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This July 2016 photo, of a drought-stressed yard near Langley, Wash., shows a lawn gone dormant in the background while the mulch-covered perennials in the foreground thrive. Mulch serves as a protective layer for the soil, keeping water in and weeds and some disease out. (AP photo)

Watering during a drought begins with setting priorities

By DEAN FOSDICK Associated Press Homeowners know that irrigation is a necessary but never-ending task for gardens and the overall landscape. But watering priorities change drastically during a drought. Conservation prevails over plant care, and can trigger expensive and in some cases emotional losses. “If water conservation is important or needed, this takes precedence — especially if there are legal restrictions,” said Leonard Perry, extension horticulture professor emeritus at the University of Vermont. In such a case, he said, switch quickly to more drought-tolerant plants, and to practices such as adding compost and mulch, which hold water. If water restrictions have been mandated by your community, then determine exactly what they cover. “If not too severe, they may just cover lawn sprinklers and not watering of gardens,” Perry said. Watering should be directed toward your choicest plants, expensive or special ones — perhaps family heirloom plants and those newly planted and not yet established. “As much as it may hurt — and it has me — lawns are lower down (the irrigation list) as they take so much water,” Perry said. “You may need to let them shrivel and crisp up. But they may just go dormant and revive after a rainy period returns.” Plan your landscape not only for beauty but for irrigation, said Sheri Dorn, an extension horticulturist with the University of Georgia. “That goes to fundamental things — the right plant for the right place. Things that factor into plant health. If you have a stressed plant, you have to be aware of it,” Dorn said. It all starts with the soil, she said. Analyzing its chemical components can help you gauge fertilizer needs. “Fast growth needs water to maintain it,” she said. Ideally, not more than 10 percent of the landscape should be zoned for frequent water use, 30 percent or less for occasional water use, and 60 percent or more for infrequent water use, according to a University of Georgia Extension publication. Longstanding droughts can be damaging, but waterwise gardening means you might be able to save your water and the plants, too, Perry said.

This undated photo provided by Abbe Fenimore shows an outdoor rug in a rooftop sitting area designed by Abbe Fenimore, which brings the softness of a living room to an outdoor space. Designers say that outdoor furnishings have come a long way. Look for rugs, lighting, sofas and more. (AP photo)

3 pros discuss creating an outdoor room By MELISSA RAYWORTH Associated Press Designers often talk about the perfect “outdoor living room” — a deck or patio that combines the comfort and style of indoor decorating with the pleasure of relaxing outside. But what separates these outdoor entertaining spaces from more typically decorated backyards? We’ve asked three interior designers — Brett Beldock of New York-based Brett Design Inc., Abbe Fenimore of Studio Ten25 in Dallas and Dan Mazzarini of the design firm BHDM — about what items they use to elevate a simple deck or patio to true “outdoor room” status.

See Garden p. 2D

THE PERFECT RUG “Adding textiles underfoot,” says Mazzarini, brings “that added tactile quality that’s expected to be only indoors, and helps sort of redefine the outdoor space.” Beldock agrees, and says companies like Sunbrella and Perennials offer soft rugs made of durable,

This 2012 image of a Langley, Wash., area lawn gone dormant in the fall shows that the homeowner had their watering priorities in order. Grasses can be revived after the rains return but expensive shrubs, trees and perennials may stress out and die. (AP photo)

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dyed acrylic yarns in gorgeous patterns and colors. “It doesn’t feel like plastic,” Beldock says, but “you can hose it down.” And fortunately, says Fenimore, you don’t have to invest a lot — even bigbox stores like Sam’s Club sometimes offer goodquality outdoor rugs in geometric prints or stripes. Some of these may actually dry more quickly after rain than more expensive, thicker outdoor rugs. Choosing a rug that drains and dries well is especially important if you have a concrete floor or little direct sunlight. But, Fenimore says, don’t skimp too much on the price: Very thin acrylic rugs may not last long and may fade quickly. In choosing the number of rugs and their placement, consider defining separate entertaining areas: one rug for the dining area under the table and chairs, and another to define a seating area that serves as a living room. See Outdoor p. 2D

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The top photo, provided by Texas-based interior designer Abbe Fenimore, shows how fans for hot days and space heaters for cold nights can help make a patio feel even more like an “outdoor living room,” as seen in this backyard sitting area designed by Fenimore. Designers say that outdoor furnishings have come a long way. Look for rugs, lighting, sofas and more. The photo above shows how sofa pillows, as seen in this outdoor seating area designed by Fenimore, bring a touch of indoor comfort to a deck or patio. (AP photos)

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

House to Home Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.

High rate





Low rate





Average rate





Ou tdoor

This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan, the Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and mBank.

Garde n

from 1D

Some tips: ¯ Use soaker hoses or drip systems. You can lose as much as half of your water on a hot day to evaporation with overhead sprinklers. ¯ Invest in precision irrigation. Scotts Miracle-Gro Co., for example, has introduced new systems “using real-time weather, soil and plant data to automatically adjust and improve water-

ing schedules, so customers always know what’s going on in every inch of their yards from their smart devices,” said Josh Peoples, the company’s vice president. ¯ Water deeply and less often, rather than frequently and for shorter periods. Water that penetrates more deeply encourages deeper roots, which are more resistant to drought, Perry said. ¯Repair and collect. Make

sure your hoses and fittings aren’t leaking, and save as much rainwater and wasted household water as possible. ¯ Cultivate sparingly. Turning over the ground dries it much faster. ¯ Avoid pruning. It can further weaken stressed plants. ¯ Mulch. Mulch serves as a protective layer for the soil, keeping water in and weeds and some diseases out.

from 1D

LIVING ROOM LIGHTING Typical outdoor lighting can be harsh and unflattering, and “overhead lighting is nobody’s friend,” says Mazzarini. So look for outdoor table lamps and floor lamps to add the soft glow of indoor lighting. Although they vary in what weather conditions they can handle, outdoor lamps can be used throughout much of the year, Mazzarini says. Fenimore agrees: “Bringing in lamplight, especially outside, is really beautiful and subtle,” she says, and it’s easy to find a wide range of styles and prices for outdoor lamps at home decor retailers. As a finishing touch, Beldock loves adding to the glow by using lots of candles with glass hurricane covers.

TEMPERATURE CONTROL Managing the air is another indoor touch you can work with outdoors. For clients in Texas, Fenimore often suggests fans to circulate the air on an outdoor patio. At her own home, “we have a wall-mounted fan hanging under one of the eaves,” she says, to keep air moving and hopefully deter mosquitoes. For colder evenings, standing space heaters can take the chill out of a space and complement the warmth from a firepit. UPHOLSTERY AND FABRICS Just as with your indoor living room, choose a comfortable, stylish sofa for outdoors and pair it with a loveseat or comfortable upholstered chairs. Indoor/outdoor fabrics have come a long way, these designers say, so choose a texture that feels like indoor upholstery. And don’t just stick with one color, says Beldock: “Mix and match fabrics the way you do in an indoor situation.” Although outdoor sofa styles vary widely, Beldock says the sectional “peanut sofa” by Bonaldo is popular for outdoor living rooms, and it’s available in a wide range of soft outdoor fabrics. Velvety, chenille fabrics durable enough for outdoors have become popular, says Fenimore. Despite their cozy texture, she says, these fabrics don’t trap heat and can be comfortable all summer long. To complete the look, add throw pillows to your outdoor sofa. Many outdoor throw pillows are available with stuffing that can dry easily without getting moldly. Another option, Fenimore says, is using beautiful indoor throw pillows when you entertain outside and then bringing them in when the party is over. A deep pile of pillows will bring indoor comfort to your outdoor sofa, encouraging guests to stay and relax, she says. Finishing touch: Fenimore suggests keeping a container filled with soft, lightweight throw blankets so that guests lounging outdoors in the evening can have that extra touch of softness and luxury if the wind begins to blow.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Melissa Rayworth writes the Ask a Designer column monthly for The Associated Press. Follow her on Twitter at @mrayworth.

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This June photo provided by VLES shows contents of the company's GO-bag. The bag is a best-inclass fully-stocked emergency bag that has things you could need in case of an emergency and has plenty of room for the personal items you'll need. (AP photo)

How to prepare an emergency kit By MELISSA KOSSLER DUTTON Associated Press Heather Kretzer, a health consultant for the Florida Department of Health in Panama City, lives near the water. But the most recent call for an evacuation in her area wasn’t because of a hurricane but because of an active shooter. The incident, which did not result in any bystanders being injured but did lead to the temporary evacuation of an apartment complex, drove home to Kretzer the need for all families to have a survival bag they can grab in an emergency. “You can be asked to evacuate your home for a number of emergencies — often with little warning and limited time to gather your possessions,” she said. No area in the country is immune from disaster and unexpected evacuation, said Jim Judge, emergency management director for Volusia County, Florida, and a member of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council. Threats range from weather concerns and wildfires to hazardous material spills and police matters. With hurricane and wildfire seasons under way, summer is a good time to consider packing a go-bag of emergency supplies. Having a pre-packed bag or bin ready will help reduce the stress of a stressful situation, said Stuart Warshaw, whose company, VLESdesigns, sells stocked emergency bags. He and other safety experts also recommend having a plan about how to evacuate and where to go.

“You need a cool head when there’s little time and potentially critical decisions to make,” he said. His bag includes wheels so it can be rolled through urban areas or airports, and it also has straps and a waist belt so it can be worn as a backpack. Some families prefer an old suitcase or plastic tub stored under a bed or in a closet, Judge said. A duffle bag also works well, Kretzer said. The contents of your kit should help you survive up to three days, she said. Be sure to think about every member of the family, including pets. “It’s like going camping — all the things you need to take with you,” Judge said. Kretzer, Judge and Warshaw offered the following suggestions on what to include in an emergency bag: FOOD AND WATER Remember that supplies should last the entire family three days. That includes 1 gallon of water per person per day. Include non-perishable food that requires no water or cooking. Don’t forget plates, silverware and a manual can opener. Protein bars make a good emergency food, Kretzer said. Tip: Warshaw recommends water purification tablets in case the water supply becomes tainted. PERSONAL NEEDS This includes eyeglasses, contact solution, hygiene supplies, and prescription and over-the-counter medicines that are taken regularly. If you have a young child, include diapers, baby food and formula.


Tip: If you are unable to pack prescription medications, tape a note to the bag reminding you to grab them, or prepare a checklist of last-minute additions that’s kept with the bag. CLOTHING Three days’ worth for every member of your family. Tip: Include sturdy shoes and hats. SAFETY SUPPLIES A go-bag should include a first aid kit, flashlight, extra batteries, matches in a waterproof container and a whistle. It also may be helpful to have strong tape, plastic sheeting and a few tools. Tip: Remove the batteries from the flashlight and other items to avoid corrosion. COMMUNICATIONS TOOLS The power may be out, so a battery-operated or hand-crank radio is essential, Judge said. Two-way radios also will be useful. Pack phone cords and chargers to use once power is restored. Tip: Consider identifying an out-of-town relative as a contact point for everyone in the family, to relay important messages and updates. PAPERWORK/CASH Either include copies of birth certificates, IDs, insurance policies and prescriptions in the kit or save encrypted copies/photos of them on a secure online storage spot. A map with evacuation routes highlighted also will be helpful. Make sure you have cash — preferably smaller bills — in

the kit, in case the power is out and you can’t use credit cards and ATMs. Tip: Print out a list of important phone numbers in case you can’t access the contact list in your phone.

CREATURE COMFORTS Consider taking blankets and pillows to make your stay at a shelter or other evacuation location more comfortable. Add a deck of cards, books, some games or other things that could amuse children in a shelter or hotel room.

PET PLANS If you will be evacuating with a pet, identify in advance what shelters allow them, advises Pet Sitters International. Pack a copy of veterinary and vaccination records, pet food, water bowl and leash. Tip: Be sure you have the right size carrier to transport your pet to a shelter.

Online: h/brr/English-html/kit-contents.asp uild-a-kit /all_products

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The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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                                                                    

                      

                                                                            

OFING J. HELLER RO NST. SIDING & CO ng/Staining • Interior Painti d • Roofs Shovele Sidewalks • Driveways & Snowblown


                                              

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Your Best Return on Investment “I believe that the best way to reach out to inform people of the services in the area is through the Mining Journal Service Directory. I have personally received most of my work from the readers who receive the Mining Journal. Thank you readers of the UP and the Mining Journal!”

When You Need To Reach New Customers, No One Else Even Comes Close!

– John Heller

Open Houses Thursday, June 14, 5:30 – 7:30 PM 1132 Ortman Rd, Chocolay Twp

Thursday, June 14, 5:00 – 7:00 PM Lot #23 Forestville Basin Rd., Mqt Twp

Directions: US 41 S. to Cherry Creek Rd., turn right on Ortman Rd., Home on left.

Directions: Wright St., left on Forestville, Rd., go over the bridge, turn right on Forestville Basin Trail. Follow open house signs.

NEW PRICE!. Terrific buy on this spacious home. 3 bedrooms all on one floor, and additional nonconforming bedroom on lower level, along with a large family room. 2,636 sq. ft. of finished space! Lots of storage space plus a 2 car garage. Convenient location just up the road from the Cherry Creek Elementary School. 1107994 $196,500

This “SPEC HOME” is waiting for you to select your finishes. Open concept design with cathedral ceilings, large windows flank the fireplace overlooking your beautiful 160’ of frontage on Forestville Basin, great for boating, swimming & fishing. This area is truly an outdoor enthusiasts paradise. Only 4 miles to MQT city limits. Lower level has double patio doors, perfect for adding additional finished space. 1100131 $499,900

1901 W. Ridge St. Marquette


1901 W. Ridge St. Marquette Shown by: Darlene Martin


Shown by: Jodi Miri

4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, June 14, 2018




Land Brokers

1075 Ortman Road, Marquette

Four bedroom, four bath executive estate home on 10 wooded acres just outside of Marquette.

$449,500 MLS#: 1108550 ROB SULLIVAN

W504 Co Road 426, Arnold Custom built log home on 22 acres on the north branch of the Ford River.

$395,000 MLS#: 1108256 BRIAN OLSON

116 Riverdale, Harvey

Stunning turn-key home in Chocolay Township with a pool!

$328,000 MLS#: 1108143 BRIAN OLSON

21714 Petticoat Lake Road, Michigamme Three bedroom/two bath on private Petticoat Lake for under $200k. Well maintained home with new roof, flooring, indoor sauna, and with 200+ feet of frontage. MLS#: 1108728


160 Acres off Keranen Road, Erwin Township (Ironwood)

Rustic camp located in Erwin Township on 160 acres of prime forest land surrounded on three sides by thousands of acres of corporate and County land. MLS#: 1104094

13740 Hahn Road, Engadine

Cozy cabin lying on over 3 acres with trout stream frontage near Engadine. MLS#: 1108395



2011 County Road 456, Little Lake Immaculate and move-in ready home with 180 ft of frontage on Farmer’s Lake. MLS#: 1107316

$339,900 BRIAN OLSON

E6599 Crossover Road, Munising Twenty-four acres of peaceful land with thousands of acres of Hiawatha National Forest bordering the west side of the property. MLS#: 1093614


PRICE CHANGES Michigamme Rr County Road LR, Republic

Large acreage parcel with great riverfront on the Michigamme River with good road access and electricity. MLS#: 1065812

Green Road, Michigamme $97,500 BOB SULLIVAN


Large tract of private acreage surrounding a private lake. The shoreline is a Wild Cranberry bog complete with wild orchids and pitcher plants and you can walk through the marsh right to the waters edge. Two building sites are within 50 yards of the lake. MLS#: 1106220


11514 River Road, Republic

183 Acres Off Willet Road, Republic



Remarkable 45 acre parcel with over 2,000 feet of frontage on the Michigamme River with numerous building sites. MLS#: 1101897

Love the Land!

266 Acres Bengston Lake, Republic

Dramatic waterfront parcel on Lake Michigamme with 400 feet of lake frontage on eight acres. MLS#: 1081377

Bob Sullivan

Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212

Rob Sullivan

Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337

Hunting and recreation parcel in Southwestern Marquette county with rolling hills, old growth Red and White pine, regenerating aspen, mixed conifer, wildlife marsh, cranberries, and pitcher plants. MLS#: 1104371

Brian Olson

Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446

Nathan Brabon Agent Cell: 906-869-8451

Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891

Charles Drury Agent Cell: 906-235-3198

Toll-free 1-866-231-LAND • • 2552• 2552 USUS 4141West, Marquette 906-225-LAND (5263) • • West, Marquette

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