Senior Senior 2014

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In the event that I, Nehad Abdelwahhab, should disappear mysteriously in a telephone box, never to return, I leave the following to Leanna Wei, Victoria Wu Lee, and Maxine Lui. A CD filled with the adventures we went on while in photography and a secret map leading to a drive of all my secret supermodel fierce poses I prepped as a Vaag model. To Lina Anderson, a mix tape of all my favorite songs and my Pinterest account so that she may do all the “diy juicesâ€? I intended to do. For Isabel Chong, I entrust my Harry Potter book collection, my Wand Makers Guide, the trunk, and the gold wand I made out of a chopstick. I also give you permission to marry Tom Hiddleston. For Tidani Berhe, I give my entire book collection and my pink bear “piggyâ€? bank since you never have money. I also give to you my closet of clothing for no one would be able to rock it like you. In loving memory of Audrey Hepburn, I give Leah Siegel my Audrey Hepburn calendar, because nobody can appreciate a classic beauty like you. To Jaclyn Woo, I officially dub thee “Thunder nukesâ€? and leave to you my jewelry. To Steffie Guan, I grant full leadership of my harem. With lots of love, I give Rachel Jimenez a stroke on the face. And I grant her access to my master plans to take over the world with full use of my super not-so-secret ninja monkeys in order to fulfill these plans.  Angaleen Gamboa, I give you the molar of a dead baby, two fish scales, and the fungus of from the toe of the little old lady who lived in a shoe, and a lock of Chris Hemsworth’s hair- you know what to do. With lots of love and disapproval, I give Kayla My all of my unused contacts and my glasses, since we all know you have a bad habit of losing things. And a dime, because I know you’re worth it. To my darling Martha Medina a teacup and saucer, a truckload of tea, a personal chef/baker, and a pair of lace shorts. Finally, and most importantly to Mitchell Chan -who probably has no clue who I am or why he’s in this- I bequeath my most prized possessions. I leave him my entire collections of scarves, because God knows he can wear them like no other. In the highly likely event that I am buried alive under too many half-assed(half-baked) activities, I, Andrew Chen, declare this to be my final will and testament, and bequeath to the following my posessions: To Reg 1408, a giant dummy version of me so I’ll always “be in regâ€?. To Mr. Fong (and any teacher that’s had me block 1): My sincerest apologies for being late every day. To Hubert Situ: Turtles, Ponies, and Ducks. To Kenny Zhen and Henry Qin: My world-star rapping skills, yo. To Jason Kuang: My best wishes for his Red Army and RIT (More like RIP). To Andy Kuang, the legend: MAD respect. To Karla Liwanag: Sunscreen lotion so that she won’t become Akon To the grumpy Bethany Chan: Deeeeep late night convos and my two Umizaki Yumisachi thingys in PAD. To Arthur Wong, the lesser member of A-squared: My fabulous ‘kite’ to bring him luck in this world...and the next. To Crystal Van and Phillip Chan: The ultimate ship. To Mara Dickson: Chill vibes. To the big D, Derek Yi: My mad gainz and space... something. You know what. And the pizza we never got. To Kevin Tom: All the wishes. To JC Lynne Lu Sing: The reminder that I was actually in Alpha Co. To Jacob Hagen: My legendary “All DCI-Chain drillâ€?

my LSA successTo Jenessa Sabugo, an empty seat in reg and tea that we will share on the weekends in college. To Maggie Ma, a crepe drenched in Nutella. To Louie Romero, chest bumps and thankfulness for your loving spirit. To Leila Chew, the eagerness I feel to make myself useful in the presence of the most intelligent person I know. To Alexandra Jensen, endless Sunny-Ds and stupid jokes from The Office you find frighteningly hilarious. To Lori Chinn, a sleepover that I hope will happen in the next 100 years. To Erica Lei, I leave Aaron Moye‌ To Maria Lim, a pair of clean shoes and that’s pretty much it. To the 2014 Board, you guessed it, an India Clay Oven Buffet, and the happiness and love you have brought me by accepting me as family.. To the underclassmen, some more ugly bungalows . To the students and [some] faculty of LHS, gratefulness for giving me two of the happiest, most growthfilled years of my life. and the admission that you may be slightly taller than me. To Jihao Chen: The role of Mr. President. Guard your ownself. To Marcella DePunzio: Sunglasses for her giant... eyes. To Janelle Lau: All the AP Chem homework. To Jessica Dang: Her much-beloved nickname, “Jessâ€?. To Anita Chen: The right to be the next “A.Câ€? To James Oujio: Much love for the drafts and rice. To Bruno Haesbaert: My awesome Hunter deck that whooped his mage deck. To Danielle Chen: ALL THE KNIVES To Bobby Woo: All my time-outs. To Tim Lew: All my free lunch, not that you’ll need it at U$C. To Patwick Huynh: The CORRECT Econ movie review. To Hector Brian Chu: The answers to all the crossword puzzles. Annnd I’ve run out of time like always. Much love to all the people at Lowell who made my years so memorable. To any I left out, much sorry. such procrastination. In  the  very  likely  event  that  I,  Brianna  Ang,  overdose  on  spicy  food,  I  declare  this  to  be  my  last  will  and  testament.To  Cally  Chung,  I  leave  you  with  our  telepathic  communication,  synchronized  speed  walking  so  you  may  one  day  go  on  to  the  Olympics,  my  slow  reaction  speed,  hand-­eye  coordination  mishaps,  and  free  unlimited  texting  for  life.To  Kimberly  Yee,  I  leave  you  with  my  endless  supply  of  screenshots,  Molang,  Alex  Thao,  dumplings,  and  of  course,  spicy  noodles.To  my  grande  ca-­ beza,  Michelle  Vuong,  I  leave  you  with  dump-­ ling  fridays,  my  stalking  skills,  my  fangirl  feels,  and  The  Abercrombie  Bag.To  Adrianne  Pan,  I  leave  you  with  all  my  makeup,  chicken  SDQ DQG P\ QXQ RXWÂżW 7R Amy  Lim,  I  leave  you  with  avocadoes  and  eggs,  the  days  when  I  could  never  leave  your  room,  all  my  lululemon  gear,  Schrodinger,  SAFs,  and  scandal.To  Jon  Xie,  I  leave  you  with  a  tai  ni  po  ni.To  Anny  Liao,  I  leave  you  with  a  watch,  a  clock,  and  my  color  coded  closet.To  Melinda  Leung,  I  leave  you  every  pre-­dance  and  my  personal  state-­ ments.To  Tiffany  Ye,  I  leave  you  my  limited  knowledge  of  econ  and  basketball  games.To  Caroline  Hsiao,  I  leave  you  with  our  endless  trips  to  the  bathroom,  and  our  secret  love  for  anime.To  Michelle  Tang,  Kenvin  Tran  and  Jeffrey  Chen,  I  leave  to  you  the  table  in  the  library,  last  minute  cramming  for  math  tests,  bets,  and  our  favorite  girl.  To  my  twin,  Briana  Zhen,  I  leave  you  my  name,  my  address,  my  birthday,  and  UCSB  economics-­accounting. To  Reg  1417  and  Mr.Chan,  I  leave  an  end-­ less  supply  of  In-­N-­Out,  Great  America,  and  chicken  wings.  Lastly,  to  everyone  I  missed,  I  leave  each  of  you  with  a  bottle  of  hot  sauce. In  the  event  that  I,  Sheila  AĂąo,  die  from  a  heart  attack  at  a  One  Direction  concert,  leave  all  these  things  to  the  following:  to  Michelle  Vuong,  I  leave  you  pre-­sliced  oranges  so  you  won’t  have  to  bite  into  a  whole  one,  a  trip  to  Europe  and  you  know  who’s  cousin.  To  Erika  Olazo,  I  leave  you  our  thousands  of  text  mes-­

sages  talking  about  anything  and  everything,  naps  we  accidentally  take  and  bags  of  Cheetos  to  taunt  you  with  during  lent.   To  Angela  Villanueva,  I  leave  you  all  of  the  attempts  to  make  covers  of  songs,  my  Indian  accent  and  my  promised  trip  to  a  Giants  game.To  Julie  Bautista,  I  leave  you  the  all  the  phone  calls,  your  family’s  love  and  affection  for  me  and  my  annoying  imitations  of  how  you  talk.  To  Gaby  Villalta,  I  leave  you  my  tumblr  account  so  you  can  relive  through  all  the  memes  we  used  to  laugh  at.  To  Ciera  Castillo,  I  leave  you  my  permanent  position  as  your  number  one  best  friend  on  snapchat.  To  Frank  Chu  and  Dion  Wang,  I  leave  you  a  doppelgänger  of  me  to  thirdwheel  your  dates  and  for  you  two  to  babysit  when  my  doppelgänger  has  nowhere  to  go.  To  Mark  Bis,  I  leave  you  the  breakfast  bagels  and  all  my  excuses  as  to  why  I  can’t  make  it  to  reg.  To  Dillon  Easterling,  I  leave  you  all  my  high  scores  on  every  app  that  you  can’t  beat  me  at.  To  Jeffrey  Liu,  I  leave  you  WKH OHYHOV RI FDQG\ FUXVK WKDW , ÂżQLVKHG IRU \RX and  Casilla(  I  hate  him)  To  Wen  Liu,  I  leave  you  more  scratchers  and  lunches  that  I  always  seem  to  owe  you.  To  all  the  football  guys,  I  leave  you  all  bottles  of  water  to  quench  your  thirst  for  everything.  To  Senior  Letter,  I  leave  you  all  the  last  minute  changes  we  made  when  it  came  to  everything  we  planned  (and  still  managed  to  pull  through  it.)  To  Teresa  Chen,  I  leave  you  the  title  of  â€œDark  Goddessâ€?  and  all  the  screenshotted  snapchats  of  your  ugly  faces.  Lastly,  I  leave  Kenny  Li  the  late  night  trips  to  ZKHUHYHU D KLJK ÂżYH IRU DOO \RXU FOHYHU MRNHV and  my  card  so  I  know  for  sure  that  the  next  meal  is  on  me.  In the highly likely event that I, Mishal Alasfour, twerk over the edge of a cliff and die, I bequeath to my loved ones the following. To Kenny Okagaki, my exploration “tools,â€? endless rides home as soon as I get a car, as well as sole ownership of the ShireTo Harrison Lee, I leave de Twerka, de Cocaino, and a summer Y pass so we can be gym buddies for lifeTo Sammy Pollard, endless goo and‌hold up‌ what the...OH WHAT’S UP BRO?!?To Brian Nguyen, I leave the great times that await us in Yanta Yarbara baby!To Aaron Moye, I leave Erica LeiTo Justin Cheung, a movie collection which you must entirely watch before you can be normalTo Arbel Efraty, a projected summer streak of 30, fresh cheese pizza, and the tablet upon which the two-nut prophecy has been etched. To Krista Apolonio, the important message to make every day your masterpiece. To Gracia Brown, some delicious Labneh balls and lunch picnics. To Jasmine Toy, all of the dignity which I have preserved in defeating your lame pun attempts, as well as the creepy, extremely uncomfortable times we had before we were friends. To Elazar Chertow, funny conversations and my dream to someday be as much of a lifting legend as you are. To Hannah Li, recognition that yes, you laid the groundwork upon which I built

In the likely event that I, Julie Avetisyan, am poisoned by excessive amounts of toxic paint in my body as I conveniently lick my brushes for precision, leave the following: To Sonia Hamilton, I leave you with all my Yana clothes, an endless supply of peanut butter sandwiches, all my jewelry that you will so flawlessly wear, and a life filled with nothing but joy because that smile of yours in nothing short of perfect. To Cate Stern, I leave you with every inch of my body (lol) for artistic purpose, all the garbanzo beans in the world for making hummus, and of course a passport into Armenia as well as access to all of my relatives. To Kira BodenGologorsky, I leave you all my photography equipment as I know it’ll be put to good use, many thanks for the rides to photo class since sophomore year, and an exclusive invitation to every Armenian party. To Yu Ling Wu, I leave you with all the bright things I own because nobody appreciates color as much as you do, and my paparazzi photos of Lady Gaga. To Andrew Kennedy, I leave you with an empty studio because for four years we’ve sat side by side in room 75 feeding off of each other’s creativity. I leave the tears and the laughter as we slaved over our work for countless hours, days, weeks. To Tony Torres, I leave you with Raisa and all her craziness, our ridiculously productive moments in Bio, and some of my empty sketchbooks for you to practice those masterpieces. To Mica Jarmel-Schneider, I leave you with Crepes that are hopefully just as good as the ones we had, the promise of catching up over coffee sometime, and those talks that always mean so much. To Tamar Deirmendjian, Lea Der Abrahamian, and Claudia Leist, I leave you with the laughter, the adventures, the sleepovers, the cheetah girl’s marathons, the delicious food we cook, bake, and eat, and anything and everything that has put a smile on my face in the past 15 years of my life- because I’ve been happiest when you guys became a part of it. And finally to the one and only Ms. Kirsten Janssen, I leave you with everything. I owe it all to you; you inspire me, motivate me, and push me to thrive as an individual and an artist. I leave you with all my artwork as a reminder of everything that you’ve given me and much more.


In the case that I, Julie Bautista, accidently drive off a cliff while blasting John Mayer in my car, I formally announce this to be my will. To Erika Olazo, I leave you with my car, in hopes that you drive it and always remember

how you’d give me a ride and a playlist of John Mayer and 50 Cent for whenever you are feeling sad. To Michelle Vuong, I leave you with all of my future fishing trips in hope that you can overcome your horrible sea sickness. To Sheila Año, I leave you with our nightly phone calls that can last for hours on end, my white girl sass because you know you love it, and my thanks for finding my phone in the stonestown parking lot freshman year. To Angela Villanueva, I leave you with our trip to Union Street, our future trips to Napa for when we go wine tasting, and lastly my anger, for when I would always yell at you. To Ciera Castillo, I leave you with the short hugs we would always have, and all cupcakes in the world. To Gaby Villalta, I leave you with all the seasons of gossip girl, and a countless amount of Nordstrom shopping sprees. To Adrian Mercado, I leave you with my calculator so you can help the world solve math problems. To Helena Colindres, I leave you with the Chicago trip we went on together, and the Queen size bed we shared. To Jennia Delos Reyes, I leave you with the sandwiches you would always give me. To the Football Guys, I leave you with all the laughter you have brought out of me. To Paul Delara, I leave you with a picture of my beautiful face, so you can remember how much you miss me in the Philippines.To Mark Bis, I leave you with all of our inside jokes, our 16/17 lunch we had together junior year, and all the hookups you have for me. To Dillon Easterling, I leave you with our daily bus trips we had to summer school together, my “cut it out” phrase for when you would always mock me, and our winter ball and senior prom memories. And to anyone I have missed, I want to leave you with the biggest thanks for being apart of my journey throughout high school. I wouldn’t change anything for the world. In the event that I, Alexandra Beem, develop an allergic reaction to cats and cannot go on living I bequeath the following (in no particular order): To KT Kelly I leave the Bomb Diggity Kelly Spa, the Sundial, oddly hidden Secret Santa gifts and my crippling inability to break rules (ahem RRanch). Always remember, bushing is the new black. #motec #wecantstop #alexandraexists. To Rebecca Hughes I leave too many hair clips, “seniors and persons with disabilities,” febreeze fights, homework parties, and NatureValleyBars so you may continue to live on the edge. I also leave you 10million points for all the things I’ve forgotten and 10thousand apologies for my abysmal memory. To Elisa Vidales, my brother, daughter, mother-in-law, and onetruelove, I leave too much sweetened condensed milk, moveabout sunburns, Ohlone trophies, and a tree commemorating our longbattle and eventualvictory over the Rec&Park PermitDepartment.My extraordinary talents for axing zombies and walking into walls go to Alma Carranza, along with HighSchoolMusical 3, Thai food and eternal chuckling over Sports. Stocks. Business. Kyra Lefferts shall inherit photos of all psych notes in existence and those sunglasses that make everyone but me look tan. To Grace Zhang I leave the chordates, the Lowell Crossword and the perseverance to keep shooting those birds. To my one and only SecretLeprechaun, SophiaPhillips, I leave quinceñera-dress-shopping mirror selfies, vaguely philosophical conversations, patriotism, and an ocean of pineapple juice. Someday we will be Scoop Dog. To Ajeya Hernandez I leave the wisdom to recognize when moments have passed and an honorary membership in MOTEC. To Nadine Kahney I leave everything you’ve ever taught me about Beyonce and the Spice Girls. I also leave #bernalmob and my profound love for cats, which no one but you understands. To KatherinePopovich I leave the stairs in the science wing. We will conquer them. Someday. To IlyaVerzhbinsky I leave Scotland and a clip-on bow tie for goodness sake. To Avery Chung-Melino I leave neon food coloring, 1,111 wishes on 11:11,

bedroom decorations, apush snapchats, and my admiration of your culinary creativity. Triana Anderson shall inherit hundreds of laps in JamesLick PE, Westfield spy missions, endless walks to Latin, that time we snuck into the Gym, and the snippets of German Elisha taught us. I also leave you BobaGuys, Crepes, beachbrunches, and all the delicious LA food we will soon share. To Miriam Myers I leave frozen pizza picnics, posed prom pictures, BrynMawr back rubs, confiscated foam swords, so many games of late for work, and a thousand fits of contagious laughter. Never forget that what’s done cannot be undone. Lay this to thy heart, and farewell. In the likely event that I, Isabel Boutiette, meet my woeful end due to a serious head injury at a dance party gone awry, I hereby declare this my last will and testament. To Elyse Magen I leave an album composed of photos solely from her awkward phase, an array of scented lotion, and a never-ending supply of cupcake mix. To Cate Stern I leave a blanket-jacket, a mixtape fit for every mood, and an endless supply of hair ties. To Kira Boden Gologorsky, I leave all of my Beyonce albums, a gallon of special juice, all of my clothes, recipe books, and the knowledge that she is my queen only second to the great Queen Bee herself. To Talor Wald I leave all of my one-liners, my shoes, every episode of New Girl and Adventure Time, and my collection of classic hip-hop. To Elizabeth Stasch I leave an endless supply of brownies and all of my music produced before 1990 to listen to while she eats them. To Mia Kalo I leave all of my objectives and clothes that I wish to sell at Buffalo Exchange (please remember to bring your ID to sell them and keep the profits). To Tia Doherty I leave all of our jokes made during past math classes and baked goods for all of her future birthdays. To Ilya Verzhbinsky I leave all of our arguments, a new wardrobe consisting of solid colors, and my infinite gratitude for being one of my most loyal friends. To Dylan Weir I leave my dog, Daisy, because dogs and cats are almost the same, right? To Isaac Zimmerman I leave a long hug, a cool electronic remix to a jazz song, and an abundance of German food. To Lincoln Chapman I leave a classic head nod, my Giants t-shirt, and the bobble head I stole from him. To Tony Torres I leave all of my racism and my knowledge of Spanish. To Will Slotterback I leave my memories of that one night at the golf course. To Ian James I leave my English breakfast tea and my most philosophical thoughts and ideas. And finally, to my beloved sister Sabrina Boutiette, I leave the knowledge that high school does end eventually, all the strength I have to keep her living throughout junior year and to rally when she catches a case of senioritis, and all of my love. I, Angelica Marie Compos, in the most likely event that I die of a sudden spazz attack from scrolling through the Instagram pages of the bands Issues and Of Mice & Men, do hereby bequeath the following: to Paula Quon all the creepy little sloths in the world and sloth jokes I’ve made over the last two years with her; to Esmeralda Hernandez, I leave my Justin Bieber “My World” CD in the hopes that she finds as much pleasure and good tunes in it as I did. I joke. I bequeath upon Esmeralda Hernandez, my band merch. All of which include Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, Black Veil Brides, Panic! At The Disco, Of Mice & Men (I know she doesn’t like them but oh well) band shirts and and wristbands. I leave behind to her, Maxwell

Green the bassist in the band, Escape The Fate. I also leave behind all the good laughs and band spazzing moments we’ve had together this short semester of knowing each other. It feels like I’ve known her for years; to Bernice Gao, I leave her with all the fancy feast-like food in the cafeteria in the hopes it helps her find her very own level of ratchetness; to Ellyn O. Pada, I bequeath upon thee the ship name of Evallyn; to Jay Macnee, I bequeath upon her the cuteness of Destiel and Supernatural goodness; to Elaine Luc, I leave behind the sonnet I wrote in Mr. Hereford’s class even though it was dedicated to someone I love. I thank her for giving me good feedback on my work; to anyone I may have forgotten I leave behind to them: memories of good friendship and all of the fun but trying times we’ve had here at Lowell whether it be in JROTC or just plain old challenging classes. Finally, to all of my teachers I’ve had these past four years, I leave behind all of the homework I’ve forgotten to turn in and gotten zeros for, also the gratitude for giving me one of the best educations I’ve ever received.

In case that I, Alma Alvarez Carranza, do go out in a blaze of glory - involving: a lipstick case; Star Trek; shirtless Chris Pine; and a Greatest Hits remix of “Fat-Bottomed Girls” - and prematurely depart into the nth dimension, I bequeath this as my last will and testament, being of sound mind and terribly unsound body. To Rebecca Margaret Hughes, I leave a platinum Starbucks card, soft grunge cookies, and nose boops for days. To Josh Muller, I leave three tanker trucks of gasoline, my collection of neon yellow jogging shorts, my (superior) music library, and a restored copy of “Triumph of the Will.” To Teresa Ibarra, I leave my blazing red flag of feminism, a tray of cupcakes, and indie music to last until we drift into the sunset. To Avery ChungMelino and Alexandra Beem, I leave the entire Amazon stock of cookbooks and a trip to the biggest chef ’s warehouse in the tri-county area. To KT Kelly, I leave hot yoga, chocolate-cake flavored vodka, and indie music – but please, keep it down. To Miriam Myers, I leave Tejano music, chocolate truffles, and all of Scotland. To Ajeya Hernandez, I leave a shirtless Tom Hiddleston and endless tea. To Elisa Vidales and Mary Latibashvilli, I leave giant fluffy pillows, color-coordinated highlighters, and your own 24-hr coffee shop. To Selena Saad,

I leave an indestructible phone case and the biggest baddest bass speakers around. To Jackson Murphy and Danny Zander, I leave a time machine to escape the #darkesttimeline. Please stage my death to look like a suicide over the unjust cancellation of Community. To Nick Mesler, I leave a shiny new set of brass knuckles and a robust stock portfolio. To baby Bruno Montes-Avila, I leave cookies, hugs, and a giant smile. To Luciano Chan, I leave a tuxedo and assorted hair products. See you at the Oscars. To Priya Sankar and Kate Colebrook, I leave a reminder that girl power is the best power. Learn your monologues. To Mica Jarmel-Schneider, I leave the lyrics to Wonderwall, printed in gold. To The Crew of the Thumb, I leave a watermelon. To my drama children, I leave the secret stash of snacks hidden in the Carol Channing, passed down through the generations (don’t worry, they’re fresh). And to everyone I’ve ever known, I leave mixtapes for every mood, occasion, and obsession. Please bury me with my flower crowns. Live long and prosper, nerds. In the case that I, Monica Castro, were to face the untimely death from laughing at puns too hard, I leave the following: To the intelligent Luis Valle, I leave Epic Rap Battles of History, including the ones we lip synced to, Watsky, lemon runs, Ice Cream Conversations, late night rants, Skype calls, and the one time I tried to play League of Legends and failed. To the quirky Deidre Foley, I leave thrift shopping adventures, our amazing summer bucket list, last minute dress advice, dog sitting, baking cookies, and multiple failed attempts to organize something with KT Kelly. For the very busy KT Kelly, I leave a scar of the ear piercing I almost got, the toaster pancakes you got for my birthday, our deep conversations and hipster talk, and the time all of us went to CVS late at night for s’mores ingredients and the amazing video that followed. To my favorite Mongol Bilegt Baatar, I leave Adventure Time with Finn & Jake, failed AP Econ help, our planned but never executed rap video, last minute studying, and quite possibly the most evil Cards Against Humanity card combinations I’ve ever seen. For the timeless Douglas Mejia I leave Tumblr, the evil beaver who steals punch bowls, late night calls for advice, the tears of our struggle in AP Econ, our lame inside jokes that make absolutely no sense whatsoever to anyone else, hilarious Tumblr gifs, and the one emoji that perfectly encompasses sass and “yaas”. To the one-of-akind Ateret Hakim, I leave a failed cookie, all the oregano you got, your snapchats from the Friday, all the gossip shared, Scramble with Friends, pen pal potential, and all the amazing things you’ve said that always came out wrong. To the incomparable Amanda Seigel, I leave the kitchen full of gossip, card games, car arrangement arguments, and the fact that in any

relationship someone has to be older. For the mysterious Sara Vargas, I leave square fruits, oregano, chocolate, and Deuces, because that’s all anyone needs in life. Last but not least I leave the straight faced Pasha Stone vegetarian buffalo wings, failed attempts of going to the beach, Netflix, Talenti Caramel Apple Pie Gelato, late night Safeway runs, Shark Tank, your infomercial skills, the word “savory”, and all the laughs I had at lame puns, including the one I laughed about for three weeks. In the event that I face an untimely death at the hand of a fly, I, Bethany Chan, leave my meager possessions to the following. To Jarod Tang, whom I’ve known the longest, 12+ years of fond memories and a shoutout for surviving everything. Andy Xia, a giant hug, shoulder massage, and punch on the arm. J.Dang and Doris, split my tan so y’all show up in pictures. Alon, my words of wisdom for any times of trouble. J.Guan my mansweater. Min, coffee, and memories of our dates. Mr.Chambers, I leave you my TI-83 PLUS, so you can understand my daily struggles. Justin Lee, I’d give you my life, but I’m dead, and chances are you already own it. Kacy, my cupcake pan and jacket because you’re never returning them.. PingTong, my vocal range and 1000 SPFsunscreen. Leighton, my ankles and eternal pokewar. Jaclyn, unlimited passes to all museums & brunch with your parents. Jenna, the ocean. Ryan Chan, my music playlists and game day afternoons. To my husband Matthew Wong, all our British tea and divorces. Alec Fong, I bequeath you my Bastet and my mallets. My darling Sassy, a deeper voice so people take you seriously. TomTom, a prom date so you stop pretendingtobemine and some aloe. Andrew Chen, my ability to have one-onone conversations with girls. Jessica Hwang, my spine. Yao and Vlad, split my hair ya lil baldies. Marcelo, sweaters#teamnosun. Olive, STRAIGHTKNEES. Christina, smaller tear ducts. Nhi, my biceps. Make them amazingly buff. Ivey, my neck because yours is always disappearing when we sir. Tristan, evenly tanned legs. You can have my big bell Zhu. Ethan, take anything because you’re amazing. Ireland, my loudness because I still can barely hear you. Paula, my right arm. Take care of George and my bby. Phustin, new Janoskis. Hagen, my good complexion and hipster Zune. Anita, breakfast and Chidera Anamege. BobPie, first pick. Dummy Jihao, a new button up so you’d stop wearing stripper shirts. My fellow drum corps seniors, KarlaArthurPhillipMaraCrystal. Everything I had went into the drill and memories we made together this past year. I leave my love to the Raider kiddos. Last but most certainly not least, my best friend, Mary Nieh. I leave you everything and my bby. Phustin, new Janoskis. Hagen, my good complexion and hipster Zune. Anita, breakfast and Chidera Anamege. BobPie, first pick. Dummy Jihao, a new button up so you’d stop wearing stripper shirts. My fellow drum corps seniors, KarlaArthurPhillipMaraCrystal. Everything I had went into the drill and memories we made together this past year. I leave my love to the Raider kiddos. Last but most certainly not least, my best friend, Mary Nieh. I leave you everything and anything because you deserve the world. I, Flippy Chan, in the inevitable event that I get smothered by penguins, declare this to be my last will and testament. To Anh Huynh, I leave-- well, since we’re basically the same person, if I die you’re coming down with me. To the Yologarchy Laura Jue, Derek Yi, and William Zeng, I leave epic food adventures, fireworks in sketchy Chinatown alleys, sock puppets, matching tattoos, and my conscience to keep you guys in check. To my bestest reg buddy Calvin Louie, I leave FOUR years of great memories, adventures and snap-off pants. I leave big smiles and intense basketball games to Jaclyn Wong. For Herman Cai, weird looks, long talks, and a proper Senior Boat ask-

ing. To Carolyn Ye, my shoujo manga life and a picture with every ikemen at Hanazono. To Melody Lee, the best karaoke nights ever. For Arthur Wong, I leave my drumset, crutches, and cold sunny days with a little bit of wind. I also leave you my headband and my useless shirts. To Chris Mok, I leave you the Bro Code and my many stories. To Brian Chu, I leave board game nights and cranberry free trailmix. To Meghan Chow, nap times and boxes of mango mochi. For Matthew Wong, swing lessons at GGP. For Vivian Nguyen and Alika Lew-Koga, the best conversations ever and pictures of cute surfer’s abs. For Anand BatErdene I leave my dumb phone, my ping pong table, a giant Pusheen, and lots of douchetanks. I leave for Laura Kennedy scary movies and extra blankets for the next sleepover. For Alyssa Kwan, my camera for dance photoshoots. For Stephanie Coxon, my five-inch wedges, aviators and fruit snacks. I leave low-cut tees and sexy eyeliner for Kevin Wong. I leave warm mittens to Sofiya Ozbek so she can’t freeze people’s bellies anymore. I leave the Flamary to be perfected to Mary Latibashvili. For my baby Rachel Wong, singing in your car and my awe of your sweet smile. For Arynn Kwan, the boba we never got and programs to be fixed. I leave my eyebrows to Arina Romanova. To Sharlene Tsui, I leave bus rides to Chinatown and crackers from Trader Joe’s. I leave Mr. Michel’s Powerpoints with embarrassing pictures to Talor Wald. For Kianna Mark, a yoga ball and my shades.For the rest of Lowell High, I leave the advice to try new things and have no regrets. If I, Kacy Chan, meet my untimely demise of falling while walking, I entrust the following to these individuals. To Jaclyn Wong, the cute faces of guys before they open their mouths, all the tickets to sporting events, and our uncanny ability to read each other’s mind. To Jenna Lee, an ID to go to the late night events at Fanime (if you know what I mean) and all our arguments that we never seem to remember after 5 minutes. To Ryan Chan, the ALL CAPS MESSAGES WE SHARE OVER NARUTO AND BLEACH as well as all my manga suggestions that you never seem to take. To Bethany Chan, my fly zapper and all the photos you’ve photobombed. To Justin Lee, any princess traits I may have so you can be the ultimate princess and any patience I have because you have to deal with our friends. To Mary Nieh, my coldness and the ability to say no because girl, you have got to mean up. To Wendingo Li, the chance to meet Wong Fu and our awkward random trips to Westfield and J-town. To Dave Morales, a readmit and our ability to not trust people in Econ. To Eric Tong, white chocolate so maybe you can lighten up a bit. To Master Leighton Chen, I would say my account on PAD but you’ve already surpassed me so I leave you the awkward Mandarin conversations with my mom. To Chris Mok, the time to catch up with Revolution because they’re killing off all my faves. To Alec Fong, the ability to accept that your fan club is real and some bleach so you can always remain as Frosted Tips. To Kevin Wong, the thanks for embarrassing me in front of everyone and a free haircut cause I like your hair short. To Matthew Wong, unlimited supply of hotpot food and all the pictures we took freshman and sophomore year when you still had semi long hair. To Julia and Cynthia Wong, my sisters from another mother and father, all the gossip I know so you won’t be the last ones to know. To Triana Anderson, my height so that it can be added to yours so you can finally dunk. And finally, to everyone else: my friends, family, and teachers, a million thanks and love for shaping me to be the person I am today! I, Mitchell Xavier Andover George Chan, of the City of San Francisco, being of sound mind hereby declare this to be my Last Will and Testament and revoke all other wills pre-

viously made by me. I bequeath the title of Sassiest Male to my little Jonathan Chu, on the condition that he actually tries to live up to the name of his predecessor. To Jordan Chan, Teagan Mucher, Karen Wong, and Corinna Lauber, I leave an answer to the question of which of them is my favorite. To Deidre Marie Foley, I leave one scarf bearing the arms and insignia of our beloved Slytherin. To Jackson Murphy, I leave all my happiness (with a hint of sarcasm), as well as an advance order to his book Puns: The Secrets and Uses. To Lu k e G ar re tt Howard, I leave the possibility that I may have buried a special archaeological find on the Lowell grounds, it wonders awaiting his pull. To Natalie Whitlock Kaliss, I leave a durable corkscrew. To Ilya Alexey Verzhbinsky, I leave my treasured vases. To Ana Miriam Medellin Myers, I leave a crystal bowl and my infinite, unsolicited judgment. To Luis Fernando Valle Villagra, I leave a 400-pound bag of charcoal. To Sonia H. Hamilton, I leave my sculptures and paintings. To Prudence Kim Sax, I leave a DVD of Mean Girls, for someone must scoff at Regina George’s amateur tactics, and if I am unable to do so, only Prudence can adequate for the task. To Senators Ron Kharmach and Allan Lei and Representatives Alexandria Xuan and Matthew Yeh, I leave the burden of continuing the Lowell Congressional Debate legacy. Now it is your turn to reach for the skies. To Joshua L. Muller, I leave my gratitude for the many walks we shared. To the Class of 2015, I leave the following words for next fall: “You’ll live.” Finally, to Jordan J. Wong, I leave the entirety of the scarves in my possession so that they may forever remind him of the minimalism, frugality, and humility that characterized his truest friend. Until worthier candidates can be found, I hereby appoint my wards Marisa C. Li and James G. Wen as co-executors of this will, and further name them joint heirs to the residue of my estate. In the unlikely event that I, Ryan Chan, die from either petting a cat or falling off a mountain, leave the following: To the AP crew, my living room for any of your needs. You guys are always welcome here at our house. To Bethany Chan, our lazy gaming afternoons, and my panda speaker for all the jams you want. To Chris Mok, an extra ski pole for the ultimate fist bump flip thing we will do someday. To Dave Morales, a guitar for all the jam sessions. To Eric Tong, I leave both mrs banana chan and mrs sausage chan in your care. To Kacy Chan, the whole Naruto/ Bleach/One piece franchise so we can always scream at each other about what happens next. To Justin Lee, my best friend, a huge pile of money that I probably owe you over the years, and a key to my house because you basically live here anyway. Its been a good 13 years. To Jenna Lee, a box full of the great memories we shared. May there always be room for more. To Jaclyn Wong, a statue to commemorate the award winning music video we shot together, and a list of every bad pun. We covered them all. To LEIGHTON CHEN, that stupid Mario game that we totally could have beaten in one night, and that paper with the chentuar draw-

ing. To Alec Fong, the Saturdays we always looked forward to, a talking couch to watch all your anime, and a spray bottle to keep all the fangirls back. To Mary Nieh, a puppy sized giraffe, and an ice cream machine.To Kevin Tom, a formal apology for the never-ending insults that permanently desensitized you, and a lighter in hopes that you will someday learn how to burn somebody other than yourself. To Matthew Wong, a recording of that song we were about to do for the talent show.To Jessica Ko, the greatest moments in reg, usually spent jamming out to random songs. To Josh Muller, our limited edition “ballerboy” uniforms, SNK capes included. To Calvin Louie, the trophy the dream team won for smashing Jaclyn and Russell just about as hard as Jaclyn smashed her hand into my face. To Benjamin Chen, a back brace so you can carry the team next year. To Nathan Guan, the .7 seconds you needed to get on my level, and a tank. To LDB, All of my strength and trust in the team. May the dragonboat gods forever smile upon us. If I, Cha Cha Chan (or Saffhire Chan), were to meet my untimely demise through an accident involving knives, foils or tripping up the stairs, I leave my heart and soul to Angie Gamboa and if she were to die from heartache from losing me then it shall be transferred to Oscar Ta (sorry she first) . To Chang Kim (who happens to be a little brat) I leave my foil, Chalupa, and my sheath, Michael, to him(only because you’re a lefty too and maybe you’re not so bad.). To Isabela Chong, upon my death, you shall receive my sonic screwdriver, tardis mug, and other Doctor who related merchandise that I own and a recording of my cat impressions. (also you can steal my heart and soul from Oscar or Angie, I give you permission to do so.) To Monica Gee and Tania Garcia, you both will receive equal shares of my dusty butt (you guys may have to fight Angie for my glorious behind). To Gerianna Geminiano, you may have all the bananas and just bananas (jk you get to have my awesome t-shirts since we’re basically the same size). To Jackie Woo, a pet duck will be given to you (don’t worry you can trust it). To Dulce Palacios, you may have my beat headphones to listen to Shakira and my drawings since you appreciate them so much. To Nehad Abdelwahhab, you will receive my red velvet cupcake recipe and my awesome rings. To Douglas Mejia, YAAAAAAAS. At the instance of my death you all will receive my love (probably not Chang and Oscar though) p.s Chang you’re actually alright. p.p.s Oscar

you already have most of my love anyway. but not as much as Angie! p.p.p.s Wendy Yu, I’ll leave a few hugs and kisses for you from Angie.

In the likely event that I, Tiffany Chan, experience a never-ending food coma, declare this to be my last will and testament. To Ella, I leave you all the quality marzipan in the world, my love for cats (mainly Zion and Fay), middle school photobooth pictures, chocolate chip cupcakes, and the glory day when we become winners on Cupcake Wars. Stephanie, I give you hour long phone calls, paragraph text messages, playa del plank on the beach, my decisiveness, and injury-free hugs. To Michelle, you receive our anti-dance hangouts and all my beautiful snapchat screenshots of you. Kimberly, I leave to you our long gone competitiveness during freshman PE and track, a lifetime supply of Purple Kow... and a gym membership. I leave Leanna with a prickly cactus and memories of our “fun” calc and bio study sessions. To Kelly, I give you quality cheap food and our never ending complaints. To Adrianne, I leave to you a lifetime supply of Victoria Secret’s cute and sassy undergarments. To my baby Catrina, CST, my soul mate, I leave you the hundreds of selfies you took on my phone. And hugs. TSC loves you. To Brian, I leave to you orange flowers, good hair days and a lifetime supply of button up shirts. Tiffany, I leave to you my remaining hops and past hurdling experiences so you can go kill it next year. Robin, I leave to you our rants, that one beach run, and that hilarious english video. Jasmine, I give to you many, many hours of sleep. To Jackie and Katy, I leave you guys daily reg gossip sessions and more three-person spirit weeks. And last but certainly not least, Amanda, I leave you that dreaded kpop dancing video, our annual Gilroy/Great Mall outings, water filters, ping pong balls, Black Fridays, the thousands of (embarrassing) photos we have, my matching wardrobe, full control over Flying Neon Lights, and my gratitude for your ability to deal with me on a daily basis. You really are a chilled person. I, Julie Chandler, in the event that I perish from my own cooking, bequeath these things to my following friends: To Brendan McKay, I give you every item of food in my freezer because it probably won’t kill you, and my beanie. Also, I give you all the selfies we took together that I saved, and my collection of amazing puns. To Edwin Kasminskiy, my terrible jokes and the collection of photos I have taken of Joy. To Lissa Dechakul, I give you Twinkie Bubbles Sparkles Rainbow Sheldon Tye and your very own unitater. To Steven Fluffypants Van, all the milk in the world and infinite puppies. To Connie Yu, my guinea pigs, the truckloads of soda I owe you, Capri Sun, and

my Trogdor shirt. Also Quacky, Usuwan, and Lumpy. To Linda Lin, morning hugs, sneezes, and hiccups. To Anthony Huang, I give you my precious Zombie Survival Guide because you of all people will survive the zombie apocalypse. To Ofri Harlev, I give to you all of my terrible dating advice and my stapler in hopes that it will somehow help you in the future. To Ryan Chan, I give you all the bells I have in Animal Crossing. To Kevin Kevina Tom, all my orchestra memories of getting food with you and my terrible comebacks. To Stephanie Joe, I give you my sandwiches and all the memories of trying to keep the boredom from killing us in calc. To Brady Roth, I give you Prince Perfect and Sweetie the betta because I know he will be in great hands. To Praxis Lewarchick, I give you my fuzzy red blanket and Sheepy the sheep. Also infinite amounts of Ike’s Sandwiches. To Pryor Vo, I give you my pink shirt and Fluffy. To William Zeng, I give you bad puns and my 3d glasses. To Jeffrey Chong, I give you all the sleep in the world and that DVD I need to return to you. In a highly likely event that I, Mandy Che, lose my contacts and walk off a cliff due to my very poor eyesight, I leave the following items, memories, and all my love, to my dearest friends. To Elizabeth Stern, I leave you with mad basketball skills as I know you will become the next future Olympian out of all of us in our lunch crew. To Kavin Lam, I leave you with my mom’s recipe of Pho, the long drives up my hill in your Prius, and a whole new winter wardrobe for Ithaca. To Jenny Zhu, I leave you with boxes of cereal in your locker and our stare downs in Econ from across the room. To Triana Anderson, I leave you with tons of avocados, deep talks about life, and self-high-fives. To Cynthia and Julia Wong, I leave you twins with our not so sneaky taps on the shoulder. To Allyson Lui and Ravina Patel, I leave you guys with my five-finger forehead, and our obsession with Greys Anatomy and High School Musical. To Karina Garzona, I leave you our trips to the Pier just for a full bucket of Trish’s doughnuts, our laziness when it came to running the 400, and your infatuations with random track dudes. To the Lowell Girls Basketball Team, I leave you guys with color coordinated practices, inside jokes, long photo shoot sessions, and the motivation and confidence you have all given me during my basketball career. To Robin Yee, I leave you with our endless food adventures, rebellious endeavors, and our middle school track videos so we can laugh at ourselves. You will be the sole keeper of all the laughter, sweat, and tears we shared together. To Vanessa Lee, I leave your with a life-time subscription of Netflix, Frozen sing-a-long sessions, our mutual love for the same shows and music, my IKEA mattress that you love so very much, and all the support you have given me for the past four years. To Kelly Wong, I leave you with a

closet full of the newest Nike shoes, Hunger Games marathons, my mom’s shrimp cakes, a whole plan for your future wedding, and our ever-lasting friendship that I am so grateful we share. To everyone else whom I have missed, I leave you guys with my smile, for all the joy you guys have brought into my life. In the event that I, Danielle Chen, should die of stupidity, I hereby leave the following, as my last will and testament, to the following people: To Aileen San, I leave adventures around the city (in or out of uniform), coffeeflavored eclairs, icecream projects, maple taffies, all of my derpiness and honesty, and the knowledge that you are my closest friend. To Arthur Wong, I leave my pasties, utility tools, carabiner and coin, homemade soymilk, the pink first-aid kit, and days of wrestling where I lament that you got so much better than me. I leave you with the respect I have for your integrity. I also leave the threat that if I do not see you at USNA as Class of 2019, I will hunt you down and drag you over there. To Jarod Tang, I leave my “wise” sayings, ability to English, nights of “Number 26” noodles, and spontaneous sleepovers. Since months ago, I’ve seen that you’ll be a better leader than I ever was. So I also leave my team, battalion, and brigade for your safekeeping, as well as my endless support, and my respect. To Vicky Cheng, I leave a complete mini-guidon, pikachu peeps, and a supply of caramel iced milk drinks. To Joseph Jung, I leave memories of the stormy practice, the next day’s performance and, 3 years later, the bell. To JC Lynne Lu Sing, I leave my title as “Number 2 Fan”, and my GDT imitation failures. To Anita Chen, I leave my knowledge of first aid, and a promise to have a baking day. To Michael Chen, I leave the right to the surname “Chen”, and to wear black beaters and jeans. To Alon Ko, I leave Beethoven music and the Navajo spirit. To James Milanes, I leave my extra food. To Andrew Kan, I leave a new pair of pants. To Christopher O’Niell, I leave my “go home at 9” mentality. To Melinda Wong, I leave Nature Valley granola bars, and the 3 minutes of reg we share. To Anny Li, I leave my marriage, warmth, and green tea lattes. To Aileen Zhang, I leave my occasional hugs and awkward moments. To the Lowell Boys Drill Team, I leave comradery and perseverance. To the Lowell JROTC Battalion, I leave a reminder to take nothing for granted. To the San Francisco Brigade JROTC, I leave the will to be your own best.

In the event that the great calculator in my head stops working, I, Leighton Chen, declare this to be my last will and testament To Ryan Chan, I leave you with the thanks of being the house provider, along with all the food and drinks I’ve consumed at your house. I probably owe you a lot more than Justin. To Bethany Chan, I leave you with my voice of reasoning. Don’t jump onto any more rocks with no way to get back. To Jaclyn Wong, you can have all my good moments, when you’re actually not reconsidering. Too bad those don’t come very often. And to you three, I leave you all with THE status, with 3+ years of history and 37k+ comments. To Eric Tong, all of my game scores and saves, including Piano Tiles, Flappy Bird, and PAD. And some milk chocolate. You’re not thaaaat dark. To Princess Justin Lee, the extra sassy photos of you at China beach at your princess coronation. To Wendy Li, a reminder that life isn’t just all work, and that you’re a fantastic artist beyond belief. Trust yourself! To Jenna Lee, the long all-nighter talks where you’d try to push me in the right direction. Too bad I’m stubborn. To Kacy Chan, I leave you with your Munchki- oh

wait, I’ve returned that already.To Adrianne Pan, my mentally obese friend, have yourself some REAL bacon. I promise you’ll like it.To Maria Lim, I formally give you the honor of taking the first selfie on my phone. It’s still there, and probably will be there forever. Oh, and all the banana candies when you’re working. To Jennifer Chen, you can have some boba or something, I guess.. it’ll be on me this time. To Richie Choi, you can have my sense of laziness. Learn to apply “Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow.” To Jenny Liu, never-ending daily birthday punches. And possibly a few phone thefts. And last but not least, to my best friend in the entire world, my Queen Mary Nieh, I leave behind the starriest night sky wherever you happen to be, my appetite so you never forget to eat, my appreciation for always being there to listen to my problems, and my crown and sash. It’s been a fantastic 6 years, and you’re finally here with me, at last. Thanks for everything, you egg! I, Stephanie Chen, declare this to be my last will and testament. In the event that I drown during a Monday Matrix set, I bequeath the following: To Ingrid Adams, pints of Bi-Rite salted caramel ice cream, naps on your big beanbag chairs, and my phone so that you may take as many pictures as you like. To Michelle Keung, my stuffed animals and a personal tour of UCLA. To Natalie Louie, halves of bananas, Korean BBQ, and rants about swimming. To Amanda Bui, bottles of coconut water and my AP prep books. To Bonnie Yuen, my spot in the front of the lane so that you can always lead the set. To Brandon Wong, my sweatshirts, the feeling of seeing a clear board in English, and our walks to practice. To Nolan Dang, a batch of chocolate chip cookies and the keys to my house since you are always welcome there. To Sally Tan, my 200 free event, my 500 free record since we both beat the record, and Just Dance. To Horace Kwan, games of Heads Up and snapchats of me that you can draw on. To Kenneth Ouyang, looks of confusion to the strange questions that you ask. To Stephanie Coxon, a seat in all of my classes so that we can always be S.C. squared. To Brian Chu, boat shoes. To Andrea Tu, recipes of tasty baked goods and a trip to Europe. To Wilton Woo, my sheet music from middle school. To Alika Lew-Koga, many hugs because I will always be there for you, our adventures and memories since 5th grade, and our walks to Sava. To Lynn Voelker, Oreo-stuffed cookies, dog walks at Fort Funston, a day free of planning, and a rain check for our Psych marathon. To Samantha Yee, our inability to plan, an unsolved Murder Mystery Night, and dresses without awkward leg slits. To Praise Ching, ice cream and whatever else that humps your camel. To Vivian Nguyen, Suzanne Tse, Julia Wong, and Elizabeth Yee, boxes of cereal, a pen to “accidently” drop on the floor, many laughs, and my spot in our District. To the Lowell Swim Team, my love-hate relationship with swimming, hard sets in crowded lanes, team bondings with lots of food, chlorinated skin for days, and rainbow towels to my amazing girls. And to everyone else, all my love and wonderful memories of a great four years. In the likely event that I, Anyan Cheng, die on my way from leaving school too early, declare this to be my last will and testament. To the most AWESOME math group ever, Tammy Ha, Karen Kyi, Horace Kwan/Amy Huang, my gym membership to sharpen your billiard skills. To Robin Yee, the late night chats we had about college. To Andrea Tu, Robin Yee, my gratitude for the endless Pre-Calc H help I received-- I wouldn’t have survived without you two. To Eva Huang, Jenny Louie, Shirlyna Trinh , Sharlene Tsui , Angela Xu, Ms. Trimble, and any other club members, all the afternoons we spent together. The food runs, the phone calls, the texts, and whoosh bottles that never ignited. To Flippy Chan, Cari

Young, Annie Chen/Elaine Cheng, the endless pages of lab reports. To Cari Young, all of my USH notes. Yo Jenny Zhu, the laughs

I had while you retold your encounters with your favorite teachers. To Stephanie Ellman, Marcelo Steinkemper, Jenny Zhu, all the fun (and work) we had in APES. To Nolan Dang, Stephen Tang, a seat next to me in bio. To Karen Yu, random chats we had about school. To Annie Chen, the lunch trips we made. To Stephanie Chen, all the comments I made in English. To Annie Yu, the faces we made in Econ. To Kimberly Cheng, a desk in front of me in Adv. Algebra and a finished Plants vs. Zombies. To Elaine Cheng, pictures, pictures, pictures. To Sarah Huang, lifetime coffee and boba. To Wendy Yu , nonstop poke button. To Gladys Ng, my calculator so you can ace BC next year. To Mr. Chan, 24/7 wrestling matches. To Ms. Swett, Mr. Steele, the life lessons that I have learned. In the unfortunate event that I, Cindy Cheng, accidentally slip off from a favoured scenery while attempting to take a picture, I leave the following to these individuals.To Jessica Li, I leave you our marriage on Facebook since August 28, 2007, all the memories and laughs from the past 7 years, and my credit card to buy food whenever you’re hungry. To Andromeda Vegafria, my free runs, work out clothes, and your favorite raw broccoli to eat after practice. To Cherry Ng, I leave you my makeup, curling irons, and heels for special occasions. To Eric Tong, my hilarious prom date, I leave you my sass, so you can also level it up. To Jessica Kai, I leave you our deep girl talks in the hallway of my locker and the responsibility to K.I.T with you.To Julie Lau, I leave you the days we both don’t skip American Democracy, the snacks we share from Jessica Li, and dancing together. To Karina Wong, I leave you a supply of Starbucks and boba for your daily. To Kelly Siu and Richie Choi, I leave you guys with the responsibility to have a day free to make peppermint barks together. To Lana Zheng, I leave you my dresses, money for your boba addiction, and our girl talks. To Michelle Xie and Susan Li, I leave you guys an alarm clock for amazingly waking up early for school to carpool me, along with a lifetime of gas. To Sharlene Tsui, my first friend at Lowell, I leave you the limited 10 minute Reg talks, and a pair of converse for your dance rallies. To Simon Zhu, I leave you our sassy talks while walking to Lake Merced every practice, my car to drive instead of bussing after any Saturday practices, and unlimited teriyaki beef jerky. To Tiffany Madjus, I leave you all moments we coincidentally say something together at once and all the music I have. To Tricia Lam, all the help I can, to all the times you go out of your way to help me with anything, including driving me countless times. To Lowell Dragon Boat Team, I leave you guys my race pace and grit to never stop striving. To the friends I have made at Lowell, thanks for making my highschool experience such an unforgettable one! In the event that I, Vicky Cheng, die from constant illness, I leave these belongings to the following individuals: To Sarah Fang, XXtra Hot Cheetos, boba from Wonderful, a remix of our cover of “The Baddest of Them Allâ€?, potato “wedgiesâ€? from KFC, and my Monopoly Deal cards (I want that back). To Michael Chen, Vicky slippers, PEZ, late night Skype calls, a diary so you can archive all my rants, and other funny pictures that will keep you entertained in my absence.To Kenny Luo, a seatbelt, driving lessons, and a recording of “NANANANA.â€? To Sherman Cai, a notebook to write down all the things you said you’d do but never did and an unlimited supply of Quickly’s. To Danielle Chen, hand-decorated Pikachu Peeps, our stressful BNCO/BNXO moments, BB Tea Station’s Iced Milk Drink with Grass Jelly and Boba, my Company Commander cord, my obsession with spelling things out, and my

unfinished mini guidon. To Arthur Wong, a dustpan to clean MY desk, a book on how to be a dinosaur, and a toupĂŠe that you can borrow for being such a great neighbor all these years.To Jarod Tang, the ability to do cardio, a NIGHT for boba, and my support.To Jessica Li, binder paper and a compilation of us singing Hannah Montana songs. To Derek Yi, buckets of frozen yogurt, deep talks, the girls in “Shower Later,â€? and the ability to stick to our diet plans To Jacky Cheng, all the paintbrushes needed to make up our 6-hour painting session and a degree in psychiatry. To swagmaster Ricky Cheung, a collection of your best jokes said in monotone and a fanbase created by Melissa Chan and I. To Josh Roa, a new phone to hold many trippy cats and your new favorite song. To Min Yang, the perfect cup of coffee I never got to make you and catch-up conversations. To Christina Trinh, a poster of my expression every time you say “You’re so pretty Ma’am!â€? To Andrew Kan, someone to answer your Skype calls. To Albert Chiem, lifetime supply of gas and a plaque for supporting. To Amy Huang, a day where we could’ve visited Galileo and Kim Woo Bin (you know how much I love him.) To Bruno Montes, the daily hugs and that Asian smell put into a bottle. To Agnes Zhu, my wardrobe. To Ryan Untalan, a bright future. In  the  likelihood  that  I,  Justin  Cheung,  perish  from  excessive  sun  exposure,  leave  the  following  possessions  to  my  following  hittas: A  lifetime’s  supply  of  water  to  Fana  Aregawie,  to  quench  your  insatiable  thirst.  Lemons  and  salt,  plastic  wrap  for  parties,  pre-­reg  shenanigans  with  Mikela  and  Gwen,  something  to  keep  your  tongue  in  your  mouth  when  you  twerk,  Aptos  memories,  and  much  love. Brian  Nguyen,  I  leave  you  amazed  at  your  expertise  in  random  things,  3  a.m.  runs,  Giovanni  Giorgio,  and  a  megaphone  because  I  can’t  hear  some  of  the  things  you  say  some-­ times  so  I  just  smile  and  nod. Harrison  Lee,  reg  bro,  I  am  forever  indebted  to  you  for  four  years  of  hospitality,  laughter,  and  tired  nights  at  your  house.  My  golf  skills.  Don’t  let  the  *ULEV EULQJ \RX GRZQ 1HWĂ€L[ LQ 0DWK DQG I’ll  see  ya  in  anotha  life,  brotha. Elazar  Cher-­ tow DOO WKH URFNV LQ P\ EDFN\DUG P\ JROGÂżVK for  Eloise,  some  cigarettes,  rants,  the  NFL  draft,  Mr.  Chan’s  Geo,  Joao  in  Shapiro,  and  my  thanks  for  being  a  kind-­hearted  fellow. Kenny  Okagaki,  good  times  with  CTM,  Stow  Lake,  honking  outside  dance  studios,  the  track  glory  days,  Fort  Miley,  Kate  Austen,  K’s  Kitchen,  #montecrinkle,  epic  English  movies,  and  Urban  Explorations  2.0  in  Boston!!!  Here’s  to  another  four  years.  woooo  turnup. Aaron  MoyĂŠ,  have  all  you  can  eat  berries  and  leaves,  shared  bitterness  for  certain  people,  shared  love  for  slaying,  and  a  commemorative  plaque  as  an  honorary  member  of  reg  1412.  You’re  a  true  pal! Mikela  Waldman,  I  grant  your  wish  WR ÂżQDOO\ EH WDQQHU WKDQ PH VFDQGDORXV VWRULHV I’ve  always  kept  from  you,  movie  nights  with  Fana,  exhausted  Sundays,  beautiful  workout  days,  my  natural  personal  training  abilities,  a  personal  physical  therapist,  sly  smiles  that  mean  nothing,  mattresses  on  hotel  roofs,  an  unwed  Steph,  my  college  buddies  Corey  and  Sam,  laughter  at  Kira’s  dance  moves,  walks  to  the  M,  and  many  fond  and  fun  memories  from  senior  year. Sammy  Pollard,  all  the  times  \RXÂśYH Ă€DVKHG PH \RXU EXWW WKH SDLQIXO WLPHV you’ve  beaten  me  up,  and  jealousy  of  your  dunking  abilities. Mishal  al-­asfour,  I  envy  at  how  your  hips  never  fail  to  lie,  your  booty  never  fails  to  not  go  up  and  down,  and  how  you  never  fail  to  talk  dirty  to  me.  I  leave  you  all  the  PDQKROHV LQ WKH ZRUOG WR HQWHU ,ÂśG OLNH WR

leave  you  a  million  alarms  so  you  never  forget  anything  again.  I  also  want  to  give  you  nuts  and  chocolate. Tony  Torres  &  Arbel  Efraty:  I  also  wanted  to  leave  you  guys  something  but  I’ve  reached  the  word  lim-­ Peace  and  Love,  do  unto  others  as  you  would  have  others  do  unto  you,  look  both  ways  before  crossing  the  street,  don’t  let  the  man  bring  you  down,  and  UHPHPEHU RQO\ \RX FDQ SUHYHQW IRUHVW ÂżUHV In the event that I die, which is highly unlikely, for my followers I give you nothing. - Ricky Cheung (1996~∞) Fortunately, I am alive. This means that you do not have to wait for my demise to receive my utmost gratitude. Unfortunately, I do not feel like tagging or listing people’s names. They don’t think it be like it is, but it do. High school has been a good ride with you guys. I hope your dreams come true.  In the unfortunate event that I, Leila Chew, die in a tragic car crash during my 5th behind the wheel test attempt, I bequeath the following to my fellow Lowellites: I leave Richie Choi our 3am conversations and the ability to befriend every YouTube star. I leave Hannah Li a box of mac n cheese, pole dancing classes, endless optimism and a listening ear in which you can always confide. I leave Anand Bat-Erdene a bottomless gas tank for all the days you’ve driven me to school, a cowboy hat, an old contract from freshman year and two pairs of winterball tickets. I leave Luciano Chan a visit to the Wellness Center and school lunches. I leave Aisha Keown-Lang a new car complete with a personal chauffeur, physics rants, and embarrassing pictures from freshman year. I leave Brian Chu notes from the countless classes we’ve had together and 4 more years of cardinal. I leave Katie Hwang our roll of black paper, walks to the 28 stop and money to pay off your never-ending debts. I leave Yu Ling Wu your very own debit card (along with a budget that you will not follow), countless life conversations with your honest and wise advice, and all our memories together as LSA partners in crime. I leave Mica JarmelSchneider printed money with your face on it, life conversations over coffee and gratitude for being the kindest person to ever live. I leave Maria Lim the honor of most contagious laugh, my messy room for you to organize, and awkward Honey Berry visits. I leave Alexandra Jensen endless trips to the book room, a curling wand so we don’t look ugly for winterball, and jokes to make us laugh until we cry. I leave Mishal Al-asfour a #mcm and all the food from India Clay Oven. I leave Lori Chinn a bra, the ability to teleport so you never have to walk up stairs, and unlimited food and naps. I leave Erica Lei our Olive Garden volleyball dinners, compliments from our first time reg running, Chuck Bass, and a yearbook from each of the 13 years we’ve spent together. And last, but not least, I leave LSA the utmost appreciation for making my time at Lowell so special and for giving me the opportunity to

meet the most amazing people. I wish every one of you the best of luck. In  the  extremely  likely  event  that  I,  Christy  Chia,  die  from  a  puppy  cuteness  overload,  I  hereby  declare  this  to  be  my  last  will  and  testament.  To  Adrianne  Pan,  I  leave  all  our  Chinese  skits  and  schemes  to  get  those  two  particular  seats  in  Ms.  Li’s  class.  To  Donna  Wang,  I  leave  my  Pinterest,  my  AP  World  homework  that  you  always  asked  if  I  had  completed,  and  the  spot-­on  picture  you  drew  of  Andrew  Ma  during  APUSH.  To  Ysabel  Cayabyab,  I  leave  my  brain  for  advice.  If  technology  isn’t  created  to  tell  you  what  my  brain  is  thinking,  just  stare  at  it  Ă€RDWLQJ LQ D MDU DQG WKLQN WR \RXUVHOI Âł:KDW would  Christy  do?â€?  To  Isabela  Chong,  I  leave  all  my  honey,  which  amounts  to  next  to  nothing,  but  it’s  the  thought  that  counts,  right?  To  Gerianna  Geminiano  (spelled  it  correctly  without  looking.  Aren’t  you  SURXG RI PH" , OHDYH P\ VLOHQFH VR \RX can  attempt  to  scare  Isabela.  To  Wendy  Yu,  I  leave  all  my  pens  so  you  don’t  have  to  come  to  my  grave  to  ask  me  permission  to  borrow  them  all  the  time  (which  you  can  GR LI \RX ZDQW 7R Mr.  Raznikov,  I  leave  a  picture  of  my  normal  self  in  basketball  shorts  so  you  will  never  forget  or  doubt  the  fact  that  I  don’t  wear  long  pants  to  school.  To  Mr.  Prophet,  I  leave  a  Denver  Nuggets-­ colored  friendship  bracelet  that  will  allow  them  to  win  15  games  in  a  row  AND  the  championships  this  time.  To  0V 0RIÂżWW  I  leave  the  dried  Nasturtium  seeds  I  had  hoped  on  planting  and  the  highly  desirable  job  of  walking  my  dogs  (if  you  choose  to  DFFHSW LW ZKLFK P\ SDUHQWV ZRXOG JODGO\ thank  you  for.  To  Kiersten  Cheung,  I  leave  all  my  Calculus  BC  notes.  You’ll  need  them.  Also,  to  you  and  Timothy  Wong,  I  leave  everything  I  am  and  all  else  I  own  because  my  parents  won’t  know  what  to  do  with  DOO P\ MXQN $QG ÂżQDOO\ WR /RZHOO +LJK School,  I  leave  my  cousin,  Tyler  Chia,  who  isn’t  mine  to  give,  but  you  can  have  him  anyways,  to  have  and  to  hold,  for  better  or  worse,  for  richer  or  poorer,  in  sickness  and  in  health,  to  love  and  to  cherish,  â€˜til  his  graduation  do  you  part.  In the event that I, Nicole Chin, die of laughter, I leave the following to my deepfried-home-skillet biscuits: To Sophia Li, I leave our emails, laughs, soccer games, and reality checks. To Jimmy Pham, I leave water, dumplings, Foxy and Mei, and the first two Bs of BBBBB. To Matthew Chin, I leave my locker because you never used your own and my house‌.oh wait, that’s yours too. To Linnea Morgan, I leave our English homework and gossip sessions about the randomest people. To Sabrina Leung, I leave all of my sass because we all know you can do much better with it than i can. To Kellen Liao, I leave our TA sessions and conversations about stuff. To

Catrina Sun-Tan, I leave many updogs and the K0ol C!d$ kLU8. To Jeffrey Chen, I leave all my jokes because I am the funniest person in the world and the Lady Gaga song we never covered. To Stephanie Lee, I leave you perfect eyebrows and Jeffrey Chen in the hopes that he learns to like eating. To Joshua Roa, I leave Ethiopian food and all the Irish folk songs ever written. Especially Oh Shenandoah. To Jessi Hagelshaw, I leave our choir talks and all the LAB music we have ever sung together. To Campbell Gee, I leave our hipster brunches and makeup talks. To Sam Spieth, I leave Plorate and next year’s Chamber Choir. To Matthew Wong, I leave the next Miyazaki movie scoreless so you can compose the most beautiful music. To Brian Chu, I leave my many thanks for being the best accompanist a girl could ask for these past three years. I, PRAISE CHING, leave the following as my last will and testament. In the event of my untimely death due to excessive ice cream consumption, I bequeath the following. To my sound child, LINH-CHI TRAN, I leave the responsibility of running a majority of events that include sound and yelling at suckers who keep tapping the mic. #PAM To JOCELYN CHAN, I leave the permanent position of moving mics. #LOWERBOOTH To WENDY LEE (and RACHEAL NO if you don’t become an actor), I leave the delightful job of being stage manager. You are now entitled to finding your own assistants, assigning stage sides, and choosing your own opening night ritual. #EXERCISE To JACK FANG, I leave my Ohlone team. Please continue showing how tech is really done to the “techsperts�. #CYCIES To NICK MESLER and RACHEL LEVIN, I leave the ability to blast rock and roll whenever you want through the new speakers. #SCHOOLSOUTFORSUMMER To KALI KECSKEMETI and JERRY NG, I leave the exclusive right to be called my new favorite actors. #YOLOSWAG To ELISA VIDALES, I leave my brothers and some non-spicy tacos. #ILLYRIATWEETS To CATRINA SUN-TAN, I leave the ability to check the results of every Olympic event, regardless of air time. #YUNAKIM To MEGHAN CHOW, I leave a whole lot of Disney movies. #LOVEISANOPENDOOR To ANH HUYNH, I leave the all insults and orange throwing. #GOEATYOURSELF To ALIKA LEW-KOGA, I leave one single hug and the ability rock shades like a boss. #SWAG To LYNN VOELKER, I leave unrestricted access to my GAS powered car. Go enjoy yourself. Also you can have my Mortal Instruments set. #VROOOOOOM To SAMANTHA YEE, I leave all the TV watching, ice cream eating, and countless adventures. #SAMYEEWILLMAKEWASHFLEE To STEPHANIE COXON

(the sassiest bud ever), I leave coffee runs and a whole bunch of (awesome kid) movies. #FLAWLESS In the event that I, Lori Chinn, die from an excessive amount of sleeping and TV watching, I leave the following: To Alexandra Jensen, I leave an endless supply of white rice and a trip down the hall shouting “YESâ€?. To Leila Chew, I leave the two spilled milk teas from the musical and a recording of me saying ngehnghenghe. To Meeshawl Al-Asfour, I leave you an endless amount of India Clay Oven to share with the Super Six and the knowledge that spirit committee will never happen again. To Erica Lei, I leave you all of Eggettes you could ever want and the shared title of “laziest board memberâ€?. To Maria Lim, I leave a lifetime supply of bananas, the chance to finally make it to crafts day, and the thanks for being one of my best friends since middle school. To 2014 Board , I thank you for being my best friends at Lowell since freshman year and for all the great memories you’ve given me. To LSA, I leave many thanks for being the only school activity I ever felt like I belonged in and some sink cleaner for after I wash my feet. To Jeff Lee â€œHappy Trailâ€?, I leave my winnings in CandyCrush and my gratitude for driving me home on many occasions. To Jasmine Toy, I leave my Winterball picture and art conversations. To Jurie Lau, I leave you my hair, many “moneyâ€? signatures, and the appreciation of your Italian help. To Katya Kha, my baby khakha, I leave you my hugs, Cinderella DVDs, and a punch in the tummy. To Kavin Lam, I leave Ticket to Ride. To Hannah Li, I leave you my bed for your napping, our great conversations, and much love for always doing my makeup. To Angela Xu, I leave the title of “worst friendâ€? and a hug for your grandpa. To Brian Nguyen, I leave you all of my boxes of food and my couch to sleep on. To Yu Ling Wu, Big Daddy Yu Shlong Wu, I leave you cat poop and all of our great memories. To Yu Ling, Brian, and Angela, I leave you love and thanks for being my longest best friends and I couldn’t live without you guys. And to Larry Yu, I leave Saturday afternoons watching movies,  Mickey chicken nuggets, and a hug for making my life a little happier. Â

in the event that i, cindy chiu, die a predictable death whilst swimming endlessly in the ocean with tons of jellyfish, leave the following: to carolyn maung, my heart (the actual organ), a giant frozen wet fish, my capoeira skills, a bedazzled photo album of my derp faces with ta_2’s derp faces, my elaborate plan of fulfilling my destiny to become a seiyuu and jrocker,

my doc martens, any dark-colored article of clothing, and dreams to sofya kats, loki in a pretty basket, cool tattoo ideas, and gratitude for skating and chit-chatting with me all those sunday afternoons to angel su, all my hairbows, all my crafty crafts including my precious ceramic owl candleholder, and all the smooches to devin thatcher, all my music, selected hilarious screencaps, treasured fandom paraphernalia, philosophical haikus disguised in the form of physics equations, and the most radiant a sunset in a bottle to carolyn ye, all my seiyuu posters and magazines to elora lam, a detailed list of all the embarrassing things we have said and done, curry made with the tears shed during fangirling, and disneyworld to katrina lau, my arms to carry her artwork, and a couture license plate to ms crabtree, an epic poem describing how wonderful she is to the lowell dance program, all of my money and support for being the most fun and inspirational part of my school life to my classmates in japanese, hugs, key-rei puns, and food and to all the lovely friends i have made, a laugh track, and hope In the event that I, Richie Choi, should pass away for whatever reason, this is my last will and testament. I leave behind to the following to each of these individuals:To Steven Huang, I leave behind my music collection and the desire to become swole like him. To Kavin Kavard Lam, Alexander Hsiao, and Robert Woo, I leave behind all the mannies and other undisclosed information that we’ve discussed excessively loudly in the Myer Library, To Kelly Siu and Cindy Ceecee Cheng, I leave behind a semester of calculus spent slacking off, cracking jokes on the daily, peppermint bark, and notes that say “You are amazing.â€? To Dimitri The Meat Tree Tran, I leave behind all the slaps that I’ve played in his car and the “HEY’Sâ€? in the hallways.To Jackie Juanita Tan, I leave behind my Domo hat, speed/figure skating, my dislike for One Direction, and our long, late night AIM conversations.To Amy Lim, I leave our Friday hangouts before fellowship, library DVDs, NorCal burritos, SuperCue boba, The Dog Pit hotdogs, Irving Pizza, Tpumps boba, and Smile House CafĂŠ pepper lunch. To Christina Tina Kung, I leave behind all the small talk we’ve had, multiple 2048 victories, and my love for Supernatural. To Jessica Jiamin Li, I leave behind my annoyance of Cameron Dallas, my embarrassment of your vlogs, and my fear of your TERRIBLE driving and nonsensical road rage. To Leila Chew, I leave behind all of the English classes that we’ve spent together over the years, the memories of Mr. Sinn’s class, those day long AIM conversations, and the Merchant of Venice. To Gaby Villalta, I leave behind every bit of hipster-ness left in my body, a bittersweet friendship filled with mainly hatred, our Facetime calls, and everything in my bag laid out of a table. To Hannah Li, I leave behind 5 AM sunrises, my hatred of statistics, and every single one

of Kina Grannis’s concert tickets/albums. To Jessica Hoebed Slutmiffin Protagoras Kai, I leave behind our life threatening adventures, the ability to climb smooth trees, my attitutiduous-ness, the five cactus plants in front of my home, and my WCW. And finally, to Jennifer Rachel Wiguna, I leave the the oversized teddy bear, unsuccessful hang outs, late nights texts, REAL tacos from Taco Bell, my urge to touch, and my first and closest friendship that I made at Lowell High School. In  the  incredibly  likely  event  that  I,  Sa-­ mantha  Chow,  die  from  overconsumption  of  McChickens,  I  bequeath  the  following:  Karen  Kyi,  I  leave  you  seven  years  of  friend-­ ship  that  started  with  drama  (haha,  get  it?),  a  quite  on-­point  Manchester  accent,  Backstreet  Boys  VHS  tapes,  mob  mentality,  mediocre  scores  for  Just  Dance,  reasonable  obsessions,  and  two  and  a  half  economy-­class  tickets  to  London.  Candy  Rui,  I  leave  you  a  $5,000  gift  card  to  H&M,  our  support  for  the  Republic  of  Wadiya,  my  thought-­evoking  sarcasm,  a  misunderstood  sense  of  humor,  a  cross-­ country  road  trip,  unkept  promises  to  study  for  AP  Bio  and  Calc  (and  in  general),  deep  late-­night  conversations  about  topics  ranging  from  questioning  our  existence  to  why  anyone  would  love  the  taste  of  durian,  and  the  ability  WR ÂżQG D VH[XDO LQQXHQGR LQ DQ\ JLYHQ VLWXD-­ tion.  Bernice  Liu,  I  leave  you  my  rice  cooker,  a  glow-­in-­the-­dark  four-­function  calculator  (I  think  it’s  cool),  love  for  Sheng  Kee  bread,  and  my  fear  of  the  dark.   Kelly  Siu,  I  leave  you  the  privilege  of  being  my  Juliet,  several  hair  Ă€LSV ,QVWDJUDP XQOLNHV DQG ERED MXVW ERED Leanna  Wei,  I  leave  you  my  feet  on  your  couch,  my  Disney  DVD  collection,  and  Essie  pink  nail  polish.  To  Caroline  Mai,  a  QuizUp  victory  (any  category,  any  time,  any  place),  our  completely  original  not-­so-­secret  secret  handshake,  and  a  compilation  of  my  favorite  viral  videos.  Tammy  Ha,  I  leave  you  noth-­ ing‌but  an  ice  cream  sundae  with  a  cherry  on  top.  And  a  smile.  To  Melinda  Wong,  the  second  half  of  the  Golden  Gate  Bridge,  666  Rice  Krispie  Treats,  and  my  limited  knowledge  of  Chinese  philosophy.  Winnie  Huang,  I  leave  you  my  face,  our  Facebook  banter,  and  every  single  item  from  my  kawaii  drawer.  To  Tri-­ cia  Lam,  I  leave  my  complete  Friends  DVD  set.  Wesley  Chan,  I  leave  the  ability  to  spell  â€œrefrigerator.â€?  To  Ashley  Chong,  I  leave  you  fast-­paced  walking,  my  neglected  economics  QRWHERRN DQG WKH MR\ ZH IHHO ZKHQ ZH JHW DQ econ  question  right.  To  the  16/17  crew,  Edie  Zhang,  Danny  Wu,  and  Linnea  Morgan,  I  OHDYH \RX P\ 1HWĂ€L[ ELQJHV 6WDUEXFNV UXQV and  rants  about  anything  that  is  everything.  To  Judy  Hua,  an  exclusive  manicure  ses-­ sion  with  your’s  truly  and  James  Franco.  But  not  Dave‌  maybe  Dave.  To  Kenny  Luo,  a  Kennye-­produced  platinum  single  featuring  Kanye  West.  To  Alexandra  Lai,  my  undying  love  for  Tiffany  and  our  heated  Korean-­related  debates.

In  the  event  that  I,  Courtney  Chriss-­Price,  get  caught  by  the  GBE  GloBoys  or  if  Gabri-­ elle  Union  kills  me  for  stealing  back  my  man  Dwyane  Wade,  I  would  like  to  leave  all  the  off  guard  pictures,  thumb  war  videos,  hugs,  laughs,  tears,  and  beats  to  my  bestie  David  Finkelson.  To  the  Warriors  gang,  Sherman  Yip,  Doc  Wet,  Vishaal  Patel,  Vince  Har-­ rison,  Jonathan  Gonzalez,  and  Kobe  Hui,  I  leave  a  lifetime  Warriors  season  tickets.  All  my  twerk  music  and  black  men  to  Anya  Javakush.  The  oldest  cd  player  and  classic  cds  to  De’Ja  Jenkins.  A  picture  of  Dwyane  Wade  CLEARLY  looking  better  than  Kobe  to  Aaron  Kobe  Hui.  A  book  full  of  pictures  of  cats  to  Sara  Mon.  A  nice  collage  of  celebrity  crushes  for  Gracia  Brown.  All  the  food  I  own  for  Jenny  Cho!  To  Wilson  Huang  all  Jamba  Juice  and  Starbucks!  For  the  OG  lunch Â

gang,  Marc  Cunningham,  Jenny  Cho,  Will  Slotterback,  Gracia  Brown,  and  Addison  Brenneman,  I  leave  the  â€œIt’s  Been  a  Whileâ€?  group  and  a  nice  Japanese  dinner.  A  bag  full  of  graapes  and  Sunny  D  for  Jaela  Caston,  Elizabeth  Stasch,  and  Diamond  White.  &  AYEEELOOK  To  whoever  I  didn’t  get  y’ll  know  I  love  you  so  here  are  some  honorable  mentions:  Rebecca  Mora,  Mariella  Morell,  Sophia  Padilla,  Michelle  Tang,  Stephanie  Ramirez,  Derek  King,  Athena  Martin,  Gaby  Rechtman,  and  to  my  Reg  straight  from  Compton  2chaaanz  Reg  1417!  Without  these  people,  Lowell  would  not  have  been  the  same.  Thank  youuu!   And  I  leave  my  heart  for  Dwyane  Wade  and  My  love  Mr.  J  who  switched  schools.  I’m  outchea!  In the probable event that I, Brian Chu (“BChuâ€?, “Buh-Chuâ€?, “I’ll BChu upâ€?, “Brainâ€?, “Beechuâ€?) die of shock after receiving my first college grades, proving that I, unlike my scientific calculator, have an off button, I bequeath the following: To Brian Chu (“Brian the Goodâ€?): Mr. Williams’ Loopmails I forgot to forward and my freshman ID card with my picture and his H0 number. Bobby Woo: a filter and my S-Works Venge. Jonathan Chen (“dumb asâ€?): my secret acceptance letters to all Ivies and Table 10 in calc. Nathaniel Jee: almonds and pretzels to bribe lab members in college. Calvin Louie: bananas and frisbees for Fruit Ninja. Jaclyn Wong: sad weepy songs and a recording of Greensleeves (dancing elves not provided) to share with Dave Morales, who gets questionable items to which he will respond, “Brian...â€? Russell Tang: a video of me dancing to “Come On Eileenâ€? and a barbershop quartet. Amanda Ng (“Amandapandaâ€?): a copy of “Walking for Dummiesâ€?, windowwashing cloths, and a spinal cord replacement. Jessica Ko: cans of 5000-hour Energy and my sick rappin’ skillz. Michelle Lin: my competitiveness in ping-pong and a dozen bottles of tanning lotion. Ella Roth: a copy of The Lego Movie. Adrianne Pan: a cronut and a proof calculating its volume. Tiffany Chan: neon orange flowers, no poo, and badly misunderstood sarcasm. Priscilla Tai: observations of male social behavior without female oversight. Stephanie Lee: leather shoelaces. Catrina Sun-Tan: insults and my figure-skating moves. Stephanie Coxon: a lifetime supply of school lunches so she’ll always know what’s for lunch. Jennifer Chen (“hurr durr Yurrleâ€?): the latest copy of sprint-tackle. Bilegt Baatar: my wallet’s periodic table card and a pager. Bob Wu: chill pills (generics because college tuition). Marc Cunningham: a dinosaur costume for running. Jeffrey Chen: envy of general suaveness. Henry Qin and Kenny Zhen: my dance moves for UC Twerkley and a Stanford flag for the dorm. Orchestra dorks: sharp glares for singing/playing out of tune. Physics C veterans: CELL PHONES ARE ALLOWED on both sides of the sign. Leila Chew: sole ownership of being the alpha STEM student. Nicole Chin: my unpublished raps. Jennifer Adams: a cure for IBS. Stephanie Chen: my diver’s body. Andrew Chen: brown paper bags to improve his looks. Michelle Wong: blueberry bushes. Marcella DePunzio: $20. Reg and Calc buddies: a recording of “Zanzibarâ€? by Bill Harley. Finally,  Hector  Chu:  my  wardrobe,  hair,  glasses,  and  criminal  record. In  the  event  that  I,  Frank  Chu,  am  killed  by  a  gang  that  goes  by  the  name  of  â€œDirty  Mike  and  the  Boysâ€?,  I  entrust  the  following  to  these  exceptional  individuals.  To  Paul  deLara,  I  leave  you  the  pole  at  Ortega  park,  a  crowbar,  D VHW RI JORYHV D Ă€DVKOLJKW GULHG PDQJRHV our  slap  wars,  and  all  the  times  we’ve  had  with  Whislie.  To  Mark  Bis,  I  leave  you  all  the  times  we’ve  told  a  story  and  gone  too  far  with  it.  To  Sheila  Ano,  I  leave  you  all  the  ratchet  songs  my  dad  has  and  a  picture  of  a  PLGGOH ÂżQJHU 7R Jenessa  Sabugo,  I  leave  you  â€œreg  runsâ€?,  our  time  in  choir  together,  and  the Â

time  we  hung  out  with  the  twins.  To  Carly  Wong,  I  leave  you  a  duf-­ fel  bag  the  size  of  my  car,  com-­ mon  sense,  and  some  tear  jerking  videos.   To  Jen-­ nifer  Wiguna,  I  leave  you  a  slim-­ mer  phone  case  and  my  rants.  To  Kenny  Li,  I  leave  you  a  car  with  a  bet-­ ter  engine  and  Tahoe.  To  Ray  Phelps,  I  leave  you  a  towel  and  all  the  times  we  got  to  class  late  to  get  food.  To  Zach  Rowson,  I  leave  you  ghost  s e a r c h i n g  i n  your  house  and  beach  trenches.  To  Mishal  Al-­ asfour,  I  leave  you  speech’s  workouts.  To  Michelle  Vuong,  I  leave  you  a  nicer  polaroid  and  the  times  I  forced  you  to  serve  me  boba.  To  Angela  Villanueva,  I  leave  you  our  morning  workouts  and  summer  hangouts.  To  Jackie  Tan,  I  leave  you  my  visits  to  the  SPCA  and  my  HUDVHU Ă€DWWHQLQJ H[SHUWLVH 7R Erika  Olazo,  I  leave  you  my  camo  back  pack  and  rides  to  get  food.  To  Wen  Liu,  I  leave  you  deuces  and  purple  nurples.  To  Noah  Shaw,  I  leave  you  ¿UHZRUNV DQG EE JXQ ÂżJKWV 7R Daniel  Fong,  I  leave  you  math  homework  and  my  time  in  Ms.  K’s  class.  To  Jeffrey  Liu,  I  leave  you  Frank  Gore’s  autograph  and  all  those  times  I  drove  you  home.  To  Katie  Hwang,  I  leave  \RX 0U 6KDSLURÂśV FODVV DQG Ă€LSSHG RYHU GHVNV To  Kaiyo  Funaki,  I  leave  you  my  presence  in  math  class.  And  lastly,  I  leave,  Dion  Wang,  my  car,  basically  everything  I  own,  straws,  indomie,  at  nights,  all  the  great  times  we’ve  had  together,  all  the  tears  we’ve  shed,  all  the  smiles  and  laughs  we’ve  shared,  and  all  the  love  and  care  I  could’ve  given  you. In the events that I, Vivian Chu, should be bored of life and move on, I hereby leave the following to these people: Teresa Pham – My wardrobe and even more of my derpy habits. We shall always be ‘those derpy gloomy bears’ together. Thanks for finally accepting my hugs and love without screaming. Jenny Lee – My ‘creative poetic’ sense, for your eyes will always be as blue as toilet paper to me. Thanks for being my squishy Daddie. Amy Lee – My plushie-daughter Amy and all of my feels. Just like how my plushies listen to my every experience, thanks for always listening to me, and I’m sorry that I have such depressing drama-llama stories. Annie Hu – All of the food that I show off in pictures and Starbucks bottles. And lots of cupcakes. Thanks for always letting me be by your side, and I’m sorry for being such a nuisance. Ruby Chen – A collection of my derpy smilie face drawings. :D Thank you for always being so helpful and kind. I’m sorry we weren’t able to get a Boat picture, I truly regret it. Truong Nguyen – A box of nice rocks so that you’ll have rock buddies! I owe you so much, and I’m sorry for always imposing on you. I will never have a better printer slave than you, thank you. Elora Lam Cuenco & Steffie Guan – Bottles of Calpis and all of da squishy takoyaki faces. Thanks for being my face squishing buddies. Jennifer Li – My skull with my everlasting hair. Thank you for the four stranded braids, it was really beautiful, and it’s soothing to have you play with my hair. I’m so glad I got to room with you during the trip to Chicago and got to know you better. C: 2014 AP Japanese class

(+ both teachers + other former Japanese students of our years) – My family’s sushi recipes for more sushi parties. Thanks for being my family for these four years. I know you all think I’m dumb, but I love you guys. And to all of the other people who have been so kind to me, I thank you, and I’m sorry for not being able to put you on this list due to word limit, but you have all of my love and affection regardless, and thank you for putting up with me for these 4(+) years. In the unlikely event that I, Stephanie Coxon, slip and crack my head open from wearing socks in the dance studio, declare this to be my last will and testament. I leave Flippy Chan a box of tissues and a coupon for a fifteen minute stroking of her face. To Alyssa Kwan, I leave a Secret Santa who will give her as many awesome gifts as I did. Arina Romanova—until she graduates—is to continue receiving car rides home from my mother. I leave Arynn Kwan her favorite cubicle in the library. As for my favorite sophomores, I leave Laura Kennedy an empty locker, and Rachel Wong a swag beanie. To Sofiya Ozbek, I leave our eye hugs and wind tunnels. To Mary Latibashvili, I leave a fire hydrant. I leave the wind and my last order of Peet’s to Talor Wald, because words cannot espresso how much I love her. I leave Kevin Wong a microphone so that he may say, “Hi everyone! Welcome!� followed by my shushing. To Sharlene Tsuii, I leave a Trader Joe’s Pasadena salad. I leave my legs and feet to Kianna Mark. To Brian Chu, I leave two pairs of foldable sunglasses—one to replace his broken ones, and the other to give to Liz Yee so they can go on the Amazing Race together and be the team with matching foldable sunglasses. I leave a bag of deformed carrot sticks to the other Brian Chu. I leave Liz Yee a Harry Styles pillow cover so she can see him in her dreams. To Stephanie Chen, I leave a desk next to mine in all of our classes together to make our teachers love us. I leave Sarah Huang a giraffe pillow pet because I declare that to be your spirit animal. I leave my wardrobe to Jaclyn Wong, a magical orange peeler to Anh Huynh, my origami mega-pack to Han O, a gazillion packs of gum to Catrina Sun-Tan, a modeling contract to Alisa Kyle, a new pack of gel pens to Laura Jue, and all the bows in the universe to Joyce Deng. To my soul sister Meghan Chow, I leave two season passes to Disneyland—one for each of us—so we can go meet all the Disney princesses. And last but not least, I leave a bottle of my sass to my more or less favorite person, Praise Ching. In the likely event that I may perish due to unusual circumstances (drown in a puddle of

my own thirsty feels), I, Elora Lam Cuenco, shall create this will. Firstly, and most importantly, to Luis Valle, who has stuck by my side since 6th grade: I give you your freedom, and I better see you in the White House soon. To Ruby Chen, the Lithuania to my Poland, and my first friend at Lowell, I give many thanks, for without you I wouldn’t have met most the amazing people I know now. To Michelle Quach, I give you our many memories in PE, and my service to you as your butler for eternity. To Annie Hu, I give all the green tea frappes that my Starbucks card can afford, Ms. Okada’s Anpanman, and my lungs. To Winnie Huang, I give you lots of hugs, weird touches, and a single strawberry. To Angel Su, I leave one thing: a LOVE BEEEEEAM. To Christina Quach, I leave you with 3000 pugs and your freedom from the wrath of my fat squeezing. To Vivian Chu, I give you rabbits. Not cows. Rabbits. To Truong Nguyen, I don’t know what to give you, so I’ll just leave a rock here with an IOU on it. To Aileen Zhang, I give you our fandom tears and the memory of the time that we met. MoWo man, those were crazy times. To Jenny Lee: another banana milk six-pack. To Chennie Teng, I give you one (and ONLY one) honest statement to you: I’m really gonna miss you. To the AP Japanese Class of 2014, my beautiful and crazy family: I leave our terrible Japanese puns, bok choy, and our legacy of being the best Japanese class ever. To the Advanced Choir Class of 2014, my other beautiful and crazy family: I leave our ChingaRingaRings, our Cantante Dominums and our Chicago memories. Go fat cheerleaders. To my super cute underclassmen and juniors (now seniors), including Clarissa Wan, Annie Chen, Art Parkeenvincha, Maya Lee, Reyana Maguad, Julianne Villegas, Emily Fong, Jennifer Li, and Jon Ray Guevarra. Stay cute, don’t stress, think positive and believe in yourself, because I surely believe in you all. I’ll be sure to visit soon! And to anyone else that I’ve failed to mention, I love you and I’ll miss you. Thank you all for the most memorable 4 years of my life. PEACE OUT.

I,  Nolan  Dang,  declare  this  to  be  my  last  will  and  testament  and  leave  my  belongings  to  the  following: To  Hansen  Dang,  an  alarm  clock  so  you  wake  up  on  time,  and  all  the  boba  that  you Â

could  ever  want.  To  Horace  Kwan,  new  songs  to  listen  to  on  the  drive  to  In  and  Out,  helpful  strangers  who  secretly  judge  you  while  giving  you  instructions  to  park,  more  questionable  buys  from  cotton-­on,  an  amazing  four  years  of  reg  and  swimming,  an  unforgettable  bro-­ mance,  and  an  endless  supply  of  sesame  milk  tea.  To  Patrick  Huynh,  a  strawberry  cheese-­ cake  blizzard,  rides  to  your  â€œhouseâ€?  on  Judah  and  19th,  macaroni  salad  (cause  you’ll  never  get  that  from  Sushi  Zen),  and  an  irreplaceable  friendship  that  began  with  beginning  choir  and  games  of  tag.  To  Kenneth  Ouyang,  random  snapchats  while  bored  at  work,  screaming  at  BuildOn  meetings,  and  competitions  on  pass-­ ing  out  water.  To  Katy  Kwan,  amazing  dance  moves  to  do  at  your  next  dance,  a  guide  on  how  to  use  Map  Quest,  more  driving  lessons,  and  hundreds  of  quiz  up  games.  To  Alyssa  Kwan,  one  dollar  fries  from  great  steak,  fresh  cookies  from  Mrs.Field’s  and  more  coupons  for  whenever  you  need  food  delivered.  To  Stephanie  Chen,  numerous  games  of  heads  up  which  were  basically  me  singing,  and  a  separate  piece  of  paper  from  a  prom  pic.  To  Stephanie  Ellman,  hundreds  of  funny  pictures  of  Patrick’s  face  and  a  pizza  that  will  stay  in  your  refrigerator  forever.  To  Maris  Tong,  that  ¿JKW \RXÂśYH EHHQ ZDLWLQJ IRU DQG WKH VHFUHW for  how  my  hair  stays  up.  To  Angela  Hwang,  kimchi  and  endless  breadsticks  from  Olive  Garden.  To  Sally  Tan,  a  box  of  the  scariest  movies  ever  and  one  for  rom  coms.  To  Albert  Chiem,  a  ride  to  beach  and  boba.  To  Elizabeth  Stern,  an  invitation  to  the  new  wolf-­pack.  To  Michael  Li,  a  new  wheel  for  your  bike  (oops)  and  a  skype  call  for  whatever  you  need  help  with.  To  Stanley  Tang,  more  stones  to  roll.  To  Alika  Lew-­Koga,  more  of  those  delicious  cookies.  To  Austin  Van,  Anand  Bat-­Erdene,  Kenny  Lam,  Matthew  Kim,  and  Aaron  Chow,  new  boards,  and  big  hills  for  you  guys  to  fall  down  (skate  is  life).  To  Karen  Kyi,  a  trip  to  the  museum  and  better  shows  to  watch.  To  Kenny  Luo ÂżYH GROODUV DQG SDQGD VKRHV And  to  the  rest  of  you,  apologies  because  I  ran  out  of  room. I, Lissa Dechakul, in the event that I fail to assimilate with the rachets in college, hereby bequeath the following to my several lovers and closest friends: To Aileen San, the combination of strength and beauty inside a girl who takes absolutely no bs whatsoever: The hotness of the sun. Not that you need it. (Wink) To my best swim buddy, Sally Tan: Long stories, TVshow worthy drama, and the best counsel anyone will ever give you: “being single is so hard omgâ€? To my wife, Julie Chandler: The creation of the Unitater; the knowledge that pleasantly plump and happy Corn is dancing in betta fishy heaven; and fire extinguishers. To Brendan McKay, resident history buff: High fives, back slaps, fist bumps, and me-not-judging-youwhile-you-tell-that-story faces. To Auden “Danishâ€? Cockrell: Your inevitable success as an author who sometimes names characters after his friends, but only the really cool ones who bake cakes with homemade marzipan and surprise danishes inside for him. To “Sugarpimpdaddyâ€? Ofri Harlev: Spellcheck, my most honest advice/criticism, and all my questions about how to computer. Also more spellcheck. To William Zeng, my thrift shopping partner in crime who’s always dressed to kill: Long, deep, intellectual conversations including references to the best TV shows and characters, music, movies, and “movies.â€? To Pryor “Butterfaceâ€? Vo: My flawless washboard abs for when you feel self-conscious, constant reminders of your “dbaggery,â€? and all the interesting things I learned from you this year alone. Uh huh. To the most reliable person I know, Steven Van: Everything we learned about each other the last two years, crying during kid’s movies, pop culture literacy, and the confidence and independence of 1000 black women. To Kelvin Mai, the man whose voice makes panties drop and angels cry: Better

clothes and self-addressed invitations. To my confidant, Kevin Yang: YOOO’s, The Walking Dead commentary, and inside references and stories. To Rostyslav “Rosty GBFâ€? Tolochko: The Power Rangers hat and Christmas Stitch plushie I gave you for your birthday, and the hilarity of American Lit with you first semester. To my Japanese/Korean telekenetic Jeffrey Chan: Waveya, Les Twins, and adorable little girl videos on Youtube, and Snapchats of butts. To Anthony “Antyâ€? Huang: Treeporn, Trexxy, and Clucky; my amazing on-time anniversary gifts; my best hugs; all of your doodles that I kept; all the corgis and corgi-mixes; my passion for conserving water to balance you out; and my tweezers. If I, Derick Deng, die while playing SAO on the NervGear, hereby leaving the following: To Wesley Yee, a “Learn Cantoneseâ€? book so you can say other stuff in Cantonese other than ordering food. To Calvin Chau, a can for your tennis balls in your side pocket of your backpack. To Yu Ling Wu, my Chinese skills to open to audience in China with your amazingness. To Ryan Shee and Arthur Wong, THE KANJI LIST To Truong Nguyen, my whole bookshelf of manga and hope you will understand them. To Carmen Lai, the biotech lab notebook. To Teresa Pham, a whole case of character books so you won’t run out space to copy all those characters you will encounter. To Andy Kuang, all the bus rides on the 44 home To Devin Thatcher, the really lame Japanese puns to your whole collection of lame puns To Vincent Wong, my passion for badminton on and off the court. To Matthew Chai, that spot in front of the net to block every shot from across the net with your height. To Charles Li, a Kinokuniya membership card to buy all kinds of anime good for 10% off To Jingbin Huang, the e-bracket for the future tournaments you will participate in. To Wilson Huang, my non-existing/imaginary prom picture you had asked for. To Karen Wong and Yuchu Huang, smashes and digs To Abby Liang, a collection of dictionaries to lead to the throne of the Bridge Cup contest in translation in future years. To Lowell Badminton Team, wishes and blessings for the seasons to come. To my AP Japanese Class, all the derp moments we had in the past 4 years.To the Kermesse Committee, My stage directions and program to create the best Kermesse day. To the younger generation of Lowell High School, enjoy yourself when you can, #yolo, don’t take on too much APs if you know you can’t take it, make a lot of friend, and just trust me, it will be one of the greatest time of your life.

In the highly likely event that I, Arbel Efraty, perish of TFM overdose, I hereby bequeath the following: To Sam Ryan, I leave Manchester United’s trophies, as well as all my

Parli Debate practice time. Men Lie, Women Lie, Numbers Don’t. To Derek King, I leave my Johnny Manziel sweatshirt and any designer clothes I may have in my possession. To John Hogan, I leave my frattiness; you’re gonna need it sport. To Isaac Zimmern, Spencer Thirtyacre, Link Chapman and Ilya Verzhbinsky, I bestow my fantasy acumen and my spot in the Yahoo Fantasy Sports Hall of Fame. To Andie Mercado, I leave a million dollar’s worth of Boba. To Nancy Lin, I bequeath #NWTS, “Vamos a La Playaâ€? & “You See Meâ€? (by Childish Gambino). To Jessica Weiss, I leave my Prius, Strawberry-Peach Boba, as well as my Uncle Sam hat and any other USA-related attire (yes, Back to Back World War Champs) I may have in my possession. To Elazar Chertow, I leave my football knowledge and the phrase “____, We Made Itâ€?. Copyright that. To Harrison Lee, I entrust my entire electronic music library (especially Vicetone), as well as “Ballin’ Outâ€?. To Olivia Zacks, I bestow my reg attendance. To Sammy Pollard, I leave his SF Rebels jersey, as well as clutch shooting. To Mishal al-Asfour, I leave our incredible comebacks and (formerly) undefeated record. He will also receive my entire DJ Mustard collection as well as my sewage pipes. To Maggie Ma, Whitney Zhang, Jennifer Zeng and Katya Kha, I entrust the after-party. To Kenny Okagaki, Aaron Moye, Brian Nguyen and Justin Cheung, I leave the night hikes and my incoherent tagging. To Noah Penick, I leave my condos (even though I don’t have any). To the Lowell Men’s Soccer Team, I leave late tackles and hard fouls. To the Lowell Track Team, I leave “It’s Always a Race.â€? To Ian James, Will Slotterback, Eli Alperin, and Tony Torres, I bequeath the number 7 and my Seals practice attendance (so basically nothing.) To Lowell JSA, I leave my points (treat them well), rule-breaking and gavels. To Lowell Parliamentary Debate, I leave the Economist and macroeconomic theory. To Max Read and Sam Scharffenberger, I leave the Eurotrip. To Mr. Martin & Mr. Raznikov, I leave excessive talking (about the class subject, of course). And finally, to all Lowell students (and especially athletes), I leave unconditional school pride. Â

In the event that I, Gina Fung, have two periods in one month and am found floating dead with a paddle in my hand at Lake

Merced, I leave these abnormal belongings (and non-belongings (Is that even a word?)) to the following people. To Raymond Yu, a pat on the head. To Timur Kurtbay’s dog, an unrequited love. To Benson Ly, the Benson Appreciation Society, sister to the Adam Appreciation Society. To Sierra Coathup, mein love, and a terribly written book about Chinese culture and another about Mormonism. To Winnie Huang, a lot of tampons and juicy secrets. To Kyle Wong, a lifetime supply of roasted seaweed and a declaration of non-bestfriend-ship. To Wilton Woo, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, chemical solutions for Mr. Fong that I messed up, and my love for AP Stats programmed into my TI-84. To Amy Lee, my unwritten coupons, endless amounts of casserole, a dead parrot, a stick-shift, and a rather large picture of my disapproval face. To Danny Wu, a beautiful throne for Fran. To Martin Yip, a black eye. To Sabrina Hua, an ice pack for that black eye. To Simon Zhu, all the poop I’ve picked up at the zoo, and many photo-shopped pictures of me. To Andromeda Venegas, all of my bananas, carrots, broccoli, kale, hugs given with half the effort, and lots of selfies. To Susan Li, a billboard that is to be hung and worshiped in your home, which reads “YES.�, as well as all my hair straighteners. To Michelle Xie, a photograph of the room in Susan’s house with the billboard, a lot of blueberry muffins, all the gross cafeteria food, a jar of my tears, and my shoulder that has been preserved so you can lean on it. To Joyce Chio, lots of pictures of my toes, my Hello Kitty paddle, dead kittens, my ukulele that I can’t play, bread crusts from the blessed sacrament bread, and a framed paper that says, “U IS TOO FAT.� To Tuan Pham, a 7,000 page memoir filled with dark secrets that you shall publish and help me become famous for, a pig for all the piggy back rides I never let you give me, and my heart that shall be preserved in a glass jar filled with a strange fluid that is to be kept in your possession forever. And finally, to everyone I missed, a lame apology.

In the event that I, Campbell Gee trip and die while wearing five inch heels on my way to brunch, I bequeath these items to the following persons: To Gaby Villalta, I leave our freshman year photoshoots, boba/fries, my instagram password, the screenshots we text each other, everything minimalist, a follow

on Tumblr, Fashion Queens, SVU marathons, a s/o to life, deep convos at sleepovers and the title of best friend. To the 6th Lunch Crew, I leave Dinosaurs sandwiches, Dave, and a radio station that only plays “Drunk in Love” and “Team”. To Luciano Chan, I leave my September issue of Vogue with Jennifer Lawrence on the cover, my knowledge of models, money for Stonestown food runs and voice lessons during journ. To Rajan Dumbhalia, I leave our future NYC apartment, an off-campus bathroom so you never have to be an “animal” at school, a final “YAAAAAS GAGA” and music so that we can always find each other and dance. To GG Gunther, I leave tickets from all the movies we’ve seen together, JGL, Jesus Karl Urban Christ, Jon Lajoie videos, and a trip to the Academy Awards (so you can be there whenever Leo wins his Oscar). To Yu Ling Wu, I leave the contents of my wardrobe, love of drag queens and our fierce photoshoots. To Jessi Hagelshaw, I leave stumps, coochie kicks, the role of Mrs. Bucket and our matching choir sweatshirts. To Nicole Chin, I leave my makeup collection, good dumplings and our brunch dates. To Justin Pham, I leave red velvet french toast, our heart-to-hearts and texting sessions during choir. To Sam Spieth, I leave a playlist of 80s music, presurgery Pete Burns and stain remover for your couch and fine wines. To, Matthew Wong I leave money for your haircuts and the times you’ve had to spot me because my card was declined, the fun moments we’ve had together during 4 years of the musical and tickets to Broadway musicals. To Dana Ng, I leave our threesies hangouts, overpriced juice, and 13+ years of friendship. And lastly, to Joshua Roa, I leave Ethiopian food, permission to post all the ugly pictures you’ve taken of me on Facebook, crabfat, thrifted sweaters, aviators, soap flavored boba, Beyonce songs, my rings that never fit you, stolen books, our hours long phone calls, But’ll, Jenny’s Burgers and our cover of “Tonight You Belong to Me”. I, Lisa Grega, in the event that I tragically perish in a freak accident, the details of which are unclear to me at the moment, leave the following: To Meghan Chow, Starbucks, so she can live out her frappuccino dreams; To Flippy Chan, adoption papers for her own baby penguin; To Brian Chu, the desk at the library so he may organize and rule over us all; To Stephanie Coxon, a new pair of white flats that will last forever; To Alisa Kyle, Little Angels because she remembers everyone much better than I should have; To Sarah Huang, my soon-to-be college dorm, when her apartment is crowded with people staying over; To Liz Yee, my soon-to-be college dorm, when Sarah Huang tells her she is tired of her apartment getting crowded with people staying over; To Anh Huynh, my dedication to her ninja clan if that ninja video were to ever become the real thing; To Laura Jue, all the money I have accumulated so she can invest in the Saxy Sex Shop. Actually, just my support because “all the money I have accumulated” doesn’t add up to what she would hope; To the Lowell Japanese Class, underclassmen and teachers included, a trip to Japan which will probably be the most amazing trip ever with all of us there. Except I won’t be there because I’m theoretically dead. Dang it. To Teresa Pham, a T-Rex stuffed animal so that she may accept and embrace, literally, that part of her; To Carolyn Ye, the best hair curler the world has to offer because cutting off my hair for her own use is not only uncomfortable but also very creepy; To Shela Ho, matcha, just all the matcha; To Cindy Chiu, her own True Facts video; To Grace O’Hair-Sherman, along with Cindy Chiu, my vote for leadership of G-Koku because if anyone else did it, it would probably fall apart, let’s be honest; To Steffie Guan, a miniature zoo, miniature panda included, and an edamame farm; To Deidre Foley, all the boba in the world, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, and the

creation of a dog cafe, for those days when college is being an unreasonable little jerk. I, Steffie Guan, declare this to be my last will and testament. In the event that I die from making a horrendous pun and someone murders me, I divide my property as follows: To Angie Gamboa, I leave unicorn tattoos, eye hugs and peacock feathers. To Wesley Chan, I leave Roger Federer’s trick shots and Zanze’s cheesecake. To Rachel Jimenez, I leave all the times I fell asleep in APUSH and relied on your notes and matching tiger t-shirts. To Kathleen Nunez, I leave none pizza with left beef and a squeaky whale shark. To Jordan Wong, I leave YG Family Concert tickets, calf grabs because you’re a creep and a poster tweet from EYK. To Karen Yu, I leave the strength to deal with craziness known as our friends and judgmental stares in math class. To Sarah Wang, I leave duct tape and fallen beanies. To my G-tachis, Deidre Foley, Lisa Grega, and Grace O’Hair Sherman I leave many adventures around San Francisco, matching jewelry, looking at mizus and maps, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert tickets and going through a hole in the soccer field fence to scramble from one AP exam to another. In my APUSH family, to Edie Zhang, I leave you the family business, Running Man marathons and shoes with hidden wedges. To Phillip Chan, I leave flowers for future competitions, many turtle plushies and cute people who aren’t assholes. To Wesley Yee, I leave strange one-eyed plushies and successful outings. To Vivian Hu, I leave our mutual love of comics, constantly falling asleep in class and rushed math homework. To Brittany Hong, I leave tetris, bouncy trophies and unlimited servings of Godfrey Gao. To Joanna Ng, Alexandra Lai and Elora Cuenco, I leave extreme amounts of binguness and chooming on the dancefloor. To Ruby Chen and Angel Su I leave my derpiness and infinite art supplies. To William Zeng, I leave Driftless Pony Club concert tickets and coffee mugs. To Tiffany Ye, I leave endless post-it notes and band merchandise. To Elaine Cheng, I leave defensive dancing and K-pop albums. I choose Helena Denbroeder to be my successor and leave her all my AP prep books, good health and notebook doodles. To Ms. Moffitt and Ms. Crabtree I leave all my puns and the duty of avenging my death.

In the event that I, Tammy Ha, die of a heart attack during the physics exam that I should be studying for, leave the following: To Jia Yi Situ, memories relived through Facebook chat, successful references, Pun Thursdays, MEN IN SUITS, and sure comments of “she doesn’t even go here!” To Winnie Huang, bus rides to MOJO, purple soap, and boys. To Stephanie Ellman, “I hate physics!” for the umpteenth time, cows for roommates, and heartfelt conversations. To Jennia Marie Apolinario Delos

Reyes, m5174836598985, ugly snapchats, MMFD feels, lumpia from the bathroom, and many future hangouts. To Karen Kyi, firelane walks spent contemplating life’s greatest questions, Colin O’Donoghue, inverse matching, and my guarantee that you’ll reach the mighty “200.” To Anyan Cheng, an elevator with all the buttons pressed and separate study rooms. To Amy Huang, a squeaky window that sounds like a wailing baby. To the best calc group, curry, a civil war during our first group FRQ, “pool” parties, endless hiding places for Karen’s pencil case, and screaming “the fundamental theorem of calculus!” when all else fails. To Horace Kwan, an invitation back into the Gribby Gribz crew, good music, sweaters, and jokes that are 2clev. To Angela Hwang, sour cream, one Beyonce bag, a $4 sticker, and “CAN’T STOP WON’T STOP” as our motto. To Zhimei Lin, a coke-stained psych packet. To Nolan Dang, candy incentives for meetings, a Thomas alter ego, and a future career as a forensic scientist jk. To Kenneth Ouyang, a simple “Hey,” your quirky sense of humor, and never-ending questions of whether there was Steele hw or nah To Dave Morales, the expressions “no welcome” and “your problem,” drawings of Quasimodo, and anticlimactic Old Mint bathrooms. To Samantha Chow, glares in the hallway, Finn from MMFD, and Jakob. To Sarah Huang, CSF mods I’ll always owe you and Peeta. To Andy Huang, books, perplexed expressions during math, and Schmidt’s pendulum lecture. To Judy Hua and Vicky Cheng, our Cinderfella skit. To Jackie Woo, cabbage patch, time spent lying on the grass, and rants. To Martin Yip, your own table in Recht’s, your own seat in Prothro’s, and your collection of near-death experiences. To Andromeda Venegas, contagious laughter and Prothro’s music. To Tiffany Ye, time spent bullying Martin. To Caroline Mai, Chuck feels. To Shirlyna Trinh, your dog’s memory. To Mr. Shimmon, a package that may or may not be a bomb.

I, Eliya Hakim Moully, in the very likely event that I die in a freak scooter accident, claim this my final will and testament. I bequeath the following: To Richard L. Dong, my dear friend and co-worker, I leave the profits and publicity of the No Penis Left Behind ® Campaign. I never thought it would get this big! To Jessi Hagelshaw, I leave all of my pants. I also leave cheese, half-baked ice cream, the lyrics of Valerie I got wrong, and you know what else? Bubbles. To Sam Sedar, I leave that thrift store near my house where we spent two hours. I think they have our names taped to the inside of the register. Also, they were children,

not midgets. To Andrew Kennedy, I leave our very philosophical conversations about the modern-day barbarian, our tea-dates at Pete’s, and that bitch at Yerba Buena that ruined our whole day. To Elena Bernick, I leave my backpack, because I know you could always use another friend. Seriously, everyone who’s reading this, Elena needs friends. She’ll probably pay you. To Gabby Rehktman (aka Lil Breezy), I leave our Typo Dates and Squat and Gobble even though I hate it, but I know you love it. I also leave that fruit that’s always stuck in my throat. To Ajeya Hernandez, I leave my shoe in the hallway (because you stepped on it), our sticker-wars on Facebook (that you always win), and my fuddy-duddy aka stuffed shirt, if you ever figure out what that is. To KT Kelly and Alma Carranza, I leave all the great times we had at 4/5 crew on Pinterest, and pissing off all the actual members of journalism To Nadine Kahney, I leave belting out in her minivan and going to buy candy spontaneously at Lucky’s. To Sophia Phillips I leave that time I fell in Bio on Derek Yee’s lap and Mr. Johnson thought I was cheating. You’ll never let me live that down. To Rebecca Hughes, my twin sister, I leave our secret language of Kool-Aid. I wish I could type my will in that language, but this keyboard doesn’t have that font. To Noah Shaw and Zach Rowson I leave our band, ZEN, because you know we would have gotten famous (long live Jesus and Pals Forever). To Bryan Ritter, I leave my undying creepy obsession and awkward half-flirting. It was weird. Let’s not talk about it. You’re always Hunky Jesus to me. To the rest of my teachers at Lowell, I leave my sanity and self-respect. Oh wait, you already took that. In the case that I, Ateret Hakim die of a heat stroke in the 120 degree weather in Tel Aviv, I leave the following things to the following people First I leave the lovely Amanda Seigel all the burritos, hamburgers, Vietnamese sandwiches, and free sample runs after school, late night adventures, seasons 1-9 of how I met your mother (even though the last one kind of sucks), All of Me by John Legend, and every Logan Lerman look alike (one look alike in particular….). For the majestic Sara Vargas I leave Friday afternoons, banana hot chocolates, hot Cheetos, gum balls, dipping dots, the Nordstrom lounge, every Michael Jackson song ever made, every Prince song ever made (and no he is not better than Michael), all of your crazy yet hilariously interesting stories, and any Adam Sandler related thing. For the adorable Angela Hwang, I leave the honey bee tea house drinks, the movies hopping days, all the breakfasts, brunches, lunches, and din-

ners, the dirty jokes, and early morning bus rides. For the coolest Monica Castro I leave California Crisp, advice about pretty much anything, the super deep text conversations, and seasons 1-5 of breaking bad. For the hip Douglas Mejia I leave Ateret Douglas time, hot tumblr boys, pretty much tumblr anything, and every downtown adventure we ever had. For the cat lady Katia Popovich I leave nail-polish, cats, a hot Jewish Russian Israeli man, AteretKatia-Natasha time (because I love it so much), and all the space in a Queen sized bed. For my ethiopian sister Tidani Berhe, and the sassiest Khadijah Maddox I leave the hilarious walks to the bus stop, and some Starbucks drinks on the side. For the intellectual Ben Schmidt I leave 52 pick up, literature and mathematics, late night adventures, and embarrassing snapchat videos of yourself. For my reg buddy Lauren Taylor I leave Uno, and all the people we could sexually reproduce with in case we get stuck in reg for more than two and a half hours. For my one and only rebel, Rachel Levin I leave Ms. Ballbe’s class, deep conversations, and nice walks to lakeshore. For the cutest Medea Petronis-Branch I leave the Warriors, deep conversations about life, and awesome vegetarian food that you always brought. For Katie Koyfman I leave all the awkward looking snapchats you took of me when I wasn’t looking with some falafel on the side.

In the event that I, Ajeya Hernandez, get rescued by The Doctor and embark on a lifelong journey through time and space, I bequeath the following: To KT Kelly, I leave President Truman, Fake trips to Berkeley, weird shoulder dance moves, all the hair dye, and my expanding a**hole To Miriam Myers, I leave overprotective moms, Latina power, The Graduate, my family, improv club, and the power to sha-boing-boing judges To Eliya Hakim-Moully, I leave half an Ashton poster, weird doodles in physics, patriotic penises, a copy of The Awkward Life of Ajeya Hernandez: a Memoir, and our albuTo Kyra Lefferts, I leave Old Spice Fiji, face shelves (for photos), and Zac Efron To Nadine Kahney, I leave all cat paraphernalia, our brothers that dress like hobos, some alternative to YOLO, good smelling men, and hangin with Poobin To Sophia Phillips, I leave awesome Nicaragua playlists, all the sweet foreign pineapple you can eat, our oscar-worthy film, and a wedding proposal from Jonah Hill To Alexandra Beem, I leave every obscure Harry Potter movie reference, a super long summer courtesy of the UC system, and tedious american democracy classes To Rebecca Hughes, I leave tuna a** sandwiches, tickets to Miranda Sings, and uma ticka wawa uma ticka woh To Alma Carranza, I leave a very young and very attractive Marlon Brando,

and endless movie tickets To Jacquie Webb, I leave the duties of Ujeya, may peace be brought to the surfers and the slugs To Bridgett Conoway, I leave all my Shakira dance moves, every episode of the most popular girls in school, senior prom, and Sherlock Holmes To Kyle Wong, I leave my prom date (Bridgett), your hit single (Promiscuous Kyle), and all the dirt in Nicaragua To Akeylah Hernandez, I leave weird wiggly leg walks, all our stupid movie references (“DOWN!”), teachers who confuse our names, and f-ing Patrick. To Rubin Girling, I leave immature name calling from seventh grade, near death encounters with safety scissors, and dorky backpacks that clip in the front. In the extreme likelihood that I, Shela Ho, will die from an overdose of boring manga or overconsumption of green tea, this shall be my last will and testament. To Mimi Lu, I leave behind my entire manga collection and Japanese language knowledge so you will no longer rage at being unable to read raws. To Carolyn Ye, I leave what little ikemenattracting powers I have in hopes that you will no longer be “desperate” and build a beautiful harem -- hopefully you’ll dedicate one to me. To Deidre Foley and Wesley Yee, I leave an overfilled box of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu products, Narita Airport-level manners, and my never-ending list of mean puns at Wesley’s expense. To Linda Cheng and Joanna Ng, I leave all the games and apps we have played together, along with my unredeemable, unsightly jubeat scores when compared to Devin Thatcher. To Ruby Chen, I leave never-ending supplies to make Omurice and an audio recorder that constantly repeats “Thank you”, because you deserve more of that all day, every day. To Jenny Lee, I leave all of the delicious food that led me to my blubber, and my lack of motivation to lose that blubber. I’d give you some height too, but given that I’m the same height as you, I’m not sure I can. To Aileen Zhang, I leave my two arms so you can double the amount of creepy stroking possible per day. To Teresa Pham, I leave my Japanese textbooks and random bits of Japanese information in hopes that you will have a blast studying in Nagoya. To Elora Cuenco, I leave all possible screenshots that can be taken from Dirty Frank videos and a life-sized mannequin of Kai to hug forever. To Truong Nguyen and Ryan Shee, I leave the next two sequels to the “Ryan the Cow Child & the Titan’s Friendship” project from AP Japanese and a pool of water. To my Japanese Club officers, I leave my Skype account, my kitchen, my status as “Senpai”, and irreplaceable memories and friendships

as you embark towards the new semester. I’m joking about the kitchen though, don’t come over next year. To my AP Japanese classmates, I leave all of the laughs we enjoyed together in these past 4 years, success and derpiness in college, and my savings to spend on several thousand more sushi parties before we go our separate ways.

The First Will and Testament of Jakob Hofso In the unlikely event that my cover is blown and I have to return to my own time, I bequeath the following: To Adam Southwick, a shirt that doesn’t unbutton itself, Fife, and a positive review of the Couch of Eros. To Alma Carranza, the prom pictures and the dream team. To Ana Comesana, a map of San Francisco, so she can figure out this city. To Avery Chung-Melino, the continent of her choice, plus five cities to be determined at a later date, to be delivered within a week of my achieving world domination, as well as my collection of Terry Pratchett books. To Edwin Kasminskiy, the struggle (which is real), a hashtag of our invention, and my half of the bromance. To Isaac Ehle, The Beatles, Casablanca, and cream of wheat. To Jackson Murphy, my collection of classic films, every Breaking Bad pun I’ve shared with you, and the role of Balthazar in Romeo and Juliet. (I gave you that last one a bit early.) To James Iwamasa, a walk to Lakeshore. To Jerry Ng: My dog Crab, doublemint, and yellow stockings. To Joshua Muller, sea salt caramels, Mexican coke, bacon, football, and In-N-Out, because he deserves all of these and more. To Katherine Skinner, the title of favorite freshman, to remain hers for the next three weeks. To Mica Jarmel-Schneider, our philosophical conversations, our trivial ones, and everything in between. To Ofri Harlev, a Shakespeare-analyzing robot (I’ll provide the Shakespeare), the moves to the Ofri dance, memories of 9th grade English, and a complete lack of dictionaries. To Selena Saad, the complete lyrics to (It’s Rainin) Hofso, now available on iTunes, and all the hugs you could ever want. To Zev Brook, Bar Mitzvahs and a Citation Needed sign (for roller-coaster use only). To the Herd, my thanks for dragging me to Ono’s every Friday. To the cast and crew of Arcadia, my favorite quotes, and the hope that when they are alone on an empty shore they will waltz. To Jackson Murphy and Joshua Muller, football games, Inside Llewyn Davis, and our theme song. To Ofri Harlev and Edwin Kasminskiy, books of poetry so that they can teach their robots to be English majors. To Lowell Drama, better acoustics for the Carol Channing, free blankets on cold nights, and my best wishes. To everyone else, my apologies.

I, Bithiah Hon, of Lowell High School Class of 2014, declare this to be my last will and testament. In the event of my death and disappearance, my property shall be distributed as follows: To Stephanie Joe, I leave a dog, a lifetime Starbucks gift card, front row seats to Warriors games, my ipod (even though she has one already) in hopes that it’ll distract her from overthinking her worries, our joyful memories with tears and laughter, and the ability to get through anything/everything together. To Mary Nieh, I leave a free of charge Redbox machine so she can watch any movies at anytime, my smart phone so she can finally make an Instagram/Snapchat account and text even faster than before, and my ability to think optimistically (for the most part) in hopes that she won’t stress herself out. To Amanda Ng, I leave my guitar for the “never happened” music jam time and a copy of “Walking for Dummies” in hopes that it will limit her embarrassing moments in front of others. To Annie Chen, I leave my colorful/ cute clothing (which I don’t think I have many) in hopes that she will rock it during college and continue to strive for success. To Judy Hua, I leave my “helpful advices” and a phone that actually vibrates well enough for her to pick up phone calls. To Jasmine Huang, I leave many secrets and our late night talks about “boys”. To Han O, I leave an endless supply of scary movies/food and the funny video she recorded on my computer. To Jenl and Jennifer Lai, I leave a copy of Hunger Games: Catching fire and Just Dance, and of course all the rants we had about Econ and English. To Julia and Cynthia Wong, I leave a nice warm hug and a good morning to be given/said everyday they walk in to the cafeteria. To Sharon “Po” Ma, I leave my Clipper Card, hysterical laughter and embarrassing photos in hopes that she’ll laugh when she looks at them on the bus. My Superdry jacket and unused sleeping hours will be left to Sara “Polar Bear” Chan so she’ll be able to stay warm and rest well even when she sleeps at 3 A.M. To the Lowell Badminton Team, I leave the expectation of continuing our strong friendships and the determination to train, improve, play hard and have fun. In the event that I, Annie Hu, die from having a massive brain freeze after eating green tea mochi ice cream, I hereby leave my possessions to the following: To my AP Japanese class, who is like my second family, I leave you tons of bok choy, KEYrei puns, and all the KEYmochis. Thanks for the constant support and all the fun times we had together. To my Chinese class group, I give you Amy Huang’s perfect listening test score. And to my Reg buddies, Shirley Chen, Anny Li, Phillip Chan, and Kevin Chang, I give you my food and my nonexistent gaming abilities. Thanks for listening to my ranting and supporting me for all four years! To Ruby Chen, who’s been with me for well over four years, I leave my collection of stuffed animals, cookies, and the nonexistent veggie chips that were blown away. To Elora Cuenco, I leave sexy pictures of Kai and never-ending mature fanfics to quench her thirst, my EXO album collection, my Japanese magazines, and my left kidney. To Jenny Lee, I leave all the bananas, derpy things in my room, my auto tune recordings, my nonexistent singing voice, and tickles on the elbows. To Winnie Huang, I leave you with my EXO posters, my pokes for your thighs, my nonexistent strawberry patch. To Michelle Quach, I leave you all my sighs for your puns, my nonexistent Aminal Crossing (Yes, AMINAL), and my collection of coffee and tea. To Christina Quach, I leave you all the pugs in the world. ALL OF THEM. To Aileen Zhang, I leave you my evil laughs and my warm hugs. To Vivian Chu, I leave you one cow puppet, Mocha, my sriracha bottle, and my collection of ramen noodles. To Teresa Pham, my Chinese skills and my nonexistent cute clothes because you’d look so cute in them. To Truong Nguyen, my tomia pictures, delicious food from around the world,

endless printing ink, fangirl moments, and all the shoujo mangas that I’ve read. To Angel Su, I leave you my blank sketchbooks and my art supplies, and ALL THE AMINAL CROSSING. To Rost Tolochko, I leave you my inability to read your full name, my breakfast, and neverending arcade games, HAH. And to the rest of my friends that I have not mentioned, thanks for everything that you’ve done for me. Good luck to all of you! In the event that I, Amy Huang, die from the Attack of the Pigeons, I hereby leave the following: To Jennie Pau, the other half of our locker, all of our reg memories, and my most embarrassing moments. To the BEST calc group ever: Anyan Cheng, Karen Kyi, and Tammy Ha, $DUI, Indian Curry, our “hide your phone from the Gribbs” moments, and a lifelong supply of boba. To Emily Wong, all the happiness I have in my life to make you actually feel something including my happy music to help you scare away the evil. To Briana Zhen, our deepest talks a permanent buddy to accompany you in biotech. To Kevin Chang and Sally Tan, all our SF adventures as well as the APUSH memories. To Karina Wong and Ada Wong, an unlimited supply of boba, bento boxes, pho, and Starbucks. To Kevin Tu, my indecisiveness to make your indecisiveness even worse and guaranteed mods 16/17 lunch to help you avoid the crowd. To Vicky Cheng, my whole list of favorite Korean dramas. To Anh Huynh, Bilegt Bataar, and Karen Kyi, my share of the econ extra credit. To Jennifer Zeng, the blame you put on me for never hanging out with you and all the laughs we have in the back of Ms. Li’s class. To Cynthia Law and Jeffrey Hui, my perfect Chinese test scores so that you guys can finally brag about beating me in Chinese. To Bonnie Yuen, an oxygen tank to can survive Chinese class every day without suffocating from stink bombs. To Robin Yee, everything in my life because I’ve known you for my whole life. To Jenny Zhu, an extra chair at our calc table reserved for you only. To Bobo Hu, my favorite Youtube playlists, everything of my lunch, and words of wisdom. To Jun Min Zhong, my leadership and communication skills and all the awkward talks we had about random stuff. To my amazing chauffeurs Albert Chiem, Ashley Roliz-Chen, Calvin Louie, and Wilson Huang, unlimited supply of gas and my car when I get one so that you guys can continue being awesome. To

Kathleen Nunez and Jordan Wong, my innocence to dilute all the inappropriate jokes you guys know. To Andy Huang, my share of the responsibility for mom and dad. To everyone else, thanks for all the great laughs and smiles for these four years! In the event that I, Judy Hua, run off with James Franco and die, I leave the following: To my fav, Jasmine Huang, I leave you hours of Facetime, loud typing, our Funyuns engagement ring, derp faces, and telepathic communication. To Tammy Law, my corsage, disgust for LOL, and even weirder communication. For Han O, the scarf I supposedly “promised” to make you. To Lourdes Samantha Valencia, MY glasses because you’ll throw your’s in the garbage again. To CPCPHG: Ysabel Cayabyab, I leave my love for science and music (John Mayer!); for Karen Kyi, boycrazyness and marriages to way-too-old-for-us celebrities. For Bithiah Hon, our loud obnoxious laughs in the library and my “problems.” To Samantha Chow, my forever cherished signed copy of Actors Anonymous by James Franco. To Kenny Luo, long overdue catch-up sessions by Global Tap in the art wing! For Crystal Van, a “stupid” comment and a big goofy smile. To Tammy Ha and Vicky Cheng, hilarious moments in Chinese and dressing up as dudes. To my fellow Banana Slugs: Dave Morales, I leave SuperCuts connections and not-so-study study dates in the library; for Leanna Wei, future carpools, negative freshmen 15, and shower dates! For Martin Yip, a slap in the face to wake you and a couch for another obese 30-year-old with 60 cats to live on. For Derek Yi, mean, loving comments & anything but Beach N’ Boba. To Tammy Tang, hangouts without the guys, weird laughs, and lots of chocolate. To my CiS babies: Kristina Schagane and Andrew Le, constant support and my gentle pushes to test and level up. For Sarah Chou, I leave you the honor as the “oldest” Lowell LC Member. To my graduating Peer Leaders: Joyce Deng, Linda Quach, and Xiaofan Wu, I leave my SF love as the only chick staying in CA. To my little baby, Sophia Liao, full presidency of our anti-ehcuod club and a giggle to match your high pitched one. For Regina Gomez, way too deep conversations to the M-stop. To new little ones: Jon Ray Gueverra, Emmy Lam, and Sarah Larkin, the picture of me seductively eating Mac & cheese and excitement as you take over the Peer Mentoring Program. For my teachers, my gratitude (thanks for all your

help these past years!): Ms. Hong, I leave you Academy tickets and our reg selfies. For Mr. Shimmon, Matcha green tea and kick-butt TA moments.

In the event that I, Anthony Huang, get mauled by a wild horde of Pikachus, I hereby leave the following, Steven Van, I leave a cup of water. Kevin Yang I leave all my ev’d Pokemon and the Game of Thrones book that I never gave you. Rost “Telololol” Tolochko I leave all my useless unev’d Pokemon William Zeng I leave a movie with twenty screens at once, unwanted people logging in your social media accounts, and all the crazy ideas we’ve had together. Victoria “Sweatyhands” Lai I leave the times I went to you when I needed to, a pair of heels, and a ruler because there is no way you’re above 5 feet. Rubin Girling I leave a video of Weight Watchers, and a corgi riding on a shark strapped with a jet pack, semiautomatic rifle, jet skis, rocket launchers, nukes, cup-holders, and lasers Derek Yi “YOOOOOOO.” Joe Chan I leave you, my dearest cousin, my good looks; you’ll need it <3 Julie Chandler I leave all the supernatural creatures we’ve vanquished over the years. Jason Kuang I leave my VGC team so you can meet my dead body at Nationals James “ElGrande” Wong I leave all the blood,sweat and tears we’ve had while wrestling with each other. #wrestlingpartners4lyf<3 Edwin “I swear it took me like ten times to spell your name correctly” Kasminskiy I leave my nine failed attempts at your name. Jose “Josie” Vigil I leave the times we’ve spent fangirling on the upcoming Pokemon games. Ofri “SugarPimpDaddyOafDog” Harlev I leave all the bagels ;)... not that you’ll want them anymore... Pryor “Steroids” Vo I leave all the Tuesday KFC specials that we’ve missed over the years Kempachi “Jeffrey Chan” Ramasama I leave my Blackwings, kneepads, all the times we’ve screwed each other over for, and the best ten years of my life. Kelvin Mai I leave a book of ten pickup lines. Cynthia Law “blockblockblockblockblockblockblock” Matthew “TT” Ng I leave nintendogs; I think you’ll enjoy my puppies. Lissa “Buttface” Dechakul I leave you all the afternoon movies we’ve fell asleep to, dorky

poems, food, the world’s supply of milktea, the right to No Beard’s Pirate Ship, my DS to win Pokemon VGCs with, and all of my love since only you’re crazy enough to want it<3

In the event that I, Rebecca Sinclair Hughes, meet Seth Meyers, spill water all over myself, run out of Nature Valley bars and get lost in the woods I leave all of my possessions to the following people: To Alexandra Beem, I leave the 24, Blue Diamond almonds, Speedy Oil Change and Tune Up and countless ballpark selfies. To Sophia Phillips, I leave Tack City, Long Beach and Italy, as well as Jonathan’s dirty wetsuit and a coordinated Judith outfit. To Kt Kelly, I leave a disposable camera, Santa Cruz and a pinwheel in case you want to make new friends. To Nadine Kahney, I leave watermelons, a rod, hella gum and #bernalmob. To Kyra Lefferts, I leave YOLO tan lines, 100 gallons of Sunin and everything I learned about crew. To Miriam Myers, I leave Mr. Raznikov, a bottle of honey, endless laughter and Hillary Clinton. To Ajeya Hernandez, I leave Tituba; may you use her spirit to unite the surfers and slugs. To Alma Carranza, I leave sand dollars, nail polish, an audition video and all the soft grunge I can find. To Elisa Vidales, I leave a typewriter, our tumbling routine and all my sarcasm. To Lauren Taylor, I leave “Collegue” and Career, powdered sugar, and Disney movie nights with Muller. To Selena Saad, I leave long walks to Lakeshore and my brother. To Avery Chung-Melino and Jerry Ng, I leave David Ives, a doppelganger, two small dots and a trophy next year. To Kali Kecskemeti, I leave officer lines (what are they?), every text message that says, “Luci left”, and a few shenanigans downtown. To Megan Larkin, I leave a hazelnut hot chocolate, a tall white boy with dark hair and three Stats books. To Thomas Fendert, I leave a fortnight of water, the secret oasis and some fage. To Luciano Chan, I leave all my hot girl problems, the Tyra Banks School of Modeling and a LORAN problem. To Avery Chung-Melino and Jerry Ng, I leave David Ives, a doppelganger, two small dots and a trophy next year. To Kali Kecskemeti, I leave officer lines (what are they?), every text message that says, “Luci left”, and a few shenanigans downtown. To Sophia Weiss, I leave 4, 672 supple-breasted women, a spinach and feta wrap and a eucalyptus leaf to guide you through senior year.

I, Aaron Kobe Hui, in the event that I am beaten to death by a mob of Warriors’ fans bequeath the following: To David Finkelsonmy skills in beating you one on one four times in a row To Willy Cheung- econ hookups To Cyrus Chao- how to flop like Blake Griffin To Christian Santos-Sanchez- gratitude for listening to my rants last semester To Mark Ng- how to make a layup To Jaclyn Wong- a notebook so you can study how to make a shot To Stanley Tang- my track spikes To Kenny Zhen- my respect for your video To Henry Qin- my memories of our stag squad and beach n boba squad To Angela Hwang- my utmost thankfulness for being the best bro ever To Alstone Liang- tissues To Jon Xie- my leg To Aamir Shaikh- speed To John Sylvestermy house for you to bake in To Calvin Li- 2k10 To Joanna Ng- my frequent homework helps To Pasha Stone- my Kobe jersey To Vincent Harrison- the memory of the day you killed that queen bee To Elsa Lem- a snowman To Jessica Ko- Domo who dissed your dragon that night on aim To Horace Kwan- my dwight howard shoes to certify your prescence on the court To Derek Yi- my laughter at your Derek Fisher shots To Courtney Alise- our Wade and Kobe battle. To Matheson Gee- a towel after our one on ones. To Ricky Cheung- dance

moves To Brandon Nguyen- jungles To Darren Zeng- Sugar Princess To Jesse Chan- bag of chips To Jonathan Gonzalez- my left hand To Raymond Lee- my CA account To Kristen Leung- a good high five To Hanren Changmemories of your smiles To Kenvin Khanh Tran- my Lebron 8’s To Jacky Hua- Lebron’s celebration To Alec Chac- our friendship since AP To Steven Voong- my respect for your character To Kenny Luo- all of your snapchats of you sucking a D To Melinda Leung- how to get a 7 on the AP Physics test To Emanuel Hillman- my post game To Kyle Wong- Stanley To Anthony Valle- Shaq jersey for being a BEAST To Kevin Chang- my lack of athleticism To Derek Kwong- my vocals To Douglas Jeong- dingus To Nicole Chin- KT Tape To Sabrina Leung- memories of our block 4 lunch crew To my best friend Sherman YipAppreciation for the best 18 years of my life. I, Angela Hwang, incase of being stepped on, leave these things to my fellow mates. I leave Red 1411 Group, I leave our earthquake drill, our reg talks and our reg name “Joans Drop That DunDunDun”. To Dillon Easterling, I leave our middle school memories and the laughs we get from them. To Jennia Delos Reyes and Darline Nguyen, I leave block 4 lunch and an award for dealing with my weird jokes. To Dulce Palacios, I leave our Film as (not) Lit class, 3rd block lunch and a friendship I’ll never be able to repay. To Douglas Mejia, I leave weird YouTube videos and your awesome sassy personality. To Ateret Hakim, I leave HoneyBeeTea house, pho cravings, sexual jokes, messy earphones and 4 years of friendship that I adore. To Sara Vargas, I leave your awesome personality and tears you shed when you’ve lost duces. To the 5th block lunch group, I leave the afterschool of May 2nd and the laughters we are having about it. To Marjsen Santos, I leave our 6th block lunch, your greatly appreciated advices and our everlasting friendship. To Aaron Hui, I’m leaving our skype convo and your ears that listened to me vent for 2 years. To my homie Matthew Wong, I leave our Korean conversations, our last minute hangouts til dark and our ability to hate each other so much. To Kelly Siu and Warren Yee, I leave all the prom and frq stresses. To Andy Xia, Jackie MacDonald, Crystal Van, I leave a “Thank You” for making my first semester of APES exciting and for helping me through the whole year of APES. To Tammy Ha, I leave our C&C class and our buttrio date that is soon to come. To TeamBC, I leave the weird conversations that doesn’t get anywhere and the awkward silences. To Sally Tan, I leave our cute baby videos and pick-up lines. To Nolan Dang, I leave the conversations we have about nothing and a “Thank You” for listening to me whenever I needed someone to listen to me. To Horace Kwan, I leave Forest Hill Station, the garlic fries, our AIM conversations, hang outs before late start, that pho house we always go to and your fantastic music taste. To Hanren Chang, I’m taking with me your tight hugs and the warm hot chocolates you offered whenever it rained. In the likely event that I die of shame from (1) tripping over my own feet, (2) falling into a manhole, and (3) getting lost on the way to the hospital whilst trying to salvage the previous two situations, I, Katie Hwang declare these gifts be given to: To Jasmine Toy, I leave an American accent. USE IT. To Katya Kha, with love, I leave a clean organized closet with enough tank tops and V-necks to last a lifetime. To Alex Hsiao, take my unfinished psych notes, endless complaining, and the American Democ. textbook since we slept through the entire semester... To Marc Cunningham, I leave the ability to sleep past 10:30pm, and a guitar lesson. To Andrew Chen, I leave you our 3am chats about the papers we should have been working on. To Campbell Gee, I leave an

unfinished cover, and memories of my voice cracking from our duet. To Catrina Sun-Tan, I leave you any and all of my tan. Heh. To Ian James, Talor Wald, and Kenny Okagaki, I’m leaving you the fondest (strangest) reg memories, and a list of names of the people from the other side of the room. Woops. To Karla Liwanag, I’m giving you that damn clock from 2nd grade, 7 years of laughs, a bottle of Bananaboat sunscreen, my old green couch, and a phantom pizza. To SBC, I leave my love, and an extra chair because we can never find one. To Yu Ling Wu, I leave a carton of milk, G-Dragon, a retainer case, and my secret (not so secret) hate for you! To Dana Ng, I leave you my mother (basically your mother), money for gas, (for all the times you’ve driven me home) my ukelele skills, late-night grumpiness, and a Sara Bareilles concert. To Maggie Ma, I leave you (In this order so you don’t run out of snacks) Crunchy Curls, Impersonations of LSP, Kettle Chips, hilariously emotional conversations at Sushi Zen, and Ramen noodles. To Nilou Mostarshed, I leave our merciless gossip, and a Starbucks giftcard. To Jeff Lee, I leave a forced hug and relationship advice. To Lori Chinn, I leave what’s left of my cherished purple box of markers. To Alex Jensen, I leave pictures from the scavenger hunt that nearly killed us. To Leila Chew, I leave a bus conversation and our joint procrastination. To everyone that I owe money, sorry, I’m dead.

In the event that I, Alexandra Jensen, die from laughing too hard at my own jokes, I leave the following to these individuals. To Erica Lei, I leave the knowledge that one cannot make it to Irving and back during a free mod, a duet at the next choir concert, tissue for your never-ending cold, and a permanent place in my IG bio so you know it’s real. To Leila Chew, I leave excessive trips to the book room and office in search for dance photos, and the funniest joke I know about jalapeño peppers. To Mishal Al-asfour, I leave an order of food from India Clay Oven so that you never have to be apart from the Super Six. To Maria Lim, I leave a masquerade ball mask that will never be used. To Lori Chinn, I leave an endless supply of food and TV shows, the shared title of most judgmental on board, and my praise for being the greatest artist I know. To Yu Ling Wu, I leave our journal from freshman year, front row seats to a Lady Gaga concert, and my favorite song from The Lion King 2. To Jeff Lee, I leave Tropical Twist Trident gum, and someone to call you “Happy Trail” after Lori and I are gone. To Jasmine Toy, I leave thanks for your candid photos, and an invitation to a future event that is hopefully as beautiful as you are both inside and out. To LSA, I leave rat traps, cleaning supplies, and thanks for making the cave the best second home there could ever be- I love you all. To Holly Rynhard, I leave paninis, passion tea lemonades, and photos from Disneyland rides. To Kelley Leong, I leave my mean comments (which are all out of love), mornings of struggling to wake me up, and a promise that I’m always here for you. To Nancy Lin, I leave 7-hour phone calls, mandatory sleepover food, the greatest memories on cheer, laughs and tears, and the ability to get through anything and everything together. To Lowell Cheer, I leave the ability to realize when someone says good morning to the team, an extra push when the stunting gets tough, and my eternal love and support. And to Markus Min, I leave mods 19/20 spent on a bench, and a smile for making me smile both day in and day out.

I, Stephanie Joe, declare this to be my last will and testament. In the unlikely event that I am squished in the crowded hallways by those who fail to see me below, I hereby leave the following: To Bithiah Hon, my camera to capture memories, optimism to see the cup half-full when life gets tough, sleeping pills to get rid of those panda eyes, and plenty more food hangouts filled with laughs and smiles. To Cally Chung and Matthew Wong, GOOD CHEAP FOOD and laughter for all the jokes and random thoughts we come up with. To Julie Chandler and Connie Yu, my scrapbook of all the memories we’ve had over the years. To Julie Lau, Rachel Jimenez, Tidani Berhe, and Brian Chu, endless conversations about childhood songs, cafeteria food, and B-Chu’s hipsterlicious style. To Lori Chinn and Katy Kwan, my collection of baked goods and breakfast recipes, late night talks about everything and anything, and my prayers as we head off on new chapters of our lives. To Melody Lee, my patience for when you drive and all my baking tools to make your delicious treats. To Reginald Wong, super loud high fives, my high voice for when you try to imitate me, and the passion to continue working hard and doing what you love. To Timothy Lew, packs of tissues for the times (good and bad) we want to cry and my basketball shorts to cover your tight running pants. To Vincent Wong, my Yao Ming poster, memorization abilities, and a pillow to sleep in class following those late nights of yours. To Waylin Wang, my old tests as proof of how grateful I am for your tutoring and the balance on my Starbucks card for those after practice gorge sessions. To Zihao Zou, my guitar picks and headphones to keep up with music and my Clipper card for the countless times we’ve had to take the bus. To the Lowell Badminton Team, all the knowledge I have gained on the team, my hopes of continued success, and my thanks for making every afternoon one I look forward to.

It is inevitable that I, Laura Jue, will one day be smothered to death by adoring fans. At that time, I wish for these simple requests to be honored. To Sarah Huang I leave my secret stash of puns, to which you may add as you wish. If you write in pencil, be sure it doesn’t break because then it would be pointless. To Elaine Cheng I leave a hug. A great, big, warm hug. To Liz Ye I leave the correct pronunciation of my last name. I leave Josh Roa that green shirt I have from Argentina. Nicole Chin is to receive my USB microphone so her lovely voice can be heard far and wide. To Lisa Grega I leave a pair of reflective aviator sunglasses. I’m not sure why. I just think she would look awesome. Meghan Chow gets to rant to me in reg however much she wants. She shall also receive a double chocolatey chip frappuccino. To Catrina Sun-Tan I leave my rainbow gel pens so she can draw all over my notes as much as she wants. Stephanie Coxon is to receive the Ultimate Secret Coolness Award. It was originally granted to me by the Ultimate Secret Coolness Committee (USCC), but I think you deserve it. Anh Huynh shall receive my sweatpants. May you wear them in public often. To my awesome pit buddies Jose Vigil, Ethan Kogon-Schneider, and Mikki Okamoto, I leave a lifetime supply of boba and popcorn chicken. To supplement, Ethan also gets a rubber glove. To Mikki, as my totes bestie and probable future partner in crime, I leave my sanity. Goodness knows she needs it. I leave William Zeng my Community paraphernalia. May we mourn its cancellation forever. To Derek Yi I leave a cajon, and also that awkward squishy hand gesture. I don’t really know what to call that. And to Flippy Chan I leave my guitar. Treat her well, and learn how to play awesome things. And finally, to Brian Chu, I don’t leave anything, because you’re going to be stuck with me for the next four years. Deal with it.

In the event that I, Nadine Kahney, meet all five spice girls and die from a heart attack, I bequeath the following:  To KT Kelly I leave nights at the sundial, squeezing a suitcase into the smart car, “thrifting,� whole bags of kettle corn, talks about a healthier lifestyle, laughing about everything and nothing at the same time, motec, and my rod.  To Rebecca Hughes I leave the Asian raccoons of #bernalmob, corsage pictures, “we’re florists, we do flors� and a cooler to keep in your closet.  To Alexandra Beem I leave the moments of embarrassment when out and about with our friends, our cluelessness at school dances and my cat because you are the only responsible person I know.  To Ajeya Hernandez I leave our dreams of traveling abroad, Pee-wee Herman figurine, Pooben, Derek (hamster on a piano), Chinese class, “don’t stop belieben,� the struggle of having no fingernails, #teamteamcarbattery, the Deborah’s and countless hours of laughter.  To Sarah Pierluissi I leave our bathroom adventures, Bi-Rite runs, junk food Friday, power berries, Spanish music, 151 rum, James and the giant peach, snl skits and carpool rides home from the boathouse. Also, Lyle wants to know what you’re doing here.  To Jacquie Webb I leave hypothetical situations and the hypothetical conversations in them, mutual hatred of the same people, racist jokes and food runs to Stonestown.  To Kyra Lefferts I leave all the long hours at crew, reblogging tumblr posts during 8th block, unintentional twining and all the great memories from past math classes.  To Sophia Phillips I leave the memories of video production, the good and the bad ones, the pink ladies, falling on the floor laughing, parking struggles and a closet full of booty shorts and sweatpants, because you never know if someone is going to pants you! Also, three strikes and you’re out. Bye.  And Miriam Myers, last christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away, so for you I leave a bag of tcho chocolate, struggles of having three younger brothers, my car so you will never have to take the 29 home again and the love I have for you and your contagious personality.  Finally, to the 1416 reg crew I leave cafeteria breakfasts and Alyssa’s perfect impersonations.

I, Mia Kalo, in the likely event of a death by tripping down a flight of stairs, eating too much ice-cream, or getting lost somewhere and never being able to find my way home, leave a few of my most sacred and precious physical and intangible possessions to some of the brightest, funniest, most caring people I know. To the lovely, “sunny�, Lauren Finnegan, I leave all of the best scripts by Hollywood’s newest upcoming multi-billionaire and parttime French teacher, J.R. I leave you also, at least twelve copies of “Martin Guerre� so that you may bring them with you on any trip you may take and pass them on for generations and generations to come. Lastly, I leave you my forrest-green J. Crew sweater that I never got back. You may keep it. It is yours now. To the charming and fashionable Thomas Fendert, I leave a life-time supply of Trader Joe’s peanut butter bars so that you can eat one every hour of the day. I leave you an unlimited supply of sassy comments, and a hug every mother’s day, if you do something decent with your life. To my true partner-in-crime, future hit TV-show writer, and avid Nubi lover, Kate McCarthy, I leave too much to list. I leave you an endless supply of phone-calls whenever you get an idea for any TV pilot idea, or are annoyed with anyone. I expect the same in return. I leave you

my collection of 4-7th grade poems so that you may find inspiration in my works of literary merit of topics such as the pangs of unrequited love and bubblegum. I leave you all of my Nubi coupons, and a tub of chocolate rocks, candy corn, and cheese-its incase of emergencies, but also in case of non-emergencies. I leave you every 30 Rock joke I can remember, every embarrassing 7th grade video of me I can find, and a back-straightener that you could kindly pass onto my dearest Danny Zander. You are all fantastic people, and I wish you all the best next year, and for the rest of your lives.

If I, Edwin Kasminskiy, lose my humanity and become one with the robots, I distribute my possessions as follows: To Julie Chandler, our ALL CAPS CONVERSATIONS AND MY CAT SO YOU CAN PLAY WITH HER, to Jakob Hofso, the bromance, J.A.R., P.A.T., and all the points you’ll ever need, to Josh Muller, Kanye West’s entire discography, to Jackson Murphy, a huge plate of chili cheese fries, to Joyce Deng, endless Facebook stickers, emojis, and How it’s Made videos, to Justin Lee, a schedule, to Jose Vigil, the fun times in Italian, to Jason Kuang, Mimi Lu, Alex Hall,, and Johnson Mei, a rigged deck of cards, to Brendan McKay, your Gamecube controllers that I still have and a ticket to the deepest parts of Youtube, to Auden Cockrell, Just Cause 2, to Robert Woo, a subscription to US News, to Romi Yount, Monday mornings, travel stories, and a gift card to Beach n Boba, to Lissa Dechakul, my problems so you can give me sage life advice, to Anthony Huang, a map for the next time we get lost in the Bayview, to Steven Van, food because I always steal your lunch, to Devin Thatcher, my weird faces and a new jacket, to Wesley Yee, deep conversations about life, to Sophia Li, a teleporter to get you to class on time, to Annie Xie, my hoodie strings, to William Wong, my terrible Chinese accent, to Vanessa See, anything I have that’s Canadian, to Dylan Baker-Flynn, suspicious looks and a ⅛� center drop, to Chris Ma, a box labeled “Somewhere Safe�, to MY FAVORITE KENNY ZHEN, the award for “Best Videos and Speeches in Team History�, to Waylin Wang, a place for air tanks on the robot, to Xiaofan Wu, endless thanks for keeping Ofri just the slightest bit more sane, to Ofri Harlev, a dictionary, a tricycle, my sanity, and I can’t give you my life because you already took that. To anyone I forgot, my absentmindedness. And last but never least, to CardinalBotics, I leave the hundreds of hours I’ve spent, the ups, downs, building, discarding, building again, Taboo, competitions, team bonding, dinners, Engineering Inspiration, the legacy of the past, and the boundless hope for the future. I hope you’ll keep me “somewhere safe� in your hearts and minds. And here’s more menial tasks for the freshmen to do.

In  the  case  that  I  perish  due  to  severe  spinal  problems  from  my  Baldacchino  bed  stuffed  with  24kt  gold  bars  and  briefcases  of  money,  I  Derek  King,  hereby  bequeth  the  following  :  To  Prudence  Sax,  I  leave  a  box  of  gingersnaps  from  Miette  Patisserie  to  remind  you  of  our  fancy  dinners  and  dates  we  went  on.  I  leave  you  with  full  authority  over  my  Instagram  account  because  you  were  always  the  one  to  choose  which  pictures  I  should  post.  And  lastly,  I  leave  you  half  of  my  life  problems  in  hopes  that  you  and  Fana  Aregawie  can  continue  saving  me  with  your  wise  advise.  To  Fana  Aregawie,  I  leave  you  the  sexual  tension  we’ve  always  had,  but  chose  to  ignore.  I  leave  you  half  (jk.  Majority)  of  my  life  problems  so  you  and  Prudence  Sax  can  can  continue  rescuing  me  every  single  day.  Lastly,  I  leave  \RX P\ 7SXPSV ÂżYH VWDU FDUG LQ ZKLFK ,ÂśYH accumulated  at  least  10  free  drinks.  To  Mikela  Waldman,  I  leave  you  all  my  Golden  State Â

Warriors  apparel,  and  my  daily  home-­cooked  Chinese  lunches  I  bring  from  home.  To  Arbel  Efraty,  I  leave  you  all  my  Alexander  Wang,  Givenchy,  and  most  importantly,  my  favorite  Pyrex  Vision  hoodie,  to  boost  your  #TFM  steez  to  a  whole  new  level.To  Sam  Ryan,  I  leave  all  the  money  I’ve  accrued  from  you  over  these  past  four  years.  I  also  leave  you  a  business  card  for  my  fortune  500  company  â€œDerek  King  &  Coâ€?,  so  when  your  professional  poker  career  ends,  and  you  need  a  job,  I  will  be  that  friend,  with  open  arms,  welcoming  you  with  a  high  paying,  corporate  position.  To  John  Hogan,  I  leave  my  book  of  wisdom,  which  contains  all  all  my  poker  and  deuces  skills  that  you  can  most  certainly  use.  I  leave  you  an  unreleased  reg  picture  of  what  could  have  been  â€œDerek  King’s  Regâ€?  so  if  ever  you’re  in  need  of  $400,  you’ll  look  at  the  picture  and  regret  the  day  for  the  rest  of  your  life.  To  Max  Read,  I  leave  you  â€œThe  Picsâ€?.  Keep  it  in  the  Vault  and  make  sure  Olivia  Kanes  doesn’t  get  a  hold  of  them.  Please  visit  my  grave  and  return  the  favor.  To  my  blood  sister  Maggie  Ma,  I  leave  all  my  belongings  that  were  not  previously  listed.  Make  sure  to  take  good  care  of  Mom  and  Dad  when  I’m  not  around.   To  Samantha  Chang,  Jolie  Chiu,  Sarah  Larkin,  and  lovely  Maddy  Goetz,  I  leave  my  daily  neck-­breaking  stares  walking  past  you  ladies  in  the  hallway.  (And  all  of  my  drool)  To  Everybody  Involved  In  â€œThe  Lowellâ€?  Fantasy  Basketball  League,  I  leave  you  my  championship  trophy  and  fantasy  acumens  and  hope  you  split  my  win-­ nings  and  knowledge  amongst  all  the  GM’s  in  the  league. In the event that I, Katie Koyfman, die from laughing and smiling too hard (at my own stress) I declare this to be my last will and testament. I therefore bequeath these items to the following people: To Jake, I leave kittens, bears, and sunflowers, corniness, late night excursions, half of my heart, roller coasters that don’t go upside-down, and our Once Upon A Time obsession‌and homemade cookies. To my honey, Katherine Popovich, I leave really loudly sung Eminem and Ace Of Base songs, the 90’s, SOG, Camp Mather, Israel, Shoko B’Sakeet, Bridge games, the 38th and 27th Ave playgrounds, Ballet school, and my longest friendship. To Ateret Hakim, I leave the language barrier, Arizona Iced Tea, 4th of July on Turtle Hill with some Ice, Bamba, hot Israelis, and THE infamous perfume. To Sara Vargas, Medea Petronis-Branch, and Angela Hwang, I leave my poker hands and my miniature cards. To Selena Saad I leave our Frisbee golf adventures, house parties, and our future kids play dates. To BrunoHaesbert, I leave the ski trip and reggae music, and a great friendship. To Moriah Wolfe, I leave a portable microwave for your lunching needs, thrift shopping, the calendar we never got back, and Mac N’ Cheese. To Tammy Ha, David Gul-

man, Jack Olson, Natalie Kaliss, Joshua Roa, and Lisa Grega, I leave the struggle of Econ, even though “it’s so easy.â€? To James Uejio, I leave my first new friendship at Lowell and deep conversations. To Kianna Mark, I leave my dance moves, our jumping photos, and hugs. To Yumin Li, a wedding gift once you marry Hunter Pence, and snapchat selfies. To Rebecca Hughes, I leave our lockers, peculiar facial expressions, and sarcasm. To Hebrew and Batia, I leave life-lessons, weird connections, long vacations, Frank doing push-ups in the middle of class, and the selfie we will take once class ends. To Jew Crew, I leave Graham crackers, Nutella matzah, ApplestoApples, art projects, the bulletin board we still haven’t updated, and endless falafel :) To Reg 1407, I leave memories, the swing, the electrified hot dogs and pickles, photo booth pictures, and tons of printing‌oh and the candy stash that we all miss. To the Class of 2014 I leave a world filled with much less stress and much more hope. I, Alyssa Kwan, declare this to be my last will and testament. To Katy Kwan, I leave to you endless bathroom trips, infinite teeth and nose checks, random epiphanies and lunch and girl talk on the first floor. You can also expect Song Hay oranges, good non-underground music and best friend love. To Maris Tong, I will throw hard punches over a lunch at Super Duper and Kara’s Cupcakes. You can also receive my daily complaints about life and American Democracy and our twin moments. Stephanie Ellman, I leave to you endless laughter, twenty minute bathroom breaks during APES class and many garden days. For the three of you, more MASK hangouts and pho dinners. Horace Kwan, I reserve Simon to you, trips to Great Steak for dollar fries and your phone back. You can expect many Jamba Juice trips and bugs in my teeth. I give Arina Romanova a supply of pineapple buns and beautiful selfies of us two. To Alika Lew-Koga, I leave you doughnut holes and Mrs. Field’s cookies. Rachel Wong, I give you care and love for a little twelve year old baby like you. To Laura Kennedy, I leave the entire dance studio so you can forever do the turtle stretch along with many shorts and leggings that you can hold onto when you do the dancer kick. To Nolan Dang, “Check my teeth!â€? and reusable coupons to Nubi’s and Great Steak. Patrick Huynh, greater love from Auntie Mary and our best friend promise. To Mariella Morell and Emma Petrelli, more pictures of our hobo college days and Tpumps runs. Nadine Kahney and Azucena Nunez, my favorite reg buddies, I leave to you crazy moments filled with “It’s litâ€? talks, breakfast runs and times to make fun of our reg mates. To Arynn Kwan, one of my favorite sisters, I leave to you more ride arrangements to pick up homework due that day, guidance and love to last you your entire

senior year and possibly life, good food and sisterly love. The dance studio, bonding days and my love to dance with talented people to Lowell Dance Company. To K.A.R.E., I give you all the care you need to run the club, make successful meetings and to branch out to more senior centers. Finally, to Lowell High School, thanks for the last 4 years of stress, college preparation, fun and excitement. I, Horace Kwan, in the event that I cramp up and drown during my monthly swim practices, bequeath the following: To Alyssa Kwan, trips to your house during block 4 because you always leave things there, more coupons because you keep reusing the same ones, and my phone since you always ask for it. To Katy Kwan, all my soda so you can continue to do your little burp-and-blow thing, T-Pumps because I keep forgetting to buy it for you, and Kwanding time because you love us. To Nolan Dang, our 10 hour-long COD sessions that were both rageinducing and enjoyable, trips to Supercue, KFC, Quickly’s or anywhere but swim practice, and my yellow shoes because I know they’re your favorite. To Kenneth Ouyang, all those skits we did in Chinese (they were HAO AH), bus rides after school most days, and the next four years at UCSC. To Sally Tan, many nights of AIM conversations even though no one uses AIM anymore, vanilla ice cream with marinara sauce, and 4 years worth of summer swim lessons where we were paid in donuts and fruits. To Stanley Tang, my running shoes because you know I’m not gonna be using them, and toilet paper because you know why. To Patrick Huynh, the math homework that we never do because we can leave class during homework checks. To Stephanie Ellman, invitations to the parties that I may or may not attend in college and Danny or whatever his name was. To Maris Tong, chocolate. Just kidding, you’re allergic. To Carolyn Tran, FOOD TRIPS DURING LUNCH. To Stephanie Chen, games of heads up with my amazing singing. To Michael Li, Justin Lee, and Matt Kim, our cat Toby and milk tea every day after practice. To Hansen Dang, a guide on how to hold billiard sticks. To Bruce Quan and Jordan Jiang, swim practice not because you guys need to, but because Steve probably misses us. To Hanna Tang, my Chinese grade because I wouldn’t be passing if it weren’t for you last semester, and Sally’s Facebook account. To Alika Lew-Koga, longboard rides with Hansen during team bonding. To Jocelyn Lee, my March Madness bracket because you can’t make your own. Also yuccas. To Zhimei Lin, hanging out over the

summer and maybe we’ll get lunch one day! To Aaron Chow, Brendon Ng, and Jacob Wong, post-meet feasts. Sorry if I forgot anyone! I, Katy Kwan, declare this to be my last will and testament. To Alyssa Kwan, I leave head massagers, cat houses/chairs to sit on, a hand to hold during scary movies, and a lifetime supply of floss, cookies, $1 fries, and steak burritos. Because you never seem to have enough of this, I give a thousand tissue boxes. I also thank you for the past 12 years of telepathic friendship and memories and look forward to many more. For Horace Kwan I reserve Kwanding times, blasting underground music, and meet ups at 8:37am. I give Nolan Dang endless burps blown in his face and Mean Girls challenges in Quiz Up. I leave group messages and all the towel turbans, sushi, and Mexican food in the world to Patty Tom and Lori Zadoorian, my farting fish. I also leave them with this quote: “You know you’ve found good friends when you can fart in front of them.” To Alika Lew-Koga, locker room talks and an endless supply of wire and beads to make beautiful rings. To Bruce Quan, 1,000 buddy pictures and weird snapchats. I leave Kenny Lam and Austin Van all the diving boards, water fountains, and flagpoles to polish at the S.I. pool. To Natalie Louie, my Bratalie, I leave complaints, snapchats, and library talks with your old lady. To Stephanie Ellman and Maris Tong, I leave MASK hangouts and watching movies on Steph’s iPad. I give Jackie Tan and Tiffany Chan daily reg talks, group texts, a full year of spirit days, and pictures/videos of the cutest baby animals. To Patrick Huynh, aka Pat Pat, I leave kung fu sets and kokoko. To the Lowell Symphonic Band I leave sheet music and games of truth or dare, would you rather, and ten fingers. To Lori Chinn I reserve a giant supply of food and our talks to cope with boredom in Econ. To Steph Joe I leave endless smiles and words of encouragement. I leave my Starfish Swimmers a new pool heater, 5:30am practices before school, locker room and shower talks, and games of jump or dive. To the Lowell Swim Team, I leave team bondings and the endless smell of chlorine. Finally, to every single person I have met at Lowell High School, you have all touched my life in different ways and I thank you for being a part of my amazing high school experience. In the highly likely event that I , Karen Kyi, die from an overdoes of feels meeting Benedict Cumberbatch, bequeath the following: To Candy Rui: I leave you eternal access to

my phone, for your selflies addiction. my water bottles during English class, because I wouldn’t want you to die from dehydration. I also leave you all of my Doctor Who merchandise. Because I wouldn’t trust anyone else with tenant’s screwdriver but you. To Samantha Chow: everything 90’s related and beyond. Britney (pre break down), N’sync (especially JT’S Ramen noodle curls) and Backstreet Boys (right before Kevin left). I grant you a life-time supply of chicken nuggets and mcchickens. Also a piercing/tattoo in my honor that says “Karen Kyi is the HBIC.” To Bernice Liu: my calculator, because I know you will do something practical with it as a civil engineer AKA person who will build a bridge in my honor. I also leave you a life-time supply of pies and desserts from Mission Pie and burritos from El Farolito. To Kelly Siu: funny prom stories, really late Christmas presents, damn SOCAL vibes, and your always FLAWLESS hair. To Leanna Wei: I grant you ugly selfies of me and OIL because of all the times you have driven me around. I also leave you all the sleepovers where I intruded your home with my obnoxiously loud laughter. To Catrina Sun-Tan: I leave you all the laughter and sadness we shared during our hourly long phone convo’s . BOSTON B*****S 4EVA (even though I shall remain on the (B(W)EST COAST) I leave you with Scott Muir and Patrick Chan. To Tricia Lam: our unhealthy shared obsession over pop culture and television and a lifetime supply of Netflix To Linnea Morgan: half of my giants gear (shared w/ Caroline Mai). I also leave you all my Taylor Swift albums. To Jessica Li and Tiffany Madjus : my indecisive lunch decisions and constant shipping of MERYL & MAKS. To the reg buddies of 1414: Bilegt Baatar, Jennifer Cho and others. Bilegt’s Mongolian pride, toothpaste for Jenny’s beaming smile, and Maris I grant my blue cardigan To Stephanie Ellman: all of my SAT prep materials. I leave you with our failed baked goods and movie dates. I also leave you with a bunch of chocolate (despite your unusual hatred). To CPCPHG: Judy Hua and Ysabel Cayabyab. the beautiful CHEMISTRY we have. I leave Ysabel with fancy cameras and Judy with James Franco. To Kenny Luo: gas for all the car rides, and ONE floor seat ticket to a Warrior’s game. TO THE BEST CALC CREW: Tammy Ha, Anyan Cheng, AND Horace Kwan/Amy Huang: all the tears shed over that calc exam. Also shameless selfies, CURRY and bribing of the #goodguygribbs

In the event of my death, I, Kavin Lam, declare this to be my final will and testament, and bequeath to the following my possessions. To Kira Boden-Gologorsky , I leave you a bath in the biggest tub possible and a new booby for you to call your own. To Alex Hsiao, I leave you my confusion about your Hypebeast-Hipster mix. To Katya Kha, I leave you boba and curry noodles. To Vanessa Lee and Mandy Che, I leave you the roads our food adventures have taken us on and our laughter that has perfumed my car. To Amy Lim, I leave you all our 19/20 food spots and all the Bambu your heart can desire. To Maria Lim aka my only friend in life, I leave everything else including my prius, my jars, my Hershels, and my sweaters. You’re welcome. I’d also like you to take the money I leave and have a great wedding in a vineyard but have the banquet somewhere else. To Maggie Ma, I leave you our love for the Caucasian type. To Dana Ng, I leave you an endless supply of hipster food spots and our mutual distaste for the species Homo sapiens. To Elizabeth Stern, I leave my boutonniere that you were unable to put on, our food adventures, hummns, and access to our love Oliver (I have no fears in naming names). To Austin Van, I leave you the keys to Saint Ignatius Herbst’s Natatorium, the echoes of our conversations home, and the longest friendship this old man has ever had. To Jessica Weiss, I leave you all our debate trophies, all our inappropriate relationship pictures, all the right to the Jewish homeland, our nightly phone calls, our frustration with the lack of intelligence of an overwhelming majority of the people we’ve met, and most importantly our feelings on the NSA and drones. To Aaron Wong aka my only friend in life, I leave you nothing in life as you seem to be doing extraordinarily well without anything of mine. Just in case, however, I will leave you matches to burn down Annie’s Mac and Cheese factory and a 24/7 supply of chefs and sous chefs to feed your never ending stomach. I also leave you with a one way plane ticket from Houston to Ithaca, or literally anywhere else. To Matthew Wong, I leave you all the questionable and uncomfortable videos we’ve watched together and hope that your odyssey

to individualism takes you far. I also leave you the rights to write a song about my life accented with endless hummmns. To Yu Ling Wu, I leave food to feed the endless nights we spend together and motivation coupled with direction to guide you towards the Saturday Night Live stage you so dearly deserve. To Sally Zhao, I leave you all the hipster ice scream shops in the world, but I have no question you’ll return to Mr. and Mrs. In the case that I need to drink 374 cups of coffee and die of caffeine overdose, I, Mariam Latibashvili, leave the following: To Nick Mesler, as many dinners at Mel’s as you want, an endless supply of M&M’s and vanilla ice cream, and another coupon for unlimited hugs from me. To Elisa Vidales, more ice than you think for our virgin margaritas, cute pictures for our soul sister scrapbook, my clothes so you can dress up as my twin, all my Rick Riordan books, and my yoga mat to help you calm down. To Sofiya Ozbek, my hip-hop choreography, sips of espresso drinks, all the music on my iPhone, my sweaters and scarves for the Seattle weather, all my knowledge about your school, my tech-savvy skills, and endless ethnic food adventures. To Whitney Zhang, endless ice skating dates, really cute wifey pictures, and a very comfortable couch so you can be Princess Cat Zhang. To Nancy Lin, an organized closet, 4-hour talks on the phone, beautiful pictures of food, and the very scary Mary look. To L owell Dance Company, my firehydrant dance, my reminders every day, and all of the social media passwords. To Nilou Mostarshed, endless talks about people’s prom dresses, gossip from all over the world, and lots and lots of coffee. To Viviane Nguyen, a Grey’s Anatomy auto player so you can stay caught up, stinky Chinese food in your car, and the title of CEO of Loco For Local Co. To Alma Carranza, my whole nail polish collection, lots of hugs and a picture of you to sign when you become a famous producer. To Jennifer Zeng, an award for Best Listener, a pass from coming to English every day, and the assurance that you are in fact one of my friends. To Noah Shaw, reg walks down the hallway for water, an unlimited supply of smacks in the head, an Ender’s Game movie where they didn’t change the book, and CSI:Miami episodes to help you in your future. And to my teachers, homework turned in weeks late, readmits to sign, and my gratitude for teaching me all you have for the past four years, always having faith in me, and shaping me into the person I am today. To everyone I had to leave out because of the word limit, I leave you my sarcastic comments and bear hugs. I, Julie Ann Lau, declare this as my last will and testament. In the likely event that I drop my phone on my head whist lying down, crack my head and bleed to death. I leave the following people (in no particular order): To Tiffany Ye, my Snoopy plush and basically my entire life savings because I owe her a bunch for always getting me food. To Jessica Li (Jeli28), my awesome editing skills, my lovely model/selfie pictures & Snapchats, and great conversations with the other Jessica. To Jessica Li (Jili12), my love and support for your YouTube channel, the slow-mo videos I have of you flipping your hair, and all the Cameron Dallas pictures, tumblr posts and vines. To Tricia Lam, gas money for all the carpools you have given me, and all the spoilers that you love so much. To Cindy Cheng, the days when I don’t skip American Democracy and all our lovely formal dance memories/pictures. To Lori Chinn, my school lunches and 4 years worth of Italian. To Sally Chen, the best of luck for next

year and all my YSC gear and memories. To Cherry Ng, all the Yes’s in the world. To Susan Li, my deadweight loss, my complex’s gym/pool, and memories from our mini adventures. To Patricia Liang (Patboob), our walks up to the M/K stop and all the nonexistent tutoring sessions. To Jessica Kai, and Caroline Hsiao, my tear stained calc homework and funny moments in Sullivan’s class. To Ada Wong and Karina Wong, all the food in the world and boba. To Jasmine Huang, Melody Lee, Brian Nguyen, and Michael Lee, my bio crap and the fun times where we do everything but the labs. To Tidani Berhe, Brian Chu, Stephanie Joe, and Rachel Jimenez, breakfast and all the weird conversations and memories we have in reg.

In case I trip over a ladybug and meet an untimely demise, I, Jenna Lee, leave absolutely nothing to anyone because I hate you all.. Except my all of my lovelies. To my daughter, Bethany Chan, I leave all my knowledge of the ocean and the courage to one day swim in open waters. Also, some Japanese snacks and wario ware to practice swatting flies. To Kacy Chan I leave our sleepovers, some tomatoes, and a wicker basket to remind you to be good in college. To Matthew Wong, I leave my old xbox and my DDR games. To Mary Nieh I leave BETHANY’S backbone and some giraffe/loc ness monster themed jewelry. To Christopher Mok I leave some cool video game themed hoodies and nice shoes. To Rubin Girling, I leave THE MOST intense life insurance policy. To Wendy Li, I leave some hand drawn BL comics. To Jaclyn Wong I leave some time to do all the extra work you sign yourself up for and NARWHALS, just kidding...but seriously. To Viviane Nguyen I leave all of my essays to proof read and my doge’s pho-king amazing love. I make all my love to Sabrina Leung and Jennifer Chen and leave some mounts, raging butts and witch* red lipstick. To Kevin Wong I leave all the hugs you’ve avoided and skinny jeans that you’ll be able to wear in college. To Leighton Chen I leave my failing memory and a few arguments with Kacy Chan so that you can study when we’re no longer with you. To Her Majesty Justin Lee, I leave a crown, sash, and the dedication of ten million devoted followers. To my beautiful baby kouhai, Irene Wang, I leave all the patience in the world to get through the drama next year. Plaster on that pageant smile, girl. To Sassy (Mr. Kian Mojabi) I leave the glass jar with holes poked in the lid that I planned to keep you in when I adopted you. AND LAST, BUT MOST CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, I leave Ryan Chan our list of this to do, bananas, a “how to” guide on dealing with an emotionally unstable girlfriend, dog treats to prevent Rufus from mauling you, my eyesight so you can tell the difference between blue and purple, and, of course, all of my love. P.S. To Marcella DePunzio and Mimi Lu, I leave a boy so they can focus in math. In the event of my untimely death, I, Justin Lee, declare this to be my final will and testament, and bequeath to the following my possessions. To Lowell Dragon Boat, my trust that you will succeed. Never stop being great, because we’re the best. It’s been a great run, and I couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve accomplished. Stay humble, trust each other, and be there for each other. To Alec Fong, my leadership and speeches. You’ll be fine after we leave. Oh, and many bottles of Gatorade to quench your fan club’s thirst. To Lilian Zheng, our sarcastic conversations and my inspiring comments. Keep being loud. To Andromeda Vegafria, my support for you. But not your decisions. To Team 4159, all the knowledge and experiences I’ve acquired. Continue pushing the envelope of what’s possible, and

keep learning. To the “AP crew”, I leave my friendship, our times at our house, drinks at Beach n Boba, and all the other adventures we’ve had together over the years. Oh, and my wallet. I love you guys. To Ryan Chan, my best friend of 13 years-and-counting, I leave our endless list memories. Thank you for the best times, let’s keep them coming. To Eric Tong and Chris Mok, I leave my knees. Yours seriously got some issues. Also to Eric, another “I’m busy” text while you’re gaming. To Jenna Lee, our walks, long conversations, and wishes unfulfilled. To Bethany Chan, I return your life. With a fly. To Kevin Tom, an ER burn unit, because we all know you need it. It’s okay, I’ll keep them coming, see you at U Michigan. To Kacy Chan, all of our gossiping sessions. To Wendy Li, I return all of your awkward pokes and comments. To Mary Nieh, all the giraffes in the world and the cutest answers in Cards Against Humanity. To Jaclyn Wong and Dave Minion, more time to spend with the group. To Lyra, the person who has become nothing short of family to me in such a short time, I leave all my love, comfort, and all of our minutes and hours together. Be strong, snowflake.And to everyone whom I’ve met at Lowell – teachers, coaches, classmates, teammates, friends – thank you for a great four years. You’ve made my experience here full of memories I will cherish. Never stop striving to be the best. In the event that I, Michael Lee (1420), mutate and die after falling into Lake Merced, I hereby leave behind: To Ryan Shee, Tyler Lim, Truong Nguyen, and Raymond Ho, I leave memories of our daily League games (you guys are feeders) #fearsquad. To Kevin Tu, thanks for Leaguing with me and being a great reg buddy/support. Pls main support. kthx. To Tuan Pham and Martin Yip, I leave memories and laughs from rooming with you guys on various dragonboat trips. (Spiders, Long Beach, HK, Macau, Vancouver, Night Markets, “It’s irresistible”) Thank you guys for persuading me to join db sophomore year To Anthony Pan, thank you for everything that you’ve helped me with. To Sean Li and Marston Li, the Lee/Li brothers, I wish you the best of luck in years to come. We’ve been through a lot from Cornerstone up to now. #Bros4Lyfe To Benson Ly, I leave you the little knowledge I have of Calculus BC so you can survive the class. To Shirlyna Trinh, Rasputin will find you. To Julie Lau, Melody Lee, and Brian Nguyen, thanks for making AP Bio more bearable. To Chris Tang, I leave behind our convos and fruit snacks for you to put on people’s heads when they’re sleeping/ not paying attention. To Mimi Lu, I leave you

all the memories we had with each other, my iPhone, and all my songs. Thank you for always being there for me. To Mr. Sinn, I leave you a clone of myself to TA for your Geometry H class to grade constructions. To my teachers/ coaches that have helped me get this far, thank you for everything that you’ve done to get me where I am today. To Lowell Dragonboat, I leave behind the memories, the pain, the races that we’ve had with each other. Sha! To the others that I did not list, I thank you for how ever you’ve impacted me in whatever shape or size, whether it be getting through a class together or whatever.

In the event that I, Vanessa Lee, die from netflixarrhea, leave the following items and a lifetime of love to my friends; To Erica Lei, I leave Mr. Ellingson and Chuck. To Katya Kha, I leave my wedding materials and my heart.To Kelly Eshima, I leave my secret ability to talk to guys. To Cynthia Wong and Julia Wong, I leave my driver’s license. To Triana Anderson, I leave cute little sandwiches and tea. To GG, I leave Miguel. To Dion Wang, I leave Ambrosia sandwiches and Frank’s trunk door To Carly Wong, I leave 500 dollars in ones. To Sam Fong, I leave the ability to sing like Sam Smith and Alana for the rest of your life because she’s going to be the only one there to take care of you. To Alana Poole, I leave my extra stash and SaFong b e caus e she is a ls o t he only one who will take care of you. To Jena Lacayo, I leave my mad change ups. To Anna Lam, I leave you in charge on k e e pi n g t h e Ni g ht O w l’s p a nt s on . To Ally Lui, I leave you Mandy because I don’t want her anymore and I leave you and Ravina Patel both, my future husband Troy when I meet him at school which will be 32.7 miles from Gabriella. To Bianca Delatorre, I leave a grilled cheese sandwich with truffle oil that your husband gave to me a couple years ago. To Charlotte Nakamura, I leave Cyrus Rose, and a plentiful supply of champagne. To Kavin Lam, I leave you Katya Kha because she’s going to be a mess in a couple of years. To Elizabeth Stern, I leave you my athletic abilities and the endless Korean videos and food. To Aaron Wong, I leave you rice to bring to Rice. To Mitra Shokat, I leave you and Kavin a car so you can drive approximately 354 miles to visit your best friend in college. To Karina Tom, I leave you my good looks because you actually look nowhere as pretty as me. To Kelly Wong, I leave an extra dimple because your face is uneven and a lifetime supply of toothbrushes. To Mandy Che, I leave you my money cause you already stole the one

thing that keeps my blood pumping: my heart. Both of you guys already know how much I love you. Fanks for these four years. In the event that I, Kyra Lefferts, crash another golf cart and die a tragic death, I leave the following people these items and memories: To KT Kelly, I leave ballet slippers, VIP passes to every Ke$ha concert, leggings whenever the beach is colder than you expected, sunscreen, and hawaiian pizza every Friday night. To Logan Litle, I give a lifetime supply of swedish fish, the cutest German Shepherd you’ve ever seen, and just everything, because you’re my everything. To Nadine Kahney, I leave all the powerberries Trader Joe’s has ever made, Peet’s coffee, a car wash, a million followers for Stockton’s instagram, and a house big enough for you and your 800 cats. To Sophia Phillips, I give every issue of Cosmo, sweaty bus rides, Old Spice Figi, sunscreen, hunky jesus winner of 2007, and a neck brace (thank you snaphchat). To Ajeya Hernandez, I give a truck bed filled with manure, the Tardis, Shakira’s dance moves, fame and fortune in the voice acting business, and Jon’s undying love. To Alexandra Beem, I leave the broken buoy line at the RRanch, all of my AP Psych notes, and bright red SPLAT! hair dye. To Rebecca Hughes, I leave a lifetime supply of Kyra-Bars, penis pasta, every selfie we took in Girling’s class, and lots of lettuce. To Alma Carranza, I give every color nail polish that exists, High School Musical 3 on repeat forever, and your own Hollywood Star. In the event that I, Erica Lei, explode from eating too much, I entrust the following to these individuals. To Leila Chew, who I have known since Kindergarten, I leave all of my jokes in hopes that other people will start to laugh when you try to say something funny, a playlist for when you’re sad, and all my math problems for when you’re bored. To Maria Lim, I leave an order of the Orchid from Yum Yum Fish so that you won’t have the trouble of deciding what to eat every time you go to work. To Alexandra Jensen, I leave all things I own that are Tiffany blue or baby pink, pearl earrings, and dried up flowers because I know that those objects will remain important and sentimental to you wherever you go. To Mishal Al-asfour, I leave all the marshmallows in the world so that you’ll have a cup of it for lunch for the rest of your life. To Lori Chinn, I leave a billion plastic containers so that you’ll never run out when you take food from buffets. To Yu Ling Wu, I leave my camera so that you can capture every moment for when you’re famous and travel the world. To Vanessa Lee, who I have known since we were 11, I leave my knowledge and obsession of Gossip Girl in hopes that you’ll one day find Nate Archibald and have the wedding of your dreams. To Kelly Wong, I leave all my sass in hopes that one day you’ll be sassier than your sister. Also, I leave a bottle of sunscreen so that you’ll never become a burnt marshmallow. To Jessica Li, I leave you the responsibility to tell Mr. Sinn I’m reg running every day and all the makeup you desire. To Jasmine Toy, I leave all of my Lifetouch pictures and an invitation to my wedding because I know you’ll hunt me down if I don’t. To Mica Jarmel-Schneider, I leave all of my rudeness because you are by far the nicest person I’ve ever met. To LSA, I leave mousetraps and all the cleaning supplies in the world in hopes that the cave will one day be ratfree. And last but not least, to Mitchell Szeto, who I have also known since Kindergarten, I leave my smile to thank you for being there for me for the past 13 years. I, Alika Lew-Koga, declare this to be my last will and testament. In case of an untimely death, due to heat stroke in Hawaii or being eaten by a sharks, etc. leave the following: To Ingrid Adams, my admissions letter/guaranteed spot into UHM. To Anand Bat-Erdene,

Hansen Dang & Horace Kwan, my custom shaped longboard to ride down crazy

steep hills.

To  Amanda  Bui,  the  â€œcoolerâ€?  outside  show-­ ers.  To  Stephanie  Chen,  the  long  walks  to  practice  and  fun  events  around  the  city.  To  Praise  Ching,  all  the  hugs  to  last  a  lifetime.  To  Meghan  Chow  &  Vivan  Nguyen,  my  belongings  to  aid  you  for  the  upcoming  four  years  at  UHM!  To  Marcella  DePun-­ zio,  the  halls  of  Lowell  High  School  to  strut  down,  and  a  bajillion  year  supply  of  bananas.  To  Eva  Heyert,  my  gold  jewelry  to  add  to  your  pizzazz.  7R $QK +X\QK P\ 1HWĂ€L[ to  watch  â€œThe  Walking  Dead.â€?  To  Patrick  Huynh,  Elizabeth  Wong  &  Amanda  Yee,  the  McDonald’s  I  never  eat.  To  Michelle  Keung,  my  loving  stuffed  animals.  To  the  3  Kwans  &  Nolan  Dang,  the  Meyer  Library  table  &  my  yogurts.  To  Sherita  Li,  my  100  backstroke  record,  59.67  to  smash  and  conquer!  To  Nick  Mesler  &  Josh  Muller,  all  my  hello  waves  and  smiles  to  last  a  lifetime.  To  Casey  Paja-­ rillo,  a  stick  of  deodorant  to  remember  me  by,  and  the  good  times  in  chem  rocking  out  to  1D.  To  Joshua  Roa,  my  hair  ties,  pirated  movies,  and  untrained  vocal  chords.  To  Zach  Row-­ son,  all  the  unexplored  adventures,  glasses  of  milk,  and  crazy  squirrels  that  cross  your  path.  To  Patricia  Tom,  Bonnie  Yuen  &  Lori  Zadoorian,  my  food  posts  on  Instagram.  To  Lynn  Voelker,  the  â€œwinsâ€?  and  laughs  for  those  close  staring  eye  contests.  To  Bran-­ don  Wong,  my  sweatshirts  so  you  can  stay  warm  and  bundle  up.  To  Reginald  Wong,  my  copyright  to  the  â€œAlika  Dance.â€?  To  Sam  Yee,  my  dresses.  To  Tennyson  Zhu,  my  energy  to  stay  up  during  those  long  nights  studying/ procrastinating.  To  my  2nd  family,  the  Lowell  Swim  Team,  my  strength  and  motivation,  the  crowded  lanes  at  the  humid  Sava  pool,  hardest  sets,  crazy  team  bondings,  and  an  unlimited  supply  of  food,  shavers  and  shav-­ ing  cream‌  To  my  undefeated  Varsity  Girls,  my  garlic  bread  recipe  for  carb  night.  And  to  all  my  friends  I’ve  made  at  Lowell,  I  leave  you  my  love,  support,  memories,  laughs,  and  WKDQNV IRU D ZRQGHUIXO IRXU \HDUV Ɔ In the event that I, Hannah Li, die from overpriced French food with a side of unexcused absences, I hereby leave the following. To Jessica Weiss I leave an undying friendship, scandalous conversations, macaroni and cheese, and an endless amount of liquid eyeliner. You will always be my puzzle piece. To Nancy Lin I leave my house for all your online purchases, an iPhone charger, and endless amounts of late night phone calls that involve us falling asleep on each other. To Andie Mercado I leave a buddy system, all the Starbucks in the world, Uber/Lyft credits, and my leftover orange chicken from Panda. To Lori Chinn I leave a thankfulness for teaching me the lazy lifestyle, unforgettable moldbusters, naps on memory foam beds, even more stuffed animals, and as many makeovers as you desire. To Yu Ling Wu I leave inspirational tear-jerking way-past-midnight conversations, a hilarious picture of you crying over Lady Gaga, and the hope and strength to always stay positive. To Leila Chew I leave basically my life. Oh and also our many many many conversations about guys over the years. That too. To Maris Tong I leave Olympic-medal-winning shopping trips and dessert before dinner. To Kenny Okagaki I leave positive vibes, an intense hatred for raccoons, rainbow sherbert, the ability to stay up past 1, and an unlimited supply of Coke. Thanks for making my senior year the best year. To Richie Choi I leave an Amicado sandwich from Lou’s, 5 am photoshoots, funny faces, and a shared love for Kina Grannis. To Brian Nguyen I leave my (amazing) fashion advice, Java Beach talks, and late night phone calls about life. To Mishal Al-asfour I leave intellectual and existential talks in AP Psych and someone you don’t have to hold the door for. To Nathaniel Jee I leave a sweater on a cold day. And to Lowell I leave a relationship that began with hate and ended with love. Thanks for the amazing four years.

In the event that I, Jessica Li, scream my lungs out from even glancing at One Direction for a split second in real life, I leave the following people my valuable items, memories, and all of my love:  To Cindy Cheng, all my food, my house keys and the beds in my house because what’s mine is yours, the memories we’ve had, and seven years of marriage on Facebook since August 28, 2007.  To Tricia Lam, my brain because great minds think alike, our long texting conversations, rants/spoilers about tv shows, and six years of friendship.  To Julie Lau (julau1), my food, picture taking/ filming skills, my failed sarcasm, selfies on snapchat, the Film as Lit. music video, conversations with jili12, and JGilinsky. To Jessica Li (jili12), my name, sassiness, support of your YouTube channel, and all the Cameron Dallas pictures. To Caroline Mai, all of my SFGiants items, spamming of text messages; “YAAAASâ€? and “SWAGGIÉâ€? when watching the game, laundry selfies, and all of our math conversations in Little Kevin’s class.  To Tiffany Madjus, our walks to English class and complaints about the weather. To Susan Li, our short and sweet conversations, my college supplies and the other half of our room.  To Cherry Ng, the short hello’s you gave me when walking out of the cafeteria. To Tiffany Ye, the English film project that took us forever, chicken nuggets dipped in mash potatoes with gravy, and the golden island trips. To Karina Wong, my Starbucks card, tapioca drinks, and carpool rides that my parents give you in the morning.  To Ad a Wo n g , a l l t h e k n o w l e d g e that I have in chem and econ class. To Bernice Liu and Karen Kyi, our everyday lunch meetings, and struggles to decide on what to eat. To Jeffrey Chen, a phone and our math conversations about you living in a cave. To Bilegt Baatar, our prom pictures and the little stuffed animal penguin. To Reg 1417 and the coolest reg teacher ever, Mr. Chan, all the food, newspapers, surveys, and the fifteen minute conversations we’ve ever had. And to everyone that I failed to mention that I’ve met in my four years of attending Lowell, thank you so much for making this a memorable part of my life. In the event that I, Maria Lim, die of severe boba deficiency, I declare this as my final will and testament, bequeathing the following things: To Eric Tong: many days sitting on your bed singing and watching movies, failed runs along the beach, international texts, skype calls, and the darkest buffalo in existence. To Leighton Chen: endless freakouts about my math grade, encouraging texts, and slightly burned brussel sprouts To Matthew Wong: spontaneous trips to Calvin’s house, and Fry Fridays. To Justin Talbott: long emotional text messages, songs that make you cry, and Wingstop. To Leila Chew: a new pair of black leggings. To Alexandra Jensen: a never-ending supply of Yum Yum Fish Nigiri, udon bowls and bows. To Erica Lei: fifty-dollar LuLu Lemon scarves and a credit card number to buy all the shoes her heart desires. To Mishal Al-asfour: golden oreos, and clean shoes.To Lori Chinn: a million days of watching Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, Oriental Seafood, precious gems and microwavable fried rice in a plastic bag. To Yu Ling Wu: nights of watching The Walking Dead on the couch while simultaneously playing Candy Crush and talking about life’s dilemmas. To Praise Ching: interesting hipster blogs and ice cream. To Lynn Voelker: pineapples, horses, Oreos, and the ability to know exactly what I mean when I say, “That thing that’s like that other thing that smells weird.â€? To Kyle

Wong: a strand of hair to get a DNA test to prove that we are actually cousins, and Purple Kow. To Andie Mercado: being scared of white vans on Thursdays before 7pm. To Amy Lim, Jasmine Toy, and Michelle Lin: the best Christmas presents anybody could ever ask for, and photobooth pictures. To Fana Aragawie, Jenny Zhu, and Marston Li: random stories during reg and freaking out about Econ. To Chris Mok: four years of good conversations and secrets while walking to 6/7 . To Elizabeth Stern: laptop lunches. To Katya Kha: hotpot nights, and afternoons sitting in your room with Supercue. To Alex Hsiao: unexpected deep Facebook conversations, and outfit advice. To Samantha Sedar: lunch dates that turn into ridiculously long walks, a slice of Brie and Weigh Watchers pretzels. To Kavin Lam: efficient food runs, conversations about things that we shouldn’t know about and my love. And lastly, to Aaron Wong: the softest blankets in the world, park benches, stars, tears and weird dreams. In the event that, I, Nancy Lin, get trampled to death by the tallest person on earth, do hereby bequeath the following: to Alexandra Jensen, I leave my closet that is filled with of sweatshirts and Tshirts that I’ve borrowed throughout the years, an endless supply of sushi, pasta, green tea mochi, sesame balls and Vietnamese sandwiches for sleepover dates, my tuned guitar so you can finally learn to play, and my Spotify account so you can constantly add songs to my playlist. To Jessica Weiss and Andie Mercado, I leave homemade cookies that I’ve never gotten around to bake, cocktails and my bunny ears. To Mary Latibashvili and Whitney Zhang, I leave my Starbucks gold card filled with an unlimited amount of money to get through every one of “those days�. To Katya Kha, I leave you the ability to understand my need for gingerbread man PJs every time I hop onto your bed. To Maggie Ma and Dana Ng, I leave a kitchen and pantry filled with every ingredient and tool needed to make every pastry ever created. To Hannah Li, I leave my Google Doc so you can proofread and perfect everything I’ve ever written. To Jenessa Sabugo, I leave every Twin Day dedicated to you and me. To Jennifer Zeng, I leave a book of jokes for you to use in every awkward situation. To Holly Rynhard, I leave every part of Asian-ness in me and a recording of me saying “laladingding�. To Lowell Cheer, I leave you ladies my phone charger and outlet, my obnoxiousness during “circle time� and lastly my love for each and everyone of you.

In the event that I, Sophia Li, trip on my abnormally small feet and perish, I leave the following people the following things. To Gwen the security guard: one rain check for a golf cart ride to prom. To the Lowell Girls’ Soccer Team: an unlimited supply of sports bras, socks, and hairbands. To Austin Van: my fuzzy rug, the longest texts, a broken hoverboard, and a helmet. To Nicole Chin: sam tsui, deep convos, and horrible twinning standards. To Linnea Morgan: smoothies, one potato, and multiple photobombs. To Sabrina Leung: body rolls, mermaid dresses, and #wecute.To Catrina Sun-Tan: one orange cone, youtube links, and the Hunger Games salute. To Stephanie Lee: shoot shoot bang (i died) and as many hugs as you need. To Yumin Li: every single pun I’ve made and hunter pence. To Gideon Fox: all the points you’ve lost in biology. To Haolin Fang: my blessing for your marriage to GDragon and snapchat screenshots. To Sofia Trogu: indie tunes and soph/ fia power. To Marston Li: glass shards from my phone screen on your hardwood floor. To Jennifer Chen: 6’2’’ worth of selfies. To Priscilla Tai: #prillex and blue bottle coffee. To Will Peralta: a pack of cards. To Kathy Nguyen and

Josh Ng: face fondles. To Tiffany Wang, Tony Torres, Elisa Vidales and William Pearce: all the physics we never learned. To Edwin Kasminskiy, Hubert Situ, and Patricia Liang: my folded FRQ papers. To Kellen Liao: my support if you open a bakery. To Cate Stern: my best wishes for your escapades in experimental physics. To Bobby Woo: brandon flowers. To Mikki Okamoto: my cookies and my hair. To Marcella DePunzio: anti-frizz hairspray and real pants (not leggings). To Chris Mok: the word weenus. To Maria Lim: paper bag politicians and confusion in calc. To Alex Hum and Henry Qin: decked. Both of you. To Calvin Li: blue lipstick, ambiguity, and more sleep. To Hanren Chang: men with dimension, ugly photos, multiple chins, every good song i’ll ever hear, and my love. To Shanny: the top bunk, one ring pop, and two more years of being taller than you. To my parents: not much because nothing i could possibly give would be enough, except the promise that i’ll make you proud. To everyone, thank you dearly for coming along for the ride. I owe you my sanity and wish you the best of luck.

the McChickens you want, not. Albert Chiem, part of my brain. Remember to share it with the Jimmys! Nick Mesler, the other part of my brain. Maybe you can carry our lab group now. Calvin Li & Sherman Yip, my guts. Let them pick the right player to spot start next time? Kenvin Tran: my ankle. You’ll need them after my nasty crossovers. Waylin Wang, my leg. You’ll need it after jaywalking without me. Jennie Pau, my eyes. If fifteen years of seeing me isn’t enough! Jaclyn Wong, my bloodstream. You’ll find all my salmon swimming there! Brandon Wong, my right hand. Let them draw and draw‌ hold on, bees are bees! There might not be much left, but Russell Tang, Brain Chu, Kenneth Ouyang, Nathaniel Jee, Wesley Yee, James Uejio, Jono Lee, Tim Wong, Kevin Tom, Ryan Chan, Amy Huang, Alana Poole, take a stab at it! Thanks for being there. Let it be my turn. Ay, Adam Vu and my boy, Varejao, shout out!

In the event that I, Jenny Liu, get devoured by all the animals that I will own in the near future, I leave behind my final wishes, possessions and what not. To Cindy Lin, the beautiful picture of us at my 5th grade graduation. To Ethan Kogon-Schneider, our future frolics in a field of sunflowers. To Fanny Zhu, all 4 of my unbloomed sunflowers, my 99cent cat food, the rest of the paintings in my room, the ability to be on time, and our matching faucet and shower head. To Harrison Shi, all of our FaceTime conversations about deep shit while you league and I watch Netflix, the rest of the food in my house so you can gain weight, and my drivers handbook so you can finally take your written driving test. To Jenny Zhu, my scrapbook to organize your clutters of pictures, a half eaten burrito, my brother to give to Anna, my less-broken iPhone (compared to yours), all of my water bottles, my best tweezers, and freedom from your debt. To Jessica Lee, our failed egg tarts, my skills at being a camera whore, and our spontaneous Facebook chats. To Judy Pan, all my tears from Econ, the gummy bears I steal from Harrison and the wonderful experience of being your tennis partner. To Kelvin Mai, my luck in PAD so you don’t get shitty rolls. To Leighton Chen, punches that will bruise your arm and appreciation for your Zeus. To Lucky Lui, all the left over white rice I never eat, my wonderful cooking skills, the #1 spot on my snapchat, and my ability to go through the day without having to nap. To Marston Li, imig you can be in my will. imig I’ll give you my A in physio. imig. I mean I guess... To Robin Yee, an unlimited supply of cream up your nose and smushed snails. To Yumin Li, full ownership of Hannah whether you like it or not, all the Karaoke rooms in the world, a lesson on how to honk, and the ability to keep the same nail polish on for more than 3 weeks. To Zhou Ping (Kelly Siu), Samantha Chow, Alexandra Lai, Winny Chan, the random conversations and rants we always have in reg.

In the event that I, Monica Lee, die from a pack of overly cute shiba inus, this will be my last testament‌ Brittany Hong, I have left you this will that leads to my awesome treasure, One Piece. At first, the instructions may seem confusing because they are coded in grammatically incorrect Chinese, but you can go to Shirlyna Trinh and Elaine Cheng, they can translate it for you. Give Elaine 10% and Shirlyna 1% ( yes, 1% because of that “photoâ€?) of my wealth. You will then go to Brandon Lam, THE pokemon master. You must then challenge him to a pokemon battle. Since he is THE pokemon master, of course, you’ll be unable to beat him so you will have to give away 20% of my treasure in order to continue. Soon afterwards, you will find this huge mob of freakishly gigantic spiders the size of dictionaries coming towards you. Luckily enough, my instructions comes with a panic button that calls forth the members of the Lowell Fencing Team. With your combined forces, you will be able to successfully capture these spiders under extra-large styrofoam cups (hopefully). Since the team is so large, leave them 40% of my wealth. You will then proceed 1,487 paces to your left where you will find Cari Young and a giant block of marble. You and Cari are to carve a large statue of a shiba inu that will sit next to my gravestone. After the statue is complete, a secret door will open. But before you go in, insure Cari 20% of my wealth. As you walk into the doorway you will see Amy Lee sitting in front a large heap of treasure with her back facing towards you. You have guessed right. That is my treasure. However! you must be able to stick a straw in Amy’s bun without her noticing in order to obtain it. Luckily enough, while you were sticking the straw into her bun, Amy had fallen asleep because of her college stuff. Give Amy 9% of my wealth from all of the times she has helped me with Quest. Yaaay! You have finally reached the end of the journey~ All of my treasure goes to you! Oh wait. You are left with nothing because of that absolutely ridiculous journey you went through! Hah. I feel bad, instead, have my secret stash of pictures of hot guys!

If you’re reading this, I, Calvin Louie, was struck by a brick crossing a red light, impaled by a staple, headshotted on the Battlefield (4), and as a result, have been pronounced dead. If I’m not dead, wait until I am before reading this...?! But all jokes aside, fulfill my last wish by giving everyone a piece of me, literally. Jeffrey Liu, my humerus. Contains all the jokes with the North Beach crew. Flippy Chan, my memory. Refresh it with everything I missed dur1ng 4ll f0ur y3ars of reg? Anand Bat-Erdene, my left hand. Can’t blame me for the dropped frisbee passes anymore. Anh Huynh, my head. Don’t shake it too much, though. Patrick Huynh, my stomach. Eat all

In the event that I, Maggie Ma, die from junk food overdose or twerking too hard in front of my mirror, bequeath these items to the following: To my best friend Dana Ng, a photo album with pictures of all the boys we’ve Facebook stalked, every picture we’ve

screen-shotted and made fun of, the power to make decisions quickly, adventurous kale stories, and my sorrow because we will no longer be able to “accidentallyâ€? match and say that we are the same person. To the big baby Katie Hwang, all the ramen and sushi in the world, HIMYM episodes, my guitar, and a pretty picture of you, if I ever find one. To the twerk queen Katya Kha, a playlist of the best ratchet slaps, unlimited Sriracha, my bed, and Hip Hop Ab DVDs. To Party God Evan Louie, snap pea chips, all our memories in reg, and a new friend to discuss beef with. To Jessica Li, a lifetime supply of Hard Knox muffins and butter, MAC Pro makeup, and a box of tissues for your happy tears. To Jennifer Zeng, tall boys, nice eyebrows, and memories of our struggles during freshman and sophomore year. To Nancy Lin, hangover pho, everything that is pink and girly, and a garden of pink roses. To Kavin Lam, quality dark roast coffee, the right to slap anyone at any given time, and hipster Caucasian boys. To Alex Hsiao, a lifetime supply of Zesty Beef, Neal Caffrey,and a book of ratchet dance moves. To Matthew Wong, the pasta we never made and a Hunger Games DVD.  To Aaron Moye, my Y membership, La Boulange croissants, and my car so you could drive yourself home. To Mishal Al-asfour, Nutella and refrigerated Golden Oreos. To Kenny Okagaki, my Uniqlo flannel and all Lost merchandise. To Derek King, nothing but our sibling-ship because you can afford everything. To Harrison Lee, the money I owe you for my burrito, my love, and all the hand kisses in the world. To my Leon Uno family, bread from the bread man, rocking chairs, and bug spray. To SBC, our mutual hatred for a certain someone, a bonding day, and my thanks for being the greatest group of people I know. I love y’all :’) And to everyone I did not mention, I leave with you our fabulous memories and smiles that we’ve shared. Thank you for everything. In  the  event  that  I,  Sally  Ma,  ate  a  slice  of  toxic  Boston  Cream  Pie  and  later  found  dead  near  the  Charles’s  River,  declare  this  as  my  last  testament:  to  Marilee  Robbins,  I  leave  Mr.  Worth’s  red  pens  and  all  the  United  States  History  handwritten  homework,  my  SOS  board,  the  failed  crème  brulee  cupcakes,  and  our  marriage  ring  pops.  Thank  you  for  memorizing  my  Andover  stories.  Stephanie  Wong,  my  bridge  partner,  I  leave  the  bidding  box,  deck  of  cards,  our  cheating  signals,  Mrs.  Reynold’s  baked  goods,  and  the  memories  of  studying  for  the  AP  Euro  exam.  Emily  Wong,  my  cousin,  I  leave  you  my  ³5HĂ€HFWLRQ WR /RZHOO´ EODFN DQG ZKLWH VHOI portrait  series,  my  corpse  and  freckles,  and  buzzfeed’s  quiz  on  â€œhow  much  do  you  hate Â

SHRSOH ´ 7R Sharlene  Tsui,  know  that  I  am  proud  of  you  for  all  your  accomplishments,  DQG , OHDYH \RX P\ ÂłER\IULHQG ´ DOVR WKH love  of  my  life,  please  take  good  care  of  it  for  me,  also  I  leave  you  copyrights  to  \RXU SURÂżOH SLFWXUHV 7R Tiffany  Mak,  I  leave  you  my  Zojirushi  thermo  bottle  and  P\ ÂłQRWHV´ IURP 0U 5H\QROGÂśV FODVV , will  miss  the  Trinity  dearly—Samantha  Wilcox  and  Luke  Haubenstock—I  leave  \RX ERWK Âł6LPERPEHWHU´ DQG QHYHU JLYH XS KRSH RQ WKH /LRQ .LQJ 7R Samantha  Wilcox,  I  leave  you  the  bulletin,  the  drama  in  every  news  story,  teen  mom  posts,  and  our  birthday  opinions.  Luke  Haubenstock,  please  take  care  of  all  journalism’s  furniture,  and  I  leave  you  some  Chinese  tamales  ³]RQJ ´ , OHDYH Amber  Ly  my  photo  cabinet  key,  my  judgmental  critique  on  everything,  P\ WHUULEOH DGYLFH RQ VWXG\ KDELWV DQG ZKDW not,  and  the  original  copy  of  your  practice  sports  front  with  the  big  font  being:  â€œSally  WRRN WKLV SKRWRJUDSK DQG LW ORRNV DPD]LQJ ´ You  made  sports  my  favorite  section.  Deidre  Foley , OHDYH \RX ÂżYH RXW RI ÂżYH RQ DOO \RXU Johnson  homework  and  photo  assignment  slips.  Noreen  Shaikh,  I  leave  you  Olaf  because  â€œsome  people  are  worth  melting  IRU ´ , OHDYH Waylin  Wang  my  math  and  physics  homework,  but  not  my  grade.  To  my  psychology  group,  I  leave  Amanda  Chan  a  chicken  nugget,  Alysia  Tran  the  empty  box  of  McD’s  chicken  nuggets,  and  Rajan  Dumbhalia  gets  an  Asian  SLPS 0\ /LW 3KLORVRSK\ WDEOH Katie  Lei,  Caroline  Mai,  and  Mitchell  Szeto,  I  leave  y’all  â€œif  nothing  is  in  something,  then  VRPHWKLQJ LV LQ QRWKLQJ´ , OHDYH P\ KHDUW in  Boston  and  my  soul  in  San  Francisco.

In the event that I, Caroline Mai, suffer a diabetic coma due to an overdose of donuts, I hereby declare this to be my last will and testament. To Kathy Nguyen, TPumps and a guidebook on how to keep Andrew in check.To Gigi Lu, my Netflix account so you can watch as much Chuck and Psych as you desire.To Carmen Lin, a recording of my voice yelling your name in the halls. To the Chinese dream team of Jessica Casi, Cindy Lin, Arina Romanova, and Joshua Sim, my Batman mask, voice, British accent, and Taco Bell sauce. To Casi, I also leave a cupcake with the letter C.To Emmy Lam, marbled meat, sugar donuts, and the grudge boy. SIKE. I leave a hologram of Li’l Sebastian, my Harry Potter collection, the sound of our brain waves telepathically whirring, and a reminder to not freak out. #tyth To Karen Kyi, my Candy Crush account, Giants gear, and my quick decisiveness, because you need to make frappe decisions. To my bestie Luis Valle, my 2048 account and a tub of spreadable cheese. To Bilegt Baatar, a

flashlight in the hopes that you can help Jeffrey out of his cave. To Jeffrey Chen, a phone because you need one, and a boutonniere that can stay upright. To Samantha Chow, our handshake and a phone so you can win more radio contests. To Jessica Li, One Direction tickets, texts admiring Buster, a cactus emoji, the Noonan picture, bananas, and our calc selfies. To Danny Wu, unlimited magic stones and a McMuffin. To Cristen Wong, Judy Hua’s biotech stool. To Tammy Ha, my denim shirt so you can have two. To Priya Kishore, Dave Morales, and Candy Rui, offensive Vines and Mittens. To Sally Tan, my singing and hours spent studying (or not). To Judy Pan, a television. To Nolan Dang, swaq and $10 in case that Kenny Luo never wears his panda shoes. To Catrina Sun-Tan, Expelliarmus, a World’s Best Boss mug, and a punch in the face. To Shirlyna Trinh, pats on the shoulder, belVita bars, and Prickly Pear. To Joely Zeng, the proper spelling of “refrigerator” and permission to yell if I eat too much. And to everyone else at Lowell High who had any impact on my life, I leave my eternal thanks and the masterpiece that is Soulja Boy’s “Turn My Swag On.” I, Kianna Mark, in the likely event of death by overstretching leave the following: To Sofiya Ozbek unlimited supply of gummy worms and the tightest hugs possible To Talor Wald working locks so we can destroy my useless one that refuses to open To Mary Latibashvilli all the rollers and stretches that I possible know, and coffee supply that would last a lifetime To Kevin Wong our super long handshake that only Danger Zone will know, and a bell so you can’t sneak up for food To Alyssa Kwan a fan so you’ll never have to eat farts again To Arynn Kwan all the precious Avogadro’s Aces and Human Geography memories To Rachel Wong unlimited hugs and beautiful snapshots for your smiles To Laura Kennedy all the Rice Garden in the world, and my life savings to give me a makeover (although with Sofiya Ozbek) To Sharlene Tsui my position as TA instead of TA’s TA, our memories in the dance studio of random dancing, and all the peppers in the world To Flippy Chan as many tissues you’ll ever need and a new dance floor cause you set the floor on fire with your amazing moves To Stephanie Coxon the title of the best tall hugger ever, and an extra pair of feet if you ever tap your feet to oblivion To the best sassy dancer, Sabrina Leung, my dance studio in my house to jam out at, millions of harem pants for your closet, my mixing skills at your command, and title as best girlie ever To the best single pringle prom date, Linnea Morgan, an abundance of tea for your colds and trips to your tournaments, and any Giants gear you’ll ever need To Sophia Li a million sports basement bars so you’ll never go hungry and faint To Nicole Chin, all my makeup and hair supplies even though you probably wouldn’t need it To my BABY!! Lauren Taylor, all the coke in the world, and title of best support ever for being there when I’m down To Joshua Muller, the secret recipe to my mom’s sticky rice, and all the memories of lunch time And To Everyone I Can’t Get To because of certain word limits (you know who you are), I love you all and I couldn’t imagine my high school years without you In the event that I, Maggie Medina, am to die or disappear under (not so) mysterious circumstances (like I legit am just *poof*) I declare this to be my last will and testament: To Ateret Hakim, my first best friend at Lowell, I leave to you my collection of Disney movies. Despite having just met you freshman year, I feel like I had known you longer, and I want you to share in my childhood. To Doug Mejia, the weirdo I met in Lipman’s class, I leave you my second semester Japanese notes so that you may learn what I failed to. To Dulce

Palacios, I love you to death (ha) and I want you to have my iPod, which meant the world to me and is my life. To Melinda Wong, I leave my arms, so if you are ever in need of a hug, know that I will be there for you. Also I will have my voice magicked into a necklace thing like in The Little Mermaid and so whenever you want a singing buddy, I’m right there for you. To Jennifer Nguyen, if I am to die/disappear before Rick Riordan finishes Heroes of Olympus or his Norse mythology series or any other series, I request that you read his books to my headstone. And you can keep my most of my books, and my tumblr. Don’t forget your salt when you’re at the cemetery. To Miche Wong, I leave to you my music, because you and your beautiful soul know that we’re all gonna die and meant for the flies but I don’t wanna be an American idiot and I will always love you. You can also have my placenta if I have a kid before I poof. Hey you can also have the kid, Merry Christmas! To Anny Li, one of my better friends at this school, I leave you all my selfies and my doggy. You can also have my perfumes and body sprays so you can smell like me and not feel lonely. To my wife, Silvana Sipion, what would I have done without you? I wish for you to have my sketch books and my art supplies, and my fandom feels for Nico di Angelo. To Jenl Lai, I want you to have my sci-fi and John Green books, and you better get around to reading them! members. To Lowell, my love. In the event that I, Dave Morales, have a fatal heart-attack as a result of laughing while watching Mean Girls, I leave the following; To Bethany Chan, our ghetto music overlap. To Kacy Chan, that stare of mutual understanding. To Ryan Chan, the obnoxious, we-don’t-care-what-nobodythinks laughs we have whenever we notice something stupid. To Andrew Chen, more button-up shirts. To Leighton Chen, a comb for your beautiful hair. To Meghan Chow, my life for finding our hair stylist after she left. To Brian Chu, a poem. To Tammy Ha, a ticket to another museum we have to visit and infect our weirdness with. To Judy Hua, another four years of disruptive laughter in the library. To Katie Hwang and Anh Hyunh, the bursting laughter inflicted upon us by the great Ballbe. To Darren Kung, more conversations that we must share because we sit too close in REG. To Jenna Lee, organic, vegetarian food products. To Justin Lee, a scepter representative of your strong voice in the “AP Group”. To Wendy Li, the magical powers of UCLA. To Kellen Liao, my request that you leave me musical skills. To Johnson Mei, confidence that you will do great things. To Adrian Mercado, my promise to change my name to Dave No-Bueno Morales. To Mary Nieh, my respect for your great personality. To Candy Rui, mittens. To Catrina Sun-Tan, a plethora of the different ways two friends could greet each other in the halls and references to Meangirls/the House Bunny. To Russel Tang, a list of those whom we wonder about. To Kevin Tom, gratitude for all of your advice. To Eric Tong, a container for all of the fashion/music swag you emit. To Kenvin Tran, a pillow to soften the hard things in life. To Waylin Wang, the awkward late-night chats. To Jaclyn Wong, all of the ice cream and turtles in the world as a token of my appreciation of four invaluable, solid years of friendship. To Cynthia Wong, “FREE PIZZA” and another four years of school-mate-friend-ship. To Julia Wong, another friend like Dave to notice the same stupid, funny stuff that we do. To Michelle Wong and Jessica Li, the laughs in reg. To Aileen Zhang, pokes and baguettes. To Oliver Dare, leadership of S&S under the man with the coolest hair. And finally to Ariel Yu, the power to attract more SHH

In the likely event that I, Linnea Morgan, die from a tea overdose, I leave to the following people these memories and items of significance: To Sabrina Leung, Sophia Li, and Nicole Chin, I leave all the late night talks about anything and everything. To Sophia, I leave a functioning phone with the best camera out there so you can take all the selfies and #artsyfartsy pictures you want. I also leave a pillow so you can catch up on your beauty sleep on the run. To Sabrina, I leave portable speakers so you can dance your way around the LMU campus not caring what other people think. To Nicole, I leave a bag of dog toys and treats for Mei and a mic so you can sing your heart out whenever you feel like it. To Yumin Li, I leave all the Giants gear and tickets in the world, and a Hunter Pence autographed ball of course. To Sarah Sun, Sam Miller, Kiersten Cheung, and Amanda Bui, I leave all of our strange yet entertaining conversations in AP Bio. Make me proud next year. To Jenny Cho, Karen Kyi and Bilegt Baatar, Reg buddies for life, I leave all the random conversations and laughs that I will never forget. To Alisa Kyle, Joely Zeng, Praise Ching, Cheyenne Yen, and everyone else in our 4/5 crew, I leave fashion and modeling magazines so you can laugh at how hideous some of the models look. To Lauren Taylor, I leave a stage and a mic, so you can pursue your dreams in musical theater. Also, a roundtrip plane ticket to NYC so you can go see all the Broadway Musicals you could ever dream of. To Ashley Chong, Samantha Chow, Alexa Jan, Edie Zhang, Danny Wu, and the rest of the 16/17 crew, I leave all the Stonestown food and Starbucks runs and conversations about the teachers that annoy us the most and our favorite TV shows. To Viviane Nguyen, I leave an endless amount of corgie pictures and videos and bad chem puns for you to feast your eyes on when you need a bit of a pick-me-up. Thank you to everyone who has helped make the last four years four of the most memorable years of my life. High school has been full of the highest highs and the lowest lows, but we’ve made it!! In the event that I, Nilou Mostarshed, die from slipping on a banana peel, declare this to be my last will and testament and leave these to the following: To my partner in crime, 6R¿\D 2]EHN, I leave all the

peppermint hot chocolates money can buy, my entire wardrobe, my share of fried chicken, and the many adventures I can’t drive you to. To 0DU\ /DWLEDVKYLOL, I leave you many quad shot Starbucks drinks and endless games of Twister. To Noah Shaw, I OHDYH \RX P\ FDU VR \RX FDQ GULYH 6R¿\D WR her adventures. To 1LFN 0HVOHU, I leave you my political aspirations. To Praise Ching, I leave all of my confetti cannons. To Jasmine 7R\, I leave you endless burrito bowls from Chipotle, all the Starbucks gift cards of the world, and quality fabric clothing. To Krista Apolonio, I leave you endless photo shoots, Friday food runs, and the power to mediate DQ\ RI P\ H[LVWLQJ FRQÀLFWV 7R <X /LQJ Wu, I leave you all of my decorations and balloons. To Jessica Weiss, I leave you with all the food you could ever eat, including weekly Wing Stop orders, and endless chances to launch confetti. To Maggie Ma, I leave you all of my decoration plans and the power to plan all of my dances and events I have already committed to. To Dana Ng, I leave you all of my money so you can buy all the clothes you want. To Katie Hwang, I leave you all the snack foods you could ever need and my Pre Calc book. To -HQQ\ &KR, I leave you all our preschool pictures together. To -HII /HH, I leave you the promise that no one will ever steal your food. To Janelle /DX, I leave you all the boba and chicken katsu you could ever ask for. To Sharon Ma, I leave any arena rotation you want so that you may never have to sit through certain math classes again. To /6$, I leave you with endless food and boba and love.

In the event that I, Joshua Muller, suffocate from hugs, I bequeath the following: To -DFNVRQ 0XUSK\, my son, an eggplant, movie tickets, an accordion, and the computer LQ 0V %¶V RI¿FH ZLWK UHGGLW XQORFNHG IRU our wonderful 11/12s at Lowell. To /DXUHQ 7D\ORU, my tap shoes, autographs from Stephen Sondheim and Sutton Foster, our one-­ act people, and the two theaters. To Adam 6RXWKZLFN and 7HUHVD ,EDUUD, shotgun in my car, and my Spotify;; may you continue to jam to the music. To $OPD &DUUDQ]D, a black vest, Mark Nutt, and a sky-­hook. To -DNRE +RIVR, the Holy Ghost, the screenplay of “Inside Llewyn Davis” signed by the Coen brothers. To 6DEULQD /HXQJ, a cheek-­pinch, my microscopic ballet knowledge, an “aiyah”,

and  an  orange  book  from  Ms.  Lo’s  class  to  burn.To  Jennifer  Chen,  a  rainbow-­colored  rose  (that  I  wish  I  could  make),  money  for  gas,  and  a  big  thank  you  for  going  to  senior  prom  with  me.  To  Srinand  Paruthiyil,  my  Indian  son,  an  autographed  record  of  Tunak  Tunak  Tun,  and  the  choir  room  from  4  to  6  PM.  To  Ryan  Chan  and  Jenna  Lee,  sweet  Mother  Teresa  on  the  hood  of  a  Mercedes  Benz.  Also,  to  Ryan  Chan,  a  basketball  autographed  by  Michael  Jordan  and  Lebron  James  (who  admitted  we’re  better  ballers).  To  Emily  Brandau,  a  3  on  your  outline,  a  5  on  the  exam,  and  a  hug  whenever  you  need  one.  To  Jaclyn  Wong,  a  copy  of  â€œThe  Little  Princeâ€?  in  French,  and  a  scissor  to  cut  your  hair  ties  and  let  your  hair  down.  To  James  Uejio,  Russell  Tang,  Brendan  McKay,  Jack  Olson,  Waylin  Wang,  and  my  wonderful  friends  in  Reg  1413,  the  attendance  strip  and  desks  from  every  room  we  were  thrown  into.  To  Mr.  Schmidt,  my  block  4.  To  Justin  Lee,  Christopher  Mok,  Leighton  Chen,  and  that  wonderful  group,  a  frisbee  and  a  table  in  the  courtyard  19/20  where  we  can  be  diverse.To  Mary  Latibashvili,  Viviane  Nguyen,  and  Katherine  Popovich,  gift  cards  to  In-­n-­Out  and  seats  in  my  car  to  go  get  food.  To  the  play  and  musical  people  and  techies,  Grandpa’s  chair  and  an  Ohlone  bus  with  a  bobsled,  for  the  wonderful  performances.  And  to  Everyone  and  Everything  that  I  cannot  specify  due  to  the  word  limit,  (I  present  my  elastic  FODXVH D 5RVH EXVK RQ FDPSXV ZLWK Ă€RZHUV representing  4  years  of  inside  jokes,  spirit,  class  memories,  adventures,  love,  and  joy. Â

In the unlikely event that I, Miriam Myers, die in attempt to sneeze underwater, I give the following people the following things: To Ajeya Hernandez: my hyena laugh, dried up lentils, improvised country songs, overprotective Mexican mothers, the Annie soundtrack, squished rides in the leaf, Chico chocolate, an acrostic poem, ballet classes, a disco ball, scary movies, The Graduate, absolute fearlessness and enough jotaness to last a lifetime. To Alexandra Beem: poetry, picnics, positivity, a limitless supply of baked goods, hand-me-downs, Shakespeare scripts, lingerie, laughter, shoes that won’t make you trip, Steve Silver memories, Hamlet encores, red gloves and bloody dresses, lots of hugs and my overwhelming fear of being thwarted (once again) by Lady Macbeth. To Rebecca Hughes: flight attendant orders, men’s deodorant, feminism, Shakespeare scripts, Judy Garland’s glamour, locker food, Crucible obsessions, Bollywood dance moves and Bookwalter quotes to guide you through life. To KT Kelly: my love of the environment, lots of apple cores (disposed of in a trashcan), Terence trauma, my stolen prom date, disco music in the limo, Magsanay memories, feminism and a limitless supply of sunscreen. To Alma Carranza: permission to slap me every time I say the words “superintendent’s daughter,� bowls of menudo to ponder over, Selena songs, Carol Channing sleepover fantasies, the G7-12 Galactic Relay (whatever that is), Rheba orders and Macbeth advice and plenty of Mexican-drama-kid pride. To Nadine Kahney: lots of gum, sister stories, first world problems, poetry pranks, my love of your family, my apologies for pestering Miloshka, Broadway discounts, Manhattan dreams, and an “Honorary Mexican� title. To Sophia Phillips: summer postcards, my motherly instincts, my unfamiliarity with social media, my apologies for making fun of your Spanish lisp, Venezuela trauma, dirty dance moves, ownership of the Thumb and lots of laughter. To Akeylah Hernandez: whiteboard candles, sassy responses, my love of your mother, a

celebratory party when Chipotle goes out of business, bleached eyebrows, a JJ obituary, courtroom confidence, and my blessings for continuing to do what you love.To Mitchell Chan: constant reminders of Pennsylvania proximity, camel hair scarves, nonexistent crystals, a deep breath, La Boulange pastries, more shoulders for you to lean on, and apologies for my sarcasm. To Avery ChungMelino: tea time, the Grease soundtrack, Shakespeare scripts, hugs, egg-less recipes, and plenty of sweetness. Improv Club: hours of Big Booty, many rounds of the Question Game, a future trophy, lots of fun, loads of laughter and hopefully more freshmen. To all of my white friends: sunscreen. To my seven dwarves: a cottage in the woods, dorky costumes, “Hi-Ho� chants, and a lifetime supply of un-poisoned apples.

I, Amanda Ng, declare this as my last will and testament. In the likely event I trip over a curb while walking to English class, I leave the following: To Michelle Lin, I leave behind my interpretive dance to “All of me,â€? trapezoid quesadillas, a shared anti-school dance mentality, and the worse eyeliner makeup session in history. Of course, I can’t forget the infamous arm flapping. To Ella Roth, I entrust you with baking as well as a plethora of burnt chocolate chip cookies, sunny beach adventures, and 1.5 hours of prom hair madness. To Jessica Ko, I leave you three years of idleness in English class, my rap techniques, and the ability to walk faster to 16/17. May you use this skill in New York City. To Bithiah Hon, I leave a lifetime of De Young Museum tickets, salty Korean soup, 2 am AP Chinese project sessions, and an embarrassing Kermesse performance. To Tammy Tang, I leave daily rants about our piano endeavors and my inability to sight-sing/ complete dictations. To Elsa Lem, I leave an intense game of basketball against little sixth graders. Yes, while playing in flip flops.To Crystal Van, I leave behind daily walks to Mr. Cooley’s class, dinner at Olive Garden, and the hilarious realization behind the name “Hanestâ€? on my blog, Flying Neon Lights. To Brian Chu, I leave ping-pong matches and an unlimited supply of window washers. Keep killing those dance moves. To Carissa Huang, I bestow more 4/5 boredom and tears over Stats. To Melinda Leung, I leave personal statement editing, biking adventures, and a somewhat-successful Christmas shopping experience. Our “futureâ€? LA mishaps as well. To Lisa Li, I leave you 7 years of homeroom/ reg together and my constant commentary about your beautiful handwriting. To my strangest friend, Tiffany Chan, I bestow our 3000+ photo album, yearly Great Mall adventures, six hour long conversations, a string of webcam photos and unbelievably embarrassing kpop videos, endless supply of blueberries and dumplings, and constant struggles to catch the “golden light.â€? Life is seriously not ez. I, Dana Ng, in the unfortunate event that I am stranded in the wilderness from a backpacking and sea kayaking trip, declare this to be my final will and testament. I bequeath to the following my possessions, keepsakes, and love. To my lover and best friend Maggie Ma, my whole wardrobe in the case that you happen to lose your identical one, my snack cabinet, my dad’s food, a backpacking trip in Yosemite, inside jokes and screenshots of every funny thing on the internet that we find,

hours spent on Vine, and the continuation of our quest to conquer every restaurant on 7x7 Big Eats List. To SBC 2013-2014, a successful bonding day and multitudes of laughter over Jeff ’s emotionless everything, Yu Ling’s baby voice, and confetti cannons. To Jeff Lee, infinite amounts of school milk cartons and a safe to store all your food and blue tape in the Cave. To Katie Hwang, sheet music in hopes that you may finally learn how to sight-read, an alarm clock for every waking moment to show up to places on time, and Roxie for all the car rides home she has given you. To Viviane Nguyen, corgis, flying corgis, fat corgis, endless applauses for your skill in answering questions in Calculus, and Matt Bomer. To Kavin Lam, our frustrations of the human race, all the Bastille concerts you can ever go to, spontaneous food runs, and my love that I hope you will finally accept. To Jeffrey Chen, my job as your personal assistant, college advice, and Optimus Prime’s older loser brother. To Kenny Okagaki, positives vibes from Mother Tree. To Yu Ling Wu, drag queens to carry you around Davis (crossing-fingers for Parsons) that scream YAAAS YU LING YAAAAS when you dismount. To Campbell Gee, all the possible hip brunch places out there, our crazy obsession with IG, our middle school inside jokes and infatuation over Andy Samberg. To Krista Apolonio, the full series of Lost and all the time in the world to finish it, and plane tickets to anywhere you choose. To Jasmine Toy, ups and downs you shared with me over elections and silly accents. To Reg 1417 and Mr. Chan, endless amounts of In-N-Out burgers and my “attendanceâ€? during senior year. And finally to Lowell High School, thanks for all the roller coaster of emotions that have shaped me into who I am today. In the event that I, Brian Nguyen, run too fast and die from exhaustion, I do hereby bequeath the following: To Kenny Okagaki, the navigator of the group, I would like to bestow a map that pinpoints all the places in San Francisco you can go to for urban explorations. To Mishal Al-asfour, the adrenaline junkie, I leave you with a hazmat suit with live stream cameras if you ever decide to jump down a manhole that no one else dares to enter and a new pair of jeans because it’s only a matter of time before you burn your current pair jumping through fire. To Harrison Lee, I leave you one JBL speaker so you can play groovy tunes during lunch and a list of movies you will never be tired of. To Hannah Li, I leave you a raincheck to Gary Danko, good talks, memories of walking Kyra, and, for all the words of encouragement that you have given me through the years, an unconditional support for your life choices. I know you’ll do great things down the road. To Justin Cheung, I leave you with my foam roller and support for whatever athletic decision you decide to choose. I’ll be rooting for you. To Donald Chen, I leave you a voice recording of coach Andy yelling at you to not

miss your race and toilet paper to scrunch and litter the floor with. To Sofia Trogu, I leave you with a stack of the greatest indie tunes pressed onto vinyl. To Elazar Chertow, I leave you with a membership to Lincoln summer lifting and tandoori chicken to eat afterwards. To Lori Chinn, I leave you with a childhood filled with banter and an unmatched amount of sarcasm used to make every successive day funnier than the last. I will always appreciate being the first person to see your newest art piece and will remember your favorite number (11). And last, but not least, to Janelle Lau, for making senior year much more special. I leave you with “the cloak of Ban-Dai-Ed,� a cure to indecisiveness, a playlist of instrumentals that will always be curated, a lemon tree, a boba card that always has a balance of $3.90, and a bunch of ducklings so you’ll never be alone. You all convince me that there is happiness in the world. Thanks!

In the event that I die from a disease contracted from Lake Merced, I, Mary Nieh, leave my possessions to the following. To Bithiah and Han, scary movies, (unburnt) popcorn, and sleepovers. Also to Bithiah, all my Tuesdays, and a mirror so she’s reminded of her beauty whenever I’m not there to tell her so. To Eric Tong, gas for all those rides to and from practice, a reusable water bottle to save the polar bears, #37, and better vision because you can never see the moon. To Ryan Chan, “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!â€?s, moded pictures, and the confidence to see how amazing you are. To Matthew Wong, all our odd baking creations, my DDR mat, musicals, late night dessert, and thousands of other memories so you won’t forget me when you become famous. To Dave Morales, a better immune system, BBS, and an appointment for when you become a doctor. To Kacy Chan, my love for guiding a clueless girl like me, and guys with six packs. To Jaclyn Wong, super long wall posts, 1 ½ wins, and pictures with Mr. Hoffman. To Jenna Lee, the hope that you continue to dance, 4rd place, and many thanks for always being so considerate. To Justin Lee, motivation to work harder because of your inspirational words, a larger bubble tea baby tank, and your own kitchen because we all know you run it. To Kevin Wong, my humbleness so you can be less conceited, “Caw-caw, caw-caw, rawr!â€?, and frantic sessions learning routines. To Wendingo Li, my admiration in how talented and quirky you are. To Kevin Tom, my “judgmentalâ€? remarks, cute animal pictures, and my surprisingly successful attempts at being mean (only to you though). To my favorite conditioning group of all time, all the love in the world and an overdue Just Dance session. To LDB, the determination to go beyond what’s expected and the confidence that this team will go far. Thank you for an unforgettable 4 years. To my best friend, Bethany Chan, shwarma, a finished game of Super Mario Sunshine with

a side of cracker PBJs, my patience for when yours wears thin, and an indescribable amount of gratitude for being by my side. I love you to pieces. To Leighton Chen, our perfect timing, dblsercam sttxe, snacks to last you a lifetime, the reservoir, the Great Gatsby, and a house to finally call ours.

If I, Kenny Okagaki, get stranded on an island after the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, I leave the following: Harrison Lee, I leave you all the times in the mancave, my xbox, clippers, plaid blazers, T-28, spilling soda on people at Fisherman’s Wharf, and OG Crinkle. Show out at the pavilion my cuhz. Justin “Chang” Cheung, I leave you the greatest netflix movies, my glow, Chinese folk music CDs, and the best post-meet meal of our lives. Boston Boyz. To Mishal “Al” Asfour, my mile rock memories, the hours of bold italic research, bar de crow, and a polo sweater. Stay cupcakin. To Aaron “Grey” Moye, my woodland meadow so you’ll never go hungry, all the pho in the world, and hella earrings. On the low low. To Sammy Pollard, my oldie jams, Giants stadium jalapenos, mini hoops, and reg performances. Stay fappy. To Brian Nguyen, my cuffed denim, Red Wings, and so many EBX Burritos. Good luck with the gooboi next year. Arbel Efraty, frat loooooooooooops. Antonio Tony Edgar “Antonio” Torres Jr., my dinosaurs receipts that all say Dave and my Latino heritage Elazar Chertow, I leave you a bridge to troll under and Neil Young tickets. Elizabeth Stasch, our hometown of Kailua-Kona. Talor Wald, my coffee and reg memories. Holly Rynhard, my twerk. Katie Hwang, my snapback. Derek King, my bank accounts. Henry “Enrico” Hammel, my life. Ian James, my soul. Olivia Zacks, my uniqlo fuzzy pants. Dana “Tree” Ng, my vegetation. Maggie Ma, 4 8 15 16 23 42. Whitney Zhang, Dungeness. Katya Kha, a big bottle of maple syrup. Andie Mercado, the “warriors” and the fun times at APT. Nancy Lin, Tony and Sammy’s money. Jessica Weiss, a coastal vacation home. Mikela Waldman, a karaoke machine - freshman year throwback. Fana Aragawie, my chia seeds. Noah Penick, NEVER AGAIN. Kenvin Tran, goon crew and memories from my favorite class ever. A-Hsiao, I hope I’ll remember your real name someday. George Freedland and Raymond Phelps, the legendary rec center. Wen Liu, Fu Fu. Spencer Thirtyacre, my speeding tickets. D-Fink, sauna sesh in the afterlife. Hannah Li, I leave you positive vibes, my bottled water, mac n’ cheese, raccoons, 10:30 bedtimes, and I’ll never let you pay for meals! Stay amazing :) My troops, night hikes and gumpy times forever. Lowell, be excellent to each other and party on dudes. Stay smoove. If I, Erika Olazo, pass away from choking on hot cheetos, I’d like to leave these following items behind: To Julie Bautista, I leave you croissants from Costco and my blue Gossip Girl umbrella to match your pink broken one. To Ciera Castillo, I leave you our endless talks about cute boys and our dreams about marrying them. To Angela Villanueva, I leave you mirrored candid pictures of yourself and the meal that almost killed me. To Gaby Villalta, I leave you my sweet scented lotion so your hands will feel great and smell beautiful. To Dion Wang, I leave you random “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”s when we see each other and food runs during 11/12. To Jenessa Sabugo, I leave you my imitations of my mom. To Michelle Tang,

I leave you with questions everyday whether I should put my hair in a bun or not. To Anabell Gimena, my little baby, I leave you with the cute idea that everyone thinks we’re sisters. To Dillon Easterling, I leave you my lunch everyday in peers, walks to 16/17, and my constant complaints about math. To Mark Bis, I leave you my BBQ chicken lunch. To Paul de Lara, I leave you with games of Scramble with Friends that I won in sophomore year. To Frank Chu, I leave you readmits, weird faces, and my balloon that you popped on my birthday. To Zach Rowson, I leave you packs of Trident gum and hugs all around. To Noah Shaw, I leave you my whines about going to ceramics. To Jeffrey Liu, I leave you my Edgenuity problems. To Ray Phelps, I leave you nicely cut prom pics. To Wen Liu, I leave you Filipino phrases, especially when it comes to Superstar. To Kenny Li, I leave you your bajillion selfies on my phone, car rides, and saving my favorite pencil. To Senior Letter ‘14, I leave you girls with all the laughs we shared during practice, and all the clutching we did to make our performances the best one yet. To Michelle Vuong, I leave you our adventures, your visits to my reg, and your random texts. LOML. To Sheila Año, I leave you all the times we’ve clutched together, good morning texts, and all the unplanned matching. And to anyone I missed, I leave you guys with a thank you for shaping me into who I am today.

would send you and the wonderful games of bathroom stall footsies(you big tease). To Nick Haddad, my Freshman year basketball skills, my favorite HowtoBasic videos, an endless supply of water to quench your thirst for me. To Patrick Huynh, the recordings I’ve sent you through facebook and gay chicken. To Anand Bat-Erdene, “a hundred gills.” To Austin Van, my love for your sarcasm. To Matheson Gee, a love that burns more than gonorrhea. To Marston Li, an endless supply of Cheez-its and my COD skills. To Ella Yumin Li, two fuji apples and weird pictures I took with your iPad. To Elsa Lem, the library’s AP Econ books. To Oscar Ta, my love for your curly hair. To Kianna Mark, Sabrina Leung, Wilton Woo, and Hanson Tam, my strong shoulders that carried our Pang group to victory(just kidding you all did great). To Anh Huynh, the stolen magic bag full of FABULOUS, the probed panda bear, a thermos I promised you a long time ago, the habit of unnecessarily apologizing, giant fluffy dogs, and my make-up skills(you missed out). To Derek’s Lovelies, my rapping skills and the long weird messages I sent at 4AM. To TeamBC, my money so you guys don’t have to spend half an hour deciding who pays, a long list of good looking celebrities, the WolfPack, and Brian’s graduation cake. And to everyone else not mentioned, my love and gratitude for making high school one of the best four years I’ve ever had.

Arina Romanova, infinite amounts of boba, dance photoshoots, and someone to feed you while you get your make up done. To Laura Kennedy, all my clothes and earrings and koala and monkey hugs. To Sharlene Tsui, rides home and to school, decaffeinated coffee, pirate booty, all the Lord of the Rings movies (not the extended versions), awesome colored beanies and hot cheetos. To Kevin Wong, tank tops in every color and a medal for being a pro food stealer. To Kianna Mark, a notebook to keep track of all your nicknames, a tea pot and the makeover you wanted from Laura and me. To Stephanie Coxon, eye hugs and our wind tunnel dance. To Flippy Chan, everything that I own that has penguins on them. To Talor Wald, cookies to last a life time. To Rachel Wong, a camera man to capture your beautiful smile. To Alyssa Kwan, someone to wear maxi dresses with and food since you’re always hungry. To Arynn Kwan, albums of all the selfies you take on my phone.

I, Kenneth Ouyang, declare this as my last will and testament. In the event that I undergo a gastric exorcism, after consuming every item on the Taco Bell menu, causing me to poop out a vital organ and die while on the toilet, I bequeath the following: To Horace Kwan, hills, the uncontrollable laughs in Chinese class, the best pick-up lines ever, the plié-ing skills we used to destroy Sabrina, and my tips on performing the perfect seduction pose. To Nolan Dang, my many fabulous snapchats, including Margaret’s Mom, and my fists whenever you want to fistbump. To Sally Tan, my long list of random videos and a make-up kit. To Angela Hwang, a pat on the head. To Stephanie Chen, a pair of running shoes. To Christina Kung, my weave, gold hoop earrings, stilettos, hair extensions, fake long nails, and my sass. To Derek Kwong, the threats I

I, Sofiya Ozbek, declare this to be my last will and testament. In the event that I die of exhaustion from dancing, I leave the following. To Noah Shaw, hugs that last forever, many days spent watching the Lord of the Rings, my collection of rocks from our many beach adventures, a boxer, a kite, and all the baked goods you could possibly want. To Mary Latibashvili, my tutus and pointe shoes, infinite orders of white chocolate mochas and Philz, an album of our velociraptor pictures, my ability to tan for when you live in San Diego, pedicures and approval to be adopted into my family. To Nilou Mostarshed, endless shopping adventures, a nice southern man who shares your values, fried chicken, venti very berry hibiscus drinks, many cups of your terrible coffee and giants tickets. To Nick Mesler, the title of Sir Nicholas Robert Mesler, and endless amounts of my baked goods. To

In the likely event that I, Adrianne Pan, overdose on ice cream and cronuts, declare this to be my last will and testament. To my twin who I am forever stuck with, Kimberly Yee, I leave you all our matching clothes so when you spill food on yours, you have a backup. I also leave you with memories of learning first grade multiplication together and matching hello kitty outfits/backpacks/school supplies. I leave you all my boba stamp cards/points and all the chips in my salads, and of course a cardboard cutout of your favorite manga character. To my barnacle, Tiffany Chan, I leave you all the awkward moments (on top of all the ones you’ve had already). I leave you with the endless embarrassing selfies we’ve taken. To my favorite Pan, Judy Pan, I leave you with endless friendship since kindergarten, 19/20 food adventures before tennis, and enough laughter to give us abs without actually working out. To

my co-captain, Jessica Kai, I leave you with all the awkward-Brian-experiences and the fun we had in tennis and PE. To my mentally-obese buddy, Leighton Chen, I leave you with all the food your heart desires. To Brian Chu, I leave you that cronut I owe you. To Brianna Ang, I leave you with Sephora samples. To Christy Chia I leave you with memories of struggling in Chinese and math and cramming for those tests in reg. To Vishaal Patel I leave all of Beyonce. Shakira, and Ariana Grande’s music and all the overdramatic Bollywood videos in the world. I also leave you with an abundance of oreos and girl scout cookies. To Ella Roth I leave you with cute clothes and good boba recommendations for your next 4 years in sunny SoCal. To Stephanie Lee, I leave you with our good boy talks during practice. To Kurtis Yim and Justin Lee I leave you with all the sand that accumulates in my spandex. To my loving best friend, Jackie Tan, I leave good brow days because if brows on point, life on point. I leave you with memories of ballet class together, embarrassing pictures, that beautiful wallpaper of yours, good food, and so many laughs throughout the last four years of best friendship.

In the event that I, Judy Pan, get strangled by having my scarf stuck to a revolving door, I hereby declare this to be my will: To Caroline Mai, I leave my television so that you can have a fun time watching your tv shows. To Sally Tan, I leave you memories of our funny reg conversations and boy gossips. To Yong Yu and Kevin Chang, I leave you my car so that you guys can drive to wherever you want. To Russell Tang and Adrian Mercado, I leave you all my Giants gear. To Jenny Liu, I leave you all the selfies we took on my phone and the many laughters and joy we had as tennis partners as long as we promise we stop hitting each other with our serves, and also all our laughs during Econ while we eat gummy bears (thanks Harrison Shi!!) To Maris Tong, I leave you all the times we went out to brunch to get french toast and the many pictures I have of us trying on silly hats at Fisherman’s Wharf and getting lost inside the mirror maze attraction. To Adrianne Pan, my best friend since kindergarten, middle school, high school, and now college, I leave you my love for the many adventures we had together from tennis practices near your house to all the J Paul memories we had at the corner of the courtyard at Cornerstone, to the many dinners I had at your house because of my obsession for your mom’s Burmese food. To Jessica Kai, I leave you all my big bang music and the many talks we had about your boy problems and our memories touring with the chinese exchange students and my beloved polaroid because I know you’ll take many nice pictures with it. To Carissa Huang, I leave you my side of the dorm room at UC Davis and all the memories we had during lunch and the many deep conversations we have whenever I need someone to talk to. To Jackie Tan, I leave you all the memories we’ve made together in the last four years and all the food adventures we’ve had all over the bay area. To Michelle Lin, I leave you all the sleep overs we’ve had and the midnight Golden Island food dates, and our travels to LA and all our heart warming talks on my bed.

In  the  event  that  I,  Emma  Petrelli,  wander  too  far  off  the  beaten  path,  I  leave  the  following  items  and  memories  to  these  individuals.  To  Medea  Petronis-­Branch,  I  leave  endless  time  spent  in  the  Hoover  Library,  midnight  walks  around  Disneyland,  and  candy  corn  sleepovers.  To  Gracia  Brown  and  Tiffany  Madjus,  a  compilation  of  excessively Â

crazy  dreams  and  a  guinea  pig  on  a  leash.  To  Sara  Vargas,  I  leave  the  back  row  of  seats  in  Geometry  class,  uncontrollable  laughter,  and  terrible  Italian  projects  that  really  didn’t  deserve  an  A.  To  Andrew  Kennedy,  I  leave  a  box  of  Chinatown  ¿UHFUDFNHUV WR EH XVHG ZLWK FDXWLRQ RU in  the  streets  at  2  am).  To  Sam  Sedar  and  Jessi  Hagelshaw,  I  leave  countless  sunny  summer  days  at  Dolores  Park.  To  Jacquie  Webb,  every  single  Taylor  Swift  song  that  exists,  the  invisible  Harry  Potter  bus,  and‌‌.Pippo!  To  Elena  Bernick  and  Miriam  Myers,  I  leave  excessive  reg  truancies.  To  Sara  Mon,  JigglyPuff  and  its  hypnotizing  song.  To  Alyssa  Kwan,  all  of  the  snack  foods  and  boba  imaginable,  a  spray  bottle,  and  a  list  of  nicknames  to  hide  our  obsessions.  To  Mariella  Morell,  I  leave  our  innocence,  three  years  worth  of  birthday/friendiversary/christmas  cards,  snapchat  screenshots,  awkward  encounters,  day  long  phone  conversations,  ringworm  bandanas,  pusheen  cats,  toelthapy,  â€œstudyâ€?  sessions,  boba  runs,  sunsets  at  the  beach,  late  nights  in  the  avenues,  skins,  getting  lost  in  Italy,  trolls,  the  separation  anxiety  that  will  never  pass,  and  the  beginning  of  a  friendship  that  will  never  fade.  Thank  you  for  all  of  the  smiles,  memories,  and  more.  Should the time come that I, Teresa Pham, die in any ways like the heroine in the otome game Amnesia, I hereby leave my possessions to my most precious people: To Vivian Chu, first-dibs on anything that she wants not listed in this will, whether it be my lingering soul, my blunt humor, my Gloomy Bear plushies, or my wardrobe. Thanks for our seven long years of friendship and for teaching me how to love and hug without fear. To Jenny Lee, my secrets and compassion, an endless amount of hugs, and my music scores/ instruments. Keep being your fun self; thanks for being there through my darkest times. To Truong Nguyen, all my CDs, enough money to buy all of Nano’s albums, my Nyanko-sensei merchandise, and our mutual memories of being bullied by our friends. Thanks for being the greatest brother one could have, for being there for me when I cried and never judging me. To Andrew Akard, all my studying habits because I know you need them. Joking, joking. I give you the few photos I have, so you can remember your dreams and continue being your interesting self. To Darline Nguyen, my asianness, empathy, and confidence. You know how much we’ve been through together. Thanks for being the Vietnamese sister I’ve never had! To Ruby Chen, all my games, technology, and art; my endless stories, good food, and kindness. Thanks for considering me in your heart, for inviting me to your house without expecting anything in return. To Carolyn Ye, my friendships and connections, including any hot guys I meet in Japan, so that you may one day get the ikemen boyfriend that you want. To Annie Hu, my silliness and support, and all the sweets hidden somewhere within my house. Also, my singing abilities even though you’re far better. To Jennifer Li, my PAD account and love. Thanks for being so amazing and kind. To Ms Moffitt, eternal gratitude for the sound advice you have given me in t he midst of your const ant te asing. To Andy Kuang, my English writing abilities and another copy of The Elements of Style. Also my trophies, because we all know Andy Kuang needs more of them. Thanks for dealing with my teasing, and sorry! To R o s t y s l a v To l o c h k o, t h e r i g h t to debate anything on this will to take for your own. Use this power wisely; I suggest making your target Truong.

If for any reason I, Sophia Phillips, pass-out at a Macklemore concert and never wake up, I bequeath the following: To KT Kelly: I leave the lyrics to your hit single: the paper plate song, your neighbors bushes, Daniela not wanting to be like us, inspirational surfing documentaries, our superb ballerina dance, pugs with extra long legs, lazy eyes, the ability to resolve biglemmas, and potatoes. To Rebecca Hughes: I leave a picture of tan Dan koala man, several capsizes, creepy old men in Italian clubs, bad Italian projects, tack city, our old marriage ring, kikirikis, wyatts tears, all seals that resemble you, my Rizzo face, and the infamous big papa. To Nadine Kahney: I leave every funny cat gif I can find, Peetes coffee, the ability to dye your hair purple in a starbucks bathroom, the pictures of you and Ana on my phone, watermelons, anything Beyonce, and turnips. To Alexandra Beem: I leave all my ugly snapchats as well as my neck pain, the best sloth jokes, my entire sock collection, ugly cover photos with Kt Kelly, text messages to Rebecca from Scoop Dogg, and proof that although you lack an instagram you really do exist. To Kyra Lefferts: I leave the scorpion from our room, my uncomfortable butt- burns, our leg sweat on the bus, a truck full of manure, cosmo magazines to read on planes with Rubin, chocolate covered bananas, and popcorn in Mr.Ritters class. To Ajeya Hernandez: I leave the ability to sing and dance like shakira, our Hi-Ho synchronizing- as well as our other synchronization in Nicaragua, your debut movie “Don’t stand so close to me�, and Jons friendship. To Miriam Myers: I leave memories from Mr. Ho’s class, the song “ladies night�, James Licks student council, jumping pictures from freshman year, freak lines, and marshmallows to leave in Giseldas toes. To Jacquie Webb: I leave the ability to shake like a red nose, your new and improved name: Jacquie Wepp, our first poem: you so fine why you no mine?, Mr. Ritter telling you to shut up, and our wonderful relationship with Aidan Fulkerson. To Alma Carranza: I leave doses and mimosas, and every hour I’ve spent in video production. To Eliya Hakim-M: I leave all selfies of my favorite teacher and I. To Dulce Palacios: I leave the ability to blow bottles To Bridgett Conoway: I leave promposals with fries, and my best friend, Kyle. To my best friend Kyle Wong: I leave a copy of my favorite song; Promiscuous Kyle. In the unlikely event that I, Katie Pierson, die of dehydration in an AP test, declare this to be my last will and testament. To Samantha Chang I leave 13 years of friendship and inside jokes, and endless trips to Camp Mather. To Elizabeth Stern I leave rom-com movie weekends and annoying Korean classes. I leave Addison Brenneman a punch to the face. To the slacker club Aisha Keown-Lang, Triana Anderson, Mitra Shokat, Samantha Chang, and GG Gunther - I leave lunch times at the end of

the art wing hallway. To my reg friends - Ella Roth, Joshua Roa, and Jenny Kallenburg I leave cushions so you don’t have to sit on the hard dance floor. I leave 4 homemade “suck it� shirts to Kayla McCord, Maetal Kogan, Sophie Pigman, and Joanna You. To Sammi Rustia, my freshman, I leave all the maturity in the world even though she doesn’t really need it. To Aisha Keown-Lang, I leave 6th period lunches at the flagpole, camping trips, late night ice skating, and a new car. To Triana Anderson I leave water-pong and markers, so you can make me more posters. I leave soccer, The Richmond, Shanghai dumplings, and Oregon to Mitra Shokat. To Tia Doherty I leave Vietnamese sandwiches, water parks, long CVE Marketing classes, dissections, and bathroom gatherings at dances. To Jenny Kallenburg I leave boba runs, kindergarten dance classes, coin tosses, and a chauffeur so he can drive instead of you. I leave calculus class, not going to class, and truancy letters to Joy Van Hasselt. To Cate Stern I leave the soccer captaincy and funny/cute pictures of us. To Tia Doherty and Jenny Kallenburg I leave senior murder mystery night, even though we lost. And finally, to Lowell High School I leave bigger hallways and people movers so students can actually walks in the hallways sand get to class on time without pushing and shoving.

If I, Henry Qin, die, I leave this to be my last will and testament. To Robert Wu I leave my coconut jelly. To Robert Woo I leave scissors because cutting is one of his hobbies. To Alexander Apollo Hsiao I bequeath my sippy cup. Sippy Team stay sippin’. To Russell Tang I leave my doorknob because he needs more handles. To Justin Jelinek I leave my calculator. Thanks for the help over these years. To Jacky Hua I leave my Nikon DSLR. Keep posting those food pictures. To Ricky Cheung I leave my gains.To Wei Liang I bequeath my “Journals� album. You’re all that matters to me. To Jeffrey Chen I bequeath a straitjacket so he can stop hitting me. To Alex Hum I leave a free pass to deck Sophia Li and some Icy Hot cream for his ACL. Speed Round Nick Haddad Swoosh. Jon Xie WORST. Benson Ly keep paddling your arms are huge. Stephanie Lee give me your High School Musical album. Sherman Yip It’s crazy how we finish each other’s sandwiches. Jaclyn Wong Swag. Hubert Situ AndyKAndyK. Brandon Wong Empoleon does indeed rule. David Gulman sleep more. Aaron “Don’t call me Aaron call me Kobe� Hui stay awake more.Benjamin Schmidt you have a great “ac-

cent”. Jessica Weiss keep hitting that Red Nose, Rudolph. Evan Louie First Team baby. Aaron Wong keep trying to sing you’lll get it one day. Derek Yi bubble pop. Arbel Efraty clean and sober. Willy Cheung keep recycling. Kenvin Tran Lil’ Rufus. To Kellen Liao I leave my incomplete math journal. To Mitchell Chan I leave my Downton Abbey scarf. To Brian Chu I bequeath my Cal gear. To Elisa Vidales I leave exclusive rights to the “chaaaaange rule”. To Alstone Liang I leave my bunnies.To Waylin Wang I leave my shuttlecock. To Kevin Tom I leave my teddy bear because I know he gets scared at night.To Harrison Shi I leave my silver League of Legends account. To Andy Ma I leave my magic stones.To Mitchell Szeto I leave my Icebreaker Sours. To Andy Kuang I give my utmost respect. To Kenny Zhen I leave my Robert Horry jersey. To Lowell High School I leave my dignity and innocence. In the hopefully improbable scenario that I perish from hitting my queue and post limit on tumblr, I, Michelle Quach, leave this to be my last will and testament. To Christina Quach, I leave a large collection of pug photos that can be found on Google Images as well as all of our heartfelt talks over Starbucks drinks and milk teas. Jennifer Nguyen may have the satisfaction I receive when I get first place in Mario Kart while she gets second place as well as my long tumblr username that we both complain about (but I am too lazy to change it). She may also have my role as Death because now I won’t be around to raise a mutiny in Hell. To Grace Zhang, I leave my collection of whatever Doctor Who/ Marvel/Supernatural paraphenelia I have in my possession as well as a large bottle of “the feels” and a hug. To Melinda Wong, I leave every Jenny Thunder photo that my printer had to spit out despite the fact that inanimate objects cannot feel embarrassment. I give Aileen Zhang all the awkward touching and hugs that she gives me as well as an imaginary car so we can drive to each other in college. To Winnie Huang, my appa, I leave strawberries and all the tsundere-ness that people accuse you to have (you totally have it). To Annie Hu, I leave all my Popin’ Cookin’ and green tea matcha things in my house (matcha powder, matcha Oreo cakes, matcha candy, matcha tea, etc.). Angel Su, you can have all of my Animal Crossing bells and the promise that we will visit each other’s towns and harrass the animals. Elora Cuenco, you have the honour of being my butler and the title of being the first new friend I made at Lowell. To Ruby Chen, I leave all of my gratitude for my Mirai sword as well as all of the amazing eyecandy that your art has given me over the years. To Jenny Lee, I leave all of my derp (which is little compared to yours) as well as all the British eyecandy dudes. To everyone I neglected to mention, I leave you with my gratitude, love, and happiness that have made the four years at high school much more un-high-school for me.

I, Aileen San, declare this as my last will and testament. In the event that I die of raging too much at my video games and end up “tripping” off the edge of a cliff, I leave the following: To Crystal Chung I leave my dreams and aspirations for dragon boat, and my purple GCD jersey, the one you’ve always wanted to

wear for our races. To Danielle Chen, I leave you all the macarons I have made/dreamed of making, burnt éclair cream, and my insanely high level of derpiness. May the derp be with you. For Derek Yi, I leave you my storage unit full of complaints against you. Also, I leave you our little Raider kids, my inability to have fun, and my thunder thighs. Arthur Wong, you can have my large lunches and any food you may find piled on top of my desk at home. For Ashley Chong, I leave you my Starbucks Gold Card and all the stars you could possibly want. To Victoria Lai, I leave you with all the memories we’ve made after 10+ years of friendship and my undying love for dragon boat. Thank you for introducing me to the sport. I regret joining so late. For Mitchell Fong, I leave you my inability to stay awake after 12 am on weekdays. Also, I leave to you my League account and its collection of skins (especially Irelia’s). For Lissa Dechakul, I leave you nothing because there is absolutely nothing you need to be a better person (except a halo and a set of horns/pitchfork). You’re amazing in everything you do, and it’s been an honor to have you in my life. For Alan Shia, I leave you my seemingly-unhealthybut-is-actually-healthy obsession with a certain Naruto character and a recording of “Thank you”s for putting up with my s*** on a weekly basis. To Andy Jiang I leave my flabby arms. To Jarod Tang, you can have my collection of “S*** Danielle Says.” Last, but not least, to all the underclassmen desperate to leave Lowell, I entrust to you my love for the school, especially the love I have for all the students ready to pick you up when you fall and don’t ever feel like getting back up. Cherish the friends you’ve made at this school, and love them with everything you’ve got.

I, Prudence Sax, bequeath the following: To Mikela Waldman, my leg roller, sunscreen that you’ll hopefully decide to use one day, my piggy bank so you’ll never have to dine and dash completely, my half of our duet, and my racist comments. To my track girls, Sydney Gutierrez, Kristen Leung, and Sierra Brill, the wise words of “the pace is slower than that,” the ability to nae nae, and wax strips. To Derek King, my backpack so your jackets will never fade, the knowledge that hiking and bowling do not constitute as sports, and Sam to gamble with. To Kavin Lam and Sally Zhao, our group texts, gossip, and the belief that you guys killed me in the pursuit of love. To Fana Aregawie, my parking spot in front of school and not a mile away, and a gigantic water bottle. To Max Read, an uber account so you’ll never have to walk the entirety of 19th avenue at night again. To John Hogan and Elazar Chertow, one egg. To Sam Ryan, a lifetime supply of supernachos, my passive aggressiveness, and my fondest memories. And finally, to Lyla Sax, the freedom of not having a tiger mom-sister, and the knowledge that you’ll do great things. In the event that Stephen A, Bill Simmons, and Jalen Rose kidnap me in fear of their job security, I would like to leave behind the following things: To Justin Jellinek, I give Obamacare, and a lifetime’s supply of gerber baby food. To David Finkleson, I leave my 843 page thesis on the importance of shot selection, and this state of the art treadmill wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Proper-exercise. jpg. To Aaron “Kobe” Hui, I leave a one-way ticket to Colorado, and false hope, because you’ll need it for the upcoming season. To Tim Lew, I leave my 400 time. To Igen Foremen I leave all of North Korea’s food aid, since starvation isn’t a big deal. To Brandon Nguyen, I leave a “cut for Sullivan”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. To Thanh Dip, 2 months worth of procrastination on Schmidt projects. To Jeffrey Lui, I leave 1 Jordan Hill rebound, and all 67 of my vetoed trades. To Stephanie

Ellman, I leave a 6th grade math workbook. To Vishaal Patel, I leave a one-way ticket to either Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, or Washington, and Blake Griffin……I mean a female dog. To Jonathan Lee I leave you Justin Masterson……… exchange for Yordano Ventura. To Everyone who has suffered a slow and painful death in AP Spanish for the past 9 months, I leave my blessings, because I’m sure we’re going to have about 6 months worth of more homework. To Everyone whom I’ve every offered a fantasy trade to, I leave 18 cents………in exchange for a dollar. To Zev Brook, I leave Rob Ford’s party habits and Chris Christie’s honesty. In the more than likely event that I, Kelly Siu, suffocate from not being able to stop complaining, leave these possessions to the following: To Jenny Zhu, my psychology notebook filled with notes and one bowl of pho. To Cindy Cheng, the endless amount of laughter and stories that we’ve shared together during fourth block Calculus. For Richie Choi, I leave you with my frustration to all your annoying comments and gestures and an unlimited amount of homemade peppermint bark and granola bars. To Samantha Chow, our extremely messy locker and Starbucks frappuccinos. To Candy Rui, I give you permission to transfer all the likes on my Instagram posts onto your pictures. To my beloved Michelle Tang, I leave you the freedom to go wherever you want whenever you want and numerous books on how to diet successfully. To Andy Xia and Michel Li, I put my hopes in you guys to carry out my one and only wish for the both of you. To Tiffany Chan, I leave you with our worries about the smallest things, my ear that you burned with a curling iron, and an endless supply of boba. To the homie Carolyn Tran, I leave you with all our late nights of studying Econ, all our rants about life, and all the colored skinny jeans in the world. To Jenny Liu, I leave you all the moments of when you call me Zhou Ping. To Leighton Chen, I leave all my stresses before formal dances. To Simon Zhu, the amount of time we spent listening to stuff about NASA during pre-calc. To Karen Kyi and Bernice Liu, I leave behind my hilarious jokes and a lifetime supply of banana cream pies from Mission Pie. For Angela Villanueva, I leave you with all our years of trying to look for cute boys. To Angela Hwang, all the pre-prom and post-prom stress and APES struggles. And last but definitely not least, to Leanna Wei, I thank you for always being there for me, for being able to deal with me, and for driving me around all the time. I leave you with all the Urban Decay Naked palettes that have been and will be created. I, Cate Stern, in the event that I am not, in fact, immortal, leave the following: To Isaac Ehle, I leave every untimely bodyfunction, and all my knowledge of sarcasm and irony, health insurance and a membership to AARP. To Kira Boden-Gologorsky, I leave a rooftop to enjoy every memory we’ve had since freshman year, and to watch a purple sunset in the east. I leave to you all that I know of having fun, because you teach it best. To Talor Wald I leave the childhood possessions we share by complete coincidence. To Joy van Hasselt: a stationary

kit, to write all the letters and poems you want, because its more genuine, as well as several well-timed hand squeezes, and the fact that you look beautiful when you smile with all your teeth. To Isabelle Boutiette: an admiration foryour flawless taste in music, and your junior year mantra. I owe Ian James the most coordinated,on-point, charmingly goofy wink. For Tia Doherty, I leave every memory ofyour laugh and all the motherly wisdom I’ve picked up. To Jenny Kallenburg: an extremely illtimed, awkward hug, because I mean it. To Katie Pierson: every bruise I’ve everhad, and the winning streak (Jojo and Jenny never beat us). To Dylan Weir: freshman year lunches, anda shirt that isn’t black. To Ilya Verzhbinsky: a second place medalfor tickling, because I am soo going to win. And I leave you my eyes, 1) because I am weird, 2) because yours are going to give out at some point, and 3) so youwill always have an audience to perform for. To Elazar Chertow, I leave a spotless attendance to Journalism, mostly so we can have witty and intellectual discourse. For Elyse Magen, I leave you a collection from Bollywood, a tub of ice cream, and an entire pie so we can talk all night together. To Gracia Brown I leave my memory and a watch, neither of which have helped me at all. I also leave you my new-found love for fish, and a dish of every food you’ve helped me discover. To Tony Torres, I leave a bowl of clam chowder and a dance lesson, as well as my entire collection of cheetah print, and the obligation to wear every item. For Adri DenBroeder, I leave my Jewish heritage and a squat bar calibrated to my exact weight, as well as a waterbottle, in the event that you become dehydrated. Also, a sky full of stars. To Iam Bhisitkul, my new friend, I leave you sunshine, an artsy new board, and my impeccable French. To Andrew Kennedy, I leave a very specific noise and all my photographic skill. To Julie Avetisyan: the shrine I built for Armenia. And to Wesley Yee, I give to you, after much devoted practice, a bow. Also, a 30 hour day, so you can get a full 6 hours of sleep. To Mica Jarmel-Schneider, I leave you coloured contacts, so no one drowns in those blue oceans, and every dishonest word I’ve ever said, because I doubt you’ve had even one. To the Varsity Girls, past and present, I

leave all my good touches and flukes, so they will help you on an (unlikely)bad day, and a booming “hoo hah!” Thank you for the last four springs, and forbeing an endless source of camaraderie. And to Lowell High School, I believe you owe me countless hours of REM, but you can keep them, because in return I’ve had a great four years. I, Elizabeth Stern, declare this to be my last will and testament and bequeath these items to the following: To Kira Boden-Gologorsky, coffee dates and the patience to put up with people. To Jordan Wong, lots of sass, though you hardly need more. To Viviane Nguyen, your very own Tom and your very own JGL. To Horace Kwan and Nolan Deng, the alpha spot in the wolfpack. To Reg 1407, a pizza party for learning everyone’s name (even if Mr. Shapiro never did). To Elisa Vidales, an understanding of sarcasm and a good-looking mug shot. To Mica Jarmel-Schneider, an afternoon of movies and deep conversation. To Kate McCarthy, a whole bunch of admiration and the knowledge that you’ll do amazing things. To Jerry Ng, glances from across the room, a spot

in my trunk, and a bath. To Wednesday Crew, many Happy Hump Days and one successful high five. To Yu Ling Wu, singer-songwriter concerts and a positive perspective. To Kavin Lam, food runs to Hunters Point, as well as You-Know-Who. To Jessi Hagelshaw, bad Russian accents. To Matthew Wong, pitiful Korean orals, a run up Turtle Hill, and one more handshake. To Aaron Wong, an iPod full of songs to sing along to, including “Thizzle Dance” and “Bound 2.” To Robin Yee, an FRQ that actually makes sense and all my athletic ability (granted, not much). To Marc Cunningham, a promise to not run you over with my car. To Will Slotterback, many weird memories (and a few good ones, too). To Ms. Rebecca Johnson, a medal for putting up with my craziness these past four years. To my Basketball Girls, lots of spirit and sunscreen. To Triana Anderson, strange looks in math class and the title of “Sweetest Girl in the World”. To Katie Pierson and Samantha Chang, memories from elementary, middle, and high school, and gratefulness for putting up with me for so long. To Addison Brenneman, $1 million from winning the Amazing Race. To certain members of the Class of 2013 (you know who you are), a lunch in the elevator lobby and gratitude for accepting me as one of your own. To Rachel Anderson, many sleepless nights and thanks for helping me get through them. To Quinn Francis, trips to the JavaBeach Café, three oranges, and some love to go with them. To Danielle de Bruin, realizations and progressions, Hawks in an assortment of colors, and a special place in my heart. And finally, to Josephine Cormier, thirteen years of friendship, mutual strangeness, and your downstairs apartment.

In the likely event that I, Catrina Sun-Tan, overdose on sunscreen, declare this to be my last testament and will. To Reg 1412: William Peralta, my blue vest and SHINee stickers. Samantha Chang, The Night Circus. Sam Sedar, a mop for spilled nail polish. Sonia Hamilton, our fight for women in the military. Cynthia Wong, a snapchat defeating all evil; make sure to send it to Julia Wong. Sophia Li, our orange cone, four years of seat-sharing, and the transitive property: we rule the world, Li. To 19, 20: Ella Roth, schmetterlinge and broom-like eyelashes. Stephanie Lee, mason jars of hipster tea. Brian Chu, peacocks and basketball derivatives. Tiffany Chan, all my hugs and smiles, because TSC, you are my other half. To winterball-to-seniorpromtook-me-in-like-a-homeless-cat people: Alisa Kyle, my tiptoes to hug you. Suzanne Tse, pinky-promises to watch the Vampire Diaries. Praise Ching, all future Olympic skating results. Meghan Chow, my Shaolin green belt. Anh Huynh, my talent for laugh-mugging and motivational phone calls. Elizabeth Yee, locks of my and Harry Styles’s hair; you deserve it. Stephanie Coxon, my dumbphone with 2048. Laura Jue, my halfway crying-from-laughing walking you to the M. Brian K. Chu, LIFE tiles, speeding tickets and our conversations about everything and anything. Sarah Huang, all my “carah”s and belief that I wouldn’t have survived Olympia or Choir without you. To reluctantly-accepts-me people: Nicole Chin, my Hayley Westenra CDs and the updog on my shirt. Ashley Chong, birthday weekend promises since the 2nd grade. Jaclyn Wong, my screenplay-that-never-was. Matthew Wong, our slap-arm-then-run-away move and my request to hear a male voice. Jordan Wong, s@ss, because we’re just girls who wanted to work. Luis Valle, our stolen phone calls to Han, my geometry textbook and always ready hug-it-outs and talk-it-outs. Candy Rui, my loving middle finger, slowly sliding down my face. Caroline Mai, Knope

2010, Assistant-to-the-Regional-Manager, and Bandit: we are soul sisters who Expelliarmus. Yu Ling Wu, glue guns, your eye-rolls when I’m nervous and Heroin Bob, because you will always be my duo partner. Karen Kyi (Boston B****), front row Stars on Ice tickets, everything under my bed, my internet search history, and promise to always be there for you. Hanren Chang, unicorns and wizard sleeves, hammer pants and make believe: our castle. To the above once again and everyone else: My thanks for making my years at Lowell, the best. In the event of my entering of the 100th annual Hunger Games and eating poisonous berries to win the Games, I, Mitchell Szeto, bequeath the following: Jeff Yee, I give you all of what maturity I have ever had and all of the memories we have had together since the first day of freshman year. I give you all of those peach-o’s and candy from Luckys and the money that we made sophomore year. To Raymond Wong the strength, muscles, and pounds that you always talk about possessing. I give you food and money that I always ask from you as well as those “readmits” you always mysteriously own. Sam Blumenfeld, I give you the MVP award from that tournament that you deserved and all those donuts that we ate at Lucky’s. To Douglas Jeong, my neck because yours always seems to be hurting. I give you my XBOX and countless days of going to Sunset Rec to play basketball for four hours with Henry Qin and the Lawton Boys. To Joseph Jung, the hangout that we will eventually have. To the goons, those lockers that we gather around and unintentionally block the hallways. Aaron Wong and Alex Hsiao, I give you all of the jokes and songs that we have sang together in Physiology. To the Lowell Men’s Volleyball Team, hard work, blood, sweat, tears, and future winnings. To Katya Kha, our friendship and our venting sessions about anything and everything (don’t forget about that letter). I give you a penguin because you love to “waddle waddle” all over the place. I give Matthew Wong, the energy and strength to analyze everything that goes in friendships, relationships, and life. I also give you my cell phone because you constantly take it from me in hopes you will remember me when you become famous . To Audrey Kan all of the love within me and silliness we stir up during our lunches. All of the fruit snacks and rebounds you can get your hands on and all of your perfect imperfect ways. And lastly, Erica Lei, I give you a tear, a tear of joy, for always being there for me and always being able to make me smile. I give you my back, because we always and will forever on have each others. And my mouth, because you swear too much.

In the event that I meet my untimely death by eating too much ice cream, I, Priscilla Tai, declare this to be my last testament and will, and bequeath these items to the following: To Jennifer Chen, confusing turbans, shrubbery in Pacific Heights, the hand-jive, dangerous biking, flogging the log, whipped cream. To Stephanie Lee, bikram yoga lessons, another BOY concert and signing, potato-shaped cookies, liberation from quicksand, Muni trains that are on time. To Sally Zhao, a completed list of 7x7’s Big Eat 2014, an unlimited supply of Acme and Tartine bread, constant PRs, Pamela’s, my dyslexia, an inheritance of Mr. and Mrs. To Jessica Ko, changing in public, garlic bread from Mollie Stone’s, rides on the 48, Arduinos, Devil’s Teeth runs after runs, productivity in CSF, hot dogs and burgers

before practice and meets, steak with steak on top. To Sophia Li, 1/2 with Prophet, certain macarons from Hot Cookie. To Marcella dePunzio, picture scavenger hunts, hikes to the top of mountains, leopard and cheetah-print everything. To Ariel Yu, Jessica Gao, the future of CSF, hard guessing games, banishment from the couches. To Leanna Wei, the love and forgiveness of Manna’s owner, classy afternoon tea, E. Coli-free Burmese food, bad selfies in the Kabuki cinema. To Kevin Tom, a bigger physics curve, a free lunch code, current events updates, a Peet’s coffee trip, a few more insults. To Justin Lee, Ryan Chan, Eric Tong, Bobby Woo, Jonathan Chen, Brian Chu, Nathaniel Jee, HIMYM episodes, a whole year of braincell frying, good rice and bad rice. To Christopher Mok, jiggly knees, mud runs in Oregon, Boston cannolis. To Serina Leung, any form of boba, tiny hurdles, kind words for Cynthia Leung, free mango drink from 85 degrees. To Jenny Zhu, na-na-na, imigs, Divergent cheers, misunderstood songs, forever natural ombres. To Elizabeth Stern, jumping out of fear in Moffitt’s, love for Ingrid Michaelson, agony over realizations and dictations. To Hanren Chang, sockflops, the Color Run 5K, trips to Hot Sauce and Panko on Thursdays, quality Spotify music, wet gnome hats, Ike’s for the first time. To Alexander Hsiao, weekly breakfasts, late-night Mexican hot dogs, acknowledgement from Ellie Goulding, love from Charlie, little spoons, Hayes Valley, the song you’ll eventually hear, and the continuous ability to make me smile and laugh. And to everyone else, smiles and hugs to last a lifetime. It’s been a good one, Lowell High! I, Jacqueline Tan, declare this as my last will and testament. To Adrianne Pan, my soul sister, I leave all the breakfast food, boba, and Welch’s tropical fruit snacks in the world. In addition, I also leave all our embarrassing photos because I don’t want them! To Jenny Liu, I leave you a cake pop machine, our dynamic duo tennis skills, and all the cute animals your heart could ever desire. To Jessica Kai, who always makes my day, I leave you printed onesies, tacos (except the ones from Sizzler), cheesy pickup lines, and all our laughs on the tennis court. To Josie Dang, I leave you with amazing food, conversations, photos, and adventures, hilarious tennis practices, and a special place in my heart. To Judy Pan, my better half, I leave you with all our adventures, laughing fits, embarrassing moments, and all my love.To Katy Kwan, I leave you with our hallway talks, the skill of taking the BEST photos of people, and Legally Blonde on DVD. To Maris Tong, I leave you Delarosa pizza, delicious french toast, hilarious math stories, and concert tickets. To Tiffany Chan, I leave you with our walks to class, a life without social media addiction, and snacks because you’re always hungry. To Zhimei Lin, I leave you the title of Snapchat Queen and #1 best friend spot, a “Find My Car” app, Lana Del Rey tickets, and all of the best food.

In the event that I, Sally Tan, suffer a cardiac arrest and die while watching a scary movie, I hereby leave the following: to Caroline Mai and Catrina Sun-Tan, random accounts of bursting into song and every accent known to man. To Karina Wong, heartfelt rants, cliffhangers, and pendulums. To Ada Wong, lessons on how to bake courtesy of Karina and 2048. And to the both of you, I leave milk tea with boba, Starbucks, and a giant map for directions. To Tricia Lam, every Pretty Little Liar and Friends episode and all the times we “did work” in math. To Judy Pan and Michelle Lin, our indecisiveness, random conversations during reg, and the many selfies on Michelle’s phone. To Amy Huang and Kevin Chang, our trips around SF, trying to explain the concept

of colors to Kevin, and Risk-rematch! To Lissa Dechakul, the yolo180, hilarious Youtube videos, talking elevators, and books on how to be subtle because we both know how good you are at that. To Jocelyn Lee, bananas, yuccas, and a tire swing you can actually swing on. To Bonnie Yuen, Just Dance 3, fangirling over Dave Franco, and a towering plate of whipped cream. To Hanna Tang, my Facebook account in case you ever want revenge on Horace and Kenneth and a lifetime supply of hair ties. To Vivian Nguyen, every swimmer excuse in the book, the diving board Stepmaster300, Cody Simpson Songs, and dreams of meeting halfway between SB and Hawaii. To Michael Li, Avatar, Ano Hano, and all the times we zoned out in Chinese School. To Bruce Quan, a personal armrest and a phone book for that one phone number you got. To Stephanie Chen, songs from every boy band and rainbow colored caps. To Angela Hwang, nacho flavored tissues, cheesy pick-up lines, and Jenna Marble videos. To Nolan Dang, ice cram, water motorcycles, cows on the moon, and the backwards smile. To Kenneth Ouyang, giraffe drawings with MATH written under it, makeup/markers because you truly are a makeup guru, and Saturday morning cartoons. To Horace Kwan, our thousands of late night aim messages, purple elephants and green flamingoes because we’re just that punny, and our twin collage. To Lowell Swim Team, matrix Mondays, killer sprint sets, and unforgettable team bondings. And finally, to all the friends I’ve made at Lowell, I leave all the love, laughs, memories, and an amazing four years. If I, Rostyslav Tolochko, should perish, let this be my last will and testament.To Timothy Lewis, I leave to you anything you want because we’re bros. To Anthony, Steven, and Will, I leave the memory of all the messed up stuff we did in middle school. Have fun with that one. To Lissa “The Dâ€?, I leave the the random stuff you have given me for my birthday (Except the Stitch doll and the power rangers hat. Those are going to the grave with me.) To Big Daddy Truong, I give you all the anime stuff I have, whether you like it or not. Have fun finding room for those heh. To support main Ryan, I give the task of carrying my league account to challenger by playing on two computers at the same time. Good Luck.To big guy Derek, I give all my workout equipment. If you don’t work hard enough for the both of us there will be a SEVERE LACK OF GAINS. To David, I leave my steam account. Play all the weird games I bought on sale :P To Michelle and Angel/Bob/Michelle, I gave full control of my Animal Crossing town to you. Do not burn it to the ground k? Also to Angel/Bob/ Michelle, I give you my stash of gifs and youtube videos. Sit down before watching them all. To Elora, I give all my chromosomes. My soul is an adequate enough sacrifice for Chin Chin. To Jason, I give all of my communist paraphernalia. Use it how you wish. To Calvin and Marcelo, All the fun we had playing badminton should be enough. Don’t be greedy. To Kevin, I give all of my love of #BASEDGOD To my cowardly lion Teresaur, I give my courage. Don’t die in Japan k? To Johnson, I leave my computer. Use it for parts or something and make the beastly PC of your dreams ;) To Annie, I give unlimited tokens to the arcade. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR MAKING TRUONG AND I CONTINUE UNTIL WE WON! To The Lowell Wrestling Team, Don’t worry I’m just getting a haircut. I, Kevin Tom, in the event that I am burnt beyond salvation, bequeath to the following my possessions. Justin Lee, actual clothes to cover your half-naked body. Bethany Chan, an unshakable tolerance level and Satanic commandments on a goat head. Ryan Chan, all the time in the world to finish the games he will never actually complete and all my programs

Eric Tong, Ronia and REM luck. And to these four a warrant of arrest for my murder. Kenny Zhen, an HD video camera to capture all your epic life moments. Alma Carranza, the greatest hug in the world. Henry Qin, muscle. Nick Haddad and Joseph Jung, math skills and tutoring. Stephanie Lee, one sarcastic clap. Alika Lew-Koga, cute animals pictures to always cheer you up. James Uejio, pink slip, 10/10 on participation, and memories of jamming session. Sabrina Leung, stress ball. Cynthia Wong, some salt you banana slug. Julia Wong, our destined fist fight. Skylar Chu, the skills to continue on with his pathetic PaD account and actual violin skills. Rubin Girling, a new license plate and some shaved ice. Jennifer Chen, an Asian date. Robert Woo, filter and plug for when he inevitably goes to jail. Priscilla Tai, the times I needed to treat you to some nice tea. Kian Mojabi, balls to replace the emptiness. Luke Haubenstock, real strength. Marcella DePunzio, a fabulous leopard patterned onesie. Jaclyn Wong, gas money and a book of all your great stories. Nathaniel Jee, not my mom and a piggyback ride. Waylin Wang, infinite Starbucks and my participation grade in English. Andrew Chen, genie to grant all his wishes. Christopher Mok, shot glasses.  Derek Yi, green card, three macho burritos, and singing abilities. Patrick Huynh, gold star for that one econ test. Brandon Wong, single multi-layered jacket. Mary Nieh, chopstick skills. Austin Van, all my swag. Alec Fong, application for the FongClub. Joshua Muller, honorary Asian status. Brian Chu, imaginary private sessions with Mr. Cooley. Kenvin Tran, your dream basketball team. Ofri Harlev, adderall to stay awake in class. Jacky Hua, swollness. Andy Kuang, a golden statue made in your godly image. Leighton Chen, my score of E&M of 1. Benson Ly, trust you will lead the team next year. Raymond Yu, absolutely nothing. Matthew Chai, the six pack you lost. Sorry for forgetting anyone and not being able to fit everything due to word limit! If I, Eric Tong, ever die or something, this will be my last will and testament. To Bethany Chan, I leave my orb matching skills in Puzzles & Dragons and my flyswatter. To Andromeda Venegas, I leave my failed attempts to not laugh whenever I mug at her. To Jaclyn Wong, I leave my unread messages and a fake narwhal to prove narwhals don’t exist. To Harrison Shi, I leave the water that’s still in my ear from his waterbending. To Kacy Chan, I leave a Walgreens water bottle with all of its contents still inside. To Leighton Chen, I leave my bad knees and the 4x100 days in A.P. when both our knees were fine. To Mary Nieh, I leave a circular shaped cloud and the bit of kindness I have even though she won’t need it. To Benjamin Chen, I leave all the mugging he does to me, even though he’s not that tough, and a back brace so he can carry anyone he desires. To Cally Chung, I leave all the cauliflower and boba she could eat. To Alec Fong, I leave my admin status in his fanclub and my faith in him for when the team is getting heavy. To Cindy Cheng, I leave a bunch of sass so our sass can, once again, level up. To Kevin Tom, I leave all the jokes I have ever made about you and all the jokes that are to come. To Cynthia Tom, I leave what little swag I do have and all the swag she thinks I don’t have. To Justin Lee, I leave a tiara and my 12th place race that was the result of one of his text messages. To Christine Feng, I leave my inability to see her and a drumstick for being one of the best drummers I know. To Ryan Chan, I leave all the puns, Kevin Hart jokes, and pick-up lines we have ever said. To Maria Lim, I leave a bag of baked hot cheeto puffs, a bowl of fin soup, and a buffalo for being the best buffalo. And last, but definitely not the least, to Lowell Dragon Boat, I leave a bucket full of ice cream and all the memories you have given me through what can only be described as four of the most unforgettable years of my

life. Thank you guys so much for everything.

In the event that I Antonio Torres somehow collapse from oxygen deprivation to my brain from flexing too hard I consent to this will in order for everyone to retain some “Latin spiceâ€? in their lives. To Ian James I shall leave all the bronzer needed to acquire sun kissed gold tan skin‌ (I’ll just leave sunscreen instead) I also leave you all my #MCMs and the remembrance of the evenings in San Sebastian. Vale. To William Slotterback I leave you an unlimited supply of In-N-Out to fulfill your post game meals. Vale. To Da Crew (Harrison Lee, Kenny Okagaki, Aaron Moye, Justin Cheung, Mishal Al-Asfour, Brian Nguyen, Samuel Pollard) I leave you all the Kool & The Gang/ Banda Music y’all need, Clay oven food comas, my uncle Ernesto, and all the hangouts in the man cave. I’ll make sure someone brings the nachos this time. To Nancy Lin I leave you Sammy and I’s money. To Gracia Brown/ Therese Dudro I leave my kind heartedness and warm loving personality. Caroline Hsiao shall retain my smile and my ability to pose for pictures. To Arbel Efraty I leave you the loudest speakers possible for your music enjoyment. To Kira Boden Gologorsky I leave you coffee and the responsibility to #GTL/#FPC in my absence. To Cate Stern I leave you all my ice skating skills and the sole right to call me “Tony The Tiger.â€? To Joy Van Hasselt I leave my love for Uk-luh, my great hugging skills, and movie tickets. To Talor Wald I leave my masterful dancing skills and a plaque certifying you as an official “latina.â€? To Julie Avetisyan I leave my Armenian cousins and parties. To Tia Doherty I leave the love for punters/quarterbacks. To Sara Mon I leave all my artistic ability and the rights to my Michelangelo like artwork. To Fana Aregawie/Krista Apolonio I leave the bracelets you kept from 8th grade and Eyasu. To Isaac Zimmern I leave an alarm clock. To Henry Hammel I leave my heart and my soul. Most importantly I leave Sarah Pierluissi my dad’s cooking, salsa dancing skills, The Godfather, my Italian/Spanish speaking ability, those One Tree Hill episodes, all family BBQ invitations, Wiggle by Jason Derulo, 3005- Childish Gambino, a bottle full of sand, and every beach in the world so that you can sunbathe and get as dark as your heart desires, I guess you were cool‌

In  the  event  that  I,  Jasmine  Toy,  am  eliminated  by  Germs,  PUNS,  or  Steel,  I  grant  these  tangible  and  intangible  possessions  to;Íž  To  Michelle  Lin,  memories  of  staying  in  our  awkward  MiSHELLs.  To  Robin  Yee,  a  GHFN RI FDUGV IURP RXU ÂżUVW <((U WRJHWKHU To  Amy  Lim $ 0<UDFOH 7R Yu  Ling  Wu,  our  accent-­tainted  LINGuage  To  Nilou  Mostarshed,  thanks  for  NiLOUKING  good  always  To  Alexandra  Jensen,  an  invitation  I’ll  JenSEND  to  make  true  to  my  promise.  To  Maria  Lim,  the  seat  in  which  I  MARIAlized  her  charm.  To  Katie  Hwang,  one  last  time  HWANGing  out  as  Blossom  and  Buttercup.  To  Maggie  Ma,  knowledge  that  she  was  MA  ¿UVW IULHQG DW /RZHOO WRR 7R Dana  Ng,  a  house  made  from  the  stiNGking  scantrons  of  our  stress.   To  Mishal  Al-­asfour,  the  moment  we  became  friends–  being  friends  was  MishALL  I  ever  ASked  FOUR.  To  Lori  Chinn,  a  very  LORIginal  wallet  of  my  prom  picture.  To  Erica  Lei,  her  kids–  I  LEI  borrow  them  occasionally  to  photograph  their  soccer  games  with  my  iPad.  To  Maris  Tong,  all  the  photos  I’ve  MARISteriously  lost.  To Kathleen Kanaley, a photo of us in New York because we KANAt LEYve each other. To  Tiffany  Chan,  compliments  too  TIFFicult  to  remember.  To  Mandy  Che, Â

laps  around  the  track  forcing  me  to  CHEse  after  her.  To  Krista  Apolonio,  the  locker  VKH VKDUHG ZLWK PH RQ P\ ÂżUVW GD\ RI ZRUN to  make  me  feel  less  ApALONEio.  To  Alec  Fong,  bragging  rights  because  he’s  one  of  my  favorite  juniors  despite  all  the  ALECtures  I’ve  given  him.   To  Jeff  Lee,  WKDQNV IRU D IULHQGVKLS WKDW ZDV -HI)5(< RI MXGJPHQW VWXSLGLW\ DQG ÂżOOHUV 7R Brienne  Hong JUDWLWXGH IRU EHLQJ WKH ÂżUVW SHUVRQ , met  on  LSA  and  for  the  friendship  that  I  hope  never  BriENDS.  To  Emily  Chan,  expertly  ¿QLVKHG &+$1LFXUHV IRU KHU ,QVWDJUDP IHHG To  Kris  Hui,  a  scrapbook  of  the  memories  HUI’ve  shared  in  the  past  month.  To  Best  Buddies,  my  undying  support.  To  Junior  Prom  Committee,  my  love.  To  LSA,  painful  punches,  my  gratitude,  and  the  pedestal  in  my  heart  that  I’ve  built  for  each  and  every  one  of  them.   To  my  ALMAst-­alma  mater,  Lowell  High  School,  acknowledgment  of  how  wrong  I  was  at  various  times  of  my  past  four  years  to  think  that  it  wasn’t  right  for  me.And  to  everyone ZKR XQGHUVWRRG WKH ÂżUVW SXQ LQ this  will,  I  leave  every  pun  left  in  the  book.

I,  Shirlyna  Trinh,  were  to  die  awkwardly  whilst  holding  up  a  peace  sign-­pose,  shall  leave  all  that  had  belonged  to  me  â€“  kidding  none  of  you  guys  are  getting  anything— KDKDKD NLGGLQJ DJDLQ ,ÂśP VXFK D MRNHU 7R Angela  Xu,  my  debt,  my  hand  spasms,  the  jokes,  the  derpy  and  funny  videos  shared,  those  rants,  maff  camp,  our  inability  to  really  express  our  deep  feels  with  each  other  because  I’m  pretty  sure  it  goes  without  saying  how  the  other  feels  and  yeah  we  are  bad  at  showing  our  emotions  on  a  serious  level  jajaja,  our  jokes  on  Kevin  Wong  â€“ mmm  pepper  cupcakes,  and  much  more!  But  I  needa  list  other  peeps’  stuff  too.  To  Caroline  Mai QRWKLQJ 1HYHUPLQG WKDWÂśV too  mean,  you  can  have  all  of  the  prickly  pears,  and  the  ability  to  never  be  able  to  sing  your  terrible,  terrible  songs.  Don’t  touch  me.  To  Kevin  Wong,  a  reminder  that  you  owe  Tonga  some  labor  for  those  sushi/food  days.  Mostly  you  owe  Angela.  Anyway,  I  leave  you  a  task  to  â€œBANANAâ€?  your  way  through  college,  kneeslap  every  person  whenever  you  make  a  lame,  terrible  joke,  and  keep  being  Kevin.  To  Danny  Wu,  my  PAD  account,  the  fart  and  poop  jokes  we  shared,  and  a  plane  ticket  to  get  Elaine  Cheng  back  to  her  homeland,  which  is  China  right?  To  Monica  Lee,  you’ve  DOUHDG\ UHFHLYHG RQH RI WKH EHVW JLIWV RI DOO WR EH 6DLORU 0RRQLFD <RXÂśUH ZHOFRPH , also  leave  you  those  funny  and  fun  times  in  orchestra.  I  thank  you  for  being  my  stand-­ partner,  you  were  like  100000000%  better  WKDQ \RX NQRZ ZKR -$< 7R Michael  Lee Rasputin<3.  To  Brittany  Hong,  us  trolling  on  Monica.  Hehehe  those  Birthday  Grams.  But  you  don’t  get  any  ketchup  to  terrorize  me.  To  Elaine  Cheng,  see  Danny  Wu’s  part.  To  Lowell’s  Chemistry  Show  Club/ Chemistry  Magic  Show  Club/Science  Rangers WKRXJK RXU ODVW DQG ÂżQDO PHHWLQJ ZLWK \RX DOO Cari  Young,  Donna  Wang,  Elaine  Cheng,  Wendy  Yu,  Angela  Xu,  Sharlene  Tsui,  Jenny  Louie,  Eva  Huang,  Anyan  Cheng,  Rain  Zhang,  Jessica,  Kirk,  and  some  others,  was  last  semester,  I  still  leave  to  you  the  hope  that  this  club  will  come  back  again  soon,  and  continue  to  entertain,  inspire,  and  terrorize  kids  into  liking  science.  And  to  the  rest  I  couldn’t  PHQWLRQ ,Q WKH YRLFH RI 2SUDK <28 *(7 0< /29( $1' <28 *(7 0< /29( (9(5<21( *(76 0< /29(

In the highly likely event that I, Sharlene Tsui, die from the inability to withstand lattes and the absence of sweet mini bell peppers,

I leave the following: To Sally Ma: the warm orange bench, SJ+SJ, my Tumblr that needs to be filled with your talent, my everlasting gratitude for your ability to provide me with profile pictures, and Charles. To Shirlyna Trinh: my seat next to yours so teachers will be forever confused, “What was homework?”, and grey beanies #TWINSIES. To Jennie Pau: cookies that I promised, my incompetence in playing cards, and all the preschool kids from Tel-Hi To Amy Huang: SuperCue, my dad’s retractable Tai-Chi sword, and my additional sass to amuse Nickels and Yu To Joyce Wang: my house, 29 bus rides, rants about everyone and everything (especially the 14 bus), oatmeal banana cookies, Blogilates, and le sigh To Cindy Cheng: 14/15 lunches, #Aries, our telepathy, my legs so that you would have to squat and tan more than you already do, and the 15 minutes of Reg To Arina Romanova: Mr. Cooley’s class and microwaveable alfredo chicken pasta To Kevin Wong: Peter Pan and HECK NO, all of my stuffed animals so that you may have the joy of naming each and every one, my projection, and a copy of Magic Mike To Mary Latibashvili: 4 cups of coffee a day and endless admissions to Ted Talks To Sofiya Ozbek: Talenti, bus and car rides, burps, and yoga classes To Talor Wald: Peet’s and coffee breath To Rachel Wong: my Doc Martens that I WILL purchase in the future To Laura Kennedy: my Cantonese, sad songs, physics absences, and my unnecessary comments To Arynn Kwan: my jokes that you somehow find funny To Kianna Mark: the weird spidery thing we do, 6th block in the dance studio, and the awkward split when a guy peeped in To Flippy Chan: your favorite songs in the car so that you may go “ OH MY GOD IT’S MY FAVORITE SONG” To Stephanie Coxon: Mel’s chocolate milkshake and the French Dip To Alyssa Kwan: my list of costumes that you will ever need.

In the event that I, James Uejio, die from a freak Ping-Pong accident, I leave this as my will and testament. To the “Bumbo Boys”, I leave Friday night pho and Tpumps, iPad adventures and our prom party. To Nick Haddad, my beloved doubles partner (don’t worry I have a girlfriend), I leave our doubles adventures, from duo queue to All-City championships, and our guitar lessons. 8minabs4lyfe. To Jon Xie, yowo. May the memory of wheeling you’re crippled body around school stay forever. Also, no one wants to see you in your boxers eating hot Cheetos. I leave Patrick Huynh nothing because you’re a wut dutt butt. Jk, I leave you derpy faces and my knowledge of Economics because we all know you have none, but you can repay me by giving me 12-2. I leave my neighbor Nathaniel Jee-Jee, five billion dollars for all the scratches on the racket and our summer dates. I leave Bruno Haesbaert, jam sessions and jazz band, and talking about computer games too much. To Maris Tong, I leave basically me teaching you math. “Hi James, help me on math please?” sound familiar? Also health class and beautification days. To “the forever alone ranger” Andrew Chen (don’t worry I’ll be your Tonto), I leave watching you do nothing in Track practice and our nerd endeavors. To my patient Kevin Tom, don’t worry I will be your shrink forever. To Sam Spieth, see you at Berkeley, nerd. To Reg 1413, shut the hell up. Josh Muller, I leave our Lord of the Rings and our everlasting bromance. Jaclyn Wong “Mulan”, I leave Mr. Li’s class and Of Monsters and Men. Russell Tang, I leave my guitars and all my musical

knowledge. And Lowell Tennis Team= win. Finally, to my bae Jennie Pau, thank you for the best almost year and a half I’ve ever had. I leave watching Pitch Perfect and Frozen with you and singing Let It Go together. I hope I’m your Olaf. I also leave eating at The Cheesecake Factory, playing Ping-Pong and tennis together, trying to help me harmonize but giving up (do you want to get pitch slapped?), memories at Lake Merced, Raging Waters… the list goes on forever and I want to say anata ga aishiteiru yo. Thank you to everyone for making high school the best four years so far.

In the event that I, Elisa Vidales, meet an unfortunate end while tripping over flat ground, I declare this to be my last will and testament and bequeath these items to the following (alphabetically): To Alexandra Beem, our first “kiss”, memories of Vanya rehearsals full of laughter, my limited ability to cry on demand, Mr. Bell’s classes, avocado baking, and all the emails from Parks and Rec denoting our success with the system. To Wesley Chan, memories from Kindergarten through high school and the pride of being one of my longest and most dear friends. To Praise Ching, ice cream, the soundtrack to Crazy for You, an infinite amount of hugs despite how much you hate them, and chicken potpies. To Mica JarmelSchneider, the message that said “Do I know you?”, spontaneous outings, elbow squeezes, pictures of my fat cat, and “a life of pleasure!” To Rachel Jimenez, my dance shoes and costumes, my squishy pillow, my Harry Potter books, my crazy side, silly faces, hair flips, dino chicken nuggets, and the knowledge that we made it through EVERYTHING together. To Kali Kecskemeti, the chicken emoji, fetus, my chemistry knowledge, and my complete faith in the amazing, talented person you already are and that you are growing into. To Mary Latibashvili, all my stress and anxiety because you’re the only one who can handle it, long hugs, our telepathy, every nerdy joke and reference only we understand, and assurance that you are indeed my BFFL, just like Mr. J predicted in MOWO. To Elizabeth Stern, our weirdly similar lives (from parents, to insomnia), my small ability to apply makeup, and all the comfort and advice I’d ever be able to give which will never be enough to repay you for what you have done for me. To Justin Talbott, the Golden Gate Bridge, unfinished sandwiches, puns, my calculus notes, our best friend Google, reminders to eat, decision making abilities, and awkward high fives. To Lynn Voelker, spicy tacos, real Mexican food, my mathematical knowledge, and pictures of horses and donkeys and tiny turtles eating fruit. To Sophia Weiss, my spot in the folly and witches huddles and memories of our long conversations whenever we had enough time to sit down and talk with each other. To Andy Xia, high-fives so you don’t have to high five yourself and the motivation to survive another year of Lowell. In the event that I, Joserosario Vigil, were to die due to an overconsumption of Pokemon and anime, I leave the following to: Deidre Foley, the number 4 candle and Pikachu knee socks. Connie Yu, countless hours of procrastination during Turkey break and your reaction of acceptance after PRing. Lissa Dechakul, the nickname“Josie” because it was you who started the name. Anthony Huang, Pokemon, EV training, and IV breeding. Rachel Levin, your sexiness during concerts. Ateret Hakim, that AP Psych struggle, my stupidity when I thought you were Islamic, our derpy selfies

before J-Prom. To Reg 1415, different reg teachers, different classrooms, a rollercoaster, donuts, gum, mardi gras, Lube Me Now, we’re ReyDeaNow guys! To Symphonic Band, I leave you the wonderful music we played, Ethan’s Rite of Spring solo, the music struggle, Full Orchestra, and Millennium. To my Pit Buddies (Ethan Kogon-Schneider, Mikki Okamoto, Laura Jue), I leave you an infinite supply of Boba and K-Pop to make yourselves feel like sexy people. I also leave Ethan the friendship that we started during musical rehearsals. To the amazing Lowell Track & Field team, I leave you the team bondings, hurdle crew, the feeling of being champions during All-City. Maria Uribe, the motivation you gave me to come to practice. Miko Krajewski, the picture of me pelvic thrusting someone. Branzy’s Italian class, pop quiz struggle, my loudness (doesn’t compare to Raj’s), our daily adesso words, and the Italy 2013 trip. What happens in Italy, stays in Italy. Ella Yumin Li, my face swapped with yours, tons of laughter, and the card ride during Mel’s night. Mikki Okamoto, Dylan O’Brien. Laura Jue, our hilarious convos, the adoration of talented actors. Ethan Kogon-Schneider, I leave you sexy remarks on your swooning bassoon playing. I also leave Jennifer Chen an infinite supply of Mangos. Elora Cuenco, Japanese 101. Lauren Wong, for introducing me to Fairy Tail. Grace O’Hair Sherman, for being the best mum since 8th grade. Kyle Wong, locker buddies since freshman year and your resemblance to being Mexican. Sarah Wang, the ultimate title of the pussycat queen. Sophia Padilla, the personal convos we’ve had, Miley Cyrus, “Pajaro?”, Puerto Alegre. Edwin Kasminskiy, three years of Italian, procrastinated skits,etc. And to all the people I didn’t mention because my mind sucks at memory, I leave to you all a joyous smile and a sense of humor you will never forget. Thank You Everyone.

In the event that I decide to permanently live in the Downtown LA American Apparel Factory and never leave, I, Gabriela Villalta, leave these items to the following: To Campbell Gee, I leave brunches, Instagram worthy pictures, succulents, mango sago, sleepovers, glo pictures, photoshoots, Law & Order: SVU, trips to the Mission, and my most sincere thanks for being my best friend. To Lisa Bi, I leave all of my Hello Kitty possessions, gossip/vent sessions, a mutual love for the color pink, PLL marathons, our selfies, and memories from all of our “dates.” To Mia Kalo, my favorite Parkmerced neighbor, I leave morning car rides, popsicle tattoos, Gossip Girl marathons, and stalking people on every social media website there is. To Richie Choi, for your health reasons, I won’t leave you anything that has soy in it, but I will leave you all the corgis in the world, Junior year lunches, my hatred (and sometimes love) for you, and facetime calls. To Sheila Año, I leave Nillas, tumblr obsessions, the hype lifestyle, lunch in the art wing, our shared obsession for 2 certain teachers, and our everlasting friendship. To Julie Bautista, I leave Nordstrom shopping sprees, hellos, vent sessions, and a shared hatred for math. To Angela Villanueva, I leave memories we made in the 4 years of reg together, mailbox runs for Lamarre, and AP Psych convos with Jeff. To Michelle Vuong, I leave your ginger (still don’t know who that is), every Childish Gambino song, and the dentist. To Mark Bis, I leave the OG Freshmen year crew, serious face stare offs (which you always win because I end up laughing), and buffalos. To Dillon Easterling, I leave a “How To Deal With Gaby Crying” manual. To Mitchell Szeto, I leave english class memories, J. Prom memories, snapchat conversations, a friendship that’ll last 5ever, and my appreciation for being an amazing friend to me. To Caroline Hsiao, I leave our Fall ‘13 physics class (where within

a month you became my best friend), my giant popped birthday balloon, Winterball memories, hangouts at the Hsiao residence (with Charlie of course), lacrosse practices, and my gratitude for always being there for me, making me laugh, and for giving me the best advice. And to all the other friends I’ve made at Lowell, I leave my love and memories, thanks for making these past 4 years the absolute best.

In the event that I, Michelle Vuong, die from putting too much makeup on, I would like to leave the following behind: To Erika Olazo, I leave behind a pair of sandals to comfort your toes, an Iphone 4 filled with my selfies from the first day I met you until forever to look at when bored, and makeup sessions. LOML. To Sheila Año, I leave behind a cool story bro sweatshirt to remind you of the beginnings, a uke with miscellaneous covers, facetime sessions, sleepovers, family dinner, my portion of tip, and our embarrassing vine and snapchat attempts. To Julie Bautista, I leave behind my season one Gossip Girl collection, John Mayer, and baking supplies. To Ciera Castillo, I leave behind morning breakfast on testing days. To Angela Villanueva, I leave behind attempts to copy your spanish homework freshman year, covers, omegle sessions, running sessions, orientations, and a guitar. To Gaby Villalta, I leave you my ginger and anything that gives you life. Stay serious, but cute. To Brianna Ang, I leave you late night AIM sessions along with spanish projects, dumplings, and basketball games. To Kimberly Yee, I leave behind an unlimited supply of boba, PE with T-Ray, and Maquiñana projects. To Ada Wong, I leave behind park adventures and sleepovers. To Aaron and Matthew Wong, I leave behind cakepops and stomachaches. To Mark Bis, I leave behind annual dollar store birthday gifts and a pair of earrings of your choice. To Dillon Easterling, I leave behind daily arguments. To Paul De Lara, I leave behind 8x rides, evening strolls, and bus mishaps. To Kenny Li, I leave behind my unspoken love for your cousin, a buddha statue because it reminds me of you, and car rides. To Zach Rowson, I leave behind all of the times we never spoke in reg. To Noah Shaw, I leave behind an unlimited supply of refrigerated peach snapple. To Jeffrey Liu, I leave behind our prom picture and econ frqs. To Frank Chu, I leave behind all of your dinosaur drawings I found. To Ray Phelps, I leave behind my laptop. To Wen Liu, I leave behind scratchers and gas money. To the football guys, I leave behind cups, sponges, gloves, my netflix account, and pho at my house. For those I have missed and mentioned, thanks for joining me on this adventure. I’ve learned so much along the way.

In the event that I, Mikela Waldman, die unexpectedly I hereby leave the following: To Prudence Sax: a pack of gum to remember me, our selfie reel from senior parties, a spring break day at the beach, a vat of polenta, annual outside lands tickets, and silly string for every new years eve without me. To Fana Aregawie: my Steph poster because you’re the only one I could trust with it, the white box on my desk, all my cell phone bills, kira?, and every secret I’ve ever kept, To John Hogan: my dad to give you rides, doctor Valmassi, and our shared intensity for sports and Mexican food To Olivia Zacks: $100 to cover the park-

ing tickets, title as MVP of football on hill street, instructions for French braiding hair, and 13 years worth of friendship. To Justin Cheung: Corey and Sam, my recipes for pasta/vegetables and cookies, a personal taxi service to drive you around, 2 on, and Alex Morgan. To Mishal Al-asfour: a lot of talks, tension and dance moves, and complete creative control over my instagram. To Aaron Moyé: all my problems and a therapist for all of yours, a profile picture with me in it, lunch dates at Urban, my Marin FC dryfit, Nubis runs and slaps in the face. To Kenny Okagaki, Harrison Lee, and Sammy Pollard: my house for any movie nights, pre proms, or ragers you plan to throw. To Sam Ryan and Sam Sharlfinburger: all my notes on the english books you’ve never read, and approx. $200 for all those nights I secretly didn’t chip in. To Elazar Chertow Will Slotterback Mandy Che Dion Wang Eyasu Aregawie: my position as reg. rep (do I even have that?) To Lowell women’s soccer team: a permanent alternative warm up to the cones of death, infinite secret sister gifts, hair ties that I owe all of you, and the legacy of the slow clap. To Kavin Lam, Maggie Ma, Katya Kha, and Mitra Shokat: coffee and pastries for 4/5, our bae working at Devil’s teeth (mostly for Kavin), a VIP pass to Cesar’s Palace, twerk sessions and selfies. To R o b i n Ye e : my s p o t at A l l - c i t ies and a plaque that says “RAW-bin” To Derek King: the $2 I didn’t let you forget about, all my warriors tickets and apparel, disapproving stares in the hallway, and my spot in the trio

In the event that I, Dion Wang, fall into an eternal hibernation and forget to wake up, leave my belongings to the following: To Aaron Wong, butter horns and bran muffins; To Anna Lam, leg concealer for softball bruises, artsy stationary, cute dresses, and water bottles; To Alana Poole, my creme brulee recipe, xbf sweetener, PMS medicines that don’t cause ulcers, chill-pills for when you’re on the mound; To Briana Zhen, spicy seaweed, heart-to-hearts, fuzzy socks; To Carly Wong, food, my sliding pad, green tea ice cream, a new phone case; To Ciera Castillo, boy talks, sandwiches, Tahoe trips; To Cynthia and Julia Wong, my ability to tell you guys apart; To Erika Olazo, trips to WingStop and Lakeshore, yummy lotion, happy birthday balloons; To Hannah Li, lunch dates, catch-up talks, boba, dog toys; To Jena Lacayo, prom dresses, shorts, spray-tans; To Jennifer Wiguna, my job, a robe, my messy room, my brother; To Jenny Zhu, brownies, hangouts, my admiration of you for being so amazing; To Jessica Kai, vast knowledge of the Chinese language, hair-dye; To Justin Talbott, the Titanic dvd; To Kelly Wong, how-to-become a goddess, graceful falls, trips to Luminous Spa, sass and humor; To Matthew Wong, my physio notes, our AP memories of you bullying me; To Mikela Waldman, the right number to radio Lowell, your reg-rep duties; To Olivia Zacks, sour cream muffins and coffee from Ambrosia, psych class, high-waisted jeans; To Paul de Lara, sunscreen for when you’re in the Philippines, high pitched screams, my Sienna for when your mom takes your keys away, a date with your dream girl; To Samantha Fong, my creme brulee as well, almond milk tea, more home runs, gas emissions, a video camera; To Samantha Yee, comfortable short sliders, ramen, kettle corn, tickets, rides home; To Sheila Ano, tissues for when people hurt you, rant texts, homemade breakfasts in Tahoe, parties at SJ, my morning shifts; To Tyler Valen, boba dates and life advice; To Vanessa “Bruna” Lee, a butler, my creme brulee kit, endless new series to watch on Netflix, naps in the conference room, BBQ chicken sandwiches; To Vicky Cheng, a BBS reunion, ri-

diculous sleepovers, shining all brass; To Will Slotterback, soccer-heads championships and my humor; and to Frank Chu, my dog, trips to the beach, sushi, boba, every episode of AHS, a comfortable mattress, Coca-Cola, and my wallet, since you already stole my heart. In t h e e v e nt t h at I , D on n a Wa ng , am murdered in the midst of the night whilst gaining street creds for my alterego “Dwangster”, I leave these possessions under the hands of the following people: To Wendy Yu, I pass on to you my Husky that does secretarial work, a Ziploc bag of wild berries from last-year’s harvest, and a palm tree, stripped of its coconuts. I also give to you the rest of the profits from our elementary school business and a new number to my phone of the afterlife (so we can break the record of longest phone conversation.) To Medea Petronis-Branch, I lend you my nonexistent middle name (as a way to lessen the load of your incredible long surname), my birth certificate detailing the exact time I was born, and all my Bones gear, because we are Boneheads for life… my cherie. To Christy Chia, I give you, broken promises, and a Groupon to a handshake specialist (may I remind you: thumbs-up, fist bump, turn wrist, hi-five, shift down, Egyptian hands, turkey head, turkey butt, reindeer antlers, eyeglass push, eyelash, turn, count 1 and 2, HI-FIVE). To Cheyenne Yen, I give you my name to use for Starbucks, Ice Breakers and garbage bags to sit on the grass ( for a dollar, of course). To Stephanie “Stepho” Wong, I give you a notebook to write down all of the advice you’ve told me at the corner of the lockers (Please present this in my burial. I need advice for the afterlife.) To Sarah Wang, I give you a gallon of superglue to mend our broken marriage, because without you, we can’t be the Wang-Wangs. To Joanna Ng, I give you the collection of hair I discreetly pulled from your head during reg. And to Angela Huang, I give you my creepy stares. To Linda Cheng and Deidre Foley, I give you my Gaia and Club Penguin accounts… please split the collectables evenly. To Danny Wu, I give you a wig made from my hair so you can stroke it endlessly. To Liz Yee, I give you my DIY sculpture of Harry Styles. To Cari Young, I give you… DANGER! To Cynthia Gao, I give you an endless supply of brownies, orange teeth, and the knowledge for you to carry my presence onward to the future of Lowell… PSYCH. And to clarify again, Tommy Hong is my COUSIN. Divorce Staement from Lowell High School I, Lowell High School, Educational Institute of Academic Procrastination, and We, Sarah Wang, Joanna Ng, and Linda Cheng, Sisters from another Mister, agree as follows: I. GENERALLY: We are now partners in crime. We were forced together on the day of August 16th, 2010, and separated on the day of May 28th, 2014. We make this agreement with reference to the following facts: A. Unhappy and irreconcilable differences have arisen between us which have caused the irremediable breakdown of our partnership. B. We now intend, by this agreement, to make a final and complete settlement of all of our rights and obligations concerning the division of property. II. SEPARATION: We agree to live separately and apart under this agreement, each shall be free from interference and control of the other as fully as if he or she were nonexistent. III. CONFIRMATION OF SEPARATE PROPERTY: A. The following property was and is the separate property of LHS, and the sisters confirm it to him and waive any claim to or

interest in it: Digitized class scheduling School rallies where absenteeism is nearly impossible Modular Scheduling Cafeteria “food” Vehicles designed to navigate through PGA tours Wireless network that seeks schadenfreude in banning websites Overpriced access to a corporate-controlled/school-promoted venue that enriches the financial assets of various retailers for the sole sake of appearing pulchritudinous, less than presentable or monstrously frightening One Mahjong table and all Mahjong sets and Go boards for the future generations of the close-to-nonexistent club known as the “Mahjong Club” and the now non-existent entity known as “Go Club”. May you rest in Peace B. The following property was and is the separate property of the sisters, and LHS confirms it to them and waives any claim to or interest in it: Circadian rhythms and/or 6+ hours of sleep Wife’s livelihood and sanity Wife’s right to fine cuisine (must include chocolate fountains) Social life - the life we would have if we were not reading this right now Monies sacrificed to the unholy spirits of Lowell High School for the sake of senior activities IV. BINDING EFFECT: This agreement, and each provision thereof, is expressly made binding upon assigns, executors, administrators, representatives, and future minions in interest of each party. Dated: May 11th, 2014, Lowell High School Dated: May 11th, 2014, Sarah Wang, Joanna Ng, and Linda Cheng, Students of Lowell High School, Class of 2014 In the highly likely event that I, Waylin Wang, died from Justin Lee’s improper operation on all the tools in Lowell Robotics Team’s machine shop, leave this to be my last will and bequeath my possessions to the following beneficiaries: Kevin Tom, my grade in physics and all the time I promised to help you but didn’t. Sally Ma, my earplugs so you will never have to listen to my insufferable babbles again. Patrick Huynh, my thanks for all those “academic trades” we’ve had over the years. Kenny Zhen, ropes to tie yourself down to your bed so you don’t kill anyone while sleeping. Henry Qin, my folders and binders. Russell Tang, my 2010 Giants World Series jacket. Melody Lee, my carefulness so you can drive safely. Zihao Zou and Cally Chung, all of my food for your constant desire for food and a lifelong supply of boba. Matthew Wong, the three rackets that I cracked so you can frame it along with yours and my speakers to listen to your wonderful artwork to come in the future.Vanessa See, all my girlyness? you could ever ask for, “Oh my Gahd!!” Edwin Kasminskiy, my skills at solving a rubiks’ cube. Olri Hralve and Xiaofan Wu, my Oxford English dictionary, spelling skills, and best wishes to your future. Calvin Louie, my wallet so you will never repeat what happened in Trader Joe’s with me. Stephanie Joe, 1/4” of my height as appreciation for all the time you spend helping my problems. Lowell Badminton Team, my wish for the best of luck in the coming seasons. Future generations of Lowell High School, the online arena program. Last but certainly not least, Brandon Wong, my phone so you can play Brave Frontier, rewatch all your 626 and listen to your ultra organized playlist anytime you want.

In the highly likely event that I, Leanna Wei, die from an overdose of parking tickets,

declare this my last will and testament. I leave the following, to Kelly Siu, my past 10 years of die-hard laughter, hair ripping agony and stress, and my ugliest and happiest moments. To Carolyn Tran, endless time to watch kdramas, all our complaints about life’s crap, and a tub of ice cream for those moments worth crying and those moments worth smiling. To Michelle Tang, my grey calculator to continue our hybrid cross of calculators, dance floors where we get down, my hair for you to dye, and amazing talks. To Samantha Chow, a gold membership to Starbucks, money for your art gizmos, and freakin’ delicious banana cream pies. To Bernice Liu, my gratitude for you putting up with me since forever and my hopes that you will achieve great things. To Candy Rui, those spontaneous heart to heart conversations, late night cram sessions, and a shoulder to lean on. To Karen Kyi, our good laughs and selfie wars. To Tiffany Chan, all our 5 hour calc study sessions, awkward moments, laugh out loud moments, and my love for your prickliness. To Priscilla Tai, 3 years of Bonjour, food adventures, great catch up dates, girl-talk, endless hugs and smiles that make our faces hurt. To Melinda Leung, my IPhone for all your selfies and so you can take care of our clan on Clash of Clans, boba runs, and a lifetime membership to Fitness USA. To Patricia Liang, Christina and Burke’s marriage, those days of Bread Kitten and Family Feud, and all our shared stories in biotech. To Anny Liao, our random ideas filled with our dreams and aspirations that we’ll someday reach. To Nehad Abdelwahhab, my incredible year of photography adventures as your partner in crime, real laughs, and blooper moments. To Soren Carpenter and Jenny Liu, the best American Lit group I could’ve asked for, my BMW for Black Friday trips to the Great Mall at 12 am, and all our embarrassing but hilarious filming scenes. To Xiao Fan Wu, the past 4 years of buildOn. To all my other Lowellites, thank you so much for being a part of my journey here. And to Lowell High School, a heart wrenching but wonderful four years. Thank you for shaping me into someone tough and ready to face the world. In the event that I, Aaron Wong, am sentenced to death for causing a public disturbance for singing too loudly on the street, this will be my final will and testament. To Alex Hsiao, I leave to you all my strange noises, deep talks, embarrassing selfies, and excessive ice cream and burger adventures. To Alex Hum, I leave to you your very own “Guest Speaker” and my camera’s flash button so that you may use it to your heart’s desire. To Evan Louie, I leave to you the founding rights to both “Fickle Team” and “Team Ultra-Soft”, and a basketball since that’s our team’s game plan. To the Lowell Basketball Team, I thank you for giving me my most memorable experiences during these four years. To Brandon Wong, I leave to you all the Greek yogurt that I own. To Patrick Huynh, I leave you my texts even though you never respond. To Elizabeth Stern, I leave to you my smile because your kindness has always succeeded in brightening my day. To Mitchell Szeto, I leave to you all the Ziploc bags in my closet. To Katya Kha, I leave you Awk2, my foam rollers from Reg, and all the chicken wings you could ever ask for from San Tung. To Vanessa Lee, I leave to you my wonderful TA-ing skills and an abundant supply of rice that I will send to you from Houston. To Matthew Wong, I leave to you my excessive weirdness since that’s how we met. I also leave to you my contact information in lieu of the event that after you become a world-famous musician, you will still remember to text me. To Michelle Vuong, I leave to you all my cookie dough and cake pops. To Robin Yee, I leave to you my confusion in Calculus and my muscles to help you become the world’s best weight lifter. To Kavin Lam, I leave you

an endless supply of coffee, quinoa, and hipster-mason jars. My love of food and the tapeworm that resides inside my endless stomach is yours as well. To Maria Lim, I leave to you the Best Friend award and my endless laughter, sense of adventure, ridiculously warm blankets, never ending singing, and sense of direction, as I know that will come in handy for you. And lastly to Lowell, an appreciation for shaping me into the person I am today. In the event that I, Annastasia Wong, keel-over from exhaustion, I will the following: To Gerianna Germiniano, my first friend at Lowell, I give you my half-empty locker and the coolest blue combination lock. To Linda Quach, I give you my calculus homework and my horrible sense of fashion. You’ll have somewhere to start when you’re redesigning clothes as a fashion expert. To Tammy Law, I give all of my giggles from your humor and a ton of animal crackers so you won’t go hungry. To Ysabel Cayabyab, I give a life-long supply of Thin Mints, and random Facebook messages about anything ranging from chemistry homework, to God. To Alexis Ng, I give you all the cafeteria gossip, and my physics homework. You’ve really helped me enjoy physics! To Cari Young, I give you many long, unfinished lunches. I also give you my first ever bus ride back home from school. To Willy Cheung, I give you tons more CSF mods because calculus is so important that it needs to be social. And for a day when you don’t have a dentist appointment, I give you the extra Klondike bar that Mr. Bell handed out. To Xiaomin Chen, I leave you memories of a nervous, giggly, everso freshman Parli duo. To Theresa Zhao, I give you all of the math skills you’ve taught me, and how to be confident. To Lauren Wong, Cora Monokandilos, and Ethan Kogon-Schneider, I leave you a wonderful middle-winds band section that is rarely heard, but ever-so important. To Symphonic Band, I leave you more modern and classical music to realize music is more than dots on a page. To Bernice Liu, I give you all of the Lego Days emails and schedules that still need responses. To Brittany Hong, I give you back all of the dirty jokes you made that I never really understood. I also owe you my robotics experience, because without you, I would have never pictured myself on the team. To CardinalBotics Team 4159, I leave you unfinished CAD projects and unfinished Lego Day/outreach plans. Keep searching for the meaning of FIRST and our society will surely benefit from the only sports team that produces community change-makers. Thank you to every person I’ve ever met at Lowell. You have all inspired me in infinite ways. In the improbable event that I, Arthur Wong, pass away at all, I would like to leave the following people the following things for the following reasons. Jarod Tang: I leave you my thanks for being my partner throughout these years of high school. Never hesitating to help me in anyway even if it burdened you, I wish you luck in everything you do and hope we will be able to attend the Naval Academy together. Russell Jew: GET A DANG FACEBOOK ALREADY. But I leave you the physics classes where we did nothing but watch speed runs of Halo 2 instead of listening to lectures. I believe you are the downfall of my physics grade and I will have my revenge. Sarah Chan: I leave you my sense of PRACTICALITY for the sense you

state quarters, and my basketball stuggles. To Mary Nieh, all the ice cream and giraffes in the world and our movie/baking days with Bethany and Maria (BLACK SWAN). To my Reg 1413 group, “that’s what she said” jokes and a recording of me pleading “Do you mind?” To Ryan Chan, our cover of “TREASURE” by Bruno Mars, our dumbest jokes, a good green tea tiramisu, and tofu. To Sherman Yip, my best friends (Pentatonix) and my “Futurama” dvd set. To Stephanie Coxon, my wardrobe and organizational skills. To Wendy Li, unlimited supply of pens so you can use your talent to make the world more beautiful.

call “fashion” seems useless to me and it will probably get you sick or hurt or something. I also hope you pass away soon because I would in fact like your drumset. So like, yeah. Hurry up with that you know. Danielle Chen: In actuality If I’ve died, you were probably the one who killed me. I leave you all the free stuff you have given me. I’m glad I met you. I WILL be in school with you in the year 2015, and looking back. If I ever needed to choose a leader to follow, I would choose to follow you. AP Japanese 2014: I leave you guys also my thanks for helping me in my struggle to pass Japanese class these four years. (Especially you guys who posted homework every night!) I hate and love Japanese with a passion. But I’m glad I stuck through it all these years. JROTC: I leave you my impact and hope that whatever I have done has inspired you guys to become better citizens and to become the example no one would be ashamed to follow. Thank you for being the reason that I am the way I am today. AWESOME. Drum Corps Seniors: (Bethany Chan, Philip Chan, Mara Dickson, Karla Liwanag, Crystal Van, Andrew Chen) I leave you everything you guys could ask for because it was you guys who truly made my years here at Lowell worth it. Thank you for always sticking with me even when I’m difficult. (also to Andrew Chen. I leave you my leavings.) In case I, Brandon Wong, run on the pool deck, accidentally slip, fall in the water, and drown, I formally announce this to be my will. I leave Waylin Wang my musical talents to play the jaw harp. For Calvin Louie, all of the cheese that is in my refrigerator, and for Jaclyn Wong, that extra 3% in calculus as compensation and my teasing remarks from Carney to Cooley. I give Aaron Wong all of the Candy Crush and Bubblemania levels that we were unable to finish in registry. To Jennifer Chen, I leave our calculus phone calls and the “Holy Spirit” to photo-bomb more of our selfies. I give Kenny Zhen all my hours of sleep and our absent-minded moments walking into Mr. Ritter’s classroom. As for Henry Qin, I give him the job to keep Kenny awake just in case my hours of sleep are not enough. I present Andrea Tu all of our shared tastes in music, as well as give her a few more inches in height. Andrew Akard will receive more spiritual support to lead Agape. Julia Wong will have the honor of taking all of my Pang memories and an endless supply of chicken tikka masala, and both her and Cynthia Wong all the Chinese skills I have accumulated these four years. I give Kevin Tom all of my physics extra credit outlines for Cooley’s class and

beyond. Kim Leo will receive my wallet to further analyze its contents. For Crystal Van, I leave Ms. Lo and our loud comments in her class. Among the senior swimmers and company, I release Patrick Huynh from our 1 day texting/question rule and give him my “Brave Frontier” account. I give Anand BatErdene, a swimming bonding day that I will go to. To Marston Li, infinite rides anywhere and my level 100 marshtomp. For Alika LewKoga, Stephanie Chen, and Anh Huynh, I give the memories of talking while walking to Sava this semester. I give Austin Van our exchanges of “ni hao”’s and my broken flipflop. I give Katy Kwan my meet events for more opportunities to jump on the block early and win, in addition to the crazy texts we used to send. Kenneth Ouyang gets my swimming trunks to practice for college and make up for the lost practices not joining Lowell’s team. I, Jaclyn Wong, in the event that a statue comes to life and murders me, bequeath the following (in alphabetical order): To Aaron Hui, my lessons on sinking in every 3. To Alex Hum, “smelly” food and attractive scotch tape. To Anh Huynh, our car rides home/ venting sessions/funny stories. To the “AP Crew”, my undying love, friendship, inside jokes, jam sessions, and Fridays at our house. To Bethany Chan, our brunch/museum days and THE status, because I know you’ll keep it alive. To Brandon Wong, my excess hours of sleep, bananas, and my voice so you can ask questions for yourself. To Brian Chu, watches, our deep conversations (especially about our favorite person), and a Cal sweatshirt. To Calvin Li, our legend-waitforit-dary memories. To Calvin Louie, my sense of taste/smell. To Catrina Sun-Tan, pretzels, daily hugs, and a job on SNL. To Chris Mok, a sword to cut all my hair off Mulan style. To Dave Morales, our dumbest jokes/facial expressions and a French dictionary. To Eric Tong, narwhals, the moon during the day, and the biggest, meanest dog in the world. To Flippy, *dribbles ball*, penguins, and my ability to do handstands. To GG, our 13 years of friendship and memories, my Supermario Bros game to finally finish, and Matt Damon. To Henry Qin, our basketball/Beach N Boba days. To Jenna Lee, pennies (EAGLE), an apple (scarred for life), and Zoidberg (WHOOPWHOOPWHOOP). To Justin Lee, all the food I ate from you and your princess crown. To Kacy Chan, wontons, chocolate, my “Psych” dvds, and a picture of me you can vent to. To Kenny Zhen, my pictures of you sleeping in class. To Kevin Tom, my dad (against his will) since you love him. To Leighton Chen, my never-ending reconsidering, all my

In the event that I, Jordan Wong, should face death from life threatening illness, such as cancer, as proven by a physician’s note, submitted to the appropriate school administrator or district employee, please hold a secretly rigged hunger games, or other battle to the death, in which, unbeknownst to the participants, a few people I have preselected win all my belongings, worldly or otherwise. In all other cases, trust no one. I have been murdered, and I wish to be avenged. In the case of my disappearance, I Kyle Wong leave these things: To: Elsa Lem and Jessica Ko- I leave emotional turmoil and a whole bunch of Purple Kow in your care To: Christian Santos-Sanchez- Countless times of you shouting about football and me not understanding a thing, long talks about basically everything, and tentacles To: Jackie Woo- As much glitter that the world has to offer and skipping down the halls To: Kacy Chan- A caramel milk tea from Purple Kow To: Gina Fung- The title of Birthday Fairy and the secret of the Burnt Banana To: Bridget Conoway- The title of Best Buds To: Andrew Ma- A bunch of League and hours on the computer To: Martin Yip- Fun times and the biggest bowl of pho I can find To: Wilton Woo- Beach days and Super bowl parties To: Anthony Pan- Countless hours getting food and doing anything but school work. To: Maria Lim- Selfies for days To: Sophia Phillips, KT Kelly, Ajeya Hernandez- Hips that don’t lie and the song Promiscuous Kyle. In the case that I, Melinda Wong, die from laughter and embarrassment over another “Mel” moment or euphemism flying straight over my head, I hereby bequeath things to the unique individuals listed below.To my evil twin, Grace Zhang, I leave behind all my excessive love and hatred for you, as well as the real character development we have undergone through twelve years of knowing each other. To Jennifer Nguyen, I give my logically complex mind accompanied by my carload of sheet music. Michelle Quach, you were the first friend I made at Lowell and in return for your gracious Jenny Thunder photos, I would love to give all my posters of 2PM (including the autographed shirtless one). You can have my guitar, too. I will leave Christina Quach many thoughts of pugs, hugs, winks, and licking lips. Anny Li, my dear mother, I give you all the milk tea and family drama(s) I have. Danielle Chen, beloved father, I leave you with a threat that you better keep yourself safe at West Point and beyond or else. Maggie Medina gets the title of being my first Latina friend and making more random comments than me. To my hubby, Edie Zhang, I leave the experiences of prom and our two wedding ceremonies, with apologies of mental infidelity. Karen Yu can have all the memories of

our girly conversations about you-know-who. Yong Qin Yu, now you can finally have my husband all to yourself. Take care of my baby while she grieves. Samantha Chow, I leave you with our Kpop and music theory times in addition to most of the broken promises for get-togethers. For Amy Tam, I give you my whole library of books. Aileen Zhang, Xiaomin Chen, and Jenny Lee, I leave all my derpiness and shock of your touching. I pass on Unicef Club to Amy Oh, Ivy Xu, Jimmy Jiang, Virginia Lee, Anna Zhong, and Betty Wong. Lead it well with my passion and commitment or I will haunt you all. To Jenny Xie, Chuck Wong, Adrienne Cho, Jolene Cheung, and Serena Chu, I give you my thanks for a great last year in Chinese. To Marisa Li, Mitchell Chan, Mindy Zhang, Farren Wu, Devin Thatcher, Sam Gittleman, Annastasia Wong, Jessica Zhou, and everyone else I do not have room to mention, I give my gratitude for the friendships and enlightening conversations we have had together. In the case that I fall into a deep black cavern dug by Kanye in the middle of the Journ room after countless years of working on this Senior Special, I, Michelle Marsha Wong, leave ma homies the following: To the underclassmen in Journ, the responsbility and undereyebags of doing this next year. To all you seniors who used weird fonts and spaced out your wills, a big fat slap of a tamale. I wish you guys a great graduation. Would you like some hot sauce with that? To my fellow junior class, a bomb ass next year and plans to take over Lowell. To Marcella DePunzio, a pat on the back because you’re right next to me and you’re helping me think of this thing. To Marcella’s mom, a big thank you because I’m coming over in a few hours. Thanks for the dinner I’ll eat when I get there. Love ya Claudia!

When the time comes that I, Robert Woo, die road biking, on recovery day no less, I will my other bicycle to Raymond Lee. My fortune having been spent equally between bicycles and college tuition, I have but few remaining worldly possessions. Of these I will to: Alexander Hsiao, my corpse in the hopes that his medical knowledge can revive me, Anand Bat Erdene, the unpublished photos on my hard drive, Arbel Efraty, the red SOLO cups in my cupboard, Brian Chu, the Stanford sweatshirt which I have not earned, Brian Nguyen, my unused running shoes. Brianna Ang, a copy of Avancemos, Edwin Kaminsky, a copy of The Communist Manifesto, Henry Qin, a prom date, Jasmine Toy, the puns I never got

a chance to use, Jessica Weiss, my rollover minutes, Jon Xie, my Halo Reach edition Xbox 360, Kenny Zhen, my monitor speakers for your future career as a rapper, Kevin Tom, my student debt, Marston Li, my unused drag suit, Mary Latibashvili, a venti espresso drink from Starbucks, Nancy Lin, prepaid phone cards with text message credits and iPhone screen protectors, Nathaniel Jee, my TF2 inventory and my dogecoin, Nick Haddad, my CS:GO inventory, Richie Choi, my DSLR, Sophia Li, a copy of Hot Fuss by the Killers, Wei Liang, two chains, Whitney Zhang, a functioning alarm clock and comfortable shoes for the walk to reg To my older brothers Dickson Lui, Dylan Westover, Kyung Jin Lee, Dennis Ly, Louis Wong, Vincent Guan, and David Liberman, And to my older sisters Edwina Tran, Linda Chen, and Lucy Bainbridge, I am indebted for their invaluable guidance in life. Their service as my forward guard, my advanced reconnaisance has been a light to my feet. There are no material goods which can repay them. What good I do in life, and what success I achieve, I hereby attribute to them. I, Wilton Woo, in the unfortunate event of me causing a nuclear explosion by mixing too many chemicals for fun, leave some thingies for people. To Andy Ma, I leave you my fat so that you can bulk up and not get ran over when playing basketball. To Hanson Tam, I leave a car so that you can start giving people rides and a pair of vans that you can play basketball in. To Anthony Pan, I leave you my limited amount of sleep so that at least one of us will stay awake in class. To Benjamin Zhou, I leave you with Satan so that you and teemo can be best of friends. To Ricky Cheung, I leave you with any muscle I have in my body so that you won’t need to be so tryhard. To Martin Yip, I leave you with of course Pho and Boba, and years of advice in case you ever get lost. To Eugene Liang, I leave you with a decent sleeping schedule so that when you wake up, the sun won’t be falling down already. To Truong Nguyen, I leave you with a protective shield to block all the mean people in the world, and motivation to do work. To Tuan Pham, I leave you with stars so that we can reminisce (I ACTUALLY SPELLED THAT RIGHT) about Sunset. To Gina Fung, I leave you with a spaceship so you can visit Tuan’s new stars, and anti-stress/anti-laugh drugs so you can control yoself. To Michelle Xie, I leave you with even more friendship than what you already have so that one day you can be friends with everyone in the world. To Susan Li, I leave you with bubbles cause I think you would like bubbles. To Andromeda Vegafria, I leave you with a new phone to replace your tablet. To Jadie Chi, I leave you with everything I know about chem

and faith so that you believe in yourself more. Last but not least, to Andrea Tu, I leave with you all of our deep late night conversations, all the coffee in the world, a bunch of puppies that you can play around with, your own amusement park, a private airplane so that you can travel to wherever you want, foooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooood so that you will never starve, and a panda. Cause panda. I, Danny Wu, declare this to be my final testament. In the event that I were to face my untimely death due to eating too many calories of food or doing push ups. I bequeath to the following individuals my belongings. To Edie Zhang, my eyebrows and eyelashes, may you have defined brows and long lashes. In addition, I leave my Mercedes to you so that you may travel stylishly. To Steffie Guan, a picture of me and my wondrous curves. But also all the memories of us sassing each other and asking what we were doing in Chinese. To Tuan Pham, my dress shirts, so that you may be stylish and fashion forward. To Catherine Ke and Kelly Lee, my favorite Freshmen, I leave you guys all my money, so that you guys can go to Off the Grid and stuff your face. But also for Catherine, a hundred bottles of shampoo to keep your hair voluminous. To Michelle Xie, all the laughs and jokes we shared. In addition, a Starbucks frap to throw at any car charging towards you. To Donna Wang, a portrait of me so that you can always see my wondrous face. I also leave you my love, may you always remember me, my dear Donna. To Wendy Yu, a fishing net to catch fish at McLaren Park. To Lilian Zheng, I bequeath upon you Francine Wuhenheimer, the dachshund, and also, all the memories of us being crazy. To Jadie Chi, all the selfies we took and a picture of my defined eyebrows. To Jeffrey Ng, my suit, may you look hot at prom. To Shirlyna Trinh, my PAD account and all the fart and poo jokes we shared. To Crystal Lee, snacks and all the memories we had together in AP Chem. To Andromeda Vegafria, I leave you a copy of my DNA so you can find out how to make people skinny like me. To Monica Gee, my sass, may it serve you well. To Jarvis Law, my testimonial on how to be weird. To Anita Chen, a pound of my boogers and a copy of Macbeth for you to call all your peeps. To Elaine Cheng, an airplane ticket to China. And to all my friends and acquaintances I have made at Lowell, my love, thanks, and memories for the best four years of my life. In the event that I, Yu Ling Wu, suffer a death by being beaten by a drag queen for accidentally snatching off her weave, bequeath the following possessions to: Leila Chew, I leave you with an accidental boob kiss, my eBay wishlist, and all the ice cream cones in the world because you’re the breast. Alexandra Jensen, I leave you withc abbage, our late night talks, and a bundle of pink roses to match your beauty. Erica Lei, I leave you Beyonce’s weave, that one lyric “There she go slidin’ down dat pole”, and all

the village spirits and roots we share. Lori Chinn, I leave you my toilet, a kid in a teal

sweatsuit, and the name “Big Daddy Zoe Yushlong Wu”. Rajan Dumbhalia, I leave you all my sass, and the right to use “YAAAAASSSS GAGA” however you please. Kali Kecskemeti, I leave you all my positive vibes, a basket of rainbows, and an endless supply of hugs because you deserve it. Kavin Lam, I leave you the cure to imcompetence because you always seem to find trouble with those people and I’m sure you’ll encounter more, so here’s to ward them off. Elizabeth Stern, I leave you with the night we went so HAM we lost you running down the sidewalk. Catrina Sun-Tan, I leave you infinite high-fives and “I love you’s” to the best duo partner out there. Mica Jarmel-Schneider, I leave you the tiny bits of goodness in my soul because you are always bring out the best in me. I also leave you all the wonderbread in the world, late night walks on the beach, a pained poetic face, and who could forget...all the Indian food one could ever eat. Campbell Gee, I leave you all my clothes. Matthew Wong, I leave you that one dessert I owe you. Maria Lim, I leave you Frank Sinatra’s big hit “New York, New York” and black friday shopping sprees. To SBC, I leave the words “YUMMA”, “THE BESTEST”, and of course #ELITISTS. I love you all more than you know. To LSA I leave you my blood, sweat, and tears. Use them however you wish because the cave has given me all of you, and that’s what made Lowell bearable. To anyone I have forgetten, sorry dude there’s only so much I can say with 400 words but you’re an A+ person and you were BORN THIS WAY!

In the event that I, Michelle Xie, drown in Lake Merced due to my nonexistent swimming skills, I hereby leave my keepsakes to the following: To Sierra Coathup, my sports bra for when yours don’t work (which is always) and my running shoes when you forget yours. To Andromeda Venegas, a ring for our engagement, my soul when you’re feeling lonely, my hug for when you’re sad, some Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate for your cravings, and all our everlasting memories together. To Susan Li, my fluffy bed for you to sleep in, our matching necklace, the box under my bed with all my secrets (my diary too), my stuffed pig for when you miss my hugs, my dancing skills (what?), my protection for when too many guys hit on you, my corpse that you will lay on your bed so I can sleep there forever. To Gina Fung, a patch of grass in my backyard all the cheesecake in the world to satisfy your cravings, sun block for being allergic to the sun and going to Utah, all my makeup for you to play with, my mic to record your beautiful voice in and show the world. To Calvin Chan, my iPod for when you need new music. To Arynn Kwan, all my Calculus knowledge. To Amy Lee, a few hundred bucks to go skydiving, my Youtube account for your musical needs, a leash for you to talk Milky the Fish out for a walk. To Simon Zhu, my purse (your man purse), my prom shoes so you can be super tall, “my” desk in your AP Bio class, food, food, and more food! To Mindy Zhang, some money for your little bake sales (just put some cake pops on my grave).To Andy Ma, my keyboard and guitar so you can get famous. To Anthony Pan, all the Trader Joe’s salads you want, a big birthday cake because I REMEMBER YOUR BIRTHDAY! To Martin Yip, apples for when you forget to eat breakfast, a bowl of pho when you don’t have lunch, my turtle because you are such a little baby, all my money so you don’t have to ask your parents, my PS3 games, a large

cup of Cool Tea Bar’s Jasmine Milk Tea with aloe, a sandwich, a salad, my hugs, my dad to make you sushi, my iPad so you can find a new Skyping buddy. To all of the people mentioned above, I give you my good wishes for a wonderful bright future!

I, Carolyn Ye, in the likely event that I die on my journey in search of ikemens, has prepare this last will and testament. To Teresa Pham, all my Japanese and Chinese language abilities, so you will never have to complain about kanji again. You will forever be the great Teresa-sama and Tere-chan, whom I love dearly and will always remember. To Shela Ho, my otome game collections, so you can build your own harem without having to ask for mine. I wish I am able to leave you a real harem with all kinds of ikemens in it but I don’t have one. Nevertheless I would like to thank you for 6 years of love and fun and much more. To Fanny Zhu, the precious 8 years we went through together and all the trips I planned to take, so you can go to wherever you want and have all the fun in the world. You can enjoy many night of all-night karaoke, see all the cherry blossom we talked about, and ride all the Disney attractions for me. I love traveling with you, whether it is to places or through the 8 years of time. To Flippy Chan, all my girliness and Hello Kitty collections, so you can have an even more amazing shoujo manga life. I believe you will be the most kakkoii heroine in any shoujo manga ever, now and in the future. To Connie Yu, all my love and appreciation, for you will always be my goal. You made English and math classes much more fun and worth looking forward to. Thank you for all the support and help you gave to me. I will also leave my English grammar to you so you can have fun correcting it. To Steffie Guan, the delicious food and sweet candies, so you can always be the lovely and fluffy Guan-chan I love. You brightened my mornings like a giant block of serotonin. I will admit that you are the best ex ever and still will be in the future. To Lisa Grega, my meanness and my innocence look if there is any left, so you can always be the kind Lisa-chan and no one would ever be mean to you. You can be as mean as you want and I will still love you, because of your innocent appearance and beautiful wavy hair. In the likely event that I, Kimberly Yee, choke on boba and die, declare this to be my last will and testament. To Adrianne Pan, I leave you all my vegetables that I refuse to eat, my weird personality so you can be extra weird, a lifetime supply of cronuts, ikes, and boba, all my mint colored stuff, and the memories of all embarrassing moments together. To Tiffany Chan, I leave you my stalking skills so you can stalk cute boys in college. To Cally Chung, I leave you with our long list of qualities we want in our dream guy, all my pick up lines, and our great memories in reg. To Brianna Ang, I leave you with all the dumplings, boba, designer bags, and makeup your heart desires. To Ella Roth, I leave you with all the good memories we had on your trampoline. To Samantha Fong, I leave you with all my purplekow stamp cards so you can get as many free drinks as you want. To Kurtis Yim and Justin Lee, I leave you with my matchmaking skills to help you find prom dates next year.

In the event that I, Robin Yee, get crushed by a loaded barbell while laughing too hard at a

bad joke and die, I leave the following behind: To Jenny Zhu, the ability to make decisions, spill-proof coffee mugs, and heart-to-hearts anytime, anywhere. To Jasmine Toy, “dice” and “pain,” suggestive winks, nudges, and the stRINGth that our friendship rings bring. To Kavin Lam, runs that become bakery walks, all the talks that you want with my mom, and car rides from me until the end of time. To Amy Lim, cliff-sitting, motivational talks, and appreciation of our true Chinese roots. To Sally Zhao, Barney Stinson’s awesomeness (me being Robin Scherbatsky ,of course), food days we plan but never carry out, and my ice cream maker. To Mandy Che, endless hours of laughing at people in yearbooks, spontaneous food adventures, and the inspiration that you gave me throughout our track careers. To Viviane Nguyen, my beautiful singing, middle finger swearing, references to Grey’s Anatomy only we understand, and the leggings-flip flop-college sweatshirt outfit. To Katya Kha, our volleyball sisterhood and “hikes” to pretty places. To Marc Cunningham, morbid Frozen parodies and monthly shipments of Diddy Riese. To Elizabeth Stern, all my Chinese-ness that you could possibly need to offset the new balance of diversity next year. To Aaron Wong, my singing to complement yours and daily Calculus confusion. To Will Slotterback, faster walks to class and a lifetime’s supply of Costco chips. To Tiffany Chan, failed jump pictures and awkward laughs. To Joyce Wang and Anyan Cheng, my gratitude and our shared exasperations at life. To Yong Yu, my oven and baking trays. To Steffie Guan, my witty comebacks and anti-pickup lines. To Yumin Li, open windows for people to hear us sing at them, and the willpower we used in giving up carbs, for your future endeavors. To Jenny Liu, the Twinkie cream you shoved up my nose, and naps in the back seats of cars. And to Lowell, a thanks for four rewarding years of tough love, trials, triumphs, and lifelong friends. In the unlikely event that I, Derek Juwoon Yi, die from all of these gains, I will give out all kinds of free goodies: Laura Jue: My acoustic guitar. All of the folk music you can listen to. *Squish* William Zeng: Sobriety and Obey apparel. And Brawl. 1v1. Flippy Chan: Much swag. Buuurp. Judy Hua: My attention. And desks to slap. And that 2 hour long sunset. Tammy Tang: “Oh my god’s” and strange laughs. And calc homework <three Martin Yip: My ears. You talk the most in reg lol. And that “accidental” faux hawk Ryan Chan: Proportionality. Henry Qin: A harem full of Kpop girls. And some sick bars. Kenny Zhen: Your own record label. And some more sick bars. Jeffrey Chen: A book of pickup lines. In case you’re feeling lazy. Jennelle Lai: Break beats. And a hand hug. Jennifer Lai: A pssoshhht. And a hand hug. I guess. Arthur Wong: Good hair cuts. And Sub Center. The whole thing. Andrew Chen: My gains. And my clothes to wear after those gains. Albert Chiem: Gas gift cards. And a tape full of insults in my voice. Only the best for you. Steven Voong: Some fresh kicks. Stop playing ball in Vans. You’ll break your ankles. Addison Brenneman: AYCE Korean BBQ. And a treadmill <3 Bethany Chan: The biggest, longest-lasting bruise ever. Rostyslav Tolochko: A get-outof-practice-free card. Oh wait. Kelvin Mai: A box to hold secrets in. An a little window on it to show everyone. Kevin Yang: Some sick cuts brah. Helllla sick. Sasha Gonzalez: My cynicism. In case you run out. Pryor Vo: A brand new, shiny nose. And whatever cynicism is left over. Steven Van: Eyeliner. To start that boy band. Cynthia Law: An alarm siren. Anthony Huang: Old-school hip-hop albums. Yooo. James Wong: Another Korean harem. Yum. Herman Zeng: A pink suit. Boss. Asa Jungreis: Another last name. Hyukhyukhyuk. Aldren Pasol: Some fresher kicks. Hypebeast.

Vicky Cheng: Nubi’s. The whole shebang. Aaron Hui: A video of my Fisher shot. And knee guards. For the back of them. Kevin Tom: “Big head” jokes. And a karaoke machine that sings everything in my voice. Christopher Mok: Some niiiice Frisbees. And a cutout of me to play Ultimate. Kenny Luo: The chutzpah to play GO. Rubin Girling: A helmet. To make sure you’re OK. Wendy Li: A nippledetector. In case you get rusty. The Raiders: Stop “Richard-ing” around. Aileen San: Job interviewers that call back and a robot that recites my jokes. In the event that I, Martin Yip, die from over-consumption of pho and boba, I hereby leave these gifts to the following: To Andy Ma, a turtle shell to remember me by and for you to carry others with your awesomeness and a magnet to get all of the LGs. To Wilton Woo, my pillow because you really need sleep, my basketball because you are so beast on the court, our McDonald dates, and any relationship/life advice you need. To Ben and Truong, my league account so you will forever keep the xNinjaturtlex name alive! P.S. you will get that account banned in 5 minutes I swear. To Anthony Pan, our private talks about life’s problems, our walks around the school, our loitering at Cool Tea Bar for hours, our late night chats, and my backpack for you to sleep on in class and out of class… more like everywhere like the time you fell asleep during the sleep over on the floor! To Kyle Wong, my chair in Ms. Recht so you will always remember I never had a seat T__T and my snapchat so you can keep me active with your cool snaps. To Susan Li, a link to: “How to be a oompa loopa”, pepper spray to keep the boys in check, a ninja headband so when you run… it will make more sense to people, and a mirror to practice your snaps:P I see you ! To Andromeda, Cous I leave you with my bracelet so you will keep our memories in check, money to go get yourself some Korean BBQ that you love, a snake for your life fulfillment purposes, a mirror so you will know that you aren’t fat at all, and some running shoes because you love to run! To Tuan Pham, all of our memories together since 7th grade, our funny experiences during our dragon boat trips, all my dragon boat medals because without you, I wouldn’t have been able to give it my all! To Michelle Xie, my couch because it’s very comfy, our memories of cool tea bar, late night talks, our advice sessions, and all the promises that we made! To Sabrina Hua, curly fries, nachos, guacamole, In&Out burgers, and TPumps because you love them. Last but not least, a blank book to record our adventures and to continue writing our story, chapter by chapter.

I, Annie Yu, hereby decree my following possessions be circulated in this particular fashion after Calculus, like the Grim Reaper it is, has taken my soul for its own. To Tim Lew, I issue the possession of my math journal and the ownership of our preeminent waffle enterprise, please stop drinking boba. To Katrina Lau, I present you momentary possession of my moose juice bottle which I expect back at my funeral, please stop your successive sleeping circuits. To Bilegt Bataar, I present to you the Wild Child album for your perusal, please do not mention my near-death experience in the Haight to anyone. To Cheyenne Yen, I gift a documentary on penguins and a water boiler, you know what it’s for, please watch as many concerts and climb as many mountains as you can in my stead. To Angela Xu, I present a blank check for a photo cake, you know what that’s for as well, please become the most renowned female coder-engineer duo. To Calvin Chan, you may have an empty water bottle, for that is what you represent to me, please stop shaking tea. To Jessica Lee, I bestow my baby

pictures, please do not go to children’s parks. To Maris Tong and Bob Su, I present all my works of art, please stay artists throughout your lives. To Kelvin Mai, I, with much gratitude, give you the honor of singing at my funeral, please sing for me. To Jason Kuang, you get nothing, please finance my funeral after sauntering your way to the top of the world. Now, as I am lain into the ground, I bestow all other objects of monetary value to the guests at my funeral, except William Zeng. Thank You.

In the extreme likelihood that I, Aileen Zhang, will die from excessive laughter, this shall be my last will and testament. To Michelle Quach, I leave behind many squeals from fandoms, many strokes on the arm and cheeks, and all the times that we were together for the past thirteen years. To Christina Quach, I leave behind the feels and frustration from when Cry plays games and the conspiratory look that we often exchange. To Winnie Huang, I leave behind many bottles of strawberry Ramune and a record of your jokes and derps. To Jennifer Nguyen, I leave behind my unfinished journal of serial murderers, an evil cackle, and the serious hope that you will not continue said journal. To Elora Cuenco, Annie Hu, Angel Su, and Ruby Chen, I leave behind the many laughs and jokes that we shared and the unlimited appreciation of your respective art. To Grace Zhang, I leave behind my many thanks for being my first new friend at Lowell and for sharing your crazy adventures with me. To Angela Wu and Jenny Lee, I leave behind the loud, hour-long bus rides and the hopes that both of you will get a car soon. To Xiaomin Chen and Tiffany Mak, I leave behind my notebook from Wenning’s Bio class and the surprise hugs in the middle of the hallway. To David Yeung, Benjamin Zhou, and Martin Yip, I leave behind the now-broken tennis racket from first semester Freshman and the odd conversations that we’ve had. To Truong Nguyen and Eugene Liang, I leave behind the first video I’ve ever recorded on my iPod and my gratitude for all you two have done for me. To Andy Huang and Anna Olshanskaya, I leave behind the ranging topics and conversations from first semester Calc. and the vocabulary from three years of Latin. To Sarah Huang and Elizabeth Yee, I leave behind the past thirteen years that we’ve known each other, all the odd things that I do and say, and my bear hugs. To all my friends whom I have not mentioned, I leave behind big smiles, warm hugs, and mountains of oddities. No one gets my glass shard collection, that gets burned with my dead body. In the event that I, Edie Zhang, get attacked by rabid woodland creatures for complaining about failing for the 1,487,623rd time or buried alive due to my hoarding, bestow the following individuals with various paraphernalia that shall be treated with respect or I will haunt you. To my APUSH family, Steffie Guan, Wesley Yee, Vivian Hu, Phillip Chan, and the newest addition, Deidre Foley, I leave my Pika-Pika collection, failed plans to meet at Japantown, aspirations for our own epic hide-and-seek game at IKEA, and menstrual cramps for the dudes because you guys have no idea how much it sucks to drag yourself outside on a rainy day when all you want to do is curl up in a ball on the floor. No worries though — suffering builds character. To Phillip Chan, Angela Xu, and Danny Wu, I

leave displaced eyebrows, misplaced bras, and irreplaceable memories of the whimsical nightmare that was our Ms. Pang’s Chinese 4 group. To GG Gunther, I leave some sketchy photos of good times, pho stains from all the noodle places we went to, and my share of patience to deal with Colton’s crazy antics. To Emily Wong, my collection of heart-wrenching songs that better not be age restricted on YouTube, a couch so you have a place to crash, and my horticulture business if the authorities haven’t seized it yet. Sarah Wang you have no need of anything of mine since you’re already a PERFECT GENIUS, but I’ll leave you my potty-mouth anyway, so you can throw both our shares of profanity at the next unreasonable teacher you have. To Lisa Li, fanfics that I fully expect to be published once you’re filthy rich. Melinda Wong, darling, you can have the car and the children. To Yong Yu, I leave the strength to say “NO”, whatever happens to be in my fridge, and the hope that my ship of you and _____ will rise from the depths of bad timing. To Karen Yu, I leave the bust of Pug’s lower half, my “shredders”, the sanity and shame we lost a long time ago, and crude jokes we made within earshot of other people. And to everyone else I couldn’t mention because of the word limit, here’s some good juju; may your life be fruitful, and don’t be a stranger if you ever see me sleeping on the streets of SF. In the unlikely yet unspeakably tragic event that I perish after a stare-down with a pigeon, I, Grace Zhang, leave this to be my last will and testament. To Melinda Wong, I leave a collection of my own Mel moments for you to gloat about. Jennifer Nguyen, you may have all the high-pitched squeaks that I emit in your presence, along with my dastardly plan to one day trounce you in Brawl. To Anna Olshanskaya, I leave the smell of coffee and the feeling of satisfaction that comes with making awkward conversation in public, plus a few sets of stationary and some stamps. To Alexandra Beem, I leave my memories of AP Bio and my limited ability at the shooting-bird game. Thank you for keeping your ridicule to a minimum. Amy Tam, you can have all the aborted conversations that we were to have before I was distracted by the OOOH SHINY. To Xiaomin Chen, who has been with me for twelve long, long years, I leave behind the ominous yet somehow comforting promise of my death at your hands. Michelle Quach, you may have all the late night CAPSLOCK conversations and a small glass bottle filled with my tears. And a hug, yes. To Jennifer Chen, the best locker buddy I could hope for, I leave my contributions to the communal whiteboard, including that one jellyfish that’s inhabited the corner for a year now. To Patricia Nguy, I leave my thanks and amazement at your skill with everything sweet. Christina Quach, you can keep seven years’ worth of hugs, along with the many Oreos I filched in third grade. To Adrian Hung, Simon Yu, Joanne Zhen, and Linda Lin, best wishes for orchestra next year (BASSES WHOOT). Andy Kuang, you can have the belly-laughs from all those years in English and Chem. To Amy Oh and Ivy Xu, I leave the insanity that infected my generation of officers and the hope that you youngsters will make the best of it. To Laura Jue and Meghan Chow, I leave the fond memories of Reg 1408 and the easy nonchalant air of snitching Laura’s snacks. And last but not least, to Aileen Zhang, I leave the very small, very uncomfortable, but very significant distance between us, along with the honor of being the first new friend I ever made at Lowell.

In the likely event that I, Sally Zhao, die of a clogged artery from excessive consumption of

pastries and ice cream, I declare this to be my last will and testament. To Mandy Che, I leave all the BEAUTIFUL pictures I have of you on my phone. To Sydney Gutierrez, I leave you an unlimited supply of Voodoo Donuts, our awesome adventures on the bus, and many more Valentine’s Days with bread. To Alex Hsiao, I leave our unproductive days in calc. You may also have a whole banana cream pie from Mission Pie every Pi Day. Don’t worry, I paid for it already. To Kavin Lam, I leave you my blackberry plant (or what’s left of it), unlimited marshmallows from Dandelion to make up for $6 hot chocolate, and our Indian foodventures. To Melinda Leung and Maggie Ma, I leave some 13 cordobas (split it however you will) and our memories in Leon. To Serina Leung, I leave you our cross country memories, half of Bursa’s Mediterranean wrap, and many more slow striders. To Michelle Lin, I leave you the ability to leave school without being stuck behind a trash can and a detailed drawing for Mr. Fong’s winky face. To Patricia Nguy, I leave all my baking supplies and cookbooks. You also have permission to visit my grave everyday with muffins, cookies, pastries, and bread. To Priscilla Tai, I leave you my Yelp bookmark list, my 7x7 3-year subscription, and my never-ending appetite. Take advantage of the last one by eating carbs. A whole lot of it. You may have all my running stuff, the pictures we took at meets/practice, and our conversations on LSD runs. Also, I leave you a Kirkham stairs workout on Thursday and enough time to get to Hot Sauce & Panko for free waffles. I leave you the comfort of knowing that your opinion will still not be taken into account. Lastly, you may have my tan so you can finally be darker than me. To Michelle Wong, I leave you the coin we hid at Polo Fields during cross country and Sequoia, wherever that will be. To Robin Yee, I leave you the 9 seasons of HIMYM and whatever we may have earned (or owe) to the stock market game. To Jenny Zhu, I leave you my one pair of running pants. Try not to sweat in them please. In case Ms. Carney hacks my head for habitual hibernation, I, Kenny Zhen, leave my possessions to the following beautiful people: Bob Wu, my photo of Albert Bobby Woo, Platinum Record for Bound 2 Fail Econ. Brian Chu, a BEAT STANFORD t-shirt Ryan Chan and Tim Lew, math ability and expo markers. #underdog Willy Cheung, our talks on the M. Alexander Hsiao, #SippyTeam captain status. Aaron Wong, my shaking like a red nose. Mindy Zhang, self-confidence and my brain. Jessica Weiss, our winterball photos. Arbel Efraty, a date with Jessica. Justin Jelinek, total respect and Scrabble proficiency. Andrew Chen, the most beautiful girl. Kevin Tom, swag so he can swoop Andrew, again. Edwin Kasminskiy, CAD to St. Louis City Museum so he can build a better version. Ofri Harlev, my collection of Jew jokes.

Waylin Wang, my P&D account so he can delete it. Justin Lee, the “holy crap” moments in Cohen’s class. Annastasia Wong, an angry tirade for the crazy driver at Champs. Va n e s s a S e e , e n r o l l m e n t a t A r a gon. Annie X ie, Candy Cr ush lives. CardinalBotics, my RoboProm King crown and Chairman’s Award acceptance speech. Sherman Yip, the legacy of Spencer Yip. Aaron Kobe Hui, ravishing arm flailing. Derek Kwong, my vo ca l cords. Ja c k y Hu a , L e b r o n’s h a i r f o l l i c l e s . J o n X i e , S H E WA S N ’ T R E A D Y, Red Sonia, and tear-inducing laught e r. N i c k Ha d d a d , m y c a r ’s t r u n k . Kenvin Tran, Steve Nash jersey signed by me. Brandon Wong, even more sweatshirts. Jaclyn Wong, posters of my wetting threes in your face Ben Schmidt, gherkins and new sandals Derek Yi, freestyle bars, JOAH, and arm rubbing Jennifer Lai and Jennelle Lai, embarrassing Gordon J. Lau stories Jeffrey Chen, WWE stocks. Ste ph an i e L e e , p e rs on a l s w i ng - s e t . Jimmy Pham, audition in America’s Got Talent. Hubert Situ, photos of your favorite Kenny Zhen. Andy Kuang, glory, praise, and fond memories. Jas on Kuang, a life-size d p oster of Mao Zedong (if he doesn’t have one already). Benson Li, real $20,000. R a y m o n d Wo n g , u n f o r g e t t a b l e times with Frazier’s cabinets and tubas. Jordan Wong, a copy of my crappy Galang essay, to remind himself of his superiority. Joyce Wang, nothing because Jordan is all she needs. Henry Qin, our matching ties, messed up jokes, and heckling at basketball games. The iMessage Group Chat, daily laughter, Mean Girls, and seafood. Lisa Li, plane ticket to Korea, Taeyang, Ike’s, El Farolito, all-nighters, all my belief and support. Unicorns, vinegar, no squirrels, chicks, piggy, dinosaur, and bestest friendship. In the event that I, Benjamin Zhou, am finally apprehended by the United States government, I leave nobody any materialist possession, because they will most likely seize all of my belongings. Instead, I leave these words. I’m grateful to have met most of y’all. And some other people, not so much. Nevertheless, thank you. In the likelihood that I get murdered by my own cat, I, Fanny Zhu, leave this as my last will and testament. To Carolyn Minnie Ye, whom I have known the longest in this school and in the city of San Francisco, I leave you with my love for SJ, memories from everyday school to trips we went on, all of the time you waited for me and the phone calls I never picked up. To Yumin Ella Li, I leave you with all of my black flats, my out-of-dated TI83 graphing calculator, my split ends, and homemade avocado ice cream from yours truly. To Jenny Liu, I leave you with my Photoshop skills, my healthy black hair, floral leggings (or just

floral anything), mc gai bao, and perhaps a new iPhone screen. To Jenny Zhu, my Zhu buddy, I leave you with future car rides, ham mah fan from the Zhu family, a life supply of srirachas, and another new iPhone screen. To Wesley Chan, I leave you with my knowledge in the Chinese language, unlimited #1 phos, and the one and only video games live recording. To Tammy Tang, I leave you with all the food we ate together and all the talks we had together. To Joserosario Vigil, I leave you the permission to make as many “fanny” jokes as you please. To William Timoteo A. Peralta, I leave you with huifang jokes, cheer up Charlie melody on the cello, and Wagner meditations during the musical. To Matthew Wong, Ah Kit, I leave you with bubbles from Crissy Field trip and full version White Chicks DVD. To Simon Zhu, my Zhu buddy, I leave you with a map to xiao dam, collar bones and Furey’s PPTs. To Wendy Yu, I leave you with works from DIY club and Ballbe tests. To Donna Wang, I leave you with our Spirited Away poster that we worked so hard on for the Spanish final. To Wendy Yu, Donna Wang, and Simon Zhu, my memories in Spanish class(es) with you guys. To Nehad Abdelwahhab, I leave you with smiles and laughter you gave me every day in Econ class. To Kavin Lam, I leave you with a list of favorite things we love about AP English class. To people that I may forget to, I leave you with my favorite memories in Lowell, you know what they are. ;) In the likely event that I overdose on coffee, I, Jenny Zhu, leave this to be my last will and testament. To Maggie He, I leave my keychains, earphones and 163 timers. For Anh Huynh, fly 100 repeats and a cool handshake. To Sydney Gutierrez, I leave half of my oranges, Cheerios and a blunt pep talk in a bush. To Karina Garzona, adventures to Indian restaurants. To Marcella DePunzio, I leave lactose free ice cream sandwiches. For Fanny Zhu, I leave a spot in front at every line. To Jackie Choi, Annie Zhou, Alison Tse, I leave my roller and running injuries. To brown cow, Kristen Leung, a burrito hidden in a bush. For Sally Zhao, a piece of bread, a bite of cake, and a half eaten omelette. To Priscilla Tai, I leave a spot on the inside lane, LSD, and noises from Sam Smith and Lorde. To Jenny Liu, two dates and a square. For Serina Leung, I leave only one boba and of course, neckless selfies. And for Cynthia Leung, a pair of glasses with raindrops and my collection of broken umbrellas. To Robin Yee, I leave inappropriate conceited jokes and a failed diet plan. To Samantha Rustia, I leave my soccer ball named Juan. To Victoria Yee, I leave a nice bus driver that will hand you special sunscreen. To Christopher Mok and Fana Aragawie, I leave all my dirty secrets along with a cup of black coffee. For Maria Lim, I leave cups of stale cereal. For Marston Li, I give a name tag “Martin”. To Ms. Matusek, I leave my photo ops and a scarlet letter. To Yumin Li, I give Ham Ma and my realest Ojibwe tribe. For Elizabeth Stern, a photo of me crying at the back of a MUNI bus. To Angela Villanueva, I leave my school lunch. For Kelly Siu, I leave an extra large bowl of pho with a side of NatureValley bars. For Briana Zhen, a pair of shaky hands. To Tiffany Ye, I leave no rice but extra macaroni salad. To the sassiest Mr. Steele, I leave four apples, a poached peach and a cup of coffee. For Lisa Bi, one overly cute promposal. To Nora Hazenbos, a reunion of the Noyes family along with a list of insults. And finally, for Jessica Ko, I leave an uncooked 18 ounce medium rare steak with mash potatoes and broccoli.

Senior Pop Polls 1. Always Eating Luis  Valle  &  Jessica  Weiss

&YXXIV¿RKIVW Aaron  Hui  &  Katie  Hwang

2. Baby Face Cooper  Logan  &  Leila  Chew

18. Class Clown David  Finkelson  &  Yu  Ling  Wu

3. Best Actor/Actress Joshua  Muller  &  Alma  Carranza

19. Closet Nerd George  Freedland  &  Fana  Aregawie

4. Best All-Around 1st:  Mica  Jarmel-Schneider  &  Yu  Ling  Wu

20. Contributed Most to Lowell Mica  Jarmel-Schneider  &  Yu  Ling  Wu

5. Best Artist  Andrew  Kennedy  &  Lori  Chinn  6. Best Dancer Kevin  Wong  &  Sarah  Chan 7. Best Dressed Kenny  Okagaki  &  Campbell  Gee 8. Best Eyes Mica  Jarmel-Schneider  &  Talor  Wald 9. Best Physique Noah  Penick  &  Holly  Rynhard 10. Best Smile Jeffrey  Chen  &  Cate  Stern

21. Cutest Couple Aaron  Wong  &  Maria  Lim 22. Cutest Couple That Never Was David  Finkelson  &  Courtney  Chriss-Price 23. Drama King/Queen Kavin  Lam  &  Elizabeth  Stasch 24. Dream Date Mica  Jarmel-Schneider  &  Sonia  Hamilton 25. Friendliest Mica  Jarmel-Schneider  &  Alika  Lew-Koga

33. Most Attractive Aaron  Moye  &  Joy  van  Hasselt 34. Most Changed Elazar  Chertow  &  Elena  Bernick  35. Most Hipster Isaac  Ehle  &  Campbell  Gee

48. Biggest Warriors Fan Sherman  Yip  &  Courtney  Chriss-Price 49. Bookworm Rubin  Girling  &  Sophia  Li Kellen  Liao  &  Sofya  Kats 50. College Obsessed Bobby  Woo Â

36. Most Likely to Become a Teacher at Lowell Ben  Schmidt  &  Xiaofan  Wu

51. League of Legends Obsessed Cynthia  Law

37. Most Likely to Get Arrested George  Freedland  &  Rachel  Levin

52. Most Likely to Become President Marc  Cunningham  &  Jessica  Weiss

38. Most Likely to Have a Mid-Life Crisis Johnson  Mei  &  Sabrina  Leung

53. Most Musical James  Uejio  &  Laura  Jue

39. Most Photogenic Aaron  Moye  &  Erica  Lei

54. Best Friends Maris  Tong  &  Stephanie  Ellman

40. Most Popular Kenny  Okagaki  &  Yu  Ling  Wu

55. Teacher’s Pet Sean  Li

41. Most Ratchet Alvin  Norman  &  Helena  Colindres Â

56. Biggest Procrastinator Calvin  Li  &  Sabrina  Leung

11. Best Tweets Derek  King  &  Sheila  Aùo

26. Least at Lowell George  Freedland  &  Jennifer  Wiguna

42. Most Spirited JC  Carvalho  &  Yu  Ling  Wu

57. Texting Addict Sabrina  Leung

12. Best Vocals Joshua  Roa  &  Nicole  Chin

27. Least Changed Jose  Vigil  &  Kim  Leo

43. Next Beauty Guru Derek  King  &  Jessica  Li

58. Most Sarcastic Henry  Hammel  &  Natalia  Arguello-Ingros

13. Best/Most Unique Hair Joshua  Roa  &  Sonia  Hamilton

28. Least Spirited Dylan  Weir  &  Olivia  Zacks

44. Next Steve Jobs Ofri  Harlev  &  Leila  Chew

29. Life of the Party Arbel  Efraty  &  Yu  Ling  Wu

45. Sassiest Mitchell  Chan  &  Sabrina  Leung

14. Biggest Flirt David  Finkelson  &  Dion  Wang 15. Biggest Gossip King/Queen Kavin  Lam  &  Gaby  Villalta 16. Biggest Narcissist Bobby  Woo  &  Mikela  Waldman

30. Lives at Lowell Ofri  Harlev  &  Yu  Ling  Wu 31. Loves the Camera JC  Carvalho  &  Cate  Stern 32. Most Athletic Brian  Nguyen  &  Robin  Yee

46. Biggest Giants Fan Russell  Tang  &  Linnea  Morgan 47. Biggest Niners Fan Joshua  Muller  &  Rebecca Mora

59. Chatterbox Kevin  Lam  &  Sabrina  Leung 60. Most Likely to Succeed Brian  Chu  &  Leila  Chew 61.  Always  Clueless Donald  Chen  &  Katie  Hwang

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Arcadia University Rachel Jimenez Azusa Pacific University Praise Ching Bard College Mia Kalo Barnard College Elizabeth Stern Baylor University Noah Penick Bentley University Brianna Ang Berklee College of Music Matthew Wong Boston University Justin Cheung, Isaac Ehle Brigham Young University Gina Fung Brown University Aisha Keown-Lang, Candy Rui, Mikela Waldman California Polytechnic, Pomona Bruno Haesbaert, Miguel Magpantay California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo Bethany Chan, Richie Choi, Bryan Lee, Sara Mon, Joshua Muller, Crystal Van, Lynn Voelker, Timothy Wang, Kevin Yung California State University, East Bay Jocelyn Castaneda, Courtney Chriss-Price, Tatiana Faagau, Rebecca Mora California State University, Long Beach Ashley Chong, Jenny Lee, Jeff Yee

California State University, Monterey Bay Aileen San California State University, Sacramento Albert Chiem Carnegie Mellon University Priscilla Tai, Sally Zhao Case Western Reserve University Annastasia Wong Chico State University Mara Dickson, Sophia Phillips City College of San Francisco Andrew Akard, Angelica Campos, Victoria Cheng, Brittany Hong, Russell Jew, Koichi Koji, Alisa Kyle, Brandon Lam, Michael Lee, Rachel Levin, Jessica Lin, Joe Mueller, Brandon Nguyen, Anthony Pan, Louis Romero,

Aamir Shaikh, Silvana Sipion, Kendall Smith, Sharlene Tsui, Andromeda Venegas, Joserosario Vigil, Gaby Villalta, Angela Villanueva, Carly Wong, Michelle Wong, Roman Wong, Jennifer Zeng, Jenny Zhu. College of San Mateo Mark Bizm, Frank Chu, Kimberly Leo, Raymond Phelps Cornell University Christy Chia Culinary Institute of America Patricia Nguy Diablo Valley College Vivian Chu Dominican University Katherine Koyfman Drexel University Monica Castro, Betty Tu Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising Zainab Anwar Fisk University Victoria Bryant Fordham University Kathleen Kanaley Georgetown University Arbel Efraty, Natalie Kaliss Gonzaga University Hannah Li Grinnell College Sofya Kats Gromon School of Visual Effects Kelsey Lee Harvard University Kenny Okagaki, Joe Smith Hofstra University Andrea Mercado Israeli Defense Force Ateret Hakim Johns Hopkins University Alexander Hsiao Lewis and Clark College

Katie Hwang, KT Kelly Loyola Marymount University Sabrina Leung, Viviane Nguyen Massachusetts Institute of Technology Andy Kuang The Master’s College Douglas Jeong McGill University Talor Wald Middlebury College Grace Zhang Mills College Sophia Padilla Mount Holyoke College Rebecca Hughes, Amy Lim, Sally Ma Nagoya University School of Law Teresa Pham New York University Kira Boden-Gologorsky, Stephanie Coxon, Patricia Liang, Cate Stern Northeastern University Max Read, Will Slotterback Northwestern University Stefani Kahookele, Christian Santos-Sanchez Occidental College Triana Anderson, Ella Roth, Audrey Shawley, Samantha Yee Oregon State University Link Chapman Ponoma College Jordan Wong Rhode Island School of Design Andrew Kennedy Rice University Aaron Wong Rochester Institute of Technology Jason Kuang, Medea Petronis-Branch San Diego State University Nick Mesler

San Francisco State University Tidam Berhe, Calvin Chan, Hector Chan, Saffhire Chan, Julie Chandler, Isabela Chong, Angeleen Gamboa, Alex Hall, Lisa Ho, Stefani Kahookele, Jasmine Lai, Megan Larkin, Jenny Louie, Nilou Mostarshed, Marlo Sandoval, Marjasen Santos, Dimitri Tran, Michael Yap, Harry Zhang. San Jose State University Gianna Braganza, Jacky Cheng, Cindy Chiu, Robin Chou, Martin Costa, Derick Deng, Susan Li, Elsa Lem, Nadine Kahney, Christina Kung, Darren Kung, Jessica Li, Michael Li, Adrian Mercado, Han O, Walter Santisteban, Noah Shaw, Kevin Tu, Steven Vuong, Ada Wong, James Wong, Karina Wong, Kyle Wong, Benjamin Zhou Santa Barbara City College Kai Hines, Sara Vargas, Michelle Xie Seattle University Nick Haddad, Sofiya Ozbek Seattle Pacific University Jennifer Wiguna Skyline College Giovanni Garcia, Jonathan Gonzalez, Andy Huang, Jenelle Lai, Truong Nguyen, Victor Nogueira, Kristine Ridad, John Sylvester, Di Tang. Sonoma State University Kyra Lefferts, Erika Olaro, Dulce Palacios, Jacqueline Webb Southern Oregon University Lauren Taylor

St. Mary’s Notre Dame Therese Dudro Stanford University Jennifer Adams, Leila Chew, Brian Chu, Jovanni Stefani, Elisa Vidales Swarthmore University Benjamin Schmidt Tufts University Ian James, Prudence Sax Tulane University Jennifer Kallenburg, Elyse Magen UC Berkeley Tim Bricker, Donald Chen, Ting Chen, Marc Cunningham, Henry Hammel, Raymond Ho, John Hogan, Jacky Lau, Cailan Li, Sophia Li, Alstone Liang, Jeffrey Liu, Hubert Situ, Andrea Tu, James Uejio, Luis Valle, Donna Wang, Brandon Wong, Jaclyn Wong, Connie Yu, Kenny Zhen UC Davis Wesley Chan, Yu Bi Chen, Matthew Chu, Matthew Dimon, Stephanie Ellman, Lucas Gruenwald, Steffie Guan, David Gulman, Jakob Hofso, Annie Hu, Vivian Hu, Carissa Huang, Titus Huang, Patrick Huynh, Alyssa Kwan, Julie Ann Lau, Emily Lee, Katie Lei, Esalyna Liang, Caroline Mai, Kelvin Mai, Adrianne Pan, Judy Pan, Katherine Popovich, Marcelo Steinkemper, Tammy Tang, Stephanie Wong, Cari Young, Cristen Wong, Julia Wong, Kimberly Yee, Patricia Yee, Joely Zeng UC Irvine Kacy Chan, Ryan Chan, Cally Chung, Jenna Lee, Jonathan Lee, Melody Lee, Andrew Ma, Hanson Tam, Raymond Wong, Zihao Zou UC Los Angeles

Julie Avetisyan, Alexandra Beem, Stephanie Chen, Brian Chu, Joy van Hasselt, Laura Jue, Charles Kellenburger, Jane Kwong, Cooper Logan, Mimi Lu, Amanda Ng, Qingqing Su, Ilya Verzhbinsky, Sarah Wang, Carolyn Ye, Robin Yee, Annie Yu UC Merced Addison Brenneman, Jessi Hagelshaw, Maggie Medina, Johnson Mei, Russell Tang, Khanh Tran, Edgar Towes, Larry Yu, Wendy Yu UC Riverside Johanna Alatorre, Ivan Cheng, Lissa Dechakul, Albert Giang, Qihua Huang, Harrison Lee, Wendy Li, Anny Ligo, Marilee Robbins, JC Lynne Lu Sing, Pasha Stone, Kevin Wong, David Yeung, Martin Yip, Simon Zhu UC San Diego Flippy Chan, Samantha Chang, Chunmei Chen, Elaine Cheng, Patricia Chin, Igen Foreman, Lisa Grega, Amy Huang, Sarah Huang, Stephanie Joe, Edwin Kasminsky, Priya Kishore, Mariam Latibashvili, Stephanie Lee, Wei Liang, Andy Ma, Wilton Woo, Angela Xu, Elizabeth Yee, Sherman Yip, Karen Yu, Yong Yu, Edie Zhang UC Santa Barbara Fana Aregawie, Elena Bernick, Herman Cai, Nolan Dang, Penelope Fergison, David Finkelson, Shela Ho, Anthony Huang, Carmen Lai, Benson Li, Maggie Li, Wen Liu, Maggie Ma, Jennie Pau, Selena Saad, Amanda Seigel, Suzanne Tse, Steven Van, Mark Wu, Derek Yi, Aileen

Zhang UC Santa Cruz Iam Bhisitkul, Gracia Brown, Cierra Castillo, Ricky Cheng, Yao Chiang, Matheson Gee, Jacky Hua, Judy Hua, Steven Huang, Jeffrey Hui, Anh Huynh, Derek King, Horace Kwan, Jolina Lam, Ella Li, Jessica Li, Evan Louie, Kianna Mark, Dave Morales, Cherry Ng, Jennifer Nguyen, Azucena Nunez, Christina Quach, Gabrielle Rekhtman, Samantha Sedar, Grace O’Hair Sherman, Justin Talbott, Zongzhen Teng, Spencer Thirtyacre, Rostyslav Tolochko, Cynthia Wong, Melinda Wong, Isaac Zimmern University of Arizona Bohdan Wesley University of British Columbia Linnea Morgan, Olivia Zacks University of Colorado at Boulder Sammy Pollard University of Chicago Elijah Alperin, Elazar

Chertow University of Hawaii at

Manoa Meghan Chow, Alika Lew-Koga, Vivian Nguyen University of Massachusetts, Amherst Eliya Hakim-Moully, Cheyenne Yen, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Justin Lee University of New Mexico Michael Desmond University of the Pacific Jesse Chan, Bella Chow, Matthew Ng, William Peralta, Ste-

phen Tang, Jackie Woo University of Pennsylvania Mitchell Chan, Sam Ryan University of Rochester Oscar Ta University of San Francisco Shanyi Feng, Deidre Foley, Samuel Gittleman, Erica Lei, Tiffany Madjus, Douglas Mejin, Vishaal Patel, Wesley Yee University of Southern California Alma Carranza, Tia Doherty, Tim Lew, Lisa Li, Joanna Ng, Stanley Tang, Shirlyna Trinh University of Texas, Austin Sean Li University of Washington Joyce Deng, Kellen Liao, Jacquelyn McDonald, Sam Scharffenberger Westmont College Jaela Caston Willamette University Kaitlyn Pierson, Jessica Weiss Vanderbilt University Kevin Chang Velez Paul de Lara Working Sherry Chen Yale University Jennifer Chen

The Senior Special is brought to you by: Madelyn Chen, Luke Haubenstock, Monica Lee, Whitney C. Lim, Amber Ly, Andrew Pearce, Tyler Perkins, Noreen Shaikh, Sam TickRaker, Christine Van, Samantha Wilcox, Michelle Wong, Stephen Xie





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´, ZLVK , FRXOG EDNH D FDNH ÀOOHG with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy.”

“I love seeing teachers outside of school. It’s like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs.”




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“Don’t let the haters stop you from doing your thang.”

“Grool. I meant to say great but then I started to say cool.”

“Made out w ith a hot dog? Oh my god that w as one time.”

“Is butter a carb???”

“I just wanted to say that you're all winners. And that I couldn't be hap pier the school year is ending.”

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