ISSUE 211 DISTRIBUTION 15,000 HOMES & BUSINESSES BASED IN WEST MALLING tel: 01732 752121 mob: 07962 356184 e:

Dear Readers
What an amazing Summer we have had! Probably not the best as far as our gardens are concerned but we certainly can’t complain about the amount of sun! It has flown by though and children will be back at school again any day now. We have a few new advertisers and the usual great local businesses ready to offer their services where they can. A digital copy of each edition can be found on our website and social media pages so if you lose your copy of wish to share it with someone else then please just click on our website - We also share additional information on our social media pages which can be found on the following links thelocaloracle.Welookforward to hearing your feedback. & Jane
Anna in the October editions are: • 15thMallingSeptember • 20thMaidstoneSeptember • 20thTonbridgeSeptember News the local ORACLE02 | WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK To see the online version of the local Oracle , Advertisers and local events go to...... thelocaloraclethelocaloracle thelocaloracle Proud members Proud to Partner with Kings Hill Football Club

TUESDAY Tonbridge ScoutTonbridge1st YardLambertsHut, 1ERTN9Kent JesseTel: 54933407710 7:00pm HotelMercureThe RoadTonbridge WellsTunbridge 4QLTN2Kent SimoneTel: 68196907738 7:00pmand5:30pm WoodPaddock ChurchAndrewsSt RoadMaidstone 6DZTN12Kent SimoneTel: 68196907738 7:00pmand5:30pm EDNESDAYW 9:30am
Tonbridge AngelsTonbridge ClubFootball AvenueDarenth 3JFTN10Kent JennieTel: 75093307985 10:30am,9:00am, 7:30pmand5:30pm
SATURDAY Tonbridge
WEDNESDAY Tonbridge PrimaryWoodlands HighamviaAccess RoadSchool RoadHunt 4BBTN10Kent JennieTel: 75093307985 5:30pm SchoolJuddThe StreetBrook 2PNTN9Kent LorraineTel: 72989001622 9:30amand8:00am
MONDAY Pembury

Accountants - J & H Accounting Services Ltd - The Accountancy Practice Aerials - The Aerial Man p14 Air Ambulance - Air Ambulance p22 Alarms/Electrician - CPS Kent p16 Bathroom Installations - Nightingale Bathrooms p19 Blinds - Penumbra p20 British Broadband/PhoneLegion Sockets - Broadband/Phone Sockets Building Services - M C Construction p18 - R Blackman Carer Required - Carer Required Kings Hill p20 Carpet Cleaning - Homefresh p18 Charity - Rotary Club of Tonbridge Charity Event - Hospice In The Weald - Jazz Afternoon p8* - Mind Silent Auction* Christmas Event - Castlemas p24* Classified - Car Registration No. Cleaning - Oneoffcleans Coffee Morning - U3A p6 Community Help - West Kent Mind Conservatories - Howard Caine Conservatories p17 Decorators - A.Lea Painting & Decorating p14 - Eugenia’s Decorating Services - Mark Howland - Spicelin Property Services Diabetic Screening - Diabetic Screening p20* Disabled Social Club - Tonbridge Physically Disabled Social Club p20 Double Glazing Repairs - DG Solutions (Kent) Limited Driveways/Patio Cleaning - Bramko Ltd p16 Electrician - Allview Electrical Fencing - Phoenix Services & Maintenance Ltd Food Parcels - Feast Fresh Garage Doors - Garolla p18 Garden Landscape - Coes Landscapes - Marshalls Landscapes p19 Grass Cutting - SMF Gutter Cleaning & Repairs - Bramko Halls For Hire - Hadlow Village Hall* Handyman - Dave’s Property Maintenance - DME Property Services Health & Fitness - TM Active Kitchens - Phil’s Kitchens p18* Leaflet Distribution - the local Oracle p5 Loft Ladders & Hatches - Loft Ladders Plumbers - Aspects Plumbing p14 - Summers Domestic Plumbers* Printers - Scarbutts Printers p14 Restaurant - Turmeric Gold Running Event - Tonbridge Half Marathon p21 Shutters - Sylehouse Shutters p1* Solicitors - Laker Legal p12 Take Aways - Dalchini* - Kitchen 16* Theatre School - Razzamataz* Tree Surgeon - Acer Tree Services - Ashwood Tree Surgens Ltd p16 H & E Tree Services
Tonbridge: 20th September (Delivery - 2nd week of month) for the October 2022 edition.
Website/Marketing/Business Support - FullPivot p12 Weight Loss - Slimming World p3 Will Writing - Humphreys & Scace p13 Windows - Acorn Glacier p15 - Keith Bunyon YogaUSEFULYoga4beginners*NUMBERS p22 EVENTS p23 * New Adverts Cut off Maidstone:dates:20th September (Delivery - 2nd week of month)
Malling: 15th September (Delivery - 1st week of month)
DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK | 05 A A - B B ACCOUNTANTS The Accountancy Practice a: Suite 21, 10 Churchill Square, Kings Hill, ME19 4YU t: 01732 897929 c: Neil Craig e: Free 1 hour consultation Fixed Fee Quotes Limited companies Sole Traders/Partnerships Self Assessment/Tax Returns Bookkeeping, VAT, Payroll ACCOUNTANTS J & H Accounting Services Ltd a: 31 Clover Way, Paddock Wood Kent TN12 6BQ. t: 01892 838916 f: 01892 834366 c: Jason Dennis ICPA, MAAT, ATT. e: Fixedpersonalaccounts,Yearjadacca@hotmail.comendaccounts,managementbusinessstartups,VAT,andcompanytaxreturns.Fee. BROADBAND/PHONE SOCKETS Broadband/Phone Sockets m: 07845 705900 Why pay service provider prices for internal faults? - New phone/broadband extentions. - Fault finding repairs/Improve broadband speeds. - Cat 5 wiring - Internal/external re-routing/tidying of cables prior to double glazing. Established 2009 25 years BT Engineer Fully Insured. The Aerial Man t: 01732 883542 01622 871614 (See Colour Ad On Page 14)AERIALSBATHROOM t:NightingaleINSTALLATIONSBathrooms 01732 652052 ( Air Ambulance t: 01634 471900 e: ( Page 22) BRITISH LEGION We support serving and ex-serving personnel all year round, every day of the week. Our support starts after one day of service and continues through life, long after service is over. BUILDING SERVICES M C Construction t: 01732 642611 m: 07841 658821 e: (See Colour Ad On Page 18) Half boxes indicate a larger colour advert is available. SEE PAGE NUMBER PenumbraBLINDS Blinds & Solar Control Ltd t: 01892 825522 m: 07767 326211 e: (Seewww.penumbrablinds.comColourAdOnPage20) Leaflet Print & Distribution 5,000 x A6, double sided leaflets, printed and delivered for just £295+vat 10,000 A6, double sided leaflets, printed and delivered for just £550+vat Give us a call or drop us an email 01732 521494 or 01732 795777 ALARMS/ELECTRICIAN CPS Kent t: 0800 083 2483 m: 07813 925125 e: ( 16) CUT OFF DATE 20th Sept A-B

DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE06 | WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UKB-C C C CARPET CLEANING Homefresh t: Freephone: 0800 6942024 (See Colour Ad On Page 18) CHARITY EVENT CHARITY EVENT Hospice In The Weald Hospice Run Sunday 18th September Jazz Afternoon Fundraiser In memory of Alexandra King Thursday 29th September 12.30pm (See Colour Ad On Page 8)CHARITYCHARITY EVENT CLEANING The Rotary Club of Tonbridge meets on Thursdays at The Rose & Crown Hotel Join us! Make a difference to those in need and have fun while supporting your tonbridgerotary@gmail.comcommunity.or01732851663. MyONEOFFCLEANS(Declutteringandmostsmallchores)Contact:FranNewtonMobile:07745381433integrityisyourassuranceforajobwelldone. BUILDING SERVICES R Blackman General Maintenance t: 01892 838668 m: 07887 948430 c: Richard Blackman e: Roofing, guttering, PVC fascias, soffits, leadwork, chimney repairs and Interiorbrickwork.andexterior painting. Patios & driveways and conservatory bases. CLASSIFIED Car Registration Number Contact Ian on 07909 975 806 Private plate for sale. CI TYS Offers invited! Call for more details. CARER Carer Required a: Kings Hill t: 07912 878830 (See Colour Ad On Page 20) TU3A coffee morning is on the 3rd Friday of the month at the Rose and Crown in Tonbridge from 10:30am. Come and join us. Have some light refreshments and meet like minded people. If you wish to find out more go to: ( C-E TO HEREADVERTISECALL 01732 795777 or 01732 CHRISTMAS521494EVENTCastlemas 8th to 20th December 2022 (Seewww.castlemas.comColourAdOnPage 24)

DOUBLE GLAZING REPAIRS DG Solutions (Kent) Limited Double Glazing Problems Solved Family Business near West Malling t: 01732 842691 m: 07870 213098 e:
DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK | 07 DECORATORS Eugenia’s Decorating ServicesThe Lady Decorator m: 07887 936846 e: reliableProfessional,eugenia.roberts@gmail.comfriendlyandservice. DECORATORS Spicelin Property Services t: 01732 352828 m: 07712 853583 e: Forspicelin@uwclub.netallyourinteriorand exterior painting and decorating. Also all general property repairs and contactForManymaintenance.yearsexperience.afreeestimate,pleaseKevinLines. DECORATORS Mark Howland a: Tonbridge t: 01732 359550 m: 07818 404225 General Property Maintenance. Interior and Exterior Painting. Decorating and Repairs. Free Estimates C - D D D COMMUNITYCONSERVATORIESHELP Howard Caine Conservatories t/f: 01732 321050 m: 07798 867393 or 07796 945775 e: ( West Kent MIND Connecting Minds New weekly online social activity groups for over 55’s. Connect and participate for better mental Sevenoaks,health.Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge & Malling district. Go to our website for more details or to sign up.
DOUBLE GLAZING REPAIRS TO: Windows, Doors and Conservatories Broken Handles, Hinges, Locks, ad justments, Misted or Cracked Sealed Units, Upgrades, Letter Boxes, Cat Flap Installations. Free Telephone Advice and Call Out Over 30 years’ experience
DISABLED SOCIAL CLUB Tonbridge Physically Disabled Social Club a: The Baptist Church, Darenth Avenue, Tonbridge TN10 3HZ m: 07599 851852 or 01732 362407
The clubs provide an opportunity for Members to meet and socialise in warm, friendly surroundings and enjoy a range of shared activities which include indoor games, interesting talks, musical entertain ment and the occasional outings. (See Colour Ad
On Page 20) HAIR DRIVEWAYS/PATIOSALON CLEANING & REPAIRS Bramko Ltd m: 07899 894838 t: 01732 357660 c: Mark Killick e: (See Colour Ad On Page 16) All editions online now DECORATORS A. Lea Painting & Decorating Services t: 01622 817865 m: 07776 243279 (Seewww.aleadecorating.comColourAdOnPage 14) What our customer say..... “As a reader and advertiser in the local Oracle, I would like to thank the local Oracle for the business I receive every month. I have used businesses and workmen alike and it is also a great read, giving information about the local Markarea. Killick, Bramko Ltd 01732 357660 | 07899 894838 HAIR DIABETICSALONSCREENING Diabetic Screening Saturday 10th September 2022 From 8.30am to 4.30pm River Walk, Big Bridge, Tonbridge High Street. (See Colour Ad On Page 20) CUT OFF DATE 20th Sept

DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE08 | WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK G GARDEN t:MarshallsLANDSCAPERSLandscapeContractors 01732 807997 m: 07768 911241 c: Tom (Seewww.marshallslandscapes.comColourAdOnPage19) TO ADVERTSE Call 01732 521494 or Bramko Ltd Contact Mark Killick on 01732 357660 or 07899 894838 e: NPTC Qualified Cleaning from the safety of the ground, up to 3 storeys using Skyvac, accesses above conservatories and extensions. All areas cleaned out. Free camera inspection and estimate. From £50. Also see my drive and patio cleaning advert on page 16 FOOD F.E.A.S.TPARCELSFresh Run for families and individuals on a low income. Fresh produce is available to take home and we only ask for a small donation if you are able to - £2 is ideal. Booking via website is required. One slot per week per household allowed. Please cancel if unable to attend. Tonbridge Methodist church larder is open Wednesdays 10.30-12.30 (07340 405879). St Stephens Church larder is open Saturdays 10.30-12.30 (07754 088833). GARAGE GarollaDOORSRoller Shutter Doors t: 01732 430 274 m: 07537 149 128 (See Colour Ad On Page 18) GARDEN LANDSCAPERS Coe’s Landscapes t: 07944 442442 c: Tim Coe e: fb: Friendly family company Est.1970 All groundwork, footings & drainage undertaken. Large & small scale work. Free quotes. We cover all of Kent. Patios and driveways, fencing decking and screening, walling, steps and gates, water features and planting. Large and small turfing and levelling. CUT OFF DATE 20th Sept GRASS CUTTING Are you finding cutting GRASS a chore, or a bit of a struggle, and would like some help, then please call me. Simon 07974 235336 E - F F - G ELECTRICIANS ALLVIEW ELECTRICAL A Tonbridge based company, offering all aspects of Electrical and Security System Installation, Maintenance and Repair Work from Sockets to CCTV. Any size job welcome! Contact Matt Butler 01732 316872 / 07780 0800 099 6345 m: 07725 439593 c: Fraser Sauerbach Complete fencing service. Supply and erecting all types of boundary products. Decking and garden features. Maintenance and up keep. All materials come with guarantee. Free quotations. F-Y Jazz Fundraiser in memory of Alexandra King Thursday 29th September 2022 12.30pm to 3.10pm with 2 breaks at The Rose Revived, Ashes Lane, Hadlow, Kent, TN11 0AN Come and listen to Riverside Jazz (wtith a few guests!) Free admission with raffle and auction and chance to donate to Breast Cancer Kent. If you are unable to make it, any donations will be welcome.

DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK | 09 H K - P P - R HANDYMAN Dave’s Property Maintenance m: 07873 526169 e: City & Guilds Qualified Plumber. Taps/ Radiators/Sinks/Toilets replaced/ fitted. Internal Painting (No Wall papering) Laminate flooring, Wall/ Floor tiling. Small Plastering jobs. No high ladder work. Fully insured & no callout/quote fee. Fix or repair. All the little jobs welcomed. I will only take on what I can do or recommend someone I know. Reasonable rates. DMEHANDYMANProperty Services m: 07469 202653 e: inst: DME Property We offer a range of both internal and external property maintenance. Wall and floor tiling. Internal and external painting. Wallpaper hanging and stripping. Skirting and coving. Patios and paving. Jet washing & other external cleaning. We are a small, friendly, reliable business offering competitive rates. Aspects Plumbing t: 01732 671131 c: Jamie (See Colour Ad On Page 14) Tonbridge Half Marathon Sunday 9th October ( PLUMBERS RUNNING EVENT LOFT LADDERS & HATCHES LOFT LADDERS Tel: 01732 840744 Mobile: 07751 256725 FREE ESTIMATES Loft ladders supplied and fitted with a hinged hatch. Also loft flooring. Qualified City & Guilds carpenter. Fully insured for your peace of mind. All work guaranteed. 30 years exp. LEAFLET KITCHENSDISTRIBUTION the local Oracle t: 01732 525805/6 e: ( Phil’s Kitchens m: 07773 723646 (See Colour Ad On Page 18) CUT OFF DATE 20th Sept Scarbutts Printers t: 01732 870066 (Seewww.scarbutts.comColourAdOnPage 14) PRINTERS HEALTH & FITNESS Leisure Centre Gym Membership e: c: Membership Advisors We offer a range of great Memberships to help you get fit and active your way. All-inclusive option includes gym, group exercise, live streaming and pools. Follow us on Facebook. TO ADVERTSE Call 01732 521494 or TO HEREADVERTISECALL 01732 795777 or 01732 521494 SummersDomesticPlumbers Taps, leaks, boilers, heating, cylinders, rads, tanks, ball valves, blocked drains. Outside taps fitted. All plumbing jobs. 01732 400630 or 07530 360200 Lee leesummers74@outlook.comMarshall-Summers PLUMBERSHALLS FOR HIRE Hadlow Village Hall a: Williams Field, Marshall Gardens, Hadlow, Kent TN11 0HQ m: 07399 938059 c: John Clark e: f/b: @hadlowvillagehall Large main hall with stage. Great for children’s parties, keep fit, sports and wedding receptions. Kitchen and bar area. Small meeting room. Large free car park. RESTAURANT - Indian Crockhurst St, Tudeley, Tonbridge, TN11 0NT 01732 361772 or 01732 359325 We are into the fine art of cooking - blending those authentic herbs and spices to produce an intoxicating surge on the senses. All editions online now

DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE10 | WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UKS-T T W - Y TREE SURGERY Acer ServicesTree 01732 503854 07715 Treegarrygould@me.com649705surgery&hedge cutting. Fully qualified NPTC. Stump, grinding, green waste removal. Garden FreeFencing.maintenance.quotesgiven. WINDOWS Keith Bunyon t: 01732 357376 m: 07885 644373 e: Localkbunyon@icloud.comConsultant.38years exp. Energy efficient ‘A’ Rated and Triple Glazed Windows. High Security Bi-fold, Patio & Composite Doors. Bespoke Conservatories & Porches. RooflineFascias, cladding, bargeboards & gutters. Remedial Works and Upgrades. GGF Member. FENSA registered. WHICH ‘Trusted Trader’ free quotations and advice. TREE SURGERY YOGAWINDOWSWILLWRITING & ESTATE PLANNING WEIGHT LOSS Ashwood Tree Surgeons Ltd t: 0808 139 1553 e: ( Acorn Glacier a: Parkwood Ind. Estate, ME15 9YR t: 01732 550054 m: 07860 831791 e: ( Yoga4Beginners a: Camden Centre, Tunbridge Wells m: 07590 978874 e: Humphrey & Scace t: 01732 252540 ( Slimming World Call your local Consultant. ( Laker Legal Solicitors t: 01732 757071 e: ( 12) SOLICITORS TREE SURGERY t: 01732 810695 m: 07734 087425 c: Amanda & Mathew Everest e: NPTC qualified and fully insured. All aspects of tree, hedge and stump grinding work carried out. We are a local friendly business. We offer a professional service from start to finish. All our quotes are free. TO ADVERTSE Call 01732 521494 or WEBSITE/MARKETING/BUSINESS SUPPORT FullPivot t: 01732 247028 e: ( CUT OFF DATE 20th Sept StylehouseSHUTTERS Shutters t: 01732 752121 m: 07962 356184 e: Based in West Malling, supplying and fitting the highest quality, bespoke window plantation shutters. Free no obligation survey. Local, friendly service. 3 year guarantee. (See Ad On Front Page) 16 Martin Hardie Way, Tonbridge, TN10 4AE t: 01732 366000 Order online for Burgers, Wings, Doner Kebabs. TAKE-AWAYTAKE-AWAY Awarded best Chef of the year! Phone: 01732 Dalchinitonbridge.uk666300 Order online 10 Martin Hardie Way TonbridgeKentTN104AE THEATRE SCHOOL Confidence building, dance, drama and singing lessons for ages 2-18 years. Free Taster SessionBook your place today. Call 07401 801318 All editions online now

Anna - Artwork/Sales m: 07939 248983 t: 01732 795777 e: Jane - Accounts/Sales m: 07912 878830 t: 01732 521494 e: AddingtonPaddockFiveEastRinglestoneMaidstoneAylesfordAllingtonBarmingDittonPeckhamOakGreenHadlowWoodTonbridge|Birling|East Malling Halling | Holborough | Kings Hill Larkfield | Leybourne Leybourne Lakes | Mereworth Offham | Ryarsh | Snodland Wateringbury | West MallingTonbridgeMaidstoneEDITION15kEDITION15kMallingEDITION16.5k Anna & Jane What can we do for you? We now have 3 editions with a distribution totalling 46,500 homes and businesses. Every 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and full page colour advert comes with: A-Z category advert and a page on our website. We can print, supply leaflets and distribute 1,000 to 46,500 leaflets for you. Just tell us which areas you would like to target . Each monthly edition can be found on our website where you can flick through the pages online. You can have a page on our website for just £10 per month which includes photos, a video, text and links to your website and social media. This is our business and you will only speak to us! DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK | 11



DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE14 | WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK ‘THE AERIAL MAN’ Family business - established 30 years DIGITAL TV AERIAL SERVICES YOUR LOCAL TV/RADIO AERIAL SPECIALSPECIALISTRATES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS NO CALL OUT CHARGE, XTRA POINTS FULLY INSURED Enjoy your free digital channels CCTV Installation Tel: 01892 834334 PADDOCK WOOD or : 01732 TONBRIDGE883542SERVICESPROFESSIONAL&BUSINESSGARDEN&HOME ASPECTS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing, Heating, Boilers, Tanks, Cylinders, Showers, Taps and much more. Call Jamie 01732 671 131 Female painter and decorator. I offer both interior and exterior painting and decorating services. With over 10 years experience in the industry, I guarantee a quick turnaround and a professional finish. Fully insured, City and Guilds Qualified, t: 01622 817865 m: 07776 243279 Instagram: a.lea_decorating


DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE16 | WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK GARDEN&HOME TREE SURGEONS LTD DRIVE & PATIO CLEANING SPECIALIST Block paving, patio slabs & decking restored to original condition. Weed, moss & grime removal to prevent slippery surfaces and repairs. Established 17 years FREE Estimate and advice. Please call Mark Killick 01732 357660 | 07899 894838*reviews Wash and resand block pavingfrom£75. Patio slabs from £45. CleaningGutter &Repairs from£50* Free inspectioncamera BRAMKO LTD Domestic, Commercial, Industrial Installations, Maintainance & Service. ElectricalHouseinstallationsrewires Distribution board upgrades Lighting, Garden lighting Remote garden lighting Call/Door Entry Systems CCTV, Electric Gate IntruderIntercomGatemanufactureAutomationEntrySystemsAlarms,AccessControlSecuritylights Pay via Card, Bacs or lease. 0800 083 2483 OR 07813 925125 Alarms from £490+vat


GARDEN&HOME DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE18 | WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK Phil’s Kitchens ● Refresh Your Old Kitchen ● Worktops / Units / Doors / Handles ● Sink / Hob / Oven / Washing Machine GAS & ELECTRIC COMPLAINT Phone Phil on 07773 723646 Locally based with excellent references from happy customers in and around Tunbridge Wells *Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our expert local installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge.•••••WHAT’SGottagaragefifor£895Fromafullyttedelectricdoor.getaGarolla.INCLUDEDWITHEVERYDOOR:EXPERTMEASURING&FITTING2REMOTECONTROLSACOUSTIC&THERMALINSULATIONFREEDISPOSALOFYOUROLDDOORAVAILABLEIN21COLOURS CALL US TODAY ON: 01732 430 274 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 All aspects of building work and property renovations. Bathrooms, kitchens, full house refurbs to extensions and new builds. Call for a free quote. Fully insured and reliable. Check out our Instagram page mc__construction M C Construction t: 01732 642611 m: 07841 658821 m-c-construction@hotmail.comCARPETS (Average) Normal Rate Special Rate Single Room (12’x12’) £ 72 £ 36 Through Room (12x18’) £ 86 £ 43 Hall, Stairs & Landing £ 86 £ 43 UPHOLSTERY 3 Piece Suite £ 114 £ 57 Leather 3 Piece Suite £ 176 £ 88 CURTAINS Full length £ 104 £ 52 Half length £ 72 £ 36 No Hidden Extras All prices inclusive of VAT. FREE PHONE 0800 6942024 THROUGHOUT THE SOUTH EAST Office Hours: 9am-7pm (Sat 10am-1pm) Specialist Fabric Treatment Stainshield - Deodorising Treatment Anti-Allergy Treatment - Conditioner DISCOUNT50% HOMEFRESH

GARDEN&HOME DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK | 19 MarshallsContractorsLandscape Turfing, Fencing, Driveways, Block Paving, Patios, Decking and Rotivating. Full landscaping service. Fully insured. City & Guilds. All work undertaken currently comes with a 3 year guarantee. Contact: Tom Mobile: 07768 911241 or 01732 807997 Unit 1, Hernewell Farm, London Road West Malling, ME19 3 Family run business 3 Established 18 years 3 Local advertisers 3 3 editions 3 Leaflet distribution 3 User friendly website 3 46,500 copies distributed monthly 3 Flexible for all your advertising uirequirements. Give us a call or drop us an email. 01732

DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE LOCAL ORACLE20 | WWW.THELOCALORACLE.CO.UK LEISURE&PERSONALHOME&GARDEN CARERS REQUIRED Carers required for two young adults who are wheelchair bound, non-verbal and are fully dependant on others. Includes all personal care and feeding as well as providing sensory activities. Weekday, weekend and occasional night cover available. Based in Kings Hill If you are interested in finding out more, please contact: Jane 07912 878830 Tonbridge Physically Disabled Social Club The Club meets on Thursdays from 10.30am to 3.30pm at Tonbridge Baptist Church, Darenth Avenue, Tonbridge, TN10 3HZ. The club provides an opportunity for Members to meet and socialise in warm, friendly surroundings and enjoy a range of shared activities which include indoor games (such as scrabble and boccia), interesting talks by visiting speakers, musical entertainment and the occasional outing to local places of interest and ten-pin bowling. For more information, please contact Jan Fairweather 07599 851852 or James Hawkes 01732 362407


TunbridgeHOSPITALSWells Hospital 01892 823535
LOCAL HALLS 6 in 1 Club, Tonbridge 01732 358883
St Andrews, Tonbridge 01732 770962 St Andrews Church, Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood 01892 837617 St Mary’s Church, 01732 850238
St Justus R.C. Church Paddock Wood Served from Tonbridge 01732 353984 St Saviour’s, Tonbridge 01732 770962 St Stephen’s Church, Waterloo Road, Tonbridge 01732 771977 Tonbridge Baptist Church 01732 352824
Delarue Hall, Delarue Close, Tonbridge. 01732 367917 East Peckham Jubilee Hall Complex 01622 871309
Pembury Road Baptist Church 01732 508532
COMMUNITY TRANSPORT For people who cannot use public transport. 01892 540131
St Philips, Salisbury Road, Tonbridge 01732 352416 Tonbridge Methodist Church, Higham Lane 01732 354338 Wesley Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood. 01892 521384
ClarkePHARMACIES&Coleman , 140 High Street, 01732Tonbridge353743 East Street Pharmacy, 47 East Street, Tonbridge 01732 770055 Field Pharmacy, 11 Old Road, East Peckham 01622 871409 G Currie, 4 York Parade, Shipbourne Road, Tonbridge. 01732 355550 Aviceena, 11 Martin Hardie Way, Tonbridge 01732 355956 Hadlow Pharmacy, The Square, Hadlow 01732 850259
Trenchwood Medical Centre, 264 Shipbourne Rd, Tonbridge. 01732 352784 Warders Medical Centre, 47 East Street, Tonbridge. 01732 770088 Woodlands Health Centre, Allington Road, Paddock Wood. 01892 833331
St Andrews Church, Maidstone Rd, Paddock Wood – 01892 837617 St Justus R.C. Church Hall, Paddock Wood Mount Pleasant PW - Contact 01732 353984
Paddock Wood Pharmacy, 12 Commercial Road, Paddock Wood. 01892 833203 Hobbs Pharmacy, 1 River Lawn Road, Tonbridge. 01732 353950
St Margarets Clitherow Catholic Primary, Trench Rd, Tonbridge. 01732 358000 Royal Rise Primary School, Royal Rise, Tonbridge. 01732 354143 Slade Primary School, The Slade, Tonbridge. 01732 350354 Woodlands Infant School, Higham School Rd, Tonbridge. 01732 353655
Useful Numbers
Five Oak Green United Church Hall, Badsell Road – 01892 833241 Forsyth Hall, Bradford Street, Tonbridge (Part of Age UK) 01732 366100 Goldsmid Hall, Tudely Lane, Tonbridge 01892 835137 Matfield Village Hall - Lesley Mannington 07802 720069 Paddock Wood Function Hall, Maidstone Road - Kelly 01892 835674 Paddock Wood Masonic Hall, Maidstone Rd 07443PaddockWoodMasonicHall@gmail.com922735
AGE UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge 01732 366100
Tonbridge Parish Church, Church Lane, Tonbridge TN9 1HD 01732 770962 x20 Independent Community Advice Centre, 64 Commercial Road, TN12 6DP 01892 838619
TonbridgeDOCTORSMedical Group, 3 River Lawn Road, Tonbridge, TN9 1EP 01732 352907 Medical Centre, Hadlow Old School, School Lane, Hadlow. 01732 667443
TonbridgeCOUNCIL&Malling Borough Council 01732 844522 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council 01892 526121
NewCHURCHESLifeChurch, The Old Ambulance Station, Speldhurst Rd, Tunbridge Wells TN4 0JA 01892 687050 Paddock Wood Baptist Church 01892 836786
PARKINSON’S UK Tunbridge Wells Branch, Gina 01892 782532, Sevenoaks Jackie 01732 360512
St Philip’s, Tonbridge 01732
Brenchley and Matfield C Of E Primary School, Brenchley Rd, Tonbridge. 01892 722929 Cage Green Primary School, Cage Green Rd, Tonbridge. 01732 354325 Capel Primary School, Five Oak Green Rd. 01892 833919 East Peckham Primary School, 130 Pound Road. 01622 871268 Longmead School, Waveney Road, Tonbridge 01732 350601 Paddock Wood Primary School, Old Kent Rd, Paddock Wood. 01892 833654
Tonbridge Methodist Church, Higham Lane 01732 354338

Saturday 1st October 5pm Visit of The Messenger Gospel Choir to Tonbridge Methodist Church, Higham Lane TN10 4JG followed by tea and cake. Donations welcome for our Uganda Projects.
10.30-3.30pm Christians Caring Disability Social Club at The Baptist Church, Tonbridge. 07599 851852 (3rd) Kent Active Retirement Fellowship, Tonbridge meet at the Methodist Church, Higham Lane, TN10 4JG. 01732 353843
Saturday 24th September 9.30am - 3pm East Malling Grand Stamp Fair at East Malling Village Hall, East Malling, ME19 6DD.
Sunday 18th September Hospice Run starting at the Lower Cricket Ground, Tunbridge Wells.
Thursday 22nd September 9am-1pm Become Mental Health Aware: Call 01732 744950 or call
Tonbridge meet at Tonbridge Methodist Church, Higham Lane, New members welcome.: 7.45pm Tonbridge Camera Club at Weald of Kent School. The Rotary Club of Tonbridge meets at the Rose & Crown Hotel. 01732 851663 1.30pm Tonbridge Bridge Club, St John’s Church Hall, Hildenborough 2-4pm Philomel Singers rehearsals at Tonbridge Parish Church. 01732 358073. (4th) 2 for 2.30pm Tonbridge Flower Arrangment Club meet at Medway Hall, Angel Centre, Tonbridge 6.30-7.30pm Gentle/Beginner YOGA at the Day Centre, Commercial Rd, Paddock Wood. Call 07885 754556 7.15pm (term) Tonbridge Community Singers rehearsals at St John’s Centre, Hildenborough, Tonbridge TN11 9HT Call 01732 360265
(2nd)SUNDAYS9.30am- 1.30pm Tonbridge Farmers Market. Sovereign Way. Tonbridge, TN9 1RG Please submit regular or one off events by 20th September to be included in October 2022 whether they are in person or via
Sunday 11th September 9.30am Larkfield 10K, 2022 at East Malling Research Centre, ME19 6BJ.
Sunday 9th October 10am Tonbridge Half Marathon at The Judd School, Brook St, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2PN (See Page 21)
(1st)FRIDAYSFree30 minute Law Clinic for older people and their families to discuss Wills, POA, Estate Planning etc. Call Age UK to book 01732 366100 10am-12 noon ReFresh Café in St Stephens Church, Tonbridge. Tea, coffee, cake and a chat. (3rd) 10.30am TU3A Coffee Morning at the Rose and Crown, Tonbridge. Light refreshments with like minded people. 12.30pm-2pm Breathless & Friends. £3 Wellbeing choir at Masonic Hall, Maidstone Rd, PW. 01892 834536 7.30pm Tonbridge Scottish Dancers meet (Term Time) in St Stephen’s Church Community Centre, Waterloo Road, Tonbridge TN9 2SW. New term starts Friday 16th September. Beginners always welcome.
Thursday 29th September 7 for 7.30pm The last North Tonbridge Flower Arrangers at Medway Hall, Angel Centre. No admission.
Saturday 24th September 7 for 7.30pm start Bereko Community Partnership Quiz Night, St Andrews Church Hall, Paddock Wood.
Thursday 29th September 12.30-3.10pm Jazz Fundraiser at The Rose Revived, Hadlow. (See Page 8)
Saturday 10th September 8.30am-4.30pm Free Diabetes Screening at River Walk, Big Bridge, Tonbridge High St. (See Page 20)
5-9pm Crisis Cafe at the West Kent Mind Tonbridge Wellbeing Centre. 3 St Mary’s Rd, Tonbridge. Call 01732 744950 during office hours for more info.
Sunday 18th September Skydive at Headcorn Aerodrome for the Bridge Trust. Call 07547 404886 for info.
10.30-11.45am Pregnancy Yoga at St Andrew’s Church, Maidstone Rd, Paddock Wood. Call 07885 754556
9-11am Shipbourne Farmers’ Market at St Giles’ Church next to the Chaser. (1st & 3rd) 10.30 - Midday Musical Memories (a sing along group for those with memory issues) Tonbridge Methodist Church, Higham Lane, Tonbridge . 07914812068
Friday 7-16 October Silent Auction for Mind West Kent (See page 6)
Tonbridge Bridge Club at St John’s Church Hall, Hildenborough. 10.30-3.30pm Christians Caring Disability Social Club at The Baptist Church, Tonbridge. 01732 362407 (4th) 7.30 for 8pm Hadlow Historical Society, St Mary’s Church. Mr Bush 01732 833232
Thursday 8th - Tuesday 20th December Castlemas at Tonbridge Castle. (See Page 24)
5-9pm Crisis Cafe at the West Kent Mind Tonbridge Wellbeing Centre. 3 St Mary’s Rd, Tonbridge. 01732 744950 office hours (Fortnightly) 7.30pm Tuneless Choir