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HERE HE IS!!!!!!!

check out his senior project!

As a multi-year visual arts student, Finny Roach is not only the fastest worker that this school has likely ever witnessed, but also one of the most memorable. During a typical class period in Honors Visual Arts Period 4 (HVAP4), it is not unusual to walk in the room to Finny aggressively dumping paint on a canvas (literally - and lots of it), or concocting a vicious plan to prank one of his fellow students. We love Finny Roach!

Untitled "Charlotte"

Ansley "Ansely" Stibbs has been involved with Lovett's Visual Fine Arts since 7th grade. Even though she has an awful habit of never naming her pieces, Stibbs maintains impressive artistic skills, with her untitled piece of a hand study was selected to be displayed in the Dogwood Art Festival this year. No one would've guessed!

Your mere existence is an ax to my sanity. When we met, I was young. Younger than one should remember this type of pain. Glass shattering in bathrooms just down the hall From where I tried to sleep. Mirrors cracking along the walls Of where you once combed my hair with a gentle hand, And a loving glance.

Your mere existence is an ax to my sanity. When we played you would laugh, but it was nothing more than a hoax. A brief pause in our existence, trying to say Help. We should not have met. I did not really have much of a choice though, did I? Neither did you. The same mirrors you once looked in Laughed in your face.

Telling you it was time. Your mother’s shadow still looming over U

Your mere existence is an ax to my sanity. When I tell you I love you, it happens in halves. Halves that are unsure. Halves that are sure. Half of this soul is mine, the other one is yours. We are one in the same. Maybe that’s why you can’t stand to look in the mirror Because you know my half belongs to me. Not you. Your mere existence is an ax to my sanity. Yet I find myself here. Bleeding. Crying. Running. Hiding.

But I still call out for you to come and find me. And when you do, just for a secondI see in your eyes, a half of your soul that I will never know, Never understand, But choose to love anyways. Even as you tear me to pieces. I am the ax you hold And the branch you split. Your mere existence is an ax to my sanity.

Sterling Halad, 11, "Helping Hand"

Christine Lee, 11, "Untitled"

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