The Meliorist, Volume 46 Issue 25

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Your Independent Student Newspaper

Talking About Homelessness

For the week of Thursday, March 21st, 2013 • Volume 46, Issue 25



March 21, 2013 • 02

News Campus Beat Features Entertainment Top Story Opinion Sports Lifestyle TLFs Procrastination Students’ Union Classifieds The Meliorist: Mel-io-rism (meel’e riz’m) the doctrine that the world tends to become better or may be made better by human effort

4-5 6-7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 20 - 21 22 - 23 24 25 26 - 27 30 An autonomous body, separate from the U of L Students’ Union SU-166, 4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, AB, T1K 3M4 Phone: 403-329-2334

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Leyland Bradley The Meliorist is the student newspaper of the University of Lethbridge, published most Thursdays throughout the academic year by The Meliorist Publishing Society, an autonomous incorporated body. Please address all correspondence to The Meliorist, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge Alberta, T1K 3M4, or drop it off at room SU-166. Deadline for submissions is Friday at 4 p.m. The Meliorist appreciates and encourages the writing of thoughtful, concise, timely letters. However, the Meliorist will only consider for publication those letters that are signed by the author. Special arrangements may be made for those wishing anonymity, but absolutely no pseudonyms. Letters should contain the author’s legible name, address, telephone number, and student identification number. The address, ID and phone number will not be published. The Meliorist reserves the right to edit submissions and will not print libelous material. Letters may be edited for brevity, clarity, and legality.

Nelson Chin

Campus Beat & News Editor


Southern Alberta Newspaper Group Cartoonist

Ryan Kenworthy Podcast Assistant

Andrew Martin Contributors

Maggie Kogut

Entertainment Editor

Steve Firth Marcie Wallace Greg Patenaude Cover

Ryan Macfarlane Brandon Wallis

Michener Centre

closure draws criticism, praise

Sourced by: Dr. Claudia Malacrida

Leyland Bradley News Editor

The Alberta government released a statement last week announcing that the Michener Centre in Red Deer, Alberta will be shut down by 2014. The Michener Centre has served as an institution for individuals living with developmental disabilities since its opening in 1923. The province says they intend to move the 125 patients currently living at the Michener Centre to community homes. Frank Oberle is Alberta’s associate minister of services for persons with disabilities. He says the changes are heavy news for families with loved ones living in the centre, but that the decision to close Michener was made with the best intentions in mind. Oberle says they consulted with experts before acting, and regular Michener staff will be available to help aid individuals leaving the Michener Centre transition into community homes. Dr. David Swann, former Alberta Liberal Party leader, says the release of vulnerable individuals from the Michener Centre is a way for the Progressive Conservatives to “save a few bucks,” adding the he is “not convinced that this new policy maintains or improves the quality of life for those who would be affected

by this change.” Current Liberal Party leader Dr. Raj Sherman says the individuals living in Michener now should “not be allowed to fall through the cracks,” but adds that the Liberal Party would support the future transition if the “level of care and support” for the individuals was not hindered. The University of Lethbridge’s own Dr. Claudia Malacrida of the sociology department supports the decision to close the Michener Centre. “My hat’s off to the persons with developmental disabilities board and to the many community members who have actively worked towards achieving this outcome.” In a personal interview with the Meliorist, Malacrida mentioned that the past circumstances of the Michener Centre lent itself to misuse, abuse, and tragedy. “The superintendent of the Michener Centre was always a member of the eugenics board and that board met at Michener every quarter. I think the largest proportion of people who were sterilized under the Sexual Sterilization Act were people who lived at Michener.” Claudia explains that the Sexual Sterilization Act of 1928 had support

from a number of key individuals of influence – Nellie McClung, for one – but was only voluntary until the act was amended in 1937 to include “mental defectives.” Patients who scored below 70 on an IQ test that was frequently administered in-house were not required to give their consent in the case of sexual sterilization. “The people living in Michener were defenseless in the way the act was constructed.” Former Michener patient Leilani Muir successfully sued the province for the sexual sterilization she underwent without consent in 1959. She was awarded almost $1 million from the province for her case. Now 68 years old, Muir says she would like to bulldoze the buildings down herself. “There’s a lot of ghosts in those buildings. And they’re not good. They’re not good.” Similarly, Malacrida credits bulldozing the buildings as a final step in closing the Michener Centre. “It will be really interesting to see what they will do with the buildings. And whether they will keep those closed or bulldoze them, which is what should probably happen, because as long as you’ve got that kind of

infrastructure available there’s always the threat of re-institutionalization.” Closing the Michener Centre will affect as many as 400 workers who will lose their jobs next April. Former caregiver Brenda Stewart says she does not think closing the centre will be beneficial for the current patients. “They are definitely losing a home. This is their home. It has been their home.” The switch from institutional care to community group support could face its share of challenges too. Malacrida points out that the transition will need support from all involved parties to ensure the best for the current patients. “It is laudable that the wishes of people, their families and supports will be taken into account. I hope that this will not simply mean a transition to group home living or to smaller, long-term care facilities, which can often share many of the problems that existed in collective, institutional living.” Malacrida is currently completing a book about the institutional history of Michener to be published by the University of Toronto press.




March 21, 2013 • 05

HOMELESSNE SS I Leyland Bradley News Editor

According to the “Bringing Lethbridge Home: 5 Year Community Plan to End Homelessness for 2009-2014,” the city of Lethbridge has a plan aligned with the province to end homelessness within the next year. The city of Lethbridge experienced a 60 per cent increase in individuals identified as “homeless” from 2007 to 2008. The city implemented six separate goals to increase housing prospects, provide emergency shelter, and adopt a “Housing First” approach. The city and community have recognized the need for awareness of homelessness and some have reacted accordingly. One response has been the 5 Days for the Homeless campaign that a few University of Lethbridge students participated in this year. This is the sixth year that the event has occurred, says Heather Harty, coordinator of the 5 Days event, “and

with the support, it will continue on for the future.” Yolande Weasel Head, Resource Centre Coordinator of the Emergency Shelter says the 5 Days for the Homeless campaign is a “wonderful campaign that the students do,” adding that events like these “bring real-world awareness” to students and the community. “[The event] is highly beneficial to students. It can open people’s eyes to the reality of homelessness, especially those who don’t see something like homelessness on a regular basis.” “Shelter life is a lot different than living in a cardboard box. 5 Days is the same, in essence, to the realties of homelessness.” The 5 Days for the Homeless campaign began last Monday and continued until Friday, March 15. Harty said that the five-day wrap-up was well deserved. “The volunteers really gave it their all this year. We’re all really

proud of them, and so thankful for the generosity from the community.” The students who volunteer to sleep outside in the boxes have it tough, but it’s the outside support that allows for those volunteers to maintain their sense of hope. “It’s not easy for them. The volunteers need proper support. Lethbridge is the kind of place that will give a lot of support. We’re lucky.” When asked if the volunteers take a tour of the shelter facilities in town, Harty says they do, but they are not able to meet with any homeless youth. “Before we started [the campaign] we took a tour of Wood’s Homes and the shelter. We got to see where the donation money goes first-hand. It was humbling. The volunteers could ask questions too.” Weasel Head suggests that a visit to the shelter is a great way to experience the reality of homelessness. “People are welcome to take a tour

and see what it is like for themselves.” Weasel Head commented that although cardboard box living is rare in the city of Lethbridge, the message of the event remains valid. “Most of the homeless here in Lethbridge cycle through the shelter. There are those individuals who do not live in shelters. These people live in bigger centres like Calgary, where they have more homeless people living in cardboard boxes.” According to the Lethbridge Homeless Census 2010, most homeless people in the city are between the ages of 31-59 at 39 per cent of a total of 134 respondents. Those between the ages of 19-30 make up a secondary portion at 34 per cent. Respondents 18 years old and under came in just under a quarter of the total, with 24 per cent.

Model United Nations Club

back from Boston

Marcie Wallace

Marcie Wallace

Campus Beat Contributor What does the Model United Nations Club do? The short answer is that we dress up in suits and pretend to achieve world peace, but there is a little more to it than that! Each year, we attend one major international conference. We are assigned a country to represent, and split into different committees. These committees range in size and scope from large General Assembly ones such as Disarmament & International Security, to medium-sized ECOSOC ones such as the Commission on the Status of Women, to small, intense crisis committees that mimic the real-time unfolding of past, present, or potential future conflict situations. Within these committees,

we represent the viewpoint of our assigned country, write position papers, engage in formal debate and informal negotiation, co-write resolutions and amendments, and vote upon them. From Feb. 14-17, our club had the opportunity to participate in the Harvard National Model United Nations Conference (HNMUN) in Boston, one of the largest and most international MUN conferences in the world. The U of L has sent a delegation to HNMUN four out of the last five years, and our dedication has been recognized — we were assigned to represent the Democratic Republic of the Congo this year. While that may

not sound like the most desirable country, we assure you it is a step up from past assignments such as Micronesia or Mozambique! This year the U of L had a fairly small delegation, with only 13 members, but every single one of them made us proud. Nearly all of our members spoke in front of their committee at least once throughout the conference, an especially impressive feat in the GA committees, with several hundred delegates scrambling for a chance to be heard. In addition, almost all of us were involved in co-writing resolutions, an even more competitive endeavour than speaking. We worked hard and played hard, we learned a lot

about international relations and global issues, and we befriended some amazing people, both within our own club and from around the world. Although the conference is always the main event, the MUN club prepares throughout the year with simulations, fundraisers, and of course social events for team bonding. If you’re looking for a club that improves research and public speaking skills, and promises travel, adventure, and friendship, come find us at Rush Week in September or send us an e-mail at



March 21, 2013 • 07


launch of



Steve Firth

Campus Beat Contributor According to Canadian Cancer Society statistics, “An estimated 186,400 new cases of cancer and 75,700 cancer deaths [were] expected in Canada in 2012.” More men than women will be diagnosed with a new cancer and will die from cancer (52 per cent of all new cases and deaths in men vs. 48 per cent in women). Surprisingly, there is a greater incidence of prostate cancer in men than breast cancer in women (with 26,500 cases of prostate cancer vs. 22,700 of breast cancer). In fact, the top three male cancers (colorectal, prostate, and lung) comprise around 40 per cent of all cancers. And it's not just in Canada either – these statistics are fairly consistent the world over. Last Friday saw the unveiling of Kilt-Up 4 Cancer in the University of Lethbridge U Hall Atrium, complete with bagpipes played by our own Dr. David Kaminski and Dr. Jana Archibald. The event launch was well attended, with a large number of press and students alike – it even garnered

observers on the balconies overlooking the atrium on the 7th and 8th floor. A PowerPoint presentation detailing key points and contact information scrolled throughout the launch. A powerful keynote speech was provided by Dr. Bryson Brown from the university’s philosophy department; additional short speeches were given by Sonja McGivery from the university’s Canadian Cancer Society Club, and Ben Kwan from the Canadian Cancer Society, with whom Kilt-Up 4 Cancer is working. A short discussion of the proposed events and the objectives of Kilt-Up 4 Cancer was given by Steve Firth. Virgil Grandfield, a supporter of the campaign and a friend of Steve’s, also took the podium to describe a chance meeting with a cancer survivor which took place at the YMCA gym that very morning. Kilt-Up 4 Cancer is a campaign which is seeking to draw attention to the incidence of male-specific cancers – to get it out in the open, so to speak! Steve (at his most

gregarious and flamboyant) has now started 366 days of wearing a kilt, and this “Year of the Kilt” is designed to raise the profile of male-specific cancers in a very visually identifiable way: not only has Steve pledged to walk wherever practicable, but at one of his proposed events, he is hoping to run through the streets of Perth, Ontario, dressed as a Scottish warrior in the great Perth Kilt Run! Kilt-Up 4 Cancer plans to also host 12 smaller events – to be held roughly once a month – which will either raise money or draw attention to the incidence of male cancers. These events are hoped to consist of events such as a “Plaid Movie Night,” “Tartan Golf Days,” and a “Scottish Music Night” at a city pub. Steve is in discussion with the university about the possibility of running a competition to design an official University of Lethbridge tartan. Steven revealed several proposed merchandising items at the launch including the coffee-kilt and the bonnet-pin, but

also affordable kilts and Kilt-up 4 Cancer t-shirts (the purchase of which will include a donation to the campaign). He mentioned that all merchandising will be coming soon, and plans are underway to sell the products through vendors at the university, and also online through the official website ( Donations can be made in person to Steve, but can also be given by following the “donate” link on the campaign website, at the CCS website (by searching for Steve’s name), and in person at the CCS office. Kilt-Up 4 cancer is looking for $36.50 for a year’s sponsorship, but is happy to receive any amount whatsoever. The cost for the products will be coming shortly. For information on Kilt-Up 4 Cancer, you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter (@kiltup4cancer), and also find out about news and upcoming events on their website.



For the homeless: life in the box Ryan Macfarlane Features Editor

Ryan Macfarlane

Imagine sleeping each night in a makeshift bed, waking up each morning and wondering where your next meal will come from. Imagine being ignored or despised by countless people each day, and not having social supports like friends to help you cope. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many youth in Canada, and it is because of this that students at the University of Lethbridge decide, annually, to support 5 Days for the Homeless, where student volunteers willingly give up certain amenities and choose to sleep in a box to raise awareness and money to help address the problem of youth homelessness. At the time of printing, the group has raised over $8784.92. Donations can still be made online at



March 21, 2013 • 09

Before staying in the box, I sat down with both the coordinator and the director of this year’s 5 Days team, Brenna Kelly and Heather Harty, and asked them both what motivated them to get involved in the fundraiser. What impressed them the most and convinced them to continue fully with their support was a trip they took to Wood’s Homes in Lethbridge where they saw what work was being done. “We’re a pretty rich society; we need to give back and be aware of those people that aren’t as fortunate as us,” says Heather. It’s also important that Wood’s Homes focuses on the issue of youth homelessness. Brenna discussed their preventative measures, how they try to find at-risk youth before they end up on the street. “By helping Wood’s Homes specifically, it could help to prevent future homelessness.” While spending any amount of time on campus, it’s nearly impossible not to notice the volunteers in their orange shirts, asking for donations. It’s equally hard not to notice the box that these student volunteers call home for five days. I asked Heather what effect this very immediate on-campus experience can have on awareness. “It rallies the school, especially when we’re able to get professors come and sleep in there.” The two professor guest sleepers this year were Richard Perlow, associate dean of the management department, and Nicholas Hanson, faculty member of the theatre and dramatic arts department. On Wednesday night it snowed on the participants, and quickly leaked through the box-shelter. On Thursday morning, the sleepers woke up to a wet shelter, and “their socks were wet, their shoes were wet,” as Heather said. “We would go home and change, and think nothing of it,” but that was not an option for the volunteers, and after check-in, they had to get right back outside to start asking students for change.

Some students have charged the event with the criticism that it is a poor representation of homelessness, but both Brenna and Heather find that to be an unfair criticism. “We’re not trying to lessen the experience that the actual homeless have,” said Brenna. “It’s just the closest we can get.” Maintaining the safety of the volunteers is important, but even if one still feels the event doesn’t “go far enough,” the awareness and conversation it creates is invaluable. “Homelessness is out there, but you don’t necessarily see it.” I first met with the team of volunteers (Katie Kalmar, Aaron Gilbert, Sean Glydon, Jana Clark, and Felipe Ferreira) on Sunday, the day where they gathered to build the box that would become their home for the next five days. The atmosphere was light while everyone worked on the box together. If much thought was given to what awaited them in the week ahead, the participants hadn’t begun to show it. But on Thursday, when I met up with these volunteers again, I could tell their time in the box had begun to sink in. Throughout the day in between classes, volunteers would either be outside asking passing students for change, or they would be wandering through the university doing the same. I saw the tired look on every volunteer’s face, and read the soreness in their bodies. I must admit that I had the thought, was it really necessary to sleep in a box to cover this story? Two university professors bravely volunteered to spend a night in the box, where they shared life lessons with the young volunteers. Felipe recounted his conversations with Richard. “We talked a lot about his past experiences, things that I can actually turn into good things in my life.” Not everything they talked about had as much emotional impact, but it was significant regardless. Nick Hanson, during the cold Tuesday

night, to pass time with the students, shared stories from his undergraduate experience at Queen’s University. For the first three years of his degree, Nick lived in a house with six guys. “We played a lot of cards, video games, and sports – usually jokingly, but sometimes seriously. One day, we decided to come up with the ultimate way to measure physical endurance and mental determination; lo and behold, the test of strength was born.” The rules are simple. To begin, someone calls out “test of strength,” which requires all participants to stop what they’re doing and raise their arms ninety degrees from their side. The winner is the last one to keep their arms up. “During the 5 Days, I think the game caught on because it created a few funny moments, and fostered a group bonding experience during a week when cold and fatigue can lower spirits.” Thursday evening, the volunteers caught Nick waiting for his bus. They shouted, of course, “test of strength,” which nearly forced Nick to miss his bus. Sean said, about next semester, “I might just take Drama 1000 with Nick, just so that I can stand up in class one day and be like, ‘test of strength!’” Through this event, the group got some insight into the actual experience of homelessness for those who experience it every day. I asked each volunteer what they have learned, and the list was broad. For Felipe, it was about respect – not ignoring anyone who is homeless, and not judging them on how they look. Sean realized how much the thought of food must be a worry. “How am I going to eat today? Where is my food going to come from?” Jana really came to appreciate, through having to continue attending her classes, the difficulty that comes with sleeping outside night after night. “If you don’t get a good sleep, and you’re not well nourished, there’s no way you could perform at your steady job.” Katie and

Aaron both echoed a similar sentiment. For them, it was actually having the chance to meet users of Wood’s Home who came to the university to thank them for the fundraiser. “That’s what kept me going this week.” Everyone realized how important it was for them that they had each other’s support throughout the week. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this if it wasn’t for this group here,” said Katie. Jana expressed a similar sentiment. “I was feeling low, but I went outside and these guys were singing,” she said. “As long as you're laughing and having fun, you can pretty much make it through anything, no matter how bad it is, but the reality is that a lot of homeless people are completely alone. I couldn’t imagine going through that,” said Sean. “You’re almost in poverty twice.” It’s finally Thursday, the day I’ve agreed to sleep in a box with the volunteers. The weather has dropped down to around -7 degrees Celsius, and there is a wet snow warning. I’m hoping I’ve brought enough clothing and a warm enough sleeping bag. I crawl into the box. In complete honesty, the smell of the box is strong, and it is from only five days. I can only begin to imagine what actual homelessness must feel like. I don’t get much sleep during the night. The pavement underneath us is hard, and I’m on slanted concrete. When I wake up in the morning, my body is sore and cold, but it feels nice to know I’ve shared the experience with others. That’s why it’s important to continue to share an awareness of the problem of youth homelessness. By sharing, maybe we can continue to truly address the issue. Felipe put it succinctly. “Treat them like a human being. It’s okay to say no... but it’s not okay to actually ignore them.”

Crafting Cocktails

TOM COLLINS Greg Patenaude Features Contributor

One of the most common questions asked about cocktails is “what’s the best way to set up my bar?” The most common answer to this question is usually a laundry list of spirits, mixers, and equipment that you are going to need. Obviously, if you get a bunch of bottles and some equipment you’ll be able to make a lot of different drinks; however, there are a couple of problems with this approach. First, it’s expensive. If you’re going to buy a bottle of dark rum, light rum, a bottle of London dry gin, a bottle of silver and reposado tequila, some vodka, a good single malt scotch, a bottle of straight bourbon, a good bottle of rye, along with several essential liqueurs – things are going to get pricey, quickly. And this doesn’t even cover all the bases! Another problem, speaking from experience, is you often buy some spirits thinking you’re going to need them but never end up using them.



March 21, 2013 • 11


So, if buying a bunch of stuff isn’t the best solution, what is? Well, the best method to setting up a bar that I’ve seen is the one suggested by Robert Hess. Hess’ approach is really simple. First, pick a cocktail. Let’s say you want to make a Tom Collins. Then, gather up all the ingredients needed for this drink: gin, club soda, lemons, simple syrup, maraschino cherries, and oranges. Next, find several different recipes for this drink. There’s no upper limit, but I’d get a minimum of three different recipes to start with. You’ll probably notice that most of the recipes will have slight variations: a quarter ounce more of this, a little less of that, a different garnish, etc. This is what you want. Next, pick one of the recipes and make the cocktail. When you taste the drink, try “analyzing” it. By this I mean, ask yourself some questions (and be honest). Do you like the drink? Is it too sweet for you? Not sweet enough? Is it sour? You don’t have to take notes (although it

1½ oz gin ¾ oz lemon juice ¾ oz simple syrup Club soda

wouldn’t hurt), but you want to try and get a sense of where the cocktail rates for you. Then, keep making more Tom Collins. Each time, use a different recipe and analyze the cocktail as you did with the first one. Maybe this Tom Collins recipe uses a little more simple syrup. How does this cocktail taste to you? How does it compare with the previous recipe? Essentially, you want to keep making the same cocktail while trying different variations. This will help you understand what you like in a cocktail. For example, after making a lot of cocktails, I’ve learnt that I do not like my drinks too sweet, so I tend to use less sweetener in my cocktails. Eventually, you’ll find your ideal recipe for a Tom Collins. Once your original bottle of gin is almost empty (but not empty), buy another bottle, but buy a different brand (say Tanqueray instead of Beefeater). Now make more Tom Collins, one with the original gin and one with the new gin. Taste and

compare. By tasting different brands of the same spirit, you will get a better understanding of the different taste profiles and learn which brand you like best. Keep in mind that there is no “right” answer here. You may even find that you’ll like different brands for different cocktails. For example, I tend to use Beefeater gin in my Negronis, Tanqueray 10 for Gin & Tonics, and Plymouth for Martinis. But that’s just me. Explore the different gins available and find out what you like. After you’ve tried several brands of gin, pick a different cocktail and start the whole process again. Granted, this approach is slow, and it will take a while to build up a decent amount of stock, but there are several advantages. First, the initial cost is spread out. Second, spending time with a single cocktail allows you the chance to really get to know it, to understand it. I think the best part of this approach is that however many bottles you have, you’ll know how to

use each and every one. As I’ve said before, there’s no point having all these bottles if you don’t know how or when to use them. Since we talked about a Tom Collins, what say we make one? The name Tom Collins is believed to have originated in 1874 as a prank. The idea was that if you saw a friend out and about, you’d ask, “Have you seen Tom Collins? Well, he’s at the bar talking about you!” This would apparently rile up your friend who would storm off to the bar and confront Tom Collins. Of course, there was no Tom Collins, but it’s not hard to imagine barkeeps inventing a cocktail named after him that they could offer the “victims” of the prank. At any rate, the Tom Collins first appeared in the 1876 edition of Jerry Thomas' The Bartender's Guide and it is a fantastic, refreshing drink on hot, sunny days.

Add the gin, lemon juice, and simple syrup in a cocktail shaker and fill with cubed ice. Shake hard to thoroughly mix the ingredients and strain into a chilled Collins glass filled with cubed ice. Top the glass with club soda and garnish with half an orange slice and a maraschino cherry. A note on the ingredients: Any gin will do here; use your favourite. Lastly, remember to use freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Th pRce is actuaLy Qite hgh Maggie Kogut

Entertainment Editor Last Monday, the Lethbridge Enmax Centre was host to all the brightly coloured bedazzled glories of the Price is Right Live! Yes there was the Big Wheel, yes there was Plinko, yes there was the show girl who changed sparkly dresses at least three times, and yes there was the super long and thin host’s mic. The half of the Enmax arena that was used for the game was packed with potential contestants, eagerly waiting to be showered with prizes. Matching t-shirts and name tags were everywhere. There were even a few multi-brightly-coloured pants, fuzzy hats, horned hats, and a St. Patty’s Day hat. I’ll never be exactly certain whether all of these were for the sake of the Price is Right Live!, or if some people just live on the edge in regards to dress. As the arena goes dark, two screens on either side of the stage light up with a movie praising the Price is Right and its glorious history. Next the product announcer welcomes the

The Price is Right Live! hits Lethbridge audience, relays some instructions, and calls the first set of four names to play in the first round of the game. Next, host Mark Walberg (Antiques Roadshow) comes onstage, and the first rotation of games and prizes begins. Meanwhile the audience is having a great time, cheering at every mention of prizes, every new revelation of product or game, and every hilarious clip shown of the original show on the big screens. At first the games are interesting and kind of fun to watch. Peoples’ reactions are the most entertaining. There were the people who bid $1 in the bidding round, and even a lady who, thinking she had won the bidding round, ran on stage only to find out she was mistaken. Some are ecstatic to be on stage, others seem not to care at all, and some use their stage time to give shout-outs to everyone they know. The audience gets to see live play-outs of all the classic Price is Right games including the Cliff Hangers, Hole in One, and the Big

Wheel. When that game is revealed, everyone goes wild at the chance to spin the giant wheel. One of the first contestants that gets to spin it is completely unenthused, never having watched the show apparently. What was she doing there? Then again, what was I doing there? She had the chance to win money (and did), while I had no chance of that. For the first round of the Big Wheel, the sound doesn’t work; no one seems to notice, but I did glimpse a crew member rush behind it to try and fix the thing ASAP, which he did. Soon after the Big Wheel, Plinko is revealed. People go nuts at the sight of the almighty Plinko. Very quickly the show became rather repetitive regardless of the different games. Four people were rushed to the panels, one was rushed through the game or the wheel, and in the meantime, workers were preparing or calling out four more people to be rotated through the next round. In the meantime, the product and prize

announcer called out names of people who won Starbucks gift cards. The show was clearly trying to give out as many prizes in as short an amount of time as possible, and many people walked away happy with cash, or fridges, or tandem bikes. As we were leaving, we heard Mark Walberg offering audience members the chance to buy a t-shirt for $20 and spin the wheel if they didn’t get the chance during the show, I guess they have to make back their prize money somehow. Oh right, there was also the ticket prices. Kind of a neat experience, but if you’re not a true-hearted Price is Right fan, or mind spending money on a chance to simply win back prizes and more money, there’s no bother going. It’s pretty much the same as the televised show, except without Drew Carey or Bob Barker.



March 21, 2013 • 13

Earful Maggie Kogut

Entertainment Editor

RELIC (aka Real McCoy)

There are a few aspects of this album that I did enjoy, and others that I didn’t enjoy as much. Like many rappers, Kanye West and Childish Gambino included, McCoy opens some of his tracks with a female vocalist. This sounds neat at the beginning of tracks, but McCoy continues to use the same vocals continuously throughout the track until it starts to sound like a broken record (pardon the cliché). As well, in a few of his tracks, McCoy attempts to incorporate a chorus of various voices that don’t quite sing on the same key or tempo. The result is a set of very disjointed and cacophonic choruses. Perhaps cacophony is precisely McCoy’s goal, but it just doesn’t sound good. However, to move away from my petty complaints, between certain tracks McCoy incorporates free verse rapping without any musical background at all. I really enjoyed this. It was a neat way to break up the tracks. Overall, I give this album two “mehs” out of five and three earplugs out of six. You heard me, or maybe not.

Belle Starr, The Burning of Atlanta

I’m not usually a country fan (I know, I know, this is practically illegal in Southern Alberta, but I like to live on the edge), but Belle Starr I can handle. The band consists of musician and dancer Stephanie Cadman, Kendel Carson (fiddle), and classically trained Miranda Mulholland, and their EP The Burning of Atlanta consists of five pleasing tracks. The first track, “This Must be the Place” kind of reminds me of early Tegan and Sara, except for the fiddle solos. The third track “Summerlea” is composed of narrative lyrics; the track is not as “grand” as a love ballad, but it tells a beautifully sad story. The band is named after an infamous outlaw, Myra Maybelle Shirley Reed Starr, from the 1800s, and appropriately so, for Belle Starr has that raw country rebellious sound.

Andria Simone, Nothing Comes Easy

While listening to Nothing Comes Easy, visions of short spaghetti strap tank tops and platform shoes dance through my head, late ‘90s early 2000s style. Rather upbeat, confident, and happy-go-lucky, Nothing Comes Easy slightly reminisces of artists like Vitamin C (that graduation song) and Vanessa Carlton (that piano song). Simone’s album has all the tracks that we’ve heard before: there’s the “piano song” (“Show Me How to Love”), the “fuck you, you silly boys” songs (“You’re No Good for Me” and “Do What I Want”), and the “regret song” (“Shame”). Ahhh, this album brings me back to high school.

Swedish House Mafia, Until Now

I was not exactly sure what to expect when I popped an album by Swedish House Mafia into my car’s antiquated CD stereo. What I absolutely did not expect was the impromptu dance party that followed in my car as I drove down the highway listening to Until Now. The compilation album Until Now, in addition to Swedish House Mafia original tracks, contains remixes which blend pop songs with the unique beats of Swedish House Mafia. Some such tracks include “Don’t You Worry Child” featuring John Martin, and Coldplay vs. Swedish House Mafia in “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall.”

Le Club Français : les films, les évènements, et comment s’amuser en français Maggie Kogut

Entertainment Editor Après avoir parlé avec deux membres exécutifs du Club Français –présidente Ashley Boras et secrétaire Sheilah Ayers- je comprends mieux ce que le Club Français offre aux étudiants, ainsi qu’où trouver le divertissement et les médias français à Lethbridge. Voici ce que j’ai appris : Selon Boras, un but pour le Club Français est «de promouvoir la langue française et la culture dans la communauté et dans l’université. » Le Club Français fait cela « avec de la collaboration avec ACFA [l’association canadienne-française de l’Alberta] et le département des langues Modernes » dit Boras. Une des façons dont le Club Français achève ce but est par la promotion et la tenue des évènements français. « On essaie d’envoyer des courriels de ce qu’on entend de la département des langues modernes, ou de ce qu’on entend des autres contacts de ce qui se passe dans la communauté. Il y a beaucoup qui se passe à ACFA et à La Cité des Prairies » dit Ayers. «Nous avons accueilli des musiciens dans le passé » elle continue, « Il y avait Webster, un rappeur français », ainsi qu’ Etienne Dano, un comédien français qui est venu à Lethbridge pour un spectacle en février. Et bien sûr, c’est quoi un Club Français sans du vin et du fromage occasionnel. Le club organise des Nuits Sociales, le plus récent étant celle de vendredi dernier. « Le Club Français fournis le vin, et le fromage, et les craquelins et tout cela. C’est simplement une réunion sociale amusante. Nous avons eu un bon taux de participation le semestre dernière » dit Boras. Vendredi dernier était aussi un succès. Le vin et le fromage étaient délicieux. D’autres évènements à venir incluent des évènements organisés avec d’autres clubs. Le Club Français va « coordonner un évènement de bowling avec le Club d’Espagnol », dit Ayers, et « on veut aussi coordonner un ‘pot luck’ de langues modernes, et cela va se passer plutôt vers la fin du semestre. » Le club a aussi travaillé avec et a promu des évènements du Centre Delf-Dalf et Cinémagine. Ce semestre le Club Français a aidé promouvoir un évènement de crêpe organisé par le Centre Delf-Dalf et le club a aussi aidé promouvoir le festival des films français organisé chaque année par Cinémagine. « Ils [Cinémagine]

promeuvent la culture de la langue française en Alberta à part des films » dit Boras. « C’est quatre jours entiers de films » continue Boras parlant du festival, « cette année c’était au Movie Mill et à La Cité des Prairies. Le festival attire beaucoup de personnes de tout autour de l’Alberta et même du Canada. » De plus, Le Club Français lui-même sert comme ressource pour des films français, « on a une nuit de film, qu’on essaie d’organiser au moins une fois par semestre » dit Ayers. Leur nuit de film le plus récent était en février. Le club a montré deux films, Bon Cop Bad Cop et Amélie. Il y avait aussi beaucoup de popcorn-celle qu’on trouve au cinéma- et beaucoup de pizza. Le Club aussi promeut des films français montrés par d’autres groupes, « le département de langues modernes montre une série de films tout au cours du semestre et ils ne montrent pas seulement des films français. Ils montrent des films en toutes les langues modernes : Anglais, Allemagne, Japonais, il y a aussi un film de linguistique ce semestre et ils nous envoient des courriels et ensuite on peut envoyer ces courriels au Club Français » dit Ayers. Où d’autre est-ce qu’on peut trouver des divertissements et des médias français à Lethbridge? En fait, Boras connait la réponse, « Il y a certainement beaucoup de divertissement français que tu peux trouver dans la bibliothèque universitaire. D’eux tu peux aussi acquérir une carte pour le Chinook Arch Region. Il y a beaucoup à la bibliothèque publique. Il y a une sectionne uniquement pour les films internationaux, et ils sont des films nouveaux même. » Boras m’a aussi parlé de la Médi@thèque Francophone Emma Morrier, situe à La Cité des Prairies. « C’est une bibliothèque francophone » dit Boras, « n’importe qui avec une carte peut l’utiliser et il y a aussi des évènements qui se passent là. » Les membres exécutifs du club ont aussi des goûts personnels excellents pour les films et les livres en français : « mon film préféré est Un long dimanche de fiançailles. C’est avec Audrey Tautou, et c’est situé au cours de la deuxième guerre mondiale. C’est une histoire d’amour incroyable, mais il y a aussi beaucoup d’autres éléments dans le film » dit Boras, « mon livre préféré est Des barbelés dans ma

mémoire. C’est à propos d’un jeune garçon Juif qui grandit en Allemagne durant l’holocauste. C’est un mémoire. » Pour Ayers, « mon livre préféré est Un long dimanche de fiançailles, sur lequel le film est basé. » Elle avait un peu de difficultés choisissant un film préféré, « ils sont tous trop bons » elle dit, « mais probablement Les égarés. » Alors, maintenant avec plusieurs nouveaux films et livres français à trouver, j’y vais à la Médi@thèque.



March 21, 2013 • 15

English Translation

The French Club: movies, events, and good times in French After sitting down with two executive members of the French Club – president Ashley Boras and secretary Sheilah Ayers – I know a bit more about what the French Club provides for students, and where to find French entertainment media in Lethbridge. Here’s what I learned: According to Boras, the club’s main goal is “to promote the French language and culture throughout the community and within the university.” The French Club does this “through collaboration with ACFA [l’association canadienne-francaise de l’Alberta] and the modern languages department,” says Bora. One of the ways that the club does this is by promoting and hosting French events. “We try to send out e-mails of what we hear from the modern languages department, or what we hear from other contacts of what’s going on in the community. There’s a lot happening at ACFA and La Cité des Prairies,” says Ayers. “We’ve had some musicians in the past,” she continues. “There was Webster, a French rapper,” as well as Etienne Dano, a French comedian who did a show in Lethbridge last month. And of course, what is a French Club without occasional wine and cheese? The club hosts French Club social nights, the most recent one being last Friday. “The French Club does provide wine, and all the cheese and everything. It’s just a nice social gathering. We had a really good turnout in the fall,” says Boras. The turnout last Friday was really good as well, as was the wine and cheese… delicious. Other upcoming events include co-hosted events with other clubs. The French Club will be “co-ordinating a bowling night with the Spanish club,” says Ayers, and “also coordinating a modern languages potluck night, and that will be towards the end of the semester.” The club has also worked with and promoted events by the Delf-Dalf Centre as well as Cinémagine. This semester the French Club helped promote a crepe event hosted by the Delf-Dalf Centre, and they also helped promote the annual Cinémagine French Film Festival. “They [Cinémagine] promote French language culture through film in Alberta,” says Boras. “It’s a whole four days of movies. This year they had it at the Movie Mill and

La Cité des Prairies. It brings in a lot of people from all over Alberta and all over Canada.” The French Club themselves also provide a hub for French movies. “We have a film night that we try to have at least once a semester,” says Ayers. Their most recent film night was in February. The event was a double header featuring Bon Cop Bad Cop, Amélie, a lot of popcorn (the delicious theatre kind), and a lot of pizza (the delicious pizza kind). The club also promotes French movies put on by other groups. “The modern languages department has their film series throughout the semester, and they don’t just have French movies. They have all the modern languages: English, German, Japanese. There’s also a linguistics one this semester, and they send us e-mails, and we can forward them to the French Club,” says Ayers. Where else can you find French entertainment and media in the city? Boras proved to be a wealth of information on that topic. “There’s definitely a lot of French entertainment that you can check out through the U of L Library. Through them you can also get a Chinook Arch Regional Library card. There is a lot of stuff at the public library. There’s a whole section of international films, and they’re all new films too.” Boras also told me about the Médi@thèque Francophone Emma Morrier, situated at La Cité des Prairies. “It’s a francophone library,” says Boras. “Anyone with a library card can use it, and they also hold events there.” The executive members also have their own great taste in French movies and books. “My favourite movie is Un long dimanche de fiançailles. It’s with Audrey Tautou, and it’s set in WWII. It’s a fantastic love story, but there are a lot of other elements to it,” says Boras. “My favourite book is Des barbelés dans ma mémoire. It’s about a little Jewish boy growing up in Germany during the holocaust. It’s a memoir.” As for Ayers, “my favourite book is Un long dimanche de fiançailles, which they made into a movie.” She had some trouble settling on just one favourite French movie. “They’re all so good,” she says. “Probably Les égarés though.” So now with some neat new French movies and books to check out, I’m off to the Médi@thèque to find them.

Our truth and effort:

Students need to invest in themselves – make it so Kelti Boissonneault Editor-in-Chief

I will be the first to admit that the headline kind of creates a “duh” reaction for any student who might read this. Students pay tuition to sit in classrooms and learn about subjects of particular interest in the hopes that someday this repetitive monotony of tests, papers, stress, and studying will lead to massive-grossing employment. Some, on the other hand, just like to learn. The reason for this editorial is not to berate students about being more involved in the community, the school, and their futures. Students will always determine their own level of involvement — they will be as intensely invested in their lives as they want to be. What the title of this piece actually means is that students must invest in themselves not because they aren’t doing so already — but because it has become very evident in the past few weeks that no one else will. Sure, there is support out there — societies and communities of people endorsing further scholarship of an individual who has expressed a similar interest, has a similar background, or has proven academically apt. Parents will continue to push their children to go to post-secondary education and some may even pay for it. Even employers will facilitate learning for employees in certain fields of study. However, continued budget cuts and narrowing of research fields by governments, society’s growing impatience with what some people view as “useless” degrees, and a constant stream of “get over yourselves” from factions of society who didn’t invest in post-secondary education, all indicate that there is an increasing trend toward a lack of support for post-secondary. Yes, more people are attending. But why? Because there aren’t any decent-paying jobs out there. And I am not talking about trying to get a decent-wage job out of high school. I’m talking about the undergraduates who are working at a job you don’t need a degree to do (guilty), because they can’t find work in their field as retirement-age workers are now holding on to their employment until the economy straightens out. So what are these graduates to do? Many of them go on for more schooling: masters, PhDs and post-docs —

specializing even more in their field, investing in themselves even more — but to what avail? The job situation remains the same no matter what level of education you get and at this point it’s pretty bleak. You’ve heard all this before, I know. So what are you to do? It’s hard to say. What students need to start considering (and really, everyone else needs to start considering this too) is the bigger picture. The bigger picture involves not simply “finding a job in my chosen field” but perhaps could extend to “creating jobs in my chosen field.” Why settle for merely seizing an opportunity when one could create opportunities for others as well? This is what the free market is about — and something I’m incredibly interested in. So why don’t more people do it? It’s hard. That’s about the only reason that I’ve been able to find. It is hard for someone coming out of university, or college, or high school to think of a business idea that will create employment for themselves and for several other people, and be willing to put in the time and the effort to carry it through to fruition. Starting a business is hard. The market is competitive. The market is tough. The market is hostile. Wrong.

Students will always determine their own level of involvement... The market is hungry. It is hungry for innovative new ideas, for support, for money. It is hungry for products, for concepts, for designs. It is hungry for order, for competition, and for re-definition. This life isn’t about getting ahead, it’s about getting by. Concentrating on the money — which is what the majority of society does because we have this ludicrous theory that money (and lots of it) will fix all our problems — is about as productive as over-specializing and still not being able to find a job. So what do we do now? We need a focus-shift. As a community, as a

province, as a nation, we need to start investing in ourselves. It begins at this level with students, the up-and-coming thinkers of the new generation. These students need to start thinking about not “what job I can get at what company” but “what job do I want, and if I have to create it myself, how do I do that?” This is the way of the future: focus local and provide for your local populations, then expand your product globally. This works at all levels — individually, locally, provincially, and nationally. This ideal would unite the population, offer reasonable employment to all of society’s members, and allow for specializations incumbent with post-secondary education. This could be the face of the new free market, and it all begins with you. Further to this point: it’s not that hard. It just takes a thorough understanding of your concept. Business school 101 is less of a how-to-do course and more of a how-to-think course. You have to consider every angle — if you don’t, your business will run into major problems and most likely will fail. Account for all possibilities and learn to be flexible. Your idea sounds great to you — otherwise you should not invest in it — but it also has to sound good to the public. It doesn’t have to be new, or even extremely innovative — it’s about recognizing a need in a given marketplace. The idea here is to think small: think Lethbridge, think Calgary, think Southern Alberta. Think “what are we missing that people would like,” and go from there. Think about market saturation. Just think. My entire academic life was spent listening to friends and acquaintances moan and bitch about how there are no jobs that appeal to them so they can make money — but they aren’t looking. They see only a flooded marketplace that offers low-paying dead-end jobs that aren’t in their field. My response then was: take what you can get and pay your debt. My response now is: make it so. If you want a job in a certain field and you think this job is really cool and you could want to do it for the rest of your natural life — start that job. It’s scary, it’s risky, but it’s possible. Stop complaining about how there’s no

work when the market is screaming for innovation and new ideas. Stop complaining that people aren’t retiring fast enough so you can inherit their positions; they have a right to work. We don’t have an economy right now to support the aging baby-boomer population, which is why many are continuing to work.

It is “Generation Why Not.” This generation is the generation of infinite possibilities. It is not “Generation Why?” It is “Generation Why Not.”



March 21, 2013 • 19

Letters: Having read Kelti's editorial two weeks ago titled “Students are not a captive audience,” I am struck by a few thoughts. Being someone on the opposite side of the equation (I've been teaching chemistry for eight years now, for those who want some background on me. I also teach glassblowing, blacksmithing, and historical fencing, outside of my academic life), I'd like to share them here. Who knows? Maybe it will do some good! The title of this article is rather suggestive – in particular, it suggests that at least some people do see students as a captive audience. Maybe. Trouble is, “captive audiences” require both a performer and an audience – in the case of the latter, a captive one. Anecdotally speaking, something I've noticed about modern university students is that they make very quiet audiences. Most of my students are perfectly willing to just sit there, absorb whatever information I care to throw at them, and then

faithfully regurgitate it back on command. No questions. No comments. Only obedience. But captive? Only insofar as they choose to be. If I wanted a captive audience, I would have joined the army, where people obey orders or die. Or perhaps, started a business, where I could boss around my employees or fire them as I wished. I certainly wouldn't have become a scientist, a state of being in which constant inquiry and critical thought are never, ever wrong. I'm not sure what it is that makes my students so willing to obey, but obedient they are. If there are marks in it, they will jump through almost any hoop you set before them. Participation in class seems to be some sort of taboo – I have to really work to get any sort of answer from my students beyond a one-word reply. Serious, in-depth discussion? Only barely possible, unless one is lucky enough to have an excellent group of students

Dear Editor: It is not uncommon to hear people complaining about their lack of opportunities upon graduation – this lack of opportunity obviously stemming from the market being flooded with sufficiently educated post-graduates. Well, credential inflation, AKA the fact that your bachelor degree may as well be a GED, is no one’s fault but your own. By “your” I am referring of course to the average university student, and yes, I wish to generalize far beyond U of L undergrads. What is to blame for this market flooding you may wonder; well, of course, more people are choosing to attend post-secondary institutions. At first glance this is a clearly positive statistic. And if it reflected a general increase in the population's ambition, education, and respect for learning, it would be undeniably positive. Unfortunately, this may not be the case. Take a look around your next class and you will see a great many people texting, surfing the internet, etc. The all too common mantra of undergrads is “C’s get degrees.” There are always open tables in the library or study areas. Discourse around campus barely scrapes at “intellectual.” Generally, people do the bare minimum to graduate. People have not chosen to

attend post-secondary in order to better themselves or because they truly believe that education is the path to a better future. Au contraire, increased enrolment reflects a decline in ambition. Students choose post-secondary to avoid the real world; university is no more than an extension of high school and an excuse to continue slacking off and mooching off parents. What may be worse, institutions have enabled this. Expectations, requirements, and standards have become watered down to the point that anyone can get a degree with relative ease, further exacerbating credential inflation. If we want our degrees to mean something to employers we need our degrees to mean something to ourselves first. Take education seriously, raise the bar of expectations and goals, and challenge yourself and others to achieve higher levels. Unfortunately this will make our lives harder; A’s will become illusive beasts indeed, and cramming the night before will no longer suffice. But when you graduate the outcome may be worth something to an employer; though even if it doesn’t it will certainly mean more to you.

- Logan Townsend

for the semester. It normally takes me weeks to get my students comfortable enough in class to really start asking questions and talking about things they don't yet understand. If I didn't make the effort, I could easily spend an entire semester “ranting” at my students, without any sort of intelligent discussion whatsoever. I will let you in on what seems to be a bit of a secret: as far as class content is concerned (I'm not talking about off-topic digressions or dumbass questions here), most of your profs want you to ask questions. To think. To challenge them academically. I've learned far more from teaching, from being asked questions, than I ever did during my year as a student. Admitting “I don't know” to a student of mine, embarrassing as it can occasionally be, forces me to question my own knowledge, and then to find out what it is that I don't yet know. And then, quite often new ideas will pop into my head which might be useful (or

not!) in a variety of different situations. If you think that students just learn, and that profs just teach, you're crazy. There may very well be some profs who do want a captive audience. I don't personally know any, but there are almost certainly a few at the U of L. Professors are mere humans too. But for the most part, I don't think these sorts of people are in any way a majority. At least, I certainly hope not!

- Kris Fischer

Farewell interview:

Dave Adams Travis Robinson Sports Editor

The Pronghorns athletics program will be losing a great asset this spring in men’s head basketball coach Dave Adams. Dave will be seeking a new adventure overseas as he progresses in his career. Herewith, a few final words with the most motivating coach in recent Pronghorns memory. Travis Robinson: Tell me about the nature and details of your resignation. Dave Adams: It’s a bittersweet moment in my life. I love my job here,

it’s been fabulous. I’m really proud of the guys here, what they’ve done in the last four years, because we’ve really gone from being pretenders to contenders every year now, double digit wins. But last May I went to the United Arab Emirates… I was doing some educational consulting, and some basketball consulting work, and loved it… There’s an ownership group of four guys, two of them with Canadian PhDs, U.S. PhDs, so they’re interested in education. They’re

Omani nationals; they have $4 billion in assets. These guys are interested in reforming the educational system in Oman. For them, they’ve tried to do it through the public educational system there, and have been very frustrated. They haven’t been able to move anywhere with it… They have this company, and they wanted to get the number one English speaking curriculum in the world – it’s Albertan. So they build a $21 million school, and they’re going to infuse it with Alberta curricu-

lum. So the next piece on their checklist is a principal superintendent, Alberta certified, to run this school and open three others, and we have to get Alberta teachers. One thing leads to another thing, and then my phone rings. I can honestly say that because I have such a wonderful job here, and we’re in such a good place in our program, that it was a very difficult decision.



March 21, 2013 • 21

But I’m just at a time and place in my life – I’m 55, I’ve got 10 good years of work left, and I just thought that this was a piece where if you’re on the poker table, you put your chips down and say I’m all in. TR: When you were coaching, did you think of yourself as a teacher first and then a coach, or vice versa? DA: Fortunately for me, before I got sitting in the chair over here, I spent 24 years in public education, 11 as a principal, so I taught through most all those years. I’ve coached for 30 years, but I taught for a lot of it. And then it’s been a couple of years at Lethbridge Family Services, so I have a business background. This [investors] group, they were looking for somebody specifically who had been a principal in Alberta, who had a sports background, who also had coached, infused with that part that you had to have some business connections. One of the parts of the project in Oman is they’re opening sports academies too… I have the greatest opportunity of teaching every single night. When I walk in the gym and I get to spend three hours with my guys every day, that is a classroom that I get to pick on my own… we get a report card on Friday night and Saturday night as to how we did during the week relative to that piece. For all of us on campus that are lucky enough to be the coaches, it is the most glorified, intense piece of teaching that you get all the time. So for me to walk away from this part,

where I’m a head basketball coach here, I’m really just translating that skill over [in Oman] where I get to teach and administrate, but I also get to work in sports academies as well. TR: Is there a basketball scene in the Middle East? DA: The answer is yes and no. In the country of Oman, there is a nine team pro league. I have been approached by two teams there to coach in their programs; right now I’m saying no, but I do hope that it does at least open up some opportunities for some former Horns here to get over there and play. There is a little bit of love of that. Interestingly enough, the real push for basketball in Oman comes from the people that are not Omani nationals. There’s a large Filipino population there; there’s a fairly large U.S. expat population there. And they’re fuelling this desire for basketball. In being in the Emirates last year, I was amazed at how big, how well organized the basketball academies in that country were… in Oman, there are very few basketball academies there, and academies play a big role in Oman, as Oman has no high school sports. When those student athletes hit that point in their life where they’re wanting to play high school sports, it doesn’t exist. So for them to compete at that level, they’re searching for those academies. TR: What was your biggest challenge over the past four years in coaching at the University of

Lethbridge? DA: The biggest challenge when I first started here was convincing people to come and play at the University of Lethbridge and convincing people to stay and play at the University of Lethbridge. We started out with a program that had won five games the year previous, and missed the playoffs for seven or eight years… the biggest challenge to get some traction and get started was to convince the guys (that were here) to stay but also trying to get people to come and look at the program, that we’re good enough to take us up to that next level right away. As I exit out, I feel so supported here in Southern Alberta that we now will have local guys. Their dialogue, their conversation, is “Yeah, I’m going to play for the Horns,” which I thought was a pretty fundamental change for us in the last four years. TR: Moving forward, does this program have the right people in place to continually succeed? DA: No question. Right from the top on down, the executive director of sports and rec, our athletic director Sandy Slavin, she’s a great administrator. As we come forward, we’re going to see challenges and budgets; Sandy’s always been really good about meeting those challenges and will continue to. In terms of what is here for the team, it’s hard to lose Derek [Waldner], it’s hard for the program to lose Julian [Spear-Chief Morris], but

the rest of the guys are rolling back. There’s a lot of ponies that are in the stable still. I can never speak for our recruits that are out there right now, but I think it’s fair to say without putting anybody under any microscope that we have a number of players that we have out at Lethbridge College that we’re working in conjunction with that we do expect will join us. There will be a good player base. The six people that worked with me as assistant coaches give unconditional support to this program, through their coaching, through their ability to technically improve our guys, but that’s just a sacrifice of time. Those guys, if the new coach is willing to have them aboard, they’ll be more than willing to step up and continue to assist the program. I feel a great solace that it’s a bittersweet moment to walk away, but I feel that it is in such a good state. I might also add that basketball in general, I think [women’s head coach] Erin McAleenan has done an amazing job with the women’s program, so as the old guy that’s kind of riding off into the sunset to try something different, to walk away and see both basketball programs in the state that they are now, it just puts me at such a place of peace. Thanks for everything Dave. It was an honour and a privilege to watch you coach and develop this team into a winning program.

we’ll know


When the

what we’re made from

Matt Baird Staff Writer

The crowd that had gathered in The Slice hummed like an amplifier; musicians, performers, promoters, and entire bands chatted lightly while we all waited for the information session to begin (or end quickly; it was jam night at The Slice, which means live music). It had been hosted by the Alberta Music Industry Association (AMIA for short), as a means to connect with representatives and participants of the music scene here in Southern Alberta. AMIA is a non-profit organization based out of Edmonton that works with industry folks, venues, festivals, and artists. Before long, our two speakers took the stage: Carly Klassen, program manager for AMIA, and Amanda Gregorine, from Union Events. “This is going to be a pretty informal Q and A, so please, if you guys have any questions, feel free just to shout them out,” Klassen began. “We're going to say what we've planned, but other than that, it's really up to you guys.” With that, the information session

kicked off. Topics discussed included everything from starting out as a band, how to get grants for recording, touring, and festivals, how to get booked for a show, and what can be done to get more music into Lethbridge. Missed the session? Here’s a play by play of the topics: On grants: They’re not there to make you a buck; they’re there to keep you afloat. There’s a bunch of grants in Alberta (both private and public), that you can apply for at almost any stage of your musical career. Recording an album, going on tour, getting to another province, or new supplies and equipment? There’s a grant for that. The catch? You need to have full documentation. An album, for example, includes a step-by-step plan for production, distribution, marketing, budgetary details, and where you want to be after the release. Who, what, when, where, and why: after all, there’s no such thing as free money. Speaking of, that was a running joke of

the night. For those of you going into music for the money, “There’s not much to be had,” Klassen laughed. On gigs and growth: Once again, this is all on you. First off, decide what you want as a musician, and then think what’s going to help get you to that goal, be it an album, a tour, a legion of fans, or just a career in the music business. Exposure is crucial: you need to be easy to find, easy to contact, and your work must be easy to discover and share. At the same time, don’t sell yourself short. Klassen and Gregorine disagreed a bit on this point; playing for free might get you free publicity and exposure, but don’t let $0 become your price point. On Alberta events: The main sponsors of the events tend to have a large impact on where events are held. For example, Untapped Alberta is sponsored by ATB, therefore the city must have an

ATB branch. If you want to play at events that AMIA has a hand in, membership is crucial as it opens up the application process and allows your name to be passed on to the people actually holding the events. As for more events in Lethbridge (such as a music festival or summer festival) AMIA is more than happy to connect members with sponsors and artists, but it’s on the Lethbridge population to make the event happen. It was on that last note that the question was directly posed: What is the AMIA doing for Lethbridge, and what else needs to be done? The answer, in short, is that the onus is on you as a member of the musical community. If you want Lethbridge to be a musical hub, crack open the elbow grease. I sat down with both of these ladies after the session to talk about music in Lethbridge, what their organizations can do for the community, and what it’s like working in the music industry these days.



March 21, 2013 • 23

Alberta Music in Lethbridge

As Jesse and the Dandelions kicked off the jam night, I caught up to Amanda Gregorine next to the booming speakers, suddenly jealous of the transparent earplugs she was producing from her purse. “They’re just sound filters,” she explained, noticing my raised eyebrows. “I can still hear you fine.” We grabbed a table and I asked her opinion on what bands need to be doing to get themselves a little more limelight. She nods to the stage. “You have to be willing to work hard. That’s the honest answer. Set your sights high and support your local promoters. You have to work your way up.” In other words, take what you do seriously? “More professionally. I see a lot of missed opportunities from people starting out.” If you want to do well, she offers the following advice: “Be on time. Don’t show up drunk, that sort of thing. Act professional.” As for the music scene in Lethbridge, I mentioned two points: the first, that we lose almost all our

student population, about 8,000 people, in the summer months. Second, the city has the most bars and restaurants per capita in Alberta, mostly due to that booming student population. This has the effect of really limiting the young audience that a local summer fest needs. What can we do to get more events and exposure down here? “Get the word out to people up there. We’re unfamiliar with what Lethbridge needs, and we need you to tell us. Sessions like this help that.” I nodded, and turned to Klassen, as another woman approached Gregorine with questions of her own. AMIA’s project manager had nearly talked herself hoarse, but still greeted me with a smile as we shouted over the jam session. “Alberta Music is sort of the middle man. We’re a non-profit, so I work for musicians.” This wasn’t the first information session that had been set up in Lethbridge, the previous one only bringing in a handful of people. “That’s one of the problems down

here; I need to know that we can fill a room.” For members as well as the general public, she mentions that Alberta Music can bring in experts for grant applications, venue booking, or set up members with the people that they would need to connect with to further their musical career. Speaking of, I mention the changing musical landscape with the evolution of social media and the internet. The industry is changing, so how do musicians cope? “That’s another thing, if you’re a musician, you need to have an idea of what you want to do. In the session we mentioned working your way up, but what does that mean? If you’re locally famous, how do you bridge that gap to province-wide, or country-wide? Alberta Music can help with those walls.” Given the rise of the internet, however, isn’t it possible to avoid that route altogether these days? She shakes her head with a laugh. “You still have to tour.” The bar quieted between sets as the next band prepped to take the stage.

I stepped outside with Jesse Northey, frontman for The Dandelions and organizer of the information session, quickly followed by the intermittent smoking crowd. We chatted about the session, and before long he was called back into the bar. The doors swung open every so often as more musicians filed in and out for the jam, cased instruments in hand, music and clamour escaping into the night. We all know that Lethbridge has a musical core. You want it to grow, expand, and break out? Get to work.



March 21, 2013 • 24

** Submit your TLFs at All TLFs must be submitted via a valid uleth e-mail account. Keep in mind that libelous or offensive TLFs may be edited or omitted. The TLFs do not reflect the view or opinions of The Meliorist Publishing Society.

If you took offense to my TLF from last week which referred to those students who voted no in the Meliorist referendum as “idiots,” I apologize for the use of harsh language. I should have chosen a better word. However, I do want to remind you that all TLFs published here do not reflect the views or opinions of the Meliorist. My TLF was no different, because it was my original intention to exercise my personal opinion. I am entitled to an opinion just as any other student who pays their levy fees. As for breaking the 180 character limit, that limit only applies to TLFs submitted via the website. The Meliorist has printed many TLFs in the past that were longer than 180 characters in length. Some were submitted through email, others were slid under the door. A rule specifying a 180 character limit for TLF submissions (other than online) doesn’t exist; this one is 1,003 characters long. Again, sorry if you were offended, and thank-you for understanding the spirit of the TLFs. - Brandon Wallis ever seen monkeys having sex on a snowboard? – visit the B&S Club table in the PE, UHALL, and Student’s Union atriums this week. Nerd Fest [MAR 21-23 at the Galt Museum]: Scott McCloud’s history of comic books, astronaut Roberta Bondar, pop culture movie trivia night

+ all night games night: Global Drums: Please take away your bottles Before I do Or fruit flies and mould take over us all. Collabaret Masquerave, March 30th, Enmax Centre at 8pm. Hosted by the Object Manipulation Club (OMC), featuring L.E.D. spinners and local DJs! To the girl who gave me a free hot chocolate while I was at the library Sunday night. You made my day. Thanks! Sees person with fluorescent orange hat.. “Is that a homeless person?” To the U of L dance team: congrats on first at the Calgary Dance & Cheer competition! I was very proud to see you represent so well. Neurosci Kris – you are absolutely gorgeous. Your joy and light illuminate me even overseas. Merci beaucoup, ma petite pomme de terre. I would be so down for an adventure club! Lethbridge has so many fun places to explore!

I highly disagree with the premise of fundraising on a university campus. Everyday there’s some cause asking us for money. I need my change so don’t make me feel bad for not paying To the idea of an outdoor adventure club, that would be awesome! Maybe make a Facebook page and see how many people are interested?

being hilarious, and for not being obnoxious and harassing people when asking for donations! You kids are awesome. Also, Sean Glydon is a fox. Is it just me, or is it sad and tragic that there are people who don’t realize that “Keep calm and carry on” was ORIGINALLY a British WWII propaganda piece?

The Deathbridge Derby Dames play their season opener on Saturday, March 23rd, at 7 PM at the Exhibition Park N pavilion. Don’t miss it! Come on out and support local athletics.

Fridays at the Zoo: Order Beef Dip with Beef Veggie Soup. Dip sandwich in soup. You are welcome.

Story time! There once was a rabbit who…. Continue it

A huge thank you to the subway customer who found my phone and turned it in on March 14. You’re the best! — Forgetful Samsung Galaxy girl.

All the kool kilted katz will be at the atrium 11:45 Friday! There WILL be bagpipes! Hey Ryan, way to make the Meliorist a worthwhile read, been enjoying you as the newest addition. Keep up the interesting stories! Neurosci Kris – you are absolutely gorgeous. Your joy and light illuminate me even overseas. Merci beaucoup, ma petite pomme de terre.

No Rest.

Boulderfest is Saturday March 23. Come out to the fest and try over 50 new boulder problems and win some great prizes. To sign up, or for more info, visit the climbing wall! To the person who dropped a brown wallet with the picture of a bike on it in CJ’s, I have left it at security for you!

Props to this year’s 5D4H crew for

Hello TLFers! The Meliorist’s next issue will be a feature about the provincial budget and cuts to Post-Secondary Education (PSE) so we’d like to ask: What are your feelings towards service cuts or fee increases at the University of Lethbridge campus when it comes to the new PSE budget? Let us know by submitting your TLF to with a valid uleth e-mail account. ** Priority for TLFs will be given to those who answer the weekly question!



March 21, 2013 • 25



1. Wash 6. Dutch cheese 10. Door-to-door cosmetics company 14. Bankrupt energy-exchange company 15. Opera set in Egypt 16. Spanish for "Lively 17. Pillages 18. Set of toothed wheels 19. Excretory opening 20. Insect mounds 22. Hanging piece of frozen water 24. S-shaped curve in molding 25. Excursions 26. Gap 29. City in Yemen 30. Beers 31. Fall months 37. Wounds

39. Supreme deity of the Marshall Islands 40. Foot control 41. Feelings or impressions 44. Cable 45. Aquatic bird 46. Spliced film 48. Illuminated by the stars 52. Founder of modern communism ____ Marx (1818-1883) 53. "Don Quixote" writer ______ de Cervantes (1547-1616) 54. Passed on genetic constitution 58. Paddles 59. Great Lake 61. _____e = deduce 62. Endurance 63. Cashbox 64. Dirt 65. Bags or pouches 66. Drunkards 67. S S S


1. Actor ____ Lugosi 2. Unknown writer 3. Running gait 4. Plant nurseries 5. Junior rank 6. American symbol 7. Perishes 8. Government computer language 9. Variant form of the name "Marion" 10. Make use of 11. Leonardo da _____ 12. Rudiment of a seed 13. Found on faces 21. Meadows 23. Immobilize 25. The devil 26. Young girl 27. Member of the lily family 28. European nuclear research organization 29. Eating utensil 32. Poet T.S. _____ 33. Baffles or

confuses 34. Assemble or modify written material 35. Scarce 36. Sleigh 38. French for "Room� 42. Washrooms 43. Char 47. Mud scoop 48. Smoky fogs 49. Jeweled headdress 50. _____ulture = farming 51. Oxidizes 52. Main lengthwise members of ships 54. Handle of a sword 55. Colored part of an eye 56. Past, present and future 57. Oceanographer Jacques-____ Cousteau 60. ___ de Janeiro, Brazil





ALCOHOL AWARENESS POSTER COMPETITION Shuna Talbot VP Internal Last semester the Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee received some negative reviews regarding their posters. To create a positive spin from some negative press, the Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee decided to give students the opportunity to create next year’s poster campaign. Any student wanting to participate will be required to submit three different posters. These posters can have similar colour schemes, similar slogans, or can even be three stand alone posters. Each poster will need to address an issue regarding alcohol abuse like drinking and driving, over-consumption, or mixing alco-

hol. These are not the only issues that need be addressed and students are welcome to create posters regarding any alcohol-related issues they have noticed or experienced. From this contest we hope to see entries that are clever, witty, and engaging campaigns that draw awareness to alcohol-related issues. This gives students who submit a campaign the opportunity to expand their portfolio as the posters will be displayed throughout campus next year. There are also some awesome prizes up for grabs, including an Apple iPad! You are probably wondering how this competition works. As students you will submit digital copies of your posters to Shuna Talbot at You can also submit either a printed hard copy or

versity of Lethbridge Students’ Union missions is March 29, 2013. After receiving all the submissions, the Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee will review the posters and decide on the top three campaigns. These three campaigns will then be put on display at the Final Refresh on April 17 and students will be able to vote for their favourite campaign. One of the great things about this competition is that it is organized by students for students, and the students decide the winner. If you would like more information regarding this contest please contact Shuna Talbot at su.internal@

TEACHING EXCELLENCE AWARD The University of Lethbridge Students’ Union would like to formally recognize and honour teaching excellence at the University of Lethbridge. The Students’ Union aims to do this by offering students an avenue for nominating a professor, sessional staff or lab instructor who has shown outstanding efforts to improve the learning experience of their students. All professors, sessional staff and lab instructors are equally eligible for this award. The ULSU Teaching Excellence Award is based solely on teaching excellence and up to three instructors who meet the criteria will be awarded. The instructor must have taught during the academic year in which the award is given. All undergraduate students are eligible to nominate an instructor for the award. The nominator will be required to complete a letter of support outlining how the nominee has demonstrated outstanding efforts to improve the learning experiences of his or her students. The nomination form can be found at index.php?p=6949. The nomination deadline is March 28 at 4:30 p.m. and must be dropped After all nominations are collected, the selection committee consisting of the ULSU VP Assembly, and three students-at-large, will decide which three instructors will receive this honour. The selection committee will do additional research on each candidate and in April the committee will decide which candidates will be receiving the award. The winners will be formally recognized as part of the ULSU Last Lecture event on April 17, 2013. “The ULSU wanted to offer students a way of recognizing professors and to show appreciation for the extra time and effort professors contribute to their educational experience,” says Julia Adolf, ULSU VP Academic. Past winners of the ULSU Teaching Excellence Award have been Dr. Jay Gamble, department of English; Dr. Lesley Brown, department of kinesiology; Dr. Hans-Joachim Wieden, department of chemistry and biochemistry; and Dr. Shawn Bubel of the archeology department.

MAR 21 MAR 21

Harm reduction movie night Galileo’s lounge @ 7:00 pm

A day of action against PSE cuts students’ union building Atrium all day



#pope #job #Sxsw

#climate #cause


#alarics @The_Meliorist #4change

For all the up-to-date local events and information go to:





March 21, 2013 • 30

Jobs, jobs, jobs! Let us introduce you to CES (Career & Employment Services). CES is a student service office dedicated to assisting you with your career and job search needs. We’re within the Career & Co-op Services office in AH154, along with Applied Studies and the Management and Arts & Science Cooperative Education programs. CCS office hours are 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. Go to our website for more detailed information on our services: Upcoming information sessions: CMA/CGA ~ CPA designation discussion March 26, 6-8 p.m. Room AH118 RSVP Workshops to March 29 (to see full schedule and sign up go online to s) CES resume/cover letter workshops: * Thursday, March 21, 10:50 a.m. – 1:20 p.m. * Wednesday, March 27, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Career exploration 101 workshops: * Monday, March 25, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. CES career portfolios for interviews workshops: * Thursday, March 28, 10:50 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. CES job search & networking workshops: * Tuesday, March 26, 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. CES interview techniques workshops: * Friday, March 22, 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. For full descriptions of the job postings below visit CES online job boards! d Full time • Management Trainee ~ Guillevin International (April 30) • Synthetic Organic Chemist, North York ~ Toronto Research Chemicals (April 30) • Agribusiness Assistant, AB/SK/MB ~ Richardson International (April 15) • Community Rehab Worker, Leth ~ Lethbridge Family Services (March 23) • Residential Nurse, Cgy ~ Woods Homes (March 24) • Junior Project Manager, Cgy/Sherwood Park ~ RCGI (March 24) • Marketing/Event Coordinator, Ponoka/Red Deer ~ Jones Boys Saddlery & Western Wear (April 15) • Contract Home Provider, Lethbridge

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

– Lethbridge Family Services (March 28) Junior Controller, Medicine Hat – Davis Auto Group (March 27) Junior Account Manager, Calg- BLJC Orange (March 27) Warehouse Material Handlers, Edm, Calg, Red Deer, Saskatoon – Consolidated Gypsum (March 30) Community Rehabilitation Worker I, Leth – Lethbridge Family Services DACAPO Program (March 30) Sales Associates – WIRELESSWAVE, Leth – Glentel (March 30) Management Residential Supervisor, Leth – Quest Support Services (March 29) Customer Service Representative, People First HR Services ~ Bassano (March 31) Research Analyst, Cgy ~ Barclay Street Real Estate (April 4) Field Sales Representative, Edm ~ Premier Tech Home & Garden (April 4) Assistant Store Manager, Leth ~ DAVIDsTEA (April 6) Community Peace Officer, Leth ~ County of Lethbridge (March 29) Junior Software Developer, Red Deer ~ Visual-Eyes (April 6) Software Developer, Salmon Arm ~ USNR (April 5) Associate Sales Representative, Various Locations ~ Cargill (April 15) Associate Grain Marketing Advisor, Various Locations ~ Cargill (April 15) Associate Production Supervisor, Various Locations ~ Cargill (April 15) Community Disability Service Worker, Leth ~ Peak Vocational & Support Services (March 28) Junior Financial Analyst, Cgy ~ Colliers International (March 29) Development Officer, Leth ~ Lethbridge College (April 14)

Temporary • Deloitte National Leadership Conference, Cgy ~ Deloitte (March 22) • Reservations Manager, Blue River ~ Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing (April 26) • Human Resources Generalist, Leth ~ Lethbridge Iron Works (March 23) • Assistant Equipment Manager, Cgy ~ Glencoe Club (April 1) • Aquaponics Researcher, Leth ~ Lethbridge College (April 5) • Project Officer - Intern Position, Ottawa ~ Council of the Federation Secretariat (May 9) • Marketing & Social Media Manager, Leth ~ Lethbridge Toyota (April 8) Summer Postings • Dining Hall Steward, Beaver Mines ~ Bert Sheppard Scout Reserve (March 31) • Summer Camp Counsellor, Bragg Creek ~ Easter Seals Camp Horizon (March 31) • Parks Maintenance Operators, Didsbury ~ Town of Didsbury (March 25) • Travel Counselor; Cashier; Interpretive Guide; Shuttle Bus Driver; Gift Shop Clerk ~ Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump (March 28) • Summer Swim Coach, Fort MacLeod ~ Sharks Swim Club (April 30) • Summer Historical Interpreter ~

Alberta Historical Sites (March 22) • Agronomy Student; Agribusiness Student, AB/SK ~ Richardson International (April 15) • Giftshop Sales Associate, Drumheller ~ Royal Tyrrell Museum (April 30) • Healthy U Promotional Team Member, Cgy ~ DDB Canada (March 24) • Marketing/PR Internship, Cgy ~ Live Out There Inc (April 30) • Technical Support Student – Pulp Division, Whitecourt ~ Millar Western Forest Products (March 31) • CFIB/Scotiabank Internship in Public Policy and Entrepreneurship, Calg, Vanc, Winnipeg, Ottawa – Cdn Federation of Independent Business (March 29) • Summer Day Camp Leaders; Golf Course Seasonal FT staff: Turf care Members; Outdoor Services Supervisor; Outdoor Services Attendants; Kitchen Stewards; Line Cooks; Golf Shop Attendants; Food & Beverage porters. Calg – The Glencoe Club (March 28) • Security Analysis Assistant, Calg – The Calgary Airport Authority (March 29) • Collections Manager Assistant; Education Program Assistant; Tourist Information/Front Desk Clerk; Horticulture/landscaping, Pincher Creek& District Historical Society – (April 26) • Marketing & Graphics Internship; Sales Planning and Administration Internship (unpaid) , Blue River, BC – Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing (April 5) • Summer Fun Workers, Didsbury – Town of Didsbury (March 28) • Junior Aquatics Technician, Calg – Tera Environmental Consultants (March 29) • Summer Reading Program Coordinator, Summer Reading Program Assistant, Airdrie – Airdrie Public Library (March 25) • The Ultimate Summer Marketing Internship, AB & SK – Vivint (March 30) • Law/Business Analyst Student, Cgy ~ Cenovus (April 10) • Storm Student ~ Cooperators (March 30) • Seasonal Interpreter, Fort McMurray ~ Oil Sands Discovery Centre (March 31) • Museum Interpreters, Dickson ~ Danish Canadian National Museum Society (April 20) • Recycling Representative, Cgy ~ Vecova (March 28) • Store Manager, Sylvan Lake ~ More Moo Ice Cream Parlor & Toy Store (April 10) • GMR Marketing VIP Event Host, Edm ~ GMR Marketing (April 1) • Visitor Services Attendant, Leth ~ City of Lethbridge (March 26) • Museum Program Assistant, Leth ~ City of Lethbridge (March 26) • Production Intern, Various Locations ~ Cargill (April 15) • Industrial Herbicide Applicator, Red Deer ~ Renu-l-tech Environmental (April 12) • Lawn Care Specialist; Flower Bed Specialist, Cgy ~ Empire Yards Services Inc (April 13) • Visitor Services Attendant, Elk Island

National Park ~ Elk Island National Park (March 25) • Marketing Associates, Leth ~ CertaPro Painters (April 14) • Programs & Visitor Services Assistant; Collections & Visitor Services Assistant, Claresholm ~ Town of Claresholm (April 5) • Student Tax, Cgy ~ Enerplus (April 17) Part time • Guest Services, Cgy ~ Butterfield Acres Farm (May 1) • Women’s Competitive Gymnastics Coach, Lethbridge – Westwind Gymnastics (March 27) • Brand Ambassador, various AB locations – Prime Marketing (April 30) • Fundraiser – World Vision, Edmonton – Donorworx (March 27) • Disability Services Workers (DSW-1) and (DSW-1 & DSW-2) Complex needs, Leth – Quest Support Services (March 29) • Aquafit Instructor, Cgy ~ Glencoe Club (April 4) • Child Care Provider, Cgy ~ Glencoe Club (April 4) • Brand Ambassador ~ Prime Marketing (April 1) • Groundskeeper, Leth ~ Weidner Investment Services (May 5) • Campus Women’s Centre Co-coordinator, Leth ~ U of L (April 1) • Administrative Co-ordinator, Leth ~ LPIRG (March 21) International • English Teacher ~ Ameson Education & Cultural Exchange Foundation (April 10) • Teach English in South Korea ~ Eagle Consulting (April 15) • China Internship, Beijing/Shanghai ~ CISC Global (March 22) • Financial Analyst Internship, Beijing/Shanghai ~ CISC Global (March 22) • Legal Internships, Beijing/Shanghai ~ CISC Global (March 22) • Teach, Travel and Earn Money! No experience required ~ Aclipse (March 24) • AYC: Opportunity to Teach in China – Ameson Education and Cultural Exchange Foundation (March 29) • Primary & Secondary Teachers, London/Kent/Watford/Brighton ~ Synarbor Education (March 29) • Youth Ambassador, Tanzania ~ Youth Challenge International (March 26) • English Teacher Needed, UK ~ Synarbor Education (April 6) • Teaching Positions, Guadalajara ~ Canadian School Guadalajara (April 6) • China Paid Internship, Ningbo China ~ Ningbo Wencheng International Student Internship (April 30) • Science Teacher, UK ~ Synarbor Education (April 12) • China Internship Program, Beijing ~ CRCC Asia (April 23) For details of the postings and information on the application processes, go to

Jokes A son texted his father at work:




“windows frozen” Father replied: “pour some hot water on them” Son texted back: “now the computer is completely fucked...”

Try to find this pronghorn in this week’s issue of the Meliorist. E-mail the page number and a brief description of where you found it to You will be entered to win our monthly pronghorn draw. You can enter as many times in the month as we publish.

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