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FITNESS With Coach Lily-G

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Breathe In Breathe Out

By Lily Hall Lily G the SweatQueen


Feel better? Maybe not much, but I’m sure we all need that bit of calm right about now.

Most of us have been locked in the house for months, drinking our sorrows away, eating our way through boredom, and without fancy gym equipment to keep our summer bodies in check. Now that we have a little more freedom, we can start getting our lives together, slowly but surely. One of the best ways to feel “in control” and healthy is to start a new fitness routine.

Fitness is such a broad topic and everyone has their own version of what “fit” or “healthy” is to them.

I’ve been in the industry for almost 8 years now and I have seen every spectrum of the fitness world. I’ve seen every cheat and hack and trick and I’ve heard all the advice. The thing with fitness is, it’s changing EVERY. DAY. The game is constantly changing. Which makes my job fun, but challenging. So for my top five tips, we’re going back to the basics and starting from a clean slate.

#1. Get excited!

Finding and KEEPING that initial excitement and motivation is harder to maintain than you’d think. So how do you find it and keep it? *Try shopping for new gym gear. A cute new outfit, some new kicks, or even a new gym bag. *Set some goals - and document them. Writing them down, posting them online, or even telling them to someone who will hold you accountable will help you stay on top of it. When I have something to prove not only to myself, but to people watching me, it’s game on. I don’t ever want anyone to prove me wrong-especially myself.

*Make a commitment. This goes hand in hand with setting goals, but making a commitment to a certain fitness challenge, or even committing to a fitness coach will help keep that fire lit under your butt.

#2. The “one factor” rule

This is a big one for me. This is a rule I apply to all of my clients. I am a firm believer in “keeping it simple” and making it as non-stressful as possible. I feel if we change too many factors at once it can become overwhelming and cause us to get discouraged or give up. To avoid this, we apply the “one factor rule.” This means we change factors slowly, with caution, we pay attention, and we create long term results and a lifestyle. You don’t have to dive in head first and immediately change every aspect of your life. Small changes.

So over time:

*Increase your water intake.

*Create a habit of taking your vitamins.

*When it comes to your diet, start with eliminating certain foods.

*Count your calories and learn about foods and their macronutrient makeup.

Later, you can incorporate those supplements and nail down a strict diet. Slow progress is still progress. Create a lifestyle - not a quick fix.

#3. Experiment

There isn’t a one answer, magic diet, magic pill, or super training program that is going to change every person’s life. That’s impossible. Every single body is different, everyone has different abilities, and we are all human.

That being said, we all have to learn as we go. Even the professionals. In order to find something that is going to work for you longterm and bring continuous results, it will be a long road of trial and error. Making healthy lifestyle changes will change your body. Period. But to find your perfect storm, there will be some bumps along the road, and that is okay.

*Try different coaches.

*Sign up for that new fitness class.

*Adjust your schedule to keep you more motivated. Whatever works, keep it. Whatever doesn’t, change it.

#4 Accountability

You’d be surprised how much this one does for you if you nail it down. Accountability is an iffy one and it’s hard to maintain, especially if you have already quit the thing you’re trying to be held accountable for. So here’s how you crush this one. *Involve everyone. Involve as many people as you can. *Tell your friends. *Post on social media. *Have your friends join you. Whether it means sharing your goals with others, posting a challenge for others to join you, or posting progress pictures or post-workout pics.

Whatever you are willing and able to do, do it. No one wants to be that person who “was doing so good”, right? You want to be the one who looks so good and has been working so hard.

#5 Don’t rely on motivation

This one I want to scream from the rooftops. Feeling motivated is an emotion, and if there is anything I’ve learned in life, it’s to not let emotions affect things that are important to you. I know, motivation isn’t affecting you in a bad way, right? Wrong. Motivation is a fleeting feeling - a temporary mood. Relying on a temporary, unreliable feeling to accomplish your goals is dangerous, and I promise you won’t succeed. Motivation is wonderful when it’s in full swing and can help you crush your workouts. But when it isn’t there, when you have no drive, where do you go from there? How do you get to the gym without motivation? You decide.

*Make the decision to make those changes and to accomplish those goals - not only when you “feel motivated”

*Use the motivation when you have it. When you feel that fire, use it. Push yourself and take advantage of that extra drive.

*Create that habit and that lifestyle so it isn’t a battle with yourself about what is right, wrong, or necessary.

Eventually, it isn’t a struggle with “if ” and it’s more a struggle with “when” or “how.”

Motivation is a wonderful feeling to celebrate and I hope I have initiated some motivation within you at some point. At the end, though, I want us all to learn to rely on our own selves for that fire and that drive. That will be your ultimate tool for success.

I hope you can apply a few of these tips to your fitness journey, whether you’re chugging along gracefully or you’re just starting. I hope that our own clarity and control can contribute to those around us during a time when unity is more important than ever.As always, I’m here to answer your questions, give you advice, or help you in any way you can.

Stay strong, stay safe, and stay healthy, Columbus! Here’s to a better second half of 2020.

www.lilygfit.com • instagram.com/lilygfit • facebook.com/LilyGFit


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