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Referendum Rundown
from The Mercury 09 05 22
by The Mercury
Union Fee
Current: $60/sem
Proposed: $100/sem
• New SU facility
• Esports Lounge
Current: $45/sem
Proposed: $7/ credit hour
Athletics Fee Supports:
• New Track & Field Complex
• Larger Athletics Offices
Editorial Vote 'yes' for the fee referendum
Vote ‘Yes’ to the upcoming student fee referendum vote on October 4.
If you’ve ever been inside the Student Union at peak hours, you understand just how crowded the current building is. Peak lunchtime lines go up to an hour waiting for a Chick-fil-A sandwich, and once you get the food it’s hard to find anywhere to sit. The Galaxy rooms are constantly booked and busy, snapped up by every club that can get their hands on the best meeting room. Anyone who’s been at UTD for any significant amount of time knows that it’s high time that more space was made for students to eat, interact and be merry.
New student facilities benefit everyone, and increasing student fees to being on par or lesser than most other institutions in the state is a reasonable cost for making them. So when the email comes in October 4, we urge students to vote yes, for the sake of both the current population and all students to come.
As VP of Student Affairs Gene Fitch said in the article above, “There’s never a good time to come to students and ask them to support a fee increase.” But the proposed increase for both the Student Union Fee and the Athletics fee is long overdue. It’s been over 20 years since the SU fee was increased, and the athletics fee hasn’t been increased since it was instituted.
UTD has grown significantly. And while some students don’t participate in student life, there is a large amount that do. Over 400 clubs and organizations now exist that are officially registered with the Student Organization Center, and every single one is vying for meeting locations inside and out at all times of the week. The newly proposed SU building offers more meeting rooms, dedicated spaces for SG and the Graduate Student Assembly to meet, dance studios for club reservation and much more.
And even if you don’t participate in any student clubs at all, the new building will have plenty to offer you. With its new study spaces, more food options, more places to hang out with friends in between and after classes, the proposed building provides something that has been sorely lacking in recent years: space.
Editor Fiyin Olajide copyeditor@utdmercury.com
Graphics Editor Jamie Lin graphics@utdmercury.com
Photo Editor Viet Khue Vu photo@utdmercury.com
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