House to Home 8-2-18

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In the Garden

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FUTURE This photo shows a blooming cereus cactus in New Paltz, N.Y. Many cactii parade under the name “cereus;” this one — in the genus Epiphyllum — is another one of the many beautiful ones. (AP photo)

Cereus: a cactus that blooms just a few nights a year

I recently had the honor of being invited to what sounded like a “serious” little party. Actually, it was a “cereus” party, named for a night-blooming cactus. This party was called at the spur of the moment to coincide with the plant’s blooming, which occurs for just a few nights each year.


AN UGLY DUCKLING MOST OF THE YEAR A cereus cactus is not much to look at when it’s not in bloom. The spineless cactus being honored at the party I attended had pods of flat, shiny leaves jointed together. Through winter, I was told, it looked downright unhap-

py. And cereus is no small plant that can be spirited away into some quiet corner when it’s looking its worst. It quickly grows to enormous proportions. The plant I saw was in a hanging basket with the tips of its stems dangling on one side 5 feet across from those on the other side. Cereus will survive pruning, but must be allowed to grow large if it’s going to make flowers. It also demands prime real estate in and around the home. See Garden p. 2D

In this 2015 photo, Tom Merriman stands behind a monarch in his butterfly atrium at his nursery in Vista, Calif. Milkweed has long been considered a nuisance on North American farmlands but now, more than 100 farmers in Quebec and Vermont are planting it in their fields to help restore the declining population of monarchs, which use that plant exclusively for their eggs and to feed the caterpillars. The farmers are also tapping a new market for the milkweed fibers. (AP photo)

A makeover for milkweed, for the sake of butterflies

By CALVIN WOODWARD Associated Press QUEBEC CITY — For generations, North American farmers have despised milkweed and done their best to rid their lands of it. “I hate to have milkweed in my strawberry field,” Nathalie Leonard says from her farm by the Quebec village of Lac-du-Cerf. So why does she have 60 acres of milkweed growing on purpose? It’s for the sake of butterflies — the iconic monarchs. And for a chance to turn milkweed into profit. “Every weed,” she says, “is only a weed because it’s in the wrong place.” Leonard and her partners in Monark, a co-operative of farmers through Quebec and into Vermont, hope milkweed now has found its rightful place in their fields. Intrigued by the notion of helping to restore the sinking population of monarch butterflies — and persuaded by the stirrings of a new market — these farmers began See Milkweed p. 2D

Blueberry farmers partner with Chassell Township Schools By LINDSAY MENSCH Community Food Systems Intern MSU Upper Peninsula Research and Extension Center, North Farm CHASSELL — Students at Chassell Township Schools are surrounded by educators who care about providing meaningful opportunities for learning. One of these teachers, Mary Markham, involves students in experiences beyond the typical classroom lecture. “I really like to involve (a) student in projects that are real-life situations,” Markham said. “I teach a nature skills class where students have to try all kinds of things, like recycling, knot tying, composting and starting seedlings that they can take home to plant. Hopefully some of the skills (they learn) will become lifelong skills.” Many of these nature skills can be applied at one place in particular: the farm. The average age of the American farmer is rising; the majority of farm operators are between 55 and 64 years old, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2012 Census of Agriculture. Closing the generational gap in our food system is essential for the continued success of the sustainable agriculture movement. Farmers like John and Lynn Gierke, of Gierke Blueberry Farm, are aware of the future needs of their farm, which informs the way they operate now. “We have operated our farm for less than one generation, so we do not have first-hand experience in multigenerational approaches from a farm operation perspective. We do, however, think about this farm operating after we are finished and our aim is that it continue to evolve as a smallscale entity that strives to be environmentally and socially sustainable,” said John, a Michigan Technological University professor. The farm, located in Chassell, is run as a “you-pick” operation from August through October. This marketing strategy aids John and Lynn in terms of labor — they don’t have to worry about hiring a harvest crew — and it allows the public to learn more about growing blueberries. “A significant fraction of those who visit our farm have not had much

Above, Wyatt Gerner uses a mapping-grade GPS to obtain the location of one of his spotted wing drosophila traps on the Gierke Blueberry Farm in Chassell Township. The red placard is a purchased sticky trap with species-specific pheromone bait attached to it. Nearby by is a homemade trap with homemade bait. At left, blueberries are shown at the Gierke farm in late July (Photos courtesy of John Gierke)

hands-on exposure to agriculture and so the nature of our farm activities are well-suited for integrating educational features either with posters or inperson interactions,” said John. Markham, a long-time friend of the Gierkes, sees the connections between the social and environmental concerns of farming. She believes educators need to encourage young people to practice the lessons they learn in her nature skills course. “We have moved away from an agricultural society and I really hope that I can get students to move back to a growing culture,” she said. Markham has played an important role in motivating one of her students to grow his knowledge of sustainable agriculture with the Gierkes this summer. “I enjoy the work on a farm, since I grew up on one,” said Wyatt Gerner.

He is a Chassell Township School student participating in experiential learning at the farm this summer. He is helping the Gierkes monitor their farm for the presence of spotted wing drosophila, an invasive fly that impacts blueberry yields. Gerner is also working on a GPS project with John to map when the different blueberry varieties on the farm ripen; this is also key for managing spotted wing drosophila populations. The pest in question is a fruit fly of East Asian origin. Spotted wing drosophila flies have been spreading from the western United States to the east coast for the past decade. They have been found in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula in traps near grapes, berry crops, cherries and other fruit See Farming p. 2D


Diaper bags get a stylish update By KIM COOK Associated Press In generations past, the array of baby paraphernalia needed by new parents was carried in cumbersome totes of heavy plastic, often emblazoned with prints and patterns that spoke more to infants than to adults. But the style stork has delivered some smart-looking new options for moms and dads, with clever features to match. The diaper bag — what some have termed “the mobile nursery” — typically has a bunch of compartments that are good if you’re super-organized but can be frustrating if you’re in a hurry to find the wipes, teething gel or pacifier. Many new designs have fewer pockets, or consist of several separate mini bags. The best designs still have

This photo provided by Petunia Pickle Bottom shows their Boxy Backpack. Chic gender-neutral colors and patterns, as well as sophisticated versions of classic children's characters, are part of Petunia Pickle Bottom's collection of diaper bags and backpacks. Various features include built in changing stations, washable changing pads, insulated sections and multiple carrying options. (AP photo) clever places to stow damp and messy things, and your phone and keys.

Spill-proof pockets, a changing pad and a few easy-to-access compart-

ments make any outing less rigorous, so here are a few bags to consider: KF Baby’s Bohemian diaper bag solves the soreshoulder issue by supplying both cross-body and shoulder straps. Besides a capacious main bag, there’s an insulated bottle holder and changing pad, all printed with a neutral-hued boho pattern that give it style chops beyond babyhood. Soho Designs offers multipiece matching sets, available at Walmart, that include a padded changing pad, various accessory and bottle cases, and even a small purse. Pottery Barn Kids’ collection includes bags with houndstooth, linen and herringbone patterns, leather trim and a monogramming See Bags p. 2D

2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, August 2, 2018

House to Home

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M ilkwe e d

from 1D

clearing land or ripping out cash crops and turning precious acres over to a plant they’d previously seen as a nuisance. The milkweed makeover began when researchers in Quebec transformed the plant’s silky fibers into a high-end insulation material for winter clothing and advanced other commercial uses for it, like sound insulation and absorption for oil spills. Winter coats stuffed with milkweed fiber reached outdoor retailers in 2016, fetching $800 or more apiece. The Canadian Coast Guard tried milkweed garb and liked it. And as a side benefit, the distinctive honey from milkweed fields is prized. Yet the company formed to process and market the fiber collapsed last year, forcing the farmers who grow it to step in and try to make a go of the whole milkweed initiative. They’re on track for perhaps their best harvest in the five or so years since the milkweed experiment began, but where the fiber will

Farm in g

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trees. Fruit growers have good reason to be concerned about the flies, since they directly impact the salability of their crops. Spotted wing drosophila lay eggs inside of ripening fruit, and fly larvae inside of any fruit will make it impossible to sell. Monitoring for spotted wing drosophila is one of the most critical steps in reducing the impact of these pests, for picking the crop just as it ripens or spraying insecticides at key intervals can reduce pest pressure. The success of the Gierkes “you-pick” operation is dependent on their ability to monitor and manage pests like spotted wing drosophila. While they have not yet detected the insect in their fields, their proactivity is critical in running a sustainable operation. Guiding customers to the berries as they ripen is essential for them to continue providing berries

go after the fall is uncertain. The orange and black monarchs are wholly dependent on milkweed. The plant is the only host for their eggs and sole sustenance for the caterpillars, which feed on milky secretions from the leaves. Milkweed has been in rapid retreat, crowded by urban development, attacked along roadways, and driven from pastoral landscapes by herbicides that spare resistant corn and soybeans. A ritual of autumn — cracking the dry pods to watch the seed-bearing white fluff escape and catch the winds — has faded. But in recent years, as the plight of the monarchs became more pronounced, communities, schools and gardeners began planting patches of milkweed along roads and public buildings and in backyards to give the butterfly a fighting chance. A 2017 study at the University of Guelph in Ontario found there’s nothing more effective in this effort than the all-you-can-eat buffet of a farmer’s field of milkweed — visible from the sky, rooted in rich soil, and isolated from traffic

for the community. “On our farm we do not spray pesticides so our crop is vulnerable,” John said. “This approach has worked for us for some time because we are a small operation and we do not depend on the value of our crop for our livelihood, and we have been very lucky to date.” Gerner will be in a great position to understand the impact of spotted wing drosophila both now and in the future. He says, “I would like to see how big the population of the spotted wing drosophila is when the blueberries ripen, and which varieties of blueberries they go for first.” By helping to map the data he collects from the farm, the Gierkes — and any future farmers on their land — will be able to use that information to make informed management decisions. In the fall, Gerner will have the opportunity to mentor his peers during a field day at the blueberry

This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan and mBank.

and pollution. When University of Vermont agronomist Heather Darby first heard of Quebec’s initiative, from a man who called looking for Vermont farmers to join, she was thrown. Milkweed is toxic to livestock — one study says it gives cows “profound depression” on the rare chance they eat it. It’s been a mark of shame on farmlands, a sign of sloppy maintenance. “Oh gosh, here’s another one of those people with some crazy idea and he wants farmers to grow milkweed!” she remembered thinking. “But I listened.” After learning that hundreds of Quebec acres were already under milkweed production, she reached out to farmers in Vermont whom she considered innovators — people who would “want to listen, wouldn’t laugh too hard, might try it out.” Now, more than 100 farmers in Quebec and about a half dozen in Vermont are producing milkweed for Monark, of which Nathalie Leonard serves as president.

farm. What he learns this summer will give him the knowledge to explain the project to other students, as well as show them around the farm. This partnership between the Gierkes and Copper Country Intermediate School District is one of seven across the U.P. funded by a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant and carried out by Michigan State University Upper Peninsula Research and Extension Center. The goal is to bring students, farmers, and teachers together to overcome an obstacle to sustainability in agriculture. “The public is aware that farmers work hard but they are not as familiar with how hard farmers have to think

Garde n

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For best growth, cereus needs a prominent spot in a sunny window through the cold months, then a partially sunny spot outdoors once the weather warms. In winter, this cactus needs to be kept on the dry side. It’s more able to recover from stems shriveled by underwatering than from stems rotted by overwatering. Because growth occurs mostly in the warmth months, summer is also when the plant wants to be fed. FRAGRANT AND BEAUTIFUL WHEN BLOOMING


from 1D

option. Here too are designer options from Justina Blakeney and Monique Lhullier, as well as baby-gear lifestyle brand Skip Hop. Designer DeNai Jones of Ventura, California, says that founding her brand, Petunia Pickle Bottom, before she had kids made the company her first baby. The line includes bags with global, floral and color-block prints as well as solids. With an integrated changing pad, magnetic closures, and materials like glazed canvas or vegan leather, these are trendy yet practical. Diaper bags from JuJuBe, based in Costa Mesa, California, come in an array of fashion-forward versions including anime patterns; saucy, black and gray florals; cool coastal motifs; and an artsy Cheerios print. The machinewashable bags have two insu-

about all the facets of their farm and the considerations for the risks posed by weather, pests and economic drivers like fuel and prices,” John said. “In the long term, we hope that this project increases awareness of the extraordinary effort that farming entails.” EDITOR’S NOTE: This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 201738640-26916 through the North Central Region SARE program under project number LNC17394. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

For all of night-blooming cereus’ gawkiness, is it worth growing for just a few days of glory? Correction: a few nights of glory. The blossoms turn flaccid by daybreak, lingering a bit longer into morning only if temperatures are very cool. As I stepped out onto the terrace to meet the plant, I immediately was swept up in its sweet, musky aroma. The creamy white blossoms, each 5 inches across and comprised of layer upon layer of strappy petals, were as breathtaking to the eyes as to the nose. Pouring out of the center of each blossom was a filagree of stamens, also creamy white. Fat, spiny, expectant buds foretold more

blossoms to come later that evening. Some types of night-blooming cereus can be even more dramatic; there’s one with even larger blooms, up to a foot across. The plant of this species, botanically not really cereus, but hylocereus, is commensurately larger, and its stems have sharp, threecornered edges. By comparison, the nightblooming cereus that I saw is easy to accommodate. And if truth be told, not only was the little party in its honor not very serious, but neither is the plant, really. Botanically, its real name is epiphyllum. A number of cacti parade under the common name “nightblooming cereus.”

lated pockets so you can keep your own beverage cool while baby’s bottle is in the other. Pockets are lined in light-colored, antimicrobial material so you can find things easily. Tiny bottom pocket holes allow crumbs to drain out. Quiet magnetic closures (instead of Velcro) won’t wake baby. There are also bags designed for fathers. These are a little more macho than a carrier with dancing Disney characters or gamboling lambs. Some dads like the backpack style, which avoids sore shoulders and makes it easier to lug the baby or other items up front. Plus you can ask your walking partner to retrieve something from it without having to stop and drop. Quiksilver’s utilitarian black Daddy Daybag has an insulated front pocket for water or kidlet’s bottle, a tablet pocket and a fleece-lined hanging pocket.

Another no-nonsense option: Seattle-based Kinbuilt’s clean-lined diaper bag. With quiet-close zippers, no extraneous buckles or flaps, a waterproof bottom, a clever stayopen design structure, and handy cards to list contact, medicine and allergy info, this bag also fits tidily under airplane seats. If you’re up for something really designed for tough baby-tending battles, check out Tactical Baby Gear, founded by Bev Brodie in Bluffton, South Carolina. His militarystyled Deuce 2.0 bag made of rugged nylon can be customized with patches, as well as pouches that attach with military-grade MOLLE webbing. Bags are available in black, gray, coyote brown and camo. Other witty items in the line: a changing mat printed with “drop zone” and a target, and a compact, washable “dump pouch” for dirty diapers.

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213 Timberlane, Choc. Beautiful turn key 3 bedroom 1.5 bath ranch style home in a lovely subdivision with a spacious living room, updated kitchen, wood fireplace in the finished basement and more! (1107468) $224,900 TBD Shot Point, Mqt The perfect place to build your home or luxury camp! With over 1000 feet of Lake Superior frontage on nearly 20 acres! (1108976) Reduced! $164,900 605 Co Rd 492, Mqt Nice wooded 7.76 acre lot in a great location close to town off of Co Rd 492. There is a bonus 1,248 sq. ft. camp/cottage on the property being sold as is. (1104477) $90,000 100 Coles Dr, Mqt This spacious building has 13,800 Sq. Ft. at an excellent location for your business! Nearly 9,600 Sq. Ft. of retail space and an ample amount of storage, this building has many potential uses! (1107399) $679,900 320 S Shag Lake Dr, Gwinn Beautiful Big Shag Lake with 185’ lake frontage on 6 acres! Enjoy all four seasons at this 194 acre lake! There is electric, septic and a well on this property. Build your home or cottage! (1100546) $99,000


1016 High Street, Marquette Saturday, August 4, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Directions: From Washington St: Take Front Street North to Park Street, turn East (right) on Park Street to High Street, turn North (left) on High Street to home on right. This immaculate turn of the century air conditioned home has all natural woodwork, an eat-in kitchen with a pantry, corian counter tops, recessed sink and extra storage off the kitchen. Dining Room is off the kitchen and is open to the living room. The fireplace in the living room adds both warmth and beauty. A beautiful front porch adds extra living space. A bedroom off the living room is tucked away behind the stairs and is currently used as an office. Upstairs is two large bedrooms and a full bath. A small extra room is found off one of the bedrooms that could be a nursery and was once grandma’s room. The walkout basement has a separate storage area, a workshop next to a 3/4 bath and laundry area as well as a sauna. The two car insulated garage is immaculate with a work bench, two stoves, and above garage storage. The outdoor patio and perennial gardens provide a perfect landscape setting. Home is located within walking distance to Lake Superior in a quiet East side neighborhood. Must be seen to be appreciated! New Price $265,000

2010 N Greenwood Lake Dr., Ishpeming MI 49849 Charming ranch home near Wawonowin Golf Course. Built in 2013 with high end features: granite counter tops, gas fireplace, walk-in closets, two air conditioning units, in-floor heat with heated attached garage and a large patio overlooking a private and wooded 2.5 acres. $219,900 MLS #: 1109569

Call/Text 906-360-9028 to schedule your private showing.

Darlene Martin

1901 W. Ridge St., Marquette (906) 228-2772 •

The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                             

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                           

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Open Houses

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4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, August 2, 2018




Land Brokers

140 Acres, Grouse Lake, Republic

Very remote 140 acres that is accessible hunting and fishing property in Marquette County. MLS#: 1109991


BIG home and yard! Lovely turnkey home in a great Ironwood location. MLS#: 1109786



308 Iron Street, Negaunee

Historic building located in downtown Negaunee offering a great opportunity for your new business venture. MLS#: 1109946

4961 37.25 Lane, Rock

1075 Ortman Road, Marquette $449,500 ROB SULLIVAN

TBD 12th Road, Escanaba $55,000 NATHAN BRABON

Well maintained home on Ford River with 13 acres and approximately 420 feet of Ford River frontage. MLS#: 1109964


$139,900 BRIAN OLSON

Four bedroom, four bath executive estate home on 10 wooded acres just outside of Marquette. MLS#: 1108550

15.4 acres of well wooded property located on the Ford River with approximately 750 feet of river frontage. MLS#: 1109974

4479 12th Road, Escanaba

Call this place home or camp-- you will love the beautiful setting on 40 acres with fields, forests, peace and quiet. MLS#: 1109393


TBD W Swanson Road, Iron Mountain

Over 43 acre premium building site in the country just minutes from Iron Mountain. MLS#: 1109000


25377 Campsite Drive, Michigamme

128 Kawbawgam Road, Marquette

Three level cottage with great views and 200 feet of frontage and a floating dock on Beaufort Lake. MLS#: 1109366

Seven unit apartment building in Chocolay Township – good investment rental! MLS#: 1109952

73 Acres, Co Road 480, Marquette

N3659 16 Mile Lake Road, Munising (AuTrain Township)





1652 Engman Lake Road, Skandia Bright and cheerful home, great landscaping, and centrally located between Gwinn and Skandia. MLS#: 1100104

$119,900 BRIAN OLSON

Large acreage parcel with excellent road frontage on both sides of CR 480. MLS#: 1101308

40 Acres, Perch Lake Road, Republic

40 acre parcel with over 1,700 feet of lake frontage on Perch Lake near Republic. MLS#: 1099414


Love the Land!

N10368 Lake Road, Ironwood

TBD M94/Townline, Skandia

51 sprawling acres with a large field hosting a variety of spring fed ponds making excellent pasture land or a beautiful building site to build. MLS#: 1107778

B o b S u lliv a n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r / O w n e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 1 - 4 2 1 2

R o b S u lliv a n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r , O ffic e M a n a g e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 3 3 3 7

Nicely wooded 11+ acre parcel on 16 Mile Lake Road. MLS#: 1109877

640 Acres, Co Road 601, Republic

640 acres containing a 30-acre private lake in southwestern Marquette County. MLS#: 1096040


B ria n O ls o n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 8 6 9 - 6 4 4 6

N a th a n B ra b o n A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 8 6 9 - 8 4 5 1

S u e F e ld h a u s e r A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 0 - 2 8 9 1

C h a rle s D ru ry A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 3 5 - 3 1 9 8

T o l l - 9 f 0 r 6 e - 2 e 2 5 1 - L - A 8 N 6 D 6 - ( 5 2 2 3 6 31 ) - • L w A w N w D . n o • r t wh e r w n m w i c .h n i g o a r n t l ah n e d rb nr o m k e i r c s . hc o i m g a • n w l w a w n . d p r b e mr o i u k m e u r p s p r. oc p o e mr t i e • s . c 2 o 5 m 5 • 2 2 U5 5 S2 U 4 S 1 4 1 W W e s t ,t ,M M a r q a u r e q t t ue e t t e

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