=mc Public Training brochure 2016

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Course information and dates

www.managementcentre.co.uk Transforming the performance of ethically-driven organisations

Quick reference by course Leadership • Strategic Leadership • Leadership Skills for Managers

2 3

Management • Strategy Toolbox • Emotional Intelligence in Management • Project Management • Emerging Managers Programme

4 5 6 7

Communications • Transformational Presentation Skills • Influencing & Negotiating for Results • Thinking on your Feet

8 9 10

Personal Effectiveness • Managing Multiple Priorities • Developing Personal Presence

11 12


Looking for something else? These are our scheduled training courses. We have a wider range of programmes and learning and development interventions to offer your organisation in-house. To find out more, please call 020 7978 1516 or email c.segal@managementcentre.co.uk. Or download the Learning & Development brochure at managementcentre.co.uk/ learning.

The recipe for successful training =mc has over 26 years of experience working to transform ethically-driven organisations including charities, public bodies, INGOs and cultural organisations. Our customers include all the top 20 UK charities. We’re their provider of choice because we uniquely combine:

1. Memorable learning: 2. Sector relevance: 3. Outstanding trainers: 4. Practical solutions: 5. Up-to-date content: 6. Backup resources:

we balance expert input with practical exercises, small group coaching and extended case studies – enabling participants to learn in focused and varied ways.

we offer solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of organisations delivering social outcomes – charities, INGOs, public bodies, local authorities and cultural organisations. we select the very best trainers to join our team and then develop them to achieve outstanding results. Each trainer adds their own experience to make programmes both relevant and engaging. learning isn’t just about new models, theories and techniques, it’s about being able to use them in real life. We enable participants to work together to apply the learning to their work.

while the best models withstand the test of time, the way they are applied grows and develops, and useful new models come on stream. We review and refresh all our programmes at least once a year. all our training is supported by detailed workbooks, covering programme content and extras to consolidate learning.

=mc is an recognised Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) provider.



Strategic Leadership Developing leaders to take the organisation forward


These intensive three days offer a high-level skill set for individuals in – or stepping up to – a more senior role, including CEOs of smaller charities, heads of departments or divisions in larger organisations, and ambitious middle managers. The programme balances insightful feedback and expert input. It focuses on three core impact areas – Leadership, Change and Strategy. The Leadership module includes a 360° assessment using Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). The Change module provides powerful tools to successfully implement an integrated change programme – while maintaining motivation. The Strategy module introduces key tools to define and plan the way forward. At the end of the programme you are able to: • become a high-achieving leader, acting decisively and effectively • understand how to create an empowering culture • create systematic approaches to drive change • use cutting-edge tools to create a successful strategy



3 days: 19-21 April Price: 649 + VAT 360° feedback on your leadership practice More information at managementcentre.co.uk/sl


Leadership Skills for Managers Developing, coaching and inspiring teams for greater results

You’ll learn what makes a successful leader, and discover your Intelligent Leadership profile – a 360° leadership assessment tool developed by =mc specifically for nonprofit managers. A complementary series of exercises builds your awareness of how effective you are in the leader’s role. Finally you also look at the key motivation theories behind individual performance, different leadership models, and the importance of flexibility in leadership style.

Really useful training – even a year after the course I’m still using the coaching techniques with my team. A worthwhile investment.


Designed for managers with a minimum of two years’ experience of line management and functional responsibility, these demanding two days offer a toolkit to challenge and motivate both themselves and their teams, taking their skills to a higher level.

Hannah Watson Individual Giving Manager, Gingerbread

2 days: 10-11 May / 18-19 October At the end of the programme you are able to: • adapt your leadership style according to the person and the situation • make better decisions with confidence • engage teams by identifying each individual’s motivation • shape and develop high-performing teams through effective coaching

Price: 449 + VAT 360° feedback on your leadership style More information at managementcentre.co.uk/lsm

Public Training 2016



Strategy Toolbox Key strategic models and how to apply them MANAGEMENT

This packed day helps participants to understand and confidently use a range of strategic tools – integrating them into a flexible planning framework. The toolbox is built around five core modules: frameworks in planning, how to analyse challenges, managing service and activity portfolios, shaping new strategic directions and defining organisational competencies in relation to vision and mission. Using real examples from organisations in the sector, you discover how a range of tools can be applied directly to your work. Tools include PEST, SWOT, VMVC, Boston Matrix, Ansoff’s Matrix, and Porter’s Five Forces. At the end of the programme you are able to: • understand the key uses of tools in strategy and their limitations • share your strategic ideas effectively with colleagues • assess new directions using matrix analyses • clarify and build on your organisational competencies

I’m still benefitting from the learning – including using some of the tools in the planning process for our recent successful Arts Council application. So definitely a wise investment. Mary Caws Executive Director, Theatre Royal Stratford East

1 day: 1 March Price: 249 + VAT More information at managementcentre.co.uk/st




Emotional Intelligence in Management Developing interpersonal and intrapersonal skills


Emotional Intelligence (EI) offers a way to improve how we communicate with ourselves and others. For managers it’s particularly important in helping not only to maintain personal motivation and momentum even under pressure, but also staff motivation. This day explores the origins of EI, its importance in management and personal development, and how it’s different from ‘conventional’ intelligence. You discover the practical implications of the five EI dimensions: selfawareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. And you have the opportunity to assess your own EI – and how that impacts on your approach to management. Finally you learn how to use EI techniques in meetings, appraisals, presentations and even emails. 1 day: 4 May / 1 November Price: 249 + VAT Self-assessment on your EI style More information at managementcentre.co.uk/ei

At the end of the programme you are able to: • increase your awareness of yourself and your impact on others • maintain and nurture your own motivation in challenging situations • build rapport with others quickly and effectively • handle challenges and conflict confidently Public Training 2016



Project Management A powerful and systematic model to plan and organise projects


Originally designed to help Oxfam deal with emergencies, this demanding programme enables participants to plan, manage and deliver projects – especially ‘messy’ ones – on time and to specification. Invaluable to organisations who want a shared project language that is simple and effective, this course is also relevant to individuals keen to maximise their contribution in project teams or manage multiple stakeholders and their expectations.

I love the Systems Model – it’s exactly the flexible structure I’ve been looking for to better manage my projects. Begay Jabang Senior Finance Business Partner, The Brooke

These two days provide a thorough grounding in =mc’s practical and highly adaptable Systems Model avoiding the ‘clunky’ processes of PRINCE2. You discover how to scope a project, identifying project drivers, purpose, outcomes and success criteria. You acquire a portfolio of tools to map a project including Work Breakdown Structures and Gantt Charts. At the end of the programme you are able to: • plan using the =mc Systems Model • handle messy projects with uncertain timelines and unclear outcomes • use a range of key project planning tools • manage stakeholders effectively as part of the project process 6


2 days: 24-25 May / 22-23 November Price: 449 + VAT More information at managementcentre.co.uk/pm


Emerging Managers Programme The essential management toolkit for new managers MANAGEMENT

Designed for recently appointed managers and individuals with management potential, this programme delivers practical tools and techniques to help them manage themselves and their team. Over three busy days we focus on your responsibility for achieving results, equipping you to build – and work through – successful teams, and resolve challenges. We also help you to improve your personal effectiveness. You have the opportunity to lead live exercises and receive feedback from fellow participants, enabling you to grow in confidence and build your skills. At the end of the programme you are able to: • understand your own management style preference – and learn to access other styles • use enhanced communication skills to get your case across and make an impact • manage performance – and effectively address performance challenges • identify the roles you and others take in a team and how to build on people’s strengths

3 days: 8-10 March / 21-23 June / 8-10 November Price: 649 + VAT 180° feedback on team management style More information at managementcentre.co.uk/emp

Public Training 2016



Transformational Presentation Skills Developing and delivering high-impact presentations COMMUNICATIONS

The UK’s most intensive presentation skills programme for individuals wanting to transmit their messages in a powerful way. In a small group of 10, with a trainer and a dedicated coach, participants learn how to deliver complex ideas simply and effectively to groups – whether it’s 10 or 1,000 people – using =mc’s systematic methodology. You discover how to reduce preparation time, choose the right ‘style’ of presentation for your audience and make your presentation memorable and authentic. You also learn how to appear confident even when nervous, and learn the secrets of controlling your body language and voice. For optimum learning, you deliver two ‘formal’, videoed presentations followed by 1-2-1 coaching. At the end of the programme you are able to: • deliver messages simply, making them memorable to your audience • handle challenging audiences with confidence • control nerves and banish negative mindsets • prepare for presentations quickly



2 days: 12-13 April / 4-5 October Price: 549 + VAT 1-2-1 coaching / Personal video to take away More information at managementcentre.co.uk/tps


Influencing & Negotiating for Results Using psychology and practical techniques for the best outcome

An excellent course. I plan to use my new skills straight away to help me get organisational buy-in for a new membership strategy.

You learn how to recognise others’ psychological styles, adapt accordingly and re-frame your information and ideas. You also discover how to work through the four distinct phases of a negotiation, and how to devise ethical, win-win approaches using models from LIM-it to BATNA and from PIPPA to String of Pearls. At the end of the programme you are able to: • ensure a good outcome for you and your organisation • choose an appropriate communication style to engage with the person you negotiate with • win others over to your point of view • negotiate with the outcomes for all parties in mind


This programme is for individuals who want to boost their ability to persuade and convince others, including those who negotiate with stakeholders or work in crossfunctional or multi-agency partnership teams. It also helps to enhance the ability to build rapport and handle conflict.

Stephen Iliffe Deputy Director of Information, National Deaf Children’s Society

1 day: 14 June Price: 249 + VAT More information at managementcentre.co.uk/inr

Public Training 2016



Thinking on Your Feet Communicating ideas with confidence and clarity under pressure


For many people feeling they have been ‘put on the spot’ spells the end of any sense of control of a situation. Using practical techniques to organise ideas quickly and simply, participants discover how to make an impact under pressure, ensure their ideas are memorable, and simplify complex information. Fast-paced and highly interactive, the day gives you five core structures, the TRAIN-of-thought technique, and plenty of practise. You learn how to handle unexpected situations confidently and discover how to defend your ideas calmly when challenged. Finally we look at making your messages memorable using the SUCCESS framework, developed from the Heath brothers’ bestseller Made to Stick. At the end of the programme you are able to: • shape and organise ideas quickly • perform impressively in unexpected situations • handle challenges and hostile questions confidently • increase your audiences’ ability to retain and recall information



Excellent course for anyone who finds themselves put on the spot on a regular basis. I never realised just how much I can actually prepare for the unexpected. Thanks very much. James Gaydon Fundraiser, Young Epilepsy 1 day: 26 April Price: 249 + VAT 180° feedback from peers More information at managementcentre.co.uk/tf


Managing Multiple Priorities Practical solutions for improving personal effectiveness PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS

This busy day promotes personal effectiveness by introducing participants to a systematic set of tools and techniques to enable them to take control of their work and their time. Based on the work of a range of experts – from Steven Covey to Edward de Bono – you identify practical solutions not only for yourself, but also for your team. You learn how to balance two key decision bases, what and when. And you learn how to manage demanding priorities against tight deadlines by distinguishing important from urgent tasks – discovering how to make decisions quickly. The day also provides insights into the challenges of managing time while working with others – including managing email, reducing interruptions and dealing with dangerous ‘time bandits’. At the end of the programme you are able to: • achieve your long-, medium- and short-term goals • focus your energies to deliver results • manage heavy workloads and constant interruptions • improve your work-life balance

1 day: 15 March / 5 July / 11 October Price: 249 + VAT More information at managementcentre.co.uk/mmp

Public Training 2016



Developing Personal Presence Crack the charisma code to achieve high impact PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS

This day is designed to build on the skills individuals already have to develop a more sophisticated approach to understanding and ensuring their personal impact. You first consider yourself as a personal brand – assessing your qualities and image. We then establish the type of presence you wish to develop, for your target audiences. This is the key to cracking the charisma code. You learn how to build rapport with a range of individuals quickly, using techniques borrowed from theatre improvisation and social psychology. And we introduce you to key presence principles, looking at how outstanding communicators convey presence through a mixture of eye contact, body language and voice. At the end of the programme you are able to: • define yourself as a personal brand • convey personal authority, credibility and confidence • achieve presence and ‘social power’ • be comfortable communicating in a range of situations

1 day: 17 November Price: 249 + VAT 180° feedback More information at managementcentre.co.uk/dpp



Training Calendar 2016 March

1 8-10 15

Strategy Toolbox Emerging Managers Programme Managing Multiple Priorities


12-13 19-21 26

Transformational Presentation Skills Strategic Leadership Thinking on your Feet


4 10-11 24-25

Emotional Intelligence in Management Leadership Skills for Managers Project Management


14 21-23

Influencing & Negotiating for Results Emerging Managers Programme



Managing Multiple Priorities


4-5 11 18-19

Transformational Presentation Skills Managing Multiple Priorities Leadership Skills for Managers


1 8-10 17 22-23

Emotional Intelligence in Management Emerging Managers Programme Developing Personal Presence Project Management

All programmes take place in central London. The price includes a workbook, lunch and refreshments. The blend of quality and price that we offer is quite simply great value: 1 day 249 + VAT 2 days 449-549 + VAT 3 days 649 + VAT All prices are in GBP. How to book Visit managementcentre.co.uk/training-programmes or telephone 020 7978 1516. We hold provisional bookings for up to five working days. When you confirm your booking, we send you an invoice which needs to be paid within 28 days or before the programme starts, if sooner. We do not accept card payments. Group bookings Contact us to find out about the discount we can offer.

Public Training 2016

Public Training 2016 A great learning environment Concentrate away from the office Network with other professionals Gain space to reflect

The Management Centre are a truly excellent resource. They have a real understanding of the sector and the energy, knowledge and commitment of the trainers is exceptional. The Management Centre, Mill House, 8 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BA Tel: 020 7978 1516

www.managementcentre.co.uk The Management Centre (UK) trading as The Management Centre. Company reg. 4663203. VAT no. 813 9204 44.

Amanda Potts HR Manager (L&D), MS Society

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