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A new use for an old book?
Above and below, these undated photos provided by Candice Caldwell shows book folding projects hanging on the walls of her Chicago home. Turning a book into a three-dimensional sculpture can create a beautiful conversational piece. (AP photo)
season of rain is as trying as a season of drought. Excess rain creates gooey soil, which is no fun for planting if you are a human and no fun for growing if you are a plant. Roots need air, and day after day of rain can fill all the soil pores with water. The result: Roots have trouble absorbing nutrients and even water. HELP FOR CLAY SOILS Incessant summer rains rarely present a problem in soils that are well-cared for or sandy. In clay soils, waterlogging can be avoided if they are treated right. Adding heaps of organic materials such as compost, leaves and straw to clay soils causes the LEE REICH small clay particles to aggregate into larger units. Not walking on or working a clay soil also allows aggregation over time. Larger aggregates have larger spaces between them, so well-aggregated clay soils drain water well, just as water drains well from the large pores within sandy soils. If conditions are really watery, construct raised beds for vegetables and flowers, and large mounds on which to plant trees and shrubs. Of course, soil used to build up the raised beds or mounds should drain well. If soil conditions are worse still, move your plants somewhere drier. PROBLEMS EVEN IN WELL-DRAINED SOILS Alas, even with perfect drainage, a wet summer can bring on problems unrelated to the soil. Plants might "lodge," for example: Growth is so lush that stems flop over because they can no longer support themselves. Corn plants standing neatly like soldiers one day might suddenly, even with calm air, bow low as if hit by galeforce winds. Speaking of lush growth, abundant summer rains will also have weeds thriving. And plants will experience less sunlight during a wet summer. Less sun means less fuel to make delicious tomatoes, peppers, apples and other fruits. You could also blame rainy weather for poor fruiting of peppers and delayed fruiting of tomatoes. The effect of rain in these cases is indirect, the result of poor pollinaSee Garden p. 2D
This undated photo shows blueberries growing in LaGrangeville, N.Y. Despite wet soil, these blueberries grow well because they are planted on raised mounds from which water drains well. (AP photo)
Fold it into a work of art By JENNIFER FORKER Associated Press Books have more uses than might be obvious. Sure, you can press flowers in a heavy one and set out the pretty ones as decoration. You can read the darn things. But have you tried turning a book into threedimensional sculpture? The process can be quite simple; the result a beautiful conversational piece. There are many permutations of book folding, an art form that involves folding pages of a hardcover book — sometimes combined with cutting the paper — within the book's own binding. The finished work pops off the page three-dimensionally, and may be hung on a wall or placed atop a table. Groupings of three or more are the most dynamic. "They look impressive on the wall," says Candice Caldwell of Chicago. "A group of six of these on the wall together can look really beautiful, and they're just really simple folds." Caldwell, who blogs about repurposing everyday items such as books at "the ReFab Diaries," was turning old books into clocks when, in 2003, she saw a simple book-folding project in a do-it-yourself magazine and gave it a try. She has since taught several friends and her mom how to fold books into wall art. "It's very, very forgiving," says Caldwell.
( ) Clare Youngs, author of "Folded Book Art" (CICO Books, 2017), also says book folding is easy. Her book includes instructions for folding a butterfly and other patterns. "It looks as if it is complicated and unachievable, but it is really easy to do," Youngs said in an email from her home in Kent, England. "You just don't tell anyone how easy it is and they will be amazed at your creations." ( ) Find bookfolding tutorials on YouTube ("Introductory Book Sculpture Lesson" by Johwey Redington is a good one) and at crafting blogs — Caldwell shares links to many helpful sites. Instructables, the website that lists "how-to" instructions about homes, crafting and technology, shares a "threestep" tutorial. Or buy a $3 to $5 kit from an online Etsy seller, says Ann Martin, author of "All Things Paper" (Tuttle Publishing, 2015).
"For several dollars you'll receive a pattern geared toward what you're wanting to fold," says Martin, of Wilmington, Delaware. "You can even fold letters in different fonts. It's mindboggling how many patterns are out there." ( ) Patterns include animals, geometric designs, numerals and inspirational words,
and both patterns and finished pieces are sold at Care to see or purchase a sophisticated upcycling of this craft? Visit Crizu, an Italian company that transforms books into elegant 3-D sculpture. ( ) "My mouth is always hanging open when I find these people (such as the See Books p. 2D
2D The Mining Journal
Thursday, August 17, 2017
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Book s
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Crizu artists)," says Martin. "I can't get over the creativity that people come up with for a plain ol' book. They turn it into something completely different." Youngs began folding pages into art several years ago when she saw images of the craft online at Pinterest. She watched a few YouTube tutorials before folding her daughter's age into a book. "It is quite a therapeutic activity," says Youngs. "You get into a rhythm of scoring and folding that is relaxing, and it's very satisfying to see the shape develop." Martin has a quick comeback for those who think book folding is an act of destruction. "Let's be realistic here. Sometimes old books are better suited for a new purpose," Martin says. "I feel it's OK to go ahead and take that old, unused book that's going to be tossed anyway and turn it into a work of art." For projects that require hardcover books, some of the best include "Reader's Digest Condensed Books," with their pretty inside covers, says Martin. Caldwell recommends old recipe and photography books, and any hardcover that has goldtipped edges or marbled interior covers. Find them at thrift stores and library sales. "If it's really visual and really colorful when you start to fold it, you get a whole new look on the wall," says Caldwell. Other book-folding projects require paperback books; the finished pieces generally are standing 3D shapes. Hang a finished hardcover work of art with a ceramic plate hanger; place a dowel or pencil horizontally behind the book cover for support.
This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, Northern Michigan Bank, mBank, Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and TruNorth Credit Union.
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tion. Excessive rains also can bring on pests. Most fungi thrive in moisture. A dramatic demonstration of this would be the near-leafless crabapple trees frequently seen in wet summers; moistureloving scab and rust fungi are mostly responsible for these trees' fall from their spring glory. Adequate spacing and pruning promote good air circulation so plants dry more quickly, lessening disease problems. Still,
the threat is increased during a rainy year. Crawling pests may or may not enjoy abundant moisture. Needless to say, wet conditions are heavenly for slugs and mosquitos. TOO WET OR TOO DRY? I prefer a dry summer to a wet one. The effects of drought can be mitigated by mulching and irrigating, but there's little you can do when days of rain cause poor fruiting and an increase in diseases, slugs and mosquitos. Summer weather in many regions is variable, wet one year and dry the next, but there's something to appreciate either way.
Transforming your home office into a creative 'sweet spot' By LISA A. FLAM Associated Press Desha Peacock believes that everyone should have their own space at home where they can do the work that brings them joy. The author of "Create the Style You Crave on a Budget You Can Afford: The Sweet Spot Guide to Home Decor" (Skyhorse Publishing, 2014) is out with a new book that focuses on creative workspaces. "It's really important when you're doing creative work that you have a beautiful place ... so that can enhance the work that you're meant to do," says Peacock, 42, who offers lifestyle and small-business coaching through her company, Sweet Spot Style. Her new book is "Your Creative Work Space, The Sweet Spot Style Guide to Home Office + Studio Decor" (Skyhorse). To offer inspiration, she profiles creative women about the work they do and where they do it. The book is organized into chapters that include the
home office, the studio, working in tiny spaces and working from anywhere. "It takes kind of a spiritual twist to home decor, and how your space can really influence your life and your creative work," said Peacock, who works at home in Brattleboro, Vermont, where she lives with her husband and 10year-old daughter. Edited excerpts from AP's interview with Peacock:
of work — even a field that isn't traditionally seen as creative, like, say, accounting? PEACOCK: This book is really geared toward the creative, but I think the principles apply. If you really dig down deep, I think that creative is a very broad term. You could make an argument that accounting could be creative. It's really kind of what you're interested in AP: How do physiand what your pascal surroundings afsion is, and paying fect our work and creative output? This undated photo provided by Sky- attention to that. AP: What is a PEACOCK: It's horse Publishing shows the cover of the about being very con- book "Your Creative Work Space" by De- "sweet spot" and scious about what sha Peacock. To offer inspiration, she pro- what is a "sweet you're putting into files creative women about the work they spot space"? PEACOCK: It's that space and how do and where they do it. (Skyhorse Pubwhat lights you up. you're designing it so lishing via AP) My sweet spot is it helps you. ... Your space is a direct reflection of stuff, then that should doing creative work that I of what's going on in your clear away some space in love and getting paid very mind. If your space is just your mind so that you can well for it. The sweet spot complete mess and clutter, concentrate and allow the space is creating a space it's going to be hard for creative energy to come to that allows you to be fully you to focus. But if you you. who you are. AP: Is this for any kind have literal space, not full AP: Does everybody
need a space of their own? PEACOCK: Everybody in a household needs to have a sweet spot nook or some little place in their house that's theirs, whether it's a whole room or whether it's a corner or whether it's just a little piece of a wall. It allows more freedom to create and it just allows you to feel, well, free. AP: What are the most important ingredients of a home office or studio? PEACOCK: The main thing for everybody, regardless of what you're doing, is light. Sunlight is really important. If you can't have natural lighting, then use good lights that aren't fluorescent, and lights that can actually enhance your mood, and mirrors because mirrors reflect light.
1900 Presque Isle Ave.
3213 Bonnie Ln, Big Bay Enjoy the serenity on 5 acres with this 3-bedroom 3-bathroom luxury home. Beautiful floor to ceiling stone fireplace, updated kitchen, dining room, den, finished basement, master suite, heated two car garage and additional detached garage! (1102781) $329,500 625 W Hampton St, Mqt Beautiful 3 bedroom home! Spacious kitchen with breakfast bar, dining room, large living room, office, master suite with a large walk in closet, walk out basement with storage and family room. Back deck and oversized two car attached garage! (1103049) $315,900
Now Is The Time To Build The Home Of Your Dreams Wisconsin Homes Qualify for 4% APR Bank Loans
570 M35, Neg This lot has 240’ of frontage and is nicely wooded. (1099988) $13,500
On your lot, with well & septic, we do it all, start to finish!
215 S Co Rd 557, Gwinn The Up North Lodge is a wellestablished restaurant that is known for its excellence. It features vaulted ceilings, 60ft bar and woodwork throughout! (1098514) $1,300,000
Builder of Wisconsin Homes 3111 N. Lincoln, Escanaba
Built To Last 100 Years!
Saturday, August 19 • 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 1695 Ellsworth St., Ishpeming
Directions: US 41 West from Mqt. approx 15 miles. Left on Lilac, 2nd stop sign take left on Ellsworth.
PRICE REDUCED! 5 bedroom house in immaculate shape situated on 5 lots in Ishpeming Township. Enjoy living in a great subdivision with room to roam on the 1.21 acres. Don’t miss your chance on this wonderful home only a mile away from NICE community schools. $260,000
Dave Mingay (906) 361-7604
1907 Presque Isle, Mqt Very good investment opportunity for 3 rentals. One business rental and upstairs are two 2 bedroom apartments. (1096473) $199,000
(906) 228-5230
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Thursday, August 17, 2017
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Open Houses Sunday, Aug. 20, 2:00 - 5:00PM 3115 Wright St., Marquette
Sunday, August 20, 1:00-3:00 PM 5 Krooks Rd., Negaunee Twp.
Directions: Take US 41 to Negaunee, turn north on Baldwin Ave. and follow onto North Rd., go 4 miles then turn right onto Krooks Rd. and go 500 feet to home on left side of road.
Great duplex, Zoned Commercial GB. Excellently maintained. Live in one unit and run your business in the other unit,central air, separate furnaces, separate electrical, new dishwasher, new washer, dryer, 2 ranges, 2 refrigerators. Plus a 28x28 cement block garage which is wired, paneled, and heated. Situated on 1.05 acres. Located in one of the fastest growing areas in Marquette Township. Possible business rental with option to purchase,with 2800 sq. ft. on the main floor, and 856 sq. ft. on the 2nd. floor, this property offers many options for a new owner. Also listed under multi-family duplex MLS# 1085771 $229,000.
Shown by: Ronald Gingras, GRI Cell 360-0850 Home 225-0453 •
500 S. Third St., Marquette
Fantastic home on 6 acres in Negaunee Twp., only five minutes from the City of Negaunee. Updates include elegant new kitchen with stainless appliances, beautiful white tile backsplash with quartz counter tops plus well-designed island & fireplace for entertaining. There’s also a large master bedroom with walk in closet and master bath. The home is perched up on a plateau overlooking rugged hardwood forest. This is a great location for seeing wildlife, especially deer that feed in the backyard. Roof replaced in 2016 and outside wood boiler was added to the central heating system in 2003. $242,900
1901 W. Ridge St. Marquette
Shown by: Alana Carrott
4D The Mining Journal
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Land Brokers
Bengston Lake, Republic
3260 Herron Drive, Gwinn
635 E. McLeod Avenue, Ironwood
6784 32nd Road, Perkins
MARQUETTE COUNTY ACREAGE AND LAKE! This large tract of private acreage surrounds a private 20 feet deep lake that can be all yours. The scenic beauty of the lake is something that just woodlands cannot duplicate and is a mixture of aspen regrowth full of wildlife, softwoods, large red pine, thick lowlands and open marsh with cranberries and pitcher plants. A good interior trail road system accesses the lands and the parcel has insurable access from a county road. Located near Republic and an easy drive to Marquette or Iron Mountain. $119,000 MLS# 1088863
Fabulous home or cottage on beautiful, semiprivate Horseshoe Lake in Southern Marquette County. Excellent swimming and fishing in this spring fed lake. This one owner home is situated on 165 feet of frontage and 4.5 acres woodlands with a landscaped yard. The Sellers have lived here year round, but this could also make a lovely second home or cottage. MLS#: 1101069 $192,900
Step inside this lovely Victorian home and experience the gracious style and comfortable rooms of another era complimented by all the modern conveniences of the TwentyFirst Century. This home has been lovingly and painstakingly restored with extraordinary attention to detail. The kitchen is completely remodeled and features custom cabinetry (cherry) and an efficient layout sure to please any cook! Step outside to the big, beautiful front porch with the detached oversized garage just one lot over. This home would be perfect for a large family and is in a great location. $159,900 MLS# 1101544
320 acres of secluded and private hunting land in Delta County. The property is accessed just off the end of a deadend County Road with electric and phone available. There is a small cabin in fair condition that has water and septic. The property borders State land to the East and large private acreage to the West. The Inman creek flows through the Southern portion which is a yearround stream with a nice hard bottom. This has been good trout fishing in the past. The cabin is usable for camp, but this would also make a great site for a year round home being just off the end of a plowed, paved, County road. $250,000 MLS#: 1103686
Contact Bob Sullivan
Contact Bob Sullivan
Contact Sue Feldhauser
Contact Rob Sullivan
58 Acres, US2, Rapid River
908 Blackbird Lane, Republic
2718 Pike Lake Trail, Gwinn
TBD M94/Townline, Skandia, MI
Over 58 acres of hunting and recreation land in Delta County. The property is located on highway US 2 in Ensign Township about 6 miles East of Rapid River. A power line and rail road grade are the northern border with the highway being the boundary on the South line. There is a driveway into a cleared area which currently has mobile home on it. This is functional and can be used for camp. The site would make a great building site for a home or cabin. This area also has several access sites to Lake Michigan which has excellent multi-species fishing opportunities. For a nice rural homestead or a recreation property that has great access, this is a wonderful opportunity. Seller is a licensed Realtor in Michigan. $44,900 MLS#: 1094064
Superb lake front cottage in the north woods best describes this cozy retreat in Marquette County with all the amenities of home. There just aren’t many lake properties with 74 acres and several hundred feet of frontage for total privacy. Set on a semi private lake with no public access. Sundog Lake is 196 acres, very scenic with waterfowl and wildlife abound. The fishing is excellent for pike, bass, and panfish. The property also includes a heated, 2.5 car garage. There is electric and phone as well as good cell service. The landscaping of the grounds and lakefront are second to none providing beauty and ease of use. If you are lookingfor a lakefront home or cottage with acreage, privacy, amenities, hunting, fishing, and wonderful scenery, you have found it! $249,900 MLS#: 1084633
This meticulously maintained home or cabin has absolutely everything you need for long term living or for comfortable weekend getaways. Set on a gorgeous and private waterfront parcel on all sports Pike Lake it is close enough to town to be convenient, but is away from the noise,hustle and bustle of town. The yard is big with a fire pit and set so you cannot see another neighbor from the home, with 200 feet of water frontage, and all furniture and the pontoon boat are included. The area is well known for wildlife and recreation with tons of State Land surrounding the property allowing this place to double as an awesome hunting camp, a great place to ride ATV’s, hike, bike, boat, swim, ride snowmobiles and enjoy nature. $152,900 MLS#: 1101386
Outstanding property right on the Skandia/West Branch border with multiple features offering something for everyone. 51 Sprawling acres with a large field hosting a variety of spring-fed Ponds which would make excellent pasture land or a beautiful building site to overlooking the ponds to watch wildlife taking a cool sip of water. The property also has nice forestland with a mix of most native species, providing good hunting opportunities. If choosing a building site, there will be options for being on a nice country road such as Townline Rd, right on M94 or if a very quiet place in the woods is your dream then forest frontage on the dead end Posti Rd might be the perfect setting. $69,000 MLS# 1085940
Contact Nathan Brabon
Contact Bob Sullivan
Contact Brian Olson
Contact Brian Olson
TBD Holli Blue Road, Champion
Lot A, D Road, Big Bay
TBD Yellow Dog 550, Marquette
TBD Dalton Road, Skandia
Lake Michigamme waterfront parcel. This all sports lake has several islands, bays and coves which provides miles of shoreline and trophy fishing structure. This is where you will find huge musky, pike and walleye along with bass and pan fish. The lakefront parcel is on the southern end of the lake providing ample privacy away from the village and the highway. You can fish, boat, explore, swim and just enjoy all of the feature of your own parcel on this fabulous lake. The adjoining parcel is also for sale and electric is to that site. $99,900 MLS#: 1101091
If you want waterfront property you will love this offering. This parcel has an estimated 400 feet of waterfront on Lake Independence near Big Bay and 200 feet on McKensie Bay, plus a pond and a 10 acre parcel of nicely wooded land just down the road. Plus an ownership interest in another 60 feet on the lake. Essentially you have acreage in the woods with waterfront on two major bodies of water in beautiful Powell Township. This is trail road access but you could live or enjoy this property all year round with some private plowing. The parcel next door has underground power and it is only a short distance to one of the building siteson the water. $99,000 MLS#: 1095619
Along the shores of the legendary Yellow Dog River lies this peaceful cabin tucked among the towering maples on a beautiful 24 acre parcel of paradise. The cabin is comfortable and easy to maintain and can make an excellent “Home Base” for your wilderness adventures. Only about 20-25 minutes from Marquette you have excellent access to all the unique shops, great restaurants and events that town has to offer, but being close to historical Big Bay you also have tremendous recreational opportunities right in your “back yard” such as enjoying the crisp fresh waters of the great Lake Superior, Lake Independence for great family fishing and swimming, and the gateway to vast tracts of wilderness and the impressive Huron Mountains. $65,000 MLS#: 1097775
Outstanding Skandia hunting property or affordable big acreage building site adjoining a large tract of CFA Land and cornering USA Forest Property. On a quiet year round and plowed road with utilities. Heavily wooded with about a 14 year growth of Maples and Poplars. The region is famous for big bucks and a healthy population of most woodland animals. This is a great price for property in this area and as the trees mature you can harvest timber in years to come if you choose. Come and check it out now to close in plenty of time for rifle season. $39,000 MLS#: 1085938
Contact Bob Sullivan
Contact Bob Sullivan
Contact Brian Olson
Contact Brian Olson
Contact Bob Sullivan
7202 Elm Road, Republic
Associate Broker/Owner Cell: 906-361-4212 Office: 225-LAND (5263)
Contact Bob Sullivan
16867 Holli Blue Road, Champion
This sweet little cottage is located on the shores of Squaw Lake in Marquette County with a beautiful westerly view over the lake. The property is about 45 minutes from either Marquette or Iron Mountain with the majority of the drive being highway miles. If you are looking for a premier, waterfront parcel with acreage, hundreds of feet of frontage, electric, and a nice shelter for your overnights until you can build your dream, this could be the right property for you. $225,000 MLS#1099632
Associate Broker/Owner Cell: 906-361-4212 Office: 225-LAND (5263)
This parcel is ready to enjoy with a solid gravel drive from Holli Blue Road right to a cleared, flat building site with electric already installed. There is a storage shed and dock ready for you this summer. Long, across the water lake views are prevalent from this parcel and it is located on the most private portion of this famous Marquette County Lake. In addition to trophy musky, walleye and pike the lake even harbors Lake Trout and the bass fishing along the rocky shoals is very good. This is a big lake that will entertain for years to come. There is an adjoining parcel that can also be purchased. $249,900 MLS#: 1101089
8237W Maple Street, Manistique
196 E Johnson Lake Road, Gwinn
6801 S US 41, Marquette
Over 100’ of lake frontage on Indian Lake. The home features a large living area with a viewing window to enjoy the beautiful lake views and sunsets. Within walking distance to the Indian Lake Golf Course and less than four miles to Manistique. You will enjoy the peaceful surroundings and the waves washing up on shore while you relax in the sun. As part of the residential lot there is a large two-story cabin called Wildcat with 1108 sq feet, its own power and septic that would be great for large families looking for a vacation retreat or as a guest cottage. $173,500 MLS#: 1103815
Great building site for your beautiful home or camp on the shores of the clear and refreshing, sandy bottom, peaceful Blue Lake with 120 feet of frontage. Power, cable and natural gas are at the road and the lot is deep giving you building sites with ample privacy. The location of this waterfront property is convenient being very close to the M35 and M553 intersection allowing for quick drives to Marquette. Bring the plans for your lakefront dream home and come take a look. $49,900 MLS# 1103939
$150,000 MLS#: 1101373
Contact Nathan Brabon
Contact Brian Olson
Bob Sullivan
Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212
Rob Sullivan
Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337
Brian Olson
Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446
Nathan Brabon Agent Cell: 906-869-8451
Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891
Contact Nathan Brabon
Love the Land! Charles Drury Agent Cell: 906-235-3198
Nicole Tedder Agent Cell: 906-280-1459
Toll-free • • 2552 •US Toll-free 1-866-231-LAND 1-866-231-LAND • • 255241USWest, 41 West,Marquette Marquette