Redemption: The Quest To Recover The Book of Life

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Unless the book is recovered, all of humanity is doomed. It was the Son of Man who was slain that recovered the book.

DEDICATION I dedicate this book to my kids and to all God’s little children.


First and foremost, I would like to thank the Lord for His grace and the great insight He has given me, first to develop a board game and then to write a book. I would not have written this book without certain important people and friends who have helped me along the way. Hence, I would like to thank my dear wife Danita Johnson who assisted me in transforming my board game and who gave me all the support I needed to finish this project. There are several other persons who contributed to this endeavor and whom I would like to also thank: Professor Millicent Waterman, Director of the Nyack College Writing Center, Manhattan campus who has always believed in me. My buddy and the greatest graphic artist Douglas Goodridge who has worked with me for several years on this project; my dear friend and former classmate Ms Sonja West, who edited the book and did a remarkable job in terms of expanding the story and pressing me to make the book better; and, finally, Randy Gallegos, my illustrator, who was very patient in executing my complex ideas in designing the characters.



As a father, I looked for a way to share with my children God’s love for us, a love so great and so deep that He sent His only Son, who endured unimaginable pain and suffering to redeem us from the hands of the devil. But I could not find anything that would help children understand this great love story on their terms. So I created this storyline to help children and youth understand what Christ endured in order to bring us salvation. I was particularly inspired by God’s redemptive work as it has been revealed throughout the Holy Bible and through history itself, right up through the present day. I also developed a board game to provide an interactive experience that would reinforce this great divine truth. Based on biblical narrative, I created the story and game not only to re-enact the great redeeming love of God, the Father and Jesus Christ, His Son, but also to declare that there was and is an enemy whose only desire is to destroy humanity. The names of several of the main characters are based on the biblical narrative. For example, references to the Son of Man, the Most Evil One, and the Four Beasts may be found in Genesis 2:11-19; 3:16; Daniel 7:1-14; Ezekiel 28:12-19 and Revelation 9:1-4; 12:9; 20:8-10. The four beasts that are mentioned in Daniel 7, are terrible beasts that ruled the earth. I created the names Moordaw, Beelze, Azamagon and Cobraggondoom and expanded on their various functions.


The title, Son of Man is a self - designated title of Jesus and was used mostly by Him eighty - two times in the gospels. Some argued that Jesus’ use of the title shows the human element of Jesus just as Son of God shows His divine aspect. In Daniel 7, which was a particular inspiration for this story, the Son of Man was described as someone who took power away from the four beasts on the earth. The Most Supreme Being is a title I created to portray God the Father. In the book, I listed several attributes that speak of God’s character. The Most Supreme Being is a Spirit, and He was not designed. The Most Evil One is a title I also created to portray the devil. I based my narrative on Ezekiel 28:12-19 which describes his origin and rebellion against God and his ultimate ruin. I also took insights from Revelation19 to describe his final destruction. Dear readers, I believe that Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to humanity. He is the most important aspect of our faith and walk with God. Because He loved us, Jesus Christ chose to lay down his life for us and redeem us. We had no power and ability to do it ourselves. Because of this great love, we now have hope and eternal life with Him. For those of you who may read this book but may not be in an intimate relationship and fellowship with Jesus, it is my hope and prayer that this story may prompt you to open your heart and ears to the voice of God and accept Jesus as your Lord. In His Service Dady Johnson


CHAPTER 1 The Beginning

CHAPTER 2 Scheme

CHAPTER 3 Downfall

CHAPTER 4 Success

CHAPTER 5 Intervention


CHAPTER 8 Unleashed!

CHAPTER 9 Victory

CHAPTER 10 Tested



CHAPTER 12 Reaction!

CHAPTER 13 Risen!


CHAPTER 1 Beginning

All he ever wanted to do was to steal The Book of Life. The Most Evil One believed that if he could get his hands on the book, all humanity would be destroyed. The book was divine and special because it was created by the Most Supreme Being and, in it, were the names of those who would be with Him forever. With a gemstone of purple gold, the Most Supreme Being wrote indelibly the name of each person in the book. The Book of Life was made of precious materials and pages made of silk papers. It was stitched together with gold and silver threads. The size of it was 47 x 18 inches long and weighed 70lbs. It was entirely covered in gold and on the front cover featured the initials B.O.L, for The Book of Life stamped in purple gold. The Most Supreme Being who created book is invincible, all powerful, almighty, and majestic. He created the universe and all living things. He is a Spirit and no one has ever described how He looks. He is a very loving being, who cares for all people regardless of who they are. He is patient, kind, and very generous, so much so that He gives everyone He created the choice to think, to invent, and to love each other. He does not think of harming others, nor does He create suffering and pain. He judges both good and evil and rewards those who do good and punishes those who commit evil.


Since its creation, the Most Evil One plotted to steal The Book of Life. He was the exact opposite of the Most Supreme Being. Unlike the Most Supreme Being, who created all things and loved them, the Most Evil One wanted to destroy everything that the Most Supreme Being had created. His purpose was to cause pain, suffering, and confusion, and to make people rebel against the Most Supreme Being. It had not always been this way. The Most Evil One had been a Chief Angel originally called the Shinning One because of his dazzling appearance. He was created by the Most Supreme Being to worship Him. But he began to wonder if there was anything more than adoring the Most Supreme Being day in and day out. When he appeared to humans, they often treated him like he was a god, bowing before him and bringing him offerings. After all, he began to wonder what made the Most Supreme Being so special anyway that He should be adored day in and out.


The Shinning One became increasingly full of self importance and pride. He became so jealous of the Most Supreme Being that he decided to overthrow


Him. He persuaded some of the angels to join him in a war against the Most Supreme Being. But the Shinning One and his army were soundly defeated and cast down to earth. From that day onward, he was called the Most Evil One. Since he could not defeat the Most Supreme Being, the Most Evil One decided to go after the next best thing: His precious creation, humanity. To do that, he had to capture The Book of Life. He had used his shape shifting capabilities to assume multiples identities; including human family members and friends. Cleverly disguised, the Most Evil One had created havoc wherever he went, causing family conflicts, destroying friendships, and setting husbands against wives, children against parents, and sowed hatred, jealousy, and all sorts of other negative emotions. The Most Evil One even managed to convince some people to turn away from obeying the Most Supreme Being and to follow him instead. But the Most Evil One was not satisfied. He wanted The Book of Life. The Most Evil One controlled four of the most ferocious and demonic creatures: Moordow, Beelze, Azamagon, and Cobraggondoom. They were fallen angels, who had been with him since his rebellion against the Most Supreme Being. Each of these demonic beasts controlled one of the four corners of the earth. They had ungodly powers and their aim was the same: to encourage the people to turn away from the Most Supreme Being and follow the Most Evil One instead. Moordaw was in charge of bringing afflictions to those who worshipped and adored the Most Supreme Being. He controlled the East corner of the


earth. He looked like cross between a lion and human. His leonine face boasted blazing yellow eyes, whiskers that were as sharp as knives and sharp teeth that could literally tear someone to bits. But perhaps his most noticeable facial feature was the Roman number six branded into his forehead three times in the shape of a triangle. The mark signified his allegiance to the Most Evil One. Moordaw’s golden waist-length mane was divided into two loose braids which he would sometimes use as whips. Around his waist, he wore a belt from which hung a partial loincloth, flanked by six heavy chains on each side of the cloth. At the ends of each chain were metal shackles which he used to capture people. He also had extremely muscular designed arms and fists to grip his


victims in a chokehold until they became unconscious.

Assigned to the west corner, the bear - like Beelze was responsible for every war and rumor of wars. He stood eight feet tall and carried a large shield made of steel measuring three feet in width and five feet in length. The outer surface of the shield was covered with cat skin, and the rims around the shield made with iron. From the head to toe, he was covered with armor of lasers of impenetrable steel. His spear was made from a sea monster’s bones dipped in the same steel. The sharp edges of the spear could easily cut his enemies in


half. His strong bear legs allowed him to move quickly to overcome his prey.


The third beast, Azamagon, controlled giant evil creatures in the earth. He resembled a leopard and had two heads. Mounted on his breastplate were the skulls of three leopards which symbolized the power to conquer. He carried a long whip which he used to control creatures under his command. The whip was made from thick thongs and had a set of knots that would tear the flesh of his victims. He used his long whip to beat creatures to obey the Most Evil One. His leopard’s legs made him move quickly and overcame his prey. This beast was in charge of south corner of the earth.


The fourth beast, Cobraggondoom, controlled worldly powers and their rulers. He had more power than the other three beasts combined because he controlled worldly powers and their rulers. He was big and a little fat--just like an elephant and was so muscular and powerful like an alligator. He was a dragon that looked like an alligator. He carried a king's scepter in one hand and, in the other, a globe with a crown on it. The scepter symbolized authority and the globe represented his power over all principalities and powers in the world. He wore ornate gloves embellished with gold and, around his neck, were beads, made of precious jewelry. Draped around was Assyrian sash which indicated royalty. The gloves symbolized his high position. Beads around his neck represented spiritual strength and magical powers over the worldly kingdoms. The horns on his heads represented the kingdoms. Cobraggondoom commanded the North corner of the earth.



There was a creature that served as second in command to the Most Evil One, and he was stronger and more powerful than four beasts combined. His name was Abbaddon. Because of his violent and wicked nature, he has never been seen by any human and has lived in the darkness. Abbaddon resembled a cross between a grasshopper and human. He also had a scorpion's tail, capable of poisoning and causing unbearable pain to his victims. The poison in his tail was so powerful that whoever he stung bled and, if untreated, dies in 10 hours. Because of his fearful appearance, he covered himself with a tattered woolen cloak.


Abbaddon had a deputy named, Dango. He resembled Abbaddon very closely with a scorpion tail but had four legs and a face of a grasshopper.


Dango commanded legions of giant grasshoppers that lived with Dango and Abbaddon in the darkness. They each had big eyes and a scorpion tail.


Like Abbaddon and Dango, the poisons in their tails were so powerful that whoever they stung bled and if untreated, died in 10 hours. They could travel great distance to attack and destroy their victims. They could also ravage and devour any living things, including plants and animals. Even with all the power and might at his command, The Most Evil was not satisfied. He wanted The Book of Life.

CHAPTER 2 Scheme

The Most Evil One summoned the four beasts to figure out the best possible way to steal The Book of Life. He did not summon Abbaddon and Dango because they were in darkness and could not come to light until the Most Evil One desperately needed them. The creatures sat around comparing their latest evil campaigns. “You think that’s bad?” Moordaw said, with a smirk. “I wiped out a whole region with the plague. No one was left, not even the livestock and the crops. The ones who didn’t get sick eventually died of starvation!” “That’s nothing!” Cobbragondoom answered. “With the nod of my head, I destroyed a decade-long truce between kings of Happyland land and the land of Goodpeople. They never knew what hit them. One minute, they’re planning the wedding of their children and the next minute, they’re declaring all-out war. I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I hadn’t done it.”


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