Feb. 21, 2019
N ews
The Lorian
Alumnus donates $5 million to Loras by ALEX RHOMBERG staff writer
Posing for a photo are (from left) Asia Singleton, Samantha Watts, Keyera Shaw, Monti Washington, Jailani Harris, Ezekiel Kyoore, Edward Cromwell, Juan David, Laura Cifuentes-Almanza.
CAB, BSU collaborate for Black History Month
Washington mentioned “Dreaming Wide Awake”. Instead of staying in on He mentioned from pera Friday night, some Du- sonal experience that sohawks flocked to the ACC ciety can be negative and Ballrooms to hear from tr y to tear us down. He performing artist, poet, was told by society that and actor Monti Washing- he couldn’t be an actor, a poet, or even a college ton. This two-hour collabo- graduate, but he eventualrative and interactive event ly accomplished his goals. was put together by the His success can be demonCollege Activities Board strated by the two college (CAB) and the Black Stu- degrees and the various dent Union (BSU) in cel- poetry awards he has reebration of Black History ceived, in addition to his Month. feature in an upcoming Monti Washington is Ne t f l i x S e r i e s . Mont i an award-winning poet, stated that it’s important and when he to b elie ve in i s n’t s h ar i ng yourself, and word s of i n whenever you You can’t spiration, he’s hear someone have a on the screen say you can’t acting in commillion-dollar do something, mercials for dream with you should brands such as a middlechallenge that, Nike, Microa n d d o a ny wage effort. soft, and Netflix movies. Monti Washington thing you put performing artist your mind to; During his he encouraged visit, Washingstudents to put ton shared his in effort to acjourney from complish their goals. the streets to the stage. The “You can’t have a milinteractive presentation began with Washington lion-dollar dream with a midd le-wage ef for t.” discussing the importance Washington told students. of confidence, which he “This event was great. I introduced with an activity took away a lot from Moncalled, “You are the Sh*t”. ti to love myself more and This activity engaged stu- to remember that I can do dents to highlight their whatever I put my mind accomplishments of what to. I look forward to doing m a ke s t he m awe s ome. more collaborative events Washington selected five with CAB and the future Duhawks at random, and events BSU will put on for when it was time to pres- the student body,” firstent, they received a roll of year Samantha Watts, prestoilet paper, followed by ident of the Black Student a “Yay” from those in the Union said on the event. Many students enjoyed crowd. This prompted posthis interactive event and itivity and being supportlook for ward to having ive of one another. by ASIA SINGLETON staff writer
Monti Washington visit Loras College again. This is one of the many upcoming in celebration of Black Histor y Month, so stay tuned for future events.
Early last week, President Jim Collins announced that Loras had received one of its biggest single-handed donations of all time. Bill Miller, a Loras graduate, donated a $5 million cash gift to the college in loving memory of his wife, JoAnne, who passed away this past December. “Bill Miller is a very generous and humble soul who really did make the gift because he was grateful for what Loras Academy and Dubuque has been for him and his family. Also, the role that Loras College has played with both retaining the affiliation with the academy, and all of its graduates, but also what Loras has done for the community. He’s pretty excited about giving students an opportunity to access a place like Loras, and be able to navigate the professional world in the way in which he did so successfully. It’s sad that his wife had passed away this last December, but they were such a great team and such great partners together for a long, long time. He really wanted to do this in a way that was near and dear to him, so that he could honor her response.” President Collins said. An extremely generous gift such as this will most definitely have a positive impact on Loras as a whole. With many project and renovations soon to come, the donation was extremely welcomed and appreciated by the college. “Well I think it’s so impactful because I know we have so many needs here at Loras, just like so many colleges and universities. Knowing that we were just coming off a relatively successful
campaign and had the opportunity to increase the amount of financially rewarding students, while simultaneously doing a better job of resourcing some of our academic programs and faculty and staff. It reminds you that we’re so grateful to have done all that, but we still have more needs that we have to address. So this donation is kind of like another boost in the arm where we’re able to finish off a couple of key projects that we’re in the midst of pursuing, and then simultaneously address another strategic goal of building the multimedia center. It’s really exciting and I think a couple of things that it does is that it reinstalls the pride that everybody has at Loras and mobilizes everyone. I look for good days ahead from this gift.” President Collins said. A gift such as this says a lot about the Loras community and all of the great things the college is looking to achieve. President Collins has high hopes for what the donation means to Loras and hopes that has a greater impact than simply just an extremely generous gift. “Well I think it says that we’re worth investment. I think that there are so many people who often just say, ‘oh, I went to this little place in a little town in a little state that nobody’s ever heard of ’, but when you start to hear about the kind of successes that Loras has had, whether it’s around our Catholic mission or whether it’s around our curricular efforts or our core curricular efforts, I think people are just stunned by how this little place is having widespread national and worldwide success. People take a step back and say, ‘there’s some impressive things happening.’”
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