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Working from home - from personal experience

Whether your home office is in a bedroom, garage, garden room, corner of the house or a purpose-built extension for multiple personnel, it’s important to compartmentalise work from your domestic life.
Our editor, has “worked from home” for over 30 years having built offices for 16 at her family home and then moved to France where the pigeonnier was converted to a professional workplace environment. She has also experienced working from home, alone. If you are not used to it, it can take some adjustment. We hope these tips help you to maximise the enjoyment, and success, that home working can bring.
IT’S ALL IN THE MIND “It could be a walk through the garden, a staircase or a doorway”, Lesley highlights “but I still travel the “M25 motorway” when I go to work. This mental journey helps to keep my two worlds apart and enables me to retain my focus whilst at work. A tall screen or even a curtain would work just as well if your workspace is in your living room for instance.
TECHNOLOGY “It depends on your type of work”, she adds, “but if you are used to an all-singing, all-dancing PC with a full keyboard in the workplace, you may find it difficult to manage with an iPad, notebook or laptop on a full-time basis at home. I certainly can’t write at the same speed on my iPad and laptop and, for this reason, I have an additional full size keyboard and mouse which are both wireless to avoid an IT spaghetti junction!
“Whilst you may have been able to split screens easily at work, it may not be quite so easy at home. So, if you have space, an additional monitor is a major bonus. They aren’t expensive and really do stop you going dizzy and losing work as you flip from one view to another, or try to read tiny text on a split screen. “Working from home may mean that you are less protected against power outages, especially if you live in rural France. A small UPS (uninterruptible power supply) can give you those all-important

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few minutes to save your work and power down safely. No lost reports and no lost Wi-Fi, until you are ready to switch off! “Printers are now pretty cheap so choose one that incorporates an efficient scanner. Ink cartridges can be expensive so try to go paperless as much as you can, storing documents online, and avoiding the need for a filing cabinet as an added bonus. “Many French houses have thick internal walls, often requiring plug-in WiFi boosters for reliable connections. “Whichever system you use, perform regular back-ups and make sure that, although working from home, you comply with data protection regulations”.
HEALTH AND SAFETY “The sofa, a kitchen chair or a stool will have your neck, back and shoulders aching in no time,” she explains, speaking from experience. “You don’t sit transfixed to the spot in the office and the likelihood is that you won’t be doing that in your home workplace either. It’s well worth investing in a proper chair that supports your back and enables you to move around and swivel. “If you suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) now’s the time to switch on your therapy lamp, bathing you in “daylight” and lifting your mood. If the home office isn’t separate, you will need to accommodate for different uses during the day, layering lighting by using an overhead pendant or spots, as well as wall, desk and/or floor lamps for task lighting. If the light is too harsh it will drain your eyes, possibly triggering migraines and, if it’s not bright enough, can cause eye strain and headaches. Equally, a dark office is not only depressing but it certainly doesn’t make for an inspirational environment and enhanced productivity. Working late? Switch on a couple of side lamps and or a task light behind the computer screen to reduce eye fatigue and work comfortably. “Don’t forget to stay hydrated and eat! It’s very easy to work away, not realise the time and, before you know it, you are parched and feeling tired.
“Don’t forget to move either! DVT’s aren’t just a concern on airplanes, you need to regularly leave your desk, stretching your legs, rotating your shoulders and giving your arms a rest. Maybe that’s a good reason to position the coffee maker or water that bit further away?”
LARGER HOME OFFICE ENVIRONMENTS “Where there are several people working in a home office extension, and unless you want your colleagues traipsing in and out of your house (which probably won’t meet regulations anyway), don’t forget to include appropriate toilet facilities and a kitchen space. A separate entrance with a lockable door to your personal accommodation is essential if you want to maintain your privacy. “You will need to obtain the necessary local approvals and public liability/ workplace insurance as well as the correct heat and lighting to meet fire, health and safety regulations. Access needs to be easy, especially for clients and customers, with space for parked cars on firm ground and outdoor lighting for safety and security.” In conclusion, she adds “It is perfectly reasonable for the company to reimburse you for additional gas, electricity and water bills, etc., but do check with an accountant before charging for the work space itself. Rent can be a tricky issue and can have taxation consequences in terms of both your income and when you come to sell your property.”
“Home working doesn’t necessarily mean working alone”
These comments are based on personal experience only. Always check with your local authority, Mairie and employer if in any doubt about the requirements for working from home.
The Local Buzz • December 2020 & January 202143