3 minute read
Excercise at Home
If like many of us, the stay-at-home regime has added a few extra pounds of the unwanted kind, then home exercise could be the way forward out of “lockdown weight gain”.
It has been so tempting to reach for an extra biscuit or chocolate bar during these times of isolation, worry and, due to restrictions, lack of exercise. This is especially true if your gym has closed or you just don’t want to work-out in that kind of environment for now. So how about these ideas to put a spring in your step and lower that scale reading.
Once you have checked with your doctor and are cleared for the type of exercise you have chosen, the first stage of any fitness regime is an effective warm up. This great video takes you effortlessly through the first five-minutes to help prevent injury, warm up your muscles and increase your heart rate. You can then move onto beginner, advanced and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), etc., before cooling down. https://bit.ly/3jOyYc7

Well, it’s what we were calling it but, when we looked on the internet, we found it actually existed! There are lots of versions, all combining classic exercise moves with dance and high energy music. We found this great YouTube piece which includes a thorough warm up and then 10 minutes of high intensity, low impact workout for beginners. Madhuri, the leader, is enthusiastic, motivating and ensures it is straightforward and fun and is bound to help you with your problem areas, whether they be arms, tums, thighs or bums! https://bit.ly/3bz4cB9
Whilst some of these won’t necessarily work in the supermarket, the claim is that you can do them anywhere, and in just 30 seconds! Go on, have a personal tug of war with a tea towel, lift those cans of beans, and use your wall to tone those thighs! https://bit.ly/2F1irmv
How many jumping jacks can you do in 15, 30 or 45 seconds? Lunge your way around the house, it will do wonders for your thighs. Put the kettle on and, while you are waiting for it to boil, try a few squats, or run or skip on the spot. Of course, you could also try walking to the shops instead of driving, watch the TV on the floor and try some arm and leg lifts during the commercial breaks, or try to break the previous day’s push up record.
A positive mind, relaxing space and a good seat is really what is required for this series of easy “sit-cises”. Ideally the seat will have four solid legs as opposed to a soft reclining sofa and will be on a non-slip surface. Then combine these simple routines to strengthen your arms, back, torso and legs. They will help with posture and circulation too! https://bit.ly/2DAWNoy
There’s a great sense of camaraderie at these classes but, if classes aren’t for you right now, you can benefit from doing these at home too. Stream or watch a CD to build your strength, boost your metabolism and burn those calories! You can read all about their methods and principles, including an easy yoga pose, in our January and February 2019 issue at www.thelocalbuzzmag.com/readonline. For those who find it difficult to use a mat, we found this quick stretch yoga routine that you can do whilst in bed - how easy is that! Along with other useful work outs for the whole body, it also shows you how to strengthen your core. https://on.today.com/3jPR5yo

Wear clothing that is light and comfortable, as well as trainers or appropriate shoes. Use filled water bottles, cans of food, whatever you have, instead of dumbells. Schedule your workout to be sure you fit it in to your weekly routine. Section off (even if only in your mind) a gym/exercise area at home. Don’t expect to work out every day, this is supposed to be fun, not added pressure. Know your limitations and remember that stretches count as exercise too!
With all exercise it is best to check with your doctor before starting an exercise programme. When we asked a fitness expert about general advice we were told to take it at our own pace and don’t forget to warm up and cool down with simple stretches. Most of all, enjoy!