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Buzz Bits
A few news snippets of interest to our region MORE JABS NEEDED
As figures for first vaccinations are dropping, the French Government is calling for people to obtain their Covid-19 jabs as soon as possible. Prime Minister Jean Castex is concerned, “The booking of appointments for first vaccinations is slowing down. This is too few”, he said, “we have done much better, we must do much better.” The aim is for 40m people to have had their first dose and for 35m to be fully vaccinated by the end of August. At the current rate these figures will not be met and, it is reported, herd immunity will not be achieved, leaving us open to the risk of a fourth wave in the autumn. Visit Doctolib, Maiia, RDOCLIC, KelDoc and mapharma.net to book an appointment.

The French charity, CroixRouge, has set up a new English-speaking helpline. Available to anyone in France, it offers practical support such as translations during a visit to a doctor, help with Covid-19 vaccination information and making appointments or finding services relevant to French administration. Assistance with financial aid and residence cards is also provided. Their new number is 07 86 28 11 99 and they are open from 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. Interested in volunteering? Email english-helpline.st-lois@ croix-rouge.fr

Not so Sweet

Certain packs of Béghin Say fine-granulated sugars are being recalled throughout France in light of the fact that they contain a higher level of pesticides than is authorised. The cooking sugars include Spécial Confitures au blond de canne, Spécial Gelées and Spécial Confitures. Specific product details can be found at www.rappel.conso.gouv. fr Consumers are advised to throw the packs away and claim a reimbursement from the company’s helpline at 0800 800 913.
Back on the Road

It’s official, British drivers with a valid UK driving licence do not have to take a test to continue driving in France. In addition, if these same drivers are planning a holiday to a foreign destination where an International licence is required they will be able to obtain a French International Driving Permit. The other good news is that anyone with an expired UK licence can now exchange it for a French licence via the ANTS website. Une Attestation de Dépot des Titres Sécurisés will be issued as soon as an application has been registered to enable drivers to take to the road almost immediately. www. permisdeconduire.ants.gouv.fr