3 minute read
MSG conducts spring survey
By Eva Mihelich News editor
Mercyhurst Student Government (MSG) conducts a survey in the fall and spring semesters that students are highly encouraged to fill out in order to provide MSG with better student insight on certain issues.
This spring, MSG decided to focus on wellness for the survey.
They are hoping to get students’ opinions on how Mercyhurst could be better helping students and their holistic wellness.
The survey can be found on Laker Launchpad, and it will be open until Friday, March 24.
There will be plenty of reminders to complete this survey. MSG members have been stationed in Ryan Hall and Grotto Commons, and they will continue to be there until the survey is complete.
They will have a QR code that you can scan to fill out the survey, or you could simply go to Laker Launchpad to access the survey.
It does not take a long time to fill out, so consider taking a couple of minutes that could greatly help MSG in better un - derstanding students’ needs.
Lily Smith, MSG President said that this survey focuses on the seven aspects of wellness, and how students feel they are doing in those sections.
“It also asks students to consider what their strengths and need of improvement are for the seven dimensions of wellness: Spiritual, Emotional, Social, Occupational, Environmental, Physical and Intellectual,” said Smith.
Student frustrations often stem from the idea that their ideas are not being incorporated into campus culture, so this is a great way for this frustration to be alleviated, especially in terms of wellness, and what Mercyhurst could improve upon.
“The goal is for students to become aware of their overall health and for us to use these results to advocate for improving these areas on campus.
“For the mission part, Campus Ministry has been rethinking ways to become more inclusive and adaptive to the current religious and spiritual trends among students,” said Smith.
The survey has simple questions, but they should take a moment or two of reflection to answer accurately.
As a society, we are constantly moving through our lives at a rapid pace, so stopping to consider how one is doing could take a bit of thought.
The structure of the survey is a variety of rating questions, where you are asked to rate things on a scale.
“Some of the survey questions will be used to gather data on how many students at - tend Campus Ministry events, what they would like to see, and if they would like to see the name changed to something different. Again, we want to see how we can tweak things around campus to best serve our students and to keep up with the changing social climate,” said Smith.
Consider using your voice in this opportunity offered through MSG.
Although students run MSG, they cannot read the minds of everyone on campus.
Mercyhurst is continually trying to better the wellness of students through new initiatives, and they act according to results found through things such as these surveys.
Applications open for MSG
If you want to get more involved on campus, especially with leadership, consider applying for the MSG Senate.
They are seeking applications for Class of 2024, 2025, 2026 Senators, College Senators for Academic Colleges, and Club Senators for all club constituencies.
This is a great way to represent different groups of people on campus and to meet new people!
If you are interested, email msgvp@ mercyhurst.edu with questions.
Applications are due on Wednesday, March 29.
Work at the MU Bookstore
The Bookstore is looking for new employees next year with many of its employees graduating this spring.
Consider working for the Bookstore and joining a community of hardworking, fun people. Student employees receive a discount on apparel and the opportunity to help select the apparel that will be ordered for the store.
There are many benefits to having an oncampus job plus it is very convenient, so apply on Handshake!
AIM summer employment
If you are looking for summer employment, look no further. The AIM program is looking for student workers to work with autistic high school students as they experience college life at Mercyhurst.
This runs from July to August, and you will be provided rooming and meals during this time.
You will be paid $10/ hour, and it is a fantastic resume builder.
Consider applying for this great opportunity!
Contact amulder@ mercyhurst.edu for more information.
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Email us at merciad@ mercyhurst.edu