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Society Talks: 2020
Venue: The South Downs Memorial Hall, North Street, Midhurst, GU29 9DH Date and Time: Usually the 3rd Thursday in the month at 7pm - see www.midhurstsociety.org.uk/events/
Then in February, Since our last issue your Society’s Talks Programme has hosted Nick Farrier of Jackson-Stopps with his experience in ‘out of the ordinary’ property sales in around the town. as part of our 2020 environment theme, their presentation included involving and at times shocking aspects of the work they routinely undertake to maintain a clean water supply and safe beaches.
continuing our environmental theme, community energy provider Energy4All whose CEO Mike Smythe is an early pioneer of Green Energy. He showed us how communities can harness local renewable sources of energy and most of all solar power.

March As the Covid-19 cloud overshadows the fabric of civilisation, we hoped to turn to a light-hearted and inspiring presentation from Ian Gledhill and Operettas. Sadly, it was not to be, and we cancelled

In January 2020 we invited Southern Water at short notice. Stop Press: We had arranged an exciting programme of talks and events for 2020, but as we go to print, we are unsure of the immediate future. We will have to cancel everything for the next few months, including our AGM. Our Constitution obligates us to hold an AGM in the Spring of each year, so we will need to take advice on that.
Although public gatherings have been hit we will, of course, continue to push forward in our various other activities as we strive to make Midhurst a better place to live, work and enjoy.
The majority of these articles were written before the full social impact of Covid-19 was felt. References to future events should now be treated with caution and checked with the organisers.