House to Home 9-13-18

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In the Garden

Fall’s a great time to plant trees and shrubs Fall is a good time to plant trees and shrubs — the best time, in fact, for most of them. Whether purchased through the mail or locally, these plants are available in three ways: BARE-ROOT “Bare-root” trees and shrubs are grown in the field, then dug up while they are leafless, which might be done in either fall or spring. Those dug in fall are sold immediately or are stored through winter with their roots packed in moist material. Root loss during digging is an obvious drawback to bare-root plants. Although bare-root might seem like a brutal way to treat a tree or shrub, the plants handle the move well as long as their roots are kept moist prior to planting. Bare-root trees and shrubs should not be dug until they have lost all, LEE REICH or nearly all, of their leaves in the fall. And their roots must be cozied into the ground before shoots start growing, which is not a problem in the fall. This highlights one advantage of fall planting: There’s no danger of shoots growing prematurely, because shoot buds stay dormant until they have experienced a winter’s worth of cold. The biggest advantage of bare-root plants is that they are easily and relatively cheaply shipped all over the country, giving you the widest possible selection in varieties. What’s more, because you can see the roots, you can easily assess their condition. BALLED-AND-BURLAPPED “Balled-and-burlapped” trees and shrubs are also grown in the field, but they are dug up with a ball of soil that is then snuggled into a wrapping of burlap. Because clay soils hold together better than lighter soils, balled-and-burlapped plants are usually grown in clay soils. But clay soils also are heaviest, so such plants are heavy. Weight and the need for extra care to avoid breaking up the root ball make mail order shipping of balled-and-burlapped plants unfeasible. Root loss can be extensive when balled-and-burlapped trees and shrubs are dug, and plant selection is limited. CONTAINER-GROWN Increasingly, both local and mail-order nurseries are selling trees and shrubs as “container grown.” These nursery plants spent their lives in pots. The potting mix is lighter than field soil, so such plants can be economically shipped through the mail. Container grown plants can be planted any time of year as long as you can dig a hole and water them as needed. Ideally, a container-grown plant spends long enough in the container so that its roots just fill it. Watch out, though: Some garden centers and nurseries buy bare-root trees and shrubs, and then pot them up for quick sale as container plants. And equally bad, plants that are truly container-grown are often left too long in their containers. Once the roots start growing round and round in the pot, they can actually choke the plant, a condition that continues to develop even after the plant is set in the ground. See Garden p. 2D

This undated photo shows a cedar tree in New Paltz, N.Y. A good nursery tree, such as the one shown that has been removed from its pot, is only two to three times the height of its container with roots filling, but not overcrowded, in the potting soil. (AP photo)

This photo provided by shows children at a backyard birthday party watching the movie "Shrek" on an outdoor theater setup in Concord, Calif. (AP photo)

Setting up an outdoor TV or projector has gotten easier By MELISSA KOSSLER DUTTON Associated Press When Karen Snyder’s daughter asked if she could have friends over for swimming and a movie, the Los Angeles mom agreed. Then she looked for a way to keep the whole party outside to avoid wet clothes on her furniture. She was pleased to discover that improvements in audiovisual equipment meant she could easily afford and set up an outdoor theater in her backyard. “I was shocked at what was available and the pricing,” she said. “We could afford our own equipment and have it be portable.”

Snyder researched what she would need online, but many specialty and big-box stores employ consultants to help customers find the right products. While pulling together a system isn’t difficult, you need to consider how you intend to use it, the features of your yard and what equipment you already own that can be used outside, AV experts say. Customers have two main options for backyard viewing: outdoor televisions and projection systems. The main challenge with outdoor viewing is attaining a bright-enough picture to offset natural light, said Martha Roussopoulos, a sales manager at Backyard

Theater Systems in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. TELEVISIONS Outdoor televisions are not only designed to withstand the elements, but they are two to four times brighter than regular TVs, says David Barnett, a technical services manager for Magnolia Audio Video at Best Buy in Richfield, Minnesota. The starting price for an outdoor television is about $2,500, but one can easily cost twice that, he said. Mounting TV sets in a covered area can improve visibility, adds Robert See Outdoors p. 2D

RIGHT AT HOME: Low-tech gear for intrepid young explorers By KIM COOK Associated Press The world is full of high-tech children’s toys. But there’s a movement afoot to bring back some simpler playthings — ones that invite kids to explore the outdoors, and tap into their ingenuity, creativity and sense of play in ways that don’t involve an app or a download. Design company Kikkerland has partnered with Dutch designers Chris Koens and Ramon Middelkoop on a line of nature-inspired toys they call Huckleberry. There’s a shatterproof magnifier, a flower press frame, braided leather with a magnetic closure for

making a flower necklace, a fishing kit, and the duo’s favorite item, a little propeller-equipped boat motor that runs on a AAA battery. Why is it their favorite? “It’s totally up to the kids to decide what kind of boat to make and what materials to use,” says Koens. “You can carve a piece of wood or repurpose a plastic bottle that otherwise would’ve gone to a landfill. That’s very exciting.” Koens says the simplicity of each piece was important, keeping the designs fairly “open” in concept. “Kids can decide for See Toys p. 2D

This photo provided by Kikkerland Design shows the company's toy propellerequipped boat motor. Kikkerland has partnered with Dutch designers Chris Koens and Ramon Middelkoop on a line of nature-inspired toys they call Huckleberry. There's a shatterproof magnifier, flower press frame, a braided leather with a magnetic closure for making a flower necklace, a fishing kit and the duo's favorite item, this little propeller-equipped boat motor that runs on a AAA battery. (AP photo)

‘The Big Supermarket Shop’ can pay off all week in the kitchen By KATIE WORKMAN Associated Press Fall is in the air, and with it an urge to get organized, clean up sloppy summer habits and knock our schedules into shape. One way to feel like you’ve got some semblance of order at home is to master The Big Supermarket Shop. Many people are intimidated by the idea of a big weekly food shop. Too much to grapple with at once. But the payoff can be significant. A few pointers: ¯ Make a master list of staples you always want to have at home, and organize it by area of the supermarket (dairy, baking ingredients, produce and so on). A well-organized list saves you trips to the market, and also time spent zigzagging through the market, retracing your footsteps. This list is especially useful to have on your computer, so you can easily edit it every week. ¯ Before you hit the market, check the master list against the contents of your fridge, freezer and pantry. Stocked up on chicken broth? Take it off the list. Running low on quinoa? Onto the list it goes. You’ll also save money and aggravation by not buying another carton of milk because you couldn’t remember if yours was full or almost empty.

In this 2010 file photo, Alicia Ortiz shops through the cereal aisle as her daughter Aaliyah Garcia catches a short nap in the shopping cart at a Family Dollar store in Waco, Texas. Don't be intimidated by the idea of a weekly big supermarket shop. Buying a lot in one fell swoop helps keep your kitchen organized and well-stocked all week. (AP photo) ¯ Meal plan before you shop. This habit saves time, money and stress all week long. Pick out the recipes you want to make throughout the week, and then add the ingredients you need to your master list, in the appro-

priate categories. ¯ Take a bit of time to get your pantry into shape so you can see what you need. Group like items together See Groceries p. 2D

2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, September 13, 2018

House to Home Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.

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Average rate





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If possible, check the quality of a container-grown plant by sliding it out of its container to make sure it’s not rootbound, with roots that are very thick and tangled. The top growth of a well-proportioned potted tree or shrub should be no higher than two to three times the depth of the container to ensure a good ratio of roots to stems. Whether you’re buying bare-root, balledand-burlapped or containerized trees and shrubs, restrain yourself from buying the

Ou tdoors

from 1D

Silva, who writes about home theaters for the technology website Lifewire. If you don’t have a spot to hang the set, you might put it on a wheeled cart and store it in a shed or garage, he said. Silva recommends televisions rather than projectors for watching sporting events outdoors, since many take place during the day. Unlike films, which are designed for the big screen, sports broadcasts are intended for television, he adds. PROJECTORS Customers wishing to show movies outside will need to do some homework on the variety of projectors, screens and speakers now available, Roussopoulos said. “It’s become more popular and there are a lot more options than there used to be,” she said. When purchasing a projector, pay attention to how much light it emits, measured in lumens. Snyder uses her system at her family’s Los Angeles home and their ranch in Montana, where it doesn’t get dark until 9:30 or 10 p.m. during the summer. She

This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan, Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and mBank.

largest possible plant. In the case of the first two kinds of nursery plants, small plants suffer less root loss in transplanting. With smaller plants of any of the three kinds of nursery plants, less water is needed after planting, and new roots more quickly explore surrounding soil to make the plant self-sufficient. Not too long after transplanting, growth of an initially smaller plant frequently overtakes that of an initially larger one. Online:

bought a projector “with a higher lumens output” so she can start showing movies at dusk. The family uses the system well into the fall because shorter days mean they can start their films earlier in the evening. Roussopoulos recommends at least 3,000 lumens for outdoor use, especially if you want to start the show before dark. A decent starter projector will cost between $300 and $700. Determine how you intend to play movies. Some projectors have built-in disc players. Others have HDMI inputs so you can connect them to a disc player, game system or laptop. Some have smart TV functions and can stream movies. If you intend to stream content, be sure you have a strong Wi-Fi signal outside your home. When shopping for a projector, remember that it’s likely you already own a device for playing movies that will work with it, Silva said. SCREENS As for the screen, it can be as simple as a white bedsheet pulled taut, Silva said. However, a growing number of manufacturers are making free-standing

screens that can be easily assembled for home use, Roussopoulos said. The screens, which usually collapse and roll up for easy storage, range in price from $250 to $1,700. They come in a wide range of sizes and include all the necessary tie-downs to keep them in place. SPEAKERS While outdoor moviegoers likely won’t expect a theater-quality experience, it’s helpful to have something to amplify the sound, Barnett said. Consider using a set of speakers from a laptop computer or stereo system, Roussopoulos said. She often sells speakers from public address systems to accompany projectors. Snyder bought an inexpensive sound bar that connects to her projector. The experts don’t recommend wireless speakers because they often operate on a delay that puts a movie’s sound and picture out of sync. Putting together a backyard movie system involves a bit of trial and error, but there’s a lot of good information available online and at stores to guide you, Silva says. “It’s sort of an experiment to see what works in your space.”

Open House 1-3 Sunday September 16, 2018 55 Oak Hill Drive, Marquette MI


from 1D

themselves what they want to do or make. Their imagination and creativity is a necessary element,” he says. “Huckleberry’s own namesake is the story of a boy who loved having adventures in nature.” A portion of Huckleberry sales goes to the Children and Nature Network, a Minneapolis-based national nonprofit that invests in community-based efforts to encourage kids to be outdoors and get reacquainted with nature. The organization has worked on providing more green space in schoolyards, and training youth leaders as the next generation of environmental stewards and outdoor enthusiasts. If you’re looking for other gear and toys that’ll encourage your kids to explore the natural world, there are many cool options. Magic Cabin has a whimsical runner bean growing kit for the young Jack in the Beanstalk fan. There’s a castle, twine, pole, growth chart, Scarlet Runner beans, a cute version of the fairytale that recasts the giant as Jack’s helpful mentor, and six stakes for the beans to climb. The stakes are shaped like a goose, cow, castle and story characters. All you’ll need is a bit of ground or a planter pot. Also at Magic Cabin is a set of 12 or 18 soft, flexible, colorful silicone con-

Groce rie s

This photo provided by Kikkerland Design shows the company's flower press frame. Kikkerland has partnered with Dutch designers Chris Koens and Ramon Middelkoop on a line of nature-inspired toys they call Huckleberry. There's a shatterproof magnifier, this flower press frame, a braided leather with a magnetic closure for making a flower necklace, a fishing kit, and the duo's favorite item, a little propeller-equipped boat motor that runs on a AAA battery. (AP photo) nectors called Stick-lets. Use them to join twigs and branches, and make shapes, forts or even animal habitats. Got a kid crazy for butterflies? Insect Lore will send them a cupful of five baby caterpillars, food, a chrysalis station to watch the unfolding drama, and a pop-up mesh habitat for the big finale. There are larger kits and refills of everything available. No butterfly fans? There are similar kits for ladybugs and ants. Fat Brain Toys has Adventure Station’s Be Prepared Exploration Station, which teaches kids about knot tying, animal tracking and navigation. Rope,

from 1D

— all of the pastas, tomato products, grains, condiments, etc. — to make them easier to find. ¯ Shop the sales — before you leave the house. Most markets post their weekly specials on their websites, and this is a very helpful thing. Make note of what non-perishables are on sale, and see what you want to really stock up on. Or you may want to buy some usually pricy perishables to freeze, like a beef tenderloin or some frozen jumbo shrimp. And if you see that pork loin, for instance, is on sale, that might inform your meal planning for the week (and give you a bit of inspiration to try a new recipe!).

string, a compass and a comprehensive guide are included, as well as plaster mix for molding tracks. Also at the retailer: rugged flashlights, binoculars, periscopes, and solar lanterns for both day and night exploration. Finally, to keep the lines of communication open among your outdoor explorers, consider Hearthsong’s set of traditional walkie talkies with a 250-foot range; you can converse on them, or practice your Morse code skills. Or for something with a nod to higher tech, there’s a digital wrist set that comes with earbuds and has a range of over 320 feet.

The Big Shop is not a perfect science. But purchasing more in one fell swoop is just an easier way to get through the week. Yes, you will have to go to the market again, because you will inevitably run low on orange juice, or have an unexpected influx of teenagers wipe out your snacks, or need to pick up a piece of fish to cook later in the week. But there will be fewer of these supermarket pit stops, which is a lovely thing. Finally, give yourself some time to get into the rhythm of it. Start with your list of basics, add on from there. And by all means, get some help unpacking the car.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Katie Workman blogs at She can be reached at

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds 


                                                                                                                                                                                    

                                                                                            

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Open Houses Thursday Sept. 13, 5pm-7pm 502 Pine St, Marquette

Directions: Two blocks east of Front St. NE corner of Pine and E. Michigan St.

Still 1895 but now a Remodeled Queen! Join us to tour this Beautiful, East Marquette home. It’s the perfect combination of keeping authentic period style, and upscale remodeling! All New interiors, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths and added sq. ftg. $374,500

Shown by: Sue Petschke

250-7286 (c) 228-7255 (o)

1900 Presque Isle, Mqt.

                                                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                                               

4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, September 13, 2018




Land Brokers

3304 Castile Road, Wakefield

13 Acres, Blind 35, Big Bay

New listing! Remodeled and renovated three bedroom home with gardens galore. MLS#: 1110852

New listing! Great hunting location to build your camp with public land in close proximity. MLS#: 1110831


20 Acres, Co Road 478, Ishpeming

New listing! Twenty acres near Greenwood with year round access. MLS#: 1110912


680 Acres, Long Lake, Republic Price Reduction! Waterfront cabin on a large, diverse tract of land. MLS#: 1097145


152 Dana Lane, Marquette

Price Reduction! Single story ranch with finished basement located just minutes from Harvey/Marquette. MLS#: 1110402


19223 Jack Spur Road, North of Wakefield 370 Acres of prime forest and a beautiful camp. MLS#: 1105465


N106 Corner Lake Road, Wetmore

Family style cottage on popular Corner Lake in the Chain of Lakes near Munising. MLS#: 1108361


W504 Co Road 426, Arnold

The BEST of country living! Custom built log home on 22 acres on the north branch of the Ford River. MLS#: 1108256

$395,000 BRIAN OLSON

Love the Land!

Bob Sullivan

Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212


40 Acres, Co Road PRE, Ishpeming

116 Riverdale, Harvey

40+ acres of rolling terrain that is thickly wooded with a wide range of timber species. MLS#: 1110569

Stunning turnkey home on the banks of the Chocolay River with a pool. MLS#: 1108143


$328,000 BRIAN OLSON

40 Acres, County Road 432, Rock

54 Blue Road, Champion

Central U.P. hunting camp on 40 acres in Delta County. MLS#: 1109358

Recent price reduction on this marvelous Lake Michigamme waterfront lodge. MLS#: 1108908



1168 N Winters Road, Trenary

80 Acres, Co Road FFW, Republic

New Listing! Country farm with a spacious log home on 30 acres! MLS#: 1110918

New listing! 80 acres with a rustic camp and a wide range of timber species near Gamble’s Creek. MLS#: 1110965

$289,000 BRIAN OLSON


N2025 Co Road 510, Marquette

1075 Ortman Road, Marquette

Price Change! Amazing 113 acres with a red pine log cabin, 1/4 mile frontage on Lost Creek, and beaver ponds. MLS#: 1106072

Four bedroom, four bath executive estate home on 10 wooded acres just outside of Marquette. MLS#: 1108550


6343 F Rd, Bark River

244 acres with a log home that features over 6,000 sq ft of living space in Delta County. MLS#: 1106009



FN 13843 Co Rd SG, Wells

Enjoy hunting on your 40 acres and camp near Northland. MLS#: 1110328


Rob Sullivan

Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337

Brian Olson

Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446

TBD Off Dishno Road, Champion

Prime hunting on 80 acres bordering vast areas of State and Commercial Forest Lands with a rustic hunting camp. MLS#: 1110527

Nathan Brabon Agent Cell: 906-869-8451


635 E McLeod Avenue, Ironwood

Spectacular 5 bedroom home near schools and shopping in Ironwood. Motivated sellers. MLS#: 1101544


Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891

Charles Drury Agent Cell: 906-235-3198

Toll-free 1-866-231-LAND • • 2552• 2552 USUS 4141West, Marquette 906-225-LAND (5263) • • West, Marquette

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