2 minute read
People on Campus
from Freshman Guide 2022
by themaglsu
What do you think should be on an LSU Freshman’s “Bucket List?”
The Mag is a lifestyle magazine devoted to the LSU community. Made for students by students, we love hearing from you. In every issue, we pick a topic to canvass campus. This issue, we asked current students, “What should freshmen have on their college bucket list before graduating from LSU?”
Aaron Gafford
LSU STUDENT • MAJOR: Political Science
“Some shower shoes. You don’t want to go in there with no shower shoes!”

Andrew Cagle
LSU STUDENT • MAJOR: Bioengineering “For a freshman’s bucket list, you’ve got to run the lakes.”

Abby Williams
LSU STUDENT • MAJOR: Biology “If you’re a freshman at LSU you have to go to a home football game and tailgate.”

Chloe Johnson
LSU STUDENT • MAJOR: Nutrition and Food Sciences
“One thing that should be on LSU’s freshman bucket list is to visit mike the tiger’s habitat.”

Jada Hammond
LSU STUDENT • MAJOR: Political science
“Hanging out with your friends on the parade ground after midnight. Me and my friends have some of the best memories on the parade ground.”

Jake Vicknair
LSU STUDENT • MAJOR: Anthropology “You definitely have to go to Tigerland on game night.”