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Enabling Conditions
Enabling Conditions
1. Advocate around the fact that art and culture are creative endeavours, rather than therapy in and of itself. This means: i) avoid instrumental approach; ii) avoid demanding and pressure on the artists iii) leave space for the unpredictable and unexpected; iv) be aware there is a specific attribution of role and task in the development of artistic practices; v) trust the artist and the process; vi) be aware the project takes into account the proper condition in which the artists can operate. This means creating awareness of the role of culture and arts in improving mental health and well-being on individual and community level.
2. Setting a shared and common frame for the evaluation. That means:
A. working towards the identification of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are not only quantitative but also qualitative. That implies clearing restitution modes that are not only numerical, but that legitimise streamlined and comprehensible narrative modalities
B. enabling a multidisciplinary approach integrating different perspectives (health, psychology, sociology, anthropology, culture, social)
C. KPIs should be specific but also adaptable to different contexts, that means they should be Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bounded (SMART)
D. KPIs should be i) scalable, ii) applicable in relation to the dimension of the project/program/activities and according with the iii) nature of the subject (principle of the sustainability of the evaluation).
3. Setting-up a ‘platform’ or ‘web space’ storing:
A. KPIs with an explanatory description and tools required to i) collect and ii) give value to the effects generated by these activities
B. Case studies (best and worst practices can be useful) able to give a clear picture of the different ‘impact’ generated by i) different practices (from receptive to active); ii) different mode of participating (individually or in group or mixed modes); iii) different locations and settings (health spaces, open air spaces, heritage,…) iv) type of artistic and cultural interventions (music, theatre, dance, circus, museums visits, video art,…)
C. PAG57