here are few things less powerful than a photograph, and Columbus’ own The Do Good Fund is harnessing the power of an image to help its visitors make sense of the shared identity created by living in the South. The photographs and images presented by this charitable organization celebrate the lives and traditions of Southerners in ways that seem both familiar and innovative. The Do Good Fund Inc. is a charity that serves as a lending library of photographs, offering works
What is
Inc.? By Sundi Rose
exclusively from contemporary Southern artists of all walks of life. Founded in 2012 by Alan Rothschild, The Do Good Fund is, “focused on building a museumquality collection of photographs taken in the American South since World War II.” The collection is extensive and holds photos from some of the most well-known Southern photographers as well as images taken by emerging photographers, including graduate students at the University of Georgia. Most notably, however, are the twenty or so Guggenheim Fellows contained in the collection, which make the gallery one of the most diverse and well-curated collections in the area. In fact, the artist currently on display, Paul Kwilecki, is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship himself. The mission of The Do Good Fund is to make its 700+ images broadly accessible to museums, eclectic collections, nonprofit galleries, and the art-appreciating
Jimmy Nicholson Fishing Under the Trestle, Cheney Griffin Park, Bainbridge, GA Image: 1980/printed: 2020 Gelatin silver print 11 3/4 x 8 3/4 in. The Do Good Fund, Inc., 2020-066
public at large. The gallery hopes to get as many eyes as possible on as many of the photographs as possible, making public access a major priority for Do Good. Eliza Daffin, gallery coordinator and a photographer 6