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For easy meals, try planting ‘menu gardens’
By DEAN FOSDICK Associated Press If you’re looking for fresh meal ideas, consider planting “menu gardens.” Grow a few of your favorite foods together in pots or raised beds, following a theme — salad-bar fixings, for example, or pizza toppings, or juicing ingredients. Meal preparation will be simpler, cheaper and healthier. “Even if you have land to grow a large garden, one advantage of growing a few edible plants in a small space or container close to the kitchen is that it makes it easier to pull together a fresh recipe,” said Patrice Powers-Barker, an extension educator with The Ohio State University. “The entire family meal doesn’t have to be created from scratch,” she said. “Make some of your easiest go-to recipes and then dress them up with fresh herbs on top, or add fresh seasonal vegetables to your traditional side salad.” Be creative. Add, subtract or substitute the edibles you grow in much the same way you modify food recipes. Some specialty gardens that can spice up family meal planning: SALAD BAR GARDEN: Combine leaf lettuce, sprouts, kale, arugula, romaine, baby carrots, cucumbers, spinach and parsley in a single garden plot. Or go Asian and plant bok choy, red mustard, coriander, radish and Thai basil. PESTO GARDEN:
“Even though basil is probably the most popular leaf to add to pesto, it can be made with all different kinds of plants: parsley, mustard greens, tomatoes,” PowersBarker said. Don’t forget the garlic. PIZZA GARDEN: Group cherry tomatoes with onions, oregano, basil, bell peppers, fennel and parsley. The possibilities are endless. TACO GARDEN: Plant some tomatoes in a large pot with cilantro, jalapeno and lettuce. JUICING GARDEN: Carrots, cabbage, watercress, Swiss chard, cucumbers, sweet potato, celery, zucchini and mint. Use the mint for garnish. PICKLING GARDEN: Cucumbers, mustard, cabbage, beets and dill. STIR FRY GARDEN: Snow peas, Chinese mustard, green onions, bok choy, baby carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli. THREE SISTERS GARDEN: A traditional Native American grouping of corn, beans and squash. They complement one another nutritionally as well as when grown together on the same hill. CULINARY HERB GARDEN: Dill, thyme, fennel, tarragon, oregano, mint, parsley, sage, basil and rosemary. TEA GARDEN: Mint, passionflower, rose hips, chamomile, Echinacea, lavender and basil among a See Garden p. 2D
This 2011 photo, taken at the Biltmore Estate near Asheville, N.C., shows a Three Sisters Garden which is a traditional grouping of corn, squash and beans that thrive when planted together. The corn supports the bean vines as they grow, the beans pull nitrogen into the soil and the squash shades the soil and smothers weeds. Theme gardens built around your favorite foods can be cheap, quick to the table and flavorful. (AP photo)
Above, This July 11 photo shows Purple Coneflowers in a front yard garden in Dallas, Texas. When taking photos in your garden, of your landscaping or in the natural world, elements like shutter speed, light, composition and lens choice can all work together to help capture all the natural beauty you observe with your eye. (AP photo)
Tips for taking better photos of your garden and wildlife By MELISSA KOSSLER DUTTON Associated Press So the garden you planted or enjoy each day is flowering. Birds and animals are busy in your yard or neighborhood. And you’d love to capture all this natural beauty in photos. It’s so easy these days to pull out a phone and take pictures of anything anytime, but a little time and thought can produce better garden and wildlife photos. “There’s a big difference between that for-the-record shot that preserves a memory and getting a really nice image,” says Brenda Tharp, author of the new book “Expressive Nature Photography” (The Monacelli Press). Pause before pressing the shutter, she says, and consider: Is the light right? Can you give your photo a unique point of view by shooting from different angles and levels, moving to the side, crouching or standing on something? Try to identify what it is about the subject matter that “stopped you in your tracks,” she says. “It’s really about narrowing down your purpose in making that picture.” Some tips from Tharp and other nature photographers: THE RULE OF THIRDS Resist the temptation to center the subject, suggests Rob Simpson, an instructor in nature photography at Lord Fairfax College in Middletown, Virginia. Think of your photo as a tictac-toe board, and place the subject in one of the off-center thirds of the space. “It’s going to make the photo more pleasing to the eye,” he said. “It gives it balance.”
In this 2016 photo provided by Brenda Tharp, a bright red male cardinal sits in a tree in eastern Tuscon, Ariz. Composing to place the bird on the left in the rule of thirds zone gives room for the bird to look into the frame and creates more impact. (AP photo) TEXTURE IS TERRIFIC One of the most exciting things about photographing flowers and leaves is capturing something that passersby won’t see — their textures up-close, says Patty Hankins, a floral photographer in Bethesda, Maryland, who sells her work and offers photography tips at . A camera’s “macro” setting lets you take an extreme close-up and keep it in focus. “It shows you all these incredible things that people who aren’t stopping to look won’t see,” she says. “It’s about filling the frame with small details.” STAYING STILL When using the macro setting, keep the camera as still as possible, Hankins says. “If you’re taking a picture of
the Grand Canyon and your hand shakes a little, people aren’t likely to notice,” she said. “But if you’re taking a photo of the center of a sunflower, they’re much more likely to see it.” A tripod can help. Look for one that is lightweight and can get low to ground, she says. If you don’t own a tripod, find somewhere solid to place the camera or set it on a bean bag or bag of rice on the ground, and use the timer to take the photo. Many cameras also have settings designed to reduce vibrations. PRACTICE PERIMETER PATROL Before you shoot, scan the edges of your picture for buildings, outdoor furniture or other things that could distract from your subject. LIGHT MATTERS Often, outdoor photos
come out better on cloudy days or when the sun is not directly overhead, Simpson says. The soft light that comes through on an overcast day will not cast harsh shadows, and may result in a more even exposure and better details. “People love sunlight, but it’s not the right light for every subject,” Tharp says. “For intimate views of nature, opt for soft or diffused light.” For landscape photos, however, sunlight can add drama. Consider shooting in the warm light found in early morning or late afternoon when the angle of the sun is low. THINK 3-D Having items in a picture’s foreground and background helps put the viewer See Photos p. 2D
2D The Mining Journal
Thursday, July 13, 2017
House to Home Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.
15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.
High rate
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Ph otos
Garde n
This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, Northern Michigan Bank, mBank and Marquette Community Federal Credit Union.
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in the photo and creates a sense of depth, Tharp says. When taking a photo of a meadow or landscape, include objects closer to the camera as well. Another way to create dimension is to angle the camera downward a bit, emphasizing the foreground and creating that near-far relationship. ANIMAL ACTION The best animal photos reveal the subject’s behavior or personality, Tharp says. Take time to observe the animals and wait for the best shot. But be ready to capture the action when it happens. Simpson recommends a fast shutter speed to avoid missing the shot. Keep the animal’s eye in focus. SHUTTER SELECTIONS AND APERTURES Becoming a better photographer will mean understanding shutter speeds and apertures, Tharp said.
In this July 11 photo, the texture of this small cactus growing in a garden in Dallas, Texas, can be seen at close range. When taking photos in your garden, of your landscaping or in the natural world, elements like shutter speed, light, composition and lens choice can all work together to help capture all the natural beauty you observe with your eye. (AP photo) The right shutter speed can mean the difference between freezing the motion of a moving animal or ending up with a blur. When photographing something in motion — an animal, bird or waterfall — give precedence to shutter speed over aperture, which is the amount of light being allowed into the lens.
If controlling the sharpness of the background is the goal, prioritize aperture, because it defines the depth of what will be in focus, she said. “Experimenting with different apertures and shutter speeds on your subject will quickly show the various effects,” Tharp said.
from 1D
great many others. HALLOWEEN GARDEN: Pumpkins, squash and corn. Want more? “How about a Just Jammin’ garden with strawberries and raspberries?” said Dixie Sandborn, an extension specialist with Michigan State University. That would be a more permanent garden. Or , she suggested, “maybe a kaleidoscope garden using vegetables with unusual colors? Carrots, eggplant of several colors, tomatoes — red, yellow and orange striped. “‘One potato, two potato’ or some other catchy name for a potato garden featuring several varieties of potatoes grown above ground in wire or barrels,” she said. Menu gardens can be fun for families with kids, Powers-Barker said. But their appeal is broader than that: “As older adults transition from serving many people to making recipes for one or two, a small garden can be a nice way to prepare meals in smaller batches,” she said. Online: For more about creating menu or theme gardens, see this Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet: _Theme-Garden-handout-2015-tn1zbd.pdf
(906) 387-3074 321 E. Munising Ave., Munising
1100893 Cute 3 BR home nestled close to schools and walking distance to downtown. Great neighborhood & Move in ready! $109,000. 1100783 This 1920’s log cabin has been well maintained and used as a successful family hunting camp. Located on Hwy M28 between Christmas and AuTrain. $69,000. 1100705 3 bedroom, 2 bath Stratford ranch styled home built in 2014!! $215,000. 1099987 5.76 acre lot on Sister Lake. $34,900. 1099351 One acre building site with frontage on main highway M-67, driveway in, drilled well, septic, and power to site. $18,000. 1099036 10 acres with frontage on year round Co Rd 440 near Pine Lake and Pole Creek Lake. $20,000.
1900 Presque Isle Ave.
230 Bishop Woods Rd, Mqt This beautiful ranch home has cathedral ceilings, cherry cabinets, granite countertops, master suite, den, gas fireplace, walk out basement, large finished storage space and much more! (1095034) $495,000 723 Cleveland Ave, Ish This large 3 bedroom, 2 bath home is perfect for a handy man to fix up! Quiet street, large back yard, deck and master bedroom on first floor! (1098976) $35,900 117 Parkwood Ln, Neg Enjoy this beautiful 3 bedroom home with cathedral ceilings, lodge interior, main floor bedroom and bath with expansive windows facing the lake on McClure Basin. Sandy beach, sauna, screened in porch and deck! (1101349) $279,900 1200 North Shore Rd, Gwinn This cozy camp has been very well maintained with a recently added sunroom, overlooking Charlie Lake along with a separate Sauna building with a 3/4 bath! (1094979) $124,900 570 M35, Neg This lot has 240’ of frontage and is nicely wooded. (1099988) Reduced! $13,500
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Sam Elder CRS, ABR Cell: 361-9297
Sunday, July 16 (1:00pm-3:00pm) 213 Bussone Drive, Negaunee
Sunday, July 16 (1:00pm-3:00pm) 204 Bussone Drive, Negaunee
Directions: US41 W, North on Deer Lake Rd (Ralph’s Deli) follow Deer Lake Rd to S Camp Rd, approx 2 1/2 miles to 3 Mile Rd, Left on Bussone, follow signs.
Shown by:
Frida Waara
REALTOR Cell: 906-360.9765
Directions: US41 W, North on Deer Lake Rd (Ralph’s Deli) follow Deer Lake Rd to S Camp Rd, approx 2 1/2 miles to 3 Mile Rd, Left on Bussone, follow signs.
3BR 4BA 230’ of Dead River Basin Frontage, New Dock, Sauna, Gazebo. Beautiful, well appointed home on a quiet finger on South Shore of the Basin. Year round living at its best! MLS#1102315 $292,500
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Sally Steen
REALTOR Cell: 906-361-7703
228’ of Shoreline on Dead River Basin, 2.46 Acres, 1BR 1BA, Pottery Barn Perfect home with linens, dishes, appliances, and furniture included! Sauna and a lovely deck to enjoy the pristine river view! MLS#1101247 $215,000 ®
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Thursday, July 13, 2017
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Open Houses OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 15, 12-3pm 1509 Birch Ave, Marquette
Move right in to this beautifully updated 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath ranch! Home is ideally situated on extra- large, wooded double lot close to schools and medical center. Exterior features include updated windows, low-maintenance landscaping, storage shed, and double attached garage with convenient workshop. Tasteful interior boasts family room with high-efficiency natural gas fireplace, updated master suite with walk-in closet, and a cheery sunroom opening onto private deck. Families will love the quiet street with no thru traffic. Stop by or call Darren Wilbee to schedule a private showing. MLS# 1102462 $229,900
Darren Wilbee Associate Broker (906)250-0263 626 Palms Ave. Ishpeming, (906)204-2606
Sunday, July 16 (1pm-3pm) 218 Bussone, Negaunee
Stephen Andreae
REALTOR® Cell: 906-869-0509 Office: 906-225-1136
Sunday, July 16 (1pm-3pm) 411 Barnhardt, Ishpeming
Custom Ranch home on the Dead River Basin! Open concept offering beautiful views to the water. All appliances are newer and included. Main floor master bedroom, laundry and full bath. Great room features a wood burning fireplace, vaulted ceilings and a wall of South facing windows. Lower level has an additional full bath, bedroom, small office/craft room and family room with built in wet bar, hot tub and glass doors leading out to the beach. Beachfront deck with built in seating, 20 foot dock and wood fired 12x20 log sauna building. MLS#1101583 $310,000 Directions - US41 W, North on Deer Lake Rd (Ralph’s Deli) follow Deer Lake Rd to S Camp Rd, approx 2 1/2 miles to 3 Mile Rd, Left on Bussone, follow signs. ®
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Danielle Hammond
REALTOR® Cell: 906-250-7301 Office: 906-225-1136
Sand beach, beautiful views, boating, fishing and swimming! This place has it all with loads of recent updates and has everything on one floor. The entryway is a large enclosed sun porch that can be used as a dining room or sitting area. The kitchen has a breakfast bar, walk in pantry and newer appliances. There is a spacious living room, a front sun room with glass doors to the recently built deck and there is also three bedrooms and a full bath. The yard is open and flat right out to the beach. MLS#1102557 $174,900 Directions - North on Deer Lake Rd/ Co Rd 573 for 8.5 miles to Brasstaad Rd. Continue past Barnhardt Rd to Drobny. (Drobny is a much nicer road in.) Follow signs on Drobny. Drobny connects/turns into Barnhardt. ®
1st Realty
Each office independently owned and operated
4D The Mining Journal
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Land Brokers
Little Chief Lake (CR LD) Road, Republic
#3 Paint River, Amasa
Lot D Perch Lake, Republic
Lotto Lake Sparrow Drive Lane, Republic
120 Acres Hardwood Lane, Republic
3260 Herron Drive, Gwinn
146 Acres, Co Road BR, Marquette
908 Blackbird Lane, Republic
1761 Lake Haven Drive, Little Lake
16867 Holli Blue Road, Champion
729 N. Arfelin Lake Road, Michigamme
W2985 Co Road KCG/Homier Road, Big Bay
54868 Co Road 426, Northland
Lot B/286 Eagles Nest, Marquette
TBD Co Road 426, Arnold MLS #: 1097605 $185,000 BRIAN OLSON
18489 M35, Little Lake
MLS #: 1097028 $117,000 BRIAN OLSON
E6599 Crossover Road, Munising
2012 E Pierce Street, Wakefield MLS #: 1098559 $77,000 SUE FELDHAUSER
150 Olsen Road, Gwinn
MLS #: 1098511 $114,900 SUE FELDHAUSER
15001 Co Road DI (Town Hall F) Road, Rock
6801 S US41 Highway, Marquette
3557 Co Road FFB, Champion
10813 S. River Lane, Cornell
3147 W. Maple Ridge 37th Road, Rock
MLS #: 1102729 $49,900 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1098151 $84,000 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1094184 $249,900 BOB SULLIVAN
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MLS #: 1101089 $279,900 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1099002 $110,000 ROB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1099752 $275,000 BRIAN OLSON
MLS #: 1093614 $149,900 SUE FELDHAUSER
MLS #: 1101373 $150,000 NATHAN BRABON
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MLS#: 1099417 $54,000 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1102975 $449,000 NATHAN BRABON
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Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212
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Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337
Brian Olson
Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446
MLS #: 1099003 $219,000 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1101683 $84,000 ROB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1098946 $135,000 NATHAN BRABON
Nathan Brabon Agent Cell: 906-869-8451
Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891
MLS #: 1100492 $79,900 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1084633 $249,900 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1097276 $76,000 ROB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1094124 $77,000 SUE FELDHAUSER
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