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Celebrate Songs of the Century
As a continuation of the 2023 Literary Festival, there will be live music on Thursday, April 20, at 7 p.m. in Luke’s Landing! Performances will be done by Mercyhurst students, professors, and more.
This is not an open mic—performers were invited to this event.
There will be a wide range of songs performed, from Britney Spears to Tom Petty.
Jim Tometsko and his band will be performing. Everyone is welcome.
Bookstore is Hiring
The Mercyhurst Bookstore is looking for new employees next academic year with many of its employees graduating this spring. Consider working for the Bookstore and joining a community of hardworking, fun people. Student employees receive a discount on apparel and the opportunity to help select the apparel that will be ordered for the store.
There are many benefits to having an oncampus job plus it is very convenient, so apply on Handshake!
Raw Edges XXV
The Mercyhurst Dance Program will be putting on a performance of Raw Edges the weekend of April 28-April 30.
This is a unique performance each time because seniors choreograph the show. This gives students the chance to put their skills to the test and to see it play out on stage.
It is described as a ‘cutting edge’ performance where dancers skillfully move to the music.
This is a yearly performance with different choreograph each time.
Consider supporting the dance program by attending a performance!
Have a tip for Merciad in a Minute? Want to tell others about your club’s events?
Email us at merciad@ mercyhurst.edu