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Why the Arts?

Why the Arts?

choral music

The CHORAL PROGRAM at The Lovett School has a rich and distinguished history, dating to the founding of the institution itself. The school’s philosophy of utilizing a comprehensive curriculum that seeks to develop the whole child—intellectually, physically, spiritually, socially, aesthetically, and emotionally—is exemplified through emphasis on the visual and performing arts. Choral/vocal music at Lovett has enjoyed strong and outstanding leadership over several decades. Lovett choral ensembles are represented annually in the Spivey Hall Honor Choirs and the GMEA All-State Choruses.

The purpose of the Lovett Choral Program is to seek excellence in every aspect of programming, rehearsals, performances, and conduct. As a musical community, we strive to become our very best as viable individuals and collective performing artists. Our goal, as students and teachers, is to be tolerant, to be open, kind and forgiving so that we are able to create a community where all feel valued and are accepted.

Follow along as we navigate the 2021-22 school year with virtual recordings, class videos and more at @LovettFineArts on Instagram.

honors singers

The Lovett Singers is a select group of Upper School singers that was established in 1976. The Lovett Singers represented the United States in 1978 on President Carter’s Friendship Exchange Program to Newcastle, England. They have performed at the World’s Fair in New Orleans and at Disney World, and won the First Place Gold and the Sweepstakes Trophy at the 1991 Heritage Music Festival in New Orleans. They performed under the baton of conductor John Rutter in Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall in November 1991, and sang at Carnegie Hall in November 1996. They won the coveted Grand Choral Championship titles at the MusicFest Competitions in Orlando in 1995, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2007. Members of this ensemble participate annually in Spivey Hall High School Honor Choir, the GMEA District Five Honor Chorus, and the GMEA All-State Chorus. In 2013, the Singers won a Gold Medal (Superior) in the Heritage Music Festival in Orlando. At the same festival, the Singers garnered four additional trophies: Outstanding Choral Group Award, Festival Sweepstakes Award for Choral Program, Adjudicators Award (achieving a score above 95 percent in all categories), and the Worldstrides Heritage Performance Special Invitation to Perform in Carnegie Hall. In 2014, the Lovett Singers traveled to New York City, where they performed the national anthem for a sold-out Brooklyn Nets/Boston Celtics game, and performed the Haydn Nelson Mass in Carnegie Hall under the direction of Anton Armstrong. In Spring 2016, the Singers returned to perform in Carnegie Hall and were honored to perform the National Anthem for a sold-out New York Knicks-Miami Heat game in Madison Square Garden.



Charley Snell returns to Atlanta from Bloomington, IN, where he is completing his doctoral degree in Choral Conducting at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music. During his time in Bloomington, Mr. Snell studied conducting with Dominick DiOrio, Betsy Burleigh, and Walter Huff, as well as teaching undergaraduate courses in conducting, music theory, and voice, directing the All-Campus Choir, and singing in multiple ensembles including the internationally-renowned NOTUS Contemporary Vocal Ensemble. He also served as assistant director/choral scholar at the Trinity Episcopal Church under Marilyn Keiser. Previously, Mr. Snell led the choral program at Lakeside High School in Atlanta from 2008-2015, where his choirs performed nationally and internationally, receiving superior ratings and accolades. Mr. Snell also served as the Assistant Choirmaster at All Saints Episcopal Church under Ray Chenault, and as an assistant director in the Atlanta Master Chorale. Snell earned his Bachelor of Music Education and Master’s of Music from Florida State University and Emory University, respectively. His work included studies with Andre Thomas, Kevin Fenton, Eric Nelson, and Simon Carrington. For the past two decades, Mr. Snell has worked with choirs of every age and level of education both at the local and state levels bringing his passion for the choral art to numerous singers throughout the country. As a tenor, he has performed across the United States and internationally, both as a soloist and as a chorister. He has studied with Larry Gerber, Stanford Olsen, and Dr. Brian Horne. He resides in Smyrna with his wife, Jane, their two children, Nils and Elin, and their dog, Klaus.

The Women’s Chorus participates in chapel, the Service of Lessons and Carols, the classical concert, and the spring musical. They have performed at Disney World, the Piedmont Driving Club, and for the Atlanta Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs. Members of this ensemble participate annually in the GMEA District Five Honor Chorus, as well as the GMEA All-State Chorus. They won Outstanding Choral Group, first place Gold, and the coveted Adjudicator’s Trophy at the 1991 Music Heritage Festival in New Orleans. They received first place at the 1995, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2004, and 2006 MusicFest Competitions in Orlando. In 2008, this group earned superior ratings in performance and sight-reading at the GMEA Performance Evaluation. The Lovett Women’s Chorus regularly performs for holiday caroling in the Vinings area.

men’s chorus women’s chorus

The Men’s Chorus sings for special concerts, chapel services, and competitions. They won first place in their division at the 1995 MusicFest Competition in Orlando, as well as the coveted Grand Championship. They also won first place in their division in the 1996, 1998, 2002, 2004, and 2006 competitions, and second place in the 1998 Grand Championship. The Men’s Chorus won first place Gold in the 2000 Southern Star Music Festival and the Sweepstakes title for the highest score of the festival. In 2008, this group earned superior ratings in performance at the GMEA Performance Evaluation, as well as earning a superior rating at Festival Disney. Each year, they perform for the annual Father-Son Banquet.

middle school chorus

Choral music has historical and cross-cultural connections that transcend time and artistic disciplines. Singing is a powerful emotional outlet. In this class, singers are viewed as “choral artists.” Students will build vocal, theory and artistic skills needed to perform a varied repertoire of music. Through a process known as “scaffolding,” individual and choral ensembles will develop independence and musical maturity through perceptive assessment of self and others. The music studied will broaden their perspective of the world, build self-confidence, and provide an exciting opportunity to establish close friendships. Students will come to understand that the shared efforts of each person will create a product much greater than the sum of the individual talents.

eighth grade chorus



Deborah Ulrich has served as a middle school choral director for over 25 years. Her middle school choral teaching experience includes public schools on Long Island (NY), Cobb County, and Marietta City Schools. Her choirs have consistently received superior ratings at GMEA in both performance and sight-reading. She is a recipient of the Georgia STAR Teacher Award (2011) and The Beth and Ray Chenault Fine Arts Award (2019). She is organist at Roswell Presbyterian Church, and has served as organist at St. John United Methodist Church, Atlanta for the past 18 years. She has served in organist and organist/choirmaster positions in Texas, Ohio, New York, and Georgia. She has also been an organ instructor and University Organist at Ashland University (OH), as well as an adjunct faculty member at Long Island University. Deborah received a Bachelor of Music in organ performance from Wesleyan College, and a Master of Sacred Music from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University, with further organ study at the University of Cincinnati-Conservatory of Music. She is a consecrated Diaconal Minister in the United Methodist Church, and has served in various leadership positions at the conference, state, regional, and national levels.

Samantha Puckett is a mezzo-soprano originally from Katy, Texas. She attended West Texas A&M University for her Bachelor of Music and Master of Music. Samantha pursued her Artist Diploma at Georgia State University. In addition to her role at Lovett, she is currently an alto staff singer at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Samantha’s operatic roles include Magda Sorel (The Consul), Charlotte (Werther), and Rebecca Nurse (The Crucible). She continues her vocal study and often performs as a guest soloist in Atlanta and its surrounding areas.


seventh grade chorus

sixth grade chorus

lower school general music

The goal of the Lower School General Music program is to build a strong foundation of musical literacy. Through singing, playing instruments, listening, moving, and creating, children are exposed to a diverse curriculum designed for active and fun music learning.

Children gain skills in improvising, reading, and composing their own music and learn to use music vocabulary to describe what they feel, see, and hear. Music elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and form are sequenced age appropriately throughout the music curriculum. Children experience a well-rounded repertoire of music representing different genres and cultures.



Marianne Beverly, Lovett’s Lower School choral director and general music teacher in Grades 3–5, has been a music teacher for many years. She received her bachelor’s degree in music education and performance at Converse College. While teaching in the DeKalb County school system in Georgia, she earned her master’s degree in music education at Georgia State University. She has been teaching at Lovett for 28 years.


Jan Boner is the Kindergarten through second grade music teacher in the Lower School. She completed a Master’s in Education through Lesley University in Curriculum and Instruction: Integrated Teaching through the Arts. She has a bachelor’s degree in music therapy from Ohio University, as well as a Bachelor of Theology with an emphasis in Christian leadership from The Way College of Biblical Research. Janet is a Board Certified Music Therapist, working with young children with developmental delays and autism. Janet served as president of Early Childhood Music & Movement Association and on the board for several more years. She brings to Lovett her passion for music, young children, and many years of teaching experience.

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