Entrepreneur Mindset feat. Lydell Birch

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Winter 2020




Entrepreneur - Investor - Visionary Leader


for Frenzr LINA VASQUEZ The Busy Linguist


W I N T E R 2




Editors in chief


CDN Johana Morena

Tropikal Garden @solphotogrphy Deborah Lynn Pope @seenbygaele @keenandposh

Contributing writers Roger Lapatte Winnie MC Loana Robert Leonard Pickock Leah Parton

Marketing/Design Agence nüvo













feat. Vertical Blonde

feat. Kyra Mastro feat. Anna Kostritskaya

feat. Lydell Birch

feat. Lina Vasquez

2020 mobile strategy

feat. Taïna DiNapoli

The Art of Building a Brand

feat. Mariella Katz feat. Sabrina Ariel



DESTINATION PLANÈTE INCONNUE w w w . a s t r o n a u t m i n d s e t . c o m






VERTICAL BLONDE Sarah, as a speaker and elevation coach, what keeps you motivated? Whom do you draw inspiration from? Honestly it’s the quest for my own personal growth and exploration that truly keeps me motivated. I’m fascinated by the human experience and why people do what they do. It’s only been in recent years since I was injured that I’ve become curious about it, and now I find inspiration and motivation literally in every single interaction! I am always looking for ways to apply what I learn from watching and interacting with others to my own journey. From the seemingly random conversation at the grocery store check out, to the intense personal development workshops and seminars that I attend such as Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within and Date With Destiny, I find myself just following my curiosity with open eyes, and the more I can release expectations, the more I grow. As you take it all in, it’s important that you’re always questioning all of the information. There’s a lot out there, and it’s coming at you from all angles and from all different mindsets. I’ve gotten really intentional with what I’m feeding my mind via podcasts and courses, what I watch and read, and who I surround myself with. Having a vision of the kind of life you want is crucial so you’re directing all of your energy effectively and intentionally. What was your inspiration behind starting your own company? It’s interesting because mine happened really organically. It happened because I stopped trying to do or be something that I wasn’t and instead just began finding things that brought me total and utter joy. I began a blog a few years ago with the intent to keep people posted on my physical healing journey after moving to Maui. I knew that words have extreme power in driving our focus, and my desire was to












“It’s incredible watching these women blossom! It’s also beautiful to see what happened once I stopped trying to fit into any specific box and instead followed my heart and my health.” verticalblonde.com ENTREPRENEUR MINDSET WINTER 2020


INSPIRATION stand up and walk again after sustaining the spinal cord injury in 2012. I named my blog verticalblonde.com which I thought sounded pretty catchy, but it also embodied this Vertical woman that I wanted to become. After a while I got exhausted with the methods of physical therapy, and got to a place where I just wanted to feel confident. Having a spinal cord injury at the level of T4 means that I was an able to use or feel any of my body below my rib cage, including my muscles. I developed what they call the “wheelchair tummy” and decided to hire a personal trainer to see if they could whip me into shape. Definitely not by chance I was paired up with Jake Havron who was also a thriving entrepreneur, and while we were training we would have these incredible conversations about marketing, business insights, strategy, motivation, social media and just simply keeping each other accountable on this journey. After six weeks I saw drastic changes in my body and my mind, and at 12 weeks I was almost unrecognizable. I posted one photo on my social media of my before and after and I woke the next morning to almost 200 messages from women in wheelchairs asking how I did it. There was a need and I had the knowledge and a new business partner. Jake and I got to work in creating an online fitness program, which we call the Disability Icon Transformation. It’s all done virtually and so soon we had women from all over the United States and even Canada participating and having beautiful results. It has grown and been tweaked along the way so now we encompass not only the physical strategy to get in shape, but also the mental and emotional one so that the change is lasting. It’s incredible watching these women blossom! It’s also beautiful to see what happened once I stopped trying to fit into any specific box and instead followed my heart and my health. We can’t teach or offer a service until we have gone through it ourselves from A-to-Z. I realize that what I thought was my greatest struggle ended up being my life’s purpose. Once the program was established, the women said the only thing missing was being able to hug and interact with their fellow Icons in person so last year I hosted the first annual retreat. It was absolutely incredible and even the things that went wrong were so right! I learned so much and have already begun working on the next one. I also am a professional motivational speaker, on the advisory board for female sexuality with Spinal Cord Injury, writer and life coach.

“My experience of my new disability is not unique (...) Having a place where we can speak to others who totally get what you are feeling is absolutely priceless.” In your opinion, why do people with a disability have a decline in activity, losing their motivation? I believe people at the disability find a lack of activity and motivation and because their self-worth has been drastically compromised and frankly the stereotypes start to get in their heads. They are driven by anger, bitterness and resentment for a variety of reasons from asking “what did I do to deserve this?”, to the world isn’t set up for those with disability, and so they are bitter towards everything that is challenging. I believe the only way to shift these stereotypes towards people with disabilities is for those with disabilities to see themselves differently. We only attract others to see us the way we are putting ourselves out to the world. When I was injured my mind began swarming with all the visions of people with disability who I’d interacted with up until that point - and they were primarily older, they were frail, they were weak, and the others were overweight and depressed. They never dressed with any style. They never had a smile on their face. They smelled funny. They were unemployed. I became terrified that is what I was destined to be. So when I would get dressed up for the day and put on my regular clothes, high heels and makeup, it would feel wrong like I wasn’t supposed to be attractive or stylish because I had a disability. It was such a foreign concept to


me because I’d never seen anything differently. There’s a lack in the market because the emotional piece is missing for the community. There are tons of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and aids, but that is typically temporary and then people are sent home to their old lives where the only thing that’s changed is them. They no longer fit into that life and their emotions aren’t a factor in the rehab process. I was in my rehab for 3 months and had two sessions with a psychiatrist. No one prepared me for how hard it would be emotionally, and then when I got home I was immediately everyone’s biggest inspiration. I was just trying to get through the day without falling apart and I was expected to be inspirational? So I buried my feelings down deep and did my best to keep a smile on my face while I was hating everything about my new life. My story and experience of my new disability is not unique and the other women in my program are at various stages of the same story. Having a place where we can speak to others who totally get what you are feeling is absolutely priceless. You match that with feeling better about the way you look and feel, and you’ve got a winning combination for uplifting an entire community who has felt totally misunderstood and unseen.



“Pour yourself into it, learn everything there is about it, embrace it, share it with others and then open your eyes because that is truly your path, your purpose, and your calling to share with the world.” How long have you been in the fitness industry as a coach? I’ve only been in the fitness Industry for a little over a year now. However I’ve been in the wellness industry most of my adult life, beginning as a massage therapist at 21, and then working my way up to being a Spa Director at a high end resort, as well as a television host and advertising sales. It’s incredible how all of my previous work is coming into play. I’ve really come to understand how alternative ways of healing such as massage coupled with how we take care of ourselves through things like skincare, meditation, nutrition and exercise can truly alter our whole lives. Simple shifts and self-care can drive our focus towards truly becoming our best selves so that we can show up differently for others. Who are your typical clients? Do you only work with disabled people? My primary clients are women who use wheelchairs, specifically spinal cord injury or some other type of paralysis, ages 19 to 35. However I am currently in development for a program that will take anyone through the course of overcoming and embracing any type of “disability” - be it whatever is disabling them. I have been receiving messages from both men and women saying that I am excluding them and they need my message just as much as those in wheelchairs. I have come to realize that everyone has something in their life that is disabling them - past traumas, feelings of not being good enough, depression, etc. This new program will be out the beginning of 2020. And I couldn’t be more excited. People within the disability community simply want a place in society and to be accepted by others just the way they are.

I believe having a program where our disabilities are what connect us will be a total game changer. We will find we can learn from each other and I think we might be surprised to see those with physical disabilities have much more to teach and offer than they are even aware of. They are truly strong individuals! In your niche, what’s the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur? I think regardless of niche the biggest struggle is just believing that I have something valuable to say that people will want to hear. I can often get in my head thinking that someone else can do it better and who am I to share any kind of message when I am still struggling just like anybody else? I think the more work we do on ourselves, the more work we realize we still need to do, and that work is never complete. I’m doing my very best to embrace the fact that there’s no time like the present and that things will continue to evolve and unfold just the way that they are supposed to. I used to think that I had the power to control things and strive for perfection, when in actuality, the only true perfection is how life is perfectly unfolding for us. Entrepreneurs by nature are high achievers and perfectionists, and I am definitely one of them. It’s so important that I have patience with myself and outsource the jobs that don’t excite me so I have enough energy for the ones that do. What is the most important lesson you have learned in business? The most important thing I learned in business is that as a new entrepreneur you feel forced to wear all the hats because your resources are small, primarily financially in order to outsource some of those hats. However I’ve learned that

finances are only one resource that we can tap into. The bigger driver for people is to be part of something greater than themselves. And the more I talk about my program and my vision, the more it draws in the right people who want to get involved. A well rounded business is one where everyone can bring their strengths and drive in those areas rather than being weakened by trying to be something that they aren’t. Collaboration is key. The more you talk about your goals, the more you will find people who’s goals are also aligned and everyone can bring something to the table. There are people who are great marketers or great event planners who would give anything to bring those talents and shine in their area of expertise once they found someone or something great to market or to plan the event for. This past September I put together my first retreat for the women in my program after they’d voiced the only thing missing was the in-person interaction with the other Icons. Problem was my financial resources were extremely minimal and therefore I had to be every part of that event from travel agent to Event Planner, to marketer, to speaker, to host, to cheerleader, to handling the budget. The event was beautiful and honestly everything that even went wrong was so right, but after I got home I utterly collapsed. I was exhausted! I felt like I had ran three marathons back to back and I just hit the ground so hard. It was everything in me to get back up and keep going after that event and I learned the most valuable lesson - that my strengths will be weakened the more I’m trying to be something that I’m not. Photos by @solphotogrphy Interview by Winnie M.C





With another person in the room, you keep each other on track and inspired (...) I’ve truly loved the process of writing with Jonathan Karkar and I don’t think the world is ready for all the bangers we’re about to throw at them.”





I n t e r v i e w

b y

R o g e r

L a p a t t e

Kyra is a pop fusion artist from Toronto. After ten years of songwriting, she is proud of where her evolution has brought her. She experiments with different styles such as jazz, r&b, pop, and hip hop while still being influenced by her classical and musical theatre background. Kyra’s music is driven by her story telling and always stays melodic, rangey, and groovy. She is excited to share her experience with the world, while continuously learning from those around her. Hello Kyra, how did you get started with playing and creating music? Hiya!! Thanks for having “moi”! When I was around 12 years old, I went to sleepover camp and was bullied pretty badly by the girls in my cabin. I had my guitar with me and quickly realized my instrument would be the only one to keep me company and make me feel ok. While I was there I wrote my first song, and it was about a girl who was bullied, but stood up for herself. When I came back home I needed to share this song, so I went to the principal of my school and performed it. She thought the song was inspiring and could help other kids like me, so we created an anti-bullying committee. I performed the song to my school because I wanted other kids who had ever felt what I felt, to know they weren’t alone. I soon became an ambassador for the Toronto Argonauts football team, and went to most games where they played my song and I got to speak to the audience from the jumbo tron!! The feeling of helping other people and inspiring change through music is indescribable, and I knew then that I needed to pursue this for the rest of my life <3 From “Funny Story” to “Storm”, how would you describe your sound? It’s been a very interesting process! My background is in musical theatre and jazz, and so I always write from that perspective. When I released “Funny Story” (which was my first EVERR released song!!) I was so excited to finally get my music out there and for my voice and writing to be heard on such a popular platform, and once I felt this rushhhh of adrenaline, I wanted to connect with more and more people in different forms. I am always finding new

ways to challenge myself and I was given the opportunity to write in a pop/EDM writing session. I was hesitant at first- this style being far from my knowledge and experience, but at the end of the session we walked away with a pretty kick-ass tune which is now “Storm!” I never in a million years would have thought I could write an EDM song and it be something that now close to a million people are listening to! Let’s talk a bit about the process. Do you usually start with the lyrics or the melody? I usually start with music, usually a progression I have in my head and then run to my piano or guitar and loop it. Then I refer to THE BOOK. I have a book of interesting lyrics/words that I come across in my day to day. I find these words on subway ads, or graffiti in bathroom stalls for example. I write them down in this book that I carry with me everywhere I go. Inspiration is everywhere and you never know when you’re going to stumble across your next album title! Then, when I get the inspiration to write about a specific experience or feeling, I’ll refer to my book, and draw from words that I’ve written that perfectly describe my concept! Do you have favorite places or times where you like to write? I never choose when to write. Inspiration literally attacks me sometimes at 4am and I have to wake the hell up and get to the piano or open my voice notes and sing (in a super hoarse, raspy, gross voice) the melody out. On another note, most of the music I have written, I began writing when I was 12 years old. Since then I have re-written, and re-vamped these songs, to be performed from the experience of my 21 year


old self. These songs include “Funny Story”, “I’m Sure”, and “Mr. Tomorrow”, so in a very interesting way, most of my music has been written over the course of almost a decade! What are your plans & hopes for 2020? I will continue to write music that makes people think, and forces them to reflect on theirselves and the relationships they have their lives. I will release much more music (I don’t produce any music that ISN’T a banger so get ready). Also I don’t do anything unless I’m having a silly goose time, and I’m excited to laugh and learn and grow throughout this year :) Who is the team behind your latest single “Storm”? I wrote “Storm” with Veronica Rinomato, Drew North and Jonathan Karkar. We started the session with Veronica bringing up the fact that that night there was supposed to be a brutal storm, and then I was going off about how much I’ve always loved storms and how I always just get so excited to see the lightning and thunder and the earth just getting angry. Naturally, after talking about this for so long, we decided on writing the song about it :) Famba became involved and produced the song and we are all so thrilled with the final result and the outpour of love and attention it has been receiving!! You can now pre-save my new single “Tread Lightly” by clicking the link in my instagram bio!! (@kyramastro). The song is released on the 21st on all streaming platforms, and I hope you are just as excited as I am! Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my story, until next time, stay golden:)



Woman on red 50x50cm Oil on canvas.

w 12





























nna Kostrytskaya is a new generation artists representative whose art is actively developing in modern imaginative art space and is famous thanks to dynamic, expressive and meaningful canvas, which are full of light and deep sense. The artist’s creative approach can be characterized as painterly abstraction. Such abstract painting in particular has become the field where she expresses her ideas about the world, environment, and projects her emotions, states, thoughts and internal contemplations.


Abstraction is the depiction of those things which in the real world have no expression such as feelings, emotions, and our subconscious ideas, and seem to be impossible to depict. It is also often referred to as intuitive or emotional painting. Figurative art involves painting things that are clear and familiar, let’s say an image of a person, still life, a landscape, anything we can see and definitely know what it looks like. Impressionism, realism and all the other styles are figurative ones.

my style

Previously I used to paint in abstract style only. I simply adored it, I wanted to dive deeper into it and learn the technique. At the same time I’m always seeking development and growth in my career. I experimented with materials in various ways, for instance adding texture pastes, sand, fabric; I liked to add volume and texture to my paintings. At that point when I couldn’t go any further with volume in my work using fabric and sand I still couldn’t stop. I figured, why not com-







bine the 3 dimensional abstraction and the textures that I love so much and apply them to familiar shapes and images? It’s how the portrait of “Imperious Man” appeared... and that’s where it all started. I have this craving inside to create something new, like a constant search that keeps me awake at night and makes me move on. I don’t know exactly where it comes from - perhaps from above, yet it’s like gas that keeps me running.


When it comes to abstraction it used to be more about some gut feeling. But now I’m so much more aware of what I‘m going to paint and I know exactly what it’s going to be about, whether it’s going to be a portrait or diptych with three or more characters that are intertwined. I sketch with a pencil, choose colors for the basic layers, and then everything goes with the flow of creative intuition and inspiration within the style of an abstract portrait. The colors may change but the plot remains the same.


Colors are the most magical part in my paintings. I have never used the color wheel. I just always need to see the real vibrant color as it is. Perhaps it’s because I have a degree in art history and because I’ve traveled a lot and have been to so many museums. I’ve developed a sense of taste from all this visual experience and I can easily see which color or shade to add and where it should be clear or faded, and in what quantity. I have an inner sense of taste for color and choose everything intuitively.




imperious man

My first abstract portrait “Imperious Man”, appeared in a flow. I must have used all the colors that were on my palette, since I had not painted with oil for a very long time (for three years or so) and consequently I was short on my supplies. It was an experiment. I had missed oil paint so much that I used it all up. Of course I thought of the colors of the skin, clothes, and hair as the basis for the portrait, but other than that it was pure intuition and a limited choice of color, lol.


I am currently reading “Anti-Fragile” by Nasim Taleb and the title of this book is absolutely true about me. He writes that antifragility is neither strength nor toughness because with life challenges they just remain the same. However, antifragility gets even stronger, just like me. When I look back, I see that all the obstacles, disappointments, and pain made me higher, stronger, deeper, brighter and more confident. Therefore I have even more strength and inspiration to go further because I have no fear of running into challenges which I know will only make me stronger.


I would really like to hold an individual exhibition outside Ukraine, perhaps somewhere in Europe. My goal is for as many people as possible to find out about my art. That’s why the answer is exhibitions, interviews and active work both in our country and abroad.


My favorite quote is from “So said Zarathustra” by Friedrich Nietzsche: “I change too quickly: my today refutes my yesterday. When I ascend I often jump over steps, and no step forgives me that.”

The Imperious Man 50x40cm Oil on canvas.




Love. Sadness. Doubt. Dipdych, 140x80cm, Oil on canvas.

“Colors are the most magical part in my paintings. I have never used the color wheel. I just always need to see the real vibrant color as it is.” Follow Anna on Instagram @kostritskaya.a

Fusion 50x50cm Oil on canvas.




Innovators, entrepreneurs & visionnaires w w w . t h e m i n d s e t 3 6 0 . c o m











Lydell Birch alias Moka Blast is the current CEO of FGC Studios. With over 15 years experience in the industry, he has broad experience in the entertainment sector, having worked with multiple production companies, music labels and talent agencies in North America, Europe and Africa. He is now opening his new Barbershop franchise and wants to develop his real estate portfolio in 2020.

You’ve been working in the entertainment industry for a decade now. As FGC Studios’ owner, what’s your daily hustle like? It’s control anarchy! LOL. I usually wake up and look at my text messages on both phones before I even get out of bed. I smile as I have to answer over one hundred text messages every morning. Then I have to prioritize in order of urgency before calling my business partner DireXta. After we go over the books from the following night we break down the demands for the day and tackle it. I usually handle all finances while he handles the inner intricacies of running the daily operations. We don’t have a set schedule so we just go with the wind but we always make it work. It’s a very hectic work place environment but we have so much fun doing what we love that all we do is laugh throughout the 18 to 20-hour work day.

travel to other countries as it lends a different air from the regular scenery other artists utilize. We shoot with RED cameras but soon will be transitioning to the ARRIs.

What are the services FGC Studios offer? We offer a vibe that other studios can’t emulate. Besides being a boutique recording studio, we have established an atmosphere for indie artists to create in a way they will be uninhibited. When it comes to the technology we utilize the most high end gear to record, mix and master.

What were your biggest challenges when starting this business in particular? Dealing with haters. And unfortunately, that included people I have known for over 10 years. I had to sever so many relationships. Another challenge has been the financial aspect of building my first studio. By completion I paid ten times the initial expected cost. I am an indie artist so everything I was doing had to be put on hold to complete this project. It was very frustrating at times and felt like the longest six months ever but Direxta and I pushed through despite the grueling challenges.

I am more old school so I appreciate getting that warm sound to emulate the early sixties/ seventies from the analog outboard equipment. On the film side we shoot and edit videos as well and story board with our clients. We often


As a videographer, what tools do you consider key to shooting? The number one tool is the eye of the man behind the camera. I was lucky to run into my cinematographer, @Bullywitdabux, through his wife a decade ago. He has shot practically all my visuals and given me a look that is synonymous with the FGC flagship. One thing we had to do was invest in the right lenses and upgrade cameras as we leveled up within my music career. Now we own two RED cinema cameras, drones, and 4K cinema lenses as we try to extract every last ounce of resolution from these visual masterpieces.


Do you have any plans for the future of FGC studios? Like franchise development? Professor Xavier is that you? We have already started building a new location in Greenpoint, Brooklyn where multi-platinum engineer Craig Mitchell (@Craigtheengineer) is the owner & operator. We have been doing business before I even started my music career and it only made sense for me to empower the man who have bent over backwards to see me succeed to this stage in the game. My boy “Semi” is as dope as they come not only as a producer but as a human being! Salute! You decided to invest in real estate. Was the studio your first investment? Yes, it was my first and now I am opening a barbershop and actively looking into other opportunities for the future. I really want to do it all as altruism is my sole belief. I will give back to those who try and can’t get over the hump. When did you first decide that you wanted to invest in real estate, and what made you decide to do it? When I knew that the Raiders football team was acquired by the city of Las Vegas. That to me was the green light I needed as I know that once the NFL moves into a city, they invest millions so it only made sense for me to go all in.

Follow @mokablast



“Make sure you hire people to aid in your odyssey, never do it all by yourself. You will burn out really fast when you are alone...” You are about to launch 2Hansum Barbershop. How did you get into this industry? I was raised in a barbershop. My mentor @randomnach007 literally showed me how to cut hair as a teenager. While at the shop I would always say that if I ever had my own shop I will do it differently. To me the barbershop is where African American males get to open up and open up about the ups and downs in their personal life. It’s more like a therapy session for men and I learned so much by soaking up what the older generation would divulge. This time around I will be the one giving these teenagers direction on what NOT to do as societal beliefs have changed.

What is the “WOW FACTOR” you want for 2Hansum? Televisions in the ground with a shower and a stage to perform. I am also developing an app as it will be a 24-hour barber shop on the weekends and on call any time of day during the week. Did I mention the four televisions in the wall with Xbox One X’s and a sneaker store in the back. I probably did. LOL. As a serial entrepreneur, what advice do you have for small business owners? Make sure you hire people to aid in your odyssey, never do it all by yourself. You will burn out really fast when you are alone and it takes so much time to recuperate and re-light that fire. You must make yourself the priority, as this game is unforgiving.


What’s your strategy on professional relationship building? Always offer - never ask. I like letting different individuals know that I am here for them no matter what and always take the initiative to make the first move. This way they have that confidence in my abilities as a leader. At FGC we aim to please and want anyone who works with us on a professional level to feel at home. I have done so many solids for different individuals that when I do need a favor it’s always met with eagerness and excitement as I never really need any one’s assistance. Also, always follow up as that shows that you really want that client or business relation to see that you genuinely care. It’s the way of the business world.




“I also just published my second book a few days ago, called ‘Life in Real German’ which is dedicated to helping German learners rapidly improve their speaking ability without the necessity of teacher or classroom!”




W W W . T H E B U S Y L I N G U I S T . C O M Hi Lina, can you give us a brief background on yourself? Thank you, it’s an absolute pleasure! To take it back to the basics, I’m Lina Vasquez, a Latvian-Australian entrepreneur, currently living in the UK, though I spent the last three years setting up the foundation of my career in Ger many. My greatest passions which underline everything I pursue, are questioning the why’s of life, breaking stereotypes and beliefs people hold to be inherently true. I love foreign languages, psychology, fitness and personal development and work as a language and communication coach, run two YouTube channels and am pursuing a degree in counselling and psychotherapy on top of that as well at the moment. How many languages do you speak fluently? This is the question of all questions, haha! It’s always intriguing because I tend to counter the question with, can you actually, simply define fluency? Every single person will have an alternative opinion on the definition; even linguists themselves! Though to make things simple, I speak eight languages in total, however, I would say, six at a very fluent level due to the fact that I don’t practice the latter two as much as I would like to. What inspires you to keep learning languages? What continues to inspire my love for learning languages is also what initially sparked my passion for them – people. There is truly something special about language which allows you to step into a different frame of mind, consider different forms of perception and to connect to someone on a whole deeper level. I also am immensely curious by nature and love to learn about everything that the world entails!

How do you manage to maintain your language skills while also taking the time to teach languages and inspire people? If you’re imagining a strict and disciplined learning schedule for maintaining eight languages, then I’m going to have to disappoint you on that one, haha! The way I maintain my language skills is by continuously making a conscious effort to do so. The choices I have made in my life, whether it be in terms of the books I read, places I live or career I pursue – languages and cross-cultural experiences have always been at the forefront of my mind. I am a firm believer of the fact that consistency paired with simplicity gets you the furthest. I primarily maintain my languages through conversations with my friends and other polyglots with whom I am regularly in contact with, creating YouTube videos in different languages and alternating my reading material between different languages!

“I feel so blessed to be able to share my life experiences with so many people around the world...” Your YouTube channel has over 18,000 subscribers, with over 1 million video views. When you started out did you ever imagine your audience would become so large? I feel so blessed and honoured to be able to share my life experiences with so many people around the world and connect to human beings in a way that was never before possible! I was inspired to start sharing my love for languages after seeing a few other multilingual videos on YouTube and thought “you know what, I could help a lot of people with the knowledge


I have!” In all honesty, I never had a concrete plan with it at all! I used to be such a perfectionist in creating videos and the first one is so cringe-worthy and I spent seven hours just on the editing because I wanted every little “um” or “ah” to be cut out! Now I can conceptualise, film and edit videos of a far better standard in less time! The first video I ever created was inspired by a friend who thought it was an awesome skill to be able to speak so many languages and that other people would love it too, so that’s what I went and did! I also love to write and have had a poetry blog since 2011, so initially the Busy Linguist was a language advice blog until I discovered my love for acting and filming! How has your study of other languages affected different areas of your life? In every way imaginable; I don’t even know where to start! Every single language I speak has led to the formation of bountiful friendships and other relationships, having access to mentors and educational resources in eight languages has allowed me to personally and professionally grow in such a unique way and definitely improved my overall communication skills and efficacy in picking up and memorizing new concepts. Especially after I left Australia and moved to Germany to start my own teaching business, having the skills to negotiate and coach in various languages re-shaped my self-esteem and overall confidence and opened my mind to the fact that anything in life is possible. I have been able to work with diplomats, do campaigns for deutschland.de, work with companies like Babbel and TANDEM, speak at conferences and fall in love with a polyglot who shares the same life goals and passions as me, which I think speaks for itself.


“Let’s debunk false beliefs and myths surrounding language acquisition...” Can you talk about your book entitled “The Busy Linguist Bible”? The Busy Linguist Bible, as the name suggests, is about condensing the key elements required to learn a language as a busy individual who has a lot of other projects going on in their life, but still wishes to successfully learn a language. It reflects my own life which was never just about languages! I have always juggled many projects, pursued sports and other hobbies whilst maintaining a social life and the goal was to share the key tools and beliefs that go by the 80/20 rule - 20% of what you do gets you 80% of the results. You could call it a ‘language self-help book’. Each chapter has action questions and the book begins with my own story, debunking false beliefs and myths surrounding language acquisition, going all the way through explaining how our mind and memory works and finding a study plan that realistically matches your schedule. I also just published my second book a few days ago, called “Life in Real German”


which is dedicated to helping German learners rapidly improve their speaking ability without the necessity of teacher or classroom! It’s a combination of reading a series of natural dialogues between two friends that were simply recorded and then transcribed, paired with audio so that people learn actual, everyday German with all the filler words and colloquialisms included!

both your comprehension and speaking ability! I do think the most important thing in the beginning is to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible because without a decent amount of input, output is simply impossible. This will also allow you to get a feel for the tonality of the language which is extremely beneficial when it comes to acquiring the right accent and pronunciation.

What are your favorite tips for successfully studying a language on your own, without the structure of a traditional classroom? Relevance and passion are the two principles to live by. The top two things to consider are:

I am someone who learns by doing, so I will initially do a lot of passive learning through watching YouTube videos, listening to music and dialogues in my target language. I will then start to copy the native speakers and the most salient feature of the entire process; review! Every few days testing yourself is fundamental for memorization! Whether it be with flashcards, recording yourself or simply writing down as many phrases as you can, reviewing whatever you have learned is even more crucial than picking what you are going to use to learn!

1. What is your why? What is the goal you want to achieve with that language and define the short term and long term goals. 2. Keep it simple and stay consistent and alternate between honing in on your strengths and improving your weaknesses. If you love music, then use song lyrics and mimicking to improve


Interview by Loana Robert



“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” - Old Chinese proverb







Why do Customers prefer to use mobile applications? w









Do you know that 65% of online purchases worldwide are made via a mobile devices. Moreover, applications are preferred (in 70% of cases) to mobile websites.

How can we explain that?

More than 3 billion smartphones are in circulation today. We all use our mobiles in everyday life: shopping, email, learning, video games, blogs... But the use of the smartphone occurs mainly during the evening and the weekend. As shopping often takes place outside of work time, the mobile phone is becoming the preferred means of shopping online.

All at your fingertips!

Mobile shopping is very convenient because you can get what you need faster and easier. No need for a desk, table or chair. You can do your shopping wherever your want. A smartphone is always at hand, switched on and ready to use, which is not always the case with a computer. This explains why, for the past 2 years, mobile sales have increased by 22% while sales via computers decline.

Why a native application rather than a mobile website?

An application that you have downloaded from the stores directly accesses the native functionalities of the smartphone. It was designed specifically to work on the phone’s operating system. eCommerce applications offer much higher performance than mobile-optimized websites. Mobile Apps offer a superior buying experience for












its speed and flexibility. No more need to enter their access codes before each order. Thanks to the permanent shopping cart, all information remains in memory, as well as preferences and history. The shopping experience is completely personalized. Mobile Apps provide a large choice when your customers experience a product pre-purchase. For example, an eCommerce fashion store app enables you to showcase how a dress looks like similar to an online dressing room experience that can definitely help you convert more mobile sales.

Increase customer loyalty!

Finally, Shopping Apps users are more loyal to their app. Already the fact of downloading an app on his smartphone shows a certain degree of commitment. In general, the shopping cart abandonment rate before the end of the purchase is 70%. Push notifications can lower this figure. The goal is to remind the user of the app’s existence or to notify that a basket has been forgotten. The opening rate of a notification is much higher than an email. This explains the success of apps with users. This has to be your strategy in 2020! The mobile must be at the heart of the sales strategy of eMerchants. Buyers don’t want to “just” buy a product or a service. They are looking for an experience that is personalized, easy and convenient. Only Shopping Apps can meet this high level of demand.






“The story telling is key because we’re all tired of being sold to.”



ariella Katz is the founder of Frenzr, a boutique social media agency located in the heart of Old Montreal. Frenzr specializes in social media - think everything from content, to management, optimization, translation and community building. The agency works with lifestyle brands that are creatively open & have story to share with the world! Mariella, being a social media strategist, how did you get the idea to start your business? Thank you so much for having me! It’s a true pleasure to sit down and chat! I started Frenzr a little over 4 years ago. I have a social media background from being in it for over 11 years now, I studied advertising, PR and management - all things that combined became the social media agency that we are today. Initially I was


Follow @ellakatzz on Instagram

freelancing but quickly I understood that in order to give my clients the best, I needed to become a team - so I did. Frenzr became a social media agency about 3 months after I started freelancing & I’ve never regretted the decision since. What is the best way to describe Frenzr? We’re a boutique social media agency for lifestyle brands. We challenge the status quo of social media services & agencies by offering flexible creative solutions that are always tailored to the core of each of our clients. Our office is based in Old Montreal, a creative and historical hub of the city. We’re daily inspired by the architecture, the beautiful light & streets. Don’t be surprised if you see us shooting a super fun social campaign around!


What types of services do you offer? Strategy, content creation, copywriting for social media, community management, community growth, social ads, influencer marketing, influencer events and consulting. Why is social media marketing important for every business today? It’s the window of the soul of your business. Consumers use social media to look up everything today & not just to gain knowledge about a business but to see its culture, who’s behind it & it’s purpose! I always recommend to my clients to view their social media as a portfolio of what they do, who they are, why they do what they do BUT mainly to tell their story. The story telling is key because let’s be honest, we’re all tired of being sold to. However, I’ll never be tired of learning, being inspired or entertained.




“Our office is based in Old Montreal, a creative and historical hub of the city. We’re daily inspired by the architecture, the beautiful light & streets. Don’t be surprised if you see us shooting a super fun social campaign around!”

Is it harder or easier to launch a business in Montreal today? I think Montreal is already a startup mecca however that perception is based on my entourage, the media I consume and my network so for me it is! That brings me to your second question, I think that if you are motivated and goal driven you can launch a business anywhere in the world & of course the accessibility to so much brain power today (podcasts, books, articles, interviews) from key entrepreneurs in the world makes entrepreneurship much more accessible. Being an entrepreneur is nothing new - however the commercialization of the topic cas definitely opened a lot of doors including in Montreal which I’m really happy about! Tell us a little about your background and what you did before Frenzr? We could be here for another few hours but to keep it short, I started my social media journey on Youtube 11 years ago. I created videos with a fashion & beauty orientation for teenage girls as I was one myself. I self-taught myself everything video, editing, photography & community management related. I then became a Youtube partner which meant that they were paying me from the ads on my videos due to their relatively high volume of views. That’s when the passion sparked. I then studied interactive media & web-tv in college, got an advertising university degree and finished it off with a PR & management certification. To that point, I never knew I wanted to be in business myself, however now that I look back there were so many pointers. So like any good graduate, I got a job. In fact it was my dream job at an advertising agency. I loved it so much until I didn’t. Why? Because at heart I was a creator and our clients were too corporate to truly activate anything.

One thing led to another and I started freelancing for strategy. I consulted with some clients in regards to their social media, they would refer me to their business contacts and I would keep delivering so more people got to know about me. Then I noticed that although my strategy consulting was amazing, my clients wouldn’t fully execute - so I started offering the execution of the strategy. Keep in mind I was still working full time at this point - quickly my attention and passion shifted for what I was creating for myself. I quit my job & dedicated myself to freelancing full time. 3 months later the Frenzr name was born & that’s when I made my first hire.

“I’m very grateful for the community we’ve build (...) from clients, workshop attendees, event guests and influencers. I’m very proud of my team and the fact that we have a specialist for each service we offer.” What excites you about entrepreneurship? Every single day is different. I love meeting people. I love hearing their business story but mainly what I love and excited me is my understanding of everyone’s business. I take what they do best and I combine it with what I do best… then magic happens.

I’m very proud of my team and the fact that we have a specialist for each service we offer. Finally I think I can also say that I also love our space we’re in which was definitely a goal when I first started Frenzr. Which female entrepreneurs inspire you the most? Mimi Ikonn, Elina Ross, Marie Forleo, Michelle Obama and so many others. I can’t just name a few. No matter the industry, years in business or age, we all have something to learn from each other. What upcoming projects are you working on? 2020 is a big year for me and Frenzr. We’re slowly expanding with the arrival of some key clients. We’re launching our Socially Unfiltered podcast which focuses on unfiltered conversations with some of the world’s finest brains and of course we’re starting by Montreal! There’s a few more things that are on the books but I can’t say too much yet so I’ll invite you to join our newsletter on www.frenzr.com to be the first to know! Let’s connect! www.instagram.com/frenzr www.facebook.com/frenzr

What goals have you achieved for your business so far? I’m very grateful for the community we’ve build throughout the years from clients, workshop attendees, event guests and influencers.






Personal Stylist

I have always had a love for fashion. Ten years ago, I felt a strong desire to pursue my passion. I was 16 when I left behind my home town, family and friends to move to Montreal and chase my dreams. A couple of years later, I become Lasalle College graduate and most of my friends end up working in the head offices of various Canadian clothing brands. Although I intended to continue my studies in Fashion Business, I purposely decided not to take the traditional route. Raised in a family of entrepreneurs, I could not picture myself working for anything other than my own business. Funny enough personal styling was never what I had in mind when I envisioned my career, but as time went by, I felt within, the calling to build a business




Elevating your style...

We are ambassadors of our personal brand as individuals, professionals or business owners. Whether we realize it or not, we sell ourselves every day. I was struck by the ‘’You Only Have 7 Seconds To Make A Strong First Impression’’ article published by Business Insider which then prompted me to ask myself “What does my style say in only 7 seconds?’’. It is fascinating to see how this question alone creates different emotions and reactions from the person who reads it as most of us are not always aware of the perception others have of us. Speaking from personal and professional experience, elevating your style is beyond trends. It has a direct correlation with your self-confidence, success and over all happiness.

“The clothes are not going to change the world but the women who wears them will” - Ann Klein that would allow me to empower hard working women from all walks of life. After researching and attempting different business ventures, I found my lane. The merge between my passion for business and philanthropy birthed this new passion for personal styling. I was ready to make the jump! As soon as I committed to this new path, I was blessed with an opportunity to create a fashion conference at a convention in front of hundreds of women. I took the bull by the horns, built my business model within 3 months and officially launched it on the day of the event. This turning point propelled my personal stylist adventure. A few months later, I decided to deepen my knowledge by enrolling in the Personal Styling Program with School of Style of L.A. This program helped me develop a solid foundation for what was ahead of me.


Montréal Season

Dressing for every season definitely has its “cachet”, but a great way to step up your style with the temperature drop is definitely layering. It’s an easy solution to keep warm but also to look fashionable. There’s no such thing as too many comfy and warm outfit ideas with our Canadian weather! If I can share nuggets of information about layering like a pro, it would be to pair light fabrics with heavier fabrics to avoid looking bulky, always strive for balance (the hourglass shape) and the last one would be to play with textures and colours for a dash of style.

S T Y L E !

The Process

Personal style mastery can be a challenging journey. That’s why as a personal stylist, my job is to make that process light and fun. My goal is always to teach you how to dress with purpose by building your image through clothing and accessories that really reflect who you are and who you want to become. Our first encounter will always start with a questionnaire where I ask you a specific set of questions that allows you to do some introspection. Basically, I want to get into your brain! Reminding yourself of who you are, your ambitions and understanding what type of message you want to send out there, makes the process of finding the right style direction much more effective. Once I get the information I need, the coaching and shopping are next. The purpose of this phase is to teach you how to translate the information we’ve gathered into an actual closet full of clothes you love, that make you feel great and that are tailored for your body type. At this point, you can either be part of the process or not, both options are available to you. If you hate shopping, everything will be hand-picked and delivered to you. This turn-key service will end with a private fitting in the comfort of your own home. Finally, the bow that seals the deal, is the fashion look book. It’s literally the style road map to personal style success. In there, you will find all the information about your body type, your new style goal, tips on how to create outfits, purchase recommendations and pictures of all the outfits we’ve created together. It’s best used as a reminder of all the notions you’ve learned during the process and as a guide during the decision-making process of finding an outfit to go to work or buying new clothes.


“What does your style say in only 7 seconds?’’





Taïna, can you tell us a bit about you? I’m 29, started my business 6 years ago right out of university. I am half-French Quebecer and half Moroccan, grew up in Quebec City. Been living in Montréal for 10 years. Languages and cultures always intrigued me and this trait has helped me develop my relationships. I’ve learned Spanish to get into a trilingual program at university and then learned Italian to be able to conduct my business, since we import our coffee from Naples, Italy. Multiculturalism is a part of my upbringing as well as my everyday life. The person I share my life with is from Guatemala, my best friends from Italy, Colombia, Salvador, Lebanon. This trait helped me understand the Neapolitan coffee culture and realize its beauty. Which brought me to import coffee from there wanting to share this tradition here. How did you become an entrepreneur? I have become an entrepreneur because of two things: I’m unemployable (ask my old boss, he’ll tell you! haha!). Always had an aversion for authority, I hate my value can be “capped” by someone else or evaluated by someone else’s criteria’s (in terms of salary & determining role). I also really need to find out how far I can get on my own.

to deal and attend clients during the day. No booze involved. Aside from that, the bar taught me how to promote my service and myself, how to deal with unhappy clients that you want to keep whether it’s your doing that made them unhappy. Basically, bartending during school made me a business woman. LOL What is the concept behind your coffee business? Familiar with the term SaaS? Software as a Service. We are doing CaaS: Coffee as a Service. We sell commercial coffee management services like a cellphone cie. They sell you a monthly plan for your phone and data – We offer a monthly plan for your beautiful commercial espresso machine and coffee.

“Execution makes the entrepreneur. Not the idea.”



What is your business background? How would you say your past experience has prepared you for your current life? I’ve studied international business and marketing at HEC Montréal. This gave me the illusion that I was perfectly prepared for importing goods and selling them! Jokes aside school gave me the confidence and basis to start this business, which I did start right after finishing my BAA. Like 3 months after finishing. Also I’ve been bartending throughout my studies. Never underestimate the business sense of bartenders. Have you ever tended to the needs of 150 drunk clients at the same time that you basically can’t hear? This makes it a piece of cake

We use an eco-pod system imported from Naples, working with a roaster established since 1922. Family owned & artisanal. The machines come from France, and our manufacturer is one of the oldest espresso machine makers in the world, family owned since 1919. Combining these two attributes with great local service and maintenance, we got DiNapoli cafe. For offices and restaurant chains. The most famous brand of capsule has a slogan, it goes like this :‘’ What else ? ‘’And the Answer Is Straight Up : DiNapoli.

“When your competition is Nespresso, Keurig and Vanhoutte, how do you make your place?” We read that in your Instagram bio ;) So what is the answer? What is your marketing strategy? Be wildly different. We do not pretend to be like the big guys but rather completely different. We focus on our niche strictly and put all our efforts on our existing clients. You have to try to pick up the slack of these massive companies and offer a new way of doing things while conserving the core and essence of the product. Amazing specialty coffee and fast reliable service.



What is your vision about entrepreneurship in Montreal? Are there enough opportunities in your niche? I love being an entrepreneur in Montreal. I find this city full of resources to help and fund us as well as a very positive public opinion towards entrepreneurs. Is the market big enough to feed my need for growth? No. But starting in MTl will absolutely have played a major role in our success. What has been your biggest accomplishment since you decided to follow the path to entrepreneurship? To have built a service that is actually making my clients happy. To have built a company that could one day be much bigger than myself ( as I see it). Basically I made something that brings value and that I see no limit to it’s potential What do you think are the most common mistakes novice entrepreneurs make? 1- Do not talk about their project out of fear of being copied. Execution makes the entrepreneur. Not the idea. 2- Do not have many mentors. I think we should all have at least 3. One that had a business in your domain that either sold or failed. One that is your perfect target client but yet cannot in any way possible serve with your product and services now. (You get all the real info about how to get that type of client.) A mentor that can open doors for you. Circles you can’t access. A mentor that introduces you to people you couldn’t have access to.

“We use an eco-pod system imported from Naples, working with a roaster established since 1922.” 3- Underestimate the value of management studies. It’s a shortcut that allows you to skip on the basic mistake that can be costly or fatal. Where do you see going 10 years from now? Growing this thing and helping other entrepreneurs start and grow their business whether from the success of DiNapoli or it fall. Because we never know how it can go, and in the end there’s probably more to learn in failure than success.


The Art of Building a brand “A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another. “— Seth Godin That’s a fact. Designs like logos, Powerpoint presentations, websites and everything that’s put out in public are very important. However, these are just a small part of your brand. What is a brand? A brand is more than your designs, what you do or what you wear. It is what distinguishes your company, your services or your products from the competition. There are thousands of companies offering the same thing as you. They all use branding to make it clear for potential clients to pick them over others. “A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” What you say and do today was shaped by your past. That includes your personality, your experience, how you were brought up, who you’ve been hanging out with, and anything that influenced you from the time you were born till now. That’s part of your brand. Developing a brand is about building a trusting relationships with your potential clients. They share similar values and beliefs as you that encourage them to work with you and buy your services. Always remember your customers are busy and value their time. Your priority is to make their lives better by being thoughtful and anticipating their needs. Everyday, they receive tons of offers like logo designs and artworks of all kinds, just as any designer can give. To make the difference, you need to give them what they asked for, following the proactive steps to find out what they actually want without them even asking in the first


place. This makes them feel they are being cared for. What they want is more than just a “cool”design. They want to save time! Customers find it tiring to keep checking your works and to waste their time to show us the mistakes we’ve made. They want an efficient staff to help them with that. That’s how you build a solid reputation. This experience is part of your brand. Branding is a complex practice of art and marketing. It takes time for a business to define their brand. It’s a never-ending journey. You can copy someone else’s offerings, features, systems, and processes. But there’s no way you can copy the brands of other businesses because everybody goes through different circumstances. And it’s what customers say about you that reflects back as your brand. You should never look the same as your competitors in the eyes of the customers. You’d want to leave a memorable impression on people and be the chosen one. That drives your business. Everyone has a brand, and it’s up to us to figure out what that is. The real challenge is to communicate this to your target audience so that they see what you want them to see. Your brand is fundamentally how people look at you or perceive you, whether that’s good or bad and whether you like it or not. Article written by Leonard Pickock


“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” — Jeff Bezos





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