1 minute read
from The Mercury 08 23 21
by The Mercury
3 Wins And 2 Losses To Take Away From The Competitive Gaming World
BEN NGUYEN Managing Editor
With the tentative return of in-person events, the esports scene has been eager to get back into offline tournaments and big LAN competitions. As we settle back into a pseudo-norm of “classroom de-densification” and other restrictions, here are three wins and two losses from esports for a best of five.
Smash Team continues smashing
A long time ago in an interview during the fully online Smash era, Marce told me that Pichu was a bottom 10 character online and a top 10 character offline. He then proceeded to win the online national championships anyway with the rest of the UTD Smash team, which goes to show how good they all are. UTD has been a weekly presence in the top eight banners of nearly every local DFW tournament, with the recent tournament wins including Marce’s 3-0 win over Cheeks at Super Smash Odyssey and Kazma’s 3-1 win over Skitz at Weeb Con. With the return of head coach Greg “gurg7” Adler to the fold, there’s never been a better time to go to Freaks Richardson on Thursdays to see the action unfold. UTD not attending HUE Fest
It was recently announced that the Overwatch League (OWL) Playoffs would be held in person at the Esports Stadium in Arlington, which implies a new flood of people wanting to shake off quarantine jitters by cheering live for their favorite teams. Unfortunately, this alongside the new rise of