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energy, loose fit and ambitions of architectural atmospheres.

‘Architecture & ME’ was an innovation for Stage 1. We introduced for the first time a long span, self- directed research project, which introduced themes given in the RIBA s 'The Way Ahead'. Our students were given freedom to follow their individual interests within these parameters.


In our cross school CoLab courses, we speculated in Semester 1 about ‘Being an Architect in The Anthropocene’ as COP26 was held in Glasgow. Starting from a study of global vernacular architectures our students speculated with manifestos and designs for a better future. In Semester 2 our students worked in interdisciplinary teams, drawn from across the whole of GSA first year, to continue to probe and evolve projects around the Anthropocene.

These investigations were an opportunity for our students to explore, experiment and communicate their ideas, learn to embrace mistakes, be challenged by uncertainty, and enjoy their first foray into architecture.


This project focuses on adapting the existing building of Olympia House in Bridgeton, Glasgow. Through close analysis of the local context, I tried to create an elegant, fitting design whilst creating a loose-fit interior which utilises a playful use of light. The proposal' s development was achieved through hand drawing and sketch models to gain a thorough understanding of daylight features.

House Within A House


In a period of post pandemic global uncertainty the urgent concerns of climate change were again on our minds, so in Stage 1 for 2021-22 we continued our preoccupation with the future inhabitation of the planet. Our core ethos, taken from RIAS Sustainability Policy 2016 ‘Maximum Architectural Value - Minimum Architectural Harm’ was our guide as we explored architecture under a series of historical and contemporary lenses.

architecture & HUMANS’ was a 5 week critical enquiry into ethical and equitable design for people of ‘difference’. We investigated aspects of space, light, comfort and wellbeing to redesign a familiar space for people of physical and neurological divergencies.

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