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For plenty of delicious fruit, be sure to prune fruit trees
By LEE REICH Associated Press If there’s one group of plants that cries out for regular and careful pruning, it’s fruit trees. Taste the sweetness of a perfectly ripe pear: That sweetness represents energy, and that energy comes from sunlight. With proper pruning, all the limbs of a fruit tree bask in sunshine. Pruning also helps these trees strike a balance between shoot growth and fruit production, so important in making sure they bear large, luscious fruits year after year. Those shoots are needed for energy-producing leaves and for places on which fruits hang. THE YOUNG TREE The first years are important to a fruit tree’s future performance. These are the years to help your tree lay down a permanent framework of branches that can support loads of fruit and not shade each othLEE REICH er. Centuries of fruit growing have spawned many different forms for trees, but three predominate: the central-leader, the opencenter, and the modified-central-leader. The central-leader tree is shaped much like a Christmas tree, with a single leader — the trunk — flanked by shorter and shorter side branches moving up the tree. The open-center tree is vase-shaped, with three or four main limbs growing outward and upward. The modified-central-leader tree is a hybrid that starts as a central-leader then becomes open-center. All these forms allow a tree to “harvest” enough sunlight. The ideal form for a particular tree depends not only on your whims, but also on the plant’s natural growth habit. GET YOUR TREE IN SHAPE Begin pruning any new tree by cutting back broken stems and dead or diseased wood to healthy tissue. If your new tree is but a single stem (called a “whip” by nurseries), shorten it by one-third to promote branching. If it is already branched (the “feathered tree” of nurseries), save well-placed stems and completely cut away all others. The ideal branching arrangement starts about 2 feet from the ground and continues in a spiral arrangement up the trunk with about 8 inches between branches. In the case of the open-center tree, lop off the central stem just above the third branch. In the case of the central-leader and modified-central-leader trees, induce the main stem to keep making new branches by cutting off about a third of the previous season’s growth each year while the plant is dormant. The top bud grows to become an upright shoot, a continuation of the leader, and lower buds become side branches. Select new side branches that are wellspaced along the leader. THE MATURE, BEARING TREE Once a fruit tree is mature and beyond the training stage, then pruning it well means striking a balance between shoot growth and fruit production. How to achieve this balance depends on how — or really where — a particular tree bears its flowers and how big its fruits are. Especially with large fruits, such as apple and peach, individual fruits tend to be undersize and less sweet with too heavy a crop. Pruning also removes some poSee Garden p. 2D
This undated photo shows part of an apple branch being pruned in New Paltz, N.Y. Apples bear fruits on longlived, stubby spurs, but even these must be pruned eventually to stimulate younger, new spurs and keep them from overcrowding. (AP photo)
This photo shows a nursery by interior designer Jenny Dina Kirschner. For parents seeking an "eco-friendly" baby nursery, Kirschner suggests researching the materials used not just for the surface upholstery, but also in manufacturing of the interior of any furniture you purchase. (Ryan Dausch/Jenny Dina Kirschner via AP)
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Creating an eco-friendly nursery, from paint to fabrics By MELISSA RAYWORTH Associated Press When interior designer Jenny Dina Kirschner was designing a bedroom for her first baby, she wanted to create the healthiest possible space — for her baby and for the environment. She began by choosing healthier paints, natural-fiber rugs and organic fabrics. “Babies put everything in their mouths,” Kirschner says. So her goal is “try to protect them as much as possible from exposure to those things that can be avoided.” Creating an eco-friendly nursery has gained new attention lately, since news reports have said Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan the Duchess of Sussex plan to paint the nursery for their soonto-be-born royal baby with all-natural, vegan paint. That’s the general approach taken by Brooke Berrios, an early childhood education teacher, when her son was born six years ago. Berrios, an instructor at the Kremen School of Education and Human Development at California State University, Fresno, was familiar with research into the impact of toxins on children’s brain development. She painted her son’s nursery with nonVOC paint (paint that doesn’t contain volatile compounds which give off gases) and bought organic cotton towels and bedding. “I always get called hippie-dippie friend,” she says. But “toxicity from the environment can have an impact.” What are the best ways to make sure your baby’s nursery is healthy, and has as little negative impact on the environSee Nurseries p. 2D
This photo shows a nursery by interior designer Jenny Dina Kirschner. Non-VOC wall paint, organic cotton bedding and an organic cotton mattress can help create an eco-friendly and healthy space in a new baby's bedroom, says Kirschner. (AP photo)
2D The Mining Journal
Thursday, April 11, 2019
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Beyond paper straws: More hacks for reducing plastic use at home
By KATHERINE ROTH Associated Press To help the environment by cutting down on non-compostable plastics, many people have begun saying no to plastic straws and are bringing reusable bags to the grocery store instead of accepting new plastic ones. But many more small steps like those can be taken. “There are so many simple changes you can make at home,” says Melissa Ozawa, features and gardening editor at Martha Stewart Living magazine. “You can use a wooden comb, a bamboo toothbrush, silk dental floss and metal refillable safety razors.” And that’s just a start. “A good way to begin is with a waste audit, taking notes on what you throw away, whether it’s a dryer sheet or an old toothbrush. You’d be surprised by how much trash you’re generating, and it’ll give you clues about what you can do differently,” says Anna Maltby, deputy editor of Real Simple. A handful of easy, no-plastic hacks for a greener home: LIDS, NOT CLING WRAP “When I did a waste audit, I realized we were using a lot of plastic wrap. So I switched to using containers we already had and invested in a set of silicon lids that fit onto bowls in an array of sizes,” Maltby says. Other substitutes for cling wrap include cloth coverings, like Bee’s Wrap and Abeego, that seal tight. Paper sandwich bags and reusable zip-shut silicon baggies are also popular choices to replace traditional single-use plastic baggies. BUY IN BULK Plenty of things like laundry detergent can be found in refillable containers , and beans and nuts can be found in bulk, so you can sidestep plastic or clamshell containers, Ozawa says. Carry purchases home in glass jars, paper bags or other containers you already have. Farmer’s markets are another great source of package-free foods, she adds. DRY CLEANING FIXES Many dry cleaners now offer reusable bags for garments, including folded shirts. Just as the milkman used to bring milk in returnable bottles, dry cleaning can be delivered and dropped off in reusable bags. “The industry has made great strides,” says Jennie Nigrosh, founder and CEO of The Green Garmento, which sells reusable drycleaning garment bags, shirt box bags and other sustainable products.
Nurseries from 1D ment as possible? DO SOME RESEARCH Some furniture upholstered with 100 percent natural fibers may have insides that include formaldehyde, flame retardants or other unhealthy chemicals, Kirschner says, so find out what’s in them. High-quality natural fiber rugs can actually last longer than some synthetics. And they can be left undyed, or colored with vegetable dyes. Designer Paula Queen, founder of the children’s decor line Lil’ Pyar, suggests asking what dyes have
“My husband and I started the company after we started freaking out because we couldn’t find anything in our closet, it was so full of plastic-wrapped clothes. We were drowning in plastic,” she says. The idea seems to be catching on. And like a growing number of companies, The Green Garmento has a take-back program to recycle or upcycle the worn-out bags. REUSE REUSABLES ... A LOT “It’s important to remember that some reusable items may be harder on the environment than the plastics you’re trying to avoid, unless you use them a lot,” points out Maltby, of Real Simple. “Switching to reusables is a good goal, but you have to be willing to commit longterm to ensure that shift is doing more good than harm.” For example, it could take as many as 1,000 uses of a travel mug to make it a total win for the environment, she says, citing an estimate by the International Reference Centre for the Life Cycle of Products, Processes and Services in Quebec. “The message really is that when you buy a reusable product, use the heck out of it and don’t keep buying new ones,” says Maltby. BETTER YET, OPT FOR USED “Using reusable products you already own or that are handed down, that’s a real win for the ecology,” says Maltby. “You don’t need to buy a new set of Mason jars, because chances are your sister or a thrift shop may have perfectly good Mason jars you can use.” SHOP MINDFULLY “Think carefully about what you’re buying. At the grocery store or mall, people are often on autopilot. Just make avoiding plastic a part of your mindset,” says Ozawa. “As a consumer, you have a lot of power, and you can use it to reward the companies that are doing a good job with their packaging.” SPEAK OUT Above and beyond small changes on the home front, “political action is the most important thing you can do for the environment. Contact your representative and ask them to make changes,” Ozawa says. Urge friends and family to join you in your efforts, post something on social media and write companies to request that they make environmentally friendly changes, says Ozawa. “Make your voice heard,” she says.
been used on the rugs and fabrics you choose for a baby’s room. Also, ask where the items are being made and whether they will need to be shipped. Buying locally is the greenest option. BUY FOR THE LONG TERM Interior designer and HGTV host Vern Yip advises parents to choose nursery items that can be used for decades — even generations — to come. “Look at furniture that’s going into your nursery as long-term furniture, things they can use for their lifetime,” he says. “We didn’t really buy pieces, with the
At top, this photo provided by The Green Garmento shows the company's trademarked GIGANTOTE; a multiuse, expandable reusable carry-all for groceries, laundry, storage and more. Above, this photo provided by The Green Garmento shows one of the company's Green Garmento bags; an eco-friendly 4-in-1 reusable garment /duffel/ laundry bag that can help you green your dry-cleaning routine and eliminate plastic. (AP photos)
exception of the crib, that were intended for a nursery.” For his children’s nurseries, Yip chose dressers with a removable diaperchanging tray on top, rather than buying a dedicated changing table that his family would get rid of once the kids were out of diapers. He also suggests looking at second-hand furniture and vintage items rather than buying something newly manufactured. These designers also recommend choosing chairs or tables that could be used elsewhere in your home in the future. And light the room for the
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Garden from 1D
tential fruits so the plant can pump more energy into those that remain. Once a tree matures to start bearing fruit, each year prune some stems and remove others completely. Shorten stems where you want regrowth and increased branching. Completely remove stems where you do not want such regrowth, such as where stems are overcrowded. Complete removal is also the way to deal with those vigorous, upright shoots called watersprouts, which are not fruitful and tend to shade lower portions of the plant. The kind of tree you are pruning dictates the overall amount of pruning needed. The younger the stems on which fruits are borne, the more stems need to be short-
This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, mBank, First Bank of Upper Michigan and Marquette Community Federal Credit Union.
ened. At one extreme are peach and nectarine. They bear fruit only on stems that grew the previous season, so need fairly severe annual pruning to stimulate an annual flush of vigorous, new shoots for the following year’s crop. Prune enough so that a bird could fly right through the branches. Apple and pear trees, at the other extreme, bear fruit on long-lived, very short, knobby branches, called spurs, so need little such annual stimulus. Eventually, though, even spurs need pruning for rejuvenation and elbow room. Most other fruit trees lie between the extremes of apples and peaches in bearing habit and severity of annual pruning needed. Again, completely remove some stems and shorten others to achieve a good balance of fruiting wood and stem growth.
long-term: Yip points out that we often leave lights on in a nursery, so choosing long-life LED bulbs is practical on two levels. Tired, busy parents don’t have to change light bulbs as often, and LEDs waste far less energy than conventional bulbs. Opt for items constructed from sustainably grown materials or made with environmental concerns in mind. Queen’s firm makes small seating poufs from canvas fabric remnants left over from other manufacturing. “We really use every element of material that we can,” she says. PEACE OF MIND
Kirschner points out that some new parents struggle to balance their desire for a healthy space with the convenience of synthetic fabrics and rugs that are easy to clean. Life with babies can be messy. “I have a lot of clients with kids and babies, and they all want these synthetic textiles used everywhere, because they are so stain-resistant and virtually indestructible,” Kirschner says. “As a designer, I have to warn them that these are not healthy.” Parents’ peace of mind is an important consideration in choosing nursery decor, and eco-friendly choices can bring that, says Lauren My-
ers, a developmental psychologist at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. “What babies really need are people who love them and respond to them,” Myers says. “And if a parent finds the baby’s environment soothing and stress relieving, that is good for the parent. Too often we forget that what is good for the parent is also good for the baby.”
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10750W S Sand Lake Rd, Manistique
Five acres with over 500 feet of sand frontage on this pristine semi-private lake.
$94,500 MLS#: 1112920 BOB SULLIVAN
180 Co Rd KR, Marquette
Recent custom construction three bedroom, two bath home on a beautiful, rolling 40 acres in Northern Marquette County.
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Michigamme Riverfront building acreage with year round access and power available.
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11091 East Shore Road, Marenisco Private, large acreage building lot on Lake Gogebic with 207 feet of water frontage.
$85,000 MLS#: 1111437 SUE FELDHAUSER
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Spectacular and diverse 180 acres of recreation and hunting property located near Pelkie in Western Baraga County.
MLS#: 1113063 $179,900 ROB SULLIVAN
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9.6 acres building parcel with over 330 feet of frontage on the Laughing Whitefish River near Deerton with great road access.
A rare and great opportunity to own a large acreage parcel on the middle branch of the Escanaba River located near Cornell north of Escanaba and Gladstone.
$29,000 MLS#: 1112877 ROB SULLIVAN
$89,900 MLS#: 1093630 BOB SULLIVAN
14490 Taylor Dam Road, Seney
TBD Co Rd CCT, Ishpeming
Secluded cabin 12 miles North of Seney overlooking a semi private lake with 90 acres for year around outdoor enjoyment.
$199,000 MLS#: 1112622 BOB ANDERSON
203 Sunday Lake Street, Wakefield Fantastic opportunity for someone interested in a small business consisting of a bar and restaurant and a complete home on the upper level! The Club 28 in Wakefield is a well known, established and extremely popular venue at the corner of US2 and M28.
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Bob Sullivan
Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212
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$84,900 MLS#: 1112884 BOB ANDERSON
3557 Co Rd FFB, Champion
Year round access to this scenic waterfront property with over 40 acres and approximately 700’ of lake frontage on Fish Lake in Champion, with a 5400’+ home, beach house, 2 story barn, log cabin, old blacksmith shop, garden shed, and hunting shack.
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Rob Sullivan
Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337
Brian Olson
Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446
34 Acres, M95, Republic
Excellent building site just south of Republic on over 34 acres with highway frontage and utilities on M-95 that used to be old pasture land.
$39,000 MLS#: 1113121 ROB SULLIVAN
54 Blue Road, Champion
Marvelous Lake Michigamme waterfront Lodge on a premier site with a westerly view of nearly the entire main lake and many Islands dotting the long water views.
2082 Dishno Road, Champion
Gorgeous Retreat/Cottage/Home on pristine Brocky Lake.
$249,900 MLS#: 1110548 BRIAN OLSON
TBD Perlot Road, Felch
Private hunting retreat surrounded by thousands of acres of State and CFA land.
$788,800 MLS#: 1108908 BOB SULLIVAN
$160,000 MLS#: 1110725 BRIAN OLSON
8520 Old K10. 17th Rd, Rapid River
116 Riverdale, Harvey
40 acre hobby farm located on the Stonington Peninsula in Southern Delta County.
$175,000 MLS#: 1111091 ROB SULLIVAN
Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891
Charles Drury Agent Cell: 906-235-3198
Fish or drop your kayak in the Chocolay right out your backdoor at this Stunning Chocolay Township turnkey.
$328,000 MLS#: 1108143 BRIAN OLSON
Bob Anderson Agent Cell: 906-362-8388
Don Willson
Agent Cell: 906-202-0457
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