1 minute read
We want to hear from you
We hope this guide will help you with your sustainable production journey, wherever you’re at right now. To contribute to this area of our work, please share your sustainable production achievements and success stories with us.
Let us know what methods you are trialling, what challenges you are coming up against and what successes you have achieved. This helps us to continue to improve our resources, collect best practice and share it with the wider industry. Our job is to amplify the incredible work you are already doing and to develop tools to make your job easier. Contact us at: info@juliesbicycle.com.
About Julie’s Bicycle
Julie’s Bicycle is a not for profit organisation making sustainability intrinsic to the business, art and ethics of the creative industries. Founded by the music industry, with expertise from the arts and sustainability, Julie’s Bicycle bridges the gap between the creative industries and sustainability. Based on a foundation of peer-reviewed research, Julie’s Bicycle works with arts organisations and leadership to create change through practical tools and resources, events, training, consultancy and thought leadership. Julie’s Bicycle is currently working with over 1000 arts organisations across the UK and internationally, large and small to help them measure, manage and reduce their environmental impacts. www.juliesbicycle.com @JuliesBicycle Facebook.com/JuliesBicycle
2013 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA We are happy for you to remix, tweak, and build upon our work noncommercially, as long as you credit Julie’s Bicycle and license your new creation under identical terms as this Creative Commons license.