House to Home 5-17-18

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Living with Gatsby

This undated photo of leafy greens taken in a New Market, Va., shows them after being cleaned and prepared for serving. Almost half of all the food illness outbreaks in the United States are caused by fresh produce, primarily leafy greens and lettuce. (AP photo)

Is homegrown food safer? Only if gardeners take precautions By DEAN FOSDICK Associated Press Food safety often is cited as the primary reason why people grow their own edibles, but that’s frequently an illusion. Food-borne illnesses are almost as likely to be caused by homegrown produce as by fresh foods acquired elsewhere. “The odds are better there won’t be any contamination from the things we grow ourselves, but no fresh foods are safe,” said Jeanne Brandt, a family and community health specialist with Oregon State University Extension. “Gardening and cooking are a food safety continuum. Safety must be considered with every step in the process, from pre-planting to placing meals on the table.” Surveys have shown that home gardeners don’t understand that soil, compost, human and animal manure, and water are potential sources of disease-causing bacteria that can contaminate produce. Instead, “they were most concerned about chemical contamination,” Brandt said. Food safety starts with the right vegetable-garden location. “You want to know what’s been on that (planting) space,” Brandt said. “Did the previous owner have a lawn there that could have been exposed to lots of chemicals? Was there any runoff from roads or driveways? Was it a place where people walked their dogs? Those questions also apply to community gardens.” Many novice gardeners haven’t embraced routines aimed at keeping their garden spaces orderly and their hands and tools cleaned, Brandt said. Almost half of all food illness outbreaks in the United States are caused by fresh produce. That largely means greens, lettuces and row-crop vegetables eaten raw. Children, the elderly and pregnant women are most at risk. But some simple practices can be used to reduce the risks of produce contamination, and prevent food-borne See Garden p. 2D

This April 28 photo shows the F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum in Montgomery, Ala. Zelda was a Montgomery native and the couple met in 1918 at a Montgomery country club while F. Scott was stationed at a U.S. Army base. They lived in the house in 1931 and 1932. An upstairs apartment may be rented on Airbnb and is also used for writers’ residencies. F. Scott Fitzgerald is best known for his novel, “The Great Gatsby,” but while living in this house, he worked on “Tender Is The Night,” and she worked on her novel, “Save Me The Waltz.” (AP photo)

Fitzgeralds’ old home a museum with an Airbnb

By BETH J. HARPAZ AP Travel Editor MONTGOMERY, Ala. — As she sat in the house where “Great Gatsby” writer F. Scott Fitzgerald and his wife, Zelda, once lived, a visitor contemplated the famous Jazz Age couple. “I tried to imagine how maybe Scott would tell a joke and Zelda would laugh,” said Farong Zhu, a Fulbright scholar from China who translated Zelda’s only novel, “Save Me the Waltz,” into Chinese. “Everything was very beautiful. I was so excited to be close to the Fitzgeralds, I couldn’t sleep well

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the first night.” But you don’t have to be a literary scholar to stay in this apartment upstairs from the F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum in Montgomery, Alabama. The Fitzgeralds lived in the house in 1931 and 1932, and for $150 a night, anyone can rent the apartment on Airbnb. There’s nothing else quite like it in the rental website’s inventory, according to Airbnb spokeswoman Alyssa McEwan. It’s also the only site on the Southern Literary Trail open to the public for overnight stays. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for

This undated photo shows a pillow on a chair embroidered with a quote from Zelda Fitzgerald: “She refused to be bored chiefly because she wasn't boring.” The chair is in the apartment upstairs from the museum. (AP photo) travelers,” said trail director Sarah McCullough. “And of course it generates revenue,” always a

challenge for historic sites. Fitzgerald Museum diSee Gatsby p. 2D

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2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, May 17, 2018

House to Home Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.

High rate





Low rate





Average rate





This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan, the Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and mBank.

This undated photo provided by Refin show’s Refin’s Voyager ceramic tile collection, which was inspired by the aged and rusted metal bridges of Genoa, and the architectural elements of Victorian buildings. (AP photo)

RIGHT AT HOME: Fashion-forward tile for walls and floors

By KIM COOK Associated Press One of the oldest materials in home design is now trending like a hot newcomer. Shelter magazines, design blogs and home renovation stores are featuring tile for surfacing floors and more: Designers are opting for a high-impact effect by cladding stair risers and entire rooms in tile, from interiors to the terrace. On Instagram, an account called “I Have This Thing With Floors,” where people post pictures of their feet standing on cool floors, has over 840,000 followers. The appeal stems from an explosion of creative designs and new manufacturing techniques, producing everything from charmingly imperfect artisanal tiles to sleek, sexy slabs. If you can dream it, you’re likely to find a tile that looks like it. “I’m loving patterned tiles with handpainted designs,” says Los Angeles designer Amy Sklar . “I’ve seen some really stunning ones that are truly like works of art.” Sklar also likes ethnic patterns that have been given a modern interpretation: “A continuation of the lovely handcrafted trend we’ve been seeing, but realized with brighter colors. We’re also seeing florals but in a more abstract way, and again with a stronger palette.” Joan Craig of Lichten Craig Architects in Manhattan has worked with some dramatic marble slabs recently. “Over the past year, we’ve been selecting many of the vivid and highly figured Italian marbles for walls, floors and tubs,” she says, including “a gray and white marble called Capraia Arabescato with striking veining in the powder room, and a burgundy and cream marble in the bar.” Italian company Sicis has a collection they call Electric Marble, in which veins of vivid color are sandwiched between panels of glass. Mia Jung of the architecture and design firm Ike Kligerman Barkley has 3-D tiles on her radar. “I see more and more collections from Japan, Italy and other countries. At the simplest level, they’re used to add some texture to plain walls,” she says. “A more elaborate arrangement of 3-D tiles can function as an architectural element like a wall-like screen between two rooms. One

can even have an art piece constructed with 3-D tiles serving as a focal point of a space.” “I think texture in ceramic tile right now is really exciting,” says Nigel Maynard, who tracks builder industry trends as editor in chief of Products magazine. “There are so many ways the architecture and design community can use it, from fireplaces to indoor and outdoor accent walls,” he says. “And there’s a lot to choose from, including subtle textures, fabric-inspired and deep-relief patterns.” Metallic detail, a hot commodity in fashion fabrics, is also adding flair to tile — anything from bold swaths to subtle accents. Walker Zanger’s Ellington collection, inspired by the Jazz Age and Art Deco, traces geometric outlines in gold on an ebony background. At Italy’s Cersaie tile fair last fall, architects and interior designers noted how far digital printing and manufacturing has advanced. It can create 3-D designs; scallops, hexagons and other unique shapes; realistic weathered wood looks; oxidized metal finishes. Ceramica Sant’Agostino had a porcelain collection inspired by tailoring fabrics; digitally printed tweeds and plaids had not only a nubby look, but texture. Ceramiche Refin showed a collection called Voyager, inspired by the aged and rusted metal bridges of Genoa, and the architectural elements of Victorian buildings. Here in the U.S., at January’s Kitchen and Bath Industry Show in Orlando, Florida, New Ravenna debuted Sara Baldwin’s Ikat tile collection inspired by Uzbekistani textile leaf patterns and crafted of colorful jewel glass. For ceilings or walls, New Ravenna’s Astronomy, Michael and Orion patterns have dream-evoking starry patterns on light or dark background. Floors and walls, get ready for your close-up.

Garde n

from 1D

illnesses in the garden as well as the kitchen. Consider:  Soil amendments. “Composted or aged manure or other soil amendments containing any animal components such as manure, meat, egg shells or bones are not recommended for gardens as they may not be thoroughly processed and thus contain food-borne pathogens,” said Sanja Ilic, an assistant professor and food-safety specialist with Ohio State University Extension. Compost prepared from grass clippings or plant trimmings are good alternatives.  Irrigating. City water is safest because it’s usually treated. “Drip irrigation is the safest way to apply the irrigation water because there is no direct contact with the edible portion of the produce,” Ilic said.  Restricting wildlife, poultry and pets, whose feces carry food-borne pathogens.  Preventing cross-contamination from dirty tools and table surfaces when harvesting. “Always wash your

Gatsby from 1D rector Sara Powell said she worried when rentals began in April that visitors might throw wild “Gatsby”-style parties. But those concerns proved unjustified. As McCullough put it, “Most of the people who would want to stay there probably have a great love for the writer and the writer’s work and would have great respect for the property.” The house dates to 1910. The apartment is furnished in casual 20th century style: sofa, armchairs, decorative lamps, Oriental rug and pillows embroidered with quotes from Zelda like this one: “Those men think I’m purely decorative and they’re fools for not knowing better.” It has two bedrooms, a working kitchen and Wi-Fi, but the ambience evokes another era, with a record player and jazz albums, a balcony and flowering magnolia trees in the yard, all tucked away on a quiet street in historic Montgomery’s Old Cloverdale neighborhood. “It’s hard for writers to be disconnected from their own world, even for a second,” Powell said. “We’ve had people tell us it was so good to be up there, even for a couple of days. You do unplug and get out of your headspace.” Though the Fitzgeralds didn’t live in the house for long, Montgomery was important in their celebrated, tumultuous lives. Zelda was a Montgomery native,

This undated photo shows cleaned carrots after being taken from a garden near Washington, D.C. Row crop vegetables eaten raw are among the most common causes of food-borne ailments. Thorough washing and cooking are the best ways to kill bacteria in contaminated produce. (AP photo)

Public health officials say there isn’t much you can do to treat food-borne disorders, but it’s important to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. Stay hydrated until the ailment passes. Some over-the-counter meds may help stop diarrhea.

hands before entering the garden or harvesting; after handling compost, plant debris or garbage; after touching a pet or farm animal; and after using the toilet,” Ilic said.  Storage. “Washed produce should be dried before storage,” Ilic said. “Berries, broccoli and similar should be washed only prior to serving, to avoid mold development. “Cooking is a highly effective step in destroying bacteria that might be there,” Brandt said.

Online: For more about reducing the risk of contaminating the food grown in your garden, see this University of California Master Gardener tip sheet: df/8366.pdf

and they met at a country club here in 1918 during World War I. She was a teenage debutante and he was stationed at a nearby military base. Once married, rich and rootless, they moved from place to place, including Paris and New York, where a stay on Long Island planted the seed for “Gatsby.” In Montgomery, he worked on “Tender Is the Night” and she wrote “Save Me the Waltz.” It was the last place they lived together with their daughter, Scottie, who turned 10 there and later was sent to boarding school. F. Scott, an alcoholic, died at age 44. Zelda battled mental illness and perished in a hospital fire at age 47. In the 1980s, the house was threatened with demolition to make way for condos. Local lawyer Julian McPhillips and his wife, Leslie, bought the house and established a nonprofit for it. McPhillips is a Princeton University alumnus; Fitzgerald also attended Princeton, and the museum displays a copy of his grade report, showing many dropped courses before he left school to join the military. The museum also owns 11 of Zelda’s paintings, personal belongings like an inkwell and beaded purse, and first editions of Fitzgerald’s novels. As a tourist destination, Montgomery is best-known for civil rights history. This is where Rosa Parks refused to surrender her seat on a bus to a white man,

sparking a bus boycott by African-Americans that resulted in the U.S. Supreme Court declaring segregation on public buses unconstitutional. That protest also turned a young Montgomery minister, Martin Luther King Jr., into the leader of the civil rights movement. In April, two new sites opened in Montgomery that are already attracting a lot of attention: a memorial to victims of racial terror lynchings, and The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration. Powell is looking for ways to connect with visitors coming to experience these other attractions. She’s developing a workshop for 2019 looking at how race relations were impacted by an 1890s election law named for Zelda’s father, Judge Anthony Sayre, that made it harder for illiterate and semi-illiterate citizens to vote. And while Fitzgerald scholars like Zhu are a natural fit for writers’ residences, Powell is open to proposals on any topic. Katherine MaloneFrance, vice president of historic sites at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, says the Airbnb rental and writers’ residencies are great ways to keep places like the Fitzgerald house “financially sustainable and culturally sustainable” while remaining “respectful and relevant to their pasts.” “That is the best way to preserve something: To use it,” she said.

1900 Presque Isle Ave.





2283 Summit St, Mqt This 3 bedroom 2 bathroom raised ranch is move in ready with updated flooring, light fixtures, doors and trim! The master has a large walk in closet and private bath! Enjoy the deck off the living room and fenced in back yard. (1107810) $199,900 TBD Co Rd 553, Gwinn This 20 acre parcel can be split to accommodate your commercial needs. Seller will work with you to get the frontage and acreage you need for your new business. (1107728) $300,000


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23 White Oak Dr, Mqt This stunning 5 bedroom 4 bathroom house includes slate flooring, remodeled open concept kitchen, formal dining room, cathedral ceiling, floor to ceiling fireplace, master suite with large walk in closet, custom bathroom, updated basement, wet bar, sauna and the list goes on! (1106643) $529,999 1530 N Second St, Ish Commercial building, presently occupied by The Clipper, Bridal Boutique and an apartment. Other rental space with the 2 garages with 1622 Sq. Ft! (1104470) $159,500 213 Timberlane, Choc. Beautiful turn key 3 bedroom 1.5 bath ranch style home in a lovely subdivision with a spacious living room, updated kitchen, wood fireplace in the finished basement and more! (1107468) $245,900

The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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Open Houses

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                                                   

                                                                                                                                                                                                         

When you’re looking for that special item, look in the classifieds first.


4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, May 17, 2018




Land Brokers

2718 Pike Lake Trail, Gwinn

3557 Co Rd FFB, Champion

Meticulously maintained home or cabin with 200’ of frontage on Pike Lake MLS #: 1107781 $154,900 BRIAN OLSON

Year round access on a private Estate-type property with approximately 700’ of frontage on Fish Lake. Now explore this listing in 3D view. MLS #: 1102975 $445,000 NATHAN BRABON

2172 Werner Street, Marquette Updated 4 bedroom 2 bath home in a convenient Marquette Township location.

$179,900 MLS#: 1107578 NATHAN BRABON

30 Acres, Diffin Road, Trenary

117 E. Sno Dance, Wakefield

Reduced price on this 5 bedroom/3 bath home on top of Indianhead Mountain.

$149,00 MLS#: 1098251 SUE FELDHAUSER

6343 F Road, Bark River

Upper Peninsula log home with 6000 sq. ft. of living space on three acres with additional acreage available.

$499,000 MLS#: 1106010 ROB SULLIVAN

N2025 Co Rd 510, Marquette

908 Blackbird Lane, Republic

30 acres of hunting land with year round county road access and power in Alger County.

Amazing 113 acres with a red pine log cabin, 1/4 mile frontage on Lost Creek, and beaver ponds.

Superb lake front cottage in Marquette Countywith 74 acres on Sundog Lake.

344 Shot Point Drive, Marquette

Ramsey Island, Michigamme

19223 Jack Spur Road, North of Wakefield (Carp Lake Twp)

$39,000 MLS#: 1106795 ROB SULLIVAN

Building lot on Lake Superior with year round access with 1.5 acres on Shot Point.

$125,000 MLS#: 1105779 ROB SULLIVAN

TBD M94/Townline, Skandia

Outstanding property with a beautiful building site overlooking the ponds on the Skandia/West Branch border.

$69,000 MLS#: 1107778 BRIAN OLSON

$158,500 MLS#: 1106073 NATHAN BRABON

Log lodge and guest cottage on the west side of Ramsey Island in the heart of Lake Michigamme.

$450,000 MLS#: 1106599 BOB SULLIVAN

370 Acres of prime forest land located in the southern portion of Ontonagon County, just north of Gogebic County with a new camp and sauna including all furnishings and generator.

$440,000 MLS#: 1105465 SUE FELDHAUSER

160 Acres off Keranen Road, Erwin Township (Ironwood)

320 Acres, Moose Drive, Republic

Rustic camp located in Erwin Township on 160 acres of prime forest land surrounded on three sides by thousands of acres of corporate and County land.

Diverse half section of land located west of Republic near Iron County.

$199,000 MLS#: 1100045 BOB SULLIVAN

$130,000 MLS#: 1104094 SUE FELDHAUSER

740 Acres, Long Lake, Republic

Large tract of very diverse land with nice trail roads, ponds, lake frontage on Long Lake, a small gravel pit, and two rustic cabins.

Bob Sullivan

Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212

Rob Sullivan

Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337

18489 M35, Little Lake

75 Acres and a camp surrounded by State land.

$595,000 MLS#: 1097145 BOB SULLIVAN

Love the Land!

$239,900 MLS#: 1084633 BOB SULLIVAN

Brian Olson

Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446

$117,000 MLS#: 1105422 BRIAN OLSON

Nathan Brabon Agent Cell: 906-869-8451

Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891

Charles Drury Agent Cell: 906-235-3198

Toll-free 1-866-231-LAND • • 2552• 2552 USUS 4141West, Marquette 906-225-LAND (5263) • • West, Marquette

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