,5)% +"##<% "63% 46% *+,% /1445=% % @4*+(68% 8,*)% <42% 42*% 4.% <425% ),"*% "63% 46% *+,% 3"60,%
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August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 19
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 3141 Celebrates 56 years of “People Helping People” #5,7,6*(68% '8,% f()05(;(6"*(46% (6%*+,%G45C#1"0,%"5,%"%.,G%4.%*+,% *+(68)%*+,%W"81,)%+"7,%+"3%"%+"63% in. S4%iR+4%'5,%A+,%W"81,)pj%%%%R,% +4#,%*+"*% *+()%G(11% *,11% <42% ;45,% "?42*%G+4%G,%"5,$%"63%"11%*+,%.26% G,% +"7,% ?,(68t=jO,4#1,% F,1#(68% People”. f54#% ?<% "63% ),,% .45% <425),1.% +4G% *+,% J5"*,56"1% -53,5% 4.% W"81,)%()%)*(11%;"C(68%"%3(..,5,60,% (6% *+,(5% 04;;26(*<% "63% 0426*5<=%% A+,5,% ()% C"5"4C,% 46% A2,)3"<% "63% J5(3"<% 6(8+*)% G(*+% 64% 047,5% -6% '282)*% Z$% ]:9b% *+,% J5"*,56"1% -53,5% 4.% W"81,)% ',5(,% b9Z9% 0,1,?5"*,3% *+,(5% Uath "66(7,5)"5<% (6% l(68)#45*=% % % % A+,% W"81,)%)*"5*,3%G(*+%U:%;,;?,5)% (6%9PUX%G(*+%"%35,";%4.%+,1#(68% #,4#1,=% % -7,5% *+,% 6,K*% Ua% <,"5)% *+,<%+"7,%+,1#,3%62;,542)%140"1$% 6"*(46"1% "63% W"81,)% 0+"5(*(,)=%% A43"<%*+,%W"81,)%"5,%)*(11%)*5468% (6%;,;?,5)+(#%"63%*+,(5%35,";% of helping people. A+,% J5"*,56"1% -53,5% 4.% W"81,)% G")% .4263,3% (6% 9VPV% (6% S,"**1,$% R")+(68*46% ?<% )(K% *+,"*5,% 4G6,5)=% % A+,% 458"6(g"*(46% G")% 32??,3% iA+,% Order of Good Things”. The /(5)*%;,,*(68)%G,5,%+,13%46%*+,% )*"8,)%4.%7"5(42)%140"1%*+,"*5,)% "63% ".*,5% *+,% ?2)(6,))% G")% ),**1,3% *+,<% G4213% ,6H4<% "% .,G% +425)%4.%)40("1%"0*(7(*(,)=%%'%.,G% G,,C)% 1"*,5% ")% *+,(5% 62;?,5)% 85,G[% *+,<% 0+4),% *+,% Q"13% W"81,% ")% *+,(5% 4./(0("1% ,;?1,;% "63% 0+"68,3% *+,% 6";,% *4% iA+,% J5"*,56"1%-53,5%4.%W"81,)=j S(60,% *+4),% ,"51<% 3"<)$% *+,% W"81,)% +"7,% 854G6% *4% 47,5% 9% ;(11(46%;,;?,5)%(6%47,5%9$X::% 0(*(,)% "054))% *+,% d6(*,3% S*"*,)% and Canada. S,7,6% d6(*,3% S*"*,)% O5,)(3,6*)%+"7,%?,,6%;,;?,5)% "63% *+,% W"81,)% 046*(62,% *4% ?,% "% ;"H45% .450,% (6% )40("1% 5,.45;% ?<% 5"()(68% ;(11(46)% 4.% 3411"5)% for those less fortunate and to /(63% 025,)% .45% 3(),"),)% *+"*% "(1% mankind. '1*+428+%;"6<%34%64*%C64G% (*$% *+,% W"81,)% +"7,% *420+,3% ,7,5<%#,5)46L)%1(.,%(6%46,%G"<%45% "64*+,5=% % % E4*+,5L)% f"<$% S40("1% S,025(*<$% E,3(0"5,$% "63% 1"G)%
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Page 20, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
Dale Jett & Hello Stranger Northeast State August 10th, 7pm ?,,6% +,"7(1<% )*,,#,3% G(*+(6% *+,%+,"5*%4.%+()%.";(1<L)%;2)(0"1% +,5(*"8,=% F,% +,1#,3% ,;0,,% "63% F,114% S*5"68,5% #,5.45;,3% "*% *+,% B"5*,5%J";(1<%J413%(6%F(1*46)$%&"=$% .45%;"6<%<,"5)= Growing up within the Carter J";(1<$% I,**% +")% ?,,6% (6/12,60,3% ?<% ;"6<% ;2)(0("6)% "63% )*<1,)% 4.% ;2)(0=% % F,% ?,8"6% #1"<(68% guitar in his late teens when W1(g"?,*+% B4**,6% *"28+*% +(;% +()% /(5)*%0+453)%T%1,.*%+"63,3$%2#)(3,% down. Later, he added his own )*<1,% 4.% '2*4+"5#% #1"<(68% *4% +()% 5,#,5*4(5,=%F()%#,5.45;"60,)%"63% 5,0453(68)% ,604;#"))% "% 26(k2,% 04;?(6"*(46%4.%*5"3(*(46"1%)468)% ?1,63,3% G(*+% "% ;(K% 4.% 4*+,5)% *+"*% ,K*,63% *+,% ?4263"5(,)% 4.% 0467,6*(46"1%0426*5<= F,114%S*5"68,5%.,"*25,)%A,5,)"% I,**% 46% ?"))$% "63% -)0"5% F"55()% #1"<(68% 82(*"5$% ;"6341(6% "63% "2*4+"5#=% % A+,<% +"7,% "##,"5,3% 46% E426*"(6% S*"8,$% A+,% E"5*<% S*2"5*%S+4G$%A+,%!5"63%-1,%-#5<$% and other TV and radio shows. A+,<% +"7,% "1)4% #,5.45;,3% "*% .,)*(7"1)$% 0460,5*)$% 0411,8,)$% G45C)+4#)$% #5(7"*,% 8"*+,5(68)% "54263% *+,% 0426*5<% "63% (6% Canada. J45% ;45,% (6.45;"*(46% "?42*% *+,%F4*%@(8+*)$%B441%E2)(0%),5(,)$% 7()(*% GGG=@45*+,")*S*"*,=,32% 45% 046*"0*% H#C,11<r@45*+,")*S*"*,= edu. S(68,5% "63% ;2)(0("6% f"1,% I,**% "63%F,114%S*5"68,5%*"C,%*+,%)*"8,% "*% @45*+,")*% S*"*,% B4;;26(*<% B411,8,% 46% S"*253"<$% '28=% 9:% (6% the Wellmont Regional Center .45% *+,% O,5.45;(68% '5*)$% 140"*,3% 46%*+,%B411,8,L)%;"(6%0";#2)%(6% Q1426*7(11,$% "3H"0,6*% *4% *+,% A5(T Cities Regional Airport. A+,% #,5.45;"60,% 4.% I,**% "63% F,114% S*5"68,5% ()% #"5*% 4.% *+,% B411,8,L)% iF4*% @(8+*)$% B441% E2)(0j% )2;;,5% 0460,5*% ),5(,)=%% The show is free and open to the #2?1(0=%%A+,%#,5.45;"60,%?,8(6)% at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. I,**% ()% "% *+(53% 8,6,5"*(46% ;,;?,5%4.%*+,%1,8,63"5<%B"5*,5% J";(1<%"63%"%6"*(7,%4.%S42*+G,)*% &(58(6("=% % A+,% )46% 4.% I"6,**,% Carter, the grandson of A.P. and S"5"% B"5*,5$% I,**L)% 544*)% +"7,%
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 21
Blithe Spirit
Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre Opens August 7th
S42*+,56% '##"1"0+("6% D,#,5*45<% A+,"*5,%014),)%42*%*+,(5%bPth season with Blithe Spirit,% "% )*"#1,% #1"<% *+"*% +")% ?,,6% )+4G(68% "11% 47,5% *+,% 0426*5<% .45% <,"5)=% >*% G(6)% 47,5% "23(,60,)% G(*+% (*)% 5,1"*"?1,% 0+"5;$% )*5468% 0+"5"0*,5)$% +(33,6% k2(5C)% "63% .26% 3("1482,=% '33% (6% )4;,% 140"1% R,)*,56% B"541(6"% ."745(*,)% "63% *+()% #54320*(46% G(11% #547,% *4% ?,% )4;,*+(68% )#,0("1= Blithe Spirit% 0460,56)% )40("1(*,% "63% 647,1()*% B+"51,)% B4634;(6,$% G+4% (67(*,)% *+,% ,00,6*5(0% ;,3(2;% "63% 01"(574<"6*$% E"3";,%'50"*($%*4%+()%+42),%*4%046320*%"% )n"60,$% +4#(68% *4% 8"*+,5% ;"*,5("1% .45% +()% 6,K*%?44C=%A+,%)0+,;,%?"0C/(5,)%G+,6%*+,% 8+4)*%4.%+()%"664<(68%"63%*,;#,5";,6*"1% /(5)*%G(.,$%W17(5"$%+"26*)%+(;%(;;,3("*,1<% ".*,5% *+,% )n"60,=% W17(5"% ;"C,)% 046*(62"1% "**,;#*)%*4%3()52#*%B+"51,)L)%;"55("8,%*4% +()%),0463%G(.,$%D2*+$%G+4%0"664*%),,%45% hear the ghost. S'DA%()%*+5(11,3%*4%"664260,%*+"*%'#5(1% ILB"11"+"6% E"5)+"11$% "% ?4"53% ;,;?,5% 4.% *+,% S42*+,")*,56% A+,"*5,% B46.,5,60,% ^SWAB`% *44C% *+,% *(;,% *4% H4(6% *+,% 0")*% 4.% Q1(*+,% S#(5(*=% S'DA% "1)4% G,104;,)% ?"0C% "% ),")46,3% ."745(*,$% D"63<% @44H(6=% -*+,5% ;,;?,5)% 4.% *+,% 0")*% (60123,% #5,7(42)%
0")*% ;,;?,5)% .54;% *+()% )2;;,5$% N<6% @(+"5*$% Q,7,51<% A433$% l"<% !"17(6$% E,1"6(,% E45*46$% among others. Guest 3(5,0*45%I21(,%D(0+"53)46% 3(5,0*)% *+,% )+4G=% A+,% ),*% 3,)(86% ()% ?<% D(0+"53% Seagle, the lighting 3,)(86% ?<% B+"51,)% f"7(3% >>>% "63% W*+"6% F411(68,5% "63% )4263% 3,)(86% ?<% I46"*+"6%Q"66,5= O54320,3% ?<% f"6% "63% Q,7,51<% N26).453$% Blithe Spirit is not 5,04;;,63,3% .45% );"11% 0+(135,6% "63% runs August 7 through '282)*% 9V$% G(*+% "6% 4#,6(68% 6(8+*% 5,0,#*(46% )#46)45,3% ?<% B45C% "63% B54G6% 46% '282)*% V=% A4% #250+"),% *(0C,*)$% 0"11% *+,% S'DA% ?4K% 4./(0,% "*% ^V]V`% aVPT9]bP% 45% 7()(*% GGG=)"5*#1"<)= 458=% J1,K% O"))% S,")46% )2?)05(#*(46)% for BLITHE SPIRIT ^'282)*% XT9V`% "5,% "7"(1"?1,%.45%\9]:=%%>63(7(32"1%*(0C,*)%526% \9VT\]U% 3,#,63(68% 46% *+,% #,5.45;"60,=%% A+,% O5,7(,G% O,5.45;"60,% 46% '282)*% Xth .,"*25,)%+"1.%4..%*(0C,*)%^\9]=U:%.45%"11`=%% S'DA% ,6*,5*"(6)% <42% G(*+% (*)% ;2)(0"1)$% '##"1"0+("6% +,5(*"8,% #1"<)$% G4513% #5,;(,5,)$% (6*,5123,)$% 0411,8,% #54320*(46)%"63%;45,=%>*%()%26(k2,%";468% "5,"% *+,"*5,)% ?<% #547(3(68% ,320"*(46"1% #5485";)$% )0+41"5)+(#)$% 6,G% #1"<% 04;#,*(*(46)$%42*5,"0+%*4%*+,%04;;26(*<$% "63% 0411"?45"*(46)% G(*+% 4*+,5% "5*% 458"6(g"*(46)=% f"6% "63% Q,7,51<% N26).453% "63% R,"7,57(11,% W<,% '))40("*,)% )#46)45% *+,%]:9b%S'DA%S,")46=%S'DA%()%)2##45*,3% ?<%*+,%@45*+%B"541(6"%'5*)%B4260(1$%G+(0+% ?,1(,7,)%*+"*%"%85,"*%6"*(46%3,),57,)%85,"*% art. >.% <42% G4213% 1(C,% ;45,% (6.45;"*(46% "?42*%S'DA%45%Blithe Spirit, #1,"),%046*"0*% Q5<,11,%f".,13,0C,5%"*%*+,%?2)(6,))%4./(0,% "*%V]VTaVPT9bVZ$%45%7()(*%GGG=)"5*#1"<)= org. O(0*25,3Y% Q,7,51<% A433% ")% W17(5"% "63% D"63<%@44H(6%")%B+"51,)%B4634;(6,
Page 22, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
August is Meteor Month
Catch a falling star Put it in your pocket Never let it fade away. Catch a falling star Put it in your pocket Save it for a rainy day. '*% "6<% ;4;,6*% *+,% 3"5C% 4.% 6(8+*% ;"<% ?,% #(,50,3% ?<% *+,% ?5(8+*$% 6,,31,T1(C,% ?25)*% 4.% 1(8+*% .54;%"6%(60(6,5"*(68%;,*,45= A+"*% ;,*,45% ;"<% ?,% *+,% )(g,% 4.%"%85"(6%4.%)"1*u45%")%?(8%")%"% /()*=% % S4;,% G,(8+(68% +2635,3)% 4.%#4263)$%,7,6%*+42)"63)$%+"7,% ;"3,%(*%*4%*+,%)25."0,%"63%"5,%(6% museums around the world. But ,7,5<3"<$% W"5*+% #14G)% *+5428+%
*+42)"63)% 4.% #4263)% 4.% 04);(0% 3,?5()%*+"*%/(1*,5)%34G6%*+5428+% our atmosphere, landing on *+,% 854263% 1(C,% 32)*% 46% "% 04..,,% *"?1,= A+428+% 26#5,3(0*"?1,% G+,6% "63% G+,5,% "% ;,*,45% ;"<% strike, what is known are the *(;,)% G+,6% W"5*+L)% 45?(*% #14G)% through streams of meteor 3,?5()% *+"*% 04;,)% .54;% 04;,*)% or shattered asteroids. And August is a time when 425%0,1,)*("1%814?,%,6*,5)%),7,5"1% )G"5;)% 4.% ;,*,454(3% 3,?5()$% (60123(68% *+,% .";42)% O,5),(3% Meteor Shower that peaks the ;456(68%4.%E463"<$%'282)*%9]=%
A+,% E446% ()% "% *+(6% 05,)0,6*% (6% *+,% ,"51<% ,7,6(68% )C<$% )4% *+,% 3"<)%?,.45,%"63%".*,5%*+,%O,5),(3% #,"C%46%'28=%9]*+%"5,%."745"?1,% *4%),,%;"<?,%2#%*4%U:%i)+44*(68% )*"5)j% "6% +425=% A+,% ?,)*% *(;,% is after 2 am, when our part of *+,% W"5*+% ()% *256,3% *4G"53% 425% 3(5,0*(46%"54263%*+,%S26=%% R"*0+(68% ;,*,45% )+4G,5)$% #"5*(021"51<% *+,% G"5;TG,"*+,5% O,5),(3%6(8+*)$%"5,%"1G"<)%"%.26% 6(8+*%42*=%o42%"5,%0,5*"(6%*4%),,% #1,6*<% 4.% i)+44*(68% )*"5)j% *4% ;"C,%G()+,)%2#46=%%I2)*%1"<%?"0C% (6% "% 1"G6% 0+"(5% G(*+% <425% +,"3% *4% *+,% ,")*$% *+,6% )0"6% *+,% )C(,)% 6"C,3% ,<,% G+(1,% ,6H4<(68% )4;,% ;2)(0% "63% "% ?,7,5"8,=% '% #"(5% 4.% ?(64021"5)% 400")(46"11<% 2),3% *4% )0"6% *+,% E(1C<% R"<% G(11% ;"C,% <42% "##5,0("*,% *+,% 62;?,5% 4.% )*"5)%G,%346L*%),,%G(*+%425%,<,)% alone. A+,5,% "5,% 64% 1,))% *+"6% Z9% ,)*"?1()+,3% ;,*,45% )+4G,5)% *+"*% 5,821"51<% 40025% ,"0+% <,"5=%% A+,% ?(8% 46,)% "5,% *+,% O,5),(3)% in August, the Quadrantids in I"62"5<% "63% *+,% !,;(6(3)% (6% f,0,;?,5=% A+,<% "5,% 6";,3% .45% *+,% 046)*,11"*(46)% .54;% G+(0+% *+,<% ),,;% *4% 45(8(6"*,$% *+428+% *+4),%)*"5)%"5,%H2)*%"%?"0C854263=%%
E4)*% 4.% *+,% 3,?5()% ()% 1,.*% 47,5)% .54;% "% 3,.260*% 04;,*L)% 45?(*=%% The Perseids seem to radiate out 4.% *+,% 046)*,11"*(46% O,5),2)% *+,% !5,,C%+,54$%"63%"5,%#(,0,)%4.%"6% 413%04;,*%6";,3%SG(.*TA2**1,=% '% ;,*,45% ()% )(;#1<% "% #(,0,% 4.% S41"5% S<)*,;% H26C% *+"*% +(*)% *+,% W"5*+L)% "*;4)#+,5,% "63% ?256)% 2#% ?<% .5(0*(46=% % A+,% ,6,58<% ()% 5,1,"),3% (6)*"6*1<% (6% 1(8+*% "63% +,"*=% % S4;,% ;,*,45(*,)% +"7,% "% );4C<% *5"(1$% 0"11,3% "% i*5"(6j% ?<% astronomers. '% #(,0,% 4.% 3,?5()% (6% )#"0,% ()% 0"11,3% "% ;,*,454(3=% % R+,6% (*% ?256)% 2#% (6% *+,% "*;4)#+,5,$% (*% ()% 0"11,3% "% ;,*,45(*,=% % R+,6% +,13%(6%<425%+"63$%(*%()%"%;,*,45=% S4;,*(;,)% *+,% ;,*,45% 0"6% ?,% )4% ?5(8+*% (*% G(11% 0")*% "% )+"34G=%% -*+,5)$% 0"11,3% ?41(3,)$% "5,6L*% 461<%?5(8+*$%?2*%?5,"C%"#"5*%G(*+% "%1423%?"68=% >.% "% ;,*,454(3% );")+,)% through our atmosphere, and that meteorite makes it to the 854263$% *+"*% 0+26C% 4.% ;,*,45% ;(8+*%"0*2"11<%?,%.54)*<%"63%0413% *4%*420+=%%A+428+%*+,%.5(0*(46%4.%"% ]:$:::%;#+%(;#"0*%G(*+%W"5*+L)% atmosphere melted the outside, *+,%+,"*%34,)6L*%"1G"<)%#,6,*5"*,% *+,% (6)(3,)% 4.% *+,% )#"0,% 540C=%
D,;,;?,5$% *+,% ;,*,45% G")% (6% *+,% ]::T3,85,,% ?,14G% g,54% 74(3% 4.% 42*,5% )#"0,% .45% G+4% C64G)% +4G%;"6<%;(11(46)%45%?(11(46)%4.% <,"5)s E,*,45)%*+,%)(g,%4.%"%?"),?"11% 45% );"11,5% "5,% .5,k2,6*1<% .4263% (6% '6*"50*(0"% "63% *+,% 3,),5*)% 4.% '.5(0"%G+,5,%*+,<%"5,%,")(1<%),,6% 1<(68%46%*+,%)25."0,=% %A+,5,%+"7,%,7,6%?,,6%#(,0,)%4.% the Moon and planet Mars found 46% W"5*+% *+"*% 45(8(6"*,3% .54;% *(*"6(0%(;#"0*)%G(*+%")*,54(3)%46% those worlds. '63% *+,% /(5)*% (6*,5#1"6,*"5<% ;,*,45(*,)% +"7,% ?,,6% .4263% ?<% *G4% E"5)% 547,5)$% S#(5(*% "63% -##45*26(*<=% A+,<% H2)*% G+,,1,3% 2#% *4% *+,% )#"0,% 540C)% )*(0C(68% 42*%")%?1"0C,6,3%540C%"8"(6)*%*+,% 5,3$%"1(,6%)25."0,%"63%;"3,%*+,(5% )0(,6*(/(0% "6"1<)()TT46,% ;"5*("6% ;,*,45(*,%()%*+,%)(g,%4.%"%.44*?"11s >605,3(?1<$% 9:% *46)% 4.% )#"0,% 3,?5()% ,6*,5)% W"5*+L)% "*;4)#+,5,% ,7,5<% 3"<s% % ')% G,% *5"7,1% (6% 425% <,"51<$% b::% ;(11(46% ;(1,%45?(*%"54263%*+,%S26=%W"5*+% ()% )G,,#(68% *+5428+% )#"0,% 3,?5()% *+"*% ()% ;4)*1<% )"63T)(g,3% *4%;(054)04#(0=% Continued on page 23
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 23
Continued from page 22
'63$% <,)$% ;,*,454(3)% #,1*% )#"0,05".*% 1(C,% *+,% S#"0,% S+2**1,$% *+,% F2??1,% A,1,)04#,%"63%>6*,56"*(46"1% S#"0,% S*"*(46u")% G,11% ")% "11%45?(*(68%)"*,11(*,)u.54;% *(;,%*4%*(;,=%S#"0,05".*%"5,% 4?7(42)1<% #54*,0*,3% .54;% *+,% );"11$% "63% ^+4#,.211<`% 1"58,5$% ;"5?1,T)(g,3% ;,*,454(3)=%%R+,6%5,#1"0,3% (6% 5,0,6*% )#"0,% ;())(46)$% *+,% )41"5% #"6,1)% 4.% *+,% >SS% "63% F2??1,% +"7,% )+4G6% thousands of pinhole, ;,*,454(3%(;#"0*)= S4% ."5$% ;"66,3% )#"0,% /1(8+*)% 4.% ';,5(0"$% D2))("% "63% B+(6"% +"7,% +"3% 64% (11% ,60426*,5)% G(*+% meteoroids. Though more *+"6% 46,% S#"0,% S+2**1,% has had a dinged window. During meteor showers, ")*546"2*)%46%*+,%>SS%45(,6*%*+,(5% 45?(*(68% +4;,% (6% "% #54*,0*(7,% "681,% *4% ;(6(;(g,% (;#"0*% *4% ),6)(*(7,%"5,")= E,*,45)% +"7,% +"3% #,5)46"1% ,60426*,5)%G(*+%+2;"6)$%*+428+% ),7,5"1%)2)#,0*,3%(;#"0*%3,"*+)% 4.% ;,6% (6% 9U99$% 9aU:% "63% 9aXU%
"5,% (;#4))(?1,% *4% )2?)*"6*("*,=% >6% ;43,56% *(;,)$% "% ]:T#4263% ;,*,45% +(*% "% #"5C,3% 0"5% (6% @,G% I,5),<% (6% 9PPa$% *,"5(68% 2#% *+,% *526C% "63% .,63,5=% % '% PT#4263,5% ?52(),3% "% G4;"6% 1<(68% 46% +,5% 0420+% (6% S<1"0"28"$% '1"?";"% (6% 9PUZ=% % >*% 05")+,3% *+5428+% +,5% 544.%"63%?4260,3%4..%*+,%5"3(4=%% -6% *+,% 6(8+*% 4.% E"50+% ]a$%
]::b$% *+,% B+(0"84% )2?25?% 4.% O"5C% J45,)*% 84*% "% *+5(11% G+,6% ]:T#4263% ;,*,45(*,% ,K#143,3% "63% )+4G,5,3% *+,% 04;;26(*<% G(*+% *+42)"63)% 4.% 26,K#,0*,3% 0,1,)*("1% 540C)$% )4;,% 34(68% ;(645%3";"8,%*4%#54#,5*<=% '63% 46% J,?=% 9U$% ]:9b% "% U:T .44*% ;,*,45(*,% ,K#143,3% 9:% ;(1,)% 47,5% B+,1<"?(6)C$% D2))("$%
sending more than 9$:::% #,4#1,% *4% *+,% ,;,58,60<% 544;)% G(*+% 02*)$% ?5,"C)% "63% ?52(),)=% % A+,% "(5% 04602))(46%?1")*,3%42*% G(634G)% "63% 1,7,1,3% )4;,% G,"C% )*520*25,)$% 0"2)(68% \]% ;(11(46% (6% damage to that Russian metropolis of one million people. A+4),% O"5C% J45,)*% "63% B+,1<"?(6)C% meteorites — and thousands of other )#"0,% 540C)% .54;% meteor falls around the G4513u0"6% ?,% ?428+*% .54;% >6*,56,*% 7,6345)% .45% "% #5(0,% 5"68(68% from one dollar to hundreds of dollars a gram, depending 46% *+,% 5"5(*<=% % S4;,% 140"1% ,01,0*(0% )+4#)$% 1(C,% E()*<% E*=% f,)(86% (6% Q5()*41$% +"7,% small meteorites and meteorite H,G,15<%.45%)"1,=% o42% 0"6% "1)4% ?2<% ?,"2*(.21% 0411,0*(46)% *+"*% )";#1,% )4;,% 4.% *+,%G4513L)%;4)*%.";42)%;,*,45% /(63)u1(C,% #(,0,)% 4.% *+,% );"11% asteroid that formed Meteor
Crater in Arizona. A+,5,%"5,%#1,6*<%4.%)#"0,%540C)% (6%*+,%;"5C,*#1"0,=%%N44C%"*%*+,% "3)% (6% "6<% ;46*+1<% ")*5464;<% magazine for all kinds of meteor )#,0(;,6)$% 5(68)$% #,63"6*)$% 1,**,5%4#,6,5)%"63%)20+=%%E<%4G6% C,<%5(68%()%"%#41()+,3%;,*,45s A+(6C% <42% .4263% "% ;,*,45% (6% <425% ?"0C<"53p% % A+,% /(5)*%*,)*% ()% *4% ,K#4),% (*% *4% "% ;"86,*=% % S(60,% ;4)*%;,*,45)%"5,%;"3,%4.%"%;(K% 4.% 6(0C,1$% (546% "63% 540C$% *+,<% G(11% )*(0C% *4% "% ;"86,*=% % d)2"11<% "6% ,K#,5*% ^1(C,% "*% Q"<)% E*=% O"5C% 45% WASd% #+<)(0)% 3,#"5*;,6*`% ()% 6,,3,3% *4% ;"C,% *+,% 3,/(6(*(7,% 046/(5;"*(46= F413(68% (6% 46,L)% +"63% )4;,*+(68%*+"*%0";,%.54;%42*,5% )#"0,% ,1(0(*)% "% 3(..,5,6*% 5,"0*(46% .54;% ,7,5<?43<TT)4;,% 042136L*% 0"5,%1,))%"63%4*+,5)%"5,%,0)*"*(0% 47,5%*+,%04);(0%0466,0*(46= Q2*% ;4)*% ,7,5<?43<% ()% *"C,6% "?"0C% G+,6% *+,<% ),,% "6% 26,K#,0*,3% ?5(8+*% 6,,31,% 4.% 1(8+*%?25)*%*+,%),";)%4.%*+,%3"5C% night. This week, and the rest of the month, take some time to look up "63%0"*0+%"%."11(68%)*"5=%%A+,%G()+% will make it all worthwhile.
Page 24, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 6, 2013 Celestial events in the skies for the week of Aug. 6‐12, 2013, as compiled for The Loafer by Mark D. Marquette. %
A+,%E446%()%"%*+(6%05,)0,6*%84(68%.54;%*+,%;456(68%*4%*+,%,7,6(68%)C<$%"63% *+"*%1,"7,)%3"5C%)C(,)%.45%*+,%.";42)%O,5),(3%E,*,45%S+4G,5%^#5464260,3%OdDDT ),,T(3`=%'.*,5%;(36(8+*%46%*+,%9:*+$%99*+%"63%9]*+$%()%*+,%?,)*%*(;,%*4%),,%*+,%;4)*% ;,*,45)=%%o42%;(8+*%),,%")%;"6<%")%U:%;,*,45)%"6%+425$%#"5*(021"51<%325(68%*+,% 042#1,%+425)%?,.45,%3"G6=% Tues. Aug. 6 ')%*+,%),*)%"54263%XYUU%#;$%G(*+(6%]:%;(62*,)%&,62)%G(11%?,%,")<%*4%),,%"?47,%*+,% G,)*,56%+45(g46=%%Q2*%*+,%)C<%()%3"5C,5%47,5+,"3%"63%144C(68%,")*G"53$%"63%*+,% ?5(8+*%)*"5)%"5,%#4##(68%42*=% Wed. Aug. 7 -6,%4.%*+,%/(5)*%)*"5)%*4%?,%),,6%(6%*+,%*G(1(8+*%()%'50*252)$%*+,%*+(53%?5(8+*,)*%)*"5% (6%*+,%@45*+,56%F,;()#+,5,=%%>*L)%+(8+%(6%*+,%G,)*$%"63%?,14G%(*%*4G"53%*+,%)42*+%()% ?5(8+*$%G+(*,%S#(0"$%(6%&(584%*+,%&(58(6=%%'63%*4%*+,%1,.*%4.%S#(0"%()%*+,%<,114G%#1"6,*% Saturn. Thurs.Aug. 8 f"5C6,))%),*)%(6%?<%PY9U%#;$%"63%144C(68%*4%*+,%645*+,")*%"5,%*+5,,%?5(8+*%)*"5)%(6% "%+28,%*5("681,=%%A+,%?5(8+*,)*%+(8+%47,5+,"3%()%&,8"%(6%N<5"%*+,%F"5#$%*+,%),0463% ?5(8+*,)*%)*"5%4.%*+,%@45*+,56%F,;()#+,5,=%f,6,?%()%*+,%645*+,56%)*"5$%(6%B<862)%*+,% SG"6$%"63%*+,%*+(53%)*"5%4.%*+,%S2;;,5%A5("681,%()%'1*"(5$%(6%'k2(1"%*+,%W"81,=% Fri. Aug. 9 A+,%*+(6$%05,)0,6*%E446%+"68)%(6%*+,%G,)*,56%+45(g46%6,"5%*+,%?5(8+*,)*%#1"6,*$% &,62)=%%N44C%k2(0C$%")%*+,<L11%?,%),**(68%k2(0C1<=%
Sat. Aug. 10 f(5,0*1<%47,5+,"3%"*%PYb:%#;%()%F,5021,)$%"%5"*+,5%1"58,%046)*,11"*(46)$%?2*%*+,5,% "5,6L*%"6<%?5(8+*%)*"5)=%%J425%)*"5)%;"C,%*+,%?43<$%"63%*+,<%"5,%0"11,3%*+,%il,<)*46,=j% @,"5%46,%0456,5%l,<)*46,%)*"5%()%*+,%?5(8+*%"63%.";42)%814?21"5%012)*,5$%ET9b$%),,6% ,")(1<%(6%?(64021"5)=%-*+,5%."(6*%)*"5)%;"C,%2#%"%012?$%1,8)%"63%"5;)=%F,5021,)%"0*2"11<% 144C)%"14*%1(C,%*+,%0"5*446%0+"5"0*,5%S#468,Q4?%Sk2"5,O"6*)s Sun. Aug. 11 A+,%E(1C<%R"<%()%5()(68%(6%*+,%,")*$%"63%?<%]%";%(*%()%3(5,0*1<%47,5+,"3=%%A4%*+,%)42*+% ()%*+,%0,6*,5%4.%425%!"1"K<%"63%*+,%046)*,11"*(46%S"8(**"5(2)%*+,%'50+,5=%%>*)%)*"5)%144C% like a dot‐to‐dot teapot! Mon. Aug. 12 o425%?4))%;(8+*%64*%1(C,%(*$%?2*%(.%*+,%6(8+*%()%01,"5$%),*%*+,%"1"5;%0140C%.45%9%";%"63% 84%42*)(3,%"63%1"<%?"0C%(6%"%1"G6%0+"(5%G(*+%"%+4*%?,7,5"8,%"63%G"C,%2#%*4%*+,%#,"C% 4.%O,5),(3%;,*,45)%/1<(68%"054))%*+,%;456(68%)C<=%>.%<42%*"C,%"%6"#%?,.45,%G45C$%>L11% G5(*,%<42%"6%,K02),%.45%i5,0466,0*(68%G(*+%<425%)*"51(8+*%544*)sj%
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 25
Page 26, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 6, 2013
>.%<42%+"7,%,7,5%1468,3%*4%),,% *+,%0+"5"0*,5%4.%*+,%R417,5(6,%(6% "% I"#"6,),% ;"5*("1% "5*)% ;47(,$% *+,6%<425%G()+,)%+"7,%04;,%*52,=% A+,% 6,G% /(1;% iA+,% R417,5(6,j$% )+4213% +"7,% iS";25"(% R"55(45j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
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 27
3"<$% "63% N48"6% ()% 46% *+,% G"<% *4% I"#"6%".*,5%+,%()%140"*,3%?<%o2C(4% ^J2C2)+(;"`$% "% ;2*"6*% G(*+% *+,% "?(1(*<%*4%.45,),,%#,4#1,L)%3,"*+)$% "63% *+"*% ()% 46,% ;2*"6*% #4G,5% >% +"7,%64%3,)(5,%*4%+"7,$%*+"6C%<42% 7,5<%;20+=% o2C(4% ()% *5"7,1(68% G(*+% N48"6% *4% I"#"6% "*% *+,% 5,k2,)*% 4.% *+,% I"#"6,),%)41(3,5%G+4;%+,%)"7,3=% The former solider is now the BW-%4.%"%*,0+64148<%045#45"*(46$% and wants to see the man who 5,)02,3% +(;% ?,.45,% +,% 3(,)% 4.% 0"60,5=% When Logan and Yukio make it *4%*+,%5,)(3,60,%4.%*+,%,KT)41(3,5$% *+,<% ;,,*% +()% 85"633"28+*,5%
E"5C4% ^-C";4*4`$% G+4% G+(1,% 0"5,3%.45$%()%7,5<%;20+%"%#5()46,5% 4.% +,5% ."*+,5=% '% *5"8(0% ,7,6*% (6% E"5C4L)% .";(1<% )446% 1,"7,)% +,5% the target of assassins, and Logan "63%o2C(4%)#5(68%(6*4%"0*(46$%G(*+% N48"6%5266(68%"G"<%G(*+%E"5C4% (6%"6%,..45*%*4%C,,#%+,5%"1(7,=% E,"6G+(1,$% N48"6% +")% ?,,6% "**"0C,3%?<%*+,%7(0(42)%f5=%!5,,6% ^S7,*1"6"% l+430+,6C47"`$% "1)4% C64G%")%*+,%;2*"6*%0"11,3%&(#,5=% f5=% !5,,6% ()% 64% ;2*"6*% *4% ?,% messed with, as she is snake‐ 1(C,% "63% (;;26,% *4% *4K(6)$% ?2*% 3()+% *+,;% 42*=% &(#,5% +")% (6.,0*,3% N48"6% G(*+% "% #4()46% that makes him weaker, resulting (6% +()% +,"1(68% #4G,5)% ?,(68% *,;#45"5(1<% ;2*,3=% S4% N48"6% ()% 64*% 461<% /(8+*(68% &(#,5$% ?2*% "% 1"58,% ,1,0*54;,0+"6(0"1% % )2(*% 4.% I"#"6,),% "5;45$% 32??,3% S(17,5% S";25"($% "63% 7"5(42)% 6(6H")% "11% *+,%G+(1,%*5<(68%*4%)"7,%E"5C4= % '% ?(8% )25#5(),% ()% 5,7,"1,3% G+,6% G,% ),,% G+4% ()% 046*5411(68% S(17,5% S";25"($% "63% +()% 5,"1% #25#4),% .45% 0"11(68% N48"6% *4%
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Page 28, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 6, 2013
August 6, 2013 • The Loafer, Page 29 #,)*)% 45% "**5"0*)% 5"0446)$% 0"6L*% 5,;,;?,5% G+(0+% 46,=% W(*+,5% G"<$% <42% *5<% (*% "63% 1,*% ;,% C64G% what happens.
Ask Dr. Andy
f&D%!,6,5"1%F4)#(*"1$%"63%G"*0+% (*% ,7,5<% 6(8+*% ?,.45,% 84(68% *4% ?,3=%'63%64G$%')C%f5=%'63<=%
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04;;46% 854263=% >.% *+"*% 34,)6L*% G45C$% H2)*% )+"C,% *+,% ,7,5% 147(68% +,11% 42*% 4.% +(;% *(11% +,% 04;,)% around.
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Page 30, The Loafer • August 6, 2013
Drones vs. Bigfoot
A+()% +")% 0,5*"(61<% ?,,6% *+,% <,"5% 4.% *+,% 3546,$% G(*+% (605,")(68% "**,6*(46% ?,(68% .402),3% 46% *+,% 2),% 4.% *+,),% 26;"66,3% )257,(11"60,% "(505".*% "63% 1,8()1"*(46% ?,(68% #54#4),3% *4% ;"C,% (*% (11,8"1% .45% 0(7(1("6)% to shoot them down. Yes, the J,3,5"1% '7("*(46% '3;(6()*5"*(46% has issued a statement to that ,..,0*$% #"5*("11<% (6% 5,"0*(46% *4% "% proposed Deer Trail, Colorado, 453(6"60,% *+"*% 8(7,)% *+,% 4C"<% for its residents to shoot these #,)C<% ",5("1% 3,7(0,)% 34G6=% A+,% *4G6% 04260(1% +")% #54#4),3% 85"6*(68%"%\]U=::%3546,%+26*(68% 1(0,6),% *4% *4G6% 5,)(3,6*)% G+4% #4)),))% "% 7"1(3% G(131(.,% +26*(68% 1(0,6),=% '% 7,5<% (6*,5,)*(68% 8542#% 0"11,3% A+,% '))40("*(46% .45% d6;"66,3% &,+(01,% S<)*,;)% >6*,56"*(46"1% 4##4),)% "6<% "6*(T 3546,% 1,8()1"*(46$% ,)#,0("11<% "6<% "3740"*(68% )+44*(68% 3546,)% 42*% 4.% *+,% )C<$% "582(68% *+"*% )20+% 1,8()1"*(46% ()% i(55,)#46)(?1,$% dangerous and unlawful.” J25*+,5$% 'd&S>% O5,)(3,6*% "63% BW-% E(0+",1% A4)0"64% ?,1(,7,)% *+"*% 3546,)% i"5,% ?,(68% 3,)(86,3% *4% ),57,% *+,% #2?1(0% 8443=% A+,% ;<5("3%4.%(;#45*"6*%2),)%G(11%?,% (;#,5(1,3%(.%*+,<%?,04;,%*"58,*)=% A+,% )288,)*(46% *+"*% ';,5(0"6)% take up arms against unmanned "(505".*% "1)4% ,63"68,5)% 0(*(g,6)% 46% *+,% 854263=j% '63% *+,% 3,?"*,% goes on. This past week a new twist in the drone saga appeared when >3"+4%S*"*,%d6(7,5)(*<%#54.,))45% I,..5,<% E,1352;% #54#4),3% *+"*% *+,% 046*547,5)("1% "(505".*% ?,% ,;#14<,3% *4% *5"0C% 34G6% *+,% 1,8,63"5<% "63% ,7,5T,12)(7,% Q(8.44*%^"C"%S")k2"*0+%"63%o,*(`=% Author of two Bigfoot tomes‐‐ Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science and Sasquatch Field Guide‐‐ Meldrum states that “These 26;"66,3% 3546,)$% >% ?,1(,7,$% "5,% *+,% 6,K*% )*,#% (6% #547(68%
*+,% 6"*25,% 4.% *+,),% 05,"*25,)=j% E,1352;$% G+4% *"C,)% "% )0+41"51<% "63% 4.*,6% )C,#*(0"1% "##54"0+% *4% *+,% )2?H,0*% 4.% Q(8.44*$% "33)% *+"*% i>.% (*L)% H2)*% "% 5,"11<% 8443% )*45<$% "% 04(60(3,60,$% (*% ()% 46,% 4.% *+,% ;4)*% ,*,56"11<% 04+,5,6*% "63% 046)()*,6*% )*45(,)% ,7,5% *413=j% S4$% (6% *+,% (6*,5,)*% 4.% )0(,60,$% Meldrum is teaming up with R(11(";% Q"56,)% *4% 1"260+% A+,% J"1046% O54H,0*$% G+(0+% G(11% 2),% "% 0";,5"T,k2(##,3% .45*<T/(7,T.44*% 3546,% *4% )0425% .45,)*)% 144C(68% .45% *+,% 1"58,% "63% +"(5<% "#,T1(C,% 05,"*25,%*+"*%;(8+*%H2)*%*256%42*% *4%?,%*+,%;<*+(0"1%i;())(68%1(6C=j% R,% 0"6% 461<% G()+% *+,;% 120C% (6% /(63(68% *+,% 05,"*25,% *+"*% )4% ."5% +")%,123,3%0"#*25,= E,1352;L)%3546,%+26*%()%?,(68% proposed at a time when Bigfoot )(8+*(68)% "5,% ?,04;(68% #4#21"5% 460,%"8"(6=%'%042#1,%4.%G,,C)%"84$% "% 7(5"1% 7(3,4% "11,8,31<% 5,7,"1,3% "6%"#,T1(C,%05,"*25,%54";(68%*+,% Canadian wilderness. Like most Q(8.44*% 7(3,4)$% *+()% 46,% ()% "1)4% 7,5<% 85"(6<% "63% (6046012)(7,$% "63% 1(C,% (*)% ;"6<% #5,3,0,))45)% ()% )+4*% .54;% "% 3()*"60,% "63% 144C)% )2)#(0(42)1<% 1(C,% "% +2;"6% (6% "% 845(11"% )2(*=% '63% (*% ?,"5)% "%
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August 6, 2013 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 31
Page 32, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 6, 2013