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This 2016 photo provided by Dean Fosdick shows a honeybee swarm cluster gathered on an apple tree near Langley, Wash. Honeybees generally swarm a short distance and then hang out for a short time on tree limbs, stop signs, the sides of houses or perhaps in playgrounds. They can be recovered and installed in new hives if done quickly as was the case with this swarm cluster. (AP photo)
Swarm chasers return wayward honeybees to hives
By DEAN FOSDICK Associated Press When half or more of your honeybees have deserted the hive and are lingering nearby, who ya gonna call? Swarm chasers can provide quick help to fellow beekeepers, keeping them from getting stung literally and financially. “A swarm is the division of the honeybee colony into two parts,” said Donald Lewis, a professor and Extension entomologist with Iowa State University. “One part of the colony will stay where they'll continue to grow, reproduce and make honey. The swarm leaves the colony in search of a place to set up elsewhere.” Swarming generally occurs because the colony is crowded, or it could be caused by genetics, Lewis said. “There is a predisposition in some bee strains that makes it more likely for them to do that,” he said. Sometimes, it's simply a matter of a new queen pushing the old queen out. “The old queen would go with the swarm, taking half the existing colony and all the honey they can carry when they depart,” Lewis said. “A swarm generally flies a short distance and then hangs out on tree limbs, stop signs, the side of a house or perhaps in a playground. They'll wait for the scouts to return and tell them where their new location will be,” Lewis said. The likelihood that a swarm can become a thriving feral bee colony depends primarily on where their new home is, Lewis said. “Here in the Midwest, if the swarm cannot get inside a protected location, they're not likely to make it through the winter.” Beekeepers can prevent losing a colony by dividing it ahead of time; by re-capturing the swarm cluster and placing it in a new hive; or by buying a honeybee variety known for its low tendency to swarm, Lewis said. If you've lost or simply spotted a swarm cluster, it may
This Dec. 5 photo shows a bedroom in a New York City apartment being used as a "woman cave," with a scarf hung on the wall, futon with throw pillows, a good reading lamp, small works of art and keepsakes from loved ones and other decorative touches. The room is kept as a chore-free tranquil space for relaxing, reading, crafts and other quiet pursuits. (AP photo)
No strife, no food allowed in the woman cave, but decaf tea's OK
See Bees p. 2D
By BETH J. HARPAZ Associated Press NEW YORK — When people find out that I'm an empty nester with a “woman cave” in my New York City apartment, they seem to have a lot of questions. So I recently created this FAQ about it for Facebook friends, which led to a whole other round of comments and questions. If you're curious about woman caves or maybe you're dreaming of creating your own, here's my FAQ and the comments and responses it generated.
In this Nov. 29 photo, Dan Maxwell of Freeland, Washington, is shown with his bee swarm kit. It includes a vacuum and portable generator. He uses the vacuum with its adjustable suction setting that doesn't harm the queen or worker bees when transferring them from tree limbs or other temporary locations into the box. From there, they can be dropped or shaken into new hives. (AP photo)
WOMAN CAVE FAQ 1) Where and what is this woman cave? It is a bedroom in my apartment once occupied by children and other people who no longer live under my roof. At least at the moment, they don't. 2) Why do you need a woman cave? Because the TV is often blaring sports in the living room (my husband lives in the apartment, too) and the kitchen's not comfy and my bedroom is for sleeping. 3) What do you do in the woman cave? I sit on the futon and enjoy the calm. I do projects like organizing recipes. I write lists. Occasionally I nap or read. Over the years, we've had a lot of (mostly joyful) commotion in this relatively small three-bedroom apartment — including a few periods when we had five people living there,
This Dec. 5 photo shows a bedroom in a New York City apartment being used as a "woman cave," with bunches of lavender and mint hung upside down to dry and other decorative touches. The room is kept as a chore-free tranquil space for relaxing, reading, crafts and other quiet pursuits. (AP photo)
sharing one bathroom — so it's just nice to have a tranquil spot to relax now. 4) What is not allowed in the woman cave? Food. Strife. Clutter. Noisy things. No beverages other than decaf tea. 5) What is in the woman cave?
A futon with nice pillows. A really good reading lamp. Beautiful things that loved ones have given me: a bowl, art, scarves (one draped on the sofa, one on the wall). A coffee table with a TV and old laptop that my son set up See Cave p. 2D
2D The Mining Journal
Thursday, December 14, 2017
House to Home Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.
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This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan, the Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and mBank.
Giving the gift of memory Here are 2 easy DIY projects
By MELISSA RAYWORTH Associated Press For elderly people struggling with memory loss, one of the toughest things can be forgetting the details of their own lives. What must it be like when you struggle to recall something you were sure you'd never forget — the name of an old friend, perhaps, or a favorite city where you once lived, or the meal you always cooked at the holidays? “This is people's biggest fear, to lose their memory and to lose that sense of self,” says Dr. Gwynn Morris, associate professor of psychology at Meredith College. I reached out to Dr. Morris and to another expert on gerontology — Ann Norwich, director of the adult gerontology nurse practitioner program at York College of Pennsylvania — because my mother-inlaw is finding it harder to remember details about her own, quite remarkable life. At 93, she has retained her memories longer than many people do. But as recall has become more difficult, I've been hunting for ways to help her hold onto the stories and details she once knew about herself. I decided to design some customized memory aids for her this holiday season, but I wanted to make sure they were effective. Morris and Norwich offered advice on how to jog an elderly person's memories and help them retain the knowledge they still have. Here are two craft projects built from this research, both perfect gifts that are easy and inexpensive to make:
CUSTOMIZED CROSSWORD PUZZLES Crossword puzzles aren't quite the cure-all for aging brains that they're sometimes touted as, Morris says. But keeping the mind active can help slow some aspects of cognitive decline. And practicing recall of important information regularly can help you retain it. So if an elderly person once liked crosswords, as my mother-in-law did, it could be useful and fun to create custom puzzles using information they want to remember. Focus on valuable information, such as the names of grandchildren and some details about them, Norwich says. Elderly family members may be embarrassed to be struggling over remembering such information, so these puzzles can be a gentle way to jog those memories. “You want to play to things that are personally relevant to them,” Norwich says, and “make sure that these are positive experi-
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from 1D
pay to find someone who, for a price or simply a new strain of honeybees, is willing to round them up. Dan Maxwell, a beekeeper from Freeland, Washington, frequently responds to calls requesting help to remove swarms. “I only work with honeybees,” Maxwell said. He won't deal with swarms that have collected too high (15
Ca ve
from 1D
for me so I could watch a movie or show, but so far I haven't. Bunches of lavender and mint that I picked from my windowbox after the first frost, hanging upside down to dry. 6) Do you socialize in the woman cave? No. It's a solitary place, though I might consider letting my friends from high school visit. 7) Is there anything missing from the woman cave? No. It's perfect. COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS Comment: “No food or beverages other than decaf tea?? I could forgo the food but would broaden the beverage menu.” Comment: “No cheese?” Response: My husband once brought me a snack to
feet or more) or that are enclosed in ceilings, crawl spaces and brickwork like fireplaces. Those cases are “too much work, and it can be messy with brood and honey,” he said. Swarm clusters on limbs or branches can easily be dropped or shaken into a box, Maxwell said. He often uses a vacuum with an adjustable suction setting that doesn't harm the queen or worker bees. Unless provoked, bees
seldom sting when they swarm, he said. “Swarms are usually not in the stinging mode because they have gorged themselves on honey to start the new hive.” If you do see a swarm, don't panic, throw rocks at it or spray it with an insecticide, Lewis said. “These are beneficial insects,” he said. “You don't have to needlessly kill them. Simply give them a wide berth and chances are, they'll be gone in a day or two.”
be nice, but it spilled and then I had to clean it up. I just want the woman cave to be neat and clean without any effort. Comment: “Sounds blissful. What about a few joss sticks? Or would incense be distracting?” Response: I have a tiny lavender pillow if I need aromatherapy. That's enough. Comment (from a neighbor): “I'd like to invite you up to my woman cave. The thing I like most about it is that it's always clean. No one else's stuff.” Response: Exactly. Comment: “There was a commercial a while ago that called it a ‘She Shack.’” Response: That suggests disorder and crudeness. Neither is allowed in my woman cave. Comment: “Those are practically the same rules I have for my man cave/media room.”
Response: Perhaps we are descended from the same cave dwellers. Comment: “Because my dad is severely handicapped, they created a bedroom for him downstairs in the old den of my childhood home. My mom now has the whole upstairs to herself, so she converted my sister's old bedroom into her woman cave (although she doesn't call it that).” Response: Women give a lot to other people in their families and sometimes a small tranquil space is really essential to keep them going. My years in this apartment are often a blur from when kids were little and there were never even five minutes of quiet or an inch of privacy. Part of the trance I go into in there is just processing all the memories and the ups and downs. A room of one's own is not just a metaphor (or the name of a book).
Practicing important information can help an elderly person retain it. One fun way to do that is by using custom-made crossword puzzles like the ones pictured here, rather than doing commercially available puzzles about random topics. Made for free online, these can help a person struggling with memory loss retain meaningful information such as the names of grandchildren and major details about them. (AP photo) ences.” Take time to choose the right topics. My mother-inlaw was an avid traveler, so I've designed puzzles about the foreign cities she most enjoyed living in and visiting. I've noticed that when I remind her of these experiences, she seems pleased and energized by the memories. Once you have your topic (or topics) chosen, creating your puzzles is easy. There are many free puzzle-making sites online. Many are designed for teachers, but they're open to the public. One that's easy to use is . You're given a blank space to enter your list of words and their clues. The site then builds a printable crossword puzzle with that information. To print your puzzles, choose some heavy paper from a craft store in appealing colors and textures, and use a home printer. Or, to make the gift more substantial, give the collection of puzzles a title, and design a cover page with the title and recipient's name. Have the title page and puzzle pages printed on heavy paper and bound with a spiral binding at a copy shop. PERSONALIZED PLAYLISTS AND SONGS Music can be especially valuable in triggering memories in older people, Norwich says, so she suggests making personalized playlists for elderly relatives. How does this work? As we age, “semantic memory,” which includes historical facts and other non-personal information, such as the lyrics to an old song, tends to be better preserved than personal memories. But that semantic memory is useful in triggering the “episodic memory” that includes our personal stories. So old music can trigger
different personal, episodic memories in each person who listens to it. To select songs with the most impact, consider the research into something called the “reminiscence bump.” Studies show that most people have particularly strong recall about events that happened in early adulthood, specifically throughout their 20s, says Morris. So pick a selection of songs that were popular when your loved one was between 20 and 30. These songs are most likely to spark the clearest personal memories. And for many people, these are especially energizing memories, because they were formed at a time when the person was young and active. You can save the playlist to an iPod, which you set up in a dock with a timer or alarm function. That way, the playlist can begin at a specific time each day, and the person won't have to remember to turn it on. You can choose a “shuffle” function so the songs play in a different order each day.
This Dec. 5 photo shows a bedroom in a New York City apartment being used as a "woman cave," with bunches of lavender and mint hung upside down to dry and other decorative touches. The room is kept as a chore-free tranquil space for relaxing, reading, crafts and other quiet pursuits. (AP photo)
BIG C REALTY (906) 387-3074 321 E. Munising Ave., Munising
1900 Presque Isle Ave.
FEATURED PROPERTY 1105046 Beautiful lake front lot on Powell Lake - property slopes from road to lake. Older one room camp on property is in need of remodeling OR remove camp and rebuild your own design. $69,900. 1104554 Cozy updated 2 BD home on corner lot with attached 1 car garage and a wonderful yard to put in your garden and/or add to the perennial flowers already there. Home features newer windows, new drywall, new electric. $69,900. 1103844 Beautiful and secluded!!! 3+ acres with 300’ lake front along the North shore of Driggs Lake. Cozy little barn styled furnished camp with pull down ladder to loft, 3/4 bath, kitchen area and glass sliding doors to deck overlooking the lake. Separate building for generator (included in sale). $79,900. 1103444 3 BR log home on 101’ of pristine Powell Lake - sandy shoreline with fire pit and dock for daytime and evening enjoyment!! This home features a full walkout finished basement, front and rear roofed decks, metal roof, fireplace in dining area for the cozy atmosphere, open beam ceiling on main level with spiral stairway to upper level loft. $179,900. 1103349 Beautiful 3 BR ranch home overlooking Au Train Lake. On the main level the living room, dining area and kitchen have a open concept. Property borders National Forest Land and is close to Lake Superior. $190,000
500 S Lakeshore, Mqt Own a condo in one of Marquette’s most desirable locations! Luxury condos to be built. Reserve your unit! (1094930) $349,000 to $469,000 145 Brickyard Rd, Mqt This 2-acre business property includes an office building, 20x80 pole barn and a storage building. Just off US 41-across from Best Buy! (1105385) $189,900 215 W Flint St, Gwinn This charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath home has the Escanaba River in the back yard! Open concept living and dining room. Walk out basement has a spacious family room with a fireplace. Plus, a 2 car garage! (1103587) $104,400 616 N Pine St, Ish This is an excellent investment opportunity with 4 units. Each unit has over 1,000 sq. ft. of living space, recent updates throughout the building! (1100541) $185,000 570 M35, Neg This lot has 240’ of frontage and is nicely wooded. (1099988) $13,500
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Thursday, December 14, 2017
Land Brokers PRICED TO SELL!
Contact Rob Sullivan
Lake Superior building lot in Eastern Marquette County with year- round access on Shot Point. This 1.5 acre parcel has 189 feet of Lake Superior shoreline right on the actual Shot Point. Sunrise views are at your doorstep with this east, northeast facing property. Shot Point Drive is paved and maintained year-round. Power is also available roadside. The lot has a driveway roughed in and an area partially cleared near the lakeshore for a potential building site which has grown in some over the years, but is enough to get you started. The shoreline is a mixture of large slab, flat rock, small stone, and boulders while the lake bottom in front of the property is mostly flat rock making swimming and access comparably easy for a rocky shoreline. The fishing in this location is some of the best on the South shoreline. Shallow water and small craft fishing here is excellent Spring and Fall. This attractive offering on Lake Superior near Marquette and is priced sell quickly. $125,000 MLS#: 1105779
Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337 Office: 225-LAND (5263)
344 Shot Point Drive, Marquette
183 Acres Off Willet Road, Republic
461 Slough Lake Road, Gwinn
Lake Front home or camp can be your dream home or awesome private getaway. Located on the shores of fresh and clean Airport Lake on a big 7+ acre lot, you can be one of only a few homes on a private lake with no other public access. Swim, fish, kayak, boat and more from your own dock and relax in this peaceful location. The area is loaded with State Land to explore or hunt on and trails lead endlessly for riding 4-wheelers, ATV’s, dirt bikes, snowmobiles, mountain bikes or a great hike. The entire area is full of recreation and all this is only about 25 minutes from Marquette. $178,500 MLS#: 1105279
Awesome hunting and recreation parcel in Southwestern Marquette county will check all of your boxes for beauty, variety, access, excellent hunting, interior road, privacy and best of all, price. Rolling Hills with old growth Red and White pine, regenerating aspen, mixed conifer, wildlife marsh, cranberries, pitcher plants, over 80 acres has not been harvested in decades. This tract adjoins the Republic Wetlands Preserve. You will find great grouse hunting, good deer hunting, super bear hunting and a nice, peaceful area to wander. There are small gravel deposits, good sandy/gravel soil on the uplands and several areas for your campsite. Very few tracts with these qualities at this price per acre. $99,500 MLS#: 1104371
Contact Bob Sullivan
Contact Brian Olson
906 Adams Street Marquette
W13746 Sandtown Road Engadine
1652 Engman Lake Road Skandia
160 Acres Off Keranen Road Erwin Township
Lake Superior Sand Beach & Little Huron River
150 Acres and a Private Lake
Lakefront, riverfront, large acreage log cabin resort
Little Huron River Mouth Big Bay
Bradford Lake, Peterson Road Iron Mountain
12199 Pine Crest Lane Republic
8237W Maple Street Manistique
N5679 N. Sundell Road Skandia MLS #: 1104145 $192,000 BRIAN OLSON
Clear Lake Michigamme
MLS #: 1101525 $1.2 million BOB SULLLIVAN
3147 Maple Ridge Road Rock
9490 Co Road 416 Cornell
640 Acres, County Road 601 Republic
Lots 1-5, Golf View Drive Manistique
11514 River Road Republic
Chamberlin’s Ole Forest Inn Curtis
MLS #: 1104715 $219,000 BRIAN OLSON
MLS #: 1102734 $4.5 million BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1096040 $980,000 BOB SULLIVAN
Love the Land!
Bob Sullivan
Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212
MLS #: 1105519 $160,000 ROB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1102136 $299,000 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1097818 $9,700 NATHAN BRABON
Rob Sullivan
Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337
Brian Olson
Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446
MLS #: 1100104 $119,900 BRIAN OLSON
MLS #: 1101411 $845,000 BOB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1103593 $165,000 NATHAN BRABON
MLS #: 1101897 $199,900 BOB SULLIVAN
Nathan Brabon Agent Cell: 906-869-8451
Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891
MLS #: 1104094 $130,000 SUE FELDHAUSER
MLS #: 1103814 $305,000 NATHAN BRABON
MLS #: 1104841 $99,900 ROB SULLIVAN
MLS #: 1099205 $749,900 SUE FELDHAUSER
Charles Drury Agent Cell: 906-235-3198
Nicole Tedder Agent Cell: 906-280-1459
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