November 20, 2012

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Page 2, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 3

Volume 26 Issue #50

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Page 4, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

Intercity Ballet Theatre of Kingsport Presents

The Nutcracker

This year Christmas will come just a little bit early for 4,500 area school children at the morning shows at Eastman’s Toy F. Reid Employee Center Theater on December 6th and 7th at 9:30 a.m. These special performances are free of charge, to all area students and teachers, with additional seating for the public at a nominal fee. The public is invited to enjoy the performances on Friday, December 7th and Saturday, December 8th, at 7:30 p.m. Join us and experience a snow storm, see a forest magically appear, and a tree grow from 10 feet to 30 feet. Membership in Intercity Ballet Theatre of Kingsport is open to all area dancers. Each year dancers from all over the area come to the annual audition for The Nutcracker. This year our production has a cast of over 140 dancers and actors from six different regional schools, along

with many adult community leaders and business people. This year three dancers from Intercity Ballet of Kingsport are invited to perform the role of Chinese with the North County Ballet of San Diego, California. The dancers include Julie Ellis, Sara Hrivnak, and Phil Clemons. In the spirit of exchange, four dancers from the North County Ballet will be coming to Kingsport to dance the role of Reed Pipes. Returning to Kingsport is Professional dancer Pablo Infante who was born in Tijuana, Mexico. In 2003 he came to the US and joined the California Ballet Company, where by mid‐season he was promoted to the rank of Soloist. His repertoire includes featured roles in full length ballets such as

The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Carmen, Cinderella, Who Cares, Ballet Imperial, Spanish Serenades, and Suite Vivaldi. Intercity Ballet Theatre welcomes Pablo who will be dancing the role of Snow King and Cavalier. The role of Sugar Plum and Snow Queen will be danced by Cassandra Lund. Cassandra received her dance training at New West Ballet School under the direction of Eugenia Keefer. She earned titles of Miss Dance Celebration

!"#$ %&'()$ '*""+',*-$ ./'$ 012$ National Champion in 1997. She danced on scholarship in New York City and was a scholarship recipient with Tremaine Dance Conventions. She teaches at high school dance camps across the Western United States where she serves as a head instructor, adjudicator and a member of

the Program Development Team. She received the prestigious 345$ !6!'#$ ./'$ )7+$ 0128($ #!"9+$ program in 2006. Her roles with :!;&./'"&!$ <!;;+)$ &"9;*#+$ 2;&9+$ in Alice and Wonderland, Snow White in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker, Giselle in Giselle and Lucy in Dracula. Dorothy Hanner Ratcliff, a "!)&=+$ >+6$ ?/'@+'A$ &($ 2')&()&9$ Director of Intercity Ballet of Kingsport. Ms Ratcliff studied #!"9+$6&)7$)7+$2B+'&9!"$197//;$ /.$ <!;;+)A$ <!;;+)$ 2')(A$ C/D+')$ Joffery, Tour Jete International in Cannes, France and graduated from the New York School /.$ 5+'./'B&"E$ 2')(F$ $ G/'/)7H$ was awarded the Governor’s IJ9+;;+"9+$ &"$ K+!97&"E$ 26!'#$ in Dance Education for the 1)!)+$ /.$ 4&'E&"&!$ !"#$ )7+$ 2')($ Council of Greater Kingsport 2')($ L+!#+'(7&-$ 26!'#F$ $ 17+$ is a founding member of the K+""+((++$ 2((/9&!)&/"$ /.$ Dance for Tennessee. Dorothy has danced professionally throughout the US and Canada, and was a member of the world famous Radio City Music Hall Rockettes. For the past fourteen years she has been choreographer for Kingsport’s Showtime, and now is co‐ director of the Centre for the 5+'./'B&"E$2')(A$M&"E(-/')F$$ Local dancers giving their time and talent include, Phil Clemons, dancing the role of The Nutcracker. Madeline Howe, Chloe Lowe, and Chloe Ottinger will be sharing the role /.$ :;!'!A$ 6&)7$ 2!'/"$ N!9@(/"A$ O+;;($ L+B/"(A$ !"#$ 2&#+"$ Ponder sharing the role of Fritz. Sharing the role of Mecanical Continued on page 5

Continued from page 4

G/;;$ !'+$ 2H;+/""!$ :!B-$ !"#$ Beth Harsock. Devil Doll will be danced by Samantha Hess and Caroline Luethke. The role of Tree Fairy and Chinese, will be danced by Julie Ellis and Sara Hrivnak, Spanish will be danced by Danielle Bear and Dew Drop Fairies will be Jacquelyn Crawford, Chelsea Sumpter and Whitney Welch. Sharing the role of Snow Demi Soloist will be Macy French and Catherine Raible. Dancing the role of 2'!D&!"$ 6&;;$ D+$ :!(+H$ :'!6./'#$ and Kristen Odom. The roles of Clara’s parents will be danced DH$ N+..$ !"#$ 2BH$ L*+)7@+A$ !"#$ Ms. Ratcliff will dance the role of Grandmother. Daniel Ratcliff will be performing the role Rat King. Mr. Mike McGinn will reprise his role of Uncle Drosselmeyer. E. T. Tarlton will be dancing the role of Russian. Look for many community leaders in the roles as Party Parents dancing with their daughters in the role of Ma Petite. Tickets for the evening performances will be on sale beginning November 17th at Kingsport Town Center Mall across from Santa Claus’ Workshop, and at Eastman’s Toy F. Reid Employee Center. Reserved seating will be sold ./'$ )7+$ P'97+()'!$ %;//'$ /.$ )7+$ theater while the Balcony tickets are festival seating. If available, tickets may be purchased at the door.For more information or ticket sales, please visit our web site or call 239‐5620 or 246‐2199.

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 5

Page 6, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

!"#$#$%!&'(&"%)&'&*( Bone Fire Smokehouse Hosts BREWBQ November 23rd

Ever thought about what it takes to be a superhero? Sexy tights? Special powers? If only you could just sip a pint of Devil’s Backbone microbrew and rock out to the bluesy styling of O&(+$ P;#$ C&=+'Q$ 67!)$ &.$ KR2K$ could be your super power? Now &)$ :2>S$ 2.)+'$ (++&"E$ )7+$ 9'&(&($ center in the news, people would like to help, “but I’m not really cut

out to answer a suicide hotline” or “I don’t have time to volunteer, my schedule is so busy.”$2))+"#++($/.$ this event get to be a superhero while having a good time. The mission of the Crisis Center is to offer the communities we serve education, advocacy and intervention allowing

&"#&=&#*!;($ )/$ %&"#$ -/(&)&=+$ solutions for personal crises. Through support, hope and education we strive to restore emotional balance to both individuals and the communities in which they live. Rooted in respect, justice, hope and the inherent worth of every individual, the Crisis

Center partners with people to afford them a safe space to be heard, supported and believed in an effort to inspire healing and promote positive change for both the individual and the community as a whole. Every day, regular people become superheroes, saving lives and making the world a better place. This is what the Crisis Center does. With the 24 hour crisis hotline and a vast database of local agencies that help people, the Crisis Center provides a comprehensive array of services to this community.

2)$ T-B$ /"$ <;!9@$ U'&#!HA$ November 23, Bone Fire 1B/@+7/*(+$ &"$ 2D&"E#/"A$ 42$ &($ 7/()&"E$ <'+6<VA$ !$ D+"+%&)$ concert for the Crisis Center, .+!)*'&"E$ O&(+$ P;#$ C&=+'F$ 2;;$ proceeds from the sale of microbrew pints from the Devil’s Backbone Brewing Company of L+J&"E)/"A$42$6&;;$D+$#/"!)+#$)/$ the Crisis Center. There will be a $5+ suggested donation at the door. This cover charge will also go to the Crisis Center. In addition to the BrewBQ, Continued on page 7

Continued from page 6

Bone Fire Smokehouse is also selling ready‐to‐serve Bone Fire Style Thanksgiving dinners, including: 15‐20 lb. turkey, B!(7+#$-/)!)/+(A$()*.%&"EA$E'++"$ beans, rolls and a pumpkin pie


to feed 6‐8 people. The complete no‐hassle meal costs only $75 as a donation to the Crisis Center. Pre‐ordered dinner packages will be available for pick up on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning at Bone Fire Smokehouse, 260 W. Main St.

2D&"E#/"A$42F$2=!&;!D&;&)H$&($=+'H$ limited, so order now by calling Bone Fire at 276‐623‐0037. Bone Fire is also donating %&=+$ /.$ )7+(+$ #&""+'($ )/$ )7+$ Just Checking clients of the Crisis Center. Just Checking is a program for elderly or disabled home bound citizens who receive a daily reassurance and companion call from Crisis Center staff and volunteers.

Some staff members and their children will be packing and delivering single serving dinners to the Just Checking participants who might otherwise have to forego the holiday meal. In the spirit of the holiday, the Crisis Center is eternally thankful to the Bone Fire Smokehouse for creating a wonderful community outreach project and fundraiser event. What better way to spend

Thanksgiving than by showing thanks to the community for supporting this wonderful partnership between Bone Fire Smokehouse and the Crisis Center. For further information on how to get involved in these exciting holiday events, email Della McGuire at dmcguire@

Page 8, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

Paper Windows Session Seven Winners Named

The seventh session winners of the City of Bristol’s Paper Windows project have been named. This session was titled “Event Bristol”. “Of all the events hosted in downtown during the session the one that drew the most interest from local photographers was when the Bristol sign was turned pink,” said Lisa Beckner, coordinator of the -'/W+9)F$$X2;;$-;!9+$6&""+'($6+'+$.'/B$)7&($B/B+")$&"$)&B+F$$Y$)7&"@$ the uniqueness of the event drew the photographers in, just like the 9'/6#$./'$)7+$%;&--&"E$/.$)7+$(6&)97FZ$ K7+$%&'()$-;!9+$-7/)/$6!($)!@+"$DH$C+E&"!$17&"!;;$!"#$)&);+#$X5'+))H$ in Pink.” “The shot was so unique, the judges were very impressed with the overall look,” Beckner said. The second place was taken by Terri Campbell and titled “Pick Pink” featuring the sign in a 3D look. The photo taking the 3rd place spot was photographed by David Flatt who titled his picture, “First in Line”. This photo shows three 6/B+"$67/$6+'+$E/&"E$)/$D+$)7+$%&'()$/"+($&"$-;!9+$)/$(++$)7+$(&E"$ turn pink. They came out to help celebrate all the good people of <'&()/;$!"#$)7+&'$%&E7)$!E!&"()$<'+!()$:!"9+'F$$ Session 8 is now open and titled “Falling for Bristol.” The session runs through November 21. Pictures may be uploaded on the city’s website at: For questions and more information please pick up a Paper Windows brochure at the City Municipal Building or by going on line to The rules and titles for future sessions are also featured. Call Lisa <+9@"+'$ !)$ )7+$ P.%&9+$ /.$ :/BB*"&)H$ C+;!)&/"($ !)$ [\],^_[,[`^`$ !"H)&B+$D+)6++"$)7+$7/*'($/.$T23$)/$a53$3/"#!H,U'&#!H$./'$B/'+$ information.

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 9

Page 10, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

Christmas in the Country December 1st Christmas in the Country, the annual celebration of winter and the holiday season at Exchange Place Living History Farm, 4812 Orebank Road in Kingsport, will take place on Saturday, December 1, from 10:00 am until 4:00 pmF$$2#B&((&/"$&($.'++F The last public event for the year at the historic site, the festival will feature fresh greenery and

trees, handcrafted wreaths and roping, and paper 6'+!)7($ !"#$ 9;/)7$ %;/6+'(F$ $ K7+'+$ 6&;;$ D+$ *"&b*+$ folk arts and handcrafts, such as hand‐crafted wood items, barn wood furniture, jewelry, handmade baskets, pottery, quilts, handmade greeting cards and hooked rugs. Your taste buds will be tempted with baked goods, hot sauces, jams and jellies, and goat cheese, in addition to coffee, hot chocolate and ("!9@$ .//#(F$ $ 2"#$ you can pamper yourself with a variety of herbal products, lye soap, natural lotions as more than two dozen area and regional vendors will have their wares on display on both sides of the historic Gaines‐ Preston farm, and all will be available for sale. But Christmas in the Country is more than just a shopping venue: it will also feature hands‐on activities for all ages, plus demonstrations of hearthside cooking and baking on the historic 19th century farmstead. The traditional Yule Log Ceremony at 4:15 pm concludes the day and is highlighted with )7+$(&"E&"E$/.$9!'/;($!'/*"#$)7+$D/"%&'+$!"#$!$ cauldron of wassail. The burning of the Yule Log can be traced back to the Vikings, who were honoring their gods and asking for good luck in the coming year. It later became part of the harvest festival in Germany and Scandinavia, and eventually the Normans brought it to England when they conquered the isles, and of course it migrated to the New World with the Pilgrims. In the 1850s, the Preston family would have celebrated Christmas in a very plain, non‐commercial way, and a Yule Log was probably not a part of their holiday, but we have traditionally added it to Christmas in the Country as a symbol of peace and good will for our wonderful community. The Yule Log was often decorated with evergreens and sometimes sprinkled with Continued on page 11 Continued from page 10

grain or cider before it was %&"!;;H$ ;&)A$ !"#$ !.)+'$ &)$ #&+#$ down (anywhere from twelve hours to twelve days), its ashes were scattered over )7+$ %&+;#($ )/$ D'&"E$ .+')&;&)HA$ /'$ cast into wells to purify and sweeten the water. This year we are encouraging everyone present to bring their own (-'&E$ )/$ 9!()$ /")/$ )7+$ %&'+F$$ We are also suggesting that people might want to wear %&"+A$ 9/;/'.*;$ 7+!#E+!'$ )/$ )7+$ event. The word wassail is derived .'/B$ )7+$ 2"E;/,1!J/"$ X6!+($ hael,” which meant “Be in Health” or “Here’s to You.” Wassail was a mixture of mulled ale, eggs, curdled cream, roasted apples, nuts and spices, which is a far cry from the hot spiced juice blend served at Exchange 5;!9+S$ $ <*)$ )7+$ .+;;/6(7&-$ remains the same as in olden days, For more information, you may call Exchange Place at 423‐288‐6071, or write to

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 11

Page 12, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

A Not So Silent Night A Holiday Storytelling Concert featuring Bil Lepp, Kim Weitkamp and Andy Offutt Irwin

Begin your holiday season early as the popular trio returns to Jonesborough with an all‐new Christmas show. Five showings of A Not So Silent Night will be presented November 29 ‐December 1 at the International Storytelling Center’s Mary B. Martin Hall in Jonesborough. Presented as part of ISC’s Storytelling Live!, tickets are $20 and include a reception with light refreshments after each show. Reservations are recommended, as seating is limited. For tickets or more information, call (423) 913‐1276. The dates are:

Thursday, November !"#$#%&'(#)*+* ,-./012#3456+76-#'(# $#!&((#08/#%&'(#)*+* Saturday, December 9#$#!&((#08/#%&'(#)*+*

7th annual Turkey Trot 5K Road Race and Family Fitness Walk morning

3!@+$&)$!$-!')$/.$H/*'$7/;&#!H$)'!#&)&/"S REGISTER BY NOVEMBER 21st

When: Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, 8:30 a.m. Where: Legion Recreation Center, 111 Legion St. Fees: $25 :;6-6#<.==#76#84#-0>6#/01#-6?.@A-0A.48* How to register: Register online at or download a form from the website Late registrations will be accepted online at and at Legion Recreation Center from 11:30 a.m.‐6 p.m. on Nov. 20 and from 11:30 a.m.‐8 p.m. on Nov. 21. U/'$B/'+$&"./'B!)&/"$!D/*)$)7+$aM$012KU$:+')&%&+#$9/*'(+A$)'/-7H$9!)+E/‐ ries, school awards and prizes, please visit Please check the course map located on the website for road closures and desig‐ nated parking areas. Some road closures will occur as early as 7:30 a.m. on race day.

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 13

“Uncork the Fun!” December 9th

K7+$N/7"(/"$:&)H$2'+!$2')($:/*"9&;$&"=&)+($ the public to our 2nd Annual “Uncork the Fun:” Artists in Action Wine Tasting. 2))+"#++($ 6&;;$ D+$ B+(B+'&c+#$ !($ ;/9!;$ artists create original artworks before their eyes. Guests will also enjoy sampling different wines, cheeses, and hors d’ouevres in a fun, social atmosphere. The event will be held on December 9th, from 3‐6 p.m. at the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough. Featured works will encompass a broad range of artistic medium including jewelry

design, painting, woodturning, mosaic and %&D+'$!')F$2($!))+"#++($6!)97A$2;+)!$:7!"#;+'A$ Monique Carr, David Kramer, Richard Dwyer, Fran Rathburn, Tami Moore, and Margaret Gregg will be creating original pieces of !')6/'@F$2$;&=+$!*9)&/"$./'$)7+$"+6;H$9'+!)+#$ pieces of art will be held at the end of the event. 2;;$ -'/9++#($ 6&;;$ 7+;-$ (*--/')$ )7+$ N:$ 2'+!$ 2')($ :/*"9&;8($ Arts Corps program which provides free art enrichment classes to at‐risk youth in the Johnson City and Washington County area. “Uncork the Fun” will take place Sunday, December 9th, from 3‐6 p.m. at the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough. Tickets are $30 per person. Sponsors for this event &"9;*#+$<!'D$!"#$2"#H$3!((&B&;;!A$ International Storytelling Center, and Boones Creek Liquor & Wine. To reserve your ticket or for more information, call the N:22:$ !)$ []\,d\T,T\\d$ /'$ +B!&;$ There are only a limited number of tickets available.

Page 14, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

Bristol Christmas Tour of Homes Sunday, December 2nd Usher in the Christmas Season with an enchanting tour of his‐ )/'&9$ 7/B+(F$ $ K7+$ `_)7$ 2""*!;$ Bristol Christmas Tour of Homes will be held on Sunday, Dec 2nd from 1:30 to 6:30. Homes on the )/*'$&"9;*#+$`]\e$^)7$2=+FA$<'&(‐ tol, Tn., 609 Haynes St. Bristol, Tn., First Baptist Church, 1 Vir‐ ginia St. Bristol, Va., 40l Mary‐ ;!"#$2=+FA$<'&()/;A$K"FA$^``$K!H;/'$ St. Bristol, Tn., 716 Kentucky 2=+F$ <'&()/;$ K"FA$ [\]$ 5+""(H;=!‐ "&!$ 2=+F$ <'&()/;$ K"FA$ <'&()/;$ K"FA$ !"#$a`d$2;!D!B!$1)FA$<'&()/;A$K"F Tickets for the self‐guided tour are $10 per person in advance or $12 the day of the tour. Tickets are available at Country Gallery U;/'&()A$ `d]$ P;#$ 2&'-/')$ C/!#A$ Bristol, Va. (276) 669‐8099, f'!"#$ 2")&b*+(A$ _`a$ 1)!)+$ 1)FA$

Bristol, Virginia, (276) 591‐ 3443, One of a Kind Gallery, 604 State St., Bristol, Tn., (423) 652‐ 2648, Cranberry Lane, 623 State 1)FA$$<'&()/;A$42F$g\^_h$_a\,dTddA$ State Street Sweets and Eats, 9 5+""(H;=!"&!$ 2=+FA$ <'&()/;A$ K"F$ (423‐844‐0014). Tickets must be presented at each home and can also be pur‐ chased at each residence the day of the tour. Comfortable low‐ heeled shoes should be worn during the tour. The event, co‐ sponsored by Premier Printing Company, Jewell Williams, Eliza‐ beth Marshall, Carolyn Thomas, Diana Cumbo, Gloria Scott, Bar‐ D!'!$ <!'@+'A$ &($ !$ D+"+%&)$ ./'$ )7+$ East Hill Cemetery. For more information, call Jewell Williams (423) 652‐0163.

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 15

Cambia Flute Ensemble !+"#$(,-$%./'.&"(%0&'&*($% Interfaith Hospitality Networks December 9th Cambia Flute Ensemble, the '+E&/"8($ -'+B&+'$ %;*)+$ b*!')+)A$ 6&;;$-'+(+")$!$:7'&()B!($D+"+%&)$ concert on Sunday, December 9th at 2:30 p.m. The concert will be held at First United Methodist Church, 900 Spring Street, John‐ son City, TN and all proceeds will D+"+%&)$)7+$Y")+'.!&)7$R/(-&)!;&)H$ Networks of Johnson City and Kingsport. Suggested donation will be $10 at the door. The Interfaith Hospitality Net‐ works of Greater Johnson City and of Greater Kingsport pro‐ vide a network of churches and community agencies to pro‐ mote a community response for homeless families with children. In particular, this response pro‐ vides an opportunity for home‐ less families to remain together as a family while addressing the challenges that confront them in obtaining housing. These fami‐ lies receive counseling, services

and opportunities on issues re‐ ;!)+#$ )/$ +!97$ .!B&;H8($ (-+9&%&9$ "++#(F$ 2"$ /'E!"&c+#$ 9/!;&)&/"$ of community churches provide temporary food and shelter for families involved in the Network. Cambia members Dana Bel‐ lino, Eileen Butler, Elisa Wardes‐ ka, and Emily Webb can be seen performing around the region as soloists, as well as with the John‐ son City Symphony Orchestra and Symphony of the Mountains. Formed in 2009, Cambia is fast‐ gaining the reputation for com‐ bining a top‐caliber performance of challenging and engaging mu‐ sic, combined with an evident camaraderie and sense of humor between its members and the audience. Cambia’s repertoire encompasses a broad range of musical genres, including music 6'&))+"$ (-+9&%&9!;;H$ ./'$ %;*)+$ +"‐ sembles as well as transcriptions and arrangements for other in‐

struments. Their music features added depth and breadth of sound by using the piccolo, alto !"#$ D!(($ %;*)+(A$ &"$ 9/BD&"!)&/"$ with the more familiar concert %;*)+F$ Featured on the concert will be seasonal favorites, both old and

new, including selections from The Nutcracker Suite, the Twelve Days of Christmas, Rudolph the Red‐Nosed Reindeer, and many /)7+'(F$ $ f*+()$ %;*)&()$ 1*c!""+$ Gryzch will be joining Cambia for the Christmas concert festivi‐ ties. >/)$ W*()$ H/*'$ )H-&9!;$ %;*)+$

ensemble, Cambia promises to deliver a concert that is fun and entertaining for all ages. For more information about Cam‐ bia, please visit their website at 666F9!BD&!%;*)++"(+BD;+F9/BA$ or call (423) 288‐8360.

Page 16, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

LampLight Theatre presents “Yuletide 2012” Christmas Musical Revue and Fa-la-lollies

What is there to do after a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with your family? Come out to LampLight Theatre for a whimsical night of mu‐ sic and fun with Yuletide 2012. This NEW production is an original Christmas musical revue that is sure to jump‐start your holiday sea‐ son and will delight the hearts of audiences with seasonal surprises !"#$.!,;!,;/;;&+(S$$:7&;#'+"$/.$!;;$!E+($6&;;$+"W/H$)7+$!")&9($/.$)7+$ comedy players as well as singing along with some familiar Christ‐ mas classics. The variety show highlights music, dance and comedy from a talented cast of performers. Yuletide 2012$&($#+%&"&)+;H$!$ time for merrymaking, a holiday production that offers something for +=+'H/"+S Performances of Yuletide 2012 will be held for two con‐ secutive weekends: 345*# !B# 0A# !&((# )*+*# 08/# %&((# )*+C## 345*# !D# 0A# '&((# )*+C# 345*# '(# 08/# E6>*# 9# 0A# %&((# )*+C# 08/# E6>*# !# 0A# '&((# )*+*# # Doors will open one hour prior to performances.Seating is lim‐ ited, so reservations are rec‐ ommended. Walk‐ins will be seated as spaces are available. Reservations may be made by calling the LampLight box of‐ %&9+$ !)$ g[\]h$ ][T,^_`eA$ 3/"‐

day through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or online at www.lamplightthe‐ 2$ (*EE+()+#$ #/"!)&/"$ ./'$ each performance is $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for students, FREE for children a$H+!'($/.$!E+$!"#$*"#+'F$$2$;/=+$/.‐ fering will be taken at each produc‐ tion. For more information call (423) 348‐7610. For a complete theatre schedule for 2011 and 2012, visit Lamp‐ Light Theatre is located at 441 Hor‐ ton Highway, Fall Branch, TN.

Getting Down to Brass Tacks November 20th ETSU Faculty Brass will be “Getting Down to Brass Tacks” in concert on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at 7:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 105 S. Boone St. The brass faculty from the ETSU Department of Music will perform standard brass solo literature and collaborate on Thibault’s X2;;!$ :*D!"!Z$ ./'$ D'!(($ b*!')+)$ and Turrin’s “Solarium” for brass quartet and piano. Members include Jimmie Self, euphonium; David Bubsey, trombone; Jeffery Whaley, horn; and Dr. David Champouillon, trumpet. They will be joined by Jerilyn Paolini on piano. The concert is free and open to the public. For more information or special assistance for those with disabilities, call the Department of Music at (423) 439‐4276.

Dance away the Thanksgiving calories to tunes of the 50’s,60’s & 70’s on Friday, November 23 at the Jonesborough Visitors Center. The fun begins at 7:00 p.m, with ;&=+$B*(&9$-'/=&#+#$DH$X1KI4I$i$>2>:?ZF$:/()$&($j_Feek./'$!##&‐ tional information call 423‐943‐4190.

Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park Presents “Breakfast with the Grinch” The Southwest V i r g i n i a M u s e u m Historical State Park is pleased to present the annual “Breakfast with the Grinch” on Saturday, December 1st. Join the Grinch and Cindy‐Lou O7/$./'$!$.*",%&;;+#$7/;&#!H$+=+")$&"$)7+$3*(+*B8($4&9)/'&!"$5!';/'F$ You’ll dine on green eggs and ham while enjoying a reading of the Dr. Seuss classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. “Breakfast with the Grinch” offers two seatings on December 1st, one at 9am and one at 10:30am. The cost is $10.00 per person, and the reservation and payment deadline is Tuesday, November 27th. For more information, or to register, please call the Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park at 276‐523‐1322.


Page 18, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

CASA’s Red Shoe Masquerade Raises $16,000

Community members dazzled in their red shoes and masks at :212$ /.$ >/')7+!()$ K+""+((++8($ 7th$2""*!;$C+#$17/+$3!(b*+'!#+$ raising over $16,000 to help abused and neglected children in our community. The event was held at the beautiful Carnegie Hotel in Johnson City

and included a silent auction, dancing, and of course, a red shoe contest. Winners of the Red Shoe contest were Tim Story and Sarah Larkin. DJ Michael Hawkins provided music for the evening while Sara Diamond entertained the crowd as the master of ceremonies. Sponsors for this event included the Bristol Motor Speedway and Roadrunner Markets. Other contributors were Shell Media,

Ensley, Baker & Shade, PLLC, and C+#$ R+!#+#$ 57/)/E'!-7+'F$ 2;;$ proceeds from the Masquerade, including the silent and live !*9)&/"A$6+")$)/$D+"+%&)$:212$/.$ Northeast Tennessee. :212$ ()!"#($ ./'$ :/*')$ 2--/&")+#$1-+9&!;$2#=/9!)+($./'$ abused and neglected children. :212$ /.$ >/')7+!()$ K+""+((++$ works with the Juvenile Courts in Washington, Greene, and Unicoi Counties and Johnson City

Juvenile Court. The mission of :212$&($)/$'+9'*&)A$)'!&"A$B/"&)/'A$ and support community based volunteers. These volunteer advocates “speak up” for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the Juvenile Courts, striving to preserve the right of each child to have a safe, permanent home. 2$ :212$ 4/;*")++'$ -'/=&#+($

the judge with researched information about the child’s environment. The :212$ 4/;*")++'$ &"=+()&E!)+(A$ assesses situations, and makes recommendations to the presiding judge. To prepare !$ '+9/BB+"#!)&/"A$ )7+$ :212$ Volunteer talks with the child, parents, family members, Continued on page 19 Continued from page 18

social workers, school, health providers and others who are knowledgeable about the child. K7+$:212$4/;*")++'$!;(/$'+=&+6($ records pertaining to the child’s school, medical and case worker reports, criminal records, etc. :212$ 4/;*")++'($ /..+'$ children trust and advocacy during complex legal -'/9++#&"E(F$ :212$ 4/;*")++'($ represent the child in court and throughout the case. Volunteers normally carry one or two cases !)$!$)&B+F$I=+'H$:212$4/;*")++'$ has a professional program staff who provides them with valuable consultation and assistance in their casework. The Volunteer continues until the case is permanently resolved. Our average case lasts !D/*)$`$H+!'F$:212$/.$>/')7+!()$ TN served 428 children last year and continues to strive for their goal that each child in the court system has an advocate to speak up for their best interests. For information call 423‐461‐3500. 2;(/$=&(&)$)7+$6+D(&)+$!)$ http:// or become a fan on Facebook.

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 19

19th Annual Community Christmas Program Monday, December 10th

Community Christmas, Inc. holds its 19th annual Community Christmas program at the historic Barter Theatre at 7:00 PM on Monday evening, December 10th. Community Christmas, Inc. is !$ "/"-'/%&)$ /'E!"&c!)&/"F$ $ K7+$ funds raised by this project are used to provide food for local low‐income families during the Holiday season and throughout the year. Funds are also used to provide food for the annual Community Christmas Dinner which feeds over 750 on Christmas Day each year. This year’s program will bring (/B+$ /.$ /*'$ '+E&/"8($ %&"+()$ entertainers to the Barter stage. In addition to well‐known artists who lend their talents to the Community Christmas program each year, newcomers Jessica Nunley and Dove Bush will perform this year.

This event is fun for the +")&'+$ .!B&;HS$ $ :!'/;+'($ 6&;;$ %&;;$ )7+$ <!')+'$ ;/DDH$ D+./'+$ the show begins and special entertainment will take to the Barter stage before the curtain goes up on this year’s program. It is also rumored that a special guest from the North Pole may -!H$*($!$=&(&)S The public is invited to bring new toys to donate to the US Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. Donations of canned food will also be accepted for distribution to local food programs. Tickets are $15 per immediate family and will be available at many community outlets. Sponsorships are available for groups, businesses and individuals at several levels. For more info or to receive sponsorship info: contact (276) 628‐9999.

Page 20, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

Lonesome Will Mullins and the Virginia Playboys Carter Family Fold November 24th

th Saturday, November 24 , 2012, at 7:30 p.m., the Carter Family Fold in Hiltons, Virginia, will present a concert by Lone‐ some Will Mullins and the Vir‐ E&"&!$ 5;!HD/H(F$ 2#B&((&/"$ )/$ the concert is $8 for adults, $1 for children 6 to 11, under age _$ .'++F$ 2)$ ^lee$ -FBFA$ )7+'+$ 6&;;$ be a special set of Carter Family music with special guest Ronnie Williams. In addition, the music


center and the Virginia Playboys will be collecting toys for lo‐ cal, needy children at Christmas )7!)$"&E7)F$2"H/"+$!))+"#&"E$)7+$ concert wishing to participate in the toy drive should bring an un‐ wrapped toy. Lonesome Will Mullins grew up near Clintwood, Virginia, in !$7/*(+$)7!)$6!($%&;;+#$6&)7$.!B‐ ily musicians and plenty of blue‐ grass, old time, and country mu‐ sic. He learned to play the banjo and guitar as a teenager, and before long he was playing in several bands while honing his trade by studying the work of bluegrass legends like Bill Mon‐

roe, Jimmy Martin, and Dr. Ralph Stanley. To say he learned well would be an understatement. Today, Lonesome Will is one of the most accomplished singers !"#$ B*(&9&!"($ !'/*"#F$ 2;(/$ &"‐ %;*+"9+#$ DH$ N+''H$ L++$ L+6&(A$ 7+$ mixes traditional bluegrass mu‐ sic with a breathtakingly ener‐

getic stage show. Backed by the Virginia Playboys, the show will be jam‐packed with hard driving bluegrass, old time clawhammer banjo, and gospel music. When Lonesome Will takes the stage, audiences are swept away by his range, talent, and showmanship. The Virginia Playboys will be

backing Lonesome Will. The Bur‐ '/6($ D'/)7+'($ m$ 2#!B$ !"#$ N!@+$ – and Gary Moore are the Vir‐ ginia Playboys. From the moun‐ tains of North Carolina, Jake and 2#!B$ <*''/6($ 7!=+$ !$ 7&()/'H$ of bluegrass in their family. The Continued on page 21 Continued from page 20

McPherson Brothers Band, who played on the Grand Ole Opry and shows with the great Jim and Jesse McReynolds in the ‘60s are their uncles. Their love of bluegrass began there, and they’ve learned well. Jake and 2#!B$9!"$-;!H$-'+))H$B*97$!"H$ instrument they pick up. Gary Moore plays mandolin as well as guitar and adds his vocal talent to the group. Gary was formerly with Ernie Thacker and Route 23 and Sapling Grove. He also plays with the Junior Blanken‐ ship Band. Ronnie Williams has been playing since 1975. One of his best memories is playing for Sara and Maybelle at the Fold in 1976. He remembers playing Gold Watch and Chain and Black Mountain Rag for “Mommy and Maybelle” at Janette’s request. Ronnie plays a Gibson guitar similar to Maybelle’s, and he also plays autoharp and sings beau‐ tifully. He’s been a friend of the Carter Family for years, and of‐ ten visited various members of the family – a tradition he con‐ )&"*+($)/$)7&($#!HF$2$E'+!)$9//@A$ Ronnie often helps out in the U/;#8($ @&)97+"F$ ?/*$ 6/"8)$ %&"#$ anyone who knows more about the Carter Family and their mu‐ sic or anyone who plays it with more reverence and skill than Ronnie Williams does. For some of the best blue‐ grass, old time, gospel – and Carter Family ‐ music you’ll ever hear, don’t miss Lonesome Will Mullins and the Virginia Playboys with special guest Ronnie Williams at the Carter Family Fold. Over the past sev‐ eral years, Will has become a favorite of Fold audiences. He captivates his fans, and he holds his audiences spellbound. Per‐ ./'B&"E$ /.%&9&!;;H$ (&"9+$ \ee_A$ Will has released four CDs. For additional information, go to Bring along your dancing shoes, a toy for needy children, and be prepared for an evening of fun‐ %&;;+#$+")+')!&"B+")S

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 21

Page 22, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

Giving Thanks to Spacey Things Thanksgiving is a time for re‐ %;+9)&/"$!"#$.!B&;HA$!"#$)7+'+$!'+$ many spacey things involved in our safe and healthy celebration of the season. For example…you’re driving home from Black Friday sales with your GPS giving you direc‐ tions, your Sirius/XM radio en‐ tertaining you, a message tone beeping on your 4G smart phone, all while a myriad of modern car parts are working synchro‐ nously, some being pioneered in spacecraft and rockets. 2"#$6+$9!"$D+$)7!"@.*;$./'$!;;$ those communications satellites orbiting high above the Earth that will be beaming us the Ma‐ cy’s Thanksgiving parade to our satellite dish (or cable provider), !;;$ =&+6+#$ /"$ /*'$ 7&E7$ #+%&"&‐ )&/"A$ %;!)$ (9'++"$ )+;+=&(&/"n;&@+$ the kind used in simulations to

train Space Shuttle crews. While watching TV, you surf the World Wide Web on your smart pad, the touch screen a product of the Shuttle control panels. 2"#$ 7/6$ !D/*)$ !;;$ )7/(+$ “modern conveniences” in the kitchen that have turned mak‐ ing our Thanksgiving meal into something like a Jetson’s car‐ toon. Push these buttons, cover this cooking pot and keep food at any temperature from hot to cold, all the while walking away as automatic timers on convec‐ tion and microwave ovens take control of the kitchen and allow you to enjoy family and guests. It is truly a 21st Century mod‐ +'"$6/';#F$2"#$67&;+$H/*$(-+"#$ time eating your Thanksgiving meal during a three hour or so family event, think of the three (-!9+$ %;&+'($ !D/!'#$ )7+$ Y")+'‐

national Space Station. (Three astronauts returned to Earth Monday from the Expedition 32 crew). The space voyagers 6&;;$ !;(/$ (7!'+$ !$ B+!;$ /.$ 2B+'&‐ 9!"$ )'!#&)&/"!;$ %&J&"(A$ !($ )7+H$ eat and whirl around the Earth once every 90 minutes. Vacuum packed and brought aboard the ISS months ago on a cargo ship, the Expedition 32 crew of Com‐ mander Kevin Ford and Flight Engineers Oleg Novitskiy and Evgeny Tarelkin will enjoy tur‐ key, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Now in zero‐G there may be some un‐ orthodox table settings, but the thought of Thanksgiving will be in outer space as well as on the surface of Earth. One might also look with some thanks to the weather satellites that alert our lands to any cata‐ strophic storms, including the recent Hurricane Sandy that hit the Northeast. There are Earth '+(/*'9+$(!)+;;&)+($)7!)$7+;-$%&"#$ and conserve necessary resourc‐ +($ .'/B$ /'+$ )/$ ./'+()(F$ 2"#$ )7+$ special orbiting eyes that moni‐ tor oceans for their health and %&(7&"E$E'/*"#(F$$ When we look to the sky to give praise, we truly need to consider all the hundreds of satellites that make our modern world the high‐tech haven it is. There are so many conveniences we take for granted that have (-!6"+#$.'/B$)7+$1-!9+$2E+$/.$ rockets and man‐made robots. 2"#$ )7+'+$ !'+$ +=+"$ B/'+$ spacey things that make us happy and thankful. Like one /.$B!"8($E'+!)+()$(9&+")&%&9$)//;($ ever built, the Hubble Space Telescope. Orbiting from 450 miles high and into its amaz‐ ing 22nd year of operation, ev‐ eryone knows what you mean when you say “the Hubble.” Not only has this orbiting 96‐inch mirror revolutionized our un‐ derstanding of the Universe in general, it has motivated the common person to think with their minds about the incredible structures of stars and gas that exist. The beautiful photos have !"$ +(/)+'&9$ !($ 6+;;$ !($ (9&+")&%&9$ meaning behind them, and the Hubble has proven that science fact is actually stranger than any (9&+"9+$%&9)&/"$)7+$7*B!"$B&"#$ can imagine. 2"#$ 7/6$ !D/*)$ (/B+$ )7!"@($ for the intelligence to search Continued on page 23

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 23

Continued from page 22

during the past 50 years for extraterrestrial life. On‐going research pro‐ grams probing the cosmos for signs of signals from other evolved creatures has so far struck out, but cutting edge telescopes on mountaintops around the world are discovering an average of 100 new plan‐ ets orbiting nearby stars +=+'H$H+!'S$$ Which leads to think of thanks that the Earth is located in the so‐called “Goldilocks Zone” in dis‐ )!"9+$ .'/B$ /*'$ 1*"n"/)$ too close to be hot, not too far away to be cold, but just right for tens of thousands of different life forms to exist. That thanks can extend upward to our thin, protective atmosphere that shields humans and all animals from harmful radiation from the Sun and deadly cosmic rays from the stars. The bulk of our atmosphere is just 50 miles thick wrapped around

the 25,000 mile circumference of our globe. That’s a ratio of the thickness of the removable skin !'/*"#$ !$ E'!-+.'*&)n!$ -'+))H$

tenuous atmosphere to be grate‐ ful about as it protects mankind from destruction. 2"#$ )7+'+$ &($ (/B+$ )7!"@($ &"$

the fact that we have not been discovered by aliens. That’s because the great astrophysist Stephen Hawking has suggested

that any aliens visiting Earth would probably be aggres‐ sive and want to wipe out human civilization to have the resources of Earth all to themselves. 2.)+'$!;;A$W*()$7/6$.'&+"#;H$ were the European settlers &"$ 2B+'&9!$ )/$ )7+$ >!)&=+$ 2B+'&9!"($ 67/$ ;&=+#$ 7+'+o$$ But that’s an analogy that’s not discussed much at a Thanksgiving dinner…and certainly has nothing to do with outer space. Unless, of course, the Pil‐ grims like Miles Standish and Indians like Pocahontas took time to look up at the ()!'(n67&97$ )7+H$ 9+')!&";H$ #&#n!"#$E&=+$)7!"@($./'$)7+$ beauty of the heavens. Those same autumn stars are in our sky tonight, from Taurus the Bull to Pegasus )7+$ R/'(+F$ $ 2"#$ D+9!*(+$ /.$ the quest to know the stars better, man has lifted his spirits off this planet to give thanks throughout our Solar System family as we learn more about our cosmic home.

Page 24, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 25

Celestial events in the skies for the week of Nov. 20‐26, 2012, as compiled for The Loafer by Mark D. Marquette. The waxing gibbous Moon dominates the night skies as it moves across the ecliptic .'/B$2b*!'&*($)/$5&(9+($)/$2'&+($)/$K!*'*(F$$2"#$&"$K!*'*($)7+$<*;;$&($)7+$=+'H$ D'&E7)$-;!"+)$N*-&)+'A$6&)7$)7+$'+##&(7$+H+$/.$)7+$D*;;A$2;#+D!'!"A$)/$&)($'&E7)F$$?/*$ can still see the Northern Cross with bright star Deneb low in the northwest, while Cassiopeia the Queen takes over the north with her trademark “M” shape of stars. :F6@*#345*#!( First Quarter Moon is today at 9:31 am when the Moon makes a geometric right angle with the Sun and Earth. The beautiful detail of craters and mountains seen in binoculars or a small telescope are best along the day/night line called the X)+'B&"!)/'FZ$$2;;$/DW+9)($&;;*B&"!)+#$DH$!$()!'$7!=+$!$)+'B&"!)/'n!"#$6+$9!;;$/*'($ on Earth morning or evening twilight. G6/*#345*#!9 P"$)7&($`ddT$#!)+$&"$(-!9+$7&()/'HA$)7+$%&'()$+;+B+")$/.$)7+$Y")+'"!)&/"!;$1-!9+$ Station was securely in orbit. The boxcar‐sized Zarya module was launched by a Russian Proton rocket on Nov. 20, and became the orbital focus of the now im‐ mense structure orbiting Earth 225 miles high and occupied by humans for more than 12 years. :;F-@*#345*#!! K7!"@(E&=&"E$G!HF$P"$)7&($`dTd$#!)+$&"$(-!9+$7&()/'HA$>212$;!*"97+#$)7+$17*));+$ G&(9/=+'H$/"$&)($"&")7$%;&E7)A$!"#$)7+$]]rd of the total 135 Shuttle missions. The %&=+$!()'/"!*)($6+'+$/"$!$)/-$(+9'+)$B&((&/"$./'$)7+$G+-!')B+")$/.$G+.+"(+A$#+‐ ploying an eavesdropping satellite to spy on Russia and China, according to space program watchers.

,-.*#345*#!' The gibbous Moon will spend the next two days is in Pisces the Fishes tonight, be‐ tween Pegasus the Horse and Cetus the Sea Monster (or whale). The Moon moves its own diameter eastward (left) every hour, or just over 12 degrees a day. H0A*#345*#!B Jupiter is well above the horizon by 9 pm, and a grand target for a small telescope. You can see the small, squashed globe of the planet, with the four bright moons discovered by Galileo just over 400 years ago. These moons move noticeably during a few hours, and sometimes cross in front of Jupiter, or hide behind it, always interesting events to watch. The exact positions of the “Galilean” moons of Europa, Io, Ganymede and Callisto are predicted and displayed on charts available in observing materials and the Internet. HF8*#345*#!D >/6$&"$)7+$(B!;;$9/"()+;;!)&/"$2'&+($)7+$C!BA$)7+$3//"$7!($D'&E7)+"+#$)7+$;!"#‐ scape and is drawing eyes upward to it light as it moves toward full phase next Wednesday. The barren, fall landscape takes on an eerie feeling as the moonlight penetrates to the ground through naked trees. I48*#345*#!J The morning sky has the brilliant planet Venus above the eastern horizon at 6 am, with Saturn below it, both in Virgo. But the planets are soon lost in the dawn twilight as sunrise around 7 am turns the night into day.

Page 26, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving, with all the Trimmings

Does anyone ever actually have the perfect, Normal Rockwell, Thanksgiving? We all view Thanksgiving differently. To some, it’s a chance to come together with dear friends and loved ones, and eat a mighty %&"+$ B+!;F$ K/$ /)7+'(A$ &)8($ !$ horror movie far scarier than

anything Hollywood could dream up. “From the depths of condensed canned soup, and instant mashed potatoes &)$ 9!B+S$ :'!6;&"E$ .'/B$ !$ D;!9@$ -//;$/.$*"(-+!@!D;+$7/''/'S$K7&($ Thanksgiving, you can run, you can hide, but you can’t escape .'/B$ KRI$ :211ICPLI$ UCP3$

20>K$ 4IC>281$ MYK:RI>S$ >/$ one will be seated during the (7/9@&"E$()*.%&"E$(+b*+"9+F” This year, I wasn’t hosting. It was worry free Thanksgiving for me. Completely lacking in stress. Stress from having to clean every micro inch of my house. Stress from having to bring forth a meal so amazing, it would make the saints cry. Matter of fact, the morning of Thanksgiving I felt so relaxed, I paraded around my house wearing only my bathrobe, singing “Sex Machine” by James Brown (You’re welcome, ladies). It was a beautiful moment, and it 7/''&%&+#$)7+$9!)F$ This is not to say that I wasn’t responsible for part of Thanksgiving. I was dutifully charged with making my macaroni and cheese, that has become something of a expected thing at each family gathering, and seems to be the only skill of mine anyone in my family brags about to strangers. We were going to my cousins house, the side of the family that’s just a few doors down from being a TLC reality series. It’s not quite Honey Boo Boo, and it’s not quite Duck Commander. For someone who is obsessed

with food—which I am— Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday. If you’re also something of a perfectionist—which I can be, at times—these two things come together beautifully to create one of the most anxiety riddled, and stressful days of your life. You want everything to be perfect. There is no room for error, you’ve planned for days and months, you’ve planned in a manner that some football coaches going to the super bowl would call “excessive”. The key to it all, is not breaking down in the middle of the kitchen. No one wants their family to see them in the fetal position, crying out “O7H$6/"8)$)7+$#!B"$D&'#$%&"&(7$ 9//@&"ESo” This was the upside to being a guest, and not a host. I had no schemes, I had no walls covered in post it notes, like some post modern version of A Beautiful Mind. Mac and Cheese was easy, Mac and Cheese I could do in my sleep. The downside to not being host, for me anyway, meant that I had no control over the quality of the rest of the food. This could mean a dead, dry bird. Mashed potatoes that were instant, and pies that looked like they were

.'/B$ L21K$ K7!"@(E&=&"EF$ O7+"$ I arrived, about an hour or so before eating, I did a glance over of the food. It all looked perfectly %&"+A$!"#$"/)$-+)'&%&+#F$ I made my way into the living room to chat and play that “what are you up to now” game with my relatives. There was some excitement towards the meeting of one of my cousin’s new bride. Harry had married Susanne during the summer, I wasn’t able )/$B!@+$)7+$9+'+B/"HF$2;/"E(&#+$ them at the great day of thanks was her two year old daughter from a previous marriage, Katrina. In general, I get along with kids very well. Babies often smile at me in the supermarket, which is just cute and lovely and makes you feel good about yourself. Little Katrina, however, was an entirely different story. I reached my hand out to hers when they introduce me to her, instead of taking it, she just looked up at me and forcefully said “>/S” Taken a bit aback I just said “OK, then”, and sat down into an easy chair. Even while I was chatting with everyone, little Katrina just kept staring at me. Something Continued on page27 Continued from page 26

was off about this child, and I 9/*;#"8)$ b*&)+$ -*)$ BH$ %&"E+'$ /"$ &)F$2($6+$6+'+$6!&)&"E$./'$)7+$9!;;$ to feast, I sat quietly in the arm chair playing on my iPad (I love my family, but a man who doesn’t get into football has to have a contingency plan). I was lost in playing Monopoly, but I took a moment and looked up. Sitting on the ottoman was Katrina, staring at me. I said “R&$ )7+'+S” There was a long pause, and she said “I take you down. Watch your back.” I was a little phased, and wondering where exactly I had crossed over into The Twilight Zone. Right at that moment, and coming out of her own personal Twilight p/"+A$ 2*")$ G+"&(+$ (7/6+#$ *-F$ She’s always the last one to arrive, and this year she brought a guest. Her obese cat named Swizzle Stick. It meal itself was actually quite good, we began eating !'/*"#$ %&=+F$ >/)7&"E$ 6!($ D!#A$ and Swizzle Stick was even given a little plate of turkey—that he really didn’t need, but not that like that was going to stop him. Even obese, a cat can be VERY determined. We laughed, and told stories of old relatives, ate, and ate, and ate. But every time I looked over at Katrina, she would look at me and run her %&"E+'$ !9'/(($ 7+'$ "+9@F$ O7+"$ )7+$+!)&"E$%&"&(7+#A$Y$6!($()*..+#$ and went into the living room to recover before lifting anything. I hopped back into the same chair I was in earlier, put my feet up on the ottoman, laid my head D!9@$ !"#$ 9;/(+#$ BH$ +H+(F$ 2.)+'$ !D/*)$ %&.)++"$ B&"*)+($ /'$ (/A$ Y$ 7+!'#$)7&($9;&"@&"E$(/*"#F$2($&.$!$ spoon was being tapped on the side of a coffee mug. I opened my eyes, and that’s exactly what it was. Little Katrina, walking around the chair, and tapping a coffee mug with a spoon. I didn’t know what to make of this, and it didn’t help that for a moment she began chanting “One of *(S$ P"+$ /.$ *(S$ f//D+;$ f/DD;+S$ f//D+;$f/DD;+S” Before this display got too

T4B(/#()*WVK*WVdW*0*A'(*74._()K*!.;(*WU weird, I was called into the @&)97+"$DH$2*")$G+"&(+$)/$9!''H$ a thing or two to the fridge in the basement. I walked into the kitchen, and Swizzle Stick rubbed his head against my leg. He’s always liked me, so I

some type of mind altering drugs? Three, why is this child attacking me? “Why won’t you .!;;$ #/6"S” she cried out, and that drawed attention. Not from any of the adults, but from Swizzle Stick.

reached down and petted him for a moment. You kinda can’t help but love the little guy. Loaded with three casseroles in my hands, I carefully made BH$ 6!H$ #/6"$ )7+$ ()!&'(F$ 2($ Y$ carefully put the casseroles away in the fridge, I heard a sound. I turned, and saw nothing. Then the moment I closed the door to the fridge, little Katrina was standing right behind it. “K7&($ +"#($ "/6S” she exclaimed, and then proceeded to attack my leg with a squeaky -;!()&9$ 7!BB+'F$ 2$ 9/*-;+$ /.$ things went through my mind at this particular moment. One, Y$/=+'#&#$&)$/"$)7+$()*.%&"EF$K6/A$ 6!($)7!)$()*.%&"E$#/-+#$*-$6&)7$

Swizzle Stick came bouncing down the stairs, looked at Katrina, and meowed. The tiny psychotic took off after the jolly fur creature, I went upstairs and generously poured some Bailey’s into a cup of coffee. Thanksgiving had come to an end, and I was going home full of turkey, and pondering why I was attacked 6&)7$ !$ (b*+!@H$ 7!BB+'F$ 2($ Y$ left, I talked to Katrina’s mother about this. She informed me that little Katrina can get a bit fussy if she doesn’t have her nap. Fussy indeed. Happy Thanksgiving all, try not to invite attack prone children in. Follow me on Twitter qK7!)2"#HC/((

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November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 29


$ $ 2($ Y$ +")+'+#$ )7+$ )7+!)+'$ 6&)7$ my bucket of popcorn and cold beverage, and sat beside my friend visiting from out‐of‐state, I waited for the theater to dark‐ en. Soon I was seeing a thrill‐ ing chase scene that eventually ;+#$ &")/$ (&"E+'$ 2#+;+8($ D//B&"E$ voice singing “Skyfall”. James </"#$ 6!($ D!9@S$ >/$ /"+$ &($ B/'+$ excited than me to see the return of Daniel Craig as 007 in his lat‐ est adventure, the aforemen‐ )&/"+#$ X1@H.!;;ZF$ 2.)+'$ %&"!"9&!;$ problems at MGM threatened to sideline Craig and 007, all is back as it should be with the series. The Bond series is celebrating 50 years in 2012, and the 23rd long #+;!H+#$ X/.%&9&!;Z$ &"()!;;B+")$ &($ once again treating Bond fans to a new adventure.

K7+$ "+6$ %&;B$ 7!($ </"#$ E;/D+‐ trotting through Turkey, Shang‐ hai, the Scottish Highlands, and of course in London. The basic plot involves the efforts of the deliciously vile Silva (Javier Bar‐ dem), a cyberterrorist, to bring down MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6) and its leader M (Judy G+"97hF$2($&)$)*'"($/*)A$1&;=!$7!($ several secrets and surprises in his arsenal, and proves to be a major threat to British security. G*'&"E$ )7+$ 9/*'(+$ /.$ )7+$ %&;BA$ there are major occurrences that bring M and Bond closer than ever, and introduce a new Q (Ben Whishaw) to the series. In case you forgot who the char‐ acter of Q was in the series, he is the character who provided Bond with cool devices to use in

)7+$%&+;#F$1-+!@&"E$ of cool, the latest </"#$%&;B$.+!)*'+($ the appearance of )7+$ 2()/"$ 3!')&"$ G<a$ %&'()$ (++"$ &"$ Xf/;#%&"E+'ZA$ !"#$ the image of Bond and M riding in the vehicle is a classic moment. The coolness con‐ tinues with the return of the clas‐ sic Bond theme, perfect for the 50 year celebration. “Skyfall” is the %&'()$ &"$ )7+$ </"#$ series to touch on 007’s childhood, and I must admit it felt as if Bond had an upbringing similar to a .!B/*($ 2B+'&9!"$ B/=&+$ &9/"A$ Bruce Wayne/Batman. When H/*$ (++$ )7+$ %&;BA$ H/*$ 6&;;$ @"/6$ what I mean, especially when you ponder his childhood after the movie. Craig, who just hap‐ pens to be my favorite Bond, is better than ever in his third outing, and expertly displays various emotions throughout the %&;BA$&"9;*#&"E$)+!'(S$N*#H$G+"97A$

is her usual excellent self, and has a large role in the plotline. I really enjoyed the actor playing Q, the aforementioned Whishaw, and he appears to be having a blast in the role. In fact, the ac‐ tor would be right at home in the role of Dr. Who. For now, let’s keep Whishaw as the perfect Q. His exchanges with Craig are wonderful, and the duos vocal sparring lets you take a breath between the action pieces. Bar‐ dem, who practically slithers off

the screen as Silva, is a perfect Bond villain, right down to the abandoned island he has made his headquarters and home. The "+6$</"#$%&;B$7!($&)$!;;l$+J9&)&"E$ action, beautiful scenery, Bond girls, creepy villain, great theme song, awesome cars, and the sur‐ prise introduction of another fa‐ mous Bond character played by Naomie Harris. “Skyfall” proves to be one of the best James Bond B/=&+($+=+'F$gC!)+#$5f,`]h$2

Page 30, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

Give Thanks for Omnishambles and GIFs

This week we should be very thankful for words, because without them you wouldn’t be reading this column, or any‐ )7&"E$ +;(+$ ./'$ )7!)$ B!))+'F$ 2"#$ we should be especially thankful ./'$"+6$6/'#($)7!)$+"'&97n!"#$ (/B+)&B+($ +=+"$ #&(E'!9+n/*'$ vocabulary. The venerable folks who pub‐ lish the Oxford English Diction‐ !'H$/"$D/)7$(&#+($/.$)7+$2);!")&9$ have just announced their selec‐ tions for Word Of The Year. This has become a tradition for many years, made especially poignant by the fact that this might very well be the last year the iconic dictionary is published in book form. Like so many things in our culture, the Oxford English Dic‐ tionary will soon only be avail‐ able in digital form. But I’m sure their selection of Word Of The ?+!'$6&;;$E/$/"$&"#+%&"&)+;HF I especially like the word cho‐ sen by our United Kingdom coun‐ terparts. This word, omnisham‐ bles, was coined by writers of the comical TV show “The K7&9@$ P.$ Y)AZ$ !"#$ &)$ 6!($ %&'()$ used to describe “govern‐ ment PR blunders” and the often chaotic plan‐ ning that character‐ ized preparations for the London O l y m p i c s . G+%&"+#$DH$

the Oxford lexicographers as “a situation that has been incom‐ prehensively mis‐ m a n a g e d , character‐ ized by a string of blun‐ ders and miscalcu‐ l a t i o n s ,” omnisham‐ bles is a c o n c e p t just crying out to be coined as a word in‐ cluded in a dictionary. 2"#$&)$-'+)‐ ty much d e s c r i b e s e v e r y d a y life in the 21st cen‐

)*'HA$ #/+("8)$ &)o$ $ 2;)7/*E7$ B!"H$ newly‐coined words disappear as quickly as they appear, I be‐ lieve omnishambles is a keeper. Over here on this side of the 2);!")&9A$ PJ./'#$ 5'+(($ 7!($ 97/‐ sen GIF to be their word of the H+!'F$ 2($ H/*$ B&E7)$ '+9/E"&c+k recognise, GIF is the acronym for “Graphic Interchange Format” !"#$&($)7+$%&;+$+J)+"(&/"$"!B+$./'$ all sorts of little animations that liven up our online communica‐ )&/"(F$ Y)$ &($ -+'7!-($ %&))&"E$ )7!)$ this term was chosen, because \e`\$B!'@($)7+$)6+")H,%&.)7$!"‐ "&=+'(!'H$/.$&)($%&'()$*(!E+F$PJ./'#$ Press representative Katherine Martin notes that “like so many other relics of the 80s, it has nev‐ er been trendier.” Interestingly

enough, and perhaps totally un‐ '+;!)+#$)/$)7+$%&'()$!--+!'!"9+$/.$ GIF, 1987 was the year I moved )/$N/7"(/"$:&)HF$2)$)7!)$)&B+A$D+‐ reft of a personal computer, I had no idea what a GIF$6!(n!"#$)/‐ day I only have a shallow under‐ standing of what it means. Just as interesting as the win‐ ners are the runners‐up to the coveted title of Word of the Year. Y"$2B+'&9!A$6+$7!=+$superstorm, super PAC, and Eurogeddon, re‐ ferring to the recent economic meltdown experienced by coun‐ tries that use the Euro. My favor‐ ite is the term “mummy porn,” which is used to describe the type of literature represented by the runaway bestselling novel 50 Shades of Grey. Pretty clever and very appropriate, don’t you think? Here’s hoping it will be used often during the coming year as various 50 Shades clones !"#$ 6!""!D+($ %;//#$ )7+$ B!'‐ @+)n!"#$ !($ 6+$ -'+-!'+$ ./'$ )7+$ release of the movie based on the novel franchise. In England, words that derive from the Olympics understand‐

!D;H$ #/B&"!)+$ )7+$ ;&()F$ 2$ -!')&!;$ list includes to medal, games‐ makers, and Mobot (named for the dance made popular by Mo Farah). My favorite among this crop of new words is second‐ screening, which refers to the phenomenon of watching a pro‐ gram on TV, for example, while simultaneously watching it and/ or other programs on a tablet, smartphone, or laptop. I guess we could and should further ex‐ pand our vocabulary by adding third‐screening, fourth‐screening, and so on, given the fact that so many people, myself included, regularly watch multiple screens at the same time. So, I think we should all give thanks for words this Thanksgiv‐ ing week and be grateful for the E&.)$/.$;!"E*!E+F$2"#A$6&)7$!$"/#$ to mummy porn, we should per‐ haps coin the term Grey Thurs‐ day to denote the fact that most stores plan to begin their Black Friday madness (Fridaygeddon?) around 8:00 p.m. on Thursday. O7!)$ 6&;;$ &)$ D+$ "+J)$ H+!'n`lee$ p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, giv‐ ing turkey gobblers (another ap‐ propriate term) just enough time to cram in that last spoonful of ()*.%&"E$ D+./'+$ 7+!#&"E$ /*)$ )/$ the various wall‐to‐wall Marts for an afternoon of pushing and shoving? Why not just dispense with all illusions of civility and begin this nonsense the day after Hal‐ loween? Despite all this chaos, however, I hope you and your loved ones have a truly marvelous and thoughtful Thanksgiving. See you next week with another install‐ ment of Kellyshambles.

November 20, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 31

Page 32, The Loafer • November 20, 2012

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