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From Stage To Feature Film

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Ink & Inclusion

The Columbus Ballet's Brings Community Together to Create Free Feature Film 'The Masked Nutcracker'

While no two performances of live theatre are ever exactly the same, this year’s annual showing of the Nutcracker will be a particularly unique and meaningful experience – especially for Columbus residents.


“We desperately wanted to do a show,” says choreographer Kylie Casino, despite the limitations of the pandemic on live performances. As Artistic Director at the Columbus Ballet, she feels strongly that the annual Nutcracker “is just needed at this time… [to] help spread that holiday cheer.”

This year, viewers can watch for free on local station WXTX Fox 54 to see some of our city’s most beautiful and iconic locations star alongside the dancers as they perform to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s famous 1892 score.

With large audiences inadvisable, the easy answer was to simply live stream the usual indoors performance; however, Kylie, along with fellow instructors Bridget Adams and Laura Johnson, wasn’t satisfied with the idea of holding a virtual showing of the normal stage performance, so they began scouting locations around the city while teaming up with producers Jef and Sara Lynn Holbrook of Argo Navis Studios to craft a professional audiovisual experience.

Taken During 2020 Rehearsals By Kylie Casino

“What we’re producing at the end of this is basically a feature-length show,” Jef says, “an hour-and-a-half to almost two-hour thing, so that’s feature film territory.”

This year’s show is thanks to the generosity of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley and the Knight Foundation and will combine the talent and skill of the Columbus Ballet crew and Argo Navis Studios amid a backdrop of many of Columbus, Georgia’s most beloved public spaces, including The Columbus Convention and Trade Center, The Naval Museum, The Columbus Botanical Garden, The Columbus Public Library and the Columbus Museum.

Behind The Scenes

provided by Jef Holbrook, Argo Navis Studios

Behind The Scenes Action

Provided By Argo Navis Studios

“It’s not your typical stage space obviously, and it’s going to be a very different experience for the [dancers],” Kylie says. To create something truly special, the partnership with the Holbrooks means the performance will be professionally directed, filmed and edited. “They’re taking care of absolutely everything.”

Their vision aims to honor the skill of the dancers and the spirit of the live performance, while making the most of the film format in a way that a live stream could not. The dancers will also wear masks throughout the filming, both helping them stay safe and reflecting the necessity of trying something new. Kylie says her trust in the Holbrooks is well-founded: “I’ve seen some of their work and it is very well done.”

Taken During 2020 Rehearsals

By Kylie Casino

She speaks with excitement about the opportunity to combine professional film production with her choreography, saying that “the way they’re planning on filming it will look dream-like. They’re able to do effects and we are able to transition magically into the next scene, so in a sense, it will make it even more magical.”

Taken During 2020 Rehearsals By Kylie Casino

Usually, Argo Navis would employ a 60-person crew. Amid the unique circumstances of this year, “it’s just the two of us,” Jef says – the two of them, and the team of directors and dancers at the Columbus Ballet. Add to that list the many supporters and sponsors of the ballet company in the community, including grants that helped make the vision a reality.

Backstage Action

provided by Jef Holbrook of Argo Navis Studios

The unique approach is especially exciting for Kylie due to her background in site-specific dance, which uses an off-stage, real-world location with its own architectural and aesthetic meaning to enhance the impact and artistry of the performance.

“My background allows me to adapt to any space and tell a story because that is what we are doing: telling a story,” Kylie says.

A cast of 78 performers will dance across the gardens and museums of Columbus, with eleven-year-old Mary Frances Young as the lead, Clara, and thirteen-yearold Cason Hayes as the titular Nutcracker Prince. For the famous, emotionally-charged “Pas de Deux,” the Columbus Ballet will welcome two professional guest dancers: Brian Grant of BeastModeBallet, Inc. and Trisha Carter of Dimensions Dance Theater of Miami.

Anyone can watch the feature-film for free from the comfort and safety of their own home. The production will on WXTX Fox 54 on Saturday, December 12th at 8 p.m. & Saturday, December 20th at 1 p.m., as well as on the WXTX Facebook page. Follow wxtx.com to watch for possible updates. You can also follow the group online at Facebook.com/TheColumbusBallet and consider visiting them at TheColumbusBallet.com to make a charitable donation. You can also check out Jef and Sara Lynn’s work at Facebook.com/ArgoNavisStudios.

The dancers, directors and producers hope viewers will enjoy seeing the mixture of iconic locations, artful dance and skillful editing come together for a breathtaking performance. Ultimately, they’re excited to participate in bringing light to the community during the holiday season.

“[They] have been really wonderful.” Sara Lynn Holbrook says of working with the Columbus Ballet group. “The spirit of giving and collaboration is really abundant over there, it just speaks of who they are… It’s just been a delight!”

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photo taken by Kylie Casino

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