6 minute read
Iam grateful to the British Ecological Society for funding an element of this work, and to Prof. WJ Sutherland for useful discussion about the project. I am extremely grateful to all the scientists, conservation policy workers, site and species managers, biological data workers and UK museum workers who contributed their views to the two 100 Questions online surveys. Thank you very much.
I am also grateful to Helen Mark (Manchester Museum and Galleries Partnership) for assistance in setting up the Survey Monkey online questionnaires for the ‘100 Questions’ project, and to Dr Liz Hide (now Director of the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge) for useful discussion and help with encouraging responses to the museum survey.
H McGhie was first awarded a grant for this project from the British Ecological Society while he worked at Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester.

Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomic revisions Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat morphology Genomics Pathogens and systematics Morphology and genetics Field collections Species richness Conservation assessments Historical faunistics Mapping Colour measurement Ecology Taxonomy Biodiversity change Tissue sampling Population genetics Osteology DNA sampling Egg morphology Bat
© Curating Tomorrow, 2019