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Movie Review: Endgame
By Rose Gottschalk
On Friday, April 26, (Or Thursday April 25 for the determinate and dedicated fans), the thrilling finale of the Marvel Infinity Saga, 'Avengers: Endgame', came out. It was the sequel to lasts years 'Avengers: Infinity War', which left some viewers in tears and many clinging to hope that Endgame could possibly give. But before this goes any farther…
Caution: this article is full of spoilers.
The movies starts right after the end of credits scene of 'Captain Marvel', with viewers discovering what happened after the big fight with Thanos. After a time jump, the Avengers are given a chance to make everything right again. After getting Tony Stark on board, the team separates to acquire the Infinity Stones from other places of time and space. Through sacrifice, blood, sweat, and tears, they are able to undo the snap and get almost everyone back. Joe and Anthony Russo return as the directors, and all the original cast members return to enhance the movie magic, even some members that you wouldn't expect.
Personally, I don’t think it’s an understatement to say that this movie destroyed me. I watched it twice so far and both times I was in tears. The sacrifices were expected but they still hit so hard when they actually happened. I grew so attached to some of these characters and knowing that they won’t be in future movies seems like a part is missing from the franchise, although it was something that was bound to happen eventually.
The Infinity Saga kicked off in 2008 with the first 'Iron Man', who stole the heart of fans everywhere. It was the beginning of an 11 year story, which played out in 22 movies. This was divided into three phases, with the upcoming Spider-man movie starting phase four.
Endgame has been out for two weeks now and has already broken many records. Just in its opening weekend, it made $1.2 billion. It reached $2 billion the first 11 days it was out. It passed 'Titanic', and is set to pass by 'Avatar', which made $2.7 billion in its 34 weeks in theaters. It isn’t a surprise that it is breaking records due to the buildup.
Duhawks were able to enjoy this movie experience together since CAB bought out a theater at AMC opening night. About 214 tickets were bought and the theater was packed full of Duhawks excited to see the ending of phase three. There was something special about sitting in the theater full of people who experienced the movies the same as you: growing up with the movies and finding connections within the characters.
So go see this new Avengers movie! It is definitely worth the money. And, in the words of Morgan Stark, I love you 3000.