House to Home 7-26-18

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Land the right house in a tough market for homebuyers

This undated photo taken near New Market, Va., shows damage from a mid-winter ice storm that downed trees and power lines over a wide area. The electric outages lasted several days, causing many foods to spoil rapidly without refrigeration. Food often takes the biggest hit during power outages. Unidentified spoilage can be costly, sicken or kill. (AP photo)

Err on the side of caution when the refrigerator loses power

By DEAN FOSDICK Associated Press When storms knock out the power, what’s the best way to handle refrigerated or frozen foods? Err on the cautious side. When in doubt, throw the food out. “Food can be very expensive to throw away but not as costly as food-borne illnesses, which can cause lifelong health effects as well as death,” said Joyce McGarry, a food safety educator with Michigan State University. “If any food is suspected to be contaminated, it is not worth the risk, especially for young children, seniors and those with compromised immune systems.” Electrical interruptions are unpredictable. Causes include, severe weather, equipment failure, damage from wildlife, and power-line scrapes with tree limbs, among other things. Disruptions can extend from minutes to months, and many foods spoil rapidly without refrigeration. “Animal products and cooked plant items are the most problematic from a safety standpoint,” said Sue Snider, a professor of Animal and Food Sciences at the University of Delaware. “Recommendations are not to let these items stay at room temperature for more than two hours.” That doesn’t mean you can’t ease food losses. Buy a small generator or portable solar panels to provide temporary power. Separate your disaster planning into three steps: preparation, measures to take during an outage, and things to do once power has been restored. PREPARATION Be ready for power outages by keeping freezers full, freezing water containers to fill in the empty spaces. Those containers of water can also be used for drinking if needed, McGarry said. “Keep coolers on hand and buy freezer packs, and keep them frozen for use in the coolers,” she said. As for food, keep a supply of dried foods (beef jerky, crackers, dried fruit, powdered milk, cereal), canned foods (make sure to have a can opener) and high-energy foods (granola bars, protein bars). “Rotate the inventory every six months,” she said. DURING AN OUTAGE: “Keep an appliance thermometer in the refrigerator and freezer at all times,” McGarry said. “That will let you know if the food is being stored at the right temperatures.” Refrigerator temperatures should be at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below, and freezer temperatures at 0 or below, she said. A refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours if it’s unopened. If you move items into the freezer, it will last 24 to 28 hours, McGarry said. ONCE POWER IS RESTORED: Quickly check food temperature and condition before it refreezes, otherwise you might not be able to determine its safety, Snider said. “You may safely refreeze most foods if they still contain ice crystals or if they have been kept cold (40 degrees or less) and have been thawed no more than 24 to 48 hours,” Snider said. See Garden p. 2D

This July 14 photo shows a residential storm shelter near Langley, Wash., with a variety of items stockpiled for use should there be a long electrical disruption. Keep enough food and water on hand to sustain several people for at least a week or more and rotate the inventory every six months. Electrical disruptions can happen anytime, anywhere and last for minutes to months. Be prepared. (AP photo)

By SARAH SKIDMORE SELL AP Personal Finance Writer It’s tough out there for would-be homeowners. They’re facing rising mortgage rates, higher home prices and a shortage of available houses in many markets. Plus, recent changes to the tax law do them no favors. So what can a potential homebuyer do? GET PERSPECTIVE Higher mortgage rates may feel like salt in the wound for those shopping in tight markets. Rates have been rising since late last year. The average rate on a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage hit a high of 4.45 percent earlier this spring. That’s its highest since 2014, but still well below where it’s been historically. “The fours are not a terrible place to be,” said Skylar Olsen, director of economic research at Zillow. So what does this cost the homebuyer? If the median home price in the U.S. is $225,264, then over the life of a 30year loan at 4.5 percent you’d pay $148,506 in interest. At 5 percent, it rises to $168,057 in interest. That’s a difference of $19,551. But for perspective, consider the $229,849 someone would pay over the life of the loan if the rate was 6.5 percent, where it was hovering the summer of

In this April photo, a sign marks the site of a yet-to-be-constructed new home in Castle Rock, Colo. Higher mortgage rates are making the already challenging task of buying an affordable home even tougher for many Americans this spring. (AP photo) 2007 before the recession hit. That’s more than $81,000 over the first example. These all assume a 20 percent down payment. What can you do to cope? Your credit will largely determine the rate you get, so keep that clean. Lock in your rate when you are ready. Rates vary day to day and timing it well is more luck than skill, Olsen said. HUNT HARD It’s not a market for the faint of heart. The median home price in

April was up 7.6 percent from last year and up 15 percent compared to the year before that, according to Zillow. And compared to three years ago? Up nearly 22 percent. These price hikes, more than higher rates, make the costs prohibitive for some buyers. And inventory is tight because homes are selling so quickly. “If you are struggling with the fact there aren’t a lot of options, you have to be looking every day,” Olsen said. And move fast if you do find something

you like. BE PREPARED It’s even more important in a challenging real estate market to make sure you have the basics covered: check your credit, know what you can afford and come to the hunt preapproved for a mortgage. Homes in many markets are receiving multiple offers, so be ready to compete. Consider ways to sweeten your deal: a bigger down payment, more earnest money or a shorter See Buying p. 2D


Japan’s declutter queen Marie Kondo expands her empire By LEANNE ITALIE AP Entertainment Writer NEW YORK — People often ask Japanese tidying queen Marie Kondo what containers they need to achieve her brand of organizational success. They expect her to “reveal some hitherto secret storage weapon, “ she explains in her popular book. Instead, she advised when “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” was first published in Japanese in 2011, “You can solve your storage problems with things you already have in the house.” But Kondo’s thinking has evolved as she’s leveraged her massive, global fan base to expand her empire. She’s now got an upcoming Netflix show, a fledgling corps of consultants working around the world to help her fans declutter their homes, and, on Tuesday, she’s launched her first

In this March 6 photo a sign advertises the pending sale of a home in San Jose, Calif. Economists expect that sales of previously occupied U.S. homes edged higher in June. (AP photo)

US existing-home sales fell 0.6 percent in June

also hopes the boxes will motivate more people to actually complete all the steps in her laborious KonMari Method of sorting, tossing and putting things away in their right and righteous locations. The new storage sets are the shape and size of shoe boxes. (Her book had recommended using

By JOSH BOAK AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON — U.S. sales of existing homes fell 0.6 percent in June, the third straight monthly decline, as higher prices and a limited supply of listings have sidelined many would-be buyers. The National Association of Realtors said Monday that homes sold last month at a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 5.38 million. Over the past year, home sales have tumbled 2.2 percent. Many Americans searching for homes face prices that are climbing at roughly double the pace of wages. Sales of entry-level homes worth less than $250,000 have fallen amid a constrained inventory — and the decline accounts for nearly all of the annual drop in home sales. Still, the number of homes for sale in June rose on an annualized basis for the first time since the middle of 2015, a sign that the 3year downward spiral in inventories may be ending. Sam Khater, chief economist at mortgage buyer Freddie Mac, said the lack

See Kondo p. 2D

See Selling p. 2D

In this July 11 photo, Japanese organizational expert Marie Kondo introduces her new line of storage boxes during a media event in New York. Kondo is launching the product line, a sixpiece set of colorful and sturdy paper boxes, for $89. (AP photo) product line: sixpiece sets of beautiful, sturdy paper boxes for $89 a pop. In a recent appearance in Manhattan to announce the show and merchandise line, Kondo said she thinks lovely storage options will spark the life-changing joy she wrote about in her book, which has sold more than 10 million copies in 40plus countries. She

2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, July 26, 2018

House to Home

Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.

High rate





Low rate





Average rate





This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan, the Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and mBank.

Travelers identifies top causes of home damage By Business Wire HARTFORD, Conn. — The Travelers Companies Inc. Tuesday announced the release of its Top Ways Things Can Go Wrong interactive report, which identifies the most common and costliest causes of home damage. The report examines the company’s national homeowners insurance claim data from 2009 to 2016. It highlights the types of claims that are most prevalent in four regions of the United States and some of the largest metropolitan areas. The report also breaks out claims by season. “For many people, a house isn’t just a house,” said Scott Humphrey, Second vice president of risk control at Travelers. “It’s a home — a place where families build memories. By sharing the most common causes of problems we see,

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we hope to help people protect their most valuable asset.” Major Findings ¯ Weathering the Storm — Weather was a significant contributor to property losses throughout the year. Damage from windstorms, hail and water accounted for half of all claims. ¯ Water in the Home — While water damage caused by weather is certainly a risk, more water-related claims were due to nonweather events like plumbing or appliance issues inside the house. ¯ Risks by Season — Spring produced the highest number of claims, mostly related to damage caused by hail. Wind was the leading source of claims during the summer, fall and winter. ¯ Different Regions, Different Risks — Looking at the United States by region

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of meaningful pay raises could weigh on the housing market. “This ongoing issue will likely lead to more affordability headwinds for those trying to buy a home in the months ahead,” Khater said. The number of homes on the market increased a scant 0.5 percent from a year ago to 1.95 million. But the slight improvement comes as prices have climbed beyond the reach of many Americans. The median sales price in June increased 5.2 percent from a year ago to $276,900. Higher costs are most pronounced in the West, where the median sales price has jumped 10.2 percent over the past year to

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closing time may give you an edge. You also may also want to consider an escalation clause, which allows a buyer to say they will pay a certain amount over any higher offer up to a ceiling. And cash is still king. An all-cash offer means there are no appraisals or mortgages to slow (or possibly derail) the deal. If you can, consider asking for help. Olsen said that in pre-recession days, about 18 percent of buyers accepted a gift from family or friends. Now it’s about a quarter. HELP ALONG THE WAY If you’re a novice, consider attending a first-time homebuyer class or meeting with a HUD housing counselor, who can provide free or low-cost advice. They can walk you through the pro-

(Northeast, South, West and Midwest), the South recorded almost half of the total claims (46 percent), while the Midwest (12 percent) had the fewest. Wind was the largest contributor to claims in the Northeast and South, while non-weatherrelated water damage was the reason for most claims in the West. Hail was the most common cause of damage in the Midwest. ¯ Risks by City — Wind damage ranked in the top five for both most common and costliest claims in the metropolitan areas analyzed in the report. Fire was one of the costliest causes of claims in these cities, while theft was among the most common.Travelers recommends that homeowners perform regular home maintenance and periodically review their insurance with an independent agent.

$417,400. Those increased prices have corresponded with a 5 percent drop in sales in the West during the same period. Home prices in the West have increased at roughly three times faster than other parts of the United States, reflecting the higher costs of land and booming local economies such as San Francisco, Denver and Seattle. In June, sales fell in the West and South, but they rose in the Midwest and Northeast. Sales of homes worth less than $250,000 have declined nationwide over the past year, a sign that many in the middle class and possible first-time buyers are getting priced out of the market. By contrast, sales of homes worth more than $1 million have surged 7.6 percent this year.

cess and help you assess what you can afford. They can also alert potential homebuyers to assistance programs in their area, said Karen Hoskins of nonprofit NeighborWorks America. There are a variety of programs that help people with down payments, closing costs or other services. Finally, a good real estate agent can help buyers craft a deal and assist with their knowledge of the market. For example, Olsen notes that on the West Coast it’s more common to price a home low with the assumption offers will come in over asking, whereas on the East Coast it’s more acceptable to make an offer below asking. THE TAX MAN What about taxes? It’s true, tax laws are not as generous as they once were for homeowners, but the changes don’t affect every-

one equally. Homeowners can deduct interest paid on the first $750,000 of a loan for a newly purchased first or second home. That is down from the prior limit of $1 million. And homeowners have also lost the unlimited federal deduction for state and local income and sales tax. Taxpayers will now be allowed to deduct only up to $10,000 in combined property and state and local income taxes, so that hurts people in areas with heavy tax burdens. STAY FOCUSED Homeownership isn’t for everyone but if you decide to stay in the hunt, keep saving as it’s an appreciating market in many areas. And try not to get lost in the mania. The usual rules still apply: don’t buy more house than you can afford and think about the practicality of it as a place to live,

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Do not rely on appearance or odor, and never taste food to determine its safety, McGarry said. “Some foods may look and smell fine but if they have been warm too long, they may contain food poisoning bacteria that could make you sick,” she said.

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real shoe boxes for organizing.) Smaller boxes in the set are akin to iPhone boxes (another reuse hack she recommends). All are intended to be of service on shelves or in drawers (the sets are called Hikidashi, which means “drawer” in Japanese) to hold such things as sunglasses, handbags, papers, socks, undergarments and T-shirts, the latter three lovingly folded in the flat, KonMari-sanctioned way so they stand upright. “I’m probably the only person in the world who makes such an official occasion to introduce empty boxes,” the soft-spoken mother of two recently told a small gathering of journalists through a translator as she unveiled the containers. “These are meant to enhance your experience of the KonMari Method.” The boxes will also enhance her bottom line. Since Kondo unleashed the best-selling “LifeChanging Magic,” including an English translation in 2014, she’s published three other books, earned a spot on Time magazine’s 2015 list of 100 most influential people and given birth to two girls, now 3 and nearly 2. She has given birth to a new business as well: consultants certified by her and sent forth into homes in 23 countries, from Europe and the Americas to Australia and the Middle East. As for her new show, Netflix ordered an initial eight episodes of her series of home consultations but will say little else on the record.

not an investment. “We have already seen the hard lessons people have learned when they assume everything is moving up and there will be no pitfalls or crashes,” said Bruce McClary of the National

Online: For more about food safety emergencies caused by power outages, see this University of Delaware College of Agriculture & Natural Resources fact sheet: -the-power-is-out/ You can contact Dean Fosdick at

For now, it’s all about the boxes, in pale pink, soft gray, taupe and purple watercolor designs. The sets are dubbed Wonder, Harmony, Clarity and Balance. Customers ordering the containers, for delivery in mid-September from her website, , will receive a series of emails and other help online to guide them through the tidying process. Perhaps more importantly, she hopes to connect devotees to one another online via her take on social networking. “I often hear that it is very difficult to sustain your motivation to tidy when you’re doing it all by yourself, so I very much feel that having this community is very important,” Kondo said. She has adorned just the interiors of the boxes. One set has a purple tree branch with white buds inside. Others are done in abstract swirls. The idea, Kondo said, is to “make the things that you store inside happy,” rather than merely hide belongings away. Their plain exterior design also makes the boxes easier to blend with just about any decor. Two additional sets of boxes in smaller sizes and different color schemes are planned for the holiday season later this year. Kondo, who is based in Tokyo, told The Associated Press in an interview after the crowd cleared out that she’s not done writing books quite yet. Her next one will focus on workplace organizing. She is traveling less now and no longer does regular home consultations, a business she began build-

Foundation for Credit Counseling. “There is an investment value in homeownership but time is a big factor. It’s slow and steady because there are peaks and valleys. It can be a roller coaster at times.”

ing as a 19-year-old college student studying sociology. Working one-onone again in homes for Netflix was a highlight of Kondo’s year. “It was a very exciting, very enjoyable experience for me,” she said. “I’ve been engaged so much in giving lectures, doing media appearances and so on.” She has also been engaged in motherhood, not a small thing when your passion since age 5 has been tidying. The unflappable Kondo still lives a tidy life, of course, but young kids have been a challenge. “I try to teach them how to fold clothes. Children are very close observers so I try to make it so they can watch me folding clothes,” Kondo said. “From time to time I do feel anxious. It’s not 100 percent. It’s not perfect.”

1900 Presque Isle Ave.



811 N Fourth St, Mqt With a building total of 4800 Sq. Ft. all four units are extremely spacious and includes the 4-car detached garage. Some TLC is needed, seller is offering a $15,000 rebate for updates! (1108562) $329,000 23 E Nicolet, Mqt Beautiful 5 bedroom 2.5 bath home in Shiras Hills with lake views. Enjoy the Four Season sunroom, balcony off the Master bedroom, Schwalbach Kitchen, two fireplaces, two car attached garage and so much more! (1108511) Reduced! $329,900 1530 N Second St, Ish Commercial building, presently occupied by The Clipper, Bridal Boutique and an apartment. Other rental space with the 2 garages with 1622 Sq. Ft! (1104470) $159,500 270 Bishop Woods, Mqt Beautiful 5 bedroom 4 bathroom home with a great room, master suite, den, kitchen island, cherry cabinets, sauna, bonus room over garage and more! (1106228) Reduced! $399,500 TBD Ridge St, Mqt This is not something you will find in the middle of Marquette often! With over 20 lots totaling over 4 acres there is so much potential here! (1108977) $149,900

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The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds                                                                         

                                                                                             

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                                                                             

                      

                         

Open Houses

                           

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Earn Cash Quickly-Sell Through The Classifieds!

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OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 28 from 11 am - 3 pm N9221 Shore Dr., Onota Twp. MI

Directions: From M-28 & US 41 In Harvey, Travel East On M-28 Approx. 25 Miles East To (Laughing Whitefish Point) Shore Dr., Left On Shore Dr. To N9221 On The Left. From Munising, M-28 West 20 Miles Just Past Deer Lake Rec. Area To Shore Dr. Turn Right Then Proceed 1 Mile To N9221 On Left Side Of Road.

Welcome home! This 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom home nestled on 10 wooded acres has the character and charm of a ‘Turn of the Century’ Victorian, but with all the modern conveniences. Some features include: covered wrap around porch, radiant in floor heat, kitchen with nine foot ceilings, granite countertops and oak quartersawn (floor to ceiling) custom cabinets & wood accents and crown molding throughout the home. A spacious basement boasts a 9’ ceiling clearance and poured concrete, insulated walls, while the garage has an 8’ and a 10’ opening. Deer Lake and Lake Superior are just minutes away. Marquette is only 25 minutes from the property, while Munising is 20 minutes away. $439,900 MLS#: 1106282

Shown by: Richard Toledo – 906-202-9286 1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9 • Marquette


4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, July 26, 2018





54 Blue Road, Champion



Clear Lake, Michigamme

Lot B, 286 Eagles Nest Road, Marquette

$1.2 million BOB SULLIVAN


Five bedroom/four bath home on Lake Michigamme with over 641 feet of frontage MLS#: 1108908

560 acre tract of rolling woodlands - a true Upper Peninsula waterfront gem. MLS#: 1101525



Parcel 123, Shore Drive, AuTrain

334 Acres Old M69, Crystal Falls




Ten acres on Laughing Whitefish Point with a year round accessible building site MLS#: 1108085


TBD Yellow Dog 550, Marquette

Beautiful two acre parcel of Lake Superior waterfront just 10 miles from Marquette MLS#: 1106892


W504 Co Road 426, Arnold

Unique tract of land with 3/4 mile of frontage on the Michigamme River MLS#: 1099416

Custom built log home on 22 acres on the north branch of the Ford River MLS#: 1108256



N2025 Co Road 510, Marquette

TBD Forestville Rd/Co Rd HT, Marquette $95,000 BRIAN OLSON

$395,000 BRIAN OLSON

Yooper Camp and 40 acres and rustic camp in desirable Forestville location MLS#: 1109019

Cabin tucked among the towering maples on a beautiful 24 acre parcel of paradise on the legendary Yellow Dog River MLS#: 1108456

Amazing 113 acres with a red pine log cabin, 1/4 mile frontage on Lost Creek, and beaver ponds MLS#: 1106072






80 Acres, Co Road FFH, Republic

120 Acres, Co Road AAO Champion

63 Acres, Co Road 426 Ralph







40 Acres, Co Road 581, Ishpeming

N10368 Lake Road, Ironwood

Eighty acres and hunting camp located only minutes from Republic adjoining hundreds of acres of State land MLS#: 1108972 $80,000

MLS#: 1105366

MLS#: 1098153

120 Acres, Dishno Road, Champion


MLS#: 1109786


20 acres with a solid hunting camp in the highlands of Marquette County near Wolf Lake MLS#: 1108950




23 Acres, Co Rd KCB, Big Bay

344 Shot Point Drive, Marquette

160 Acres off Keranen Road, Erwin Township (Ironwood)

40 acres with year round access and power. MLS#: 1109691

40 acres with year round access and power. MLS#: 1107617

Lovely turnkey home in a great Ironwood location

Price reduction

MLS#: 1105779

Bob Sullivan

Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212

MLS#: 1104094



Love the Land!


Rob Sullivan

Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337

Brian Olson

Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446


Nathan Brabon Agent Cell: 906-869-8451

Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891

Charles Drury Agent Cell: 906-235-3198

Toll-free 1-866-231-LAND • • 2552• 2552 USUS 4141West, Marquette 906-225-LAND (5263) • • West, Marquette

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