House to Home 10-4-18

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Buy your native landscaping from where they are grown Large shade trees Large spruce and pines Flowering shrubs Hedging trees and shrubs Native wildflowers

Evergreen Nursery Rumely, MI 439-5515/387-4350

Current Hours: M-F: 8-4:30

Cutting down on the


This August 2015 photo shows a Goldfinch searching for insects on a tall plant in a Langley, Wash., garden. Native plants should be the primary element in any birdscaping project since they provide such a large food supply — especially insects that have co-evolved with them. (AP photo)

Attract more birds to your yard by

‘BIRDSCAPING’ By DEAN FOSDICK Associated Press Food, water and shelter are the basic requirements for attracting birds to your yard. But you can boost the number and variety of species that visit by taking an additional landscaping step: learning the birds’ preferences. “Birdscaping” plants should be chosen to provide food and shelter year round, said Leonard Perry, horticulture professor emeritus with the University of Vermont. “Native plants should be a major component, as they provide a huge food source for birds, especially insects which have co-evolved with them,” Perry said. “Ninetysix percent of terrestrial bird species depend on insects — and lots of them.” Many landscapes now contain relatively few native plants, perhaps no more than 25 percent, he said. “A goal of gardeners should be to increase this percent, to perhaps as high as 75 percent native plants to 25 percent introduced plants,” Perry said. “Even a modest increase in the number of native plant species in a landscape can increase greatly the number of bird species and overall numbers of birds.” A variety of landscape plants is important when creating wildlife habitat. “Diversity breeds diversity, and it is a bigger relationship than just between bird and plant,” said Rhiannon Crain, project leader of The Habitat Network for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. “It is a ‘love triangle’ of sorts between plants, insects and birds.” Many migrating songbirds primarily eat insects, she said. That’s why they migrate; insect populations disappear during the cold months, so birds must move south to places where insects are always available. “That means the more of those kinds of plants you have around, the more likely you are to have a diversity of insects that specialize on them,” Crain said. “And more insects mean more kinds of food for more kinds of birds.” Plants supplying cover include dense varieties with many twigs providing nesting sites, plants of various heights, and groups of conifers for roosting and protection from chill winter winds. “Anything evergreen provides good shelter, but if it has a berry on it, all the better,” said Julie Janoski, plant clinic manager at The Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois, about 25 miles west of Chicago. “For example, juniper berries are a favorite of cedar waxwings,” she said. “Many plants, such as juniper, crabapple and serviceberry, will attract a wide variety of birds.” And don’t forget the accessories. Birds also need water and protected places to live, especially in urban areas where such surroundings may be lacking. Water fixtures, feeders, deadfalls and snags, small brush piles and tree groves will keep birds in the vicinity. “Adding water, especially moving water, to a landscape is the fastest way to increase the diversity of birds you see out in the open in your yard,” Crain said. “Species that won’t come to a feeder will come to water.” Birds look for safe stopping spots as they migrate through, she said. “An individual yard prepared with thoughtfulness and care can make the difference to an exhausted bird who needs a safe place to rest,” Crain said.

This photo taken in September 2016, near Langley, Wash., shows blackbirds feeding from sunflower seed pods in a residential garden. A variety of landscape plants are important when creating wildlife habitat. (AP photo)

How to reduce plastic, foil and other kitchen disposables By KATHERINE ROTH Associated Press Disposables have become a mainstay of many American kitchens — plastic baggies, plastic wrap, paper towels, aluminum foil, plastic straws and more. Reducing or even eliminating them can save you money in addition to cutting down on trash that ends up in landfills. “It’s easy to be overwhelmed by it all, but little differences really do add up,” says Lauryn Tyrell, food editor at Martha Stewart Living magazine. “I spend about 75 percent of my time in the test kitchen and so I’m an excel-

The photo above provided by Bees Wrap shows the wrap in use in a variety pack of colors and sizes. At right, this photo provided by Bed Bath & Beyond shows microfiber cloths from Real Simple which are sold exclusively at Bed Bath & Beyond. (AP photos)

lent candidate for creating a ton of kitchen waste. But we’ve learned some tricks to reduce the amount of

for many items, including glass, plastic containers, bottles, cans, clean aluminum foil and batteries.) A few kitchen tips from the pros:

trash we produce,” she says. (Remember that in addition to reducing and reusing, recycling is an easy option

PAPER TOWELS “Keeping paper towel use to a minimum is one of the things Martha Stewart is really serious about,” Tyrell says. Each workspace in the magazine’s test kitchen features cloth tea towels, bar towels (similar to rags) and a roll of select-a-size paper towels, she says. The latter is used sparingly. Tea towels are great for See Waste p. 2D

RIGHT AT HOME: Heavy metal in the kitchen By KIM COOK Associated Press Cast iron, once a common material for pots and pans, has tended in recent years to be used most visibly by either pro chefs or campers. Now it’s trending again in this fall’s kitchenware product previews. Options range from basic skillets to grill pans to pots both diminutive (for sauces) and expansive (for stews and soups). Chef Kevin Korman is about to open his new restaurant, Whitebird, in the Edwin Hotel in Chattanooga, Tennessee. On his menu: fondue, baked eggs and a savory Dutch pancake, all prepared using cast iron pans. “Our cuisine is defined as Progressive Appalachian,” Korman says, “and cast-iron cooking played a large role in the history of Appalachia.” The Tennessee Valley is rich in iron ore, so companies like Lodge Cast Iron set up home there. Korman will be using Lodge products in his kitchens, but aside from supporting a local maker, the material’s performance is what he cares about. “Not only does cast iron retain heat better than anything else, the distribution of heat is really what makes it a

This photo provided by Williams-Sonoma shows a skillet from Finex. The unique skillet with a quick-cool spiral handle has octagonal sides providing six pouring angles. (AP photo)

winner,” Korman says. “Every part of the pan gives off an equal amount, so you don’t end up with certain areas that burn while others are still waiting to get some color. This was a big consideration when we were developing dishes for the menu.” Korman recalls meals prepared on cast iron at his grandmother’s house,

and he has carried on the tradition with his own family. “I have several sizes that I use daily at home for just about everything,” he says. “Both of my daughters love to help me cook, so I hope to hand the pans down to them as they get older.” See Metal p. 2D

2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, October 4, 2018

House to Home

Mortgage Index New U.P. realtors inducted 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

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from 1D

drying hands or dishes, or folding up to use as a hot mitt. Bar towels can be used for most messes. Paper towels are reserved for messes like juice from meat or raw egg. “It helps to have all your towel options in one place, so I’d recommend keeping rags or bar towels near where you keep the paper towels,” Tyrell says. If cloth towels aren’t handy, you probably won’t use them, she advises. And if you can’t wean yourself off paper towels, there are now several types of reusable ones made of bamboo and other sustainable materials that can be used numerous times before tossing them out, says Brandi Broxson, articles editor at Real Simple magazine. Cleaner paper towels can be recycled. PLASTIC SHOPPING BAGS Carry your own canvas or string tote bags for groceries and other purchases. The key, as with bar towels, is to keep them handy. “There are so many types of reusable bags out there that there’s really no excuse for bringing home single-use plastic shopping bags anymore,” Tyrell says. Americans throw away around 100 billion plastic bags a year, she says.

PLASTIC PRODUCE BAGS Avoid plastic produce bags by keeping a few lightweight mesh bags — often sold as “multi-use straining bags” — in your purse when you head to the grocery store, Tyrell says. “They’re also great for making nut milks or straining yogurt,” she adds. If your grocery store doesn’t use compostable produce bags, you can always bring some of your own. To avoid plastic wrapping on meat or fish, try asking the butcher at the grocery store to wrap it instead in paper, which is biodegradable. Or bring a reusable container to put it in. PLASTIC BAGGIES There are a variety of new products that can be used as an alternative to baggies. Broxson, at Real Simple, recommends one called Stashers . They’re like zip-top plastic bags but are made of Silicon, and can be washed in the dishwasher and reused. They are watertight, and can go from freezer to microwave. PLASTIC WRAP Both Broxson and Tyrell recommend Bee’s Wrap as an alternative to typical plastic cling wrap. It’s made of fabric coated in a mixture of wax, oil and tree resin, and sticks to the top of bowls and jars. Like plastic wrap, it conforms to

This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, mBank, First Bank of Upper Michigan and Marquette Community Federal Credit Union.

all sorts of shapes. Unlike plastic wrap, it can be washed and reused, and remains sticky for months, Bronson says. “It’s not great for wrapping something drippy like a tuna sandwich, where maybe parchment paper or aluminum foil might be preferable. But as a container covering, or to wrap drier types of foods or sandwiches, it’s great,” she says. ALUMINUM FOIL “Luckily, unbleached parchment paper works great for baking and roasting, and also for wrapping sandwiches and snacks,” and is biodegradable, Broxson says. “If you must use aluminum foil, you can wad it up into a ball and reuse it as a scouring sponge for baking dishes to get one more use out of it before throwing it away,” she suggests. Clean aluminum foil can be recycled if it’s free from food residue. And many stores now sell recycled aluminum foil. PLASTIC STRAWS AND UTENSILS The test kitchens at Martha Stewart Living have switched from plastic to stainless steel straws, says Tyrell. “I carry my own titanium fork and spoon, with a nylon connector so they can even be used as tongs. They’re super-lightweight, and kind of cool,” she says. “Way nicer than plastic.”

On Sept. 13, several people were inducted into the Upper Peninsula Realtors at the General Membership Meeting held at Northern Michigan University.Those members are, from left: Christopher Bradley, L’Anse; Connie Fries, Marquette; Chelsey Daavettila, Marquette; Tyler Kobasic, Escanaba; Matt Meehleder, L’Anse; Jodi Miri, Marquette; and Beth Thiele, Marquette. (Courtesy photo)

M e tal

from 1D

Beyond durability, cast iron’s big selling point is the heat retention that Korman mentioned. But bear in mind that it doesn’t heat evenly initially, so always let the pan come to the needed temperature on the burner before adding ingredients. That way, you’ll get a nice crisp sear and a consistent cook with your cast iron. New finishing methods are improving the wearability and performance of cast iron. Today, makers like Finex in Portland, Oregon smooth and polish the pans’ interiors so that eggs and sauces don’t stick. An ergonomically designed, coiledspring, wrapped-steel handle stays cooler than traditional handles, and the skillets are octagonal, making pouring and stirring easier. Cast-iron lids provide a flavor seal for steaming, simmering and braising. The Museum of Modern Art’s gift shop has a castiron item this season: the Railway Dutch Oven, made

BIG C REALTY (906) 387-3074 321 E. Munising Ave., Munising

1111291 What a great place to get away for your home or camp - Sturgeon River out your back door, property adjacent to USA lands on the North boundary, frontage on year-round blacktop road!!! Furnished and features 2 bedrooms, spacious LR with fireplace, enclosed front porch as your family room with glass sliding door to deck overlooking river. Plus spacious storage building/shed for storing toys, wood, etc. $69,900

1900 Presque Isle Ave.



1100000 One of eight parcels available featuring beauty and privacy in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula! Sister Lake is a 25 acre spring fed lake, 26’ deep, sandy shores surrounded by large private lakefront wooded parcels and borders Hiawatha National Forest. Year round access on well maintained private roads. All utilities are underground to the parcels. $44,500

502 Pine St, Mqt T o ta lly r e n o v a te d 1 8 9 5 E a s t s id e M a r q u e tte h o m e ! L u x u r io u s M a s te r S u ite , w ith a to ta l o f 4 b e d r o o m s a n d 4 b a th s . B r a n d n e w k itc h e n , b a th r o o m s , c o a l/g a s fir e p la c e , flo o r in g fin is h e s , c a b in e tr y , c u s to m c lo s e ts , lig h tin g , in flo o r r a d ia n t h e a tin g , in s u la tio n , b o ile r, w in d o w s , p a in t, r o o m s , a p p lia n c e s , e le c tr ic a l a n d p lu m b in g , h u m id ific a tio n a n d a ir c o n d i t i o n i n g ! ( 1 1 1 0 9 9 2 ) $374,500

1105046 Beautiful lake front lot on Powell Lake - property slopes from road to lake. Older one room camp on property is in need of remodeling OR remove camp and rebuild your own design. $69,900 1103844 Beautiful and secluded!!! 3+ acres with 300’ lake front along the North shore of Driggs Lake. Cozy little barn styled furnished camp with pull down ladder to 2 bedrooms located in the loft area, 3/4 bath, kitchen area and glass sliding doors to deck overlooking the lake. Owners in process of completing outdoor shower. Separate building for generator (included in sale). A must see!!! $79,900

195 N Pansy St, Ish D e s ir a b le Is h p e m in g T o w n s h ip h o m e , r e m o d e le d a n d u p d a te d to p to b o tto m ! F iv e la r g e b e d r o o m s , w h ic h in c lu d e a n a m a z in g m a s te r s u ite , 4 b a th r o o m s a n d o p e n c o n c e p t k itc h e n . E n jo y 1 6 x 1 0 d e c k o ff th e fa m ily a r e a w ith a h u g e b a c k y a r d . ( 1 1 1 0 1 8 8 ) Reduced! $259,000

1107807 Great neighborhood with spacious backyard, garage and basement. Option for Bedroom 4 to be converted back into more living space if not needed. Home features hardwood flooring, solid oak kitchen cabinets, updated bathroom, solid wood doors and trim. Move in ready $115,000 1102790 This is a classic timber-frame home, sitting on 11+ acres with 316’ of frontage on Sister Lake. Included on first floor are: living room with stone fireplace, dining area, kitchen, 1/2 bath, and master bedroom with full bath. Second floor has 2 bedrooms, full bath and a sitting area. The basement has family room, laundry area, sauna, full bath and storage room. The house has a huge wrap around deck and a large 1 car detached garage. $595,000

1320 High St, Mqt V e r y n ic e 5 b e d r o o m 2 b a th r o o m fa m ily h o m e w ith p r im e lo c a tio n , fe n c e d y a rd a n d tw o c a r g a ra g e ! S p a c io u s r o o m s a n d s e v e r a l u p d a te s in c lu d in g n e w r o o f a n d f l o o r i n g . ( 1 1 1 0 6 6 7 ) Pending! $229,000 500 S Lakeshore, Mqt O w n a c o n d o in o n e o f M q t’s m o s t d e s ir a b le lo c a tio n s ! L u x u r y c o n d o s to b e b u ilt. R e s e r v e y o u r u n it! ( 1 0 9 4 9 3 0 ) $449,000 to $469,000 TBD Shot Point, Mqt T h e p e r fe c t p la c e to b u ild y o u r h o m e o r lu x u r y c a m p ! W ith o v e r 1 0 0 0 fe e t o f L a k e S u p e r io r fr o n ta g e o n n e a r ly 2 0 a c r e s ! (1 1 0 8 9 7 6 ) R e d u c e d ! $164,900

452 Co. Rd. 480, Marquette

Beautifully built and extremely well maintained family home. 3 large bedrooms with large closets (upstairs) & 2 bathrooms. Downstairs, there’s a laundry room, LOTS of storage, convenient mudroom from the garage & a huge family room / rec room. The recently redone Schwalbach kitchen features oak cabinets with custom slide outs & a full size pantry. Cozy up to the wood fireplace & enjoy the backyard views. This immaculate home sits on 2 acres of beautifully manicured lawns including an underground sprinkler system, 2 storage sheds, a 64 sq. foot green house & a 45 X 20 fully fenced garden area. The perfect amount of finished square footage for a busy family, yet just quaint enough for the single or retired couple with minimal stairs. $249,000 MLS #: 1111024

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in Holland out of recycled iron railway ties. A built-in thermometer helps monitor cooking progress, and the tool can be used stovetop or oven. Williams-Sonoma stocks the French brand Staub: There’s a red or blue-enameled two-handled skillet that goes nicely from stovetop or oven to table, and a glasslidded braiser in black, grenadine or sapphire. Also at the retailer: a little iron saucepot with a platform base, designed to use on grills. It comes with a silicone-handled, mop-headed basting brush for glazing barbecued foods. Seasoning is key to optimizing cast iron’s performance; it helps “cure” the iron so food doesn’t stick, and over time helps impart layers of flavor. To season a new pan yourself, lightly wash it as directed, then add a tablespoon of oil and massage it thoroughly into the iron, wiping any excess with a paper towel. Place the pan

in an oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and let it “bake” for about an hour. Remove and wipe off any excess oil before using or storing. You can buy pre-seasoned pans, which just need a little refresh once in a while. Williams-Sonoma, Sur La Table and Crate & Barrel all carry several of Lodge’s pre-seasoned cast-iron pieces. But it’s still a good idea to refresh the seasoning if you use your pans often. It can even be done stovetop: Heat the pan until it’s hot, swab some oil into it, then let it cool. While some people prefer not to use soap and water to clean cast iron, thinking it removes the oil coating, Serious Eats’ chief culinary consultant Kenji Lopez-Alt says it’s fine to do so. “The one thing you shouldn’t do? Let it soak in the sink,” he says. “Try to minimize the time it takes from when you start cleaning to when you dry and reseason your pan.”

The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds                                                                                                                                                                         

                                                                                                                                                                                          

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Open Houses

OPEN HOUSES Saturday & Sunday Noon - 2:00PM


                                                                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                   

Call The Classifieds 228-2500!

Use the Mining Journal

WANT ADS 228-2500

4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, October 4, 2018




Land Brokers


2500 County Road 557, Arnold

Camp on 30 acres near Arnold, the ATV trails, the migration trails and the famous Ford River. MLS#: 1111325


1008 S. Helen Lake Road, Ishpeming

3065 Chief Lake Road, Republic

Waterfront cottage/cabin that is clean and ready to go with two lots and 200 feet of frontage on Helen Lake. MLS#: 1111189

Camp or year-round home on more than 35 acres situated in a terrific recreation area. MLS#: 1111102


TBD Forestville Rd/Co Rd HT, Marquette

170 Acres, Bob’s Creek Truck Trail, Gwinn

170 acres along with 3500 feet of river frontage on the main branch of the Escanaba River with a log cabin, sauna, and two garages. MLS#: 1111076


FN 13843 Co Rd SG, Wells


N1343 M-67, Trenary

Yooper Camp and 40 acres and rustic camp in desirable Forestville location. MLS#: 1109019

Enjoy hunting on your 40 acres and camp near Northland. MLS#: 1110328

78 acres in Alger county. Great location for your hunting camp or to build a new home. MLS#: 1111085

TBD Off Dishno Road, Champion

Chippeny Lodge 30th Rd, Rapid River

TBD Perlot Road, Felch





Prime hunting on 80 acres bordering vast areas of State and Commercial Forest Lands with a rustic hunting camp. MLS#: 1110527


Hunting Lodge with 90 acres on the Whitefish River in Delta County. MLS#: 1110761

Private hunting retreat surrounded by thousands of acres of State and CFA land. MLS#: 1110725

25377 Campsite Drive, Michigamme

40 Acres, County Road 432, Rock

19223 Jack Spur Road, North of Wakefield




Three level cottage with great views on Beaufort Lake. MLS#: 1109366

$160,000 BRIAN OLSON

Central U.P. hunting camp on 40 acres in Delta County. MLS#: 1109358

370 Acres of prime forest and a beautiful camp. MLS#: 1105465


80 Acres, Co Road FFW, Republic

80 acres with a rustic camp and a wide range of timber species near Gamble’s Creek. MLS#: 1110965


N2025 Co Road 510, Marquette

N106 Corner Lake Road, Wetmore

Amazing 113 acres with a red pine log cabin, 1/4 mile frontage on Lost Creek, and beaver ponds. MLS#: 1106072

Family style cottage on popular Corner Lake in the Chain of Lakes near Munising. MLS#: 1108361



12651 Goodreau Road, L’Anse

140 acres of rolling hardwoods on the Huron River with a solid hunting camp. MLS#: 1108668



50 Acres, Camp Nine Road, Ralph 120 Acres, Hilltop Kelso Rd, Crystal Falls 80 Acres, Northwestern Road, Big Bay 13 Acres, Blind 35, Big Bay 63 Acres, Co Road 426, Ralph PRICE REDUCTION!

$39,900 $110,000 $129,000 $25,000 $56,900

MLS# 1111324 MLS# 1102851 MLS# 1110246 MLS# 1110831 MLS# 1105366

152 Dana Lane, Marquette

39 Acres, Shultz Road, Ralph 68 Acres, Co Road 565, Gwinn 40 Acres, Co Road 573 (Red Road), Ishpeming 28 Acres, Big Garlic Headwaters, CR 510, Big Bay 40 Acres, Co Road 581, Ishpeming



Immaculate home with high quality frontage on 16 Mile Lake.

$287,900 MLS#: 1111314 BOB SULLIVAN

$110,000 MLS#: 1110402 NATHAN BRABON

Bob Sullivan

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r / O w n e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 1 - 4 2 1 2

Rob Sullivan

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r, O ffic e M a n a g e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 3 3 3 7

Brian Olson

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 8 6 9 - 6 4 4 6

Nathan Brabon A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 8 6 9 - 8 4 5 1

MLS# 1105367 MLS# 1105118 MLS# 1091206 MLS# 1108220 MLS# 1109691

3960 N Hayward Rd., Munising

Motivated Sellers! Single story ranch with finished basement located just minutes from Harvey/Marquette.

Love the Land!

$35,900 $72,000 $55,000 $49,900 $36,000

Sue Feldhauser A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 0 - 2 8 9 1

Charles Drury A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 3 5 - 3 1 9 8

Bob Anderson A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 8 3 8 8

Don Willson

A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 0 2 - 0 4 5 7

Toll-free 1-866-231-LAND • • 2552• 2552 USUS 4141West, Marquette 906-225-LAND (5263) • • West, Marquette

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