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Passport help available at UTD International center opens office for travel services

UTD’s International Center will now offer a Passport Services office to ease the application process for students, faculty and the broader Richardson community.

As the country returns to prepandemic travel levels, UTD’s International Center—representing students from more than 100 countries—is looking to capitalize on the positive trend and satisfy its mission of bringing the “world to UT Dallas and UT Dallas to the world.” reach out to potential members to encourage them to run. This year, senators’ outreach began long before the election cycle. SG tabled numerous initiatives at various Weeks of Welcome events. They laid their foundation by handing out flyers to build awareness and encourage


Managing Editor Fatimah Azeem managingeditor @utdmercury.com (972) 883-2287

Graphics Editor Jamie Lin graphics@utdmercury.com

Photo Editor Viet Khue Vu photo@utdmercury.com

Opinion Editor Jack Sierputowski opinioneditor@ utdmercury.com

Distribution Manager Andre Averion distro@utdmercury.com

Social Media Manager Ruby Bui media@utdmercury.com


19 • A student reported an assault at 10:48 p.m. at Phase 3.

September 21 • Officer made an arrest for possession of marijuana less than 2 oz. at 1:22 a.m.

September 24 • A student reported a missing bicycle at 1:10 p.m at building 29.

Corrections/ Clarifications

Bring factual errors or innacuracies to the attention of The Mercury’s staff by emailing editor@ utdmercury.com or calling (972) 883-2287 and a correction will be published in this space in a future issue.

Ivan Schitco’s last name was mispelled Shitco in a photo caption in the Sept. 19 issue.

We apologize for these errors.

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