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10.00 Gogglebox The armchair critics share their opinions on what they have been watching during the week, with cameras capturing their instant reactions.
11.00 Gogglebox The armchair critics share their opinions on shows including Britain’s Got Talent, Bridgerton, Romeo and Duet, The 1% Club, Inside the Force: 24/7 and Piers Morgan Uncensored.
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Coronation Street: Everyone is stunned as it turns out Karen was spying on Daisy & Ryan for Justin’s benefit. It’s the day of the trial and Daisy is on edge as Ryan refuses to attend, but Carla has words of wisdom for her. How will they react when the defence suggests it’s all a plot between Ryan & Daisy? Roy plucks up the courage to tell Nina about his operation, and hands out letters to be opened in the event he doesn’t make it. Evelyn offers her support as Roy is wheeled away for his operation. Paul finds out if he’s as suitable candidate for treatment, with Billy in support. Billy turns up in the church minibus as Paul packs last-minute bits for their holiday.
Emmerdale: mack is still devastated after Charity ended their marriage - but how will react when Chloe moves in for a kiss? Despite Amy’s warnings, Chloe is ready to battle for him - but in the meanwhile, he senses a chink in Charity’s armour as she agrees he can take part in Moses’s birthday celebrations. Dan has money troubles & is worried about his finances. Amelia takes the chance to earn some cash as she tries to boost the Hide’s online presence. Nicky is under pressure from Caleb to go through with the wedding, despite him being in love with Ally.
Eastenders: Phil, Kathy & Callum say their goodbyes to Lola, as Jay & Lexi prepare for the end. As news of her impending death reaches the Square, Linda arranges a lock-in at the Vic with some of Lola’s closest friends. George rocks into the Square with a bang, astounding Linda with the news he’s Elaine’s feller! His daughters Anna & Gina are in tow - but get off on the wrong foot when they try to get everyone in a party mood - not realising the Square is reeling from news of Lola’s death.