TEA COVID-19 Event Policy

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The Themed Entertainment Association Policy on COVID-19 and In-Person Meetings and Events (effective January 1, 2021) COVID-19 has had a profound effect on the personal and professional lives of millions of people worldwide. What we have learned through time and science is that organizations and associations can operate in-person meetings and events safely, and securely, if all attendees follow proper protocols. The Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) understands that its members are eager to meet again in-person and has instituted the below in-person meetings and events policy (the “Policy”) to ensure that these events are operated successfully during the Pandemic while taking all appropriate safety measures. An acknowledgment of this Policy for TEA attendees to sign will be provided with your meeting and event materials. TEA reserves the right to amend this Policy based upon pertinent changes. This Policy will be revisited and revised when necessary. All TEA in-person events (and its attendees) shall: 1. Follow all local COVID-19 safety guidelines and restrictions in the locality of that meeting, or event in which it is being held. This may include, but is not limited to, wearing face coverings that always cover both one’s mouth and nose, in both indoor and outdoor spaces, and always maintaining a physical distance from other in-person attendees of at least six feet; 2. Familiarize oneself with this Policy, and local COVID-19 safety guidelines and understand that they are both subject to change; 3. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and notify TEA immediately if you are feeling unwell before, or during, the in-person meeting or event; 4. Avoid meeting in groups between meeting or event sessions (e.g., coffee breaks, close contact risk scenarios) which are not themselves compliant with guidelines/recommendations; 5. Comply with all additional in-person safety measures that TEA, or third parties, such as hotel, and restaurant staff assign on-site, including, but not limited to seat assignments for meetings and events; and 6. Ensure the success of the in-person meeting or event by being thoughtful of different on-site hotel, and restaurant, policies, rules, or guidelines. Good, considerate communication between attendees, TEA staff, and third parties is necessary and required to make the event or meeting a success. The Pandemic has been trying for all of us. With proper adherence to this Policy, TEA is optimistic that safe, and successful meetings and events can take place during this time. TEA looks forward to seeing its attendees in-person in 2021!

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