Se pte m be r 2018
Se pte m be r 2018
STUFF TO READ Jonathan Samuel Eddie
on the table
Where big ideas spring from small conversations
Start Your Own Story
The Bar At EPIC Is The Perfect Place To Begin
The Not for Everyone Tour Music SpotLight 12th Annual Chattahoochee Valley Writer’s Conference COCKTAIL CLUB
7 9 14 16 18 22
e’re throwing a party and it’s gonna be big. Before W you catch the buzz on billboards and radio, we want to give you the inside scoop into our plans, because
these plans are all about you. It’s time for you to cast your ballot on all things best in the Columbus area. Every month in this magazine, we shine a light on the art, music, food and fun in the Chattahoochee Valley. We love giving a platform to the positive stories in our community, and we are always on the lookout for new ways to show you, why you should be in love with your home. Now we want to give you, our readers, a chance to show off what you love most about our community. The Local’s Choice Awards give you the chance to have your voice heard. Across a wide variety of categories, over the next few months you will have the chance to vote on all your favorites—favorite restaurants, coffee shops, performers, first date spots and more. We will give you the opportunity to share with neighbors, friends and strangers all of what you enjoy about the Chattahoochee Valley. Voting will take place across our social media platforms and website. Through these online portals, you will get to nominate and vote on a diverse set of categories, curated in order to showcase the myriad business, programs and people who help make our community great. This is your chance to promote what you love, and we cannot wait to see your eager responses. We will offer dozens of categories in order to capture the full range of our community’s unique character. From the serious to the quirky to the just plain fun, our list of categories will allow you to dive deep and highlight your favorite businesses, events, people, charities and more. Lend your voice, and let’s celebrate together. The awards ceremony will be held at the Green Room at The Loft on Jan. 27, 2019. We can’t wait to share with you an evening of fun and jubilation as awards are presented to winners by local celebrities. In addition to the joviality of celebrating the best and most vibrant our community has to offer, we will also raise money for a few charitable causes close to our hearts. Each month, we run a column about Paws Humane by Paws CEO Bobbie Yeo. In July, our cover story focused on the Giving Kitchen, a charity that helps service industry workers when times get tough. And MercyMed, a healthcare center that cares for people from all walks of life, works daily miracles in our community. Behind the fun and festivities of the Local’s Choice Awards is a commitment to these great works, and so throughout the night attendees will have opportunities to connect and support these wonderful causes. Keep an eye on our social media fa c e b o o k . c o m / th e l o c a l c o l u m b u sg a & @th e l o c a l c o l u m b u sg a o n In sta g ra m for voting opportunities and updates.
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t hel o cal co l u mbu s . co m f acebo o k . co m/ t hel o cal co l u mbu s g a
What We Are All About. The mission of the LocaL magazine is to bring you the best in art, music, food and fun from Columbus and the surrounding area. Locally owned and operated, we work to improve and expand community relationships through promoting positive events and stories. When good things are happening, we will be here to help you get involved. Our monthly print issues will feature stories and events that comprise and drive the ongoing surge toward a more beautiful community. This magazine exists because we who work on it believe in actively engaging with community improvement, and we invite you to join us, not only by reading these pages, but also by taking part in any of the many wonderful events we feature.
Monica Jones publisher@thelocalcolumbus.com ads@thelocalcolumbus.com
Tom Ingram editor@thelocalcolumbus.com
Mat Cornett
Bobbie Yeo Joe Miller Richard Edwards April Norris Se pte m be r 2018
Humane PAWS So c iety
Jonathan Samuel Eddie L ETS T H E CHI LDR E N S I NG !
You th S pe a k O u t 201 8
World Rabies Day
By April Norris
e don’t hear about rabies too often in the U.S. because, since 1960, almost all cases occur in wildlife, primarily bats and raccoons. Prior to this, W however it was not uncommon for our own pets to transmit this dread disease
onathan Samuel Eddie is an actor, writer, director, speaker, playwright, comedian, teacher and artist. With this myriad talents, I needed to know more. We met at the regular spot: Fountain City Coffee. I felt like I was in the room with a profound human, a rare servant and master of both the spoken and written word, who needed his name shouted all over Columbus. As an educator I wanted to learn how he motivates students ages thirteen to nineteen to get up and express some of their deepest concerns about society. Bullying, sexual assault, racism, and the education system itself are expressed through rehearsed, eloquent poetry while wearing t-shirts that read “My Voice is Necessary” on the day of the well-organized Youth Speak Eddie Out in Downtown Columbus. Jonathan is the Director of the Fountain City Teen Poetry Slam. His students hail from The Springer Academy, as well as both public and private education systems. It is important to note that if you Google Jonathan Samuel Eddie, you will find performances that make you think, laugh, cry, and wonder how you can become a powerful speaker. This was the first time some of the students had ever participated in speaking in front of a large crowd, which most humans know is a more frightening than death. As I watched nervous teens rehearse in the coffee shop, it was clear to me that albeit out of my comfort zone to perform, it is an art to do what these kids are doing. It takes audacity combined with practice as in any other art form. I spoke with eighteen-year-old Tianna George (Shaw High School) about why she is committed to slam poetry and her response was, “I feel guilty when I don’t.” I was moved by her self-awareness because this medium requires artists to give pieces of themselves. Something inside her makes her “speak out” because it will help someone else as well as make her parents proud. In comedy there is still an undertone that it is a “man’s game,” but in this poetry slam event, I only heard one young man, Sean Myers (Brookstone), sing out, “We are the world, we are the children.” He spoke with the conviction rare among adults. I was brought to tears by Laiah Harris (Hardaway High School) as her powerful voice commanded the quiet of the passing cars as she spoke out about the beautiful color of her skin. No, this wasn’t comedy—my usual subject—but as I watched her transition from speaking her truth to an elated smile and hugs from family, I learned that it is just as cathartic. Jonathan is a coach, mentor and wide-eyed as he watches a student walk around the downtown restaurants aware that he is responsible for them. I asked him about the art of teaching and Laiah Haarris (Hardaway) Sean Meyers (Brookstone) how he incorporates those methods into this platform of instruction. “If you’re not learning it with them, then you’re doing it wrong,” he said. I knew exactly what he meant. True learning takes place when everyone walks away with more questions and willingness to continue the discussion with more focus. Giving them a voice is the first step. He listens to their stories and helps them perform in full-bodied emotion. They sang their poetry from the mainstage in the median followed by snaps or claps. I was amazed by this honest self-expression. A quick look online may give you some indication of the commitment Jonathan has to teaching the art of spoken word. In a snapshot of one of his accounts about growing up in Columbus he says that he is “standing in his happy ending.” Beautiful words about living in the present from a very busy man who you can see for yourself the 4th Saturday of each month at Fountain City Coffee, where children are empowered by the art of the spoken word. for those that may want further info got to: www.fountaincityslam.org. u
to their humans. We can thank our county, state and national health agencies for reigning in this terrible zoonotic disease. They did it mainly by enacting strict legal requirements to vaccinate our pets. In addition, there are laws that require all animal bites to be reported. After a bite, an animal must be quarantined for 10 days to ensure he/she was not infectious at the time of the incident. If an animal bites, but can’t be caught, the bite victim will receive a series of 4 injections to keep the disease from taking hold. Once symptoms begin to occur, treatment options are extremely limited. At that point, there is little medical science can do for the afflicted person. Rabies is most common in rural Africa and Asia, where prevention and treatment is not readily available. It is estimated that throughout the world, thousands of people die from the disease every day with 90% of these cases caused by a dog bite. Rabies isn’t always expressed as the stereotypic agitation and frothing at the mouth, referred to as “furious” rabies. Alternatively, rabies may manifest as a slow but progressive paralysis that spreads throughout the entire body, eventually resulting in coma and death. World Rabies Day, observed on September 28 each year, is recognized by several major health organizations. Special events are held on this date all over the world to raise awareness and provide information that aids in the prevention of the disease. Though rabies may never be eradicated, we can certainly curtail its transmission. Paws Humane Society is doing our part to raise awareness and control the spread of rabies by offering free vaccination clinics in various neighborhoods in Columbus. We generally focus on small neighborhood events by inviting people we have already met through our Pets for Life program. We find that most people want to take care of their pets, but not everyone has easy access to a traditional fullservice veterinary practice. This may be due to economic barriers or limited English proficiency. Some folks may lack transportation or simply the freedom to take time off work for a veterinary appointment. Whatever the issue, Paws Humane Society goes to great lengths to bring basic veterinary care within reach of everyone we meet. We are not your grandmother’s humane society. We do it all in order to make the world a better place for animals and the people who love them. u
Contact Paws Humane Society Veterinary Clinic today for more information about your pet’s health. Call us at 706-987-8380 or find us online at www. pawshumane.org.
Bobbi Yeo lives in Opelika, AL. She is the CEO of PAWS Humane in Columbus, GA, an animal shelter and veterinary clinic offering low-cost spay/neuter and other services to the public. Email her at byeo@pawshumane.org with your comments and story ideas. Adoption Hours Mon-Fri•10am-6pm, Sat•10am-5pm, Sun•12pm-5pm 4900 Milgen Road Columbus, GA 31907 • www.pawshumane.org office@pawshumane.org (706) 565-0035 • Vet Clinic phone number (706) 987-8380
Se pte m be r 2018
on the table
Where big ideas spring from small conversations
By Tom Ingram
icnic tables draped with blue tablecloth were lined up in the median on the 1000 block of Broadway last fall as the sun sank over the Chattahoochee River, and fairy lights draped around the little fountain square gave the space a warm, vibrant atmosphere. People from all over the Chattahoochee Valley arrived, bearing trays of food, which they deposited at community buffet seating. They arranged themselves at tables, fixed plates, and soon the median was alive with the electric buzz of eager conversation. They arrived to share food and camaraderie, yes, but their greater mission is a little more difficult to pinpoint. They came for On The Table, a one-day civic engagement initiative, hosted locally by the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley (CFCC) and funded by the John S. And James L. Knight Foundation. The CFCC was one of ten community foundations across the country to participate in last year’s On the Table pilot program, and following the 2017 initiative’s success—which included thousands of people meeting for the first time and new community projects growing from these meetings, such as the Midtown Cleanup Day—the Community Foundation is again hosting this conversational initiative on Oct. 23, 2018. Last year 6,500 people were connected through On the Table in our community, and not only in Uptown. Churches and community centers all over the area hosted the event, at which people from all walks of life joined friends and strangers alike to share food, and to share their concerns and dreams for our area. This broad, inclusive initiative is designed to build deeper community connections and help people feel invited to take active roles in their community. “We believe people want to be connected,” Betsy Covington, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley, said during our interview at the Community Foundation offices. In each of last year’s ten pilot cities, the response was astounding, but the Chattahoochee Valley’s response—of 6,500 participants compared to 3,000 in Miami—demonstrates the accuracy of Betsy’s belief: our community has an avid commitment to communication and cooperation. On the Table is a place for beginnings. At any of the events sprinkled throughout the Valley, participants come together to talk, collaborate, meet new people, and find new ways to become more civically engaged. The sheer scope of the event makes it special, and so to is the format. “As long as you’re having respectful conversation,” Betsy told us, “you’re doing it the right way.” Anyone can host a table of 8 to twelve people, and anywhere people can come together over a meal or a snack is a perfect venue. The conversation should be about whatever is important to you and our community. The conversations at On the Table do not end at the end of the night. Out of the conversations and ideas generated during the event, there is really opportunity to make a difference in our community. To help the event grow from year to year, participants are asked to take a quick survey about their experiences, which helps the CFCC improve next year’s On the Table and provides the community with important data about what people think is important in their neighborhoods. While the CFCC hosts the event, Betsy is adamant that On the Table belongs to the entire community. Like On the Table, CFCC’s mission is broad. Essentially, CFCC exists to facilitate community engagement, primarily through pairing philanthropists with opportunities. “We are a resource for people in the community who want to do good,” Betsy explained. And good they do. Since its founding in 1998 to help people with philanthropic interests easily and effectively support the issues they care about, the CFCC has grown to over $170 million in assets endowed for the long-term betterment of the community. One ongoing project being facilitated by the CFCC is the Dragon Fly Trail Project; so far, the Foundation has helped bring $600 thousand worth of grants to the project, to pay for design and engineering expenses. “If there’s a passion for getting things done in the community,” Betsy said, “the Community Foundation is involved.” At its core, On the Table is built on the belief that everyone has a voice, and the community-wide events provide a platform for everyone who believes in making the Chattahoochee Valley an even better place to live. To register and learn more, visit OnTheTableChatt. com. You can also connect on social media, with OnTheTableChatt on Facebook and #ChattChatt on Instagram. u
Se pte m be r 2018
about Leigh & Paige Fine Art and Alisa Koch by visiting our website at www. leighandpaige.com. Open to the public. Sept. 14, 6:30 - 9 p.m., Leigh & Paige Fine Art, 1309 Wildwood Avenue, Columbus
Artist Talk With Matt Fisher
Sept. 18, 5:30 p.m., Corn Center for the Visual Arts, 921 Front Avenue, Columbus
New Exhibit Unveiling The George S. Paul Letter Collection
Finger Paint Friday
The museum is pleased to announce the acquisition of the George S. Paul letter collection. Paul was an engineer in the U.S. Navy from 1863 – 1865. There are over 100 letters in this collection that he wrote to family during and shortly after the war. His letters provide insight about the process of becoming a naval engineer and his experiences during the war. Museum Curator and Historian Jeff Seymour will give a brief presentation at the unveiling. Plan to attend the introduction of this unique exhibit to the public. There will be light refreshments provided. Sept. 19, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., National Civil War Naval Museum, 1002 Victory Drive, Columbus
Let your pint-sized Picasso’s creativity shine as we explore art together! Dress for mess! All materials will be provided. Sept. 7, 10 - 11 a.m., North Columbus Public Library, 5689 Armour Road, Columbus
Façade: Photography Exhibition
Sept. 7, 7 p.m., Columbus State University Rankin Arts Photography Center, 1004 Broadway, Columbus
Artist Talk and Reception
Open until Sept. 22, Kota Ezawa will present “The Crime of Art,” a new exhibit in the Illges Gallery. Sept. 11, 5:30 p.m., Illges Gallery, Corn Center for the Visual Arts, 921 Front Avenue, Columbus
Pallet Board Scarecrow/Snowman
Create your very own Halloween/Winter decor.: Reversible pallet Board Scarecrow/Snowman. $45 plus tax. Ages 16 and up. RSVP. Sept. 22, 4 - 7 p.m., Bare Ware Pottery Studio, 3912 Woodruff Road, Columbus
Look at Lunchtime!
LOOK! @ Lunchtime is a collaborative viewing exercise and dialogue centered around works of art from the Museum’s permanent collection. Jonathan Frederick Walz, Director of Curatorial Affairs & Curator of American Art, will facilitate LOOK! discussions every second Tuesday. Each month a new object will be explored. Sept. 11, 12:15 - 12:30 p.m., The Columbus Museum, 1251 Wynnton Road
Artist Talk With Eddie Dominguez
Sept. 27, 6 p.m., The Columbus Museum, 1251 Wynnton Road
Want to see your event listed here? Email events@thelocalcolumbus.com
Homeschool Science and History
Calling all homeschool students! $80 per person, ages 7-10. STEAMsational: Join Oxbow as we integrate technology, art and math into outdoor science education. Come participate in hands on projects, build robots, explore ecosystems and more Oxbow Meadows 9am -12pm. Students Will learn about aspects of WWll such as life on the homefront, the holocaust, and a soldiers life in country and at home. 1pm - 4pm. Pre-registration is required. Payment due at the time of registration. For registration or more information call 706.685.2614 or email us at campdirector@nationalinfantryfoundation.org. Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, 9 a.m., National Infantry Museum, 1775 Legacy Way, Columbus
Artist Talk With Mark Dion
Mark Dion, fall visiting artist and scholar in residence program leader, will host an artist talk at The Columbus Museum. Sept. 13, 6 p.m., The Columbus Museum, 1251 Wynnton Road
Hot Glass Date Night With Kelly Robertson of Calvary Glass
Looking for something fun and creative to do on your next get-together with that special someone, your bestie, or maybe even a family member? Then this hot-glass “date” night is for you. You and your companion will learn how to gather, heat, and shape molten glass into beautiful forms for a one-of a kind piece of art! Each person will make at least one piece, choosing from the following items: flower, paperweight, heart or ornament, and more. No previous experience is required and this session is available for beginner, intermediate, or advanced students. Only one individual in each pair should register, as the fee includes both participants. Sept. 14; 4, 6 & 8 p.m., The Columbus Museum, 1251 Wynnton Road, Columbus
Alisa Koch Solo Exhibition: Wonderments (Opening Reception)
“Wonderments: Southern Landscapes of the Imagination” features artist Alisa Koch of Montgomery, Alabama. Meet Alisa, view a diverse collection of her work, and enjoy complimentary beverages and refreshments. Learn more LocaL
Se pte m be r 2018
with blueberry filling, and as he experimented with the cookie, Adam began to imagine goats grazing in fields of lavender and blueberry, a kind of dreamscape inspiration that’s provided an experience totally unique to Epic. The strawberry champagne macaroon is paired with pear syrup and whipped cream cheese, and the grapefruit cookie, though a flavor notoriously hard to pair with cheese, has found a soul mate with brie and honey from Stockton, Ga. In addition to the desert menu (and we recommend taking a chance on the rhubarb berry cobbler, a dish that screams summer), the Bar Snacks menu is
Is The Per fect Place To Begin A Love Af fair
By Tom Ingram
“A lot of people don’t seem to know you can come in and just enjoy the bar,” Adam Icard explained one Monday evening at Epic Restaurant (1201 Front Avenue, Columbus) where he works. This is Adamn’s story: Adam has spent most of his restaurant career behind a grill, but over the past year has transitioned to baking and pastry work. He compares baking, now his primary passion, to chemistry, and enjoys the challenge of experimenting until a recipe is just right. When I asked how he came to baking, Adam said it was a chance event. A co-worker was losing interest in the work, so Adam jumped in to take the reigns. Adam says he is largely self-taught, with a little help from Jamie Keating along the way. “Jamie wants us to fall and get back up,” Adam says, stressing restauranteur and chef Jamie Keating’s belief in tenacity. As Jamie pointed out later that evening, after I’d sampled desserts, small plates and a couple of choice cocktails, he keeps a poster in the kitchen which reads, “failure is not an option.” Even as high-end dining options in Columbus expand, Epic, the chic center of fine-dining tucked away on the riverside end of the Eagle and Phenix building in Uptown, remains the flagship venue for choice eats in the area. But every foodie in search of exceptional and innovative fare already knows they
can find it at Epic. Though we are long-time celebrants of the dinner menu— which, with the continued service of their $35 prix fixe menu from Restaurant Week during the first hour of dinner service, is an experience perfect for those Mondays when cooking at home is an impossible chore—Adam had another story in mind for our visit. We began with dessert “Mac-n-Cheese,” intriguingly described on the menu with “Blueberry Lavender/Strawberry/Grapefruit.” The Mac, Adam’s innovation, is not macaroni pasta but French macaroons, each paired with a cheese. Adam explains his deserts often tell stories, which follows Jamie’s vision of the restaurant as a kind of sprawling narrative that unfolds a little more with each visit. For example, the blueberry lavender macaroon is a lavender cookie
likewise loaded with unique treats. We sampled the crispy pork spare ribs, an Asian-American fusion sous-vide for 24 hours before being flash fried and tossed in bar-be-que sauce. The result is a palate-pleasing balance of sweet and salty underscored by a satisfying umami delivered first by a hearty crunch and then by a fall-off-the-bone tender pork. The Asian steam buns, offered with bulgogi or octopus (or enjoy one of each, if you like), are honest and pure— they may not be a departure from the classic, but, as the saying goes, “if it ain’t broke”—and these steam buns will have you dreaming of them at night. Of course, if you’re going to sit at the bar, you won’t be able to help yourself. Just watching Epic’s speciality cocktails being prepared is an adventure. The Grapes of Wrath (which has a local connection, as Columbus native Nunnally Johnson wrote the script for the 1940 blockbuster film adaptation of John Steinbeck’s classic novel) features raspberry infused Ciroc and pickled bleu
cheese grapes served in a coupe will lift you out of any dustbowl funk. For the real show, however, order The Old Fashioned Girl. While the featured spirit is bourbon, don’t let the name fool you: pineapple and thyme contribute to the fresh take, but the most theatrical element is the orange smoke cloud, which gives this drink a mellow, harmonizing conclusion. Jamie Keating encourages people to come in, to “dip your toes.” Epic is a story with many narratives running through it, from the Chapters of the menus (13 Chapters in the phenomenally curated wine list alone) to myriad details in the restaurant’s design we will not spoil by giving away here— better to dip your toes in at the bar and discover the story for yourself. Photos contributed by Adam Icard u
Se pte m be r 2018
Guys & Dolls Musical
Hailed as the perfect musical comedy, this award-winning classic gambles with luck and love under the bright lights of Broadway. Set in Damon Runyon’s mythical New York City, Guys and Dolls is an oddball romantic comedy in which a gambler is challenged to take a cold female missionary to Havana, but they fall for each other, and the bet has a hidden motive to finance a crap game. Frank Loesser’s classic score includes a bevy of standards, among them “I’ve Never Been in Love Before,” “More I Cannot Wish You,” “Luck Be a Lady,” and “Bushel and a Peck.” Winner of the Tony and Drama Desk Award for best musical, if you’ve never seen Guys and Dolls, you owe it to yourself to check it out. If you’ve seen if before, come and see it to remind yourself of what a good show it is. This production will feature musicians from The Joyce and Henry Schwob School of Music at CSU. Sept. 28, 29, Oct. 4, 5, 6 at 7:30 p.m, and Sat. 30 at 2:00 p.m., Department of Theatre at Columbus State University, 6 West 10th Street, Columbus
No Shame Theatre
At 10:30 every Friday night, the Springer plays host to No Shame Theatre. No Shame Theatre is an uncensored evening of original performance that allows anyone to explore their creative potential. Signup begins at 10 p.m., and the first 15 to sign up get a five-minute time slot to perform their original material. Admission is $5, including for performers. Every Friday, Springer Opera House, 103 10th Street, Columbus, (706) 324-5714
Hip-Hop Dance Showcase
Open to teen and adult hip-hop dancers of all ages. Solo, duo and group dancers welcomed. Sept. 29, 1 - 4 p.m., Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road
The Magic School Bus This family-friendly Appalachian folktale tells how the accidental death of an Lost in the Solar System Old Dry Frye
When the class gets lost on the way to the planetarium, Ms. Frizzle saves the day by blasting into outer space for an epic, interplanetary field trip! But when rivalries, both old and new, threaten to tear the students apart, our young heroes must learn to pull together or risk getting forever lost in the solar system. Hop on The Magic School Bus for a ride in Theatreworks USA’s new musical adaptation based on the original book. For more information please contact the RiverCenter Box Office: 706-256-3612 Sept. 29, 2 - 3 p.m., RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, 900 Broadway, Columbus
itinerant preacher initiates a bizarre episode of guilt and deception among the residents of a “holler.”This is comedy American style, with energetic humor, delightful dialect, physical gags, bumbling brothers, a cluck-talking chicken and a series of uproarious adventures. Sept. 6 - 8, 10 a.m., Sept. 7 - 8, 7:30 p.m., Department of Theatre at Columbus State University, 6 West 10th Street, Columbus
Way Down Film Society
For those of you who have not been able to attend our meetings yet, you may bring food and the drinks of your choice into the meeting room. It’s a comfortable classroom-style set-up with tables and chairs, so you can eat dinner as we watch the movie. Sept. 19, 6 p.m., Troy University on the Chattahoochee, 1510 Whitewater Avenue, Phenix City
Dinner Theater at The Loft
Combine the winning one-act plays from the 2017 Chattahoochee Valley Writers Contest with a fantastic meal from famed chefs at the Loft and you have the perfect evening! Our evening includes award winning productions of three one-act plays from local playwrights: Journey’s End by Ellouise Connolly; A Perfect Day by Doyle Renolds; The Soldier and The Bride by Jonnie C. Jonsyn Jr.. Find tickets on Eventbrite. Sept 29, 7 - 10 p.m., The Loft, 1032 Broadway, Columbus
Something Rotten!
Something Rotten! is “Broadway’s big, fat hit!” (New York Post). Set in 1595, this hilarious smash tells the story of Nick and Nigel Bottom, two brothers who are desperate to write a hit play. When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the world’s very first musical. With its heart on its ruffled sleeve and sequins in its soul, Something Rotten! is “The Producers + Spamalot + The Book of Mormon. Squared!” (New York Magazine). For more information please contact the RiverCenter Box Office: 706-256-3612 Sept. 19, 7:30 - 10:30 p.m., RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, 900 Broadway, Columbus
Want to see your event listed here? Email events@thelocalcolumbus.com
Mama Mia!
A mother. A daughter. Three possible dads. And a trip down the aisle you’ll never forget! Mamma Mia! combines the timeless tunes of super group ABBA with a sunny, funny tale that unfolds on a Greek island paradise. On the eve of her wedding, Sophie’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings three men from her mother’s past back into her life for the first time in 20 years. Must-see theatre with all of your favorite ABBA songs, non-stop laughs, and explosive dance numbers. Sept. 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29 & Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m.; Sept. 30, 2:30 p.m.; Springer Opera House, 103 10th Street, Columbus
Free Outdoor Movie Night, presented by Navy Federal
AVENGERS: Infinity Wars will be featured on a giant 40ft. outdoor movie screen. Bring your blankets, beach chairs, and relax under the stars. Arrive early for the pre-movie fun including free face painting, free inflatable amusements, games, and giveaways by Navy Federal Credit Union. FUN begins at 6:00 PM and the MOVIE begins at DARK (about 8:00 PM). Concessions available for purchase or feel free to bring a picnic basket from home. No alcoholic beverages. Sept. 22, 6 - 10:30 p.m., 1000 Bay Avenue, Columbus LocaL
Se pte m be r 2018
An American Cinematic Treasure Frederick Wiseman on Kanopy
The CSU Library’s recent purchase of the streaming service Kanopy was a major boon for local film buffs. The site offers thousands of excellent indie and foreign films, documentaries, and even some primo selections from the Criterion Collection—totally free for all library patrons. Then this past summer, the boon turned into a bonanza when it added the entire filmography of Frederick Wiseman. Since the late 1960s, Wiseman has been making monumental documentaries about American life at a pace of roughly one per year. His subjects have been institutions—insane asylums, army platoons, the criminal justice system, legislatures, hospitals, department stores, and even entire neighborhoods. With a two-man crew, he immerses himself in these worlds, taking hundreds of hours of footage, and then edits them into long narratives that reveal, without commentary, the inner workings of their subjects from top to bottom. Most have been shown just once or twice on PBS, and have had limited distributions on video, so over the years they’ve become the stuff of legend among cinephiles—masterpieces that many people talk about but few have seen. Now they’re all available all at once for anyone with CSU library account. Wiseman’s first film, Titicut Follies, is especially legendary because it’s been suppressed since its creation in 1967 by government censorship, so hardly anyone has seen it before now. Its subject is the State Prison for the Criminally Insane at Bridgewater, Massachusetts, and upon its completion the Massachusetts government banned it because of its stark and embarrassing depiction of the treatment of inmates there. Especially harrowing is a scene in which a man is tied down and force fed through his nose. What makes the film extraordinary, though, is its scenes of a talent show the prison put on every year—the Titicut Follies. Under the direction of a good-natured and talented prison administrator, the inmates sing and dance, and these images are interwoven with the more disturbing footage of life in the prison. I guarantee you it’s unlike any film you’ve ever seen. Binge-watching Wiseman’s films is like cruising across the decades in a time machine—hairstyles and fashions change, phones become portable and smaller, computers proliferate. The themes have subtly changed over the years, too. In his early films, he aimed his camera at institutions embroiled in vexing societal problems—juvenile delinquency, domestic abuse, politics, war—and they’re at times difficult to watch. I agonized all the way through his 1971 offering, Basic Training, with its depictions of young men being prepared for battle in a foreign war that we now know was pointless and unwinnable. But his later works have showcased institutions of great human achievement, such as the University of California at Berkeley, the New York Public Library, the National Gallery in London and, my favorite, In Jackson Heights, about an incredibly diverse neighborhood in Queens, NY. Released in 2015, it’s an epic masterpiece of one of the most important challenges of our time—getting along and building community in a shrinking and increasingly contentious world. The film is more than three hours long, but I wanted it to keep going because I was so fascinated and inspired by its subjects. It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen about what makes America great. Joe Miller is an Associate Professor of English at Columbus State and a certified film freak. LocaL
Se pte m be r 2018
Uptown’s Friday Night Concert Series The Rocket Man Show, an Elton John Tribute Band
Presented by Active Pest Control, concerts are free and open to the public, so bring a lawn chair, blanket and your family for a night of great music and fun. Uptown’s Friday Night Concert Series prohibits all outside food, beverages (alcoholic & non-alcoholic) and coolers. This policy will help to provide a clean and safe environment for our attendees, merchants and the greater Uptown community. Sept. 14, 7 p.m., Uptown Columbus
Ricky Gunn @ The Hangout
Sept 14, 8 - 11 p.m., The Hangout, 6060 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Sister Sandoz w/ Hollow Sky @ Soho
Open Mic Hosted by Matt Kirkley
Sept. 15, 9 p.m., Soho Bar & Grill, 5751 Milgen Road, Columbus
Do you play an acoustic instrument and/or sing? Come out and showcase your talent. All musicians wishing to play must sign-up in advance. Sign-ups are at 7:00 at The Loft. Sept. 5, 12, 19 & 26, and Oct. 3, 8 p.m., The Loft, 1032 Broadway, Columbus
Ain’t Right @ Wild Wing Cafe
Sept. 19, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., Wild Wing Cafe, 6525 Whittlesey Boulevard, Columbus
Uptown’s Friday Night Concert Series The DNR Band, Piedmont Columbus Regional Doctors
SIN Night featuring Dijon Patterson
Presented by Active Pest Control, concerts are free and open to the public, so bring a lawn chair, blanket and your family for a night of great music and fun. Uptown’s Friday Night Concert Series prohibits all outside food, beverages (alcoholic & non-alcoholic) and coolers. This policy will help to provide a clean and safe environment for our attendees, merchants and the greater Uptown community. Sept. 21, 7 p.m., Uptown Columbus
Sept. 6, 13, 20 & 27, 8 p.m. - midnight, CIRCA Craft Cocktails, 900 Front Avenue, Columbus
Rockin’ the River 2018
Bikes on Broadway is now Rockin’ the River. New name, new location, same great cause. Enjoy great live music and food, and help raise money for the children at Our House. Sept. 6 through 8, 1100 Broadway, Columbus
Stone Senate @ Soho
Sept. 21, 8 p.m., Soho Bar & Grill, 5751 Milgen Road, Columbus
Sweetland Presents Rebirth Brass Band at Wild Leap
GP38 @ Wild Wing Cafe
Sept. 21, 9 p.m., Wild Wing Cafe, 6525 Whittlesey Boulevard, Columbus
Sept. 7, 6:30 - 11 p.m., Wild Leap Brewing Co., 308 Main Street, LaGrange, Ga
Misty Harbor Duo @ The Hangout
Take Me Back to the 90s
Sept. 22, 8 p.m., The Hangout, 6060 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Come for costume contests, dance contests and your favorite 90s music. Sept. 7, 8 p.m. - 2 a.m., The Buck Wild Saloon, 17695 US Highway 280 Smiths Station, Al.
Alexander Lapins (tuba) @ Studio Theatre
Sept. 26, 5:30 p.m., Studio Theatre, RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, 900 Broadway, Columbus
GP38 @ Main Street Pub
Schwob Wind Ensemble @ Legacy Hall
Sept. 7, 9 p.m., Main Street Pub, 120 Main Street, LaGrange, Ga.
Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m., Legacy Hall, RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, 900 Broadway, Columbus
Alabama Avenue @ Soho
Sept. 7, 10:30 p.m., Soho Bar & Grill, 5751 Milgen Road, Columbus
Constantine Barcov (bassoon) @ Legacy Hall
Rachmaninoff Meets the New Piano
Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m., Legacy Hall, RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, 900 Broadway, Columbus
Brilliant young American pianist Claire Huangci will christen the orchestra’s new Steinway piano with a performance of one of the most popular of all piano concertos. Brahms’ masterpiece rounds out the program. Sept. 8, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., Columbus Symphony Orchestra, 900 Broadway
Uptown’s Friday Night Concert Series The Dirt Doors, A Tribute
Duo Kapinski (guitar) @ Legacy Hall
Presented by Active Pest Control, concerts are free and open to the public, so bring a lawn chair, blanket and your family for a night of great music and fun. Uptown’s Friday Night Concert Series prohibits all outside food, beverages (alcoholic & non-alcoholic) and coolers. This policy will help to provide a clean and safe environment for our attendees, merchants and the greater Uptown community. Sept. 28, 7 p.m., Uptown Columbus
Sept. 28, 9 p.m., The Buck Wild Saloon, 17695 Us Highway 280 East, Smiths Station, Al.
GP38 @ Meriwether Steak Co.
Sept. 8, 7:30 p.m., Meriwether Steak Co., 1651 Whitehouse Parkway, Warm Springs, Ga. Sept. 9, 4 p.m., Legacy Hall, RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, 900 Broadway, Columbus
Drag Me to the 80s Rock and Drag Show
Come join us for Open Mic Night every Tuesday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. This event is open for all musicians! Sign up at the door or by emailing olivia@ barerootsfarmacy.com every Tuesday, 6 - 8 p.m., Bare Roots Farmacy, 105 12th Street, Columbus.
Alabama Avenue @ Scruff Murphy’s
Sept. 28, 9 p.m., Scruffy Murphy’s Irish Pub and Eatery, 1037 Broadway, Columbus
ATM Live Music and Siant @ CIRCA
Sept. 29, 8 p.m., CIRCA Craft Cocktails, 900 Front Avenue, Columbus
Outskirts Blues Jam hosted by the Tim O’Brien Project
Tara Helen O’Connor (flute) @ Legacy Hall
Sept. 11, 8 p.m., The Outskirts Sports Bar & Grill, 5736 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m., Legacy Hall, RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, 900 Broadway, Columbus
Thomas Merritt @ The Hangout
Sept. 13, 9 p.m., The Hangout, 6060 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
K97.2 Presents Jazz on the River
Lisa Oberlander (clarinet) @ Legacy Hall
Sept. 13, 7:30 p.m., Legacy Hall, RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, 900 Broadway, Columbus
Sept. 30, 3 - 8 p.m., Woodruff Park, 1000 Bay Avenue, Columbus
Want to see your event listed here? Email events@thelocalcolumbus.com
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Uptown Market Days
Every Saturday, as many as 170 local and regional vendors set up shop along Broadway in Uptown Columbus. Join one of the southeast’s best farmers markets. Every Saturday, 9 a.m., Broadway, Uptown Columbus
ABATE District 9 Monthly Membership Meeting
Come join us for our monthly membership meeting. This event will be the first Wednesday of every month. Find out how you can make a difference in protecting our right to ride. Meet new people who share common interests. Sept. 5, Oct. 3, 7 - 8 p.m., The Tavern, 6298 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Thursday Toddler Tales
Babies in strollers or toddlers in tow, Thursday mornings are the place to be for the littlest ones through preschoolers. Fall in love with new books and classic favorites during story-time. We’ll wind down with coloring sheets, a craft or book-related activity. Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, and Oct. 4, 10 - 10:30 a.m., Barnes & Noble, 5555 Whittlesey Boulevard, Columbus
Big Brothers Big Sisters Recruitment Meeting
You have the opportunity to help shape a child’s future for the better by empowering him or her to achieve. Learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Chattahoochee Valley at this informational session. This event is free and open to all. Light refreshments will be provided. Sept. 6, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Troy University on the Chattahoochee, 1510 Whitewater Avenue, Phenix City
White Water Classic College Fair
Network with area universities and colleges. Sept. 6, 6 - 8 p.m., Martin-Idle Hour Park, 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City
Grandparent’s Day Celebration
Whether you say “Abuela”/“Abuelo,” “Bibi”/“Babu,” “Awa”/“Tata,” “Yaya”/“Pappoús,” let’s create a special Grandparents’ Day memory in the library. For more information, call 706-243-2782. Sept. 7, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., Mildred L. Terry Public Library, 640 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Fitness Fridays Walking Book Club
Join the North Columbus Public Library’s walking book club. Join us as we talk about what we are reading for the fall. We’ll meet in the magazine room and the walk and book talk will begin at Britt David Park. Bottled water will be provided and all ages and fitness levels are welcome. Sept. 7, 4:30 p.m., North Columbus Public Library, 5689 Armour Road, Columbus
Ghost Tour at Port Columbus
Guided walk through of the museum telling the stories you’ll hear nowhere else. This tour is given by Faith Serafin of the Alabama Ghost Hunters. The event highlights experiences and information from previous investigations. $15 per person. Sept. 7, 7 - 9 p.m., National Civil War Naval Museum, 1002 Victory Drive, Columbus
Fall Vendor Market
Come for shopping, kid’s activities, food trucks, bouncy houses and more. Sept. 8, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Columbus Firefighter’s Association, 6655 Lynch Road, Midland, Ga.
Click, Clack, Type
Bring your child in to meet the “home keys” before they meet “homework” during this typing class for preschoolers. Call 706-243-2782 to reserve your 30 LocaL
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minute time slot. every Saturday, 10 - 11 a.m., Mildred L. Terry Public Library, 640 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Global War on Terrorism Memorial Rededication
Since the Global War on Terrorism began on September 11, 2001, close to 7000 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines have given their lives in defense of our nation. To honor their sacrifice, the new Global War on Terrorism Memorial was dedicated at the National Infantry Museum October 16, 2017. The memorial includes granite panels engraved with the names of all service members who have given their lives in the conflict, narrative panels explaining the conflict, and murals with artwork from each service. It also includes a 13’ steel beam from World Trade Center Tower 1 that was presented to Fort Benning by NYC Firefighters, and nine bronze statues representing an Infantry squad. The 2018 rededication will take place on September 8, 2018, at 11am and will include the names of service members who’ve recently given their lives in the fight. Your donation will help ensure they’re never forgotten, and that the monument remains worthy of their sacrifice. Sept. 8, 11 a.m. - noon, National Infantry Museum, 1775 Legacy Way, Columbus
Columbus, Ga. Rises for Climate, Jobs & Justice Rally & March
Practice ASL in a casual environment. All skill levels welcome. The goal is signing only. No voices please. every Monday, 4 p.m., Mildred L. Terry Public Library, 640 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
CASA Volunteer Training
This is an opportunity to become a trained child advocate and speak up for the best interest of children in foster care. There are currently over 500 children in foster care in the five counties we serve. Please contact Anna Cannon at acannon@twincedars.org or send us a message here on Facebook or give us a call at 706.327.9612, Ext. 1506 for more information. Sept. 6, 10, 13, 17, 20 & 24, 5:30 - 9 p.m., Chattahoochee CASA, 1225 3rd Avenue, Columbus
Discovery Hub: We All Fit Together
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. Join us as we practice and build upon our skills to make and nurture friendships. To learn more, call 706-243-2679. Sept. 11, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road
Wii Have Fun with Books
Indivisible Columbus, GA and the Sierra Club Georgia are proud to host a rally and march in solidarity with the People’s Climate Movement on September 8th. We will have several speakers sharing their stories about environmental justice, the impacts climate change has on all of us, and how we can make a difference. In addition, we will have sign-making tables for the march (which will follow the rally), a voter registration table, and tables from local organizations working for a healthier planet. Sept. 8, 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., 1000 Broadway, Columbus
Hooks & Needles Crochet and Knitting Club
Join us for some exciting technology and reading based competitions, crafts, board games, and much more. Enjoy friends and snacks at this monthly tween/ teen game night. Sept. 11, 5:30 p.m., Mildred L. Terry Public Library, 640 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Chess at the Library
We provide a social atmosphere where anyone can enjoy playing and meeting other chess players. All skill levels welcome, from grandmaster to novice. Sept. 11 & 25, 5:30 p.m., Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road
Southern Lovin’ Junkin’ Show
Get together and show off your crochet and knitting skills for a good cause. All ages and skill levels are welcome. To learn more call 706-748-2855. Sept. 8, 3 p.m., North Columbus Public Library, 5689 Armour Road, Columbus
Come check out our signature production, Southern Lovin’ Junkin’ Show, where you can find vendors from all over the South in 55,000 square feet of indoor exhibit space, located inside the historic Trade Center. 3 Full Days of Junkin’ Fun. Antiques, Re-purposed, Shabby Chic, One-of-a-Kind Art, Handcrafted, Retro, Vintage, Furniture, Salvaged Goods, plus vintage-inspired, and supplies for the DIY ’ers. For vendor information, please contact us at southernjunkinshow@ gmail.com. Sept. 14, 5 p.m., Sept. 15 10 a.m., Sept 16 noon, Columbus Convention and Trade Center, 801 Front Avenue
Get Hooked Crochet Club
Adults of all ages & levels are welcome to this lively, welcoming, non-judgmental group of makers! Call (706) 243 - 2782 or email mlt@cvlga.org to stay “in the Loop.” Sept. 8 & 22, 4 p.m., Mildred L. Terry Public Library, 640 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Haunted History Tours
Learn the haunting history of Columbus during this 90 minute walking tour. Bring comfortable shoes and steely nerves as we walk forgotten trails. Flashlights and commentary provided by knowledgeable tour guides. Suitable for all ages. Find tickets at columbuseatsfoodtours.com Sept. 7, 14, 21, & 28, Oct. 5, 8 9:30 p.m., Fountain City Coffee, 1007 Broadway, Columbus
White Water Classic V
Join us as we watch Tuskegee and Albany State face off in the 5th Annual White Water Classic Kickoff is at 5 p.m. EDT, but come by early and enjoy some tailgating, a BBQ competition, pep rally, kids zone, vendors, and of course the game! Be sure to stay for the iHeart Radio post-game Block Party featuring CUPID, Chris Kelley, and Mike Jerel. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 on gameday and $10 for students at school ticket offices. Sept. 8, 5 - 11 p.m., 3800 Summerville Road, Phenix City
6th Annual Columbus Children’s Book Festival
Meet world famous children’s authors and illustrators and hear the “story behind the story” of some of their most popular works. Amazing entertainers, costumed characters, and multiple craft stations will keep your child entertained all day. The 2018 lineup includes: Betsy Lewin, illustrator of the bestselling Click, Clack, Moo books; Laura Numeroff, author of the beloved If You Give…series; Jennifer Holm, best known for the BabyMouse graphic novels; and Kwame Alexander, acclaimed author of Rebound and The Crossover. Local food vendors will be on site selling snacks and beverages. Sept. 15, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road
Star Light, Star Bright
Join the Coca-Cola Space Science Center staff for a night sky talk and sky viewing. Telescopes will set up. Bring a chair or blanket for sitting on the grassy field.. Event will be held at the Baseball Field across from the pool on Highway 354. Event may be cancelled if rain. Event is free. Sept. 8, 8 - 10 p.m., Franklin D. Roosevelt State Park, 2970 GA Highway 190, Pine Mountain, Ga.
3rd Annual Patriot Day Motorcycle Ride & Raffle
Troy Tailgating Party: Troy vs. Nebraska
Sept. 9, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Chattahoochee Harley-Davidson, 3230 Williams Road, Columbus
This free event will include food trucks, beverages, live music, a Kids’ Zone for children’s activities, a large screen TV indoors and large projector screen outdoors to watch the game, and a halftime raffle drawing with tons of prizes. All (100%) proceeds from raffle ticket purchases will benefit United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley. Tickets are $5 each and are available to purchase from Wanda Etienne at the Troy Columbus location between 2pm-9pm (Suite B-16,
Columbus PetSmart Meet & Greet
Join Dan with his Greyhound Jax at this very busy Petsmart. Meet Jax and learn about our prison partnership and the benefits of adopting a trained Greyhound. Sept. 9, 1 p.m., PetSmart, 1591 Bradley Park Drive, Columbus LocaL
Silent Chat
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506 Manchester Expressway) or Alex Travis at the Troy Riverfront location in Phenix City between 9am-6pm (Office 419, 1510 Whitewater Avenue). Sept. 15, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Troy University on the Chattahoochee, 1510 Whitewater Avenue, Phenix City
Columbus LGBT Block Party
Enjoy a DJ, live performances, a drag show and community speakers. Free to the public. Open container is allowed. Sept. 15, 5 p.m., Center Block Stage, 1100 Broadway, Columbus. South Columbus Concerned Citizens Meeting Meeting for the community to learn about what is going on in South Columbus and discuss concerns about the South Columbus Community. Sept. 16, 2:30 p.m., Holiday Inn Express, 3901 Victory Drive
Mini Makers: Ultimate Building Challenge
Toothpicks, marshmallows, chopsticks, Oh my! Join us at the library for the Mini Makers Ultimate Building Challenge. Complete a variety of preschool engineering tasks with the building supplies and receive prizes for your work. This program takes place in the Aflac Storytime Room. Sept. 18, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road
Celebration of Hope
This year’s Celebration luncheon will feature keynote speaker Robin Givens. She long oscillated between the life of a glamorous movie star, and the domestic abuse that she suffered at home. Today she speaks out about the abuse she suffered, urging men, women, and the community to educate themselves about domestic violence. Her 2007 biography, titled Grace Will Lead Me Home, poignantly and intelligently recounts her abusive marriage and the strength it took to leave her husband. Ms. Givens will share her story with hopes to encourage and empower others. Tickets: $40 each, or $320 for a table. Reservations can be made online at www.hopeharbour.org or by contacting Lindsey Reis at (706) 256-0238. Sept. 20, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Columbus Convention and Trade Center, 801 Front Avenue
Chattahoochee Harley-Davidson Bike Night
Sponsored by Steelhorse Law and Kissin 99.3. Live music, food, beer, vendors and more. Don’t ride a Harley? No problem. All wheels welcome. Free and open to the public. Music with Kaleb King. Sept. 21, 6 p.m., Chattahoochee HarleyDavidson, 3230 Williams Road, Columbus
2018 DEMO & Consignment Sale
Plenty of loving kayaks are going to be up for adoption. Gently loved gear like paddles and PFD’s will also be available for purchase. This year we will be offering a consignment sale. Have a boat that you need to move? Bring it by and sell it with our demo fleet. We will be lowering the normal fee for this weekend, stop by and grab a form if you’re interested. We will entertain other outdoor items other than boats, but currently we want to limit it to paddling gear. We will also be having a Helmet Trade In Program. A kayak school in Nepal is always in need of gently used gear, so we’re gonna help them out. Bring in ANY gently used (no major damage) kayaking helmet during the weekend and get 25% OFF a brand new SWEET Helmet! Bring ‘em on while supplies last. Sept. 22, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., Outside World, 1025 Broadway, Columbus
Bluebelle Home Decor and Gifts Fall Festival
We’re gearing up for our annual Fall Festival. We will have big discounts, outdoor vendors, food trucks and more. Wanna be a vendor? It’s $25 for previous vendors and $40 for new ones. All profits are yours to keep, 10x10 spaces, 8 am setup, great traffic and networking. We accept crafters, junkers, artists, food trucks and more. Space is limited, so stop by or give us a call to get signed up. 706.327.1181. Sept. 22, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Bluebelle Home Decor and Gifts, 2301 Airport Thruway, Columbus
Southern Show Out 3.0
Southern Show Out 3.0 is coming. We had a huge event last year and this year we promise bigger, badder and better. This year our show will have over 40 awards. We will have a sound competition, where we will once again crown the King of Columbus. This year, based on feedback received, we will be crowning a LocaL
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The Not for Everyone
Tour By Tom Ingram
ictor Feliciano of Vicinity Tours has been busy bringing the Columbus area an array of wonderful tours. Whether you’re interested in the local food scene or our fascinating history, Victor’s tours bring you the best, most delicious and most interesting the area has to offer. With the Not for Everyone Tour, Victor is taking things to another level. It’s an open secret that the Chattahoochee Valley has some shady history. Sometimes hidden in dark alleys and other times flaunted in broad daylight, Victor has uncovered the dark and dangerous tidbits from the Valley’s past to bring you the Not for Everyone Tour, a deep-dive into the salacious, scandalous and sometimes just plain macabre. What dark deeds inspired the classic blues song, “The Columbus Stockade Blues?” How many tragedies has the Oglethorpe Bridge hosted over the years? And just how wild was Phenix City at the height of its mob-controlled days? No, this tour isn’t for everyone, but if you’re interested in the full story, and not just the shining parts we like to show off, then this tour is for you. Best of all, The LocaL can help you get on the bus. We have tickets for you and three friends. How do you win these tickets? Simple. For the entire month of September, we are running a photo contest. Tag us on Instagram (@ thelocalcolumbusga) with your favorite photo from the Columbus area, and you’re entered to win. No limit to the number of entries, and the winning photo entry will be printed in our next issue. We can’t wait to go on this tour ourselves, and we want you to experience it, too. vicinitytours.com • 762 822 6251 u
August 16, 1888 John Pemberton, the originator of Coca-Cola, died at the age of 57. LocaL
August 14, 1855 A 17-year old thespian named John Wilkes Booth made his debut in Temperance Hall, Columbus, GA. 14
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Queen of Columbus as well. Want to find out or show off how much horsepower and torque you got? XKZ has the Dyno locked in again, and this year it is not at any extra cost to try it out. That’s right, its included in every entry fee. Of course, we also have specialty awards and will give out a massive trophy to the most repped car club. Some proceeds from this show will be donated to the Open Door Community Center. Sept. 22, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Chattahoochee Harley-Davidson, 3230 Williams Road, Columbus
The Chattahoochee Valley Writers Conference
Featuring: Jennifer Horne, Poet Laureate of Alabama, David Johnson, Ty Manns, and Steve Scott, among a host of other authors and literary celebrities. Read the full article on page #. Sept. 29, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road
5th Annual Wheels of Fire Motorcycle Ride
Join us for a fire truck escorted dice run through the beautiful back roads of Harris County. This annual ride supports the volunteer firefighters of Harris County. New Start Location for 2018. The ride begins at Piney Grove Baptist Church (20 GA-315, Fortson) and ends at the Cataula VFW. Join us at the Cataula VFW for our after-party event. We will have live music, food and drink (for purchase), door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. Sept. 29, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Piney Grove Baptist Church, 20 GA Highway 315
Ole Chipley Town Fair
Sponsored by: The Pine Mountain Business Association and the Harris County Chamber of Commerce. Enjoy arts, crafts, homegrown items, children’s games, rides & inflatables, train ride, pony rides, petting zoo, pet adoption and microchip, lots of delicious food, live entertainment and more. Free admission. Sept. 29, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Downtown Pine Mountain, Ga.
Junior Beekeeping Workshop
Join the Chattahoochee Valley Beekeeping Association and learn what’s the “buzz” about honeybees. $25 per child, one guardian is free. Preregistration is required. Sept. 29, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Columbus State University’s Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center, 3535 South Lumpkin Road, Columbus
20th Annual Columbus LGBT Pride Festival
Now in its 20th year, the Pride Festival will be the biggest yet. This familyfriendly even brings people together from all over the Chattahoochee Valley. Attendees are welcome to stay all day, and there’s plenty of room for personal canopies. Enjoy a kid’s zone and many entertainment. This is a pet friendly event. Sept. 29, noon - 6 p.m., Flat Rock Park, 6106 Warm Springs Road, Columbus
Speed Dating at The Outskirts
Tired of the online dating scene? Join The Outskirts for a casual date night experience organized by industry experts. Sept. 29, 7 - 9 p.m., The Outskirts Sports Bar & Grill, 5736 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
The Not for Everyone Tour
Venture through the dark, autumn night to hear about the notorious, hideous and tragic events in Columbus, GA & Phenix City, AL. Every city has its dark secrets and blemishes. Come let’s unveil them! Tours conducted by a long-time local resident. Book the Shuttle, or have a Guide on board your vehicle to navigate you through the horrific scenes. Two tours 7pm & 9pm EVERY night from October 1st through November 11th. NEW! Midnight tours Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights in October. This is our most requested tour in October, so BOOK TODAY! Visit vicinity.rezdy.com for ticket information and booking. Oct. 1 - Nov. 11, Vicinity Tours, 1006 Broadway, Columbus Want to see your event listed here? Email events@thelocalcolumbus.com
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By Tom Ingram
Summer Cicada
the old DIY ethos pushes young local band to build their community “D IY is a punk rock tradition,” Dalton Folds, Summer Cicada drummer, explained. “Kids really can’t just start a band and start booking gigs at local bars.” Summer Cicada was started when Miki Mahadeo (guitar and vocals) and Maxim Maunz (guitar and vocals) started playing music together in high school. It’s the old story: young musicians meet in school, play with a shifting lineup of musicians they meet through the community. The band took its first recognizable form when Miki and Maxim started playing with Dalton. They made some early recordings and played some shows in earnest, but not much of this early work survives in what they do today, except, perhaps as the necessary experience of musical maturation. Though the core members of Summer Cicada are still young, they’ve already built a respectable following by playing local house shows and venues in other markets. Life on the road isn’t always easy, but for Summer Cicada, the experience is all about building community. One night in Florence, Al., the power went out for three hours. The other bands on the bill had already packed up and left by the time Summer Cicada began loading their van. But when the lights flickered back on, the guys decided to set up again and play. By then, only two people remained for the show. After the set, these two determined audience members were elated: Summer Cicada brought them a brand of music they never get to hear in their home town. “DIY is finding the means to bring your passion to life,” Dalton continued, “whether that means throwing a show in your garage or backyard, or even putting your own cash into it and renting out community spaces. It’s always been and always will be a part of the information ‘Summer Cicada Mission Statement.’” For their upcoming album releases (a 7” record should be out early September, and the full album is slated for November 16), Summer Cicada recruited local veteran musician J. Aaron Poole to play bass. “They’re like stray cats,” Aaron jokes. “You feed them and they won’t go away. They become your cats.” We were sitting in Iron Bank Coffee for the interview, and the guys were all quick to trade goodnatured barbs with each other. “Change my litter box,” Dalton said. “I’m well older than they are,” Aaron said, serious again, “but this is a good arrangement.” About the upcoming album, Aaron said it was easy for him “to find a space” in the music. Aaron is a staple in the community, and has been for years. A former band of his, Spy for Hire, regularly sold out without playing cover songs, which in those days was no small feat. The upcoming Summer Cicada album will be released on his The House is on Fire label (thehouseisonfire.com), which also releases material from Aaron’s other bands, Useless Against and Dynamite Death Chair. For Aaron, playing with Summer Cicada harkens back to earlier days. He sees his role as a mentorship, a way of giving back to a scene that’s given him so much over the years. Of course I had to ask the most obvious, and sometimes most difficult, question: how do they describe their music? “You go through so many stages of explaining your band,” Maxim laughed, “before you compare yourself to Pink Floyd.” “Degrees of separation from David Gilmour?” Miki joked. From left to right: Miki, Dalton, Adam, Maxim “As far as foundation,” Aaron explained, “they’re a heavy band. But what’s interesting is they’re kind of post-hardcore. It’s heavy, but these ambient sounds flower into something beautiful.” “The important thing,” Miki said, “is we’re in Columbus. Whatever you’re into, we’re making art here.” Throughout our conversation, the guys always found a way to bring the discussion back to local art—and not just their own. For Summer Cicada, their work is a drop in a sea of local art, all of which deserves the community’s support. Miki mentioned Smiley Rachel, of Spark Art, as an example of someone he admires for her diligent work of bringing art to everyone. It’s the DIY ethos in action, people helping other people spread art, sharing something beautiful with others. I walked away with the sense that these guys will play anywhere two or more people congregate to listen—and that they’ll show up to listen to others, too. When you love something, you find a way to make it a reality, and Summer Cicada is lending their passion to a local scene bursting with young talent. I’ll see you at the next house show. u LocaL
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Wednesday Evening Group Run
Run with your friends every Wednesday night at Big Dog in Uptown. All paces, ages, dogs and strollers welcome. Hang out at Iron Bank afterwards and enjoy $2 drafts. Sept. 5, 12, 19 & 26, and Oct. 3, 6 p.m., Big Dog Fleet Feet, 1200 Broadway, Columbus
Surfing & Suds Kids’ Friday Night Tournaments
Every Friday night, kids ages 5-18 are welcome to participate in an archery tournament on our indoor range where the prizes are gift certificates to Archery Connection. Entry fee is $10. every Friday, 7 p.m., Archery Connection, 3022 Lakewood Drive, Phenix City
Saturday Morning Pancake Group Run
Need motivation to get that Saturday run out of the way early? Meet up with members of the Big Dog crew at BDRC-Uptown Columbus. There’s no fee! We meet at BDRC before 6:00 AM. The run will begin at 6:00 sharp, follow a route of the group’s choosing, and end back at the store by 6:50 AM. Feel free to extend your run. There will also be pancakes. every Saturday, 6 a.m., Big Dog Fleet Feet, 1200 Broadway, Columbus
Yoga for All: a donation-based class
This is a drop-in class designed for all, no matter your yoga experience, your background, your history, whether you are a current RFY member, old member, or have never even stepped into our doors. All walks of life are encouraged to join. Class is one hour and designed for all levels. This is a pay as you can class, but a suggested $5 cash only donation is appreciated (not required). Please wear comfortable, breathable clothing that you can easily move in. We have yoga mats available for your use. every Saturday, 11 a.m., River Flow Yoga and Wellness, 6801 River Road #403, Columbus
Whether you’re local or visiting town, come out every Wednesday to join Chattahoochee Outdoor Academy for some fresh water surfing and afterwards at Chattahoochee Brewing for some great beers. Small meal provided at no cost by Whitewater Express. Sept. 5, 12, 19 & 26, and Oct. 3, 5 p.m., Chattahoochee Outdoor Academy, 502 13th Street, Phenix City
Hammock Camping 101
Have you ever camped in your hammock? Do you want to learn how? Join Outside World Columbus for this free clinic on the basics of camping from your favorite hammock. We will discuss everything from site selection to straps and add-ons to help make your stay in the wilderness more pleasant. Sept. 5, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Outside World Columbus, 1025 Broadway
3rd Annual 5k Run 4 Recovery and Uptown Promenade
Prevention works; treatment is effective; people recover. Walk or run to show your support of people living in recovery from mental illness and/or addiction. This family-friendly event reaffirms our commitment to our friends, family members, co-workers and loved ones on their journey of recovery. $25 to run or walk. All entrants receive a t-shirt, swag bag and participation meal. Awards given to runners with prize packages for the top runners. Sept. 8, 7:30 - 11:30 a.m., 1000 Bay Avenue, Columbus
White Water Classic Golf Tournament
Four-person teams will face off from Albany State and Tuskegee Universities – best ball. Player fees are $50, and includes 18 holes of play, cart, range balls, and refreshments. To be eligible for the team trophy, two people on each team must be alumni. To enter a team, please fill out the 2018 White Water Classic
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Golf Tournament Entry Form, and return it to Lakewood Golf Course. For additional details, call Julie Taylor at 334-291-4726. Sept. 8, 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Lakewood Golf Course, 2800 Lakewood Drive, Phenix City
Pine Mountain Trail Hike
Meet your Pine Mountain Trail Association guides at Rocky Point Parking lot along Highway 190 for a moderate, 3.4 mile ramble along the ridge to Dowdell’s Knob, the highest point. Shuttle available to get you back to your vehicle. Geared towards ages 10 & up. Bring water and a snack. Event is free. Sept. 8, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Franklin D. Roosevelt State Park, 2970 GA Highway 190, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Geared towards families who homeschool. Investigate the daily lives of Native Americans in an indoor and outdoor lab. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the park on your own afterwards. Meet at the Group Shelter below the dam in the campground. Dress for the out of doors. Cost $6 per child ages 4 & up. Pre-registration and pre-payment highly suggested in case program fills. Sept. 21, 10 - 11:30 a.m., Franklin D. Roosevelt State Park, 2970 GA Highway 190, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Free Fishing Day Adventure
Liberty Bell Pool Dog Splash & Luau
Unleash the fun as dogs swim and play in the largest spring-fed pool in Georgia. Music, activities and contests ongoing: dog limbo, swimsuit, best splash, and best trick and more. Prizes. Vet & trainer question and answer table. No humans in the pool. $8 per dog Humans free. Pre-register and prepay at office or pay cash at the door. Event will held in the fenced-in pool area. Sept. 8, 1 - 4 p.m., Franklin D. Roosevelt State Park, 2970 GA Highway 190, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Columbus Hockey Association Family Day
Join us for Family Day, sponsored by family-friendly Omaha Brewing. Bring your friends and family to kick off the 2018-2019 hockey season. Eat lunch from food trucks or plan on purchasing boiled peanuts and desserts from the CHA tent. Games and fun activities for all. Sept. 8, 1 - 4 p.m., Omaha Brewing Company, 265 Brew Street, Omaha, Ga.
No fishing license is required all day long to cast your line in any Georgia Public Fishing area including our Lake Deleanor. We have fishing helpers and a limited number of free loaner rods and reels available along w/fish craft and fish discovery table. Use artificial lures or bring cut hotdogs or buy worms at the Park Office. Event is free and will be held at Lake Delano Boat House in the campground. Sept. 22, 8 - 10 a.m., Franklin D. Roosevelt State Park, 2970 GA Highway 190, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Callaway Gardens Butterfly Festival
Celebrate butterflies, caterpillars and all things crawly at our inaugural Butterfly Festival. With crafts, games and activities for children of all ages (and kids at heart), the Cecil B. Day Tropical Butterfly Conservatory will be the hub of happenings all weekend long. Find your favorite food truck in nearby Meadowlark Garden and make a pair of beautiful wings to take home in one of our many craft tents, but above all slow down to take in the magic of the conservatory and Callaway’s “flying flowers”. Sept. 22, 10 a.m., Sept. 23, 1 p.m., Callaway Gardens, 17800 US Highway 27, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Full Moon TreeTop Adventure
When the sun goes down, the heart rate goes up on our TreeTop Adventure! Our thrilling Full Moon TreeTop Tour is a special opportunity to climb, zip and run through the forest canopy at 30 feet above the ground, guided only by the light of the full moon. Sept. 22, 7:30 p.m., 17800 Us Highway 27, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Bark at Dark
Join us at Big Dog Fleet Feet NORTH for our monthly Bark @ Dark. This group run is for all faces, paces, and furry friends! 4-5 easy miles with good company and free sweet treats afterwards. Sept. 12, 5:30 a.m., Big Dog Fleet Feet, 1200 Broadway, Columbus
Astronomy Night at the CCSSC
30th Annual Harris County Cattleman’s Association Rodeo
Adults, $15. Kids 6-12, $8. Under 5, free. Military discounts available. Sept. 14 & 15, 6 p.m., Hamilton, Ga.
Keris Kares Royal Run: Superhero Edition
Join Keris Kares for a Superhero-themed 5k and 1 mile run for the whole family. Proceeds from the event will go to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and local families dealing with a pediatric cancer diagnosis. Find tickets at runsignup. com Sept. 15, 7 - 9:45 a.m., Woodruff Park, 1000 Bay Avenue, Columbus
Bird Feeding Wreath Workshop
Sept. 15, 10 a.m. - noon, Columbus Botanical Garden, 3603 Seems Road
Fairy Fest
Imaginations will be brought to life as we explore the world of fairies, gnomes, and other forest creatures. Build a fairy house, explore with a scavenger hunt, and spend some time in nature. Costumes are encouraged. $5 admission. Sept. 15, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Columbus State University’s Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center, 3535 South Lumpkin Road, Columbus
American Cancer Society Tournament of Hope
This event is Free. Come out and join us for an Astronomy Night here at the Coca-Cola Space Science Center. Dr. Rosa Williams will start off with a presentation inside our Omnisphere Theater about what to expect. After we will move outside with our fleet of mobile telescopes and students on hand to help guide you through the wonders of our universe. Sept. 22, 8 - 10 p.m., Columbus State University’s Coca-Cola Space Science Center, 701 Front Avenue, Columbus
Fall Clinic Series: Navigating in the Backcountry
Have you been lost before in the wilderness? It’s no fun, trust us. Join us for this free clinic aimed to help you navigate in the backcountry! We will be reviewing map and compass work, with a little bit of GPS thrown in for flavor. We will explore other ways to tell time, distance, etc. Sept. 26, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Outside World, 1025 Broadway, Columbus
Butterfly Keeper for a Day
Ever wonder what goes on behind the curtain? Well, wonder no more. Come and be a Butterfly Keeper for a day. Sept. 28, 10 a.m., Callaway Gardens, 17800 US Highway 27, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Walk With Me 2018
Join us for our 7th annual Walk With Me 1 mile walk and 5k run. The event will take place at Woodruff Park in Uptown Columbus with registration starting at 6:30am and both races starting at 8:00am. There will be plenty of family fun activities, vendors, and awards—you don’t want to miss out on this exciting Easterseals West Georgia fundraiser. Register individually or as a team, join a team or donate at www.walkwithme.org/columbus. Sept. 29, 6:30 - 10 p.m., Woodruff Park, 1000 Bay Avenue, Columbus
This year’s Tournament of Hope is in memory of Julie Mitchell. If you would like more information about the tournament of make a donation to the tournament, please go to: www.thetournamentofhope.org Sept. 19, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Country Club of Columbus, 2601 Cherokee Avenue
Fall Clinic Series: Car Camping 101
Join us for a FREE clinic on the basics of camping with a vehicle handy. Also known as dump camping, basic camping, glamping, etc. The backcountry can be intimidating to some, but camping in general helps relieve stress and a strong connection with nature helps soothe the soul. So we’re here to teach you all you need to know. Sept. 19, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Outside World, 1025 Broadway, Columbus LocaL
Homeschool in the Park Day: Creek Indian Life
Painting the Garden Paint Party
Join Cindy Fite with Cindy’s “You Can Do It” Paint Parties on Saturday, September 29 from 10 AM to 12 noon and paint, paint, paint. Registration required $35 per person. Light refreshments will be provided. Pre-registration requirement by September 27 at www.Columbusbotanicalgarden.or/event/ No prior painting experience required. Beginners welcome. Ideal for children 12 years and older. Se pte m be r 2018
Sept. 29, 10 a.m. - noon, Columbus Botanical Garden, 3603 Seems Road
Alabama’s Poet Laureate & Other Literary Luminaries Headline the
Columbus Out of the Darkness Walk
Hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Georgia Chapter. Register at afsp.donordrive.com. Sept. 29, 11 a.m. - noon, Weracoba Lakebottom Park, Columbus
Meditation Instruction & Practice
Quiet your mind and be less reflexive to emotions. Free and open to the public. All levels of practice and the curious are welcome. Come learn how to meditate or deepen your existing meditation practice by joining others. Offered by Urban Dharma GA at Art of Yoga in Uptown Columbus, Georgia. Meditation instruction will be provided, followed by chanting, and then a period for meditation practice. There is an open door policy, so visitors may come and go as needed. Meditation cushions are available, but if you have your own please bring them. Oct. 7, 1 - 2 p.m., Art of Yoga, 627 Second Avenue, Suite 6, Columbus Want to see your event listed here? Email events@thelocalcolumbus.com
12th Annual Chattahoochee Valley
Writer’s Conference
By Tom Ingram
he 12th Annual Chattahoochee Valley Writer’s Conference brings together many of our region’s best literary talent in one weekend-long event. Readers, fellow writers and even those with a budding interest in film are sure to enjoy the varied workshops, discussions and mingles with such regional luminaries as poets Jennifer Horne and Nick Norwood, film maker Ty Mann, and children’s book author Steve Scott. Kicking off the conference is a wine and cheese mixer on Friday, Sept. 28, 6:30 p.m., at the Rothschild-Pound House Inn (201 7th Street, Columbus). This is the perfect chance to meet the conference faculty. Following the party, stick around to enjoy Poetry Under the Stars at the Inn’s courtyard, which is particularly beautiful this time of year. Nick Norwood, director of the Carson McCullers Center for Writers and Musicians will read from his newest book, and Jennifer Horne, Poet Laureate of Alabama, will read from her collections Southern Women and the Southern Connection to the Land. Enjoy the summer evening under the trees with lights flickering all around as two nationally-acclaimed poets open the Conference. On Saturday, the Conference opens at The Springer Opera House (103 East 10th Street), the State Theater of Georgia, at 8 a.m.. Enjoy lectures and workshops throughout the day with the Conference’s superb faculty. In addition to more time with two of our favorite poets, learn about the booming Georgia film industry with Ty Mann and gain some insight into the art of writing children’s books with Steve Scott. “I like to share,” Steve Scott explained recently over coffee. “I’m not an expert. I’ve learned most of my lessons the hard way, and those are generally the most valuable” Given the shelf of book Steve has published over the years, he certainly has some valuable lessons to share. For Steve, the Conference is a great way to “engage people about reading and writing” and experience the “synergy of getting people together.” The first Chattahoochee Valley Writer’s Conference was held in Sept. of 2007, in honor of two of Columbus’ favorite writers: Nunnally Johnson, the great American film producer, writer and director, whose works include “The Grapes of Wrath” (1940), “The Dirty Dozen” (1967) and “The Three Faces of Eve” (1957); and Carson McCullers, novelist, poet, playwright and essayist whose novels “A Member of the Wedding” (1946) and “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter” (1940) are American classics. Helmed by journalist Clason Kyle and novelist Shay Youngblood, the first Conference attracted an energetic crowd, and so the event has been held ever since, to increasing community response. New to this year’s Conference is the Saturday night Dinner Theater at The Loft, where three winners of last year’s one act play competition will have their work performed. After a busy day of soaking up the words, wit and wisdom of the Conference faculty, a drink and some live entertainment will be the perfect way to wind down what promises to be the best Chattahoochee Valley Writer’s Conference yet. All events require tickets, which can be found on Eventbrite and at chattwriters.org. See you there! u Se pte m be r 2018
Society as he discusses the many snakes of the Georgia Coast. Several live examples will be on site. Food will be catered by A Moveable Feast. Speciality cocktails will be available for purchase. Sept. 6, 6 - 7:30 p.m., Richland Rum, 355 East Broad Street, Richland, Ga.
Chat & Chew Book Club
North Highlands Farmers Market
Don’t miss the next North Highland Farmers Market, where there will be lots of summer produce, free recipe cards and cookbook giveaways. Make grocery shopping fun — get to know your neighbors and farmers, and join the growing community of local food enthusiasts. As a Georgia Fresh For Less market, we always double SNAP dollars. SNAP users can simply stop by the market information tent, swipe their EBT card and receive twice the dollar amount in tokens to spend at the market. If a card is swiped for $10, the customer will receive $20 in tokens to use at any of the farmers’ booths. Sept. 5 & 19, Oct. 3; MercyMed of Columbus, 3702 2nd Avenue
Game Night at Panera
Spend an evening of fun gaming. Whether a first-timer or gamer extraordinaire, we’ll have fun games for you. Come and go as you please. Event is free except for food. Sept. 5, 12, 19 & 26, and Oct. 3, Panera Bread, 6301 Whitesville Road, Columbus
Russell County Farmer’s Market
Sept. 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 & 29, 1 - 4 p.m., Russell County Al Extension, 508 14th Street, Phenix City
Phenix City Food Truck Park
Regular food truck options include: Spices Mobile, Wing Boss, The Original Po-Boy City, LLC, Tuesdays Taco Truck, The Icey Girl & Co., Famous Nate’s Food Truck, and more. every Thursday and Friday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Troy University on the Chattahoochee, 1510 Whitewater Avenue, Phenix City
Farmers Market
A new year and season has arrived. That means new food, new vendors, and a new shopping experience. We return with an abundance of local food by local farmers along with free range chicken, herbs, baked goods, jams/jellies/ preserves and other items. Sept. 8, 9 a.m., Breathe Holistic Health & Wellness Spa, 5402 15th Avenue, Columbus
SUDS = StartUp Drinks for Entrepreneurs
Social drinking club with a StartUp problem. We are a group of creative minds who come together to socialize and develop entrepreneurship networks. We have fun, build relationships and change the world one drink at a time. Sept. 11, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., Bare Roots Farmacy, 105 12th Street, Columbus
8th Anniversary Dinner & Raffle
Evening Cocktails & Lecture Snakes of the Georgia Coast
Join this celebration of the Chattahoochee River, hosted by the Chattahoochee River Conservancy. Find tickets on Eventbrite. Sept. 14, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m., 1212
Join Richland Rum for a lively evening with Houston Chandler of the Orianne
Love books? Love snacks? Then you’ll want to join us each month as we read a selected title and gather to discuss it, as well as make a treat. Our fall books will be: September “Broken Beautiful Hearts” by Kami Garcia; October “The Astonishing Color of After” by Emily X.R. Pan. Sept. 6, Oct. 4, 6 p.m., North Columbus Public Library, 5689 Armour Road, Columbus
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3rd Avenue, Columbus
Grand Opening: Petite Sweets N Treats
Kick off your weekend by celebrating the grand opening of this new storefront location. Enjoy food, beverages, and sample some of your favorite sweet treats. There will be specials, raffles and more. Event is free. Sept. 15, 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., Petite Sweets N Treats, 4982 Warm Springs Road, Columbus
2nd Annual Grape Stomp & Harvest Festival
We will have live entertainment so be sure to bring your lawn chair and be ready for an awesome time. We will have free wine and slushy tastings, and 20% off case discounts Saturday only, and as always our events are kid friendly. If you would like more information on being a vendor, please contact Hannah Cannon at hannah@wolfcreekplantation.com or call (229) 942-0091 Sept. 15, 11 a.m. 6 p.m., Wolf Creek Plantation, 207 Wolf Creek Drive, Americus, Ga.
Lunch & Lecture Series with Dr. Todd Groce
Reservations are required by September 17th. $10 per person with lunch provided. To make reservations or questions, please go to our website https:// www.historiccolumbus.com/lunch-and-lecture, call Historic Columbus at 706322-0756 or email at hcfinc@historiccolumbus.com. Todd Groce is president of the Georgia Historical Society. Sept. 20, noon - 1 p.m., Synovus Blanchard Hall, 1148 Broadway, Columbus
and-cheese party at the Rothschild-Pound House Inn on Friday, September 28 at 6:30 pm. The event is open to the public to introduce the conference faculty. Literary types and enthusiasts of all stripes are invited. The party will be followed by Poetry Under the Stars in the inn’s courtyard, under trees surrounded by flickering white lights. Nick Norwood, director of the Carson McCullers Center for Writers and Musicians, will read from his newest book. Jennifer Horne, Poet Laureate of Alabama, will read from her collections on Southern Women and the Southern Connection to the Land, Local poets will showcase their work and talent. $25 admission. Sept. 28, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m., Rothschild-Pound House Inn, 201 7th Street, Columbus
Wild Leap One-Year Anniversary Party
Wild Leap Brew Co. is turning 1 and we’re throwing the biggest bash Downtown LaGrange has ever seen to celebrate! Many attractions, including live music, new beers, college football on TV, local vendors and games. Find tickets on Eventbrite. Sept. 29, 3 - 10 p.m., Wild Leap Brewing Co., 308 Main Street, LaGrange, Ga. Want to see your event listed here? Email events@thelocalcolumbus.com
Hunger Awareness Day in the Park
September is Hunger Awareness Month. We are hosting a community-wide food drive, and fun day inn the park. We arew asking each attendee to bring non-perishable food items to support our food assistance programs. Our goal is to collect over 2,000lbs of food and raise funds to aid us in feeding more people in Phenix City/Russell County. Recieve a FREE bag of produce while supplies last. Sept. 22, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Southside Park, Sandford Road, Phenix City
Wine & cheese with Poetry Under the Stars
The 12th Annual Chattahoochee Valley Writers Conference kicks off with a wine-
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Some bourbons use wheat as the flavoring grain. The wheat gives the whiskey a mellower, sweeter flavor. Examples of wheated bourbons include Maker’s Mark, Four Roses Single Barrel, W.L. Weller, and Pappy Van Winkle. The malted barley is added to help promote the process of converting the starch in the grains into sugar. “Malted” grains are those that are allowed germinate, and then the germination process is halted by the application of heat.
Straight Bourbon
Straight bourbon is whiskey that has been aged for at least two years in new, charred oak barrels. If it is aged for at least two years, but less than four years, the age must be stated on the label. If it is aged for at least four years, the age is not required to be stated on the label.
for the Beginner
Bottled in Bond
Bottled in Bond, or bonded whiskey is a legal designation created in 1897 by the Bottled in Bond Act. The act states that a whiskey designated as “bottled in bond” must be meet the following criteria: 1) made at one distillery by one distiller, and the product of one distilling season; 2) it must be aged for at least 4 years; 3) bottled at a minimum of 100 proof.
Marketing terms
First, we should define bourbon. Then we can talk about how it is made, different classifications of bourbon (including legal terms and those most related to marketing), and a glossary of bourbon terms. To begin, the legal definition, in the United States, of whiskey is “spirits distilled from a fermented mash of grain at less than 95% alcohol by volume (190 proof ) having the taste, aroma and characteristics generally attributed to whiskey and bottled at not less than 40% alcohol by volume.” In contrast, the legal definition of bourbon is “whiskey produced in the United States at not exceeding 80% alcohol by volume (160 proof ) from a fermented mash of not less than 51% corn and stored at not more than 62.5% alcohol by volume (125 proof ) in charred new oak containers.” As noted, the two critical differences of bourbon and whiskey is that the bourbon mash MUST be at least 51% corn, and the whiskey MUST be aged in new, charred oak containers. Used bourbon barrels cannot be re-used to age bourbon, but they may be used to age rum, tequila, or other types of whiskey. Bourbon barrels have even been used to age wine. Southern Belle Red Wine is aged in used Pappy Van Winkle barrels. Cooper and Thief red wine is aged in used bourbon barrels.
Mash Bill-High Rye vs. Wheated Bourbon
As mentioned, the fermented mash used to make bourbon must be at least 51% corn. The grains that comprise the other 49%, and the proportions, is call the “Mash bill”. A typical mash bill might consist of 80% corn, 10% of a flavoring grain, and 10% malted barley. The flavoring grain in bourbon is typically rye. The addition of rye adds a spicy flavor to the whiskey. LocaL
If you read bourbon labels closely, you may see a bottle designated as “small batch”, or “single barrel”. Of the two terms, single barrel does have a precise definition. A bottle designated as single barrel means that all the whiskey in the bottle came from the same barrel. The normal practice is to add the product from any number of barrels to a large tank, and the individual bottles are filled from there. The term “small batch” is strictly a marketing term. It has no legal definition or standards of what is considered “small batch”. Individual distilleries will usually establish their own guidelines. A common misconception is that bourbon must be made in Kentucky. It may be made anywhere in the United States. The only requirement is that if the label indicates a state of origin, it must be an accurate statement of where the bourbon was distilled. Regardless of how it is labeled, how much it costs or where it is made, there are many quality bourbons on the market to suit any palate. Ask around, and don’t be afraid to try something unknown, until you find one that you love. Tune in next month for a discussion of the recent bourbon craze—what created it and what continues to drive it. Also featured will be several bourbon cocktails-some standard fare, and some innovative craft cocktails. See you then! by Richard Edwards,
R i c h a r d Ed wa r d s, S p i r i t s M a n a g e r, Uptown Wine & Spirits
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