House to Home 11-08-18

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COUCH POTATO This undated photo shows a franklinia blossom in Philadelphia, Pa. Enjoy fall blossoms from the franklinia tree, a tree that, although native, has not been seen anywhere in the wild for 200 years. Fortunately the tree is offered by some nurseries. (AP photo)

In the Garden

Franklinia: a tree with history and beauty If you have the ears to listen, this tree has a story to tell. Let’s go back to 1765 and travel along with American naturalists John Bartram and his son William, from Philadelphia to Florida. On a clear, cool day in October, the Bartrams happened upon a stand of beautiful trees that they didn’t recognize along the banks of the Altamaha River in Georgia. So taken were they by these trees that William eventually made a return trip to bring seeds and cuttings back home to Philadelphia, thus establishing in their botanical garden a planting of Franklinia. They named the genus after their friend, Benjamin Franklin. Botanically, the plant is Franklinia alatamaha. THE PLOT LEE REICH THICKENS Now for the strange thing: Franklinia trees have never been sighted in the wild anywhere except in the vicinity of Bartram’s original sighting. And that stand of plants eventually died out; the last wild Franklinia was sighted there in 1803. No one knows why those wild plants disappeared, or why Franklinia never spread beyond its original sighting. The tree is actually quite cosmopolitan in its needs, and now grows from Massachusetts down to Florida and points West. A census in 1999 tallied up 1,896 Franklinia trees planted in the U.S. They’ve also been planted in other countries. This time of year, when the tree’s leaves are a dazzling mix of orange, red and mahogany, is a good time to think about planting a Franklinia. A few of the large, white blossoms might even be dressing up the branches still. ENJOY A LATE SHOW OF BLOSSOMS Yes, Franklinia is one of those rare, late-flowering trees. Although the main show opens in late summer, new flowers continue to open sporadically over a long period. The blossoms are fragrant, with petals reminiscent of magnolia and camellia. They are soon followed by distinctive seed capsules that split open into 10 segments and dot the branches through the winter. The tree is further dressed up in winter by an attractive bark, smooth, gray and broken up by longitudinal fissures sometimes highlighted chalky white. The sinewy surface resembles the bark of our native hornbeam trees. PROVIDE FOR THE TREE AND IT’S EASY TO GROW All that Franklinia needs to grow is an acidic soil rich in organic matter. Despite the swampy land that was home to Franklinia’s last stand, the tree does need welldrained soil. Maybe that’s why that stand died out. Full sunlight or light shade suits the tree well. Despite its Deep Southern home, Franklinia usually does better in the North than in the South. That’s because many Southern soils hosted cotton, which itself hosted root rot, a disease that can persist in soil and attacks Franklinia. A well-drained soil lessens the chance of disease. Aside from this fungus, Franklinia has no serious pest troubles. Because they lack fibrous roots, Franklinias are a little finicky about being moved. Transplant only potted or balled-and-burlapped trees, whose roots hardly get disturbed. See Garden p. 2D

This undated photo provided by Anthropologie shows the Linde sofa, a collaborative collection with luxury lifestyle brand SUNO. Featuring a geometric print and cast iron legs, the sofa has a chic yet relaxed midmod Italian profile. (AP photo)

RIGHT AT HOME: Choosing the perfect sofa for your space By KIM COOK Associated Press Ask interior designers what the most important element in a room is and many will say that — after wall color — it’s the sofa. So how do you choose this crucial piece of furniture? Should you go for one big sofa or two love seats? What about materials, arm styles and the all-important question of how to position the sofa in the space? Start by thinking about the shape of the room, says Elaine Griffin , who helms design offices in Manhattan and St. Simon’s Island, Georgia. “In a long, narrow room, place the sofa along the shorter wall farther from the door,” she advises. “This seems counterintuitive, but sitting it at the far end of the room on the shorter wall allows for way more furniture to go in front of it.” If your space is small, she

suggests a 72-inch, apartment-size sofa with narrower arms. Pair it with slipper chairs, narrow armchairs or nice dining chairs. Show off the proportions of a square room by floating the sofa and other furniture away from walls, Griffin says. She suggests dividing a room into “zones” when you’re uncertain about furniture placement, especially in an open plan. Imagine drawing an X from corner to corner in the room, and then a cross from the walls’ midpoints horizontally and vertically. “Your sofa or sofas will sit either on or parallel to one of those lines,” she says. Need to seat a large number of people comfortably? “Sectionals deliver like nobody’s business,” she notes. In small spaces, they can seat enough people to avoid the need for extra chairs. In large spaces, they can fill space

She’s a fan of single-bench without looking awkward. And in awkward spaces, you cushions, so no one has to sit can install a sectional with an on a seam. And buy the best interesting shape, like one quality you can afford. “As the price goes up, you’ll with a curvy back. Christie Leu , a designer in feel the difference between Chevy Chase, Maryland, also cushions and construction,” she says. “A cushion with likes sectionals. “They aren’t all L-shaped,” good, hand-tied, coil springs she points out. “You can get a and high-density foam will pair of armless sofas and put a last longer than all-foam, low table in the corner, or you which will flatten in time.” Leu doesn’t care for allcan have a ‘bumper sectional’ in a narrow room that will still down seats “because no one provide seating but not im- has time to fluff them as often pede a view or weigh down a as they need it.” Some other hallmarks of a room with a heavy arm on one well-built sofa: hard, solid side.” In choosing a sofa, consider woods and joints integrated how you will use the room, into the frame. For sofas that will see hard Leu says. Maybe you want to be able to converse easily, See Sofa p. 2D read and play games.

Above left, this undated photo shows Sauder's armless Cooper sofa, a good option for a tight space where you want furni ture with a smaller footprint and room to get around. The undated photo shown above right provided by Anthropologie shows the Atelier chesterfield, a chic option with a rich mulberry hue, velvet upholstery and a deep comfy structure. Pair it with mini malist contemporary accessories to give it center stage, or play off its traditional aesthetic with lots of pattern and eclectic accompaniments. (AP photos)

2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, November 8, 2018

House to Home

Mortgage Index

9 expenses to pack in your moving budget By LAUREN SCHWAHN NerdWallet Moving comes with a long, expensive to-do list. The average cost for a local move from a two-bedroom apartment or threebedroom house ranges from $400 to $1,000, according to HomeAdvisor’s True Cost Guide . While you’re choosing a place to live and deciding what to pack, having a plan for expenses can ensure your budget doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. “It’s very easy to overlook minor details because when you’re moving, you’re looking at getting your stuff from point A to point B,” says Jessica Nichols, a director at Avail Move Management, a relocation and transportation service in Evansville, Indiana. Preparing for moving costs can help alleviate emotional and financial strain. Consider these lessobvious expenses. 1. PEAK SURCHARGES Many moving and truck rental companies raise rates during busy times like summer and weekends. If you have the flexibility, relocate in an off-peak period to save money. 2. PACKING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Buying items like boxes, bubble wrap and packing tape can add up. For example, U-Haul sells large moving boxes for $1.63 to $1.99 each, depending on how many you buy. Be realistic about the number you need. Or seek free materials from friends or online. Additionally, consider the items you’ll need to safely transport your belongings, including furniture covers, hand trucks and bungee cords. If your movers don’t provide them, or you aren’t hiring professionals, renting or borrowing is more affordable than buying. 3. EXCESS CARGO

The more stuff you schlep, the more you’ll pay. Movers usually factor the number and weight of items into the bill. Expect additional fees for valuable or large items like pianos that require extra time, space or labor. Hauling everything yourself? A bigger load can require a larger vehicle or more gas-guzzling trips. To save money, donate or sell what you can before you move. 4. CLEANING You’ll likely need to tidy up your current place, especially if there’s a security deposit at stake. Housecleaning services typically charge $200 to $300 for a one-time cleaning, according to HomeAdvisor. You’ll save money by doing some or all of the work yourself. 5. UTILITIES Watch for deposits, taxes, and connection and installation fees when setting up utilities at your new address. These could range from $10 to $200 or more. Ask power, internet and other service providers about charges in advance. 6. FOOD Food expenses can pop up, too. Think snacks for the road, restocking the refrigerator and pantry, and feeding friends who’ve helped. Shopping wholesale clubs could be a smart strategy to feed a crowd. 7. LOST OR DAMAGED ITEMS Some belongings might not survive the journey. Depending on what you’re transporting and how far, it may be worth purchasing protection to repair or replace property. “Nobody wants to think about their items getting broken. Ideally that would never happen, but in the real world that’s something you need to plan for,” says Nichols. Most movers provide ba-

sic valuation coverage, which limits their liability to 60 cents per pound, per item. For a 40-pound TV valued at $500, that’s $24. Top-tier options and separate insurance plans offer higher or full values, but it will cost extra. If you have homeowners or renters insurance, you likely have some coverage. Check your policy. 8. TIPS Movers appreciate tips after a long day of heavy lifting. Give tips based on your satisfaction level, but a good rule of thumb is 5 percent of the total bill. 9. STORAGE If you can’t immediately move your possessions into your new home, you might have to rent a self-storage unit. Costs vary by size and location. Public Storage units in Austin, Texas, for example, range from about $30 to $300 per month. The less time and space you need, the less expensive the unit. MAKE YOUR BUDGET MOVE-IN READY Mentally walk through your moving process from start to finish. Outline the potential items and services you’ll need at least a month ahead. Then, research prices and get multiple estimates for the best deals and service, Nichols says. Leave wiggle room for unexpected costs and take your time purchasing new home furnishings, says Daria Victorov, a certified financial planner at Abacus Wealth Partners in San Mateo, California. Remember, you don’t have to buy everything at once. “When you move into an empty house it feels like you need everything right away,” Victorov says. “Before you move, figure out what those essential items are, the things that you use every day, and that’ll help you figure out your budget, too.”

30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.

High rate





Low rate





Average rate





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from 1D

Otherwise, Franklinias are easy trees to propagate. The fresh seeds, collected now, sprout readily; if dried, they need a month in cool, moist soil before they can sprout. Stem cuttings


from 1D

use, choose a hardy fabric, says Courtney Thomas , based in La Canada Flintridge, California. “We use lots of polyester and chenille blends for sofas where large families put them to the test,” she says. “Generally, synthetics endure hardship better than natural fabrics, which don’t hold up as well.” She says her firm often Teflon-coats fabrics for extra protection against stains and spills. She also likes Sunbrella upholstery; the outdoorfabric technology has advanced so textiles are softer, and now well-suited for indoor use too. Alison Pickart , an interior designer from Larkspur, California, advises against huge sofas. “I don’t think you should

This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan, Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and mBank.

root easily almost any time of year. How fortunate it is that Franklinia is so easy to propagate, and that William Bartram propagated some plants for his Philadelphia garden. Unless someone discovers another wild Franklinia, all Franklinia

trees in existence today are descendants of trees in Bartram’s collection, the last tree of which died out early in the 20th century.

ever have a sofa over 8 feet,” she says. “Very rarely will more than two people occupy a single piece of furniture. Plus, if your sofa is too big, the opportunity for other beautiful and interesting accent chairs, ottomans, poufs and small tables diminishes.” To facilitate conversation, Pickart says, furniture should be arranged so that people are at 45 degree angles from each other. “So the best living rooms are ones in which occasional

seating can be comfortably placed at both ends of the sofa,” she says. She also likes armless sofas in narrow rooms; using one or two center components of a sectional can be an option. And don’t forget accessories, says Houston-based designer Margaret Naeve. “I love to style sofas with oddly shaped pillows and a colorful throw to add something unexpected that also ties into other elements in the space,” she says.

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The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds                                                                                                                                                    

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                                                                                                            

Use the Mining Journal

WANT ADS 228-2500

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Open Houses

OPEN HOUSES Saturday & Sunday Noon - 2:00PM

4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, November 8, 2018



Land Brokers


TBD Off Dishno Road, Champion

40 Acres, Whitefish Access Road, Limestone 40 acre parcel of upland terrain with a nice mix of woods and a secluded location with good road access. MLS#: 1111574

190 Acres Clark Creek Road, Ishpeming



Prime hunting on 80 acres bordering vast areas of State and Commercial Forest Lands with a rustic hunting camp. MLS#: 1110527

Yooper Camp and 40 acres and rustic camp in desirable Forestville location. MLS#: 1109019

2500 County Road 557, Arnold

116 Riverdale, Harvey



TBD Forestville Rd/Co Rd HT, Marquette

Mountain top views of the Dead River Basin with a cozy hunting cabin just east of Clark Creek on 190 wooded acres. MLS#: 1111590


North 40 Nelligan Lake Rd, Michigamme

Forty acres of high and buildable land located on the pristine shoreline of Nelligan Lake in Baraga County’s Craig Lake State Forest. MLS#: 1104318

Camp on 30 acres near Arnold, the ATV trails, the migration trails and the famous Ford River. MLS#: 1111325



24396 Hillside Road, Covington

Modern home set on 40 acres of wooded high lands with a private pond and spectacular views of the Baraga Plains. MLS#: 1110735

Fish or drop your kayak in the Chocolay right out your backdoor at this Stunning Chocolay Township turnkey. MLS#: 1108143


$328,000 BRIAN OLSON


128 Kawbawgam Road, Marquette

N4270 Powell Lake Road, Wetmore

$289,000 BRIAN OLSON


$199,900 DON WILLSON

E6599 Crossover Road, Munising

W4349 Million Dollar Road, Menominee

1168 N Winters Road, Trenary

Gorgeous working agricultural dream property with a beautiful country home and a great well built and sturdy barn surrounded by fertile fields on 30 acres. MLS#: 1110918

Seven unit apartment building in Chocolay Township – good investment rental! MLS#: 1109952

280 acre Southern Menominee County hunting acreage with a cabin and pole building with 1/2 mile of road frontage on Million Dollar Road, a paved year round County Road, with power. MLS#: 1111504

Enjoy the miles of trails on your own 24 acre parcel that borders thousands of acres of the Hiawatha National Forest and enjoy peaceful country living. MLS#: 1093614


Beautiful year round 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on 100’ of Powell Lake sand frontage. MLS#: 1111087

370 wooded acres with a great camp and sauna located just northeast of Wakefield. MLS#: 1105465

11091 East Shore Road, Marenisco

N2025 Co Road 510, Marquette

Private, large acreage building lot on Lake Gogebic with 207 feet of water frontage. MLS#: 1111437



Lot 7 E Maggie Point Rd, Crystal Falls

Beautiful waterfront building lot on Big Maggie Lake on a paved county road just minutes to Crystal Falls. MLS#: 1107716

22 Acres, Pelissier Road, Marquette


Amazing 113 acres with a red pine log cabin, 1/4 mile frontage on Lost Creek, and beaver ponds. MLS#: 1106072


40 Acres Co Rd LGA, Republic

Stunning, mountainous 22 acre parcel with 930’ of lake front on Pelissier Lake. MLS#: 1111184


19223 Jack Spur Road, Wakefield

40 acres with Michigamme River frontage near Lake Michigamme in western Marquette County. MLS#: 1102892




Lot 7 E Maggie Point Road Bradford Lake, Peterson Road 36 Acres, Bass Lake Road 40 Acres Perch Lake Road 334 Acres Old M69 88 Acres Wilson Creek Road Two Acres, Lake Gogebic 24 Acres, Co Road KB 266 Acres Bengston Lake Green Road Lot A, D Road

Love the Land!

B o b S u lliv a n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r / O w n e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 1 - 4 2 1 2

R o b S u lliv a n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r , O ffic e M a n a g e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 3 3 3 7

Crystal Falls Iron Mountain Gwinn Republic Crystal Falls Crystal Falls Marenisco Big Bay Republic Michigamme Big Bay

B ria n O ls o n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 8 6 9 - 6 4 4 6

$49,900 $299,000 $109,000 $140,000 $450,000 $87,000 $85,000 $175,000 $139,900 $97,500 $99,000

S u e F e ld h a u s e r A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 0 - 2 8 9 1

MLS# 1107716 MLS# 1102136 MLS# 1101305 MLS# 1099414 MLS# 1099416 MLS# 1102842 MLS# 1111437 MLS# 1108553 MLS# 1106220 MLS# 1081377 MLS# 1095619

C h a rle s D ru ry A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 3 5 - 3 1 9 8

B o b A n d e rs o n

A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 8 3 8 8

D o n W ills o n

A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 0 2 - 0 4 5 7

T o l l - 9 f 0 r 6 e - 2 e 2 5 1 - L - A 8 N 6 D 6 - ( 5 2 2 3 6 31 ) - • L w A w N w D . n o • r t wh e r w n m w i c .h n i g o a r n t l ah n e d rb nr o m k e i r c s . hc o i m g a • n w l w a w n . d p r b e mr o i u k m e u r p s p r. oc p o e mr t i e • s . c 2 o 5 m 5 • 2 2 U5 5 S2 U 4 S 1 4 1 W W e s t ,t ,M M a r q a u r e q t t ue e t t e

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