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This photo of an espalier tree, taken at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pa., shows a typical ''Cordon" design with its vertical trunk and multi-tiered horizontal branches. The lateral shaping eases harvesting, simplifies mowing, maximizes sunlight and helps trees fit into tight areas. (AP photo)

Espalier pruning has artistic and practical benefits

By DEAN FOSDICK Associated Press Espalier design is an ancient pruning practice that fashions fruit trees, vines or flowering shrubs into artistic, two-dimensional forms. This lateral shaping makes it easier to harvest and mow, maximizes sunlight, and helps trees fit into tight areas. “It’s a great way to utilize growing space next to walls and fences while adding ornamental interest,” said Harold Taylor, outdoor landscape manager at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. “It is also used for efficient use of garden space and as a method for creating outdoor rooms in the landscape.” To espalier (pronounced ess-PAL-yay) a tree is to train it to grow flat against a support of some kind — a wall, fence or wires, say. Support it with ties or brackets, and prune it to grow sideways by selecting several strong branches from separate levels and eliminating buds shooting toward the front or rear. The horizontal survivors eventually will become the tree’s fruiting spurs. A half-dozen or more classic, architectural espalier profiles have evolved over time. Examples include the “Cordon,” with its vertical trunk and multi-tiered horizontal branches; the self-descriptive “Fan,” whose branches grow from the trunk at 45 degree angles; the “Candelabra,” where vertical branches rise from a single low horizontal limb; and the “Belgian” or “English Fence,” where espalier plants are linked in lattice-like fashion to freestanding trellises. The latter often serve as living fences to screen unattractive areas. “Have patience, as it will take a couple growing seasons or more for your espalier to start taking shape, and five to 10 years until at peak form,” said Leonard Perry, a horticulture professor emeritus at University of Vermont Extension, in a fact sheet. Almost any woody plant can be espaliered, although some, with sturdy yet supple branches, are more genetically suited than others for this training technique. “Fruit trees are one of the most widely used,” Taylor said in an email. That would include apple and pear trees, along with peaches, pomegranates, figs, cherries, plums, nectarines and apricots. Ornamental plants with long, flexible branching also make good espalier candidates. Think camellias, holly, magnolia, bougainvillea, climbing roses and a host of others. Dwarf, semi-dwarf cultivars and young trees that haven’t developed thick branching are easier to train than are standard-size, open-canopy varieties. Young trees also are less expensive, while dwarf trees are less likely to outgrow their shape if not pruned every year. Espalier trees often are used in commercial orchards to boost yields. “Growing fruit trees as a fruiting wall is becoming common with commercial orchards because it takes

See Trees p. 2D

Internet-connected “smarts” are creeping into cars, refrigerators, thermostats and just about everything else in your home. (AP graphic)

Home items are getting smarter and creepier, like it or not By ANICK JESDANUN AP Technology Writer NEW YORK — One day, finding an oven that just cooks food may be as tough as buying a TV that merely lets you change channels. Internet-connected “smarts” are creeping into cars, refrigerators, thermostats, toys and just about everything else in your home. CES 2019, the gadget show opening Tuesday in Las Vegas, will showcase many of these products, including an oven that coordinates your recipes and a toilet that flushes with a voice command. With every additional smart device in your home, companies are able to

gather more details about your daily life. Some of that can be used to help advertisers target you — more precisely than they could with just the smartphone you carry. “It’s decentralized surveillance,” said Jeff Chester, executive director for the Center for Digital Democracy, a Washington-based digital privacy advocate. “We’re living in a world where we’re tethered to some online service stealthily gathering our information.” Yet consumers so far seem to be welcoming these devices. The research firm IDC projects that 1.3 billion smart devices will ship worldwide in

2022, twice as many as 2018. Companies say they are building these products not for snooping but for convenience, although Amazon, Google and other partners enabling the intelligence can use the details they collect to customize their services and ads. Whirlpool, for instance, is testing an oven whose window doubles as a display. You’ll still be able to see what’s roasting inside, but the glass can now display animation pointing to where to place the turkey for optimal cooking. The oven can sync with your digital See Smart p. 2D

Above left, a woman demonstrates the Artemis smart mirror at the CareOS booth during CES Unveiled at CES International, Sunday in Las Vegas. The interactive mirror has video capture, virtual try-ons, facial and object recognition, and can give the user video instruction on specific makeup products, among other things. Above right, Whirlpool Corp. and Yummly team up to create smart cooking appliances through a series of over-the-air updates to both product software and the Whirlpool and Yummly Guided Cooking brand apps, at the CES Unveiled at CES International Sunday. (AP photos)


Making your own home-cleaning products? Some pro tips

By KATHERINE ROTH Associated Press To reduce waste and avoid unnecessary plastic bottles and chemicals — and to save money — many people are opting to make cleaning products from scratch at home. You can find an abundance of recipes for household cleaning products online, along with reusable glass spray bottles designed to hold them. But not all homemade This photo provided by Cleaning Essentials shows some of the company's Essential Oils used in homemade clean- cleaning products are created equal, and some simple coning recipes. (AP photo)

coctions can be downright dangerous. “To have an unlabeled cleaning product in a Mason jar with kids around can be a dangerous thing,” warns Carolyn Forte, director of the home appliances and cleaning products lab at Good Housekeeping. “And be careful never to mix bleach with anything but water. Certain combinations can be toxic.” Baking soda and vinegar also should not be combined. Mixed together they are ineffective at cleaning and, if

contained in a jar, likely to explode, she warns. So when making your own cleaning mixtures at home: ¯ Double check the safety of the combination you choose; ¯ Keep all products out of reach of children or pets; ¯ And list all ingredients clearly on the jar or spray bottle. Test your cleaning mixture before using it. “Making your own window cleaner may be OK, but years of chemistry and safety research have

gone into products like laundry and dishwasher detergents and furniture polishes, and you don’t want to risk accidentally damaging something that’s precious to you,” Forte says. Even so, it can be useful to know what to use in a pinch when you don’t have time to rush to the store, says Stephanie Sisco, home editor at Real Simple magazine. And many homemade cleaning combinations do See DIY p. 2D

2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, January 10, 2019

House to Home Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.

High rate





Low rate





Average rate





This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, mBank, First Bank of Upper Michigan and Marquette Community Federal Credit Union.

Smart from 1D

calendar and recommend recipes based on how much time you have. It can help coordinate multiple recipes, so that you’re not undercooking the side dishes in focusing too much on the entree. A camera inside lets you zoom in to see if the cheese on the lasagna has browned enough, without opening the oven door. As for that smart toilet, Kohler’s Numi will respond to voice commands to raise or lower the lid — or to flush. You can do it from an app, too. The company says it’s all about offering hands-free options in a setting that’s very personal for people. The toilet is also heated and can play music and the news through its speakers. Kohler also has a tub that adjusts water temperature to your liking and a kitchen faucet that dispenses just the right amount of water for a recipe. For the most part, consumers aren’t asking for these specific features. After all, before cars were invented, people might have known only to ask for faster horses. “We try to be innovative in ways that customers don’t realize they need,” Samsung spokesman Louis Masses said. Whirlpool said insights can come from something as simple as watching consumers open the oven door several times to check on the meal, losing heat in the process. “They do not say to us, ‘Please tell me where to put (food) on the rack, or do algorithm-based cooking,’” said Doug Searles, general manager for Whirlpool’s research arm, WLabs. “They tell us the results that are most important to them.” Samsung has several voice-enabled products, including a fridge that comes with an app that lets you check on its contents while you’re grocery shopping. New this year: Samsung’s washing machines can send alerts to its TVs — smart TVs, of course — so you know your laundry is ready while watching Netflix. Other connected items at CES include: ¯ a fishing rod that tracks your location to build an online map of where you’ve made the most catches. ¯ a toothbrush that recommends where to brush more. ¯ a fragrance diffuser that lets you control how your home smells from a smartphone app. These are poised to join internet-connected security

Shown is Flo, designed by Moen, and used to detect water leaks and water usage for an entire home and then shows all the information on an app. The technology is displayed at the CES Unveiled at CES International Sunday in Las Vegas. (AP photo) cameras, door locks and thermostats that are already on the market. The latter can work with sensors to turn the heat down automatically when you leave home. Chester said consumers feel the need to keep up with their neighbors when they buy appliances with the smartest smarts. He said all the conveniences can be “a powerful drug to help people forget the fact that they are also being spied on.” Gadgets with voice controls typically aren’t transmitting any data back to company servers until you activate them with a trigger word, such as “Alexa” or “OK Google.” But devices have sometimes misheard innocuous words as legitimate commands to record and send private conversations . Even when devices work properly, commands are usually stored indefinitely. Companies can use the data to personalize experiences — including ads. Beyond that, background conversations may be stored with the voice recordings and can resurface with hacking or as part of lawsuits or investigations. Knowing what you cook or stock in your fridge might seem innocuous. But if insurers get hold of the data, they might charge you more for unhealthy diets, warned Paul Stephens, director of policy and advocacy at the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse in San Diego. He also said it might be possible to infer ethnicity based on food consumed. Manufacturers are instead emphasizing the benefits: Data collection from the smart faucet, for instance, allows Kohler’s app to display how much water is dispensed. (Water bills typically show water use for the whole home, not individual taps.) The market for smart devices is still small, but growing. Kohler estimates that in a few years, smart

appliances will make up 10 percent of its revenue. Though the features are initially limited to premium models — such as the $7,000 toilet — they should eventually appear in entry-level products, too, as costs come down. Consider the TV. “Dumb” TVs are rare these days, as the vast majority of TVs ship with internet connections and apps, like it or not. “It becomes a check-box item for the TV manufacturer,” said Paul Gagnon, an analyst with IHS Markit. For a dumb one, he said, you have to search for an off-brand, entry-level model with smaller screens — or go to places in the world where streaming services aren’t common. “Dumb” cars are also headed to the scrapyard. The research firm BI Intelligence estimates that by 2020, three out of every four cars sold worldwide will be models with connectivity. No serious incidents have occurred in the United States, Europe and Japan, but a red flag has already been raised in China, where automakers have been sharing location details of connected cars with the government. As for TVs, Consumer Reports says many TV makers collect and share users’ viewing habits. Vizio agreed to $2.5 million in penalties in 2017 to settle cases with the Federal Trade Commission and New Jersey officials. Consumers can decide not to enable these connections. They can also vote with their wallets, Stephens said. “I’m a firm believer that simple is better. If you don’t need to have these so-called enhancements, don’t buy them,” he said. “Does one really need a refrigerator that keeps track of everything in it and tells you you are running out of milk?”

Trees from 1D less labor to prune and harvest,” said Renae Moran, a fruit-growing specialist with University of Maine Cooperative Extension. “However, they do not have the look that a home-trained tree would have since commercial growers do not spend any time fussing with the tree’s appearance. “To a hobby grower, the formal shape of an espalier tree may be the primary reason for choosing the training system,” Moran said. Espalier training usually is done in winter when plants are dormant. “Once a person overcomes the fear of making pruning mistakes, it’s easy,” Moran said. “Cleaning up the prunings afterward is more work than the pruning itself.” Online: For more about espalier training, see this fact sheet from University of Florida Ext e n s i o n : You can contact Dean Fosdick at

This photograph of a Camellia tree, taken Oct. 10 growing alongside a house near Langley, Wash., demonstrates using espalier pruning to utilize growing space near walls and fences while adding ornamental interest. Fruit trees are most widely used but almost any woody plant can be espaliered although some — with sturdy yet supple branches — are more genetically suited than others. (AP photo)

DIY from 1D work, with far fewer chemicals than in many storebought brands. To help people make gentle cleaning products at home, Mike and Martha Robinson founded Cleaning Essentials, which sells sturdy glass bottles in various colors and sizes, labeled with recipes for solutions that can be made using mostly vinegar, water and essential oils. “Sixty years ago our grandparents wouldn’t have gone to the store for cleaners. They would have used vinegar, baking soda, some elbow grease, and been healthier for it,” says Mike Robinson. Katy Kiick Condon, senior editor for home design at Better Homes & Gardens magazine, agrees: “Just steam, hot water and some elbow grease can accomplish a lot.” DO’s: Know the basics about the cleaning properties of various household products: ¯ Baking soda is a great deodorizer and is useful as a mild abrasive; ¯ Vinegar cuts grease, removes mineral deposits and has disinfectant qualities; ¯ Lemon juice with some salt can remove rust stains. DON’Ts: ¯ NEVER combine bleach with anything but water. And remember that baking soda and vinegar, while trusted standbys individually, are ineffective for cleaning if combined — and will bubble up explosively. ¯ Don’t use lemon on wood, since it can destroy protective finishes, says Sisco. ¯ Don’t overdo it with vinegar, which can dull surfaces, she says. There’s a reason that cleaning-product recipes call for adding water. RECIPES: With the above basics in mind, here are a few recipes

This photo provided by Cleaning Essentials shows some of the company's reusable glass cleaning bottles available online and in stores. (AP photo) recommended by the pros. Window cleaner: For clean, streak-free windows, Condon, at Better Homes & Gardens, swears by the combination of 2 cups hot water, 1 tablespoon corn starch, 1/4 cup white vinegar and 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol. “I tested a bunch of recipes, and this one is hands-down the best for mirrors and windows,” she says. All-purpose cleaner: Sisco, at Real Simple, recommends combining 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 cups of water and 1/2 teaspoon of castille soap, such as Dr. Bonner’s. For a stronger cleaner, she recommends mixing 1/2 cup vinegar, 1/2

BIG C REALTY (906) 387-3074 321 E. Munising Ave., Munising

1091135 Great get-a-way property - Hickey Creek runs through it with gorgeous views, State property to the North and corporate borders the East. Mostly wooded, frontage on county-maintained blacktop H-15 just minutes from snowmobiling, hunting, fishing! Power is already on the property, so come build your special place!! $26,900 1110197 HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! Let your imagination go, 19+ acres with frontage on blacktopped county-maintained road, mixed terrain ideal for hunting - or - building your new home. Driveway in with a one room 12 x 16 building, generator ready, insulated and finished interior. Ponds are located next to the road!!! $27,000 1111291 What a great place for your home or camp - Sturgeon River out your back door, property adjacent to USA lands on the North boundary, frontage on year-round blacktop road!!! Furnished and features 2 bedrooms, spacious LR with fireplace, enclosed front porch as your family room with glass sliding door to deck overlooking river. Plus, spacious storage building/shed for storing toys, wood, etc.$69,000 1082906 Beautiful 4.4 island in North Lost Lake PLUS 1.4-acre wooded corner lot with several building sites located in Whispering Pines Subdivision. Lot 15 is one of six lots having exclusive access to Lost Lake through a 20’ wide platted private park. Phone and power available with road being privately maintained but used on a year-round basis. Also listed under MLS #1082908; #1082905 $74,900


1103038 Location - Location - Location!! Vacant commercial building on busy H-58, previously a convenience/gift/party store. Beer-wine take out license is in escrow, coolers, display racks, shelving, and more just waiting for you to start your own business. Includes a 27 x 32 detached garage. $110,000 1107807 Cute home nestled close to schools and walking distance to downtown. Great neighborhood with spacious backyard, garage and basement. Option for Bedroom 4 to be converted back into more living space if not needed. Home features hardwood flooring, solid oak kitchen cabinets, updated bathroom, solid wood doors and trim. Move in ready! $115,000

cup vodka, 10 to 20 drops of essential oil and 1 1/2 cups water. Carpet cleaner: Sisco recommends blotting the stain then saturating it with club soda. “The bubbles will work the stain to the surface,” she says. Then coat it with a hefty dose of table salt, which will absorb the stain, she says. “Then just vacuum it up once it’s dry, maybe 12 hours later. It’s a good overnight cleaning solution, and great for wine and other stains. The key is to blot all excess stain before starting with club soda and salt.”

1900 Presque Isle Ave.



500 S Lakeshore Blvd, Mqt With this new first-floor condo you can enjoy the Lake Superior views with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, open concept kitchen, living room and dining area, a covered 83 Sq. Ft. porch and a private 18x13 garage along with underground parking. (1094930) $459,000 TBD Ridge St, Mqt This is not something you will find in the middle of Marquette often! With over 20 lots totaling over 4 acres there is so much potential here! (1108977) $149,900 502 Pine St, Mqt Totally renovated 1895 East side Marquette home! Luxurious Master Suite, with a total of 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Brand new kitchen, bathrooms, coal/gas fireplace, flooring finishes, cabinetry, custom closets, lighting, in floor radiant heating, insulation, boiler, windows, paint, rooms, appliances, electrical and plumbing, humidification and air conditioning! (1110992) $365,000 570 M35, Neg This lot has 240’ of frontage and is nicely wooded, convenient to Marquette and Negaunee. (1106803) $13,250 332 S Stephenson Ave, Iron Mt Own and operate your business from an excellent location in the heart of Downtown Iron Mountain! This 4,646 Sq. Ft. building has had an abundant amount of renovations done over the years and has been very well maintained since! (1111199) $219,000

The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, January 10, 2019

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                                                                                                                                                                  

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Earn Cash Quickly-Sell Through The Classifieds!

              

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Open Houses EFT


Open House by Appointment Anytime Call 906.226.2120 to schedule

When you’re looking for that special item, look in the classifieds first.


4D The Mining Journal


Thursday, January 10, 2019



Land Brokers

20 Acres, Co Road 478, Ishpeming

23 Acres, Co Rd KCB, Big Bay

20 acre surveyed parcel of land in a popular recreation area under 1 1/2 mile from the famous Greenwood will make a great campsite or year round home site.

23 acre parcel just across the road from Lake Independence near Big Bay. It lies on a County Road that is paved with power and maintained year round. MLS#: 1107617

MLS#: 1110912





32000 Co Rd 476, Champion

Unique well built “A Frame” construction year around home nestled on 20 acres located 20 minutes from Ishpeming MLS#: 1112098




2082 Dishno Road, Champion Gorgeous Retreat/Cottage/Home on pristine Brocky Lake.

MLS#: 1110548

$249,900 BRIAN OLSON


TBD M94/Townline, Skandia

Outstanding property with a beautiful building site overlooking the ponds on the Skandia/West Branch border MLS#: 1107778


Big acreage tract (370 acres) with a user-friendly camp and a drilled well MLS#: 1105465




Love the Land!


B o b S u lliv a n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r / O w n e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 1 - 4 2 1 2

TBD Perlot Road, Felch $160,000 BRIAN OLSON

40 Acres, Red Road, Ishpeming

40 acres of nicely mixed terrain and timber types in northern Marquette County that lies just north of the Dead River Basin with good road access from the Red Road. MLS#: 1111581

R o b S u lliv a n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r , O ffic e M a n a g e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 3 3 3 7


B ria n O ls o n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 8 6 9 - 6 4 4 6

Quality hunting tract in eastern Dickinson County with good access. MLS#: 1105365

3304 Castile Road, Wakefield

Remodeled and renovated three bedroom home with gardens galore with new oversized garage MLS#: 1110852



Private hunting retreat surrounded by thousands of acres of State and CFA land. MLS#: 1110725

54 Blue Road, Champion

Marvelous Lake Michigamme waterfront Lodge on a premier site with a westerly view of nearly the entire main lake and many Islands dotting the long water views. MLS#: 1108908







40 acre parcel of upland terrain with a nice mix of woods and a secluded location with good road access MLS#: 1111574

Mountain top views of the Dead River Basin with a cozy hunting cabin just east of Clark Creek on 190 wooded acres. MLS#: 1111590

Beautiful year round 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on 100’ of Powell Lake sand frontage MLS#: 1111087

160 Acres, Camp Nine Road, Ralph

40 Acres, Whitefish Access Road, Kiva

190 Acres Clark Creek Road, Ishpeming

N4270 Powell Lake Road, Wetmore

1075 Ortman Road, Marquette

Four bedroom, four bath executive estate home on 10 wooded acres just outside of Marquette MLS#: 1108550


19223 Jack Spur Rd, Wakefield (Carp Lake Township) $440,000

12651 Goodreau Road, L’Anse

140 acres of rolling hardwoods on the Huron River with a solid hunting camp MLS#: 1108668

S u e F e ld h a u s e r A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 0 - 2 8 9 1

3960 N Hayward Road , Munising

Immaculate home with high quality frontage on 16 Mile Lake MLS#: 1111314


TBD Dalton Road, Skandia

Outstanding Skandia hunting property or affordable big acreage building site adjoining a large tract of CFA Land and cornering USA Forest Property. MLS#: 1107779


C h a rle s D ru ry A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 3 5 - 3 1 9 8


B o b A n d e rs o n

A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 8 3 8 8

D o n W ills o n

A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 0 2 - 0 4 5 7

T o l l - 9 f 0 r 6 e - 2 e 2 5 1 - L - A 8 N 6 D 6 - ( 5 2 2 3 6 31 ) - • L w A w N w D . n o • r t wh e r w n m w i c .h n i g o a r n t l ah n e d rb nr o m k e i r c s . hc o i m g a • n w l w a w n . d p r b e mr o i u k m e u r p s p r. oc p o e mr t i e • s . c 2 o 5 m 5 • 2 2 U5 5 S2 U 4 S 1 4 1 W W e s t ,t ,M M a r q a u r e q t t ue e t t e

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