A speacl Christmas Ed of THE SEA LION TIMES ED 4 www.maui1.webs.com ____ TOP NEWS STROIES ____________________________________
Weather, bad roads delay paper delivery Calgary HeraldDecember 6, 2009Comments (57) Poor road conditions resulting from a blast of winter weather continue to play havoc with delivery of the Calgary Herald and National Post this weekend. The ongoing challenges on Calgary’s roads have resulted in the paper being late in some areas of the city. If streets are not plowed by the City of Calgary, delivery in some neighbourhoods may not be completed until later this afternoon or even tomorrow. A number of delivery trucks were either stuck or unable to reach some areas following Friday’s storm, as strong winds continued to cause drifting snow in Calgary and communities across southern Alberta. Every effort will be made today to deliver the Saturday paper along with the Sunday edition. Subscribers who have not received their Saturday or Sunday paper should call the Herald’s Reader Services department at 4032357323 between 8 a.m.noon Sunday to update their service record. The Herald would like to thank our subscribers for their patience and understanding, and also thank our distributors and carriers for their perseverance under difficult circumstances.
We have a new web site it Is Called The Maui news Network Now this new web site is at EBoard the site is at www.mauinewsnetwork.eboard.com There Is a pass word the pass word is : maui1 The old web site is still going to be up but it wont be as up to date . As we are working on our new web site . at www.maui1.webs.com
Beging Next year The Sea lion times and The Maui News paper will be clide together to make The Inside Maui and Sea lion paper . The new paper will bring you a free news from local sites to put in a paper . we will also put it on our new web site www.mauinewsnetwork.eboard.com password : maui1 We will be live on USTREAM ,Bloging live from TWITTER , VIDEO’s LIVE ON YOUTUBE . DRUMHELLER NEWS
Santa Claus parades through Drumheller Friday, 04 December 2009 00:00 He sees you when you’re sleeping, and he knows when you are awake…and he’ll be heading through downtown… so be good for goodness sake. The annual Santa Claus Parade is set for this Saturday, December 5 at 1 p.m. in downtown Drumheller. The parade signals the coming of the season with candy canes, hot chocolate and smiling children abound. Mike Todor of Downtown Drumheller says the buzz of the arrival of Ol’ St. Nick is running high and there has been good uptake for the floats that will lead Santa’s procession. Form up for the parade is between 12 and 12:30 near the Brick. At 1 p.m., the parade and all its pomp and circumstance will wind its way through the core spreading merry, and some candy. Along with the parade comes some holiday traditions. The Drumheller Lions Club will be stationed in front of the Legion selling hot dogs and hot
chocolate to keep parade watchers warm, with the proceeds to go to The Salvation Army. After the parade, head to the Napier Theatre for another Christmas tradition. For a donation of a food item to the Salvation Army, revelers will be able to take in a Christmas movie. This year’s film is Polar Express. There is no better way to get into the Christmas spirit than seeing Santa Claus navigate his sleigh through downtown to bring in another holiday season.
SEE YOU NEXT YEAR 2010 ED5 January 10’2010