1 minute read
REV PAUL SMITH Bishop, Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand
that is at work in the Lutheran Church in New Zealand and Australia.
This does not mean we should refrain from grieving at the closure of a church building or of a ministry in which we have been involved. We human beings know the pain of loss. If you know of a congregation that is closing or has closed in recent times, please pray for those folk and consider how you might reach out to them in their struggle.
Please also regularly pray for the ever-growing mission of God and for our place as Lutherans in the Lord’s promised building of his church.
Our Lutheran church has established a ministry called New and Renewing Churches which is tasked with asking the important questions about evangelism in the church, and then helping communities actively co-operate and practically plan together, in the mission that our God has given to us.
In Australia in particular, we know that people continue to cherish the witness and service of our Lutheran schools and Lutheran care facilities like our aged-care communities. We must ask what this means for us and for our participation in the mission of God.
The College of Bishops has established the Ministry Future project to help us to be better able to identify issues about ministry and to discover good solutions to those issues.
In the song, ‘Reaching out with open arms’, Australian songwriter Robin Mann has taught us to hopefully sing:
‘Take up Jesus’ cup, drink it to the end; love, give, start to live; we are Jesus’ friends. May we care with our actions and our prayers. We’ve been given so much, people, let’s all share! Reaching out, reaching out, reaching out with open arms.’
In Christ,