It motivates you to be in the present Submerged in our daily routine, we develop a tendency to stay in our heads. We want to escape from the loop of reality and seek it inside our mind. This detaches us from the present Makes you sensitive towards surroundings When we are in a new place, we observe everything. We see new people and try to peak into their life; what it would be like if we lived like them. We see trees and flowers and they seem brand new. Spiritual healing The true essence of spiritual healing is in pilgrimage. People visit holy river Ganga, Mecca or monasteries and the journey is transformational. The destination is no doubt heavenly, but the path itself fills the traveller with inner peace. Travel heals your mind and soul. It opens your heart to amazing experiences and fills it up with new stories to tell. Travel has a way of stretching the mind and broadening our perspective. It’s a therapy in itself.